
Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications using IBM Rational Application Developer

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Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications using IBM Rational Application Developer
Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications using
IBM Rational Application Developer
By Nitin Raut ([email protected])
Certified Consulting IT Specialist
IBM Corporation
April 2010
Skill Level: Intermediate
Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications Scenario
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Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications
Eclipse RCP is a platform for building and deploying rich client applications. The objective of the
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) is to enable Eclipse to be used in a wide range of end-user
applications that are not integrated development environments (IDEs). With the release of Eclipse
V3.1, it is easy to create RCP applications. This tutorial will guide you step by step in building
your very own RCP application which consumes an existing web service.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Rich Client Application
In this lab you will use Java Visual Editor in Rational Application Developer to build a
Rich Client Java application that invokes an RPG Web Service.
What you should be able to do:
o At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
• Create an SWT Java Visual Class
• Add a Web service Call
• Test the application
o The steps in this lab are:
ƒ Create an SWT Java Visual Class
ƒ Create JavaServer Faces JSPs with web services components
ƒ Test the Application
Skill Prerequisites
o Prerequisite skills for this lab are:
ƒ Understanding of Java programming language concepts and beginner Java
programming skills
Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications Scenario
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Required Materials
o Client system requirements:
ƒ IBM Rational Application Developer V7.5
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Lab information sheet:
Demonet IBM i
Team Number
IBM i hostname
IBM i user ID
IBM i password
Application library
Application Library Modules
Team directory local
EM Sandbox for Power
Review WSDL document
Type following URL in Internet Explorer and press Enter.
Tip: These URLs are stored in
wsdl_doc_url.txt file in
\<team_dir_local>\RichClient_lab directory.
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You should see WSDL document listed in browser. It shows different methods
implemented within the web service with the input and output parameters. E.g. In our
example we have 2 methods:
findFlights and findFlights_XML
This method has are 3 input parameters: FROMCITY, TOCITY and
5 output parameters : FROMCITY, TOCITY, FLIGHTDATE,
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Scroll down to look at the FLIGHTS structure definition
Scroll down to look for other details like Web Service name and end point
We will be using this WSDL document to build the JSF Web Service Client to consume the web
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Let’s test the web service with Test Client deployed on the server. Please enter following
URL in the browser:
Click on findflights or findflights_XML method and enter following input field values and
click Invoke. You should see results in the result pane.
To city: Albany
From City: Atlanta
Flight date: 09122010
Click Invoke.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Start Rational Developer for Power Systems (RDp)
Skip to next section if ….
You are already in Rational Developer for Power
Systems and you have started WebSphere
Application Server Test Environment
Start Rational Developer for Power Systems (RDp)
Go to Start => All Programs => IBM Software Development Platform => IBM
Rational Developer for Power Systems Software V7.5 => IBM Rational Developer
for Power Systems Software
In the workplace launcher window, enter <workspace> (shown by default) in the
workspace field and press OK. (Please make sure that Use this as a default and do not
ask again is NOT checked)
Please make sure that Use this as a default and do not ask again is
NOT checked
On the Welcome page. Click X to close or press Workbench icon.
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Start WebSphere Application Server Test Environment
Start WebSphere Application Server Test Environment
This is very important before invoking the web services wizard,
as the wizard will fail.
In current perspective (Remote System Explorer by default). Select Window => Open
Perspective => Other. Select Web Perspective and click OK.
In the Web Perspective, click on Servers tab (bottom of screen). Select WebSphere
Application Server 7.0 and press Start button.
You should see console view with startup messages. Once WebSphere Application
Server is started you will see Server view with status “Started”.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Another way to make sure WebSphere Application Server Test Environment is started is
to see the console view with message “Server server1 open for e-business”.
If the WebSphere Application Server Test Environment does not
start. Please check server connection type and admin port.
To check configuration, double click on WebSphere Application
Server 7.0 under server view. You may manually provide the
connections settings and select SOAP connector port instead of
RMI port which is more compatible with firewalls.
Click on X and save the configuration when prompted.
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Create a Java Project
Open Java Perspective
Go to Window => Open Perspective => Other. In the Open Perspective window, select
Java and click OK.
Create a Java Project
Select File => New => Project. In the New Project dialog expand the Java node and
select Java Project and click Next.
On Create a Java Project screen, Enter Project Name: FSxxRichClient (Where xx is
your <team_number> and click Finish.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Create Visual Class
Select the FSxxRichClient project in the Project Explorer. Right mouse click and select
New = > Visual Class
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In Java Visual Class window, enter following details:
__a. Verify that Source folder is FSxxRichClient/src (where xx is your team number)
__b. Enter Name: Flight400SWTApplication
__c. Enter Package: com.ibm.flight400.swt
__d. Select Style: Expand SWT node and select Shell
__e. Check the public static void main (String[] args) checkbox under Which method
stubs would you like to create?
__f. Click Finish
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EM Sandbox for Power
The wizard displays a design pane for developing a Visual class. Notice that there is a
hidden Palette toolbar on the right side of the design pane.
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Next, we will add some GUI components to the Shell (window) generated by the Visual
Class wizard. Click on the left arrow to expand the Palette. Now we can drag and drop
components onto the generated shell.
EM Sandbox for Power
Label Components
Click Label component (under SWT Controls) from Palette to select it. Move the cursor
(do not drag) and drop in the first cell in the grid as shown below:
In Bean Name dialog enter: labelFromCity and click OK.
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In the properties view, change following properties (use button on right of the property to
change it).
__a. text : From City and press enter or click outside that property field
__b. font: Arial, Bold,12
__c. foreground: COLOR_BLUE (or color of your choice)
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EM Sandbox for Power
Drop 2 more label components just below From City label (same grid column).
__a. To City label
Bean Name: labelToCity
Text property: To City
__iii. font: Arial, Bold,12
__iv. foreground: COLOR_BLUE (or color of your choice)
__b. Departure date label
Bean Name: labelDepatureDate
Text property: Departure Date
__iii. font: Arial, Bold,12
__iv. foreground: COLOR_BLUE (or color of your choice)
After all the three label components, your shell should like :
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Text Field Component
Click Text component (under SWT Controls) from Palette to select it. Move the cursor
(do not drag) and drop it in the second cell in the grid (next to From City label) as shown
In the Bean Name dialog provide name for the bean (Field name): fromCity and click
OK. You may change the font and foreground property in the properties view.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Drop 2 more text components just below fromCity text (same grid column).
__a. To City text field
Bean Name: toCity
__b. Departure date field
Bean Name: depatureDate
After all the three text components, your shell should like :
Button Component
Click Button component (under SWT Controls) from Palette to select it. Move the cursor
(do not drag) and drop it in the third cell in the grid (next to fromCity text field) as shown
In Bean Name dialog enter: buttonSearchFlights and click OK.
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In the properties view, change following properties:
__a. text : Search Flights and press enter or click outside that property field
__b. font: Arial, 10
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EM Sandbox for Power
Expand the size of the shell window to accommodate the button using the guides as
shown below:
Save your work by clicking on the save icon or File -> Save from menu.
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Test Visual Class
Let’s test the application to see how the Visual class would look like at run time. In the
Package Explorer expand the FSxxRichClient project and expand
com.ibm.flight400.swt package and right click on Flight400SWTApplication.java and
select Run As -> Java Application.
Application window is displayed:
Close the application window. Now let’s add some business logic to the application.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Add a Web Service Call
Add Web service proxy code
Select FSxxRichClient Project. Right mouse click, select New -> Other
On the New dialog, expand Web Services and select Web Service Client. Click Next.
In Web Service Client screen, select browse next to Service Definition.
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In Select Service Implementation screen, paste the WSDL URL from the earlier step:
Review WSDL document and click OK.
Back in Web service client screen, click Finish.
You can view the generated classes in the Package Explorer.
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EM Sandbox for Power
Add Web service invocation code
Right click on the Search Flights button, select Events -> widgetSelected,
widgetSelected() is a method that will be invoked when a user clicks the Search Flights
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Code skeleton for processing button click event (called widgetSelected) is generated.
Ignore the syntax error (red cross) for now.
EM Sandbox for Power
Place a table onto the application window by selecting Table from SWT Controls in the
Palette View and dropping it to the Shell.
In Bean Name dialog enter: tableFSResults and click OK.
Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
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Add Web service invocation code
Next, we will add some code that will invoke the Web service. Open
\<team_dir_local>\RichClient_lab\WebServiceInvokation.txt. In this file you will find
import statements that we need to add to the import part of the Java class, and
implementation of the widgetSelected() method. Add import statements to the imports
part of the Java class.
import iseries.wsbeans.findflights.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
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EM Sandbox for Power
Copy and paste implementation of the widgetSelected() method (replace the existing
implementation). The method calls a Web service and populates a table with results
returned by the Web service.
Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications Scenario
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public void widgetSelected(org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent e) {
// Remove previous records
// Create columns
TableColumn col1 = new TableColumn(tableFSResults,SWT.LEFT);
col1.setText("Flight no");
TableColumn col2 = new TableColumn(tableFSResults,SWT.LEFT);
col2.setText("Arrival Time");
TableColumn col3 = new TableColumn(tableFSResults,SWT.LEFT);
col3.setText("Arrival City");
TableColumn col4 = new TableColumn(tableFSResults,SWT.LEFT);
col4.setText("Departure Time");
TableColumn col5 = new TableColumn(tableFSResults,SWT.LEFT);
col5.setText("Departure City");
TableColumn col6 = new TableColumn(tableFSResults,SWT.LEFT);
TableColumn col7 = new TableColumn(tableFSResults,SWT.LEFT);
// Declare flight object
FLIGHTINFO flight = null;
// input parameters
FINDFLIGHTSInput inputData = new FINDFLIGHTSInput();
// Invoke the Web service
FINDFLIGHTSServicesProxy webService = new FINDFLIGHTSServicesProxy();
FINDFLIGHTSResult result = webService.findflights(inputData);
FLIGHTINFO[] result1 = result.getFLIGHTS();
// Create an array of table rows
//final TableItem[] items = new TableItem[result.getFLIGHTCOUNT()];
final TableItem[] items = new TableItem[50];
//for(int i=0;i<result.length;i++){
for(int i=0;i<50;i++){
flight = result1[i];
items[i] = new TableItem(tableFSResults, SWT.NONE);
items[i].setText(new String[] {flight.getFLIGHT(),
flight.getARRIVETIME(),flight.getARRIVECITY(), flight.getDEPARTTIME(),
flight.getDEPARTCITY(),flight.getAIRLINE(), flight.getPRICE()});
}catch(Exception ex){
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Save you work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard. Make sure there are no syntax errors.
EM Sandbox for Power
Expand Application window to accommodate table information.
Double click on Flight400SWTApplication.java window title to expand it.
Reduce the code view by using the guides
Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications Scenario
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Click on the outside window and use guides to expand the window
Right click on Table component and select Customize Layout.
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EM Sandbox for Power
In Customize Layout :tableFSResults first let’s expand the table field by pressing Grab
excess horizontal space.
Similarly grab excess vertical space.
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Now fill horizontal and fill vertical to fill the component in the available space.
EM Sandbox for Power
After both vertical and horizontal expansion, you will see the table field is expanded as
Save your work by going to File -> Save from the menu bar or by pressing CTRL+S on
the keyboard.
Close the Flight400SWTApplication.java view.
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Run the Application
Run the Rich Client Application.
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In Package explorer, select FSxxRichClient Project. Click the Run icon.
EM Sandbox for Power
In the shell window, enter following inputs:
__a. From City: Albany
__b. To City: Atlanta
__c. Date: 09122010
__d. Click Search Flights.
__e. Results are displayed in a table
Click X to close the shell window.
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You have completed this lab.
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EM Sandbox for Power
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Consuming Services in Rich Client Applications Scenario
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