
IBM Debug Tool for z/OS Highlights

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IBM Debug Tool for z/OS Highlights
Advanced debugging of SOA and composite applications on System z
IBM Debug Tool for z/OS
Provides a single debugging
tool for batch, TSO, CICS, DB2,
As businesses—and the critical IT sys-
IBM Debug Tool for z/OS® provides
tems that support them—grow increas-
debugging capability for applications
ingly complex, application developers
running in a variety of environments,
are constantly struggling to meet the
including batch, TSO, IBM CICS®,
demands placed upon them.
IBM IMS™, IBM DB2® stored proce-
DB2 stored procedures and IMS
applications written in COBOL,
PL/I, C/C++ and assembler
Offers more productivity
enhancements when used with
Rational Developer for System z
(available separately)
Includes tools to quickly identify and convert OS/VS COBOL
code to ANSI 85 standard
Supplies tools to help you
determine how thoroughly your
code has been tested
dures and IBM z/OS UNIX® System
Service oriented architecture (SOA) has
Services—and for applications written
become the hottest topic in IT today
in languages including COBOL, C, C++,
because it holds the promise of helping
PL/I, and assembler.
to address these conflicting demands.
The ability to reuse existing assets is
Debug Tool also includes features to
the cornerstone of SOA. This possibility
help you identify old OS/VS and VS
is significant because reusing assets
COBOL II applications and to upgrade
can be much less expensive than
the source code automatically to
rewriting them. With the vast number of
IBM Enterprise COBOL—to meet the
existing applications running on the
requirements of IBM DB2 Universal
IBM System z platform, it only makes
Database™ for z/OS, Versions 8 and
sense that System z applications can
9 and IBM CICS Transaction Server for
be a big part of the move to SOA.
z/OS, Version 3.
Debug Tool is tightly integrated with
IBM Rational® Developer for System z
and other tools in the IBM portfolio of
problem determination tools, so that
you can develop, test and debug traditional and SOA applications from the
same user interface.
IBM Debug Tool continues to support
and make the most of the latest z/OS
and subsystem levels, making it an
excellent choice for your business.
IBM Debug Tool for z/OS V9.1 replaces
all prior versions of both IBM Debug
Tool for z/OS and IBM Debug Tool
Utilities and Advanced Functions for
Figure 1: Rational Developer for System z works with Debug Tool to help mainframe developers be more
z/OS. This single Debug Tool for
z/OS V9.1 product includes all of the
function in the previous separate products as well as the new V9.1 function.
Delivering this single comprehensive
product provides significantly more
function to existing Debug Tool for z/OS
Data at your fingertips
your interactions with Debug Tool and
screen, IBM 3270 system-based termi-
can show program output. The informa-
nal interface with four windows that
tion you see in this window is included
patching and breakpoints:
To build and service applications effec-
IBM Debug Tool for z/OS, Version 9.1
provides a complete solution that can
help you to reduce application-
The Memory window (swappable with
the Log window) helps you display and
traditional applications
tools to compile, test and debug them.
in the log file.
enable single-step debugging, dynamic
Compile, debug, and test SOA and
tively, you need robust, easy-to-use
The Log window records and displays
Debug Tool provides an interactive, full-
customers, and will help simplify ordering and installation.
The Monitor window displays the status
scroll through sections of memory. You
of items you select, variables and regis-
can update memory by typing over
ters. You can view, monitor and alter
existing data with new data. The
application variables or storage in real
Memory window keeps track of
addresses for easier navigation.
The Source window displays the program code, highlighting the statement
The Memory window, new in the previ-
being run. In the prefix area of this
ous release, helps you display sections
window, you can enter commands to
of memory. You can navigate through
set, display and remove breakpoints.
this window with scrolling commands
development cycle times.
or by specifying a specific address and
you can update memory by typing over
Control debugging environment
With Debug Tool, you can choose how
you view and manage the process of
debugging your applications. Using the
full-screen interface, you can interactively debug almost any application as it
runs—including batch applications.
You can start Debug Tool when an
application starts or during an
abend. Alternatively, you can write
applications so that they start the tool
automatically—at specified times—
interrupting the running of the
Using the setup utility, you can create a
Figure 2: New support for SET AUTOMONITOR ON BOTH
setup file that contains the program
existing data with new data. The
For COBOL character variables dis-
Memory window keeps track of certain
played using the automonitor com-
addresses so you can quickly navigate
mand, Debug Tool displays values in
back to those addresses.
character format regardless of whether
the string contains unprintable charac-
Debug Tool gives you great flexibility to
ters. You can change these values by
choose how to display monitored vari-
typing over them in the Monitor
ables and lets you update large or small
information you need—including file
allocations, runtime options, program
parameters and application name—to
run your application and start Debug
Setup files can save you time when you
are debugging a program that you have
to restart multiple times. You can create
variables directly in the monitor window.
For example, Figure 2 shows the vari-
Several other enhancements have
ables at the current statement 56.1 and
been made to the automonitor section
also the variables from the previous
of the Monitor window. These include
statement 55.1.
displaying the value of a variable in the
variable’s declared data type and displaying the user register names in
assembler AUTOMONITOR output,
when possible.
several setup files for each program.
Each setup file can store information
about starting and running your program under different circumstances.
IBM Language Environment® user exits
conditions while an application runs.
You can use the commands to dynami-
can be linked with the application or
You can set, change and remove
cally patch (or alter) the value of vari-
with a private copy of a Common
breakpoints as you debug the applica-
ables and structures and to control the
Execution Environment (CEE) runtime
tion. This means that you don’t have to
flow of an application.
load module.
know where you want to set a breakpoint before you start debugging.
Review source while you debug
SOA development and debugging
Debug Tool supports debugging of
Debug Tool enables you to focus on a
In CICS, Debug Tool supports “pattern
monolithic, composite, and SOA appli-
particular problem area by checking
matching breakpoints” that use the pro-
cations. Customers creating new Web
your application for errors one line at a
gram or compile unit names specified in
services—whether newly written or
time. By using single-step debugging—
CADP or DTCN profiles to start Debug
refactored using existing application
and setting dynamic breakpoints—you
Tool and provides commands to enable
assets that use Rational Developer for
can monitor, interrupt and continue the
and disable the breakpoints.
System z—can immediately debug
flow of the application to identify errors
them using the Debug Tool plug-in
You can also debug applications written
in a mix of COBOL, C, C++ or PL/I lanA basic breakpoint indicates a stopping
guages without leaving the tool. You
point in your program. For example,
can also include assembler programs in
TAINER commands can display CICS
you can use a breakpoint to stop on a
this mix and, using the disassembly
channels and containers, including con-
particular line of code. Breakpoints can
view, you can debug programs com-
tainers that hold state information for
also contain instructions, calculations
piled with the NOTEST compiler option
Web services. Users can display the
and application changes. For example,
or applications that include other
information, even if it is not being refer-
you can set a breakpoint to have
enced by the application program being
Debug Tool display the contents of a
variable when the debugging process
For each programming language you
reaches a particular line of code.
can use a set of interpreted commands
As shown in Figure 3, Debug Tool now
to specify actions to be taken. These
provides support for invoking the z/OS
You can also use a breakpoint to patch
commands are subsets of the
XML parser to parse complete XML 1.0
the flow of the program dynamically.
languages—so they’re easy to learn,
or 1.1 documents in memory. If the
You can set breakpoints in an applica-
and you can modify the flow of your
document is syntactically valid, the XML
tion to monitor variables for changes,
application while you are debugging it.
is formatted and shown in the Debug
Tool log. Otherwise, diagnostic informa-
and watch for specified exceptions and
tion is provided to help identify the syntax error. This XML support requires
z/OS V1.8 or later.
Enhanced debugging capabilities
Debug Tool provides a rich set of commands, tools and utilities to help you to
debug your programs. When used with
the setup utility in Debug Tool, these
can help to:
Prepare your high-level language and
programs for debugging by converting,
compiling (or assembling) and linking
your COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and assembler source code.
Conduct analysis on your test cases to
determine how thoroughly they validate
your programs.
In complex applications, it’s easy to forFigure 3: Formatted XML structure using List Storage command
get how you reached a particular point
in your program. Debug Tool commands enable you to replay statements
that have already run. If you compile
your program with the IBM COBOL for
OS/390® and VM compiler (or a later
the automonitor function is active, any
You can also analyze your load mod-
variables that are referenced by the cur-
ules to help you identify candidate
rent statement are automatically
OS/VS COBOL programs for conver-
selected for monitoring. You can view
sion and then to convert these OS/VS
these variables in the monitor window.
COBOL applications to Enterprise
release of this compiler program), you
can review the values of variables and
replay the statements while debugging.
COBOL. You can then compile and
Move to Enterprise COBOL to reuse and
debug these applications to extend the
extend existing code
life of your existing code.
Previously, to create faster, more effiFor programs compiled with COBOL for
OS/390 and VM compiler or a later
release and Enterprise PL/I for z/OS
and OS/390, you can automatically
monitor the values of variables referenced at the current statement. When
cient applications, you had to sacrifice
Debug Tool software also provides cov-
debugging support. With Debug Tool
erage tools that enable you to conduct
you can debug Enterprise COBOL
analysis on your test cases and deter-
applications that have been compiled
mine how thoroughly they exercise your
with standard or full-optimization
compiler options.
Combine with other development tools to
can help you debug almost any appli-
Debug Tool correctly displays data
optimize applications
cation and almost any host language,
items according to type, including three
Debug Tool shares a number of side
including COBOL, PL/I, C/C++ and
floating-point data types: binary (IEEE),
files with IBM Fault Analyzer, making it
assembler applications running on z/OS
decimal and hexadecimal.
easier for you to test and manage
abends in new and existing applica-
New in Debug Tool for z/OS V9.1
tions. For example, the IDILANGX file
With Debug Tool, you can compile
Product consolidation
produced by Fault Analyzer can be
and link your COBOL, PL/I, C and C++
IBM Debug Tool for z/OS V9.1 replaces
used by Debug Tool to debug assem-
programs, and assemble and link
all prior versions of both IBM Debug
bler programs, and you can create a
assembler programs—as well as pre-
Tool for z/OS and IBM Debug Tool
readable listing from a Fault Analyzer
process and compile your CICS and
Utilities and Advanced Functions
side file or a SYSDEBUG file generated
DB2 programs.
for z/OS.
by the COBOL compiler.
IBM Rational Developer for System z
Usability improvements
You can also use the Interactive System
comes complete with a plug-in for
Productivity Facility (ISPF) panels in
Debug Tool, which gives your develop-
Debug Tool to invoke File Manager
ers a fully integrated development, test
base, DB2 or IMS functions and a user
and debugging environment for all
exit enables you to specify a TEST run-
applications running on z/OS, whether
time option string in the DB2, IMS or
traditional, SOA or Web-based.
batch environments.
New prefix commands that you enter in
the Source window enable you to display or monitor the value of a variable.
The WHEN condition has been
added to the AT ENTRY and AT
STATEMENT commands.
New automonitor options display vari-
A CICS utility transaction (CADP or
able names and current values for both
Debug Tool and Fault Analyzer also
DTCN) enables you to control debug-
the current and previous statements.
share common source files without
ging in the CICS environment. For
example, you can debug based on a
Debug Tool now provides support for
While running on z/OS V1.8 or later,
specific program or transaction name,
invoking the z/OS XML parser to parse
Debug in many environments
while other CICS-specific capabilities
complete XML 1.0 or 1.1 documents in
IBM Debug Tool can help you debug an
enable you to specify the span of a
memory. If the document is syntactically
application while it runs in a host envi-
debug session or view—or edit CICS
valid, the XML is formatted and shown
ronment, such as a batch application,
storage and diagnose storage
in the Debug Tool log. Otherwise, diag-
TSO, ISPF, CICS, IMS or DB2 Universal
nostic information is provided to help
identify the syntax error.
Database (including IBM DB2 stored
procedures) environments. Debug Tool
Display and alteration of 64-bit general
purpose registers in assembler expressions is provided on hardware that supports 64-bit addressing.
The SET LOG ON FILE command has
Setup improvements
been enhanced so that you can control
whether the information from the new
Debug Tool session replaces the existing
contents of the specified file or is
program to debug by the data passed to
that can edit JCL and help users start a
the program through a commarea or
batch debug session.
container in the current channel when
The processing of the Debug Tool user
EQADICXT) has been enhanced so that
The FIND command has been
you can have different TEST runtime
that indicate the first and last columns
to search through in the Source window. The SET FIND BOUNDS and a
the program is invoked.
A new command (CALL %FM) added
options for a program.
so that you can invoke IBM File
Debug Tool Setup Utility supports
Manager. This is available only for
accessing and creating generation data
CICS programs and it requires
sets when running in foreground.
IBM File Manager for z/OS V9.1.
A recovery routine has been added to
have been added.
handle IBM RACF®-compatible security
Other improvements
Saving and restoring of monitors has
problems when a data set used by a
been expanded to allow saving and
Debug Tool user exit (EQADBCXT,
restoring of LOCAL monitors in addi-
tion to the GLOBAL monitors that were
Improvements have been made to
remote debug mode capabilities.
You can now debug VS COBOL II programs that are compiled with the
NOTEST compiler option and linked
The %IF command has been added that
CICS improvements
with a non-Language Environment
is programming-language neutral. This
Various improvements have been made
library. This is done in the same man-
means you can use it to write com-
to enhance Debug Tool when using it
ner that OS/VS COBOL programs are
mands that can be used by all program-
for CICS applications, including:
ming languages supported by Debug
With the introduction of this support, a
Added support for DTCN users to
new term (non-Language Environment
Support for debugging AMode(64)
invoke Debug Tool at a program bound-
COBOL) has been introduced to refer
assembler and disassembly programs
ary in long-running CICS tasks.
to both OS/VS COBOL programs and
Ability to debug CICS user-replaceable
modules (URMs).
previously supported.
Ability for DTCN users to identify the
A utility has been added to Debug Tool
appended after any existing
enhanced to allow column specifications
has been enhanced with the ability to
Ability to create DTCN debugging
display or alter 64-bit addressable stor-
profiles that persist across region termi-
age using the LIST STORAGE, STOR-
nation, restart, and even after the termi-
AGE and MEMORY commands.
nal used to create the profile has been
these VS COBOL II programs.
Various enhancements to reduce processor and storage usage.
Documentation has been changed,
including an improved Getting Started
The Debug Tool user exit EQAUEDAT
IBM System z tools, including problem
For more information
will now be invoked for C/C++
determination tools, CICS tools and
To learn more about IBM problem
side files created by the DEBUG(FOR-
application development tools, support
determination tools, contact your
MAT(DWARF)) compiler option.
the entire enterprise-application life
IBM representative or IBM Business
cycle to help you build, integrate, test
Partner, or visit the following Web sites:
IBM problem determination tools
and manage enterprise solutions. That
include IBM Application Performance
enables you to make the most of your
IBM Application Performance Analyzer
Analyzer, IBM Debug Tool, IBM Fault
System z platform investments and
for z/OS, Version 9.1:
Analyzer, IBM File Manager, IBM Optim
expedite your move to SOA. With these
Move for DB2 and IBM Workload
tools, you can optimize your IT opera-
Simulator. These tools are designed to
tions and transform your applications to
IBM Debug Tool for z/OS, Version 9.1:
help ease the burden of building and
achieve greater business flexibility, with-
managing complex System z environ-
out losing touch with governance and
ments. By helping to improve delivery
throughout the application life cycle,
IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS,
IBM problem determination tools pro-
IBM System z tools let you develop,
Version 9.1:
vide increased user productivity across
maintain and manage your core appli-
source code debugging, abend analy-
cations more easily and at a lower cost,
sis, data management and performance
helping you to realize your business
strategy. Take that opportunity, today!
IBM File Manager for z/OS, Version 9.1:
IBM Optim Move for z/OS, Version 5.1:
IBM System z tools at a glance
Hardware requirements
Debug Tool for z/OS, Version 9.1, runs on any hardware configuration supported by the licensed programs specified here.
Software requirements
Debug Tool for z/OS, Version 9.1, runs under the control of, or in conjunction with, the following programs and their subsequent releases,
or their equivalents.
Required licensed programs
IBM z/OS, Version 1.7 or later
Optional licensed programs
Depending on the functions used, one or more of the following programs might be required:
AD/Cycle® C/370™ V1.2 (5688-216)
C/C++ for MVS/ESA™ V3 (5655-121)
IBM z/OS V1.7, or later C/C++ element (5694-A01)
CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2.3 (5697-E93)
CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V3.1 or V3.2 (5655-M15)
Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V3.4 (5655-G53)
IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V4,1 (5655-S71)
DB2 UDB for z/OS V8 (5625-DB2)
DB2 UDB for z/OS V9 (5635-DB2)
High Level Assembler for MVS and VM and VSE, V1.5 or V1.6 (5696-234)
IMS V9 (5655-J38)
IMS V10 (5635-A01)
PL/I for MVS™ and VM V1.1.1 (5688-235)
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS V3 V3.5, V3.6 or V3.7 (5655-H31)
Rational Developer for System z V7.1 (5724-T07)
WebSphere Developer for zSeries® V6.0.1 (5724-L44)
WebSphere Developer for System z V7.0 (5724-L44)
WebSphere Developer Debugger for zSeries V6.0.1 (5724-N06)
WebSphere Developer Debugger for System z V7.0 (5724-N06)
Entitlement information
Current licensees of IBM Debug Tool Utilities and Advanced Functions Subscription and Support (5655-J19) are entitled to Debug Tool for
z/OS V9.1. That existing 5655-J19 S&S offering is renamed to IBM Debug Tool Subscription and Support. Existing Debug Tool for z/OS
customers who wish to upgrade will need to order the improved Debug Tool for z/OS V9.1 (5655-U27). It is recommended that they also
obtain the IBM Debug Tool Subscription and Support (5655-J19).
© IBM Corporation
New in this release
Usability enhancements
SOA and governance
CICS enhancements
Performance enhancements
Improved documentation
Many customer requirements
Software Group
Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
Produced in the United States of America
September 2008
All Rights Reserved
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other IBM trademarked terms are marked on
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