*&@-%. !5 k+ % s@ ‘I+ c DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & FHJMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Food and Drug Administration c DOCKETS Date: Memorandum TRANSMITTAL MEMO Ga 2 From: Division of Dietary Supplement Programs, Of&e of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements,HFS-8 10 Subject: 75Day Premarket Notification of New Dietary Ingredients To: Dockets Management Branch, HFA-305 Subject of the Notification: Trifolium pretenseL. Firm: Hounghwa Global, Inc. Date Received by FDA: 12/2/02; Amended l/21/03 90-Day Date: 412l/O3 In accordancewith the requirements of section 413(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the attached 75day premarket notification and related correspondencefor the aforementioned substanceshould be placed on public display in docket number 95S-0316 as soon possible since it is past the go-day date. Thank you for your assistance. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Food and Drug Administration College Park, MD 20740 APfl - 2 2003 Mr. Zhijian Zhang President Hounghwa Global, Inc. 705 Canterbury Road San Marina, California 91108 Dear Mr. Zhang: This is in responseto your letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dated November 20,2002, making a submission for a new dietary ingredient pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 35Ob(a)(2) (section 413 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act)) and 21 CFR 190.6). On January 21,2003, you submitted additional information to FDA. Your notification notified FDA of your intent to market Golden Phoenix,’a product containing an extract fi-om Trz$Xum prutense L., a substancethat you assertis a new dietary ingredient. The notification contains conflicting information concerning the conditions of use. On August 20,2002, you indicated that Trzjbliumpratense L. extract in a capsule would “be suggestedto be taken three times day, 2 capsulesin the morning, 2 capsulesin the afternoon, and 4 capsules at bedtime.” On November 20,2002, this information was not amended. On January 21,2003, a statementwas provided which indicated that the “new dietary ingredient Trzjblium pratense L.” contains 1 ug/capsule of ethyl-phenol, and recommended “one capsule each for morning and noontime and two capsulesbefore sleep” or “two capsuleseach morning and noontime before meals and 4 capsulesbefore sleep.” Under 21 U.S.C. 35Ob(a)(2),the manufacturer or distributor of a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient that has not been present in the food supply as an article used for food in a form in which the food has not been chemically altered must submit to FDA, at least 75 days before the dietary ingredient is introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, information that is the basis on which the manufacturer or distributor has concluded that a dietary supplement containing such new dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe. FDA reviews this information to determine whether it provides an adequatebasis for such a conclusion. Under section 35Ob(a)(2),there must be a history of use or other evidence of safety establishing that the new dietary ingredient, when used under the conditions recommended or suggested in the labeling of the dietary supplement, will reasonably be expected to be safe. If this requirement is not met, the dietary supplement is deemed to be adulterated under 21 U.S.C. 342(f)(l)(B) because there is inadequate information to provide reasonable assurancethat the new dietary ingredient does not present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury. Page 2 - Mr. Zhijian Zhang FDA has carefully consideredthe information in your submission. In the human study and the other information submitted, it was unclear as to whether the test substances used in the studies are the same as that of the ingredient in your notification. Moreover, your submission provides no information that the test substancesused in the referenced studies are qualitatively or quantitatively similar to your ingredient or how these studies are relevant to evaluating the safe use of your ingredient under the recommended conditions of use. In addition, the one page of clinical information provided does not contain adequate information on the test article, any information describing elementsof the clinical study design, or any specific clinical data. Therefore, no safety conclusions can be drawn from the information presented. You also provided a one paragraph statement describing a Golden Phoenix product sold overseas,and a marketing statement of satisfaction. This does not provide an adequatebasis for the history of use or other evidence of safety. Therefore, your product may be adulterated under 21 U.S.C. 342(f)(l)(B) as a dietary supplementthat contains a new dietary ingredient for which there is inadequate information to provide reasonableassurancethat such ingredient does not present a significant or unreasonablerisk of illness or injury. Introduction of such a product into interstate commerce is prohibited under 21 U.S.C. 331(a) and (v). We have enclosed a copy of section 21 CFR 190.6 for your future reference. You also may wish to review FDA’s Web site at httn:// for additional details on new dietary ingredient notification requirements. Your submission will be kept confidential for 90 days from the date of receipt, and after April 2 1,2003, your submission will be placed on public display at Dockets Management Branch (Docket No. 953-03 16). Commercial and confidential information in the notification will not be made available to the public. Pleasecontact Victoria Lutwak at (301) 436-1775 if you have questions concerning this matter. Sincerely yours, -L--L Suss Walker, M.D. Acting Director Division of Dietary Supplement Programs Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Enclosure WAIS Document Retrieval Page 1 of 2 [Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 21, Volume 31 [Revised as of April 1, 20011 From the U.S. Government Printing [CITE: ZlcE'R190.61 Office via GPO Access [Page 569-5701 TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS CHAPTER I--FOOD PART 190--DIETARY AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) SUPPLEMENTS--Table Subpart Sec. 190.6 B--New Requirement for Dietary premarket of Contents Ingredient Notification notification. (a) At least 75 days before introducing or delivering for introduction into interstate commerce a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient that has not been present in the food supply as an article used for food in a form in which the food has not been chemically altered, the manufacturer or distributor of that supplement, or of the new dietary ingredient, shall submit to the Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements (HFS-820), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch Parkway, College Park, MD 20740, information including any citation to published articles that is the basis on which the manufacturer or distributor has concluded that a dietary supplement containing such dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe. An original and two copies of this notification shall be submitted. (b) The notification required by paragraph (a) of this section shall include: (1) The name and complete address of the manufacturer or distributor of the dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient, or of the new dietary ingredient; (2) The name of the new dietary ingredient that is the subject of including the Latin binomial name (including the premarket notification, the author) of any herb or other botanical; (3) A description of the dietary supplement or dietary supplements that contain the new dietary ingredient including: (i) The level of the new dietary ingredient in the dietary supplement; and (ii) The conditions of use recommended or suggested in the labeling or if no conditions of use are recommended or of the dietary supplement, suggested in the labeling of the dietary supplement, the ordinary conditions of use of the supplement; (4) The history of use or other evidence of safety establishing that when used under the conditions recommended or the dietary ingredient, suggested in the labeling of the dietary supplement, will reasonably be any citation to published articles or expected to be safe, including other evidence that is the basis on which the distributor or manufacturer of the dietary supplement that contains the new dietary ingredient has concluded that the new dietary supplement will reasonably be expected to be safe. Any reference to published information offered in support of the notification shall be [[Page 57011 L W A IS Document Retrieval Page 2 of 2 accompanied by reprints or photostatic copies of such references. If any part of the material submitted is in a foreign language, it shall be accompanied by an accurate and complete English translation; and (5) The signature of the person designated by the manufacturer or distributor of the dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient. (c) FDA will acknowledge its receipt of a notification m a d e under section 413 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) and will notify the submitter of the date of receipt of such a notification. The date that the agency receives the notification submitted under paragraph (a) of this section is the filing date for the notification. For 75 days after the filing date, the manufacturer or distributor of a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient shall not or deliver for introduction, into interstate commerce the introduce, dietary supplement that contains the new dietary ingredient. (d) If the manufacturer or distributor of a dietary supplement that or of the new dietary ingredient, contains a new dietary ingredient, provides additional information in support of the new dietary ingredient the agency will review all submissions pertaining to that notification, including responses m a d e to inquiries from the agency, to notification, determine whether they are substantive and whether they require that the If the agency determines that the new submission 75-day period be reset. assign a new filing date. FDA will is a substantive amendment, FDA will acknowledge receipt of the additional information and, when applicable, notify the manufacturer of the new filing date, which is the date of receipt by FDA of the information that constitutes the substantive amendment. (e) FDA will not disclose the existence of, or the information ingredient notification for 90 days after contained in, the new dietary the filing date of the notification. After the 90th day, all information in the notification will be placed on public display, except for any information that is trade secret or otherwise confidential commercial information. (f) Failure of the agency to respond to a notification does not constitute a finding by the agency that the new dietary ingredient or the dietary supplement that contains the new dietary ingredient is safe or is not adulterated under section 402 of the act. 162 FR 49891, Sept. 23, 1997, as amended at 66 FR 17359, Mar. 30, 20011 Hounghwa Global, Inc. 705 Canterbury Road San Marino, CA 91108 November 20,2002 Felicia Satchel1 Director Division of Standards and Labeling Regulations Office ofNutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Docket No. 95S-03 16 RF2 Dear MS Satchel& This is in responseto your letter dated Nov 6,2002. We would like to clarify the following item: 1. 2. Trifolium pretense L. has been used in the world for the last few hundred years. Pleasesee the attached for the scientific reference. All of these referencescan prove that the product is safe. Attached is a copy of “Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary” edited by Jiangsu Academy of New Medical Sciencesand published by Shanghai Science and Technology Press in 1975. This shows that TrifoEiumpretense L is collected as poisonless. My contact information is as follows: Tel: 6267962988 Fax:626 395 93 19 e-mail: [email protected] Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions or concerns,please feel ffee to contact me. Sincerely, Zhijian Zhang Attachments 1. He Xiao-guo, Lin Lang-ze, Analysis of flavonoids from red clover by liquid chromatography-electrospraymass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatogr A, 1996,755 127-132 2. David R. Biggs and Geofiey A. Lane, Identification of Isoflavones Caiycosin and Pseudobaptigenin in Trifolium Pratense,Phytochemktry, 1978.17: 1683 - 1684 3. Ingram D. Sander IS. Kolybaba, M. and Lopez, D. Case control study of phytooestogensand breast cancer. Lancet, 1997,350: 990-994. 4. Trifolium PratenseL. Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary Volume 1: page 1012 - 1013 Hounghwa Global, Inc. 705 Canterbury Road San Marino, CA 91108 January 2 1,2003 Catalina Hockersmith Food & Drug Administration Center For Food Safety & Applied Nutrition Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling & Dietary Supplements 5100 Paint Branch Parkway College Park, MD 20740 Re: Docket No. 958-03 16 Dear Ms Hockersmith This is in responseto your fax dated January 8,2003. Attached please find the document you needed. Pleasefeel free to contact me at 626 796 2988 if you have any questions. Thank you for your concern, Sincerely, Zhijian Zhang President GuANG,ZMRJ #iAl LIAIWOMPANY UNiT C,D, 12/F., TAI FU CENTRE, TAI HONG PLAZA, 111 TAI KANG ROAD, GUANGZHOU, CHINA TEL: 83367?52,83367229 FAX: 83334626 POSTCODE: 510115 Nutritional Products, labeling and Dietary sup,plements (HFS-8201, Center for Food Saf.ety Andy applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration 5100 Paint branch Parkway, College Park, MD20740. Premarket Notification Dear Sir, Please kind,ly refer to the following information regarding your requirement for premarket notification: The name and comp'lete address of the distributor of the 1. dietary supplement that contains a Ned .dietary ingredient, or of th‘e new dietary ingredient is'GU=G THOU I&I LIAN COMPANY. 2. 3. a. b. 4. _ The name of the new dietary ingredient is Trifolium pretense L, which is Leguminssae belonging to Trifolim L. A description of the dietary supplement or dietary supplements that contain the new dietary ingredient including: The level of ethyl-phenol in the dietary supplement is 1 ug/capsule. The ordinary conditions of use of the supplement recommended: one' capsules each for 'morning and noontime before meals and 2 capsules before sleep. People has symthoms of menopause are recommended: 2 capsules each for morning and noontime before meals and 4 capsules before sleep. Please kindly refer to the attachment for the history of use and the evidence of safety establishing that the dietary ingredient, when used under the conditions recommended or suggested in the labeling of the dietary will reasonably be expected to be safe. supplement, QlE!J'N%L@E 111 38 Z$WJ%FBBS~IU 12IC.W g;z : 83367252,83367229 *wa GUANG ZHOU HAI LIAN COMPANY : 83334526 ROAD, GUANGZHOU. CHINA TEL: 83367252, 63367229 FAX: 83334526 POSTCODE: 510115 labeling and Dietary supplements Nutritional Products, Center for Food Safety and applied Nutrition, Food and Administration 5100 Paint branch Parkway, College Park, MD20740. (HFS-820), Drug Premarket Notification Dear Sir, Please kindly refer to the following information regarding your requirement for premarket notification: 1. The name and complete address of the distributor of the dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient, or of the new dietary ingredient is GUANG ZHOU HA1 LIAN COMPANY. 2. 3. a. b. 4. The name of the new dietary ingredient is Trifolium belonging to Trifolim L. pretense L, which is Leguminosae A description of the dietary supplement or dietary supplements that contain the new dietary ingredient including: The level of ethyl-phenol in the dietary supplement is 1 ug/capsule. The ordinary conditions of use of the supplement one capsules each for morning and noontime recommended: People has before meals and 2 capsules before sleep. 2 capsules each symthoms of menopause are recommended: for morning and noontime before meals and 4 capsules before sleep. Please kindly refer to the attachment for the history of use and the evidence of safety establishing that the when used under the conditions dietary ingredient, recommended or suggested in the labeling of the dietary will reasonably be expected to be safe. supplement, UNJT C. D, 12/F., TAI FU CENTRE, TAI HONG PLAZA, 111 TAI KANG ROAD,GUANGZHOU,CHtNA JANG ZHOU GUANG ZHOU HAI HAI LIAN LIAN COIWPANY CCBfWPANY Nutritional Products, Center ~for Food Safety Administration 5100 Paint branch History,of labeling and Dietary supplements (HFS-820), and" applied Nutrition/Food and Drug Parkway, use TEL: 83367252, 83367229 FAX: 83334526 POSTCODE: 510115 and College Park, evidence of MD20740. safety and satisfact.ion We have sold more than '50,000 cases of Co,lden Ph0en.i.x Brand dietary supplements in the past five years. Every case of this product can provide the long-term usages of 10 people. According to a market poll conducted with 1,300 users, the satis,faction level to its anti-aging effects for females has reached 98.5%. So far no side effect has been detected. We therefore have full confidence to continue the sales of Golden Phoenix Brand product to further develope the market. QOWbNW%BB 12KG DrE: ;ft;8 : 83367252,83367229 s fibI %f f@ G a GUANG ZHBU HAI LIAN COMPANY ~i&FG$ : 83334526 fi!mIdE UNIT C. D. 12/F., TAI FU CENTRE, TAI HONG PLAZA, 111 TAI KANG ROAD GUANGZHOU CHINA TEL: 8’3367252. 6336;229 FAX. 83334526 POSTCODE: 510115 111 % ~@~$iwl%~Ce~B : 510115 Nutritional Products, labeling and Dietary Center for Food Safety and applied Nutrition, Administration 5100 Paint branch History Parkway, of use and College Park, evidence of supplements (HFS-820), Food and Drug MD20740. safety and satisfaction We have sold more than 50,000 cases of Golden Phoenix Brand dietary supplements in the past five years. Every case of this product can provide the long-term usages of 10 people. According to a market poll conducted with 1,300 users, the satisfaction level to its anti-aging effects for females has reached 98.5%. So far no side effect has been detected. We therefore have full confidence to continue the sales of Golden Phoenix Brand product to further develope the market. 705 Canterbury Road San Marino, CA 91108 November 20,2002 Felicia Satchel1 Director Division of Standards and Labeling Regulations Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition REl: Docket No. 95S-0316 Dear MS Satchell, This is in responseto your letter dated Nov 62002. We would like to clarify the following item: 1. 2. Trifolium pretenseL. has been used in the world for the last few hundred years. Pleaseseethe attached for the scientific reference. All of these referencescan prove that the product is safe. Attached is a copy of “Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary” edited by Jiangsu Academy of New Medical Sciencesand published by Shanghai Scienceand Technology Pressin 1975. This shows that Trifoliumpretense L is collected as poisonless. My contact information is as follows: Tel: 626 796 2988 Fax:626 395 93 19 e-mail: [email protected] Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions or concerns,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Zhijian Zhang This document contains copyrighted material. The documents may be viewed to: Dockets Management Branch Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20852