
Teacher Module User Guide  

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Teacher Module User Guide  
 Teacher Module
User Guide
Britannica SmartMath Copyright 2010 Page 1 of 14 www.smartmath.eb.com Table of Contents Getting Started………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. 3 Class Status…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………. 4 Preview Practice and Tests………………..………………………………………………………………………… 4 Assign Practice and Tests…………………………………….………………………………………………………. 5 View Class Results………………………………………….……..……………………………………………………. 6 Reports…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Practice Results……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Test Results………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Students………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Custom…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 Manage Practice.......................................................................................................................... 12 Setup............................................................................................................................... 12 Manage Test................................................................................................................................ 13 Create a new test.......................................................................................................... 13 Assign a test……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 Page 2 of 14 www.smartmath.eb.com Getting Started Welcome to Britannica SmartMath! This user guide will assist you in managing your class tests and practice, and monitoring student and class progress. Britannica SmartMath’s Teacher module allows teachers to manage the following functions in Britannica SmartMath: •
Class Status – Assign new practice or tests and monitor the progress of the class Reports – In‐depth statistical reports on student performance. Manage Practice – Review and assign practice to students Manage Tests – Create and assign summative assessments Teacher Central ‐ Request support, find guides, attend training Start at www.smartmath.eb.com Enter your teacher username and password Page 3 of 14 www.smartmath.eb.com Class Status Class Status allows the teacher to monitor all aspects of the class in one place. From here, you can view the sequence of topics, assign the next practice or test, review the content of a practice or test, view class progress, and review the results of an ddfdsf assignment. Everything you need to manage your class can be found here. Click ‘Class Status’ to begin. Preview Practice and Tests
Step 1: Choose class from drop‐down menu to view the recommended sequence or practice and tests for that class Step 2: Click practice or test icon to preview Step 3: View descriptions, correlated state standards and text book chapters, and recommended pre and post tests. Page 4 of 14 1 2
www.smartmath.eb.com Assign Practice and Tests Step 1: Click ‘Assign Now’ next to the desired practice or test 1
Step 2: Select the passing criteria for this topic by choosing the number correct out of 30 from the drop down menu. Step 3: Add the pre‐test or post‐test for this topic if desired Step 4: Click the ‘Save’ button. 2 3 4 Quick
*For more advanced options, use Manage Practice tab Page 5 of 14 www.smartmath.eb.com View Class Results Step 1: Click ‘View Report’ next to the desired practice or test 1 Step 2: Review results for practice or test Step 3: Print results if desired 2
Page 6 of 14 *For more detailed results, use Reports tab www.smartmath.eb.com Reports Reports allows the teacher to view in‐depth reporting on practice and tests from class and individual student data. You can also generate custom reports on State Standards covered, student usage, and student improvement. Click ‘Reports’ to begin. Practice Results View Practice data for all students
Step 1: Click ‘Practice Results’ tab Step 2: Choose topic and class from drop down menu and then click ‘Go’. Step 3: Click Detail to view individual student’s results Page 7 of 14 1
www.smartmath.eb.com Step 4: Click question to see correct answer and student’s answer. 4 Step 5: Click on number in performance column to view this student’s progression through the specific topic practice. 5 Quick
*To view individual student activity for multiple topics and tests, click student name Page 8 of 14 www.smartmath.eb.com Test Results View the test data for all students Step 1: Click ‘Test Results’ tab 1
Step 2: Choose test and class from drop down menu and then click ‘go’. Step 3: Click on number in ‘Class Accuracy’ column to see class data for each question 3
5 Reset Test Step 4: Click on any question to view each question, possible answers and spread of student responses including %. 4
Step 5: Click number in “Student Accuracy” column to see individual student data for each question. Page 9 of 14 www.smartmath.eb.com Students View practice and test data for a specific student Step 1: Click ‘Students’ tab 1
Step 2: Select class and student from the drop down boxes Step 3: Select Topics or Test and click ‘Go’ Step 4: Click Detail under practice or Challenge columns to view this student’s answer. Step 5: Click on number in performance column to view this student’s progression through specific topic practice. Page 10 of 14 3 2
www.smartmath.eb.com Custom Create custom reports based on specified time frames Step 1: Click ‘Custom’ tab Step 2: Select Class Step 3: De‐select checked ‘All Students’ box to select specific students (keep box selected for whole class data) Step 4: Select Report and specific topic or test Step 5: Select Start and end date Step 6: Click ‘Generate Report’ Step 7: Click the green file icon to export the report Step 8: Choose the export format and click ‘ok’ Page 11 of 14 1
5 6
www.smartmath.eb.com Manage Practice Manage Practice allows teachers to review the content of a practice, assign or un‐assign practice to specific students, set due dates, change the passing criteria for each challenge, and assign the related pre‐ and post‐ tests. Click ‘Manage Practice’ to begin. Setup Step 1: Choose Practice Topic Step 2: Select grade levels, classes, and students, then click ‘Go’. Step 3: Click icon in Assigned column to assign practice topic to entire class or individual student Step 4: Click icon in Passing Criteria column to assign criteria for passing a challenge for entire class or individual student Step 5: Click icon in Date Range column to assign a date range for entire class or individual student Quick
Page 12 of 14 View state standards
Preview pre –and post‐tests 3
*Click pre‐ and post‐ test option tab to assign correlated tests www.smartmath.eb.com Manage Tests Manage Tests allows the teacher to create custom tests, view and edit existing pre‐ and post‐tests for each practice topic, assign the tests to individuals or the whole class. Click ‘Manage Tests’ to begin. Create tests based on your state standards or SmartMath Create a new test practice topics Step 1: Click ‘Create a new test’ link Step 2: Enter a test name and description Step 3: Choose ‘Topic’ or ‘Standard’ Step 4: Then choose the grade level and a specific topic or standard from the drop‐down menu. Step 5: Browse each math question and choose the question(s) by clicking on the check box next to the selected question(s) Step 6: Click ‘Save’ Page 13 of 14 1
2 3
www.smartmath.eb.com Assign a test Assign tests you have created and pre made pre‐ and post tests for all 91 SmartMath practice topics Step 1: Choose test from drop‐
down menu Step 2: Choose grade level, class, and student Step 3: Click icon in Assigned column to assign test to entire class or individual student Step 4: Click icon in Timer column to assign a time limit to entire class or individual student Step 5: Click icon in Date Range column to assign a date range for entire class or individual student 1
Choose when results are available
Page 14 of 14 Choose to display results for students www.smartmath.eb.com 
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