Document 1126436
October7,2005 WestemInstitutional Review Board 3535 7ti Ave. SW . Olympia, WA 98502 Review Item: Public Consultation and PubIic Disclosure Activities Sponsor: Northfield Laboratories,Inc. ProtocolNR: RTBSE-1l- (N) ReviewedItem: POLY SFH-P WlRB PR NR: 20030927/1066482 PI: Carl Rosati, MD Surg. Crit. Care Med. MC-162 47 New ScotlandAve. Albany, NY 12208 Study Coordinator: SusanRauch,RN Pul. Div. Crit. CareMed. MC-91 47 New ScotlandAve. Albany, NY 12208 Phone: 5 1S-262-6608 5 18-262-3661 Fax: [email protected] a Protocol NR : RTBSE-1 l-(N) WIRB PR NR : 20030927 Sponsor : Northfield Laboratories, Inc. Drug : POLY SFII-P PI : Carl Rosati, MD Surg. Crit. Care Med. MC-162 47 New Scotland Ave. Albany, NY 12208 Study Coordinator : Susan Rauch, RN 518-262-6608 Public Consultation and Public Disclosure Activities September12,200:5 Prior to the PressReleasescheduledfor September7’, our public relations dFpartm.ent notified a numberof public official of the study andplannedpublic consultation. Smce Albany is the statecapital, our PR Departmentwishesto allow severalweeks to allow them to voice any questionsor concerns.We receivedno contact fiorn our local political figures. Listed be’Lowarethoseto whom notificatioh was sent. Name nator Neil Breslin ty Exedve. MichaelBrealii Address Community Out Research Process 1) PressConference - September7,2005 2) SaratogaCommunity Meeting- September12,2005 with distribution of information brochuresin Saratogaand Skidmore College. . 3) Albany Medical Center CommunityMeeting - September14,2005 4) Empire StatePlaza Concourse- September15,20,26, and 27,2005 5) Colonie Family Day - September17,2005 6) Nursing Education TeachingDay - September18,2005 7) The SchohauieHealth Fair - September21,2005 8) Albany Medical Center Community’Meeting- October 5,2005 9) Website- Live September7,2005 and will continue through study. 10) Study Phone Line -5 18-262-2828 11) Local Colle:ges-I have also contactedseverallocal collegesin the hope of getting information on the student’sweb site with a link to the Polyhemesite. Unfortunately, only one collegewas willing to permit it. Pleasesee attached cmails. 12) Public shopping areas . A brochure on the bulletin board in someof our larger grocery storeswas permitted. 9 I also attemptedto have an information table in both of our largestmalls and was denied. Not even allowed to leavebrochures! . Some local businessdid allow me to leave small batchesof informational brochures(subway& starbucks). 13) PolyhemeQuestion & Answer Brochures- Used them at every event and distributed approximately 1000. 14) Letters sent to every Jehovah’sWitnessesCongregation (10) in the TriCity area. The PI and Study Coordinatormet the Hospital Liaison Committee for Jehovah’s Witnesses. The majority of responsesthat we receivedcamefrom personalcontact either through a communitymeeting or an information table. Media Coverage September 7,, 2005 ‘- Press Conference J-J . . WNYT ’ WTJZN n POX Capital News 9 9 WRGBI . WXXAI Newspaper n Business Review . Troy Record . Times Union . Dailey Gazette . Saratogian Radio . WGY . WAMC . NPR AMC Commanity Meetings g/14/05 & 10/05/05 Newspapers . . 8 . . . 9 Times Union Gazette Troy Record Post Star Saratogian Spotlights Jewish World Albanv Medical Center Publications m The Page m Groupw:ise email system (Community Meetings - reaches anyone with a computer in the college or hospital) News clipping that I was able to obtain have been included. AlbanyMedical Center Department of Public Relations PRESS CLIP THE DAILY GAZEITE + THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,2005 ALBANY Albany Med will join blood subs’titute trial BY’JILL BRYCE . GazetteReporter Albany Medical Center is one of 20 traumaceritersin the nation chosen to participate in national clinical trials to evaluatethe safety and efficiency of a red blood cell substitute that could increasethe survivalrat& of traumapatients Although there is no subsfitute for real blood, this could be used when there’sa majorbloodlossin a shooting or motor vehicle accident,for examplq. We are excitedto be included in the ground-breakingclinical frial,” said Dr. Carl Rosatiprincipal investigatordf the study. Trauma-related injuries are a leading cause of death among Americans under 45 years old. One in five trauma patients dies from their injuries,saidRosati. “Tfwecanbegintodeliveran oxygen-carrying solution very early and keepthesepatients’hemoglobin levels up, we may see more survivors,”saidRosatL The red blood celI substituteis PolyHeme,a universallycompatible, oxygen-carrying resuscitative fluid derived from human blood Ambulancesdo n& carry blood becauseit is such a &agile substance, so researchers are searchingfor a product that can be usedat the sceneof an accident to savelives, Under the study, PolyHeme would be administeredbefore a patient arrives at the hospital; eitber at the sceneof the injury or in the ambulance.It then would be administeredfor 12 hours in the hospital Nor&field Laboratories of Evanston,Ill., whi& makesPolyHeme,is fundingtbe study. The studywill comparethe survival rate of patients receiving PolyHeme to patients who receive standardcare, which is saline solution, followed in the haspital by donatedbloodif needed. TO be eli ‘ble for tbe study, patients mustk at least18yearsold, critically injured, in an emergency’ situation where tbey are losing a large amount of blood, and in a stateof shock Albany Medical Center spokeswoman SueFord said the hospital is in the ‘public disclosurephase” and is obligatedto inform the publicabout~eclinicaltrialandwill alsohost severalmeetings If the public is not supportive, the hospitalwill not proceed,said Ford, but if there’s positive feed~o$~pram could beginby . Patientswith severebrain injuties or irreparableinjuries, those known to object to blood transfusions due to religious reasonsand women who are pregnant will be excludedfrom the study. Only patientstransportedto Albany Medical Center by the LifeNet “MedFligbt”helicopter or by ground ambulanceby emergency medical servicesagencieswitbin Albany, Schenectadyand Rensselaer counties will be considered for the study. Becausepatients who are eligible for the study will probably not be able to provide consent due to the extent of their injuries, the hospital will not seek their permission,asallowedby federal regulatjons for cliqical research in emergencysettings. A seriesof public meetingswill be held and residents can ask questions,or obtain a braceletthat allows them tb opt out of the study. Meetingswill be take place at 7 pm. Wednesday,Sept 14,and at 7 pJn. Wednesday,Oct. 5, at the Huyck Auditorium at Albany Medical Center.Also, a representative will be at the Empire State Plazaconcourselevel Sept Is, 20, 2l. 26 and 27.Information is available by calling the PolyHeme responseline at X2-2828. + B7 AlbanyMedical Center Department of Public Relations PRESS CLIP m... .. THURSDAV.sEPTEMBER:~2oos -. :. ‘, -w ( ‘. e-e Albany Med joins nationwide study of blood substitute that could help trayma victims survive , P ;._ ,A,G~,MediM, cetiier,,,,,, l .; YThiiwillbeagreathel tous,” ~saidI<er@uld,afl’ J taurse :$&. ma&i, &$&qight, w&& causemost trauma victims will not be capableof offering informed consent- a requirement * ’ I .rI’here are BLbD: Product holds . v CON’IINUE~tiOMBl O.E&al’s recogiiiie, however, that those meetingswill be of jqbious: $Iity +po one plans, aft&.~‘aili-to b&&e 8 trauma ,tiaim. “We’ve been struggling ‘with how to tap into our community,” said Susan Rauch, a registerednurseand a coordinator of the study. The study? principal investigator, Dr. C&r1Rosa& saidhe is ax&dent that PolyHemeis safe. It hasalreadybeentestedon 171 peopleaspart of the initial clinicaltrials. . “The risk profile of this product is less than for blood itself;” said Rosa& director of the,a=auma section of AlbanyMed’s surry division. The biggest risk $or blood is that someoneis given e ;rg type, an error that can - not a concern for PolyHeme. There are severalsetrings in which PolyHeme could be inv&able, Rosatisaid:during long amsports, for a mass casualty event where blood supplies mi ht run low and on the battleIi eld. The Pentagonhas been involvedin the research. PolyHeme is made from hemoglobm’&xt&5#.ftotn blood. .LI&~:blopd-&&$&e saline, &&I gken wh+i b&&an’t be, as’ in an ambul&&+‘PolyHeme is capableof carrj&goi$gen. Anyone 18 or: fold& who is tiitically injured andi& suffered major blood loss.b~%ligiblefor &e study. During&au ort, nursesand param+cs wz’ detide whether any * ’ eligible. The tri r . wiJITeng domized,meaningon& some of the selectedpatientswill get Po~YIryyFglJJ~ POLYHEME, a blood substitute, holds the promise of being a * Ilfesivf2r for victims of trauma:: of care they would orhenvi& normally receive. * ,PolyI-Iemecould alsobe us@ oncethe patient ge-trto the mcrgencydepartment It takesa hospital about 45 minutes to figure out someone’sblood type. That time period is critical for someone who has tiered major trauma, Rosatisaid “We’re looking to limit the shock phase- that’s our major killer,” he said ‘MnttPacew&nbereadhea”.. at4544533 or bye-mailat [email protected]. h.- Albany Med hospital part of blood substitute study - 2005-09-07 - The Business Review (,.. Page 1 of 2 SBNVlNb NIW YORU’S CAPITAL REdiON LATEST NEWS September7.2005 Albany Med hospital part of blood substitute study Albanv Medical CenterHospital is one of 16 Level 1 traumacentersin the United Stateschosento participate in a nationalclinical trial to evaluatethe safety and efficacy of a temporaryoxygen-carryingred blood cell substituteand its ability to increasesurvival of traumapatients. PolyHemeis a universally compatible,oxygen-carryingresuscitativefluid derived from humanblood and designedfor use in casesof major blood loss,when blood is not immediately available. “We are excitedto be included in this groundbreakingclinical trial,” said Dr. Carl Rosati, the director of the sectionof trauma,division of generalsurgeryat Albany Medical Centerand principal investigatorof the study. “Almost one in five trauma patientsdie from their injuries. If we can begin to administeran oxygen-carrying solutionvery early and keep thesepatients’hemoglobinlevels up, we may seemore survivors.” Rosati saidthat becauseof !itsfragility, ambulancesare unableto carry blood, so researchersare looking for a productthat can be used at the sceneof an accident.The study will comparethe survival rate of patients receivingPolyHemeto that of patientswho receivethe currentstandardof care, which is salinesolution followed in the hospital by donatedblood, if needed. Under the studyprotocol, PolyHeme would be administeredbefore arrival at the hospital, either at the sceneof the injury or in the ambulance,and would continueduring a 12-hourpost-injury period in the hospital. Becausethe patientseligible for the study are unlikely to be able to provide prospectiveinformed consent,due to the extentand natureof their injuries, the study will be conductedunder federal regulationsthat allow for clinical researchin emergencysettings.The Institutional Review Board at Albany Med -- which must approve the hospital’sparticipationin the study -- requiresthe investigatorsto hold public meetingsto educatethe public and answertheir questionsabout the study in lieu of informed consent.Membersof the public may receivebraceletsallowing them to opt out of the study. . Public meetingswill take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday,Sept. 14 and at 7 p.m. and Wednesday,Oct. 5 at the Huyck Auditorium at Albany Med. In addition, a representativewill be at the Empire StatePlazaconcourse level on Sept. 15,20,21,26 and 27. For additionalinformation,call (518) 262-2828. Add RSSHeadlines 8 2005 American City Business Journals Inc. m --- -. --,a- Now Hiring - Genworth Finmcial Take your caraer as far as your ambitionwill let you. G’~> $‘P& -4s ; I / / ’ Today’s Featured Jobs poweredby bkjournalsHire Commercial Lines Manaqer - Hisser 81Associates&G 1 Financial ReDresentatives - Edward Jones 1 ReDorter#521 - The Business Review Albm ! l l l I i I I I Albany Med hospital part of blood substitute study - 2005-09-07 - The Business Review (... Page 2 of 2 Assurance Company, the Long Term Care Insurance Division of C&w&h Financial. j 8 I . ) System ODerations SDecia’ist - KN’nk 1 Sr. Director of Product Marketina - Strateaic Resources ! l All contents of this site 8 American Ciq Business Journals Inc. All rights reserved. NEWSWATCH 50 11WWTI Watertown - 9-7 lo:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Ma... Page 1 of 7 9-7 IO:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Man Faces Murder Indictment in Toddler’s Death CROWN POINT MAN FACES MURDER 1NDlCTMENTIN TODDLER’S DEATH An Essex County grand jury has indicted GreggaryL. Varmette on three charges, includingmurder, in the death of a boy he was babysitting. Varmette,who is from Crown Point, was indicted Tuesday on two counts of second-degreemurder, first-degree manslaughterand endangeringthe welfare of a child in conjunctionwith the death of d-year-oldStephen McKay. Varmettewas arrested on an assault charge Aug. 3 after the child was admitted to the emergencyroom at Moses-LudingtonHospital in Tiwnderoga. The toddler was flown to FletcherAllen Health Care in Burlington,where he died early on Aug. 4. An autopsy done by the Vermont Chief Medical Examiner’sOffice found that Stephen’sdeath was attributable to head injuries; swelling of the brain; blunt trauma of the torso and extremities, including contusions and a broken left forearm; and cardiopulmonaryarrest. Varmette is being held in the Essex County Jail. An arraignmentdate in Essex County Court has not been set. (pressrepubtican.wm) SYRACUSE’S ROBINSON SEES SOME GOOD IN SEASON-OPENING DEBACLE It wasn’t exactly the outcome Greg Robinson envisioned for his first game on the Syracuse sideline. The first-year coach watched his punchless offense sputter and fizz out in Sunday’s15-to-7season-openinghome loss to West Virginia, but in the aftermath of the loss, Robinson says there were some positive signs, includingseveral plays . . -P. . ._. I- ------~--:~t~tnrr,Irlpf~l~jt acnu?nnntent id=af984c02-66d... 9I12OOO5 NEWSWATCH 50 11WWTI Watertown - 9-7 lo:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Ma... Page 2 of 7 that could have gone for big gains if Syracuse had executed properly. Junior quarterbackPerry Flattersonhad an erratic game leading the Orange’s new West Coast offense for the first time. Overall, he was 15for-32 for 85 yards and two interceptions,one of which was returnedfor West Virginia’s only touchdown. The Syracuse offense producedjust 103 yards, the lowest total since the Orange managedjust 93 against Iowa in 1978. (Associated Press) POTSDAMICANTON POLICE STEP-UP ENFORCEMENT Potsdam and Canton Police Departments have begun their stepped-upfall lawenforcementcampaigns with dozens of arrests in each community. The crackdown again this fall coincides with back-to-school and back-to-collegeefforts designed to rein in rowdy behavior. In the past three days, Canton police arrested 34 people of 42 charges and Potsdam police arrested numerousmore. Charges ranged from vehicle and traffic charges, the most being seat-belt and cell-phoneviolations, to unnecessarynoise, underagedrinking, marijuanacounts and public urination, (1340WMSA) STATE ANALYM A MIXED REVIEW ON CHARTER SCHOOLS A state analysis has found that charter schools are making academic gains, but also causing fiscal drains on neighboringtraditional schools. The reporton the innovative public charter schools will be presentedto the State Board of Regents Thursday and Friday. Charter schools operate privately on public funds free from much of the bureaucracyof traditional Ipublicschools. After six years, they remain the subject of heateddebate among education officials and the Legislature. The schools operate on five-year renewable charters that end if the school isn’t successful. Among the State Board of Regents findings is that charter schools drain student aid from traditionalschools to pay for the charter school students’educations. (AssociatedPress) NEW YORK EXPECTlNG FIRST HURRICANE EVACUEES THIS WEEK NEWSWATCH 50 I[ WWTI Watertown - 9-7 lo:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Ma... Page 3 of 7 Several hundredHurricane Katrina evacuees are expected to make their way to New York as early as this week. Social service, religious and education leaders are arrangingfor housing, school and jobs. State emergencyofficials ha.veasked several counties, including Erie and Onondaga,to accommodateabout 150 people each. New York is one of roughly 30 states that have offered to take in those left homeless by the devastating Gulf Coast hurricane. Buffalo Common Council Member Antoine Thompson says the city has 200 units of public housingand 500 units in city-owned property available for evacuees. Syracuse officials have reserved 120 hotel rooms for the expected influx. The rooms will providetemporary housing until more permanentarrangementsare made. Officials expect the new arrivals to be in their communitiesfor 18 to 24 months, althoughsome are expecteclto make New York their permanenthome. (AssociatedPress) NORTH COUNTRY KIDS RETURN TO SCHOOL Class was undemay for most parochial school children across the North Country yesterday, althougha handful of students got a head start last week with freshman or junior-highorientations. Svmmer construction projects in some districts did not have any impact on the start of classes. A safety reminderfor motorists: be alert for stopped school buses and children on the street during morning and afternoon bus runs to prevent needles:sinjuries or tragedy. Local police agencies will also be stepping up traffic surveillance with the opening of school. (1340WMSA) HIGH GAS PRICES COULD COST NEW YORKERS EXTRA $600 MILLION A MONTH NEWSWATCH 50 11WWTI Watertown - 9-7 lo:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Ma... Page 4 of 7 SenatorCharles Schumer says that if gas prices don’t start declining, they will cost New York drivers an extra 600 million dollars a month. If the high prices continue for a year, Schumer says it will cost the entire state some 7.2 billion dollars, and New York City drivers would fork over nearly one billion dollars more than they paid last year. The figures are based on state gas-consumptionstatistics and triple-A fuel cost calculators.The statewide average yesterday for a gallon of unleadedwas $3.25. In New York City, Bdollar gas would mean the average driver pays an extra 45 dollars a month, or 548dolla!rs more per year comparedto the cost last year. Most industry experts believe the recovery from HurricaneKatrina will bring the cost of gas back down, but politicians including Schumer are calling for an investigationof possible prioe gouging. Lawmakersalso have called for state and federal governmentsto suspend their taxes on gas. (Associated Press) SEN. CLINTON CHARGES BUSH HAS WEAKENED DISASTER AGENCY Senator Hillary Clinton says federal emergency planning under President Bush has become “a recipe for disaster.”Clinton says FEMA ran far more effectively under her husband’swatch. The Democraticsenator is”pushing legislation to take FEMA back out of the Departmentof Homeland Security. It’s one of a number of signals a political fight is brewingover what many cornplain has been a bungled governmentresponse to HurricaneKatrina. SenatorsSusan Collins and Joe Lieberman said they would hold hearings into the federal response,but Clinton is pushing for an independentcommission, modeled on the nine-elevencommission, to investigate governmentlapses and gaps, The apparentfailings of the federal response led The Times-Picayune,Louisiana’s largest newspaper,to call for the firing of every federal official involved in the Katrina response.(Associated Press) MICHAUD PLEADS NGT GUILTY TO WIFE’S BLUDGEONING DEATH 9/12/2005 NEWSWATCH 50 11WWTI Watertown - 9-7 lo:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Ma... Page 5 of 7 Another not guilty plea from St. Lawrence County murdersuspect Michael Michaud. Yesterday he was in county court answering an indictment for second-degree murderfor July’s bludgeonin,gdeath of his wife Christine in Norwood.Wrth his not guilty plea recorded,Michaud was returnedto county jail where he’s being held withoutbail. State Police say Michaud confessed to killing his wife. MAN CHARGED IN CRASH THAT KlLLED HIS WIFE A central New York man has been charged with felony vehicular manslaughter after a weekend crash that left his wife dead. Authorities say 50-year-oldDanny Reed of Andes was driving a pickup truck that went off a DelawareCounty roadway early Saturday. Investigatorssay 52-year-oldKathryn Reed was thrown from the vehicle after it hit a guard rail. She was pronounceddead at the scene. State Police say Danny Reed sustained minor injuries. He was treated at a local hospital and released. Officials say they expect Reed will face more charges in connectionwith the fatal crash. The case is expected to be presented to a DelawareCounty grandjury. (AssociatedPress) ALBANY MED TO PARTICIPATE IN STUDY OF BLOOD SUBSTITUTE Albany Medical Center is among a select group of trauma centers chosen to participatein a national clinical trial of a blood substitute. The study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of PolyHeme, and its ability to increasethe survival of trauma patients. PolyHeme is a temporaryoxygen-carrying red blood cell substitute. httn:// g/12/2005 NEWSWATCH 50 11WWTI Watertown - 9-7 lo:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Ma... Page 6 of 7 Under the study protocol, PolyHeme would be administered prior to arrival at the hospital, either at the scene of an accident or in the ambulance. It would continue to be given during a 12-hour post-injury period at the hospital. PolyHeme is derived from human blood and is designed for use in cases of major blood loss, including shootings or car accidents. It can be used when blood is urgently needed but isn’t immediately available. Trama-related injuries are a leading cause of death among Americans under 45 years old, affecting more than two million people a year. (Associated Press) INTERNATIONAL FREEDOM CENTER NAMES FAMILY ADVISORY GROUP The controversial Freedom Center proposed for the World Trade Center site, yesterday named a seven-member advisory of September 11th family members. The International Freedom Center still needs to submit more detailed plans about its content by September 23,rdto the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation. Chairman John Whitehead has said that if the detailed plans don’t satisfy the rebuilding agency it will look for another tenant. A group of 9-l 1 family members has objected to the Freedom Center, saying it would detract from the planned memorial and it may host anti-American exhibits. The family advisory group will advise the center’s board and staff on all aspects of center programming.(Associated Press) UNION OFFERS REWARD IN MEMBER’S DEATH Colleagues of a nursing home aide killed by a stray bullet that pierced her home are offering 1O-thousanddollars to anyone who can put the shooter behind bars. Catholic Health System and the upstate chapter of the Service Employees International Union offered the reward yesterday with the hope of bringing Lottie Mates’killer to justice. Matos was cleaning her Buffalo home last month when a masked assailant barged into the house next door and opened fire on a man in a wheelchair. The bullets missed the man and his two nephews, but one of the bullets pierced Matos’ window and struck her in the stomach. Police have said they have no leads or suspects. htt~:// g/12/2005 NEWSWATCH 50 11WWTI Watertown - 9-7 lo:30 AM News Update - Crown Point Ma... Page 7 of 7 Matos worked as a nurse’s aide at Nazareth Nursing Home, part of Catholic Health’s network of hospitals and other facilities. (Associated Press) US AIRWAYS TO RESTORE SOME UPSTATE SERVICE TO PITTSBURGH US Airways is planning to restore some service to Pittsburgh from an upstate airport The financially-strappedcarrier ended service from the Binghamton Regional Airport to Pittsburgh last November. That prompted complaints from many frequent fliers who wound up traveling through the more congested Philadelphia airport. Broome County executive Barbara Fiala says US Airways has decided to start two daily flights from Binghamton to Pittsburgh. She says the new service will start November 9th. Fiala says she’s pleased US Airways has responded to the request by local officials to restore direct service to Pittsburgh. The airline will continue to provide seven daily flights from the Binghamton airport to Philadelphia. (Associated Press) Albany, N.Y .: Timesunion,.com Page 1 of 2 print story back 4 This hospital test could prove to be a lifesaver Albany Med joins nationwide study of blood substitute that could help trauma victims survive By MAm PACENZA, Staff writer First published: Thursday, September 8, 2005 ALBAN?’-- Patients unlucky enough to be in a serious accident in the next few months may receive a new product with the potential to revolutionize emergency medicine while a helicopter or ambulance rushes them to the hospital, The liquid coursing into their veins could be a new substitute for blood called PolyHeme. Soon to be tested at Albany Medical Center, it may transform how paramedics and physicians treat trauma victims - and save lives. The benefit of PolyHeme, which is made from human blood, is that it can be stored much longer -- ilt has a shelf life of 12 months, compared with 42 days for blood -- and can be given to anyone regardless of blood type, saving critical minutes when each second matters. Currently, emergency personnel rarely give a trauma victim blood on the way to the hospital because they don’t know the person’s blood type. ‘This will be a great help to us,” said Walter Could, a flight nurse with Albany MedPlight, which transports trauma patients by helicopter to Albany Med. Albany Med is one of about 20 hospitals in the study, which is being paid for by Northfield Laboratories of Evanston, Ill., PolyHeme’s maker. Researchershope to test the product on 720 patients across the country, a big enough sample to draw conclusions about its effectiveness and safety. The study, likely to begin at Albany Med within a month or two, raises ethical questions because most trauma victims will not be capable of offering informed consent - a requirement for nearly all medical research - before they get PolyHeme. There are federal regulations that allow for research in emergency settings where consent is difficult to obtain. Albany Med officials are pledging to do everything they can to get permission from the victim or a family member. They’re also holding two community meetings to let people know about the research and PolyHeme. Officials recognize, however, that those meetings will be of dubious utility - no one plans, after all, to become a trauma victim. ‘We’ve been struggling with how to tap into our community,” said Susan Rauch, a registered nurse and a coordinator of the study. The study’s principal investigator, Dr. Carl Rosati, said he is confident that PolyHeme is safe. It has already been tested on 171 people as part of the initial clinical trials. ‘The risk profile of this product is less than for blood itself,” said Rosati, director of the trauma section of Albany Med’s surgery division. The biggest risk for blood is that someone is given the wrong type, an error that can be fatal - not a concern for PolyHeme. There are several settings in which PolyHeme could be invaluable, Rosati said: during long transports, for a mass casualty event where blood supplies might run low and on the battlefield. The Pentagon has been involved in the research. 9/l 2/2005 Albany, N.Y.: Timesunionxom Page 2 of 2 PolyHeme is made from hemoglobin extracted from blood. Like blood -- and unlike saline, often given when blood can’t be, as in an ambulance - PolyHeme is capable of carrying oxygen. Anyone 18 or older who is critically injured and has suffered major blood loss is eligible for the study. During transport, nurses and paramedics will decide whether any given patient is eligible. The trial will be randomized, meaning only some of the selectedpatients will get PolyHeme. The others will get saline or whatever other standard of care they would otherwise normally receive. PolyHeme could also be useful once the patient gets to the emergency department. It takes a hospital about 45 minutes to figure out someone’sblood type, That time period is critical for someone who has suffered majortrauma, Rosati said. ‘We’re looking to limit the shock phase -that’s our major killer,” he said. All Times Urifon materials copyright 1996-2005, Capital Newspapen Division of The Hearst Corporatfon, Albany, N.Y. CONTACTUS I HOW TO ADVERTISEI YOUR PRIVACYRIGHTS I FULL COPYRIGHTI CLASSROOMENRICHMENT;tories/storyp.asp?StoryID=396586 9/ 1212005 getnews Page 1 of 2 getnews Page 2 of 2 9/7/2005 Page 1 of 1 Albany Med to participate in study of blood substitute c cBacl( Albany Pled to participate in study of blood substitute ALBANY, N.Y. Albany Medical Center is among a select group of trauma centers chosen to participate in a national clinical trial of a blood substitute. The study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of PolyHeme, and its ability to increase the survival of trauma patients. PolyHeme Is a temporary oxygen-carrying red blood cell substitute. Under the study protocol, PolyHeme would be administered prior to arrival at the hospital -either at the scene of an accident or in the ambulance. It would continue to be given during a 12hour post-injury period at: the hospital. PolyHeme is derived from human blood and is designed for use in cases of major blood loss, including shootings or car accidents. It can be used when blood Is urgently needed but Isn’t _ immediately available. Trama-related injuries are a leading cause of death among Americans under 45 years old, affecting more than two (m) million people a year. Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved, This mateerial may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. / Q&W~~LRNOW I All content 0 ICopyright2000 - 2005 WorldNowand WSTM, a Ravcom Media Station. All Rights Reserved.For nnoreInformation on this site, pleaseread our Prlvacv Pollg and msof I Service. j 9/7/2005 ALBANY TIMES UNION News Plaza Box 15000 Albany, New York 12212 STATE OF. NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY T. Dollard / i,, is Principal \ of Colonie, an wkl -am 4 aforesaid and t the said ALBANY'! 'ii$ au; 09-08-2005 v WI, 09-11-2005 \@ffi t** 09-13-2005 \ Sworn to before me, this of the City of Albany, being duly sworn, says th SS UNION, a daily newspaper printed in the County of County of Albany, Town of Colonie and the City of ch a printed copy is annexed has been regularly pu .'$the followina dates: :L3th day of September 2005 w Acct. Albany Coap& #070075003 Jodi M. (Kelly)Burick Notary Public, State of Ner “-$q$ ,i: , 3); Qualified in Albany COL Q!!s CommissionExpiresOct. 15 3“Wp No. 4898040 ss.: State of New York, City and County of Schenectady 2-E%& Albany Medical Center of Albany, New. York is one of a select number of Level-i trauma centers in the United States co’nsld$~QJp$atJO~ jtlitl otentially IIfe-saving Preatment for. severelv injured patients who are bleedlhg, and in shock. The stud Is being conYor approval by Mered the Western lnstltutional Review Board WIRB) of’ Alban . Medlca \ Center Thh &dy uses a prow: sion’ for an ‘exception I from Informed consent requliements in actordance wlth federal I able to rbi;ide~Lonsent due to Phe nature and extent of their In wles. Patlen& their lega i lyauthortied! representati or a famll member wll “r be notifier?at the earllest 0 Portunl and their inc Puslon an B the debslls of theresearchshrdy. __ A communitv meetina Amv Hills of the City of Schenectady,being duly sworn, saysthat he/sheis Principal Clerk in the office of the Daily Gazette Co., published in the City of Schenectady and that the notice/advertisement, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in the Daily Gazette and/or Sunday Gazette as follows: 3 insertionsSept.8,11,132005 &Y-q 7aLY.J Sworn to me on’this 14’”day of September2005 NOTARY PUBLIC LISA J. BALDWIN COMMTSSION~ OF UEEDS My commission expire: L,a8* b-9 WAM”N 10 ales ‘3llwld 3l.OOA Vl3YUVd AWlON f A2IV.LON I .. ____.___ l_. ,.. _.. ._- ..- _-_.___ . :- ., : . ALBANY TIMES UNION News Plaza Box 15000 Albany, &I$$ $$$g \ the said AL New York 12212. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY "YY'@'?nedict of the City of Albany, being duly sworn, says that he/she cm ,:$; B.:$?'IMESUNION, a daily newspaper printed in the County of Albany, Town ,:l~l the County of Albany, Town of Colonie and the City of Albany, which a printed copy is annexed has been regularly published in dates: c 3n the following \ 09-25-2005 09-29-2005 10-02-2005 10-04-2005 Sworn to before me, this 4th day of October 2005 U Acct. #070075003 Jodi M. (Kelly)hick Notary Public, State of New Yzk Qualified in Albany County CommissionExpiresOct. 19, 2005 No. 4898040 State of New York, City and County of Schenectady ss.: Amy Hills of the City of Schenectady,being duly sworn, saysthat he/sheis Principal Clerk in the office of the Daily Gazette Co., published in the City of Schenectady and that the notice/advertisement, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in the Daily Gazette and/or Sunday Gazette as follows: 4 insertionsSept.25,29 Oct. 2,4 2005 blti #/u Sworn to me on t&s 5* day of October2005 NOTARY PUBLIC NO XIBdVdSMElN CIIVS NI CIBHSI18fld SVM E)NISI.LXEIACIV W9B-I f)NIO%lIOd iU3.l .I.VH.L %IdVdSMBN WDIddO 3H.L ‘NVIE)O.JXVXVS 3H.L 60 X?ITI3 WdI3NRId BELL SI BHS .LVH.L :SAVS CINV SBSOdEKI ‘NXOMS AvlC? tXEt8 aBI3?I VI3RLJaVd -- From: To: Date: Subject: Sue Ford Rauch, Susan 9/13/05 3:40:06 PM Other lOutlets Hi Susan, - -4 The Times Union and Qoitai News 9 said theyii post the forum for us tomorrow, I also made calls to the Saratogian and SpotlighJnewspapers to see if there is anything additional they can do for us. Rick Cook says that the SUNY Albany School of Public Health has presentations almost daily and that this would be a good forum for you. You might want to give them a call. Also, I did learn that the RPI research is part of our ethics department’s research. No need to call Liva if you haven’t already. Sue From: To: Date: Subject: Sue Ford Rauch, Susan 9/15/05 1:04:30 PM PolyHeme Hi Susan, Here’s the list of media outlets that I know have definitely covered PolyHeme: Business Review, Troy Record, Times Union, Daily Gazette, WRGB, WNYT, WXXA, WTEN, Capital News 9, WGY, WAMC, and the Saratogian has said that they will at some point this week. The Times Union also mentioned the community forum in their calendar listing. If you do a Google search, you will see many more. I plan to reach out to the YMCA VP this afternoon. Sue Sue Ford PR Specialist Albany Medical Center 43 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12203 518-282-3421 518-282-3880 (fax) [email protected] From: To: Date: Subject: Nicole Harte Rauch, Susan Fri, Sep 16.2005 856 AM Fwd: Public Notices Heard you were looking for the run dates. Nicole >>> Nicole Harte 8/26/2005 9:31:48 AM >a> Susan, Here’s my public notice plan for the two public forums being planned in Huyck. Run dates for the 9114forum: TU, Gazette, Troy Record, Post Star, Saratogian- 9/8,9/l 1, 9113 Spotlights - 9/14 Jewish World - 918 Run Dates for the lo/5 public forum: TU, Gazette, Troy Record, Post Star, Saratogian - g/25,9/29, 1O/2, 1014 Spotlights - 9128, 1015 Jewish World - 9115, 9/22,9/29 Let me know if you have any questions. Nicole cc: Ford, Sue ‘ ....,. ” ,I~ ,. .,,, \,, _ . I /. . . .,*,._ ,_,..--., / . ,,e . I ’S_ u.,.,/ s a n.-,.*/R a u c h -/,_P_.o.rl y..h,._ e m_” ,_ e-,.S_rtu d y,.‘; fo r_m- ,ca-.t& :.‘ ., . ,r‘.I...._ ,., . ., ..“. .,.. .. . .. .. ., .,. ... ..-, I... ,.,,.~ ,. ,,,^ ,I_. __ _ a. . ,. .“_ .d-_ From: To: S u b j e c t: ._. . .e.... _. I. ,. -. ,-. .1 .i_ _ _ ,).” I_-.....,,* . > _8 I,, P-/ a g .e..e,1/J Susan Rauch j e r r y g o r d a n @ j u n o .co m P o lyh’e m e S tu d y In fo r m a tio n Dear Mr. Gordan, A l b a n y M e d ical C e n te r is o n e o f several L e v e l I t r a u m a c e n ters in th e U S c o n s i d e r i n g p a r ticipation in a clinical stu d y to e v a l u a te th e life sustaining p o te n tial o f a n investigational p r o d u c t in th e treatment o f severely i n j u r e d p a tie n ts w h o a r e b l e e d i n g a n d in shock. U n d e r fe d e r a l r e g u l a tio n s , a prerequisite fo r s u c h a n e m e r g e n c y m e d icine stu d y is a p e r i o d o f public disclosure/community consultation d u e to th e p r o b a b l e inability to o b ta i n prestudy c o n s e n t. Carl R o s a ti, M D , Director o f T r a u m a , D e p t. o f S u r g e r y is th e principal investigator a t A l b a n y M e d ical C e n te r . T h u s fa r , w e h a v e u s e d c o m m u n i ty m e e tin g s , T V , R a d i o a n d n e w s p a p e r n o tice s in o r d e r to inform th e t&city a r e a . W e also w a n t to o ffe r th e o p p o r tunity to c o m m u n i ty o r g a n i z a tio n to h a v e a p r e s e n ta tio n , a c h a n c e to ask q u e s tio n s a n d voice th e i r opinions. O u r information/opinion line a n d w e b site a r e listed In fo r m a tio n L i n e : 2 6 2 - 2 8 2 8 W e b P a g e : w w w .a c m c . e d u l o o l v h e m e below. P l e a s e let m e k n o w if a n y local L i o n s C l u b o r g a n i z a tio n s w o u l d b e interested. T h a n k y o u a g a i n fo r y o u r help1 Susan Rauch S tu d y C o o r d i n a to r r a u c h s @ m a il.a m c .e d u 262-6608 From: To: Date: Subject: Jerry Gordon [email protected]> <Rauc:[email protected]> 9/l 9/05 1 :I 6:50 PM Re: Polyheme Study Susan, Below is a list of whom I forwarded your email to. I selected the clubs in the immediate Capital District, and wrote to the president, if s/he has email. (But for the Troy club, I sent it right to our Program Chair.) Albany Lion Club: Larry Krug, Acting Pres, 436b3273, [email protected] Ballston Spa Lions Club: Christopher Jackson, Pres, 564-1337, whiteskates44@hotmalLcom Bethlehem Lions Club: Jeff Buenau, Secretary, 283-3736, buenausopticians@aolxom Guilderland Lions Club: Jean Mann, Pres, 452-1237, [email protected] Rotterdam Lions Club: Paul Andrews (only one I’ve got email for), [email protected] Saratoga Springs Lions Club: Peter Brown, Pres, 583-9439, [email protected]~om ScotialGlenville Lions Club: Nancy Larson, Pres, 8850968, [email protected] Shenedehowa Lions Club: , Bob Chatelain, Pres, 371-2664, [email protected] Troy Lions Club: Joann Beach, Program Chair, 489-7606, [email protected] Water-ford Lions Club: Carl Mossner. Pres, 664-6726, [email protected] I hope you get some speaking engagements. Best regards, Jew Clinical Investigator PolyHeme@ Trauma Trial Carl Rosati MD, FRCSC, FACS l Community Consultation Co-Investigators Albany Medical Center Emergency Dept. and Trauma Surgery Service l ALBANY MEDICAL (zm-rER www.ame.eduloolvheme 5 18-262-2828 Study Sponsor Study Purpose Northfield Laboratories Inc. Developa of the oxygen-carrying resuscitative fluid called PolyHen@ Conductedmultiple studieswith PolyHeme over the past decade Most studieshave beer with injured trauma patients 9 Company website:www.norlirflelldlobcom To evaluate the life-sustaining potential of PolyHemP when given to severely injured and bleeding patients in “hemorrhagic shock,” starting at the scene of injyv What is Hemorrhagic Shock? Need for Improved Outcome l l l Hemorrhagic massive loss of blood SlrocR: lifethreatening condition Dangerously low blood pressure l l l Internal organs don’t receive enough oxygen and have difficulty ftmcticning Might lead to death The Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists trauma as the leading cause of death among Americans under age 45 l l l Thousands of trauma patients die each year Many of these patients die because the “standard of care” cannot reverse the damaging effects of hemorrhagic shock 1 I What is the Standard of Care? Standard of Care Limitations In the Ambulance Representsthe current treatment l In rhc Ambuiance In lhe Harp&at The patientreceives saltwata (blood is not available) The patient receives salt watt and donatedblood I Salt water does not carry oxygen, unlike blood Without enough oxygen, the body and its internal organs have difficulty functioning and can stop working (organ failure) l I I l---------l I What is PolyHeme@? Standard of Care Limitations In the Hospilol Risksassociatedwitb lar c infusions of donated blood in traumapatientst ave been identihd - Inereascin immune fuacrtion,which may oause f&ilure of vital organs and death,observedin some patientswho have receivedtransfusions* l ‘A. Szwia cl al., Alchives 0fSwgcry V&me 129:39-U A temporary red blood cell substitute that carries oxygen In the acute setting, 1 unit @int) of PolyHeme is given in place of I unit @ini) of blood (1994), What is PollyHeme@? l l l l Made from human blood Compatiblewith all blood types Immediatelyavailable Mauufaoturedwith stepsto reducethe risk of viral transmission Why Use PolyHeme@? * PolyHemewas developedto treat urgent, large volume blood loss Bloodis notnomwIIyavailablein fheambulance - PolyHcmcwill be immcdia~ely availablein the ambulance andcarriesoxygen l l PolyHememay reduce the use of donatedblood in the fmt I2 hours after injury, and might avoid potential organ failure 2 Why Use PolyHeme@? Why Use PolyHeme@? There are risks associated with large infusions of donated blood in trauma paticntsr l In a controlled Phase II trial in hospitahxed trauma patients, higher levels of immune markers were seen in patients who received blood transfusions as compared to those who received PolyHemc2 l To evaluate a potential improvement in survival of severely injured and bleeding patients ‘A. Saw/a et al., Anahivcl of Surgery (1994), Voltme 129.394 IE. E. Moon, Jourml ojlmericon Surgeons (2003). Vohmr! 196 (I) I CoIrCge of I PolyHeme@ Experience: Past Administered to patients with acute blood loss in the hospital setting l l PolyHeme@ Experience: Past l Patients have received u 1to 20 units (pints) or I.000 gm of PolyHem ed Normal volume of blood in a human is 10 units (pints) or 500 gm of hemoglobin l [Gould et al, Journal of American College of Surgeons (2002), Volume 195 Some of these patients ke t alive while losing l virtu$y all of th@r,own Blood during ongomg f&yIeant recetvmg only PolyHeme@ as I I I Observations in these patients have suggested the life-sustaining potential of PolyHeme @ in the treatment of urgent lifethreatening blood loss and life-threatening hemoglobin levels (4)/ I PolyHeme@ Experience: Past l During the course OF evaluation of any investigational product, both adverse experiences and serious adverse experiences can occur. These may be due to either: the underlying condition ofthe patient 1 I PolyHeme@ Experience: Past l l thetmtmentscttingor l the investigational product itself Both adverse experiences and serious adverse experiences have occurred in prior studies. I l l l One trial conducted in older patiatts undergoing elective surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm that involved a non-routine procedure whae up to 6&?/o of their own blood was removed and later replaced. Serious adverse evmts, including cardiovascular, were observed. It cannot be determined whether due to experimental procedure or PolyHeme itself l l Patients in this study were older with more cardiovascular risk factors than those in the trials in 3 I PolyHeme@ Experience: Past I 720 patients will be enrolled: 360 patients in the control group 360 patients in the PolyHeme@group Currently, enrollment underway at a 17 Level 1 trauma centersacrossthe United States A list of centersis available at www.clinicaltrials,aov The FDA has approved the study 22 lnstitotional Review Boards have proved tbe study. 1 IRB has not approved the st3 y l In traumn atients, PolyHemeQ has been rapidly in R sod during urgent life threatening blood loss in sufficienti large quantities, up to 20 units (mints), to L considered well-tolerated in this patient population. l PolyHeme@ Experience: Current Trial l l l l [Gould et al, Journal of American Coliege o Surgeons (2002), vohle 19 f (4)] l l t 1 PolyHeme@ Experience: Current Trial PolyHeme@ Experience: Current Trial l l l An IndependentData Monitoring Committee set up to review mortality and serious adverse expuimces after 60,120,250 and 500 patients have been enrolled and followed for 30 days Committeehas revieweo the safetydata on the fvs 60,120 and 250 patients Committeehas tecommendedthat the study continuewithout any change Trial Design: Before the Hospital l l l At the 250 patient look, Committee conductedan adaptive sample size determination. Assessmentwas based on a comparison behveen the mortality rate predicted in the protocol and the observed mortality rate in the trial to date. Committeehas concluded that no adjustmentin the number of patientsto be enrolled in the study is required. Ambulance Infusion Severely injured trauma patients will be assigned to either one of two groups by chance Control Receivesaltwater (360 patients) Test ReceivePolyHemeQ (360 patients) 4 Hospital Inkion Trial Design: At the Hospital Test c0Ilfr01 Salt water for l l hydration . Donated blood to boost oxygen levels l l l Salt water for hydration PolyHcmeQ to boost oxygen levels Maximum dose of 6 units during fti 12 hours Donated blood will be used thereafter Who Would Be Excluded? Who Would Be Included? Patients at risk of dying Patientswho are obviously pregnant l 9 Who have sustained severe injuries l l l who are at least 18 years old l FDA Review l l Patients who have “tmsurvivable” injuries Who are of either gender (male or female) l l severehead or brain injuries Who have lost a large amount of blood and are in shock l Patients who have ’ Patip*require l Patients with known objectionsto blood barmizions Patients with known orders not to resuscitate Patientwith visible or identifiable method of objection e.g.wearing exclusionb mcelet) I I What is Informed Consent? I A process by which patients make informed decisions about participating in research studies Northfield Laboratories received clearance to proceed with this study from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The FDA authorized the use of an exception from informed consent requirements for this study Traditionally required for all research studies l l l I Rosearchstudiescompare 2 troarments (standardvs. investigational) Doctors describe each of thosepotmtial treatments I I What is Informed Consent? I What is Exception from Informed Consent? A process by which patients make informed decisions about participating in research Patients are enrolled in a research study without giving their informed consent studies Patientsare informed of the potential risks and l potential benefits associated with each of these treatments Patients choose whether to participate in the study l How Can That Be? How Can That Be? A federal regulation (21 CFR 50.24), created in 1996, allows certain studies that meet the following criteria to use this exception A federal regulation (21 CFR 50.24), created in 1996, allows certain studies that meet the following criteria to use this exception l l Patients’ lives must be at risk l Available treabncnts are not satisfactory l Patients are unable to give consent l Potential risks are reasonable Participation in the research could provide a direct benefit (increased survival) to tbc patient l l The research could not be practicably carried out without an exemption Consent Safeguards Consent Safeguards If possible, the patient or a legally authorized representative (LAR) can give consent before the patient is enrolled in the study *If consent cannot be obtained before enrollment, frequent attempts will be made to contact the patient’s LAR and family to describe the study *The patient., family members, or a legally authorized representative may decide to withdraw the patient at any time 6 Potential Benefits of PolyHeme@ l l Potential Risks of PolyHeme@ I Can enhance the amount of vital oxygen in the patient’s blood (prehospital setting) May avoid failure of vitsll organs (prehospital and hospital settings) l Rash l Tncreased blood pressure l Kidney or liver damage l Might increase the IikeliJ~ood of survival Is compatible with all blood typos l Viral infection (HIV, hepatitis, etc.) l l Is immediately available l Unforeseen happenings l Manufactured with steps to reduce the risk of viral transmission Patient Protection The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a group of medical, scientific, and nonscientific members of the community l Reviews all proposals for research on humans l Assures patient safely l Monitors community feedback l l l The IRB will decide whether or not to allow this hospital to participate in the PolyHeme” trial An Independent Data Monitorin Committee is overseeing the tn*f to monitor the safety of the product The FDA is being informed of the trial’s progress I I If We Participate.. . l The results of the study will be revealed to the community after the trial has been completed l ‘Ihose who do not wont to participate in the study can wear a special bracelet to exclude themselves Questions or Comments? 7 Community Meetings Summary Date Entered I Ethnic Group 3endel Jrvey Respor I Meeting Qw Attended ciaratoga VI 2105 BS Survey Iuestiot - 1 Survey h3StiOl 2 INo Attendance :ommunity I nlleeting EImpire itate Plaza .; i ESP) Ic aucasian E.SP '33 es E.SP es es EISP f E.SP es 'es es es E.SP 'es es I ISP i ISP EiSP - '8S 'es '8S es es es es 8S es .SP es BS 8S Cl -TEL n A one ive I n Caucasian i 1 * Irish American None given Irish American ,Caucaslan -- SP SP SP SP SP/web none I feel, if a person’s chance of survival is increased, ie)if person get polyheme person will live or if doesn’t gel it person will Community Meetings Summary I sian :O :4 ESP ESP es es es BS W W BS ii"-es es es es 8s es es es es es es I IMost of the I1 5,20,2 6,27105 I Meeting DVD IWO5 1 Paucasian aucasian - 9 6 0 =lgz$F: fiMC ID &MC ---pj$p- K(don’t now?) Caucasian - ,K es ---pi-y / Community Meetings Summary :olonie :amily iafety Day ichoharie lealth Fair :ommunity ‘caching bay/Nu&n{ II 8105 :TD :TD :TD :TD es es es es :aucasian :TD es :aucasian Wan :TD :TD es es ;9 :TD es iiiG :TD SS :TD es es :aucasian :TD es es talian American:aucasian :aucasian Zaucasian :TD :TD :TD :TD es es es es a.5 a!3 es E?S :aucasian :aucasian :aucasian unerican 1 - :aucasian Jon Hispanic :aucasian :aucasian Iaucasian :aucasian :aucasian :aucasian liver 1 L_ 1 _ :TD 9s :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD 3S ?S 3s ?S 3s 3s es Community Meetings Summary Lawasian :aucasian :aucasian :TD :TD _ - F F es 8S es :TD es BS 8S F :TD es es :aucasian / I T-F :TD es es :aucasian F :TD ‘es es F F :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD :TD ‘es L pees . ‘es ‘es r ss ‘es ‘es ‘8s es es es es es ds es es es es :TD ‘es es :aucasian’ lone given Faucasian :aucasian iaucasian :aucasian :aucasian :aucasian lone aiven Zaucasian :aucasian 1 - I f i Iy F fF 1 F f f m F F iaucasian ,9 _, I bounds like here are only positive easons to ove award . . . ..esp ince the EMS earn is unable o provide atrnent for i hock other I 11have a. ‘es es ‘es les :aucasian F :TD ‘es :aucasian F :TD es es es :aucasian :aucasian lope g&n ~ - F - -F 7 :TD :TD TD es es es. es es es much needed Are you going out to the local/rescue Community Meetings Summary :aucasian :aucasian :aucasian :aucasian :aucasian km3pean merican :TD :TD 3-D - LTD es ii - :TD I ILiaison ICommittee for lospkal jabon :ommittee ;aucasianlMohas iaucasian lone Given diC :ommunitv leeting ,MC ,MC ,MC :aucasian LMC 3s es es 3s es 3s es 3s + es very informative- iMC >aucasian :aucasian es rMC -- naybe naybe es ‘es -i-- :aucasian 8 LMC 3s es es appreciate the doctor’s simple explanation to those of us whc are not trained in the medical field. This product may very well not only be a life Community Meetings Surmnq September 12,20015 Saratoga Library Community Meeting Activity: Study presentation by Carl Rosati, MD Arrangement made on September 7’ and placed on library events calendar. NO ATTENDENCE The study coordinatir spent.part of the afternoon distributing brochures to the town hall, library, and Starbucks (reading table). I also when to the student union of Skidmore College to post copies of the brochure on bulletin boards and left about 25 copies. 09/07/2005 SARATOGA 510-504-7066 10:49 Saratoga. 49 Henry Springs St. Saratoga Public Sptigs, PAGE LIBRARY Library Meeting 03/04 Room Request NY 154866 584-7860 Please be advised of %e following: l l Meeting room UJ& may not enter the buildingprior minutes a&r thelibraty closes. to opening, and meefings must end 45 Attendees shoula! a&o be advised that there is a strictly enforced Z-hour parking limit in the library parking lot l Hease contact us ifyou n&ed to cancel your meeting. l Setup of chairs nnd tables is the responsibility of the meeting room users, not librta y stafl Bad Weather: Please call the library for any atmouncements of closing due to inclement weather. 252SQd ContactPerson forThiskleei$ng: Contact Person Phone Number: Address, City, State, and 22”: Z+Z+L& 5;s T .QJ& - && y A#+ pd. d//d, Oii -91 . c! 7&W&&h 4 #Of. : /4/b M, /c'y J (The name & number of the contactperson will be made available to anyone inquiring abou; a meetind Email Address (Zfany): ,I? &Lk^ 5 @ m at ‘/ I A, 1IC * Id& Please check one of the three rooms below, Note: The occupancy limits reflect the fire code and may not be exceeded. If you expe’ct more people, please plan for a larger room. n/ Community Room 120 people maximum q ]Susman Room 30 people maximum q Glasby Room 20 people maxfmum Comes Wb!h: Comes WiLh: 30 chairs 3 tables . sink M-cup coffee maker white board/markers tack board data projector & screen Comes H&h.20 chairs 2 tables sink 15-cup coffee maker white boa&markers tack board data projector & screen 120 chairs-setup & breakdown by group 15 tables-setup & breakdown by group kitches & large coffee maker platform stage (24’ by 14’) lectern public addresss system data projector & screen . piano (on the stage) vacuum for cleanup Additional equipment may be ovalable. Please contact Sue Pettit at (518) 584-7860 exL 264, f&x- SW-7866 or email address: [email protected]. Please contact us 72 hours in advance of your meeting to discuss any equipment needs or connection requirements you may have. Also be aware that we may not always be able 10 repair equipment dwing your meeting. The library provides Heariug assistance equlpment for use in meeting rooms. PIease he@ m&e this equipment available as needed. Confirmed by: Date Co&-me& 1 / Jac% 09/07/2005 SARATOGA 518-5134-7866 10: 49 LIBRARY PAGE 02/04 SARATOGA SPRINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY 49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-3271 . (518) 584-7860 FAX (518) S W -7866 l Meeting RoomsPolicy Article six of the American Library A.wociation Bill of Rights, which has’been endorsed by the Saratoga Springs public Library, reads as follows: l I&raries which make exki%itspaceand meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such fstcilitits available on an equitable basis,regardless of rhe beliefs or afGliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. The Saratoga Springs Public Librsry maintains three meeting rooms which may be used by commuuity &roups and agenciesI[not individuals) when not being used for library purposes, subject to the following guidelines approved by the library boar& to the citizens 1. Rooms are available to groupe witi headquartersin or that provide substantial sex-vices of the Saratoga Springs Enlarged City School District 2. Meeting moms may not be used for commercialand/or for pro& purposes. This includes such programs as mvosstmcnts-s, sales/servicedemonstrations,demonstrations by private for-profit limlth care practitioners, etc. 3.. All meetings and programs shall be free and open to thepublic, and room mcy not be usedfbrjmdraixerx such as garage sak, 4 The h* bake sales, etc. resuvas the right to cancel a reservationfor library purposes. 5. All groups aceresponsible for damage and are rquircd to leave icacilties in a clean and drderiy condition 6” When scheduled for we by minors, an adult supervisormust be present at all times. *. . : 7. No alcoholic beverages may be consumedon library property. 8. No smotig is allowed in the Library building. 9. The likary encourages use of meeting rooms fti diverse eventsand groups and seeksto give all eligible organizations sn opportunity to use our services.For these reasons,no group may nswe a mom more than 12 months in advance.AU groups are encouragedto End other facilities for regularly scheduledmeetirlgs when possible. Meetiag rooms may not be scheduledmore than 12 times in a . 13month period. 10. Bookings must be made at least48 hours in advance,and for groups of no fewer than five people. Meetings must begin during library hours and be completedno later than 45 minutes after closin,o hour. No meetings may be scheduledon a day the library is closed. If arrangements are made in advance,meetings may extend beyond the 45=xninutelimit for a fee of 525.00 per hour. . 11, Neither the name nor addressof the SSPL may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization. Pubticiry for eventsin the library should clearly idea@ the sponsoring organization. Telephone queries should be made to the sponsoringorganization Amended December &ZOO3 by the SSPL Lihrery Board . E !E 09/07/2005 10: 49 SARATOGA 518-584-7866 LIBRARY PAGE 01/04 Fax Cover Sheet FROM: SUE PETTIT PHONE: FAX: 5&w-7860 EKt. 264 W-584-7866 RE: . cc: * Nmber of pages incl udhg Message . cover sheet: 4 Here is tb papwmdc that I spoke to you about on the ph&e. &ut keep the Mtg. Rm Pkase s5I.Iout md fix back to me the Mtg. Rm. Request and User Registmion f6m.s. I will then sign and ti back your confiimat~~. I~YOU. have any other guehx~~ or YOUneed to cancel your request,please give me a CEQ al: the above number. Thank you. * PdiCY for your own rdhnct. . Community Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting g/14/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducfed in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No : 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in thistype of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? 0 No Yes 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Ethnic background: mu Age: G-4+ Gender: Male Female -lc; e’m ’ Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 5 18-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting 9/l 412005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? ,? (y4Y No L-l 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paraniedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? -‘-- -\ No Yes ’ .) .-_.. 4. ‘Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Ethnic &>ou& Age: %b Gender: Male L’ r cmcbid dch Female Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 5 18-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting 9/14/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? ’ No clYes ‘L. 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrclled in this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No <es&/ 0 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Ethnic background: Age: <; ~1 Gender: Male -- ijj Female / Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 518-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Commuuity Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting 9/l 412005 Please circle your cmswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this commtity, Sspecifically,a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the parat&dics, *would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 5 18-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting g/14/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paratnedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Age: 0 Gender: Ethnic background: ,&L?& Male Female ‘/ ,$.!$&!A , I/ Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 518-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting 9/14/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? ,,,: / Yey” No ,J’ 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No .P t ;es 1; c/ 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by ,e paran&iics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? /” No /yesi ‘0’ 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? ! ‘! Age: @ Gender: Male Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 518-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Albany Medical Center Community Meeting g/14/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? YeS No 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the partiedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? Yes No 0.A 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Age: ( 7% Gender: Male -_ Ethnic background: Flak--- . w LL J Thank you for your participation to&y. Please call Susan Rauch at 518-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting g/14/2005 Please circle your lanswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study it! which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 5z’No f i-. ./” 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? c---.3 No 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the pdedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No a 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? Ethnic background Age: x&’ Gender: Male -- Female 1’ Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 5 18-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Albany Medical Center Community Meeting 9/14/2005 Please circle your mswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one described at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? . g*: No _... 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paran%dics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No 4. Do you have an comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? 2.k.C 2 i (-G J-- ,-“&9 j.& &. .A&*, I Age: >q Gender: a Male 5\1 Ethnic background: J L Female Thank you for your participation today. Please call Susan Rauch at 518-262-2828 if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l Y2005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolledwithout giving their informed consent? 0 Yes No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? nYeS L/J No 3. If a family memberof yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the para&dics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? rs? Ethnic background: (A)Lk’ ’ Gender: Male / Female J Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l 512005 to 1O/03/2005 Pleasecircle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled ,without giving their informed consent? 0 No Ye 2. If you were sevlerelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No. 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No / 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? c?es, Age: 15 Gender: Male -- Ethnic background: , Female 1 Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. . Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza g/15/2005 to 10/03/2005 Please circle your answers 1, Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community~,specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? @ No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your commtity, would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? No 3, If a family member of yours were severelyinjured atid bleeding and were to be treated by the parariredics,,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No f-62 L) 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: 7-Y Gender: Male , f / Ethnic background: Id/, 7-e- Female Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza g/15/2005 to 10/03/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, *wouldyou want to be enrolled in this type of study? YeSJ 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the pararhedics’would , you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? Yes J No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Thauk you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l 512005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your 4answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being co,nducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? , , No YeS 0 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? 0 Yes No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: qq Gender: MaleX Ethnic background: 1 Female Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. -c Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l 5/2005 to 10/03/2005 Please circle your unswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No (&L---J 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? No 3. If a family memberof yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the pamrixdics~,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: Abg 1.“. Ethmc background: Gender: Male --’/ Female Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l 5/2005 to 1o/03/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled.without; giving their informed consent? 0 Yes No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in thistype of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? es No 0 4. Do you have ianycommentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: $7 Ethnic background: Gender: Male’ J Female CwL-u;-+* Thank you for your participation to&y. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza g/15/2005 to 10/03/2005 Please circle your ,answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled qwithoutgiving their informed consent? No 2. If you were sevlerelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? 7(-e/ No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No %/ es 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: ,!?=?Gender: Male Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/15/2005 to 10/03/2005 Please circle your mswers 1. Would you support a study such asthe one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients W nrolled without giving their informed consent? 0 No Yes 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleedingand were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? 0 No Yes 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? Age: Atc Gender: Male :c Ethnic background: e *YLL q:,, Female Thank you for your participation to&y. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. CommunityConsultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l Y2005 to 10/03/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you suplport a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? iYes c> 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured atid bleeding and were to be treated by the par&edics,, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? . Age: L f/ Ethnic background: Gender: Male -- Female / A&- Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l Y2005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this commtmity, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No YeS D c 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paratiiedics,,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No !YC d 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: < b Ethnic background: Gender: Male -- / Female Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. . Community Consultation Empire StatePIaza 9/15/2005 to 10/03/2005 Please cinAe your answers 1. Would you sup;porta study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? Yes. CL2 No 3. If a ftily memberof yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? Q Yf%S No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Ethnic background: Gender: Male ‘>c 7 Female Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza g/15/2005 to 10/03/2005 Ptease circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 0 YeS No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? No 3. If a family memberof yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics!,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: % Gender: Male -- Ethnic background: Female L ‘uJ< .(L4w~ CL _ y- Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l 5/2005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your mswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients d be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yes No D . If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? A es No LJ 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study’? Yes No 0 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: a? Gender: Male Ethnic background: Female. / Thank you for your participationtoday. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza g/15/2005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your mswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their infonned consent? 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? w Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Gender: Male -- 1 Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l 5/2005 to 1O/03/2005 Pleasecircle your mswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yes LA No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community,would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? Yes C/ No 3. If a family member of yours were severeIyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? Yes J No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: LJ ! Gender: Male Ethnic background: Female / Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall lSusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/15/2005 to 1O/03/2005 Pleqse circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yes J No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your compknity, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? r Yes J No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated a&dics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No 4. Do you have any commentsor conckns you wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: 2tl Gender: Male J Ethnic background: UJ / Female Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza g/15/2005 to 10/03/2005 Please circle your mswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients wo d be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No ‘Yes 0 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin ommunity, wlould you want to be enrolled in this type of study’? No 3. If a family rnemtler of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated b e paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No Yes 0 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: a8 Gender: Male -- Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l 5/2005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your mswers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No YeS 0 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated b the para&dics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No Yes 0 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: 3\ Ethnic background Gender: Male -- J Female Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/S/2005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your mswers 1, Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, ~specifkally,a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No Yes ' 0 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured at&lbleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,.would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No Ye 0 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: Gada: Ethnic background a Male hew Female / Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation Empire StatePlaza 9/l X2005 to 1O/03/2005 Please circle your tmwers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? Yes 0 No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin y ur community, would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? s No 3. If a family memberof yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the para&dics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? YeS 0 No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Ethnic background Age: Gender: Male -- Female 24 Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Location and date uf Community Ethnic Background SelectOne Consultation t&’ i=W+%‘A rj+pd tz S*f*cton* ___....__ _______-__ - _....--._ ._____ __...- .__-.-_-.-----.I - . - 1. Would you support a study such 3s the on& de&bed at this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? G Yes7 No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? 3. If a family member of yours were severeiy injured and Sleeting and were to be treated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study3 c2 Yes No 4. Do you have any comments or concerns you wish to share with the investigators? i--- _---------- -- Submit _i_ Reset a http:/ g/20/2005 AMC- PolyHemeTrauma Trail Page 1 of 2 FEEBACK FORM FOR PdRTiClPANTS ::. i / Location and date of Community Consultation I Select one &m& .-.._-...--- -.._-..__..-_...-.--. Ethnic Background Age SefecZ orI8 n ml* ii$ 70 Gender Male m 1. Would you support a study such as thk one described at this meeting being conductad in this communiiy, specifically, a study in which sever ely injured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? 0 Yes No 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedics in your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? 0 Yes No 3. If a family member of yours were severely injured and bfeeding and viere to be ?nated by the paramedics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? 0Yes No 4 Do you have any comments or concerns you wrsh to share with the investigators? Submit Reset 5 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF COLON-E FAMILY FUN DAY TOWNOF COLONIEFAMILYFUNDAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,2005 12:OOnoon - 8:00 p.m. The Crossingsof Colonie IMUSIC,FUNANDINTERNATIONAL FOODVENDORS] ENTERTAINMENT IN THEGAZEBO 12:00-2:00The PipeKings 2:30-4:30rb andthe Truants 5:00-890Cryin’Out Loud FORTHEKIDS nearthe maze 1:30-2:15and3:003:45Andy“TheMusicMan”Morse 5:00-7:00WizzieThe Clown-master balloonartist ACTIVITIES DARE ‘. ShakerRoadFireDepartment ColonieSeniorResources Veteran’sProject EMS ScotiaGlenvilleMuseumCraftsfor Children . . I ., . r~nnrn,~n~,.-:l.~/~n~..~o/.?nn n.rmAhlrrT V'X%lFT T 9/16/05 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF COLONIE FAMILY FUN DAY ColonieYouthCenter ShakerHeritageSociety WolfRd Project Community Consultation 9/l 812005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support%study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? .Jes . No 0 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin o ~community,would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? P \ No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated b the paraniedica,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? u\ n ‘Yes No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: 50 Ethnic background: Gender: Male -- Female /- -‘&LiL&~ idi - Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. CommunityConsultation 9/l 8/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study suchas the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? c \ Yes No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolledin this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated b the paranmdics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? G 1 YeS No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: 51 Ethnic background T,?,./<<i,c- Gender: Male- Female J Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation 9/18/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giviug their informed consent? NO YeS Cl 2. If you were se:verelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No 3. If a f&mily member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated araniedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? b No Yes 0 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: ‘3q 11’3 Gender: Male . Ethnic background: Female \ Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall1SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation 9/l 8/2005 Please circle YOW answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this comnmni~r,specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? 0Yes No 3. If a family memberof yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? /7d CL% mLd o;a4.Lz, i , I..diU (.&A ’ &A I D/& b4iL~. L-d+ I+UWL~~.P Age: a Ethnic background: Gender: Male .- Female g &XLC+- z Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall1SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation 9/l 8/2005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients enrolled without giving their informed consent? were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treatedby the paramedicsin would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Ethnic background: Age: Gender: Male Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Commuuity Consultation 9/ 1812005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled.-.without giving their informed consent? \ No ’ c I 2. If you were severely injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? YeS a 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the para&edics, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? r i No Yes d 4. Do you have any comments or concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Ethnic background Gender: Male Female I/ Thank you for your participation to&y. PleasecalllSusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation 9/l 8/2005 Please circle your answers 1, Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? YeS No c3 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin d you want to be enrolledin this type of study? 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated bytheparam ‘, would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? No Cl 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? YeS Age: : Gender: Male Thank you for your participation today. PleasecdU SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation 9/l 812005 Please circle your answers 1. Would you s~~pport a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this commttni~y,specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients emolled without giving their informed consent? injured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin you want to be enrolledin this type of study? member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? % Age: ’ ’ Ebcbay: bidi:” / Gender: .Male Female . Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 518-262-2828if you have any other questions. Community Consultation 9/I 812005 Pleasecircle YOW answers 1, Would you support a study such as the one describedat this meeting being conducted in this community, specifically, a study in which severelyinjured and bleeding patients would be enrolled without giving their informed consent? No 2. If you were severelyinjured and bleeding and were being treated by the paramedicsin your community, would you want to be enrolled in this type of study? No 3. If a family member of yours were severelyinjured and bleeding and were to be treated by the paramedics,would you want him or her to be enrolled in this type of study? Yes No Q c 4. Do you have any commentsor concernsyou wish to sharewith the investigators? Age: Jt9 Gender: Male .- . u\ ’ Ethnic background: $ii%% # Female -+ Thank you for your participation today. Pleasecall SusanRauch at 5 18-262-2828if you have any other questions.