
Quickly design, develop, analyze, test, profile and deploy Web, Web... Java, J2EE and Portal applications with a comprehensive Eclipse-based IDE

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Quickly design, develop, analyze, test, profile and deploy Web, Web... Java, J2EE and Portal applications with a comprehensive Eclipse-based IDE
Quickly design, develop, analyze, test, profile and deploy Web, Web services,
Java, J2EE and Portal applications with a comprehensive Eclipse-based IDE
IBM Rational Application Developer
for WebSphere Software Version 6.0
Deliver high-quality applications quickly
■ Accelerate portal, SOA and J2EE
An on demand business environment
■ Collaborate and share assets
development using RAD tools
across the team using built-in
and wizards
Rational ClearCase LT
■ Leverage existing skills and
shorten the Java learning curve
version control
■ Improve code quality with
requires developers to respond to rapidly changing requirements. To meet
these demands, you need a development environment that increases
productivity, minimizes your learning
curve and shortens the development
with drag-and-drop UI
automated tools for applying
and test cycle so you can deploy high-
components and point-and-click
coding standard reviews,
quality applications quickly.
database connectivity
component testing of Java, EJB,
■ Improve code-level design and
share designs with distributed
teams using UML visual
editing tools
■ Integrate your business
applications with WS-I compliant
Web services and serviceoriented architectures
Web services and multi-tier
Award-winning IBM ® Rational®
runtime analysis
Application Developer for
■ Quickly build powerful and
WebSphere® Software is a comprehen-
interactive data reports for the
sive integrated development
Web using built-in Crystal
environment, with full support for the
Reports tools
J2EE programming model including
■ Adapt and extend your
development environment with
Eclipse-based plug-ins to match
your needs
Web, Java, Web services and EJB
development, that accelerates application development. With integrated
Portal development, UML visual editing, code analysis, and automated test
and deployment tools, Application
Developer includes everything developers need to be productive and to
help ensure their code is well designed,
scaleable and ready for production.
Built-in version control and team tools
enable developers working on complex
projects or within large teams to coordinate versioning and to protect
team assets.
Figure 1. The UML Visual Editor for Java and EJB provides graphical editors as an alternative way
to visualize and modify existing code and to better understand and manage complex code using
standard UML diagrams.
IBM Rational Application Developer
for WebSphere Sofware is optimized
for WebSphere software and provides
capabilities for development on other
technology platforms. Rational software
helps organizations become more responsive,
resilient, and focused by improving their
software development capability.
Comprehensive support for the full J2EE
Integrate applications using Web services
Simplify XML development
programming model
and service-oriented architectures
The comprehensive XML functions
Provides concurrent support for J2EE,
Application Developer provides the
within Application Developer help
Version 1.2 , 1.3 and 1.4 projects,
tools you need to discover, create,
developers create, edit and transform
including full support for: Enterprise
build, test, deploy and publish Web
XML documents.
JavaBeans™, message-driven beans,
services. Build new Web services from
EJB Query Language (EJB QL),
scratch or enable existing applications
Container-Managed Persistence
for WS-I compliant Web services to
(CMP), Web archive (WAR) and enter-
ease integration and reuse.
• Visual tools for creating and
viewing XML files and for automatic
validation against document type
prise archive (EAR) deployment.
definitions (DTD)
Includes unit test environments for mul-
- Visual tools for mapping
Automatically generate from your
XML elements to relational
Application Server to support projects
existing assets the WSDL and
database tables
with different unit test environments.
WSIL files needed to describe your
tiple configurations of IBM WebSphere
- Tight IBM DB2 integration for
Web services and prepare them for
composing XML documents from
Extend Java technology-based
inspection, or design a WSDL file and
existing DB2 data or for
programming capabilities
generate the Java code
deconstructing XML documents
Application Developer includes robust
Easily create, validate and detect
into DB2 data
tools for building Java applications
WS-I compliant, interoperable Web
• Time-saving tools for building and
and supports Java Development Kit
services using the WSDL editor and
debugging Extensible Stylesheet
Version 1.4.2. The Visual Editor for
Web services explorer
Language (XSL) transformation
Java enables you to create Java GUIs
with drag and drop ease using either
AbstractWindow Toolkit (AWT), SWT or
Swing components and allows you to
• Encode input and output messages
with SOAP
scripts and for transforming XML
• Create a Java proxy to interface with
client applications
such as HTML
documents to other markup formats
GUI design changes immediately with
• Generate Web services test clients
without coding
Build database-driven applications
dynamic updates between the source
• Deploy to the UDDI, Version 2 registry
Application Developer provides
visually bind data to UI widgets and see
code and the visual design.
integrated tools to create database-
The Unified Modeling Language (UML)
driven applications from queries,
Visual Editor provides graphical editors
beans and EJBs.
as an alternative way to visualize and
edit Java code and data tables using
The database connection wizard
standard UML diagrams, and helps
makes it easy to establish a Java
you better understand and manage
Database Connectivity (JDBC™) con-
complex code.
nection to a database—like IBM DB2
Universal Database™, IBM Informix®,
Oracle or Microsoft® SQL Server®.
The SQL query wizard and SQL query
Visually map and construct
• Rapidly develop visual data reports
using built-in Crystal Reports tools.
builder provide a visual interface for
Web applications using
creating and executing SQL state-
Model-View-Controller design
Design and deploy custom reports
ments. You can create a simple query
and Struts 1.1
or use predefined report templates.
using the SQL query wizard, or you can
use the SQL query builder that sup-
• Quickly build rich Web user interfaces
and Web forms with reusable,
A JSF Report viewing component
lets you incorporate reports into
ports a wider range of statements. A
drag-and-drop JavaServer Faces
Web applications and render them
built-in SQL-to-XML wizard helps you
components that generate code for
dynamically on the Web.
create XML and XSL documents, DTD
event handling, user input validation
specifications, Extensible Stylesheet
and data binding for Web applications
Definition (XSD) schemas, HTML files,
and related artifacts.
• Connect your Web applications to
relational databases, EJB components
and Web services using simple point-
• Easily build rich-function Web pages in
a visual or source editing mode using
the advanced-function HTML
and JSP editor
SQL for Java (SQLJ) support enables
and-click tools that support Service
• Rapidly import an entire Web site,
change styles and apply them globally,
you to rapidly create and debug appli-
Data Objects, an emerging industry
and visually add or delete pages from
cations using SQLJ and DB2 SQLJ
standard for accessing
a tree-structure view using the
stored procedures and improves data
heterogeneous data
Web Site Designer
access performance for static
SQL connections.
• Build interactive Web user interfaces
with the performance and maintenance
• Create and animate original art with
drag-and-drop ease using WebArt
characteristics of thin clients using
Designer and Animated GIF
Simplify object-to-relational mapping
Faces client components that extend
Designer components.1
Object-to-relational mapping is easy
the JSF specification
with top-down, meet-in-the-middle and
bottom-up support. You can create and
test EJB components simply with
wizards. You can build applications that
target, extract and display the data you
want to present, formatted to your
customized design. Rational
Application Developer supports manyto-many mappings to help you
generate multiple persistence
Simplify Web development and
Web site management
Easy-to-use wizards and tools bring
virtually all aspects of Web development (HTML, JSP, JSF and servlets)
into a common interface and enable
developers with diverse technical
backgrounds, and even those
Figure 2. The Web services creation wizard makes it easy to generate new Web services from existing
assets, such as JavaBeans and EJB components. IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere
Software automatically generates the WSDL files describing the Web service, a SOAP deployment
descriptor and a test client that can be used to test the Web service.
unfamiliar with Java, to build rich,
data-driven applications.
Code in a 4GL and generate to Java
using the Web Diagram Editor and the
Second, unit testing of Java compo-
Enterprise Generation Language (EGL)
Struts framework to make applications
nents and Web services automates the
is a fourth generation language that
easier to maintain. In addition, you can
creation of test stubs, harnesses and
enables procedural developers to rap-
combine portlets with Java Server
input data based on code or WSDL file
idly develop and debug data-driven
Faces to develop your portlets visually,
analysis. Test creation and execution is
Web applications and business logic
using the Faces components. Using
prioritized based on various supplied
using familiar programming constructs
the Portal Designer, you can visually
complexity metrics; dynamically gener-
and without coding in Java. EGL incor-
create and edit portal applications, and
ated input and output data can be
porates constructs and functionality
visually edit the themes and skins that
modified in a flexible data editor that
from Informix 4GL to make Application
control their appearance.
supports complex object creation and
Developer a perfect development envi-
custom code insertion. Both local and
ronment for Informix developers.
Automate application assembly
EGL is tightly integrated with
With earlier generations of tools, devel-
JavaServer Faces so you can build
opers had to manually assemble Java
Accelerate Debugging
highly interactive, data driven Web
archive (JAR) and WAR files into an
To help you speed up the debugging
applications using JSF components.
EAR file for deployment. Application
process, Application Developer offers
Developer automates EAR assembly
many runtime analysis tools for J2EE
Visually develop portlets and
and generates deployment descriptors
applications running on both local and
portal applications
for new applications to save you time.
remote machines. Execution flow visu-
Application Developer includes a set of
remote test execution is supported.
alization is presented in an interactive
visual portal development tools and a
Improve Code Quality
UML-based sequence diagram that is
WebSphere Portal unit test environ-
The earlier defects are captured, the
correlated with thread information to
ment so you can build and test
simpler they are to correct, so
detect and diagnose deadlock and
individual portlets and entire portal
Application Developer includes tools to
race conditions. Graphical perfor-
applications. New portlets are created
help developers improve code quality.
mance analysis call graphs expose
using wizards which generate a portlet
First, an automated code review feature
bottlenecks at the method level and
project structure that conforms to J2EE,
applies over 200 J2EE coding stan-
color-coded code coverage reports
and also creates a complete portlet for
dards and best practices to application
capture and display unexecuted code
you. The wizards can create portlets
code, flagging violations and suggest-
paths at the line level. An advanced
that comply with the IBM Portlet API,
ing repairs - including rapid, one-click
memory leak detection utility uses tech-
and those that comply with JSR 168,
Quick Fixes. Existing rule categories
nology from IBM Research to narrow
the industry standard specification for
include J2SE/J2EE best practices, glo-
tens of thousands of leak candidates to
portlet aggregation, personalization,
balization and accessibility; new rules
just a few leak candidate regions. And
presentation, and security. You can lay-
can be created with an interactive
custom analysis probes can be
out the interface for portlets using Page
Rules Editor.
inserted into running code, enabling
Designer and JavaServer Faces, and
the execution of user-defined code
visualize the structure and event flows
upon the entry, exit and try/catch
execution of specified classes
and methods.
Streamline unit and system testing
Integrated unit test environments support testing and debugging local and
server-side code on IBM WebSphere
Application Server, WebSphere
Application Server—Express,
WebSphere Portal and Apache
Tomcat. You can create and configure
server instances using wizards, step
through applications and set breakpoints and even modify code while
debugging without restarting the unit
test server. Create, test and deploy
J2EE applications to BEA WebLogic
Server, Version 6.1, 7.0 and 8.1 using
the IBM Rational Deployment Toolkit for
WebLogic Server.
Figure 3. IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software includes J2EE tools to help
create and customize session and entity EJB components.
Improve team productivity with effective
change management
Visualize and graphically edit code
For creating new code, Application
Application Developer is tightly inte-
The Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Developer enables you to add UML
Visual Editor enables you to graphically
class diagrams directly into a Java or
grated with IBM Rational® ClearCase®
and IBM Rational ClearQuest® soft-
visualize and edit J2EE code and
EJB project, automatically generate
ware configuration management
data objects using industry-standard
corresponding code and edit that code
solutions. This deep integration
UML notation helps developers, even
either directly from UML class dia-
enables a wide range of change man-
those unfamiliar with UML better under-
grams or from the Java or EJB project.
agement operations to be performed
stand and manage complex code. The
directly from within Application
UML Visual Editor also provides power-
The class diagram editor can be used
Developer, and allows an integrated
ful graphical editors so you can add
to visualize data objects, create new
view of projects that helps to increase
UML class diagrams directly into a Java
beans, create and edit relationships
both collaboration and team productiv-
or EJB project that automatically gener-
between beans or explore and dis-
ity. Application Developer includes IBM
ate the corresponding code. You can
cover existing relationships involving
Rational ClearCase LT for reliable,
subsequently edit that code directly or
beans, classes and interfaces. The dia-
entry-level version control and out-of-
from within the UML class diagrams.
grams can help you identify and
the-box team support and supports
And since the visualization is derived
highlight relationships within code and
Concurrent Versions System and
dynamically, it is always synchronized
data objects that are not easily gleaned
third-party software configuration
with the underlying code and you can
using the other editors and help you
management systems through
re-factor code by moving objects in the
communicate with software architects
vendor plug-ins.
class diagram.
and other members of the
development team.
The Rational Advantage
About Rational software
Application Developer is built on the
Rational® software from IBM helps
Eclipse is an award-winning, open
Eclipse open source platform so you
organizations automate and integrate
source platform for the construction of
can adapt and extend your develop-
the core business process of software
powerful software development tools
ment environment with Eclipse plug-ins
development. Rational products,
and rich desktop applications.
from IBM, IBM Business Partners and
services and best practices power
Leveraging the Eclipse plug-in frame-
the Eclipse community to match your
the IBM Software Development
work to integrate technology on the
specific needs. And when Rational
Platform, the premier platform for
desktop saves technology providers
Application Developer is used with the
teams who discover, develop, and
time and money by enabling them to
IBM Software Development Platform,
deploy software assets in business
focus their efforts on delivering differ-
you can access a broad range of
applications, embedded systems,
entiation and value for their offerings.
requirements and change manage-
and software products. This modular
Full details on Eclipse are available at
ment functions directly from Rational
and complete solution enables
Application Developer and enjoy an
teams to adopt a business-driven
unprecedented level of integration
development approach based on
across the development lifecycle.
open standards, including the Eclipse
open source framework. The result is
differentiated business performance.
Additional information is available at
ibm.com/rational and www.ibm.com/
the monthly e-zine for the
Rational community.
For more information
To learn more about IBM Rational
Application Developer for WebSphere
Software, or to download a trial version,
visit: ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/application/index.html
IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, Version 6.0
at a glance
Hardware requirements
• Intel® Pentium ® III 800 MHz or higher recommended
• Display, minimum requirements: 1024 x 768
• 768MB RAM minimum; 1GB RAM recommended
• Disk space requirements: 3.5GB minimum for installing Application Developer
and additional disk space for development resources (minimum disk space can
be reduced if optional features and run times are not installed).
Software requirements
• Windows 2000 Professional (SP3 or 4), Windows 2000 Server (SP3 or 4),
Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3 or 4), Windows XP (SP1 or 2), Windows
Server 2003 Standard, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation, Version 3.0 (all service packs), or SUSE
LINUX Enterprise Server, Version 9
(all service packs)
• Browsers:
- For Windows: You will need a Web browser to view the readme files and the
installation Guide. To view certain tours and tutorials that are included with the
online help you will require the Flash Player, Version 6.0r65 or later.
- For Linux: You will need a Web browser to view the readme files and the
installation Guide. If you are working on Linux,
you must have Mozilla 1.4 installed before you can run Application Developer.
To view certain tours and tutorials
that are included with the online help you will require the Flash Player, Version
6.0r69 or later.
• TCP/IP installed and configured
Note: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.3 must be installed to profile your
Run-time environment support
• WebSphere Application Server - Express (Version 5.0, 5.1 or 6.0) installed
locally or remotely
• WebSphere Application Server (Version 4.0, 5.1 or 6.0) installed locally
or remotely
• Apache Tomcat (Web application support only)
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
IBM Corporation
Software Group
Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
Produced in the United States of America
All Rights Reserved
ClearCase, Cloudscape, DB2, DB2 Universal
Database, the e-business logo, IBM, the IBM
logo, Informix, Rational and WebSphere are
trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, other countries
or both.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos
are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the
United States, other countries or both.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other
countries or both.
Other company, product and service names may
be trademarks or service marks of others.
1 WebArt Designer and AnimatedGIF Designer
are not supported by Linux.
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