- ,2o.oltt. JO03 15:oo 6 Requirements
- ,2o.oltt. JO03 15:oo 6 . J. Appl. Ichchyol. I1 (1995). 225-230 Q 19% Blackwell Wlssemcti=-Verlag, ISSN0175-8659 Requirements Recewed Onober 20,1994 Acrept& June 27,1994 Be& for carotenoids in fish diets BY 0. J. TORNSSEN and R. GLNSTIANSEN Institute of Matim Restdd, Matre Aqracnhre Station, N-J198 Matredal, Norway l l Carot.enoi& arc arqong kc most widespread and important pigment classesin living organisms,and in qu.&e a&&, ZSIJJ.J&~P is rhe mosf COInmody oc~rriog red cuounoid. &mamds are vitamin A ~~~~~~~~md UC fund~ad in pbotorynrhuis and Lightprorection in phuu. Increasing attention has Eeen drawn to a possible light proucuon. cancerpreventronand immune enhancementbycarotenoids in manmA. reported functions in fish r~gc from a general cnhancancnc of pcrforrnsncc 10 specific fincdons in reproductioo and meubolm. In ibis paper, WC show rhat vtwvltin is essenualfor growth and rwivd of fish and crdish, and discuss this fact in relation to the use of purified and semipurified &a~ in nnvlriond sr~dies. The simihrir)r rn action of arraxanchin and caorhaxanrhb E).d.retinol (4umin A) su~ests that tbesc W.-Ocuorcnoids corn ored to a-rocophcrol (vi-in sho Is d be krccd . among the fat soluble vnam~~. Introduction l l I) Carotenoids in modern aquaculture are mainly associated with astaxanthin or canthaxanrhin pigmentation of rhe flesh of salmonids. The pigrnentarion of Adanric salmon (S&JO suhzr) and rainbow trout (Oncurh~ch~ my&s) flesh is regarded a~ the most important quahry criteria next to pro&r freshness (KOTENG 1992). It is therefore of vital interest for the salmon farmer co achieve a satisfactory pigmentation of the salmon flesh. The market demand for asuxanrhin in A&nr.ic salmon flesh requires a concentration above 6-7 mg per kg. Factors influencing the absorption and deposition of carotenolds are reviewed by TORRISSEN CC al. (1989) and STOMBAKJLEN and No (1992). it has been shown that carorenoids have at least four functions: (I) accessory pigment in photosymhesis, (2) protective pigment againsr photoseniitization, (3) provitamin A source and (4) communication in aquak ank& Responses to physiological or pharmacological,istration of carorenoids +re nordly classified as actions. Potential mechanisms associated with carorcnoid ations include antioxidant and singlet oxygen quenching, proGamin A activity, up-regulation of DNA expression, co-oxidation, and enhancement of immune functions associated -4th increased turnour immunity and modulation of macrophage and lymphocyte acdwion (BENDICH 1993). Salmonids absorb and deposit aswanthin and cancbaxanthin in rhe muscle during the grow out period. Ar the ame of sexual maturation, They mobilize the cruorenoid srore and transport the accumulated vtuvlchin or canthz~nthin by the Very High Density Lipoproteins (VHDL) (virehogenin) or High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) to rhe ovaries and finaJy the progeny. This active transfer of cuorenoids from the mother fish to the eggs has led to the hypothesis that urotenoids are vital for egg and larval development. Absorption 3 Some carotenoids are absorbed well and rapidly metabolized, some are absorbed and poorly metabolized aud some seems nor 10 be absorbed at alI. Both the absorption and metabolism of carorenoids are highly dependent on its structure. The mechanism by which the carotenoids are taken up from the plasma by tissues and released back into plasma from specific U. 5. Copyfight Cliche 3 and storage &Xer code %.aremenr: 0175-&59/95/l lo44225 s11.00/0 .-30.0i,t. . 2003 15:02 . 0.1. 7omsm1 and R Cbrisriansen 226 v Absorbed Carctenoid Al Growth Q s Astaxanthin Jp++&- l *w A2 100 80 Ye0 1 Al LA2 60 / Canrhaxanthin -0 0 / Survival L%S/ “pa Ye.5 Al LA2 YtX Al 40t I 20 LA2 Bcuodn mT”a lsozeuanthin * les Al Y&9 A2 YeS A2 % 6( - Fgg. 1. lain urorenoi& used m fish IUJCI%O~and chcir SUUCWN; Al = minol; A2 = dehydroretinol; 3, ++a, =**T+ ind&ta m+wde of difference in absorb&n a 0 ciss~es, however, has not yet been clarified (OLSON 1993). A preferred absorption and deposirion of hydroxy and kero caroeeooids is seen in fish. Astaxanthin and canrhananthin are absorbed WC& whiJe B-carotene in some fishes seems hardly to be absorbed at all. Growth and survival An &proved growth of Atlantic salmon was found by supplementing commercial star-~ (Fig. 1) (TORRISSEN 1984), and no significant fee&g diets with astaxanth or ~ahrhur~lrhin differences were found bcmvccn the asuw-u.hin and canthaxamhin supplemented diets. Corresponding results are found’for the red tilapia (07eochromis dozincs) (BOONand UNPRASERT 198% and kuruma shrimp (PLMPHS jcrponicrts) (CHEN and YARATPALIN JENG I 992). Supplemcnurion of fl-ororene and canthaxanthin to the diets of major Indian 0~s resulted in a better swivel and growth compared KO conventional diets used arithour CSUOXCW~~J (GOSWAMI 1993), and N~GERE-SADARGUES et al. (1993) found a higher survivzl rate for Pemerts juponicn§ receiving aSWan&-cagth=anIlchin supplementation (50/50), but no differences were observed in groMh and moulting. CHRISTI~NSEN er 11. (1993) investigated tbc interaction between ascaxanchin and A supplementation on 80 wth and survival in first feeding fry of Atlantic salmon. The experimental diets were based on a semipurified diet based on vitamin and carotenoid free casein and gelatine as protein sources developed by SHXARER et al. (1993). The results from &is IX-day feeding study clearly showed a significandy improved growth and sun&al 00. supplementation of osraxanrhin to the expetinul diet (Figs2 and 3), and vitamin A supplemenrarion alone did not suppo~ growth and survival. The vitamin A r~urcc ured was a mixture of retinal pal&ate and retinol acetate The bio-availability of rhe two forms is nor known and I also show a provi expIain the effect c GROS and BUDO’ addition co fi-cuot plaKies (X+7phon both A, and A2 in highly dependent 3 (1985) reponed th; Ain theintd* burrdchws, l&n (: (dehy&or&ol) (l tilapia (Tikapiu nil converted into vira Fishes change the responses during 4 as compromises ba the ‘need’ to avoi changes is comple; Visual cues. It has and xanthophors (1952) suggested pigments may hav 227 Fig. 2. Sutvival of A&n& salmon fed diets supplemented with different IevcL of aaxanrhin and vitamin A (CHRIFILANSEN et al. 1993) is not known and one or both might be poorly utilized by start-feeding salmon. The results &O show a proviramin A function of astaxanti (Fig.4), but this done is not able to explain the effect of asuxnnthin supplementltion. Functions of carotenoids Provitamin A 9 a GROS md B~OVSKI (1966) reponed that asuxanch;l, canrhuannrhinand isozeaxanthin in ad&&on ~0 p-carotene were precursors for vitamin A in both guppies (Lebirtes reticdatw) and pb&s (.+hqph~ms ursiaws). Ascam& c~lrhulnrhin and ~eamnthin were precursors of bo& A, and A, in rainbow UOUK (~COS~~C~US vkirs), bur the rate of incorporation was &$-JY dependent on’ fish size and age, and the vitamin A status of the fish. SCH~EDT et al. (1985) rep0J-t.d &at utaxanchin, c~rthwanthin and zuxanthin were transformed into vitamin and CL&s A in he tips&al wall and the liver. In the freshwater fishes,hxubrancbwfosdri brhnrhus, lutein ($3’ Dihydroxy a-carotene) is reported to be the precursor of vitamin A2 (dehydrorerinol) (Bmoa and &SWAMI 1977; Gosw~ and BHAITACHARJEE 1982), and in zawxhin, k.h and ~naxanrhin were directly bio&pi4 (7&p 7dmif) astaxatin, convened into vitamin A(J) (UTmN ad ~TSUNO 1988). Communication Fishes change rhcir hues in response to background colouration and also display colour responses during excitement and courmhip (FUJI1 1969). The colour pattern can be viewed 1s compromises between the ‘need’ to communicate 4th other members of the species and the ‘need’ to avoid being eaten (MOYLE and CEW 1982). The internal control of colour changes is complex and involves both hormones and nerves where the initiation comes from visual cues. It has been shown rhat carorenoids are intcgrll constituents of chromacophores and xanthophores, and, as such,. are functional in the photo-responses of fish. GOODWIN (1952) suggested this to be the major role of wotcnoids in fish, and lack of suticienr: pigments may have a negative effect on their general performmce. 1 Nr.Yd4Y S. db/4b O.J. Tomsen and R. Cbrimanscn 228 - B I w 5 p 0 N vir A 4 -0IuvirA 3 -200OlUVi~A 2 -4OOONriLA 1 0 Table 1. For-mu and vitamin A lngcclicnrs C~Citl Fi boil (San G&ill Dcxuin 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90 100 110 17~3 130 I&I Cuboxymc .-4JUlOSe a F&g.3. &JW& of Arlanric S&IOII fry fed die= supplemented with different conceonrmtionsof vipmk A m d ur-&n. TU=titemational tits; (a) Fish fed set&purified dlea free of Aaaan&n; (b) Semi-purified diets supplemented wirh 20 ppm Aswrurthio; (c) Semi-purified diers supplementidwi& 4opp As~thin(CHP~~NS~e~~l.1992) Actions of carotcnoids 3) DANGER (1984) did not detect any effect of a~taxanthin supplementation on f-&v of r&bow FLOUT,however, improved egg buoyancy was observed from red sea bream (chvsoph,-p mjor) broodstock fed diers containing jkarorene, canthanadin and as-an&in rhc night before spawning. Hatching was not affected, but the number of oil globules was reduced. C~TLAMEN and ~OIWS.EN (unpublithed dara) .did not find any effect of salmon eggs. vwanch,in content on the hatching SUCCESS of Athic Herercpne*srez fossh showed auophied gonads with damaged germinal cpithclium when fed a carorenoid-free diet (GO~AMI 1988). SINGER et al. (1989) reported an improved liver histology ~JJoreochromis nilortir and Co&a lrrbioJa fed high astaxanthin 1~~1s (71132 g/kg) and IOW level (32 mgikg) in the diet. Pax-&ularly rhe parenchymal and intracellular organization was better developed. III rilapk the glycogen storage was enhanced and &e cell volume s~@~Itly inaalthough the biochemical mtihanism is unknown. Marine pelagic cold water fish spawn large numbers of small eggs without visible caretend depositions, while demersal fish and viviparous fish often have eggs con&fig high ~CVC~S of carotenoids. Pelagic eggs have, in general, a shorr period of development from Amino acids L-Ug L&S L-lyr L-met k:;b ‘The iamin vitamin D,; 1t riboflavin; 1s acid; 40 mg bi mVkg dry ing NaHSeO,;4.c spawning unt satisfies their may be an ad halibur and tu predominant 1 supplies of vit that vitamin A pnmatns). Tb . Requvemenrr for carormoids m fish drprr 229 Fig. 4. Vitamin A content of Aclan- tic salmon fry fed diet.3 supplemcnced with vitamin A ud ascexoncllin T&& 1, ~o~u~ntion of a semipurified test diet for Atlantic salmon. Concentrationr ot astaxanthin 2nd vitamin A mg/g dry diet AU other ingrcdicntr are given as percentage (SHEAMR et J. 1993) 0 Ingedicncs casein Fishoil (Sardine) G&till Dentin Carboxyrymerbylcehlosc a-cellulose 3 Amino acids kz L-lyr L-met 44.8 17.1 10.0 12.0 1.0 4.6 1.0 0.2 1.0 a.4 0.5 1.0 Viwnin mis VitaminA~ As-clun kg/g-J Choline Chloride KC1 NOCI CaHPO, y H,O MgO TraceminsoL2 2.0 ~,600,1200 0,20, 40 1.0 1.5 0.3 12 0.3 1The &min m;r contained the following viwnins per kg of diet: 1.188 g a~corblc acid; 4 mg vica& D,; 100 mg uYtoc?pherol acetate;6 mg ritnmin K,; 15 mg thinti hydrochloride; 30 mg riboflavin; IS mg pyrldome hyhodrloride; 453 mg C&WI D-phantothenar; 150 mg nicorinic acid; 40 mg &oh (2%); 4 m.g fdc acid; 3 mg G.amin B,, (1%); 300 mg inosirol: ‘Supplied a 100 ml/kg dry ingredients cools): 1.9 mg Kk 32.5 mg MnSO. I&O; 88.0 mg Zn!iO. 7H,O; 4.2 mg NaHScO,; 4.0 c&l, 6I-W; Il.8 mg hS0,5H,O spawning until the progeny start exogenous feeding (phyto- and zooplankcon) which satisfies heir urorenoid requirement Tbe lack of visible cuotenoids in transparent eggs may be an adaptation 10 minimize predation pressure. Abnormal skin pigmentation of halibut and arbor is a large problem in first feeding of larvae on rotifers and utcmir The predominant hypothesis is that unpigmenred skin is a deficiency syndrome for insufficient supplies of vknin A and highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA). It has also been sbowr, that vitamin A deficiency &uses a depigmentation of the skin of channel catfish (Zcr&r~s punrtor~). xs deficiency syndrome seems to be reduced by enriching the Jive food with L ,?O.Okt. 2003 15110 Nr-9349 0 I 0.1 Totisen and R Chnr~unren 233 urotenoid conri&g for A&,& salmon fish larvae require S. 38/46 J. Appl. Ichchyol. I Q 1995 B1.&-cU ’ algae. We have shown that vitamin A esters have a limited availability ft-y (CHRISTIANSEN et aI. 1993). and pilot studies indicate char marine carotcnoids 01 preferably astaxanthin. IsSN Diet supplementation l 0175-8659 The applk I[ is sbown h a series of mvesrigations on a wide varict)r of fishes and crayfish chat supplemen&on of cnrotenoids to the diet improyc~ grow&, reduces the mordity race and enbcces +,e general performance of the anid. In addition a large amount of cmpnical dam suggests &,t a sufficient carotenoid supply is essentiai for the well-being of the animal. Asuxanth or ~~rhaxanchin should be regarded as a vitamin for fish and crawfish and &&d COau fish diets at a levd above lomgkg’ dry diet. By C. ( Depammnr of ‘Depanmcnc of. References BARU~,,A.B.; GOSWAMI, U-C.. 1977: Formaoon of Vitamin A 10a freshwater fish. Isolation of rcdnoic ncld. Biochem. J. 164: 133-136. l EE~~cH, A., 1993; Recent adyaoccsin chnical researchlnvohing cuorenoids. 10th Int Symp. Croten&& rrondheim, 20-25 June, 1993,Book of AbsVaN, SL-9. BooN~AIIZ(TP,~J,~, M.; UNPRASERT, N, 1989: Effect of pigments from different source6 on colour chan m and grow& of red Oreocbromi nilonrur. Aquaculo~re 79: 375-380. CHIEN 8! ,H., . J&NC, S.C., 1992: Pi menurion of kurum praan, Pmaru ~“pon~curBate, by wious pi&em sourcea end levels and kecdiog regimes. Aquaculcure 102: 33-346. C~ANSEN, R.; LIS, 0.; TORRISSEN,O.!, 1993: Effect of vtvanthin and vitamin A on growth and sur&d during first feeding of ArJantlc salmon Saimo saiar L. Aquaculture end Fisheries Menogement (in rcrs). FUJII, R., 1969: e bromarophorcs and pigmenrr In: HOW W.S.; RANDALL, D.J. (eds),Fish Physiology, Biochenustry of the Cuoceno&. Chapman and Hall, London. diet and irJ role in re reduction of fresh water f&h. 8* ht. Sp~p. Carounoids, 3 Boston, 27-31 July, 1?88,.Absuacts of F resentzdons 32. Cosv.+& U.C., 1993: Meubohsm of carorcnolds in freshwar.erfish: (i) Biogencris of 3-4 dehydrorerinol (ii) rupplemencation of carotenords Mrh fish food for better eur~l~ol and growth. 10” Ins. Symp. Cuorcnoids, Trondhelm, 20-25 June 1993, Book of Abstracts, CL 10-7. GoswAMI, U. C.; BHATTACHAXJEE, S., 1982: Bios n&sir of 3-dehydroretinol: metabolism of lutein (fi-carotene-3,~’ Dial) in Clrt;s barrachesand Ompokpabo. Biochem. Inc. 5: 545-552. Gross, J,; p. BuDOVWJ, 1966: Cosw~sion of cvoccnoids UIIO Viramin A, and A, in rwo species of fr&watm f;& Biochem. J. 101: 747-754. KAI~IJYAMA, M.; T. J~~ATsUNO, 1988: Carotenoid and vitamin A, and metabolism of cerorcooids, betacsrotenc can&uanthin, ascaxanmrhin,zcasanthin. hem and mnaxanrhin in rilapia T&pi0 nilorica. Camp. Biochem. Physiol. 90Bz 131-139. KOTENG, D.F., 1992: Markedsundcrsekclse norsk k&s. FNL, Bs en. R, 1982 Fishes; or Lnvoduction to Ich ti yology, pp. 162-168.Prcncice-Hal1 Mo&f: ~f~~~r!kds, New Jersey. N$GRE-SADARGUES, G.; CxnUO,, R.; PE’ITI, H.; SAXE, 5.; GOMYly R; MILICU$ J.C.; CHOUBERT, G.; TRIUES, J.P., 1993: Udl~s~on of aynrheoc carorenoids by she pawn &ZUeJ#J japonirvs under cx crime& rearing condid~~~ lO* Int Symp. Carotcnoids, Trondheim 20-25 June 1993, Book o P Abstracts, CL 10-3. OLSON, J. A., 1993: Absorption, tw~spor~ and metabolism of carorcnoids in humans. 10th Inr. Symp. 20-25 June 1993, Book of Abstncrs, SL 3. SC~EDT K. L~uENBERGEX, F.J: VECCHI, M.; GLI E , 1985: Absorption retention and mcrebohc ~KUXG&OUS of caroCenoLcLin rsinbo~ trout !3rn. on and ducken. Pure and Applied Chemistry Carotenoids, Trondhdq 57: 685-692. The measurement I enabled the develo of individually nun to sranderd nut&c experiment Analy: consumption-grow differences in apt establish coosump consumption rates factors, such cs rbs end protein curnow between fish in rhc compare rbe growr The mcasurcmer. graphic method ( several aspects 0 and JOBLING 199 (e.g. CARTER et used to m-we growth perform: odology, accurac (MCCARTXY er a individual CON,, compare the grc chareccerinics. A nutrition trials w laboratory. . of rainbow trout. Agumhre -effect 100: 209429. of carorenowzls in eggs and star&e&g dies nutitional st importance chat calculate consun diets. For examp may result in vari In U. S. Copyright Cl