
IBM® Tivoli® Software Maximo Asset Management – Version 7.6 Releases

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IBM® Tivoli® Software Maximo Asset Management – Version 7.6 Releases
IBM® Tivoli® Software
Maximo Asset Management – Version 7.6 Releases
Maximo Trending Workspaces
Workorder, Asset Failure, Asset and Inventory Management
Revision 2
Pam Denny
Maximo Report Designer/Architect
Revision History
Work Order Management Workspaces
Asset Management Workspaces
Asset Failure Workspaces
Inventory Management Workspaces
Navigating/Content Structure
Importing Cognos Content ........................................................................ 25
Maximo KPI Template Data ....................................................................... 26
Maximo KPI Historical data ....................................................................... 29
Update Maximo KPI Variable Values........................................................... 32
Trending Workspace Items to Note
Maximo Reference Materials
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2015
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
February 12, 2015
(1) Noted this document for Oracle and DB2
only. Separate posting will be made for SQL
Server (2) Included information on images in
the 'Trending Workspaces item to note
February 8, 2015
(1) Included information on newly added
models and Oracle data (2) Updated Section 9
with additional information
Initial Release
January 2015
Maximo workspaces provide deep, visual insight into key functional areas of your business including Work
Order, Asset, Asset Failure and Inventory Management. Their dynamic, configurable metrics provide
immediate visual displays for you to view the current and past performance of your organization.
This document is for the Maximo Trending Workspaces. It details their content, and provides instructions
on their installation and utilization. Trending workspaces supplement the application workspaces which
are delivered in the Maximo 76 release.
The Maximo Trending workspaces were developed using the Cognos BI Server tools. To use these
workspaces, you must have a Maximo 76 and Cognos 10.2.1 BI Server installed and configured.
*NOTE: This document applies to Oracle and DB2 database types only. A separate posting will be made
available for SQL Server database types.
For more information on installing Cognos with Maximo 7.6, reference the document here
The Maximo trending workspaces are centered on four key areas of Work Order, Asset Failure, Asset and
Inventory Management. Within each of these four areas, the workspace metrics are available on various
views of the data as shown below.
Work Order Management Workspaces
Work Type Workspace
Work Priority Workspace
Critical Assets Workspace
Classification Workspace
Asset Failure Workspaces
Failure Class Workspace
Critical Assets Workspace
Classification Workspace
Asset Management Workspaces
Failure Class Workspace
Critical Assets Workspace
Classification Workspace
Inventory Management Workspaces
Storeroom Workspace
Commodity Group Workspace
ABC Type Workspace
The metric and view content of these trending workspaces is the same as the application workspaces
delivered in Maximo 7.6. The difference is in how the data is created and viewed.
Application workspaces are made up of metric reports which use sql to calculate the current values, and
display the metrics by varying views like critical asset and work priority as shown below.
Trending workspaces are very different as they enable you to view metric performance over time. Instead
of four application workspaces (Work order, Asset, Asset Failure and Inventory) there are thirteen
individual trending workspaces which display each variant of performance over time. These time periods
are weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly.
To enable the view of data over time, two key items are required including (1) Historical Data and (2)
application of time dimensions.
Historical Data - Retaining of performance figures is critical to show performance degradation or
improvement. To enable historical data for the trending workspaces, KPI templates with first
created with a range of variable values. Individual KPI records where then generated from the
templates, and scheduled to obtain historical values in the Maximo database. .
Time Dimensions - Date/time data in maximo is stored in precise periods like January 22, 2015
7:05am. To correlate that date for analysis it needs to be related to a specific week, month or
quarter of the year - for example week 3, month 1,quarter 1, year 2015. This process was
done in the Cognos Frame Work Manager tool, where time dimensions were applied.
Because of the content of the trending workspaces is based on unique KPI values and historical data, it is
very specific to the maxdemo database. For examples, the KPIs include the number of Overdue Work
Orders in Site Bedford with a Work Order Classification of Electrical. And over a 15 month period from
2013 to 2014, the KPI values for this configuration ranged from 10 to 40.
It is very unlikely that you will have that exact site and work order classification. The intention of the
trending workspaces is to show you how you can apply the power of the data collected by Maximo with the
power of the Cognos reporting tools.
To utilize these trending workspaces in your environment, you would need to create your own individual
KPIs and collect KPI Historical information. With Maximo 76, that process has been significantly
streamlined thru the new KPI Template application and scheduling features. Details on this will be
discussed throughout this document.
Work Order Management Workspaces
As noted in the overview section, the content of the trending workspaces is the same as the application
workspaces. The difference is in how the data is created. Because you may already be very familiar with
this content, these sections will provide only a quick overview and screen shots of the content. To find
more information on each metric, reference the document 'Maximo Cognos Content - BI Packs' available
for download here.
This chart highlights the four different work order workspaces, along with the individual metrics available
in each workspace. (Backlog WO, Overdue WO, Unplanned WO and Estimated vs Actual Work Oder Cost)
Backlog Work
Order Metric
Overdue Work
Order Metric
Unplanned Work
Order Metric
Estimated versus
Actual Cost Metric
Work Type
Work Priority
Critical Assets
Work Order - Work Type Workspace
The Work Type Workspace enables you to view Work Order metrics by filtering on Site and Work Type.
For example, you may want to analyze these metrics for your Preventative or Emergency Work Orders.
Unlike the application workspaces, notice how the tabs enable you to view this metric data in varying time
periods. By utilizing the tabs, you can quickly look for performance trends.
Work Order - Work Priority Workspace
Within the Work Priority Workspace, you can then focus on your most critical work orders by filtering on
Site and Work Priority. This quickly gives you insight to view your Backlog Work Orders, Overdue Work
Orders, Unplanned Work Orders and Actual to Estimated Costs by highest priority.
You can quickly narrow your result set to look at the work most important to you. For example, filtering on
the top 3 work priorities presents an immediate, positive trend that the amount of backlog and overdue
high priority work is decreasing over time.
Work Order - Critical Assets Workspace
Using the Critical Asset Workspace, you can manage the work orders related to your most critical assets.
by filtering on Asset Priority and Site. This gives you insight on your Backlog, Overdue and Unplanned
Work Orders for these critical assets, along with a historical view of their estimated to actual costs.
Work Order - Classifications Workspace
Classifications can be used to further categorize your work orders enabling you to better understand where
your work load is. Viewing this data in the monthly time period, and you can immediately see a very
positive trend of backlog and overdue work orders decreasing over time.
Asset Management Workspaces
Also included within the Trending workspaces Asset Management workspaces. They focus on visually
identifying key asset characteristics including Asset Costs, Assets with Preventative Maintenance Plans
and Assets with Spare parts.
Maintenance Costs
Actual to Budget
% Assets with
Spare Parts
% Assets with PM
Failure Class
Critical Assets
Asset Management - Failure Class Workspace
Applying failure classes to your assets in Maximo is a best practice which provides invaluable insight as
your analyze your data. In this Failure Class view of Asset Metrics, you can see interesting trends - for
example for Bedford HVAC, it is a very positive trend for assets having spare parts - - but there is a dip in
the Assets with PM plans. Finding this information by analyzing data exported to excel would be hours
and hours of work - - but this trend is quickly identified for further research and investigation.
Asset Management - Classification Workspace
Classifying your assets is critical in providing insight on comparisons of assets. With the Classification
Workspace, you can quickly compare actual and historical costs of assets with the same classification. In
the example below, it may be interesting to research why each site does not utilize the same metrics as
highlighted below with site Texas.
By utilizing the dynamic workspace features, you can quickly confirm that the Texas site is not collecting all
the metric data. This could be a matter of missing data, or a more serious issue in that the site does not
want to report on that particular metric.
Asset Management – Critical Assets Workspace
The health of your operation is often defined by the state of your critical assets. If these assets are not
properly maintained, your business processes may be severely impacted On display of the Critical Asset
Management Workspace, your eye may be immediately drawn to some of the data outliers. The % of
Assets with Spare Parts is an example of this.
You can quickly highlight and expand the size of this particular metric to determine the cause of the large
increase - and then immediate drop -- of assets with spare parts in site Bedford.
Asset Failure Workspaces
Also included within the Trending workspaces are Asset Failure workspaces. These focus on visually
identifying critical asset failure information including Number of Failures, MTBF, MTTR and Asset
Similar to the other workspaces, the Asset Failure workspaces are designed to utilize the same critical
asset failure metrics – but enabling varying filters on each page. By utilizing this configuration, your user
can quickly visualize Asset Availability or Number of Failures for an individual site by Failure Codes, Critical
Assets or Classifications.
Number of Failures
Asset Availability
Failure Class
Critical Assets
Asset Failure - Classification Workspace
As noted earlier, utilizing failure classes for your assets is a best practice which provides invaluable insight
as your analyze your data. This insight includes the ability to see which assets failures have the highest
numbers of failures, and the greatest Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
Asset Failure - Failure Class Workspace
Failure Classes provide another mechanism for you to view the asset failure metrics. Using this view,
your eye immediately is some interesting trends in the Number of Failures workspace.
In the scenario below, a different way of viewing this same data is presented by navigating to the quarterly
view of the data.
Asset Failure – Critical Assets Workspace
Utilizing the Asset Priority field in Maximo, you can quickly categorize the assets most critical to your
business. These assets may be vital to production processes, reliability of your operation, or safety
Inventory Management Workspaces
The last trending workspaces are for Inventory Managements. These focus on one of the key components
of your Enterprise Asset Management System - having the right materials at the right time.
Inventory Turns
Inventory Currency
Work Order
Material Stockouts
Inactive Inventory
Commodity Group
ABC Type
Inventory Management - Storeroom Workspace
Analyzing your material by your sites and storeroom locations can provide critical insights on how active or
inactive the inventory is. With the Storeroom workspace, you can quickly see how often the inventory is
turning - along with the percentage of inactive inventory in each storeroom location.
You may not see noticeable trends in your inventory metrics in the weekly views. It may be more
applicable to view these metrics in the monthly, quarterly or yearly views.
Inventory Management – Commodity Group Workspace
Classifying materials into commodity groups provides an additional way for you to manage your inventory.
These commodity groups could include Mechanical and Electrical Items, Pumps or more. In the example
below - you can see that there is numerous areas that are interesting to investigate - including the amount
of inactive inventory for Site Bedford..
Inventory Management – ABC Type Workspace
Your A inventory items are very critical to your business. These items may be critical in terms of the assets
or processes they support, or because of their inventory value. Your B items are less important, and the C
items are least important in your business.
To help you focus on your most critical items, this inventory workspace enables key metrics, including
inventory turns, and inactive inventory by ABC type.
Navigating/Content Structure
The Trending workspaces are delivered via a single zip file which you import. After they are imported, you
will have the top level folders located under the path public > publicMX76_Trending as shown below.
Drilling down into the publicMX76_Trending folder, you will see the four categories (Asset, Asset Failures,
Inventory and Work Order) which contain the individual workspaces for their areas. Additionally, a
Launching Pages folder is available - if you want to use a launching page to navigate between the various
You can navigate down thru each of the four individual folders to find the workspace content you want to
work with. Each of these folders contains both the workspaces, and the metric reports which are used
within the workspaces. The metric reports are not configured to be executed as individual reports with
parameter pages - they are intended to be used as workspace content only.
Continuing with this example, if you select the ‘Work Order Workspaces’ folder, you will see this content
Selecting one of these workspaces will display the workspace content.
The Maximo trending workspaces and content files are delivered via a zip files which you import via
Cognos Administration tools. The Maximo Cognos metadata was created by initialing publishing report
object structures to Cognos. They were then updated in the Cognos Framework Manager tool to enable
time dimensions and other sql modifications.
Before proceeding with the installation, determine if and how you want to utilize the delivered demo data.
This demo data contains the KPI Templates and Historical data unique for maxdemo data. This data will
help you visualize how the content can be displayed. However, it is very unlikely it will be able to be used
in your production Maximo environment as it is very specific to maxdemo content..
The available files include
This zip file contains the Cognos workspaces and metric reports. This is the zip file that is imported via
Cognos Administration into the Cognos content store. This file is specific for DB2 and Oracle only
This zip includes individual files which you may or may not utilize, including.
1. Trending Models.zip
This zip file contains the models for the trending workspaces. You will need to access these files in Cognos
Framework Manager if you need to update the MXDB schema name or change the MXDB datasource. For
consistency, you may want to copy this models to the location of your application models, which is
<\maximo76>\reports\cognos\Models\Application Models
Or you may want to also store them within Cognos at: <cognos>\My Projects\Metadata
These are XML files listing the over 50 KPI Templates used for the individual metric reports. The KPI
Template application was introduced in Maximo 76, and enables the creation of multiple KPI records by
varying the values of the variables within a KPI's sql.
These two files contain the same content - but you must select the file that matches your database type.
The selected file is then imported into the Maximo database via Maximo's Integration Framework.
If you will be using the maxdemo database, and want to use the trending workspaces as is - you should
import this file via application importing.
If you will not be using the maxdemo database, and want to use the trending workspaces to reflect your
individual content, you should import this file via application importing. However, once you import it, you
MUST review each KPI Template to change the variable values for your unique instance.
These are XML files listing over 400 individual KPI records and their corresponding historical data.
This file is imported into the Maximo database by capitalizing on Maximo's Integration Framework.
These two files contain the same content - but you must select the file that matches your database type.
The selected file is then imported into the Maximo database via Maximo's Integration Framework.
If you will be using the maxdemo database, and want to use the trending workspaces as is - you should
import this file via application importing.
If you will not be using the maxdemo database, do NOT import this file. This file is specific to the unique
values of maxdemo and is meant for demonstration/example purposes only.
The installation process is further explained by the diagram below.
1. The Cognos content is first imported via the details in section 8.1 of this document.
2. Next, the KPI Templates are imported into the Maximo database via Maximo's Integration Framework
in section 8.2.
3. Then, as highlighted in blue in the center of the diagram, you need to determine how you are going to
use the trending workspaces.
If you are using them for demo/reference only, proceed to section 8.3 of this document. This will
import historical KPI demo data which enables content in the trending workspaces to display.
If you not using the trending workspaces for demo/references purposes, you need to update the
KPI Template variables. After this is completed, you generate the individual KPIs, and then
schedule them to begin collecting historical information. Over time, this will enable your unique
historical values to display. Information on this is contained in section 8.4.
Pre-Installation Environment Checks
Before installing this additional Cognos content, confirm that your environment meets the minimum
requirements noted below:
Maximo or Higher
Cognos 10.2.1
The data source defined in Cognos for Maximo must be MXDB.
If you are utilizing a different data source name, additional steps must be performed in
Framework Manager. Refer to the steps at the end of this guide for details on this.
A. The Maximo Trending workspaces contain some files specific for each database type. Before
proceeding with the installation, confirm you have downloaded the content specific to your unique
database (DB2, Oracle or Sql Server)
Importing Cognos Content
The Trending workspace content is contained within a zip file. This zip file must be imported into Cognos
so you can access the workspaces. The steps below detail how to do this.
1. Download the zip file titled ‘PublicMX76_Trending.zip'
2. Copy the file within Cognos to the directory below
3. Next, launch to Cognos Administration. Click on the Configuration tab. Then, select ‘Content
Administration’ on the left hand side of the page.
Then, from the icons on the far right, select the icon ‘New Import’
and follow the dialog to import
the zip content. For more details on this process, reference the Maximo Cognos Installation guide
available here:
After completing the installation, you can launch to Cognos Connection, and on drilling down on the
publicMX76_Trending folder, you should see the contents below.
Maximo KPI Template Data
The Maximo KPI Template data is brought into the Maximo database via Maximo's Integration Framework.
To perform this process, follow the steps below
1. Sign into your Maximo 76 environment as an administrator.
2. Access Maximo's Object Structure application. Search for the KPIEMPLATE Object Structure.
From the menu, select 'Add/Modify Application Import Support'. Add the KPI Template application via the
New Row process if it is not already added. Set the default flag.
3. Repeat this step for the action 'Add/Modify Application Export Support'
4. Go to security groups. Filter for the security group who will be importing the KPI Template data.
(Example: MAXADMIN)
Navigate to the applications tab. Filter for KPI, and select the KPI Template application. Grant sig option
access to both application importing and application exporting.
5. Sign out of Maximo for security privileges to take affect
6 Sign back into Maximo as a member of the security group (ex. MAXADMIN).
7. Navigate to the KPI Template. Select the action - Application Import. In the dialog, navigate to the
location of the file: KPITEMPLATE_DB2.xml Click OK to import the KPI Template contents.
A message will display with the number of KPI templates that are imported as shown below.
8. Once the KPI templates are imported, you have to make a decision.
If you are going to use the Trending workspaces as demo/reference content only, then proceed to
section 8.3.
If you want to modify the Trending workspaces for your specific environment, then proceed with
the additional steps in section 8.4.
Maximo KPI Historical data
This section details the steps to import the KPI Historical demo data via Maximo's Integration Framework
into the Maximo database.
Note: Only perform the steps in this section if you want to use the trending workspaces for
demo/reference purposes only
1. Sign into your Maximo 76 environment as an administrator if you are not already signed in.
2. Access the Object Structure application under Integration.
3. Create a new object structure as shown below. Be sure to use the following values
Object Structure Name: KPIHISTORY
Consumed By: Integration
Authorized Application: KPI
The parent record of this object structure is KPIMAIN.
4. Use the New Row functionality to insert a child object of KPIHISTORY. Link KPIHISTORY to KPIMAIN
via the relationship: KPI_HISTORY. Save.
5. Navigate to the KPIMAIN records. As shown below, set Alternate key equal to
6. From action menu, select Exclude/Include fields. Exclude KPIMAINID from KPIMAIN and KPIHISTORY
object. Save the new Object Structure.
7. From the action menu, select 'Add/Modify Application Import Support'. Add the KPI Manager
application via the New Row process. Set the default flag and enable record import of 450 records.
Repeat this step for 'Add/Modify Application Export Support'.
8. Go to security groups. Filter for the security group who will be importing the KPI Historical data.
(Example: MAXADMIN)
Navigate to the applications tab. Filter for KPI, and select the KPI Manager application. Grant sig option
access to both application importing and application exporting.
9. Sign out of Maximo for security privileges to take affect
10 Sign back into Maximo as a member of the security group (ex. MAXADMIN).
11. Navigate to the KPI Manager. Select the action - Application Import. In the dialog, navigate to the
location of the file: KPIHISTORY_ALL_DATA_DB2.xml
Click OK to import the historical KPI values.
Depending on multiple variables, this import may take some time as large amounts of data are being
imported. Once complete, you will see a message similar to what is shown below.
After all the data has been imported, access your Cognos environment. Per the drill down path noted in
section 7, navigate to one of the workspaces and confirm it displays. If it does not display properly,
reference the Maximo Cognos install guide for additional troubleshooting.
Update Maximo KPI Variable Values
If you want to use the trending workspaces for your unique environment, you first need to review, update
and create KPIs applicable to your environment. As noted earlier, this occurs as the content of the
trending workspaces is based on unique KPI values and historical data specific to the maxdemo database.
For examples, the KPIs include the number of Overdue Work Orders in Site Bedford with a Work Order
Classification of Electrical.
To illustrate this, the flow chart below highlights the KPI Template process. In the first step, the KPI sql is
defined. Within that sql, are variables. These variables could be anything from site, location, priority,
classification etc.
Once the KPI Sql is defined with the variables, the values for the variables are defined. At this stage of the
process, the variables become unique to the individual environment. For example, the site, location and
priorities. These are not dynamic values - they are defined within the KPI sql so the KPI Performance
values can be calculated. Once the variable values are defined, unique KPIs are created.
In this section, you will be performing Steps 3 and 4 in the diagram above per these steps 1. Sign into Maximo as an administrator. Access the KPI Template application where you will see the
individual KPI Templates you imported in Section 8.2.
2. Review the KPI Templates - and determine which area you want to start with first. For example - you
could sort the KPI Templates by application - and select to first work with either the Asset, Inventory or
Work Order templates. Or you could sort for KPI Template name - and start by reviewing each in
ascending order.
3. In this example, a sort on application of Asset is applied, and the first KPI Template of Spare parts by
priority is opened.
4. Navigate down to the KPI and Variable Values section. Each KPI number is for an individual KPI, with a
corresponding section for its variables.
For example, KPI 224 has variable values of Priority 2 and Site Bedford. Also, its target, caution, alert,
Public and Active fields are defined.
Review each KPI values for your unique environment. For example, you may want to have Priority 1 with
Site Chicago. Repeat this process for each KPI variable value.
5. Repeat the review of each of the KPI Templates and its values.
6. Once you have updated each of the KPI Templates, create the individual KPI records via the 'Generate
KPIs' action highlighted here.
7. Once this is complete, navigate to KPI Manager. For each of the generated KPIs, schedule them to run.
This will start the process of collecting KPI Historical data for each of the KPIs.
Note: The collection of this historical data will take some time as the trending workspaces look at values
of weeks, months, quarters and years.
8. During the time that your KPI historical data is collected, access the Trending workspaces in Cognos.
Update the individual filter values for your KPIs to match the unique values you created.
Trending Workspace Items to Note
The trending workspaces were created to highlight the power of the Maximo data with the analytic
capabilities of Cognos. Based on this, please note the following
1. The trending workspaces were developed using a MXDB data source with a schema name of Maximo.
If you are either using a different data source or schema name, you will need to update the trending
models. Details on how to do this are contained in the Maximo-Cognos Installation guide in the section
titled ' Meta data model updates'.
2.. When you first access the trending workspaces, an error may display within each workspace report as
shown below. If this occurs, follow the steps in the Maximo Cognos Installation guide in the section titled
'Refresh the application workspace' to refresh the workspaces.
3. If you still receive an error in the workspace report, open each report in Cognos Report Studio. You may
see the message below. Click OK and the reports should now show data correctly.
4. Each of the metrics contained within the workspaces uses a line graph. This consistent display was
intended to draw the user's attending to performance improvements or degradation over time. You can
modify the graph type by updating the individual workspace report in Report Studio or by modifying the
graph type within the workspace display.
5. This document assumes that you have already performed all the steps in the 'Maximo76 Cognos102
Install Guide' and imported the application workspaces and reports. If you have not done imported that
content, you may see missing images in the trending workspaces. To correct that, you must import the
images as noted in section 4 of the 'Maximo Cognos Content' section in the install guide. These steps are
also repeated here below
Within the Maximo Cognos content, a variety of images like this
are used within the various
workspaces. Follow the steps below to insure that the images correctly display in the workspaces.
A. Navigate to your Maximo system, and locate the images folder
B. Copy the image folder to this location in Cognos
For additional information, please reference the information below:
1. Maximo 76 Maximo Cognos Installation Guide
Details the steps required to integrate Maximo 7.6 with Cognos 10.2.1. This integration must be complete
before utilizing the Maximo trending workspaces.
2. Maximo 76 BI Demos
Access this url for a recorded demonstration of the Trending Workspaces. Additionally, a large variety of
recorded demos on the Maximo 76 BI features are available including KPI Templates, Ad Hoc Reporting
and Maximo Cognos reports and application workspaces.
3. Maximo 76 Reference Materials
Page listing all BI and reporting reference materials for the Maximo 76 release.
4. Maximo BI Wiki Page
Home page of a large suite of dynamic information on all aspects of Maximo BI and Reporting.
5. Maximo Report Reference materials
This page contains the latest listing of report reference materials, including description, revision levels and
hyperlinks to the documentation. Included within these pages are the reference guides listed below
or its shortened url of http://ibm.co/1321CuI
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