
IBM XL C/C++ Compiler for AIX level can improve performance

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IBM XL C/C++ Compiler for AIX level can improve performance
IBM XL C/C++ Compiler for AIX
IBM XL C/C++ Compilers for AIX how increasing optimization
level can improve performance
By: Raymond Kwong
Jaideep Bajwa
Level: Introductory
May 2012
How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 2 of 11
IBM XL C/C++ Compiler for AIX ................................................................................. 1
About this series ...................................................................................................... 3
About this Tutorial ................................................................................................... 3
Objectives .............................................................................................................. 3
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements............................................................................................... 3
Glossary ................................................................................................................. 4
Introducing Optimization........................................................................................... 4
Start the Terminal Emulator to AIX System.................................................................. 5
Get Started with IBM XL C/C++ Compiler optimization .................................................. 5
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 11
Trademarks........................................................................................................... 11
Resources ............................................................................................................. 11
Copyright © 2012, IBM® Corporation. Published by IBM® developerWorks®.
How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 3 of 11
Before you start
About this series
Walk through this scenario and others online as part of the IBM XL C/C++ Compiler for AIX
About this Tutorial
This tutorial introduces optimizing C code at level 2 using the XL C compiler. You will learn
about the compiler options you can use that will help you optimize your code at level 2. You
will also learn how to make code changes that will address the common code problems
uncovered at this level of optimization.
Explain what you need to do before optimizing code
Increase optimization level to achieve higher performance with C/C++ program
Address common C/C++ code problems using compiler options and rewriting code
Total time: 30 minutes
Unix skills
Source code compile and build experience
knowledge of time UNIX utilities
knowledge of C programming language
System Requirements
Copyright © 2012, IBM® Corporation. Published by IBM® developerWorks®.
How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 4 of 11
IBM XL C/C++ Compiler: IBM® XL C and C++ compilers offer advanced compiler and
optimization technologies and are built on a common code base for easier porting of your
applications between platforms. They comply with the latest C/C++ international standards
and industry specifications and support a large array of common language features.
Introducing Optimization
The optimizer includes five base optimization levels: -O0, -O2, -O3, -O4, and -O5 to
generate faster, more efficient applications. These levels allow you to choose from minimal
optimization to intense program analysis that provides benefits even across programming
languages. Optimization analyses range from local basic block to subprogram to file-level to
whole-program analysis. The higher the optimization level, the more intense the program
analysis becomes as increasingly sophisticated optimization techniques are applied to your
Getting the best optimization is a process of moving forward, then slowly backing off when
you encounter problems. With any combination of code and compiler, either the code or
compiler can contain problems, which prevents the code from reaching the highest
optimization level offered by the compiler. This is why always begin at level 0 and make
sure any code issues are fixed and the code is as efficient as possible, in order to get the
most of high level optimizations.
This document will focus on the base optimization levels available, including high-order
Copyright © 2012, IBM® Corporation. Published by IBM® developerWorks®.
How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 5 of 11
Getting Started
Start the Terminal Emulator to AIX System
Figure 1 Get Started
Double click the “Launch AIX” icon on the desktop (See Figure 1) to start the character
terminal to AIX system.
Get Started with IBM XL C/C++ Compiler optimization
Successful login will result with user presented with a menu of demo hosted on the server.
Type 7 and press Enter to select the “Increasing Optimization Level for performance” demo.
Figure 2 Demo Prepared
On the terminal window you will see important information and directory path to compiler
install directory (See Figure 2 Demo Prepared oval red).
Starting another command window will start the demonstration setup of your
environment. This will result in loss of any work done in your home directory. This
will impact any progress you have made on demo steps going forward.
This demo does not require more than one terminal window. However, if you prefer
Copyright © 2012, IBM® Corporation. Published by IBM® developerWorks®.
How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 6 of 11
more than one terminal window then you may open them before going forward.
Terminal window is now ready for commands (See Figure 2 Demo Prepared arrow). Your
home directory contains necessary source code to perform the tutorial. Type ls command to
see the directory content (See Figure 3 Contents).
Figure 3 Contents
Directory contents
Data for the programs
John Conway’s Game of Life source code
Introducing Game of Life is a cellular automation invented by John Conway in 1970. Cells
are arranged in a rectangular shape, with each cell being a square that has a maximum of 8
and a minimum of 3 neighboring cells. There are three rules that govern this automation.
First, if a live cell has 2 or 3 live neighbors it stays live. Second, if a live cell has less than 2
or more than 3 live neighbors, it dies in the next generation. Third, if a dead cell has exactly
3 live neighbors it becomes live in the next generation. The rules are applied to each cell
simultaneously, so the transition from one state to the other is a one step process which
results in a new generation. To learn more about John Conway’s Game of Life visit Wikipedia
page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life
Suppose you don’t have a lot of time to implement this automation. Assume also that the
initial state is given by a set of points that are stored in a file called input.dat in a form of
one row per point, where x and y are separated by a whitespace. To minimize the effect of
I/O delays and variability during timing steps, this version of the game does not produce
output to the console.
1. Compile the game with no options (this is optimization level 0 by default) as shown
in Figure 4 No optimization.
xlc –o game-noopt game.c
Figure 4 No optimization
Time the executable produced to set a base line for comparison. See figure 5 Time
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How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 7 of 11
time game-noopt
Figure 5 Time baseline
2. Now, try to compile the game with optimization level 2. See figure 6 Optimized O2
xlc –O2 –o game-o2 game.c
Figure 6 Optimized O2
Time the executable produced by optimization level 2. See figure 7 Time O2
time game-o2
Figure 7 Time O2
3. Compile the game with a higher optimization level of 3. See figure 8 Optimized O3
xlc –O3 –o game-o3 game.c
Figure 8 Optimized O3
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How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 8 of 11
Time the executable produced by optimization level 3. See figure 9 Time O3
time game-o3
Figure 9 Time O3
4. Compile the game with optimization level 3 and enable high-order transformations.
See figure 10 Optimized O3 Hot
xlc –O3 –qhot –o game-o3hot game.c
Figure 10 Optimized O3 Hot
Time the executable produced by optimization level 3 and high-order
transformations. See figure 11 Time O3 Hot
time game-o3hot
Figure 11 Time O3 Hot
5. Compile the game with optimization level 4 (this invokes inter-procedural analysis).
See figure 12 Optimized O4
xlc –O4 –o game-o4 game.c
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How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 9 of 11
Figure 12 Optimized O4
Time the executable produced by optimization level 4. See figure 13 Time O4
time game-o4
Figure 13 Time O4
6. Compile the game with optimization level 5 (this invokes more complex interprocedural analysis). See figure 14 Optimized O5
xlc –O5 –o game-o5 game.c
Figure 14 Optimized O5
Time the executable produced by optimization level 5. See figure 15 Time O5
time game-o5
Figure 15 Time O5
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How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 10 of 11
As you can see, optimization can have a large effect on the runtime performance of the
program. For example, when run on an isolated single user system, the run-time of the
game decreased roughly five times at optimization level 5 compared to no optimization.
Keep in mind the complexity of the program being optimized can influence the effectiveness
of which optimizations are applied and that the levels optimizations can scale differently to
individual programs.
In our example here, our test program is not large or particularly complex, and as a result
we can see the largest gain happens moving from no optimization to level 2 optimization,
then modest gains going to level 3, enabling high order transformations and so on.
As you notice with this example, as we progress through the optimizations, the compiler is
steadily exhausting more of the opportunities as we increase the optimization level and
experiences diminishing returns at the highest optimization levels, this behavior can change
with the complexity and size of the program being optimized.
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How increasing optimization level can improve performance, Page 11 of 11
What you have learned
In this
exercise you learnt how to:
Use IBM XL C/C++ compiler for AIX to build source code.
Use optimization flags to optimize the program.
Your code can be optimized to varying degrees of optimization, with higher levels
yielding better performance.
Size and complexity of a program can affect the degree it is optimized at each
optimization level.
This concludes the tutorial on using IBM XL C/C++ compiler with Optimization. This tutorial
has shown how to compile programs with IBM XL C/C++ compiler for AIX and use the base
optimization level options. It has also shows that increasing the level of optimization during
compile-time will result in an increase of run-time performance.
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