APPENDIX 13: See.third page f&r LCar&ine~ FUS: ;A Food dditiw
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APPENDIX 13: See.third page f&r LCar&ine~ FUS: ;A Food dditiw
APPENDIX 13: See.third page f&r LCar&ine~ Center for Food Safety & bpplied Pdutrition . .C I FUS: ;A Food dditiw This is an informational databasemaintained by the U.S. Food~andDrug Administration (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) under an ongoing program known as the Priority-based Assessmentof Food Additives (PPA’FIA). It contains administrative, cher!niczLl and toxicological information on over 2‘000substancesdirectly addedto food, including substancesregulated by the U.S. Food and Drug AdminiStration (FDA) as direct, “secondary”direct, and color additives, and Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) and prior-sanctioned substances.In addition, the databasecontains only administrative and chemical information on less than 1000 such substances.The more than 3000 total substancestogether comprise an inventory often referred to as I’Evejrttirz~“Added to Food in the United stum (EAFUS). This list of substancescontains ingredients added directly to food that FDA has either approvedas food additives or hsted or affirmed as GRAS. Nevertheless,it contains only a partial list of all food ingredients that may in fact be lawfully added to food, becauseunder fede.raIlaw some ingredients may be added to food under a GRAS determination made independentlyfrom the l%A. The list contains many, but not &ll, of the substaxes subj,ectto independentG&IS determinations. For information about the GRAS notidcation program pleaseconsult the hventorv of GRAS N~tifkations. The list below is an alphabetical,inventory representing only five of 1% fields in FD~CFS&Vs P~5XF.A database. Definitions of the labels that are found in the inventory are: ‘.,.. .:. *‘ . .-.iL% lhmtion . -DOCTYPE ’ An indicator of the status of the toxicology information available for the ” substancein PAFA (administrative and chemical information is available on alI @bsta.nces): . 1 ASP I/Fully up-to-date toticology information has been sought. / There is reported use of the substance,but it has not yet been assigned for toxicology literature search There is reported use of the‘subknce, and an initial toxicology ’ literature searchis in progress. Although listed as a addedto food, there is no current reported use of the substance,and, therefore,’although toxicology information may be available in PAFA, it-is not being updated, is no reported use of the substanceand there is no toxicology information ava&ble in-PAFA. , substance‘wasformerly approved as a food additive but is noi ’ ‘. . h .. , h’ttp://www., -. , z/l 7/2004 .@I~A/cGSAN:EAFUs List ! MMNTERM REGNUM Page 2 of 145 ([Thename of the substanceas recognized by CFSAN 1Regulation numbers in Title 21 of the U.S. Codeaf Federal Re~~~lattians ---.m& -.---“-A.where the chemical To accessthe specific regulations listed below, type in the title number, 21, and then the section and part numbers, e.g. 184 and 1330 at the Government Printing Office web site. To search this list, use your browser’s “find” feature. In most web browsers look under the Edit menu at the top of your browser window and click on Find (or use CTRL-F) to bring up the browser’s “find” window. Type in the phrase you wish to search on, and your browser window should move to the next occurrence of that phrase on this web page. ERYTHING ADDED TO FOOD I STATES iSP 1621 6 THE UNITE 000108-24-7 000513-86-O ACETIC ANFIYDRIDE ACETOIN 172.892 182.60 1 . 1 l/25/2003 * -i I7DA/CkSAN: EAFUS List 4SP \SP ISP ISP Page 24 of 142 (COPERNICIA CERIFERA (ARRUDA) !968 .855 .857 166.110 101.9 184.1245 73.1095 73.2095 182.7255 ASP L859 4SP ?LSP 172.626 lARRAGEENAN AND SALTS OF CARRAGEENAN 1861 Ls62 ZARRAGEENAN, JARRAGEENAN, 1863 L864 ZARRAGEENAN, POTASSIUM SALT OF :ARR.AGEENAN, POTASSIUM SALT OF, WITH >OLYSORBATE 80 ZARRAGEENAN SALTS WITH POLYSORBATE 80 :ARR.AGEENAN. SODIUM SALT OF :ARRAGEENAN, SODIUM SALT OF, WITH POLYSORBATE XRRAGEENAN WITH POLYSORBATE 80 ZARROT, OIL (DAUCUS CAROTA L.) 200 L865 ISP 1866 1867 101 \SP 4sp ?LSP 9sp 202 E!04 E- CALCIUM CALCIUM http://www.cfsan.fda.nov/-dms/eafus.html SALT OF SALT OF, WITH POLYSORBATE (009049-05-2 977089-29-4 172.626 150.141 176.170 136.110 139.121 139.122 150.161 172.626 064366-24- 1 977089-30-7 172.626 977043-70- 1 009061-82-9 80 977089-31-8 977043-68-7 008015-88-l 172.623 172.626 172.623 182.20 73.300 172.515 172.515 172.515 172.5 15 1 l/25/2003