
Creating a security-rich, collaborative environment to

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Creating a security-rich, collaborative environment to
Creating a security-rich, collaborative environment to
help employees work more productively and effectively
IBM On Demand Workplace
employees work more productively
and effectively. With On Demand
Workplace, employees can easily and
dynamically interact with the content,
applications, business processes and
people they need to get their jobs done
faster—virtually anytime, anywhere.
By enabling employees to quickly and
effectively communicate and collaborate with other employees, partners,
suppliers and customers, organizations
can respond rapidly and successfully
to change and opportunity.
Providing people with relevant tools
Helping to increase revenue by
and information
enhancing customer service
To compete effectively, organizations
IBM On Demand Workplace enables
are realizing a heightened need to
enabling employees to provide
employees to focus on providing excep-
focus on providing employees with the
enhanced customer service
tional customer service. It can help you
right tools to do their jobs effectively.
improve the quality of customer inter-
In an economy of tight budgets, which
actions, enable on demand delivery of
makes travel difficult, they are striv-
appropriate training and knowledge,
ing to achieve global connectivity.
and provide your customers with direct
Organizations are also challenged with
access to employees who understand
harnessing vast amounts of information
their organization, its values and its
and achieving true collaboration with
customers’ issues. By anticipating
customers, partners, suppliers and
and responding rapidly to changes
other employees.
in the marketplace, and by enabling
 Helps increase revenue by
 Reduces workplace complexity,
enabling people to focus on
core competencies
 Helps organizations improve
productivity and reduce costs
 Provides a competitive advantage
by positioning an organization to
become an on demand business
IBM On Demand Workplace combines
world-class software, services and
consulting to create a security-rich,
collaborative environment that helps
employees to quickly and accurately
meet customer demands, you can
achieve measurable improvements in
customer service and revenue growth.
Retail organizations are complex.
accessing critical work tools—from
Enhancing productivity and reducing
Coordinating activities among central
content to applications to business
costs to impact the bottom line
decision-makers, store managers,
processes to people. By making it
IBM On Demand Workplace is
merchandisers and logistics is key
easier and faster to communicate and
designed to enable organizations to
to organizational success. In the
collaborate, On Demand Workplace
align business processes—and the
case of one international retailer, the
helps organizations deploy the right
technology that supports them—with
company realized that inefficiencies
skills at the right time, and can make
overall organizational objectives.
in people management, training and
it easier for employees to focus on
It integrates disparate systems
development, inventory manage-
core competencies.
and workflow through a single
ment, communications and customer
view, reducing complexity for the
service were costing it money. By
With disparate employee portals that
employee, and it can provide employ-
implementing an IBM On Demand
were cumbersome and difficult to use,
ees with security-rich access to
Workplace environment for store
one of the world’s largest automobile
critical resources both within and out-
associates and management, the
manufacturers implemented an IBM
side the organization. Employees gain
US$32 billion enterprise determined
On Demand Workplace to create
more time to innovate and positively
that it could improve store process
a single, customized, roles-based
impact the bottom line. By quickly and
efficiency and enhance customer
enterprisewide portal to improve
easily extending solution functionality
service—and achieve an estimated
productivity and reduce costs.
to employees, partners and suppliers
US$167 million in annual benefits.
Faster, more flexible and security-
through prebuilt applications, an On
enhanced access to self-service
Demand Workplace can help your
Simplifying the work environment to
human resource (HR) functions helps
organization reduce the costs and
better utilize valuable resources
enable the company’s employees
time-to-market of new opportunities.
IBM On Demand Workplace provides
to spend more time on value-added
You can benefit from:
a single, consistent view—through
functions and core competencies.
which you can deliver information and
The workplace solution can scale to
tools—integrates with existing appli-
support the company’s variable cost
cations and makes it easier for your
structure, while also adding value
employees to access the information
for employees. By working with IBM,
they need. It is designed to simplify
the company was able to develop
the way employees communicate
and implement a single worldwide
and collaborate, both internally and
employee workplace and create a
externally, by providing a dynamic,
roles-based portal for its production
easy-to-use, roles-based interface for
management team in just ten months.
• Faster access to people, processes
and information at a lower cost
• Improved communications
• More effective and flexible access
to training
• The ability to leverage existing information technology (IT)
• Faster compliance with corporate
and government mandates and
IBM On Demand Workplace helps
Gaining a competitive edge by becoming
A focused organization is one that
reduce costs and implementation
an on demand business
is committed to concentrating on
risks by enabling organizations to
In today’s challenging marketplace,
differentiating competencies. IBM
leverage existing investments and
it is essential for organizations to
On Demand Workplace combines
skills while incrementally adding on
streamline business processes and
flexible, scalable technologies with
demand and collaborative capa-
respond quickly to changes. IBM
the deep industry-specific and cross-
bilities. By consolidating the various
defines an on demand business as
functional insights and business
intranets and extranets that you
an enterprise whose business pro-
process expertise you need to adapt
already have, On Demand Work-
cesses, integrated end-to-end across
quickly to both unexpected chal-
place virtually eliminates the need to
the company and with key partners,
lenges and evolving opportunities.
maintain duplicate subscriptions and
suppliers and customers, enable it to
maintenance costs—all with nominal
respond with speed to virtually any
A resilient organization is prepared
retraining of existing resources.
customer demand, market opportunity
for changes and threats—whether
or external threat. An IBM On Demand
technological, economic or politi-
An international financial institution
Workplace solution brings together
cal—enabling it to continue operating
tapped IBM to help it align its exist-
industry-specific know-how with a
with consistent availability, security
ing IT investments and applications,
dynamic, collaborative workplace
and privacy. IBM On Demand Work-
including PeopleSoft, an electronic
environment that can help your orga-
place helps create a security-rich
customer relationship manage-
nization become more responsive,
work environment, and is based on
ment (e-CRM) system, IBM Lotus®
focused, resilient and variable—key
IBM’s virtually unmatched technology
Notes and multiple portal projects.
characteristics of an e-business on
standards for reliability, scalability and
IBM helped the company develop a
demand™ enterprise.
dynamic responsiveness.
create a shared user interface and
A responsive organization is capable of
A variable organization is able to
network infrastructure, and common
sensing changes in the environment and
adapt cost structures and business
governance, security features, archi-
responding dynamically to fluctuations
processes flexibly, in order to reduce
tecture and standards. By optimizing
in supply and demand, new cus-
risk and to do business at higher levels
its return on investment on IT infra-
tomer, partner, supplier and employee
of productivity, cost control, capital
structure, applications and existing
needs, and competitive moves. IBM
efficiency and financial predictability.
Web sites and databases through
On Demand Workplace is designed
With IBM On Demand Workplace,
the use of On Demand Workplace,
to enable realtime communication and
you get a solution that can help you
the company estimates it will achieve
collaboration within your organization
optimize responsiveness to variable
more than US$300 million in savings.
and with your customers, suppliers
capacity demands, lower costs and
and partners, so the right people have
reduce risks.
strategy to integrate its IT investments,
the right information to respond quickly
to changes and challenges.
Relying on proven knowledge and
content, people and business
processes. WebSphere Portal also
IBM Global Services provides strategy
offers numerous portlets that enable
and design, content management,
the integration of e-mail, calendars,
governance strategy and execution,
and syndicated news and industry
role definition and setup offerings to
applications into a single portal
help you implement a comprehensive
solution. And with Lotus Workplace,
workplace solution. Our consultants
you can take advantage of powerful
focus on improving the cost, quality
collaboration capabilities, such as
and strategic value of your workplace.
instant messaging, team workspaces
We help you transform the various
and e-meetings.
elements of strategy and service delivery, including organizational design,
With IBM On Demand Workplace,
data warehousing, supply chain,
you gain confidence in a solution
finance and administration, customer
that combines our extensive experi-
service, e-learning and enterprise
ence, industry-specific expertise,
resource planning implementations.
exceptional service and proven,
We design and implement intranet
market-leading workplace and on
portals—which can be delivered on a
demand technologies. It provides
hosted or outsourced basis—enabling
time-tested, scalable technologies
you to cut costs and boost productivity
with a broad range of capabilities that
by moving work to the Web.
can support your organization now
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003
IBM Global Services
Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
Printed in the United States of America
All Rights Reserved
IBM, the IBM logo, the e-business logo, e-business
on demand, Lotus Notes and WebSphere are
trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the
United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product and service names may
be trademarks or service marks of others.
References in this publication to IBM products
or services do not imply that IBM intends to
make them available in all countries in which
IBM operates.
and in the future.
IBM Global Services solutions draw on
our industry expertise, intellectual capi-
For more information
tal and insights gained from hundreds
To learn more about IBM On Demand
of successful engagements to deliver
Workplace, please contact your IBM
improved business results through
representative, or visit:
the continuous strategic change and
operation of your business processes,
ibm.com /ondemand/workplace
applications and infrastructure.
IBM WebSphere® Portal delivers a
single, universal point of access that
is designed to be integrated, highly
customizable and scalable, enabling
you to interact with key applications,
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