
CV – Amelia, Compagni (Update 20/08/08)

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CV – Amelia, Compagni (Update 20/08/08)
CV – Amelia, Compagni (Update 20/08/08)
Name, Surname
Date and Place of Birth
Mother tongue
Other languages
Doctoral Degrees
Current SDA Position
Beginning of collaboration with SDA
Current University position
Research Interests
Main research activities
International Activities (projects,
Amelia Compagni
Fluent English (written and spoken), basic German
Degree in Biology, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Year 1995, Thesis “Il recettore
p75 per il nerve growth factor (NGF) induce apoptosi in cellule di neuroblastoma
umano” (in Italian)
Ph.D. in Genetics, University of Vienna, Austria, Year 2000, Thesis: “”The role of
fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in tumour angiogenesis” (in English)
MSc in International Healthcare Management, Economics and Policy (MIHMEP),
Università Bocconi, Year 2005
Recipient of the Bocconi Research Fellowship (February 2008), Contracted
Research Fellow at CERGAS
Evaluation and management of biomedical technologies, emerging technologies
and evaluation of innovation, mental health: health policies and management
2008 Health research: financing and governance models
2007 National survey of Departments of Mental Health (clinical governance and
network management)
2007 Vaccination policies and introduction of new vaccines in Italy
2007 Pharmaceutical Observatory: relationships between pharmaceutical
companies and Italian Regional governments
2007 Diffusion and economic evaluation of pharmacogenetic testing
2006 Comparative analysis of reform process in mental health systems
Internship at the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (Washington DC)
Scholarship: Federal Executive Alumni Association; June –October 2005
Past Fellowships:
2002-04 European Molecular Biology Organization long-term fellowship
2001 Marie Curie Fellowship
2000 Cancer Research UK Postdoctoral Fellowship
2008 Teaching at Donau Universitaet, Krems, Austria, MBA in pharmaceutical
and biotech management
2007 International project on pharmacogenetics commissioned by the Institute
for Prospective Technological Studies (European Commission) in collaboration
with network ETEPS
2006 International project on reform process in mental health systems in 7
countries. Funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services
(SAMHSA), in collaboration with the California Institute for Mental Health and
University of Cincinnati
2000- 2004 Senior Researcher at Cancer Research UK (CR-UK)
Research charity, London
International Networks
ETEPS: European Network for Techno-economic and Policy Support
Compagni A., Bartoli S., Buehrlen B., Fattore G., Ibarreta D., Gutierrez de Mesa
E., "Avoiding adverse drug reactions by pharmacogenetic testing: A systematic
review of the economic evidence in the case of TPMT and AZA-induced side
effects" (2008) International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care,
Compagni A., Cavalli L., Jommi C., "Pharmaceutical companies and Italian
Regional Governments: Managing relationships in an increasing institutional
complexity" (2008) Health Policy, 87: 333-341
Villa S., Compagni A., Reich M. “Orphan drug legislation: Lessons for neglected
tropical diseases” International Journal of Healthcare Planning and Management
(E-pub April 24th 2008)
Carroll CD, Manderscheid RW, Daniels AS, Compagni A. Convergence of
service, policy, and science toward consumer-driven mental health care. (2006)
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 9:185-92.
Compagni A., and Manderscheid R.W. A Neuroscientist-Consumer Alliance to
Transform Mental Health Care (2006) Journal of Behavioral Health Services and
Research 33: 265-74.
Mele V., and Compagni A. Explaining the unexpected success of the smoking
ban in Italy: political strategy and transition to practice (2000-2005) (2008, in
press Public Administration)
Adams N., Daniels A., Compagni A. International pathways to mental health
transformation (2008, in press in Journal of International Mental Health)
Cavalli L., Compagni A., Jommi C. Lo sviluppo di sistemi di gestione del cliente
pubblico nelle imprese farmaceutiche: il ruolo dei regional affairs e dei key
account managers (2008, in press Economia & Management)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foo S., Turner C., Adams S., Compagni A., Aubyn D., Lindblom P., Shani M.,
Zicha D. and Adams R.H. (2006) Cell 124,161-73.
Compagni A., Logan M., Klein R. and Adams R.H. (2003) Dev. Cell 5, 217-30.
Compagni A. and Adams R.H. (2003) 9 in “Genetics of Angiogenesis” by:
Hoying, J.B. Published by: Taylor & Francis Group. Capitolo libro pagine 15-3
Milo-Landesman D., Surana M., Berkovich I., Compagni A., Christofori G.,
Fleischer N., Efrat S. (2001) Cell Transplant 10, 645-50.
Mandriota S.J., Jussila L., Jeltsch M., Compagni A., Baetens D., Prevo R.,
Banerji S., Huarte J., Montesano R., Jackson D., Orci L., Alitalo K., Christofori
G., and Pepper M.S (2001) EMBO J. 20, 672-82.
Impagnatiello M.-A., Weitzer S., Gannon G., Compagni A., Cotten M., and
Christofori G. (2000). J Cell Biol.152, 1087-98.
Compagni A., Wilgenbus P., Impagnatiello M-A., Cotten M. and Christofori G.
(2000) Cancer Research 60, 7163-69.
Compagni A. and Christofori, G. (2000) Br. J. Cancer 83, 1-5. (Review)
Burtscher I., Compagni A., Lamm G. M., Christofori G. (1999) Cancer Research
59, 3923-3926.
Bunone G., Mariotti A., Compagni A., Morandi E., Della Valle G. (1997)
Oncogene 14, 1463-1470.
Conference Papers
2008 Academy of Management Conference- Anaheim
2008 European Management Association Conference- Athens
2007 Investing in Mental health Policy and Economics Research - Venice
2006 International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership Meeting- Edinburgh
2006 European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation Meeting- Lund
Studies and reports
Compagni A., Adams N., Daniels, A. International Pathways to Mental Health
System Transformation: Strategies and Challenges (2007, CiMH Monograph)
Compagni A., Bartoli S. Fattore G., Jommi C., Buehrlen B.. Improving
pharmacovigilance in Europe: cost-effectiveness of TPMT and CYP2D6
genotyping tests (EU interim report, 2007)
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