
Document 1232870

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Document 1232870
Israeli Petition to Members of the Spanish Parliament in Favor of Palestinian Recognition "We, citizens of Israel, who wish for it to be a safe and thriving country, are worried by the continued political stalemate and by the occupation and settlements activities that lead to further confrontations with the Palestinians and obliterate the chances for a compromise. It is clear that the prospects for Israel's security and existence depend on the existence of a Palestinian state side by side with Israel. Israel should recognize the state of Palestine and Palestine should recognize the state of Israel, based on the June 4, 1967 borders. Your initiative for recognizing the state of Palestine will advance the prospects for peace and will encourage Israelis and Palestinians to bring an end to their conflict.” "Nosotros, ciudadanos de Israel, que deseamos que este sea un país seguro y próspero, estamos preocupados por la continua parálisis política y por la ocupación y asentamientos de colonos que conducen a más confrontación con los palestinos y destruyen las oportunidades de alcanzar un acuerdo. Está claro que la seguridad de Israel y su existencia dependen de la existencia de un estado palestino justo al lado de Israel. Este país debería reconocer al estado de Palestina y Palestina debería reconocer al estado de Israel siguiendo las fronteras del 4 de junio de 1967. Su apoyo al reconocimiento del estado de Palestina supondrá un avance en las esperanzas de paz y alentará el final del conflicto entre palestinos e israelíes." Abd Elkader Kanani Abed Kaboub Ada Ravon Adam Keller Adeeb Awad Adi Rosenthal Alex Levac Alex Massis Ali Alasad Alice Krieger Alina Edmonds Aliya Strauss Alla Shainskaya Alon Confino Alon Harel Alon Liel Research Student Jurist Lawyer Journalist CEO, Advertising & Media Tourism Advisor Photographer, Israel Prize Recipient Film Producer Advocate, PhD Public Relations Teacher BA English Teacher PhD Professor of History Professor of Law Former Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Former Ambassador Amana Cohen Amatzia Weisel Ami Weinstein Amikam Cohen Amir Agbaria Amir Badran Amir Orian Amir Student Amir Yaari Amira Openheimer Amiram Goldblum Amira Ityel Amit Leshem Amnon Fruchtman Amnon Lipzin Amos Goldberg Amos Gvirtz Amos Ityel Amotz Agnon Anat Biletzki Anat Frankel Anat Langer-­‐Gal Anat Levin Anat Matar Anat Natasha Camran Anat Rimon-­‐Or Aner Preminger Angela Godfrey-­‐Goldstein Anuar Hasan Arie Arnon Arie Geronik Arie Plat Arie Stern Ariel Hanaor Ariel Niezna Ariella Be'eri Ben-­‐Yishai Arnon Avni Arza Apelroit Agi Mishol Asaaf Akram Assaf Moskowitz Asher Fisch Avi Berg Avi Glezerman Avi Mograbi Retired Professor of Special Education Industrialist, founder of "Shivion" PhD, Biologist Doctor Advocate Art Director Entrepreneur Agricultural Engineer Clinical Psychologist Professor of Computational Chemistry, Founder of "Shivion" Family and Couples consultant Peace Projects Coordinator Physicist Tourism Professor of Jewish History Peace Activist Mechanical Engineer Professor Professor of Philosophy Education consultant CEO of Middle East in the Negev Institute Language Editor Academic Counselor Lecturer Cinema Professor and Filmmaker Peace Activist & NGO director Art Professor of Economics Lecturer Community Consultant Pensioner PhD, Civil Engineering MBA, Lebanon border Settlement Lecturer, PhD Graphics, Kibbutz Nirrim – Gaza Border Dr. Poet Metal Contractor Musician, Conductor and Pianist Social Activist Dr., Corporate Executive Film Director, Konrad Wolf Prize Avihai Steller Avinoam Ben-­‐Shaul Avinoam Koren Avishai Margalit Avital Spivak Avner Ben-­‐Amos Avner Cohen Avner de Shalit Avner Gvariahu Avner Katz Avner Mart Avraham Burg Avraham Frank Avraham Oz Aya Breuer Ayelet Lerman Azriel Nativ Baruch Minke Baruch Shalev Bat Sheva Shapira Beate Zilversmidt Ben Rrafael Miriam Ben Yeger Benjamin Arbel Benjamin Heifetz Beny Gefen Benzi Keren Bernard Avishai Boaz Gork Bosmat Gal Carlos Ghindelschi Chaim Gans Chen Biran Aldema Cobi Sonnenschein Colman Altman Dafna (Laura) Kaminer Dahlia Amit Dalia Golomb Dalia Sachs Dan Bavli Dan Bitan Dan Haddani Dan Jacobson Dan Miodownik Researcher Professor Song writer Israel Prize, Professor of Philosophy Lecturer Professor of History Lecturer Professor of Political Science Professor Inventor Former Chair of the Israeli Parliament and Head of Jewish Agency PhD, Education Professor Translator Artist Farmer Professor, recipient of Prince of Asturias Prize for Science 2010 Co-­‐Chair of Peace Making Social Workers PhD, Editor Publisher Clinical Psychologist Therapist & Peace Activist Historian Teacher Farmer Industrial and Management Engineer Professor Lawyer Dr. Clerk Professor of Law Therapist Professor of Physics Professor of Physics Retired Translator Teacher Dr. Lieutenant Colonel (res.) Research Colonel (res.) Professor PhD, Political Science Dan Wardinon Dana Avidar Dana Bar Ner Dana Lotan Daniel Bar-­‐Tal Daniel Eilat Daniel Kahneman Daniel Lazare Daniel Levanon Daniela Gordon Daniella Halevi Danniel Qeletti Danny Karavan Danny Orbach Danny Rosin Daphna Joel Daphne Banai David Adler David Blanc David Harel CEO Education Lawyer Social Media Professor, Political Psychologist MA Nobel Prize, Professor Kibbutz Member PhD, Scientist Psychologist Architect Writer Artist and painter, Israel Prize recipient PhD candidate, Historian M.D. Professor Educational Consultant PhD, Poet Professor of Mathematics Israel Prize, EMET prize Professor of Computer Science David Lehrer CEO of the "Arava" Instititue David Palma Poet David Senesh Dr., Psychologist David Tartakover Israel Prize, Artist David Zonsheine Software Engineer Diana Shoef Producer Dikla Ben-­‐Shaul Psychologist Dimitry Shumsky Dr. Doreet Hopp PhD Dorian Levin Artist Dorit Eldar PhD, Lecturer Dorit Solomon Teacher Doron Lieber Agriculture Dov Koller Teacher, History and Politics Dubi Avigur Secular Rabbi Dvora Barkay Psychotherapy Edith Zertal Professor Edna Hakham-­‐Baskin Editor, MSc Edna Kadman Teacher Edna Morduch Psychotherapist Edna Zaretsky Toledano Group Facilitator, Sociologist Edward Eddy Kaufman Professor of Political Science and Conflict Management Efraim Davidi Dr., Lecturer Efrat Weil-­‐Amit Movement Therapy Ehud Bandel Ehud Spieser Einat Gutman Elana Wesley Eli Bareket Eli Caufman Eli Kalir Eli Meshoulam Eli Safran Eli Shmueli Elie Hoz Elizabeth Freund Elizabeth Goldwyn Emanuel (Mano) Shaked Eran Lev Erella Talmi Erez Krispin Eric Yellin Ester Levanon Mordoch Ester Levinger Eva Jablonka Eyal Oron Eyal Raviv Eylon Bavli Ezra Mendelsohn Fawaz Hussein Gaby Lasky Gad Friedman Gad Kaynar Gadi Stahl Gadi Sternbach Gal Rosen Galia Golan Galit Hasan-­‐Rokem Gani Bloch-­‐Tamir Gavriel (Gabi) Salomon Gera De Shalit Gershon Baskin Gershon Ben-­‐Shakhar Gideon Lifshitz Gideon Shelach-­‐Lavi Gideon Spiro Gidon medina Gil Rimon Gil Talmi Rabbi Student Combatants for Peace Human Rights Activist, Translator Video Editor History Writer & Journalist Lawyer Lawyer Tour Guide, Sasa – Lebanon Border Neurobiologist Tourism Dept. of English Professor Brigadier-­General (res.) Lawyer Musician & Writer CEO, Gurusfeet.com Peace/Technology Dr. Professor of Art history Professor Lawyer & Internal Auditor Founder, mepeace.org Retired Professor, Bialik Prize Author, CEO Education Dept., Hurfesh – Lebanon Border Attorney PhD Professor of Theatre Studies Polymer & Plastics Chemistry Vintner & Restaurateur Student Professor, Former head, Dept. of Political Science Professor of Hebrew Literature and Folklore Actor and Singer Israel Prize, Professor of Education Advocate PhD, Head of IPCRI Institute Professor of Psychology Teacher Archeologist Journalist, Human Rights & Peace Activist Professor Entrepreneur Film Composer Gila Svirsky Peace and Human Rights Activist Gilad Paz Advocate Gilad Zamir Lawyer Gili Veread Early education Counselor Gili Zimhoni Architecture Giora Baram Industry Worker Hadad Zohara Psychotherapist Hadas Feller Freelancer Hadassah Haskale Poet, Psychologist Hagai Ginsburg Professor Hagit Goldstein Industry Worker Hagit Lobel Hagai Social Worker Haim Baram Writer & Journalist Hanna Barag Peace and Human Rights Activist Hanna Naiman Nurse Hanna Regev Teacher Hannah Safran Dr. Of History Harai Golomb Professor Hava Halevi Gardener Haya Nir Fashion Hedva Adiri Chief Librarian Hilda Wengrowef PhD, Dance Therapist Hillel Bardin Retired Hillel Schenker Co-­‐Editor of Palestine-­‐Israel Journal Hillel Schocken Professor, Architect Hubert Law-­‐Yone Professor of Architecture and City Planning Idan Segev Professor of Brain Research Idit Scwhartz Medical Dr. Idit Zertal Professor of History Ido Amihai PhD Researcher Ido Lam Iftach Shavit Film Editor Ilan Baruch Former Ambassador to S. Africa & Zimbabwe Ilan Saban Dr., Senior Lecturer of Law Ilan Sadeh Professor of Computer Science Ilan Shtayer Historian Ilana Pardes Professor Ilana Segal Musician Ilana Zilber-­‐Rosenberg PhD, Nutritionist Irene Lewenhoff Nurse Iris Dotan Katz Clinical Psychologist Iris Lerman Psychologist Iris Milner Professor of Literature Irit Hakim Artist Irit Segoli Art Irit Shamgar Teacher Isaac Yanni Nevo Ishay Landa Israel Yuval Itamar Shachar Itzhak Galnoor Itzhak Levav Moshe Ivgy Jacob Barnai Jacob Shoef Jochanan Benbassat Joel Klemes Joseph Neumann Joseph Zeira Joseph Zernik Joshua Sobol Judith Korin Judith Tamir Kate Rosenberg Karlos Lewinhoff Klipper Noa Kobi Peterzil Kobi Yakobovich Koby Sheffy Lana Remez Latif Dori Palestinian Dialogue Levi Spectre Lior Amihai Lior Kay Avishay Lior Tamam Liora Preis Malka Dvir Malka Gerber Marcelo Yarkoni Mati Kroin Meir Margalit Meir Peleg Menachem Brinker Professor of Philosophy Dr., Historian Professor PhD candidate Professor of Political Science, former head of Civil Service Professor, Psychiatrist Actor Professor Producer Professor of Medicine PhD Biologist Professor of Biology and Philosophy Professor of Economy PhD Playwright Director, Theatre Alexander Technique Journalist Teacher Professor Teacher PhD Teacher Secretary of the Committee for Israeli-­‐
PhD NGO Worker Social Worker for community transformations Advocate Spiritual Support Teacher Teacher Int. Sales Manager Dr. Musician Israel Prize, Professor of Literature and Philosophy Menachem Golan IT Engineer Menachem Klein Professor of Political Science Micah Leshem Professor Micha Hopp Professor of Epidemiology Michael Benyair Former Attorney-­General Michael Kaminer Film Editor Michael Keren Michael Sfard Michal Belikoff Michal Goldberg Michal Mazor Michal Nitzan Michal Paneth Peeg Michal Preminger Michal Pundak Sagi Michal Ronel Michal Schechter Michal Wertheim Mike Arad Miky Fissher Miki Kratsman Milli Katz Mira Edelstrin Mira Livne Miri Barak Miriam Barnai Miriam Frank Miriam Makin Miriam Patya Miriam Tal Mooky Dagan Mordechai Bar-­On Mordechai Dudai Moshe Glick Moshe Kotler Moshe Maoz Moshe Zuckermann Mossi Raz Motti Lerner Motty Perry Mucgael Persico Muhamad Diab Nadav Bigelman Nadav Weiman Naftali Raz Nahi Alon Nakad Nakad Naomi Benbassat Naomi Chazan Naomi Raz Professor of Economy Lawyer, Human Rights MSc Clinical Psychology Scientist Blogger & Text Editor Psychologist Therapist Mental Health Internet Retired Teacher EMET Prize, Photography Graffiti Artist Media Resource Development Occupational Therapist Translator Banker Peace Activist Farmer Microbiology Theatre Specialist Musician Dr. of History, Former Brigadier-­General and former Member of Knesset PhD in Biology Retired Biologist Professor of Middle-­‐East History Professor Former MK, Chair of Peace Organizations Forum Playwright Professor of Economy Physician PhD, Co-­‐Chair of Peace Making Social Workers Student Instructor, High School Educator & Tour guide, Chair of Massad Clinical Psychologist Lawyer PhD, Psychologist, Ein-­‐Habsor – Gaza Border Former MK, Professor of Political Science Early Childhood Educator Naphtali Ringel Nava Sonnenshein Neta Efroni Nili Fisher Nira Kedar Nirit Haviv Nissim Calderon Niva BenYair Niva Segev Noa Harris Noa Hershkovitz Noa Michaeli Noam Sonin Noga Efrati Nomi Erteschik-­‐Shir Nomika Zion Nura Resh Nurit Badash Nurit Lotner Nurit Peled Elhanan Nurit Schleifman Nurit Shoor Nurit Tolnai Oded Goldreich Oded Lifshitz Oded Niv Ofer Cassif Ofer Prag Ofira Henig Ofra Ben Artzi Ofra Goldstein-­‐Gidoni Omri Afek Omri Feinstein Orit Adam Orit Dekel Orit Friedland Orit Shochat Orly Feldheim Osnat Bar-­‐Or Osnat Bartor Pepe Alalu Pilz Dan Pnina Feiler Raaya Rotem Rachel Afek Rachel Kaminski Retired PhD, CEO of School for Peace Retired M.A. Retired Human Rights NO -­‐ Machsom Watch Professor of Literature Retired Kibbutz Beeri – Gaza Border GBV Economist Lawyer Business Development Senior lecturer, MidEast History Professor "Other Voice", Sderot – Gaza Border PhD, Sociology Management & Public Politics Social Worker & Therapist Sacharov Prize, Professor of Education Dr. Retired Mindfulness workshop facilitator Professor, Scientist Journalist – Nachal-­‐Oz – Gaza Border Hotelier Dr. Films Theater Director Teacher Professor Retired IT Programmer Clinical Psychologist Assistant to VP Translator & Editor Journalist Film maker Lawyer, PhD Lawyer, PhD Member of Jerusalem Council CEO Nurse Teacher and Lecturer Peace and Human Rights Activist Yoga Teacher Rachel levkovitz Rachel London Katz Rachela Hayut Racheli Bar-­‐or Raffi Lipkin Ram Ben Moshe Rama Yacobi Rami Ashkar Rami Elhanan Rami Goldstein Rami Heled Ran Cohen Ran Hassin Ran Keidar Raphael Falk Raphi Meron Reuven Choshen Reuven Gerber Reuven Israeli Revital Sela Riki Ben-­‐Ami Rivka Machlion Rivka Nir Rivka Sallum Rolly Rosen Ron Arzi Ron Barkai Ron Hoz Ron Naaman Ron Shahar Ron Weiss Roni Hammermann Ronit Pan Rony Pisker Ruchama Marton Ruhama Shoulsky Ruth Duek Ruth Frumkin Ruth Hacohen Pinchover Ruth Tirosh Ruth Zimmermann-­‐Shahar Ruthy Yarkoni Sagi Frish Sami Alkalay Sara Carmeli Sara Helman Management Sculptor Teacher Psychotherapist Computer Engineer Academic Editor Retired Banker Peace Maker Engineer Translator Former Minister of Industry & Trade Professor of Hebrew Retired Leut. Colonel Professor Dr., Economist Business Consultant, M.Sc. PhD, lecturer & Jewish Philosophy Translator Teacher MSW, Social Worker CEO of an NGO Consultant Industry Professor Professor Professor Professor Economist PhD Certified Art teacher Teacher, Theatre Psychiatrist Graphic Designer Clinical Psychology Nurse Professor of Musicology Biblical Researcher Medical Doctor & Dental Surgeon Teacher Student Marketing & Advertisements Communication Dr. Sara Shilon Sariel Beckenstein Schwartz Idit Shachaf Polakov Shachar Camran Shai Benjamin Shai Davidovich Shalma Orr Sharon Vaknin Shay Davidovits Shay Shohami Shimmy Belikoff Shimon Ben Ari Shimon Diga Shir Darwin Regev Shirley Racah Shlomi Hadar shlomit breuer Shlomit Kedem Shlomit Peled Shlomit Simon Shlomit Yarkoni Shlomo Kav Shlomo Regev Shmulik Merzel Shosh Arar Shosh Goldstein Shoshana Fink Shoshi Inbal Shuki Rosenboim Shula Wardinon Shva halevi Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi Silvio Gutkowski Sinai Peter Snait Gissis Sofie livio Stern Iris Su Schachter Sunny Gordon Bar Susie Becher Tahel Kaminski Tal Grinberg Tal Harris Talia Ariav Talia Krevsky Executive Dr. Physician Photographer Restorator PhD Student Teacher Artist Student Adv. MSc Industry & Management Faculty Manager Human Resources Woodworking Public Policy Retired Curator Translator & Editor Psychologist Social-­‐Worker Social Activist & Organizer Student Nonviolence Teacher Education Real Estate Industry Psychologist Communication CEO Student Professor Psychiatrist Theater Director Dr., History of Science Microbiologist Social Psychologist Kibbutz Member Dr., Psychologist Editor Teacher Former Executive Director of "One Voice Israel" Student Talila Stan Talma Bar-­‐Din Talmon Silver Tamar Eden Tamar Gozansky Tamar Katriel Tamar Paz Tamar Portnoy Tamara Sarfatti Tami Razi Tommy Dreyfus Tova Buksbaum Tova Rosen Tsilli Goldenberg Tuvia Metzer Tzipora Banai Tzvi Kesse Udi Gur Uri Avnery Uri Katz Uri Segal Uri Weltman Uri Zaki Varda Helled Vardit Shalphi Vered Tzang Vivian Silver Yaakov Sharett Yael Bassis-­‐Student Yael Bechor Yael Dayan Yael Medini Yael Nadler Shmueli Yael Shalem Yafa Ben Knaan Yair Doari Yair Gramse Yair Inov Yair Tzaban Yaron Cohavi Yaron Harel Yaron Kaplan Yasmin Amer Yeela Raanan Yehoshua Kolodny Astrologer Feminist Activist Computers Pensioner Economist, former Member of Israel Knesset Academic faculty Pensioner Lecturer PhD, History PhD Lecturer, History Professor Clinical Psychologist Professor Teacher Banker Teacher Organization Consultant Teacher Former Member of the Knesset, Journalist Professor of Biology Symphony Conductor Teacher Fellow, the Emile Zola Chair Dr., Pediatrician Theatre M.Ba Social Activist; Kibbutz Beeri -­‐ Gaza Border CEO of Moshe Sharet NGO Consultant in Gerontology Meditation Former MK & Writer Literature Editor Education Ministry, retired Finance Manager Teacher Analyst Economist Former MK and Minister of Health Customs Agent MD, Pediatric Intensive Care physician Dr., Lecturer of Public Policy, Kisufim – Gaza Border Israel Prize, Professor of Geology Yehoshua Rosin Yehuda Shaul Yehudit Elkana Yifat Solel Yigal Cohen Yigal Vishinsky Yigal Yahav Yitzhak Frankenthal Yoav Harpaz Yoav Hass Yoav Steinberg Yona Ben-­‐Tal Yona Pinson Yoram Bilu Yoram Talmon Yori Kandel Movement Yossi Amitay Academic Center in Cairo Yossi Sarid Yotam Cohen Yotam Cohen Yael Novak Yuval Dor Yuval Eylon Yuval Halperin Yuval Limon Yuval Lotem Yuval Rahamim Yuval Roth Zeev Sternhell Zeev Zamir Zehava Grunfeld Zivit Abramson Zohar Chamberlain Regev Zvi Bentwich Zvi Tauber Agronomist Student
Dr. Civil Rights Lawyer Peace Activist Veterinary Doctor Rabbi Engineer Peace Activist IT programs developer Engineer Professor, Art History Israel Prize, Professor M.D. Ideological Department Coordinator, Kibbutz PhD, Middle East Studies, former Director of the Former Minister of Education & MK Opera singer Restaurant CEO Professor Lecturer Language Editor CEO Teacher, Film studies Chair of NGO Carpenter Professor of History, Israel Prize Recipient Manager Child Specialist Dr. of Philosophy Human Rights Activist Professor of Medicine Professor 
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