
Installing and Using Solution Packs IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4

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Installing and Using Solution Packs IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4
Document Revision R2E1
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 51.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this information . . . . . . . . v
Intended audience . . . . . .
Organization . . . . . . . .
Service Management Connect. . .
Tivoli technical training . . . .
Support information . . . . .
Conventions used in this publication
Typeface conventions . . . .
. v
. v
. v
. vi
. vi
. vi
. vi
Chapter 5. 4G and Legacy Networks
Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Getting started with common reporting .
Logging in to the reporting interface .
Exporting Cognos report packages. .
Importing Cognos report packages .
Running the 4G and Legacy Networks
Interoperability reports . . . . .
. 28
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 6. Network QoS Assurance . . 31
Architecture . . . . . . .
Use cases in Solution Pack
Getting started with common reporting . .
Running the Network QoS Assurance reports
Filtering criteria for the reports . . . . .
Scheduling and emailing an Active Report .
. 1
. 2
Chapter 2. Downloading the Solution
Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Components of the Solution Pack .
. 5
Chapter 3. Software requirements and
prerequisite software . . . . . . . . . 7
Supported configurations .
. 7
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
Deploying the Special Event Management dashboard
solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using Tivoli Directory Integrator as a data
provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Preparing the Tivoli Directory Integrator
environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator . . . . . 11
Creating Pweb reports on Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Web client . . . . . . 12
Deploying the Dashboard Application Services
Hub data packages on Tivoli Directory Integrator 17
Starting the Special Event Management solution 20
Running the Special Event Management
dashboard reports . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Deploying the Special Event Management Cognos
solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Getting started with common reporting . . . . 22
Running the Special Event Management Cognos
report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Chapter 7. Comprehensive Report
Launchpad . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Deploying solution pack report launchpad on
Dashboard Application Services Hub for Wireline
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparing the Tivoli Directory Integrator
environment . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator . . . .
Importing Wireline Dashboard Application
Services Hub pages . . . . . . . . . .
Special Tivoli Directory Integrator tables
definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Starting the Report Launchpad solution . . .
Running the reports from Report Launchpad .
Report List Configuration . . . . . . .
. 35
. 36
. 37
. 37
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting the
solution pack . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Appendix. Common directory locations
for Jazz for Service Management . . . 47
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Installing and Using Solution Packs
About this information
Solution Packs can be used to monitor a user-defined cluster of network objects
from IBM® Tivoli® Netcool® Performance Manager for some specific use cases. This
document gives step-by-step installation and usage instructions for the Solution
Intended audience
This document is intended for:
v NOC Engineers who want to install and administer data models on a Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager system.
v Radio Optimization Engineers
v Network Planners
v Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Users (TNPM Users)
Readers must be familiar with the following topics:
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager reporting concepts
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Technology Packs
Common reporting
Jazz for Service Management components
Read this summary information to help you find the information that you need.
v Chapter 1, “Introduction,” on page 1
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 7,
“Downloading the Solution Pack,” on page 5
“Software requirements and prerequisite software,” on page 7
“4G and Legacy Networks Interoperability,” on page 25
“Network QoS Assurance,” on page 31
“Special Events Management,” on page 9
“Comprehensive Report Launchpad,” on page 35
v Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting the solution pack,” on page 45
v “Common directory locations for Jazz for Service Management,” on page 47
Service Management Connect
Connect, learn, and share with Service Management professionals: product support
technical experts who provide their perspectives and expertise.
Access Network and Service Assurance community at https://www.ibm.com/
developerworks/servicemanagement/nsa/index.html. Use Service Management
Connect in the following ways:
v Become involved with transparent development, an ongoing, open engagement
between other users and IBM developers of Tivoli products. You can access early
designs, sprint demonstrations, product roadmaps, and prerelease code.
v Connect one-on-one with the experts to collaborate and network about Tivoli
and the Network and Service Assurance community.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
v Read blogs to benefit from the expertise and experience of others.
v Use wikis and forums to collaborate with the broader user community.
Related information:
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Wiki on developerWorks
Tivoli technical training
For Tivoli technical training information, see the following Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Training website at https://tnpmsupport.persistentsys.com/
Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want to resolve it quickly. IBM
provides the following ways for you to obtain the support you need:
Access the IBM Software Support site at http://www.ibm.com/software/
support/probsub.html .
IBM Support Assistant
The IBM Support Assistant is a free local software serviceability workbench
that helps you resolve questions and problems with IBM software
products. The Support Assistant provides quick access to support-related
information and serviceability tools for problem determination. To install
the Support Assistant software, go to http://www.ibm.com/software/
Troubleshooting Guide
For more information about resolving problems, see the problem
determination information for this product.
Conventions used in this publication
Several conventions are used in this publication for special terms, actions,
commands, and paths that are dependent on your operating system.
Typeface conventions
This publication uses the following typeface conventions:
v Lowercase commands and mixed case commands that are otherwise
difficult to distinguish from surrounding text
v Interface controls (check boxes, push buttons, radio buttons, spin
buttons, fields, folders, icons, list boxes, items inside list boxes,
multicolumn lists, containers, menu choices, menu names, tabs, property
sheets), labels (such as Tip:, and Operating system considerations:)
v Keywords and parameters in text
v Citations (examples: titles of publications, diskettes, and CDs)
v Words defined in text (example: a nonswitched line is called a
point-to-point line)
Installing and Using Solution Packs
v Emphasis of words and letters (words as words example: "Use the word
that to introduce a restrictive clause."; letters as letters example: "The
LUN address must start with the letter L.")
v New terms in text (except in a definition list): a view is a frame in a
workspace that contains data.
v Variables and values you must provide: ... where myname represents....
v Examples and code examples
v File names, programming keywords, and other elements that are difficult
to distinguish from surrounding text
v Message text and prompts addressed to the user
v Text that the user must type
v Values for arguments or command options
Bold monospace
v Command names, and names of macros and utilities that you can type
as commands
v Environment variable names in text
v Keywords
v Parameter names in text: API structure parameters, command
parameters and arguments, and configuration parameters
v Process names
v Registry variable names in text
v Script names
About this information
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 1. Introduction
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Solution Packs provide an integrated,
use case driven solution with improved user experience and dashboard capabilities
in managing customer’s network infrastructure. Currently, the solution packs are
not delivered in the Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) program with the
corresponding technology packs.
Architecture of the solution pack version that is released in April 2014.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Figure 1. Integration of all use case scenarios in Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Solution Pack
Use cases in Solution Pack
Solution Pack contains four use cases that are explained.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Solution Pack has the following use cases that are combined into one single
Table 1. Use cases available in Solution Pack
S.no. Use Case
4G and Legacy
This use case shows how Communications Service
Providers (CSPs) handle problems of inter-RAT handover
failures, in terms of where it is occurring, when it started
and which Radio Access Technologies (RAT) is the biggest
Special Events
This use case helps Communications Service Providers
(CSPs) to actively monitor a user-defined cluster of
network objects, especially for special events.
Network QoS
This use case helps Network Planner to assess the Network
QoS performance trends and identify worst performing
cells by viewing the weekly scheduled and interactive
Cognos Active Reports. The insights obtained could be
used to improve customer experience by ensuring the
network meets data growth and new services requirements.
Comprehensive Report This use case helps TNPM users with an easier navigation
Launch Pad
to report of interest through the DASH capability and
provides the feature to save user’s favorite reports.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 2. Downloading the Solution Pack
Solution Pack is available for download on the ISML.
1. Download the Solution Pack from the IBM Service Management Library
(ISML). You can download the package from:
2. Extract the Solution Pack to a location of your choice to find the contents
as described in “Components of the Solution Pack”
Components of the Solution Pack
Package name
TNPM Solution Pack
This compressed file has these two components:
v Special_Event_Management_Cognos.zip
v Special_Event_Management_Dash.zip
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 3. Software requirements and prerequisite software
Ensure that your system meets the minimum software requirements and that all
prerequisite software is installed and configured before starting the installation.
Supported configurations
Ensure that you have the following Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
configuration with the correct patch levels before you start the installation.
Table 2. Supported software components
Supported versions
Operating system
RHEL 5.9, 6.2
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Jazz for Service Management
Tivoli Common Reporting
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence
Microsoft Office
Supported browsers
The following browsers are required to support the Web client and provide access
to the Solution Pack reports:
Internet Explorer
v 8.0
v 9.0
Mozilla Firefox
v ESR 17.0.1
v ESR 17.0.2
Important: Do not use Mozilla Firefox to view Network QoS Assurance reports.
Hardware requirements
A minimum of 16 GB server disk space is required for IBM Cognos Business
For more information about Hardware requirements for Wireline Component, see
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
For more information about Hardware requirements for Wireless Component, see
Other requirements
LTE Vendor Neutral Technology Pack
LTE Vendor Neutral Common Pack
Related information:
Jazz for Service Management IBM Knowledge Center
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager IBM Knowledge Center
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
This solution helps to monitor special events, essentially a user-defined cluster of
network objects. The Special Events Management solution contains two of report
packages in it. Dashboard reports and Cognos reports
Consider the following scenarios on how this solution is helpful:
v Special Event in a single location; A rock concert in a stadium
v Special Event in multiple locations; An event conducted across many
geographies like a world cup foot ball matched happening in many cities in a
v Special festive seasons in some countries where you see a periodic surge in
traffic that requires a close monitoring
v Regular monitoring of routes that are typically used by VIPs in a city where
safety could be a concern
Target Persona
v NOC Engineers
v Radio Optimization Engineers
v Activity monitoring of network hotspots
v Fine-tuning of configuration parameters
v LTE Vendor Neutral Technology Pack
v Special Dashboard Application Services Hub pages that are integrated on
Jazz for Service Management server
v Common reporting on Cognos 10
v Data integration by using Tivoli Directory Integrator on Jazz for Service
Deploying the Special Event Management dashboard solution
Deploying the Special Event Management solution on Dashboard Application
Services Hub for Wireless Component,
Before you begin
Ensure that you have the following software installed:
v Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4 Wireless Component
v Latest version of the Vendor Neutral Common Pack ibm.tnpm.lte.vn.v2.zip
v Jazz for Service Management v1.1.0.2
v Extract the report package Special_Event_Management.zip and also the
Special_Event_Management_Dash.zip files for this solution.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Using Tivoli Directory Integrator as a data provider
You can populate widgets with data from data sets provided by IBM Tivoli
Directory Integrator.
Tivoli Directory Integrator is an integrated development environment and runtime
service for general-purpose, multi-format, multi-directional, real-time data
movement, synchronization and transformation.
Dashboard Application Services Hub can use Tivoli Directory Integrator to retrieve
data from different Tivoli and third-party data sources and store the data in data
sets. The console then uses the Tivoli Directory Integrator data provider to retrieve
these data sets from the Tivoli Directory Integrator server, and use the data in
The steps to use Tivoli Directory Integrator as a data provider are summarized as
v Install Tivoli Directory Integrator, the fix pack, and the JAR files. See Preparing
the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment.
v Create Tivoli Directory Integrator data sets. See
v Reinitialize the Tivoli Directory Integrator data provider to pick up new and
modified data sets from the Tivoli Directory Integrator server. See
Related tasks:
“Preparing the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment”
Install Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 Fix Pack 2 and overwrite the OSGI plugins.
Preparing the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment
Install Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 Fix Pack 2 and overwrite the OSGI plugins.
Before you begin
For more information about the requirements for Tivoli Directory Integrator, see
About this task
The Tivoli Directory Integrator installation media and fix pack are provided with
the Jazz™ for Service Management installation media.
You can install Tivoli Directory Integrator on the same server on which Dashboard
Application Services Hub is installed.
1. Install Tivoli Directory Integrator Version 7.1.1.
2. The Tivoli Directory Integrator installation media is in the TDI7.1.1
subdirectory of the extracted Jazz for Service Management installation image on
your local file system.
3. Install Tivoli Directory Integrator Version 7.1.1 Fix Pack 2. For more information
about applying the fix pack, see the 7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0002.README file in the fix
pack directory. The Tivoli Directory Integrator fix pack is located in the
TDI7.1.1FP2 subdirectory of the extracted Jazz for Service Management
installation image on your local file system.
4. Back up the following JAR files in the <TDI_HOME>/osgi/plugins directory.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
v com.ibm.di.api.bind.jar
v com.ibm.di.api.rest.jar
By default, <TDI_HOME> is /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1.
5. Copy the com.ibm.di.api.bind.jar and com.ibm.di.api.rest.jar files from the
DASH_Home/installableApps to the TDI_HOME/osgi/plugins directory.
6. Stop the Tivoli Directory Integrator server or the Configuration Editor. Then,
start the Tivoli Directory Integrator server by starting the Configuration Editor.
For more information, see Introducing IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator.
Related concepts:
“Using Tivoli Directory Integrator as a data provider” on page 10
You can populate widgets with data from data sets provided by IBM Tivoli
Directory Integrator.
Related information:
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1 Information Center
Integrating with Dashboard Application Services Hub
Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator
The Tivoli Directory Integrator installer allows you to install Tivoli Directory
Integrator 7.1.1 in its entirety, only those Tivoli Directory Integrator components
that you need, upgrade a previous version of Tivoli Directory Integrator (versions
6.0, 6.1, 6.1.1, 7.0, or 7.1), or add features to an existing Tivoli Directory Integrator
7.1.1 installation.
About this task
Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 uninstalls a previous version; the
uninstallation does not remove any files that the user has created. User created
files are still available after the new installation completes. Configuration files such
as global.properties and am_config.properties are migrated to Tivoli Directory
Integrator 7.1.1, keeping any custom configuration changes that have been made.
The Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 installation continues to use the features
available in previous versions of Tivoli Directory Integrator:
v Administration and Monitoring Console (AMC)
v Configuration Editor (CE)
v Examples
v IBM User Interface Help System built on Eclipse
v Java API Documentation
v Runtime Server
1. Launch the installer directly by using the installation executable file as follows:
Linux 64-bit
2. Double-click the executable file, or type the executable file name at the
command prompt. This launches the installer. The installer is launched. For
information on how to use the installer, see Using the platform-specific TDI
Related information:
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
Preparing the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment
Creating Pweb reports on Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Web client
Reporting page contains a wizard-like interface that steps you through creating a
report definition, or report template. After completing the report definition, you
can run the report immediately.
About this task
For more information on the report creation process in Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager Web client, see Using Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless
1. Log in to Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Web client by using the
following URL:
Enter the user name and password.
Click Reporting > define Report.
Specify the report name. For example, DASH_Report.
Select the focal entity.
Typically, the focal entity represents the entity type that you want to report
on. For example, if you want to report on the cells in your network, you
would select the cell entity type. For example, select EUtranCell.
6. Select the following fields:
The Field Selections section of the report definition allows you to select the
performance measurements, or fields, against which you evaluate your
wireless network. It is in the Field Selections section that you select the
metrics that are of interest to you.
v EUtranCell.ENodeBFunction_Id (attribute
v EUtranCell.Neutral.Availability._%_Cell_availability
v EUtranCell.Neutral.EUtranCellTraffic.DL_traffic_volume
v EUtranCell.Neutral.EUtranCellTraffic.UL_traffic_volume
v EUtranCell.Neutral.HO_outgoing_inter_RAT._%_IratOutSucc
v EUtranCell.Neutral.Mobility._%_Success_intra_eRan_out
v EUtranCell.Neutral.Retainability._%_Call_drop_all_service
7. Click Extended Functions > Group By > Time – Hour to rank top and bottom
field values.
8. Save the report and exit.
9. Click Reporting > new schedule.
Allows you to schedule a report to run at a future date.
10. In the New Schedule page, select the following:
v Hourly in Frequency to Run to run every single hour
v Database Export in Automatic Export of Report Results
11. Save and exit. Wait for the report to run and create the
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Note: Replace the name XP_DASH_DSH2_SCHDLE_RES by the table name that is
generated by Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Web client.
What to do next
Alternatively, you can import the report by using report_impexp tool. For more
information, see “Importing a report by using report_impexp tool.”
Related concepts:
“Pweb report table definition”
When the Pweb report is run for the first time, this table is created with these
Related tasks:
“Importing a report by using report_impexp tool”
The report_impexp tool provides functionality for importing and exporting report
definitions among other things. This procedure is an alternate procedure for
importing a report.
Pweb report table definition
When the Pweb report is run for the first time, this table is created with these
Related concepts:
“Pweb report view definition” on page 15
Create the view from the report table.
Related tasks:
“Creating Pweb reports on Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Web client” on
page 12
Reporting page contains a wizard-like interface that steps you through creating a
report definition, or report template. After completing the report definition, you
can run the report immediately.
“Importing a report by using report_impexp tool”
The report_impexp tool provides functionality for importing and exporting report
definitions among other things. This procedure is an alternate procedure for
importing a report.
Importing a report by using report_impexp tool
The report_impexp tool provides functionality for importing and exporting report
definitions among other things. This procedure is an alternate procedure for
importing a report.
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
About this task
The report_impexp tool is located in: $WMCROOT/bin. Do not run more than one
instance of the tool at any particular time. For more information about this tool,
see Administering Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless Component.
1. Log in to Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager system as user virtuo.
2. Go to <package>/PWEB/.
3. Run the following command in a single line:
report_impexp -i -u <user_id> -p <password>
-f <file|dir> -l <server_directory>
-dup <failonerror|overwrite|ignore>
Initiates the import process.
-u <user_id>
The username of the user invoking the
import tool.
-p <password>
The user's password.
-f <file|dir>
Name of xml file from which to import user
Can be a reference to a file or a folder. If a
reference to a folder is given then a
recursive search is carried out for all files
with an .xml extension. Each file is then
-l <server_directory>
Destination on server that is the root
location for imported documents. This must
be a valid user folder location. For example:
If the -l option is not used then the location
and associations are taken from the
imported document(s).
-dup <failonerror|overwrite|ignore>
Import process behavior. This option is
specified with one of the following three
fail when an existing document
with the same name is found
overwrite when existing documents
with the same names are found
ignore documents that already exist
For example,
report_impexp -i -u sysadm -p Sysadm01 -f DASH_schedule.xml -l /Users/sysadm -dup failonerror
Installing and Using Solution Packs
4. Verify that the import is successful by using the following steps:
a. Log in to Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager system as user sysadm.
b. Click Reporting > manage report.
Allows you to open a saved report definition or template. You see DASH in
the report listing.
c. Click Reporting > manage schedule.
You see DASH_schedule in the schedule listing.
5. Change the frequency of the report by using the following steps:
a. Log in to Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager system as user sysadm.
b. Click Reporting > manage schedule.
c. Select DASH_schedule and click open schedule.
d. Click Automatic Export of Report Results and click Edit.
e. Go to Database tab and select Database Export under Export Format.
f. Click Apply, and then click save schedule.
Related concepts:
“Pweb report table definition” on page 13
When the Pweb report is run for the first time, this table is created with these
Related tasks:
“Creating Pweb reports on Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Web client” on
page 12
Reporting page contains a wizard-like interface that steps you through creating a
report definition, or report template. After completing the report definition, you
can run the report immediately.
Pweb report view definition
Create the view from the report table.
Run the following command in a single line to create the view from the report that
was created earlier:
Note: Replace the name XP_DASH2_DSH2SCHDL_RES by the table name that is
generated by Pweb in “Creating Pweb reports on Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager Web client” on page 12.
Related concepts:
“Pweb report table definition” on page 13
When the Pweb report is run for the first time, this table is created with these
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
Creating the index:
Create the index t_hour_idx.
About this task
Use the following command to create the index:
CREATE INDEX t_hour_idx
CREATE INDEX eutrancell_id_idx
CREATE INDEX enodebfunction_id_idx
Note: Replace XP_DASH2_DSH2SCHDL_RES by the table name that is generated by
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Web client from here:
1. Log in to Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Web client from the following
URL as smadmin user:
2. Click Reporting > manage schedule.
3. Select DASH_schedule.
You can find the table name in External Report pane.
Specific tables for Monitoring of Object Cluster for Special Event
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager system database event table definitions.
UC2_EVENTLIST table definition
UC2_EVENT_CELL_MAP table definition
Use the following SQL statement to create the table:
) ;
) ;
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Deploying the Dashboard Application Services Hub data
packages on Tivoli Directory Integrator
1. Launch Configure the Configuration Editor from Application > IBM Tivoli
Integrator v7.1.1 > Configuration Editor.
2. Use the default workspace directory.
The first time you start the Configuration Editor, it prompts you for a
workspace directory. The workspace directory is the filesystem location where
your projects are stored. You can change this directory later from the File menu.
3. On the welcome screen, click Create Tivoli Directory Integrator project link
and specify the name of the project as DASH_SPECIAL_EVENTS.
4. Import the <package>/TDI/TDI_Conf.xml file into the project.
5. Connect to the wireless component vtdb datasource by following these steps:
a. Go to project > scripts > database_config.
b. For Oracle JDBC connection, specify the following information:
JDBC Driver
6. Deploy the configuration to the Tivoli Directory Integrator Server by following
these steps:
a. Drag and drop the project to Running server.
b. On runtime configuration dialog, click Finish.
7. Copy the ojdbc6.jar file to /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/jars/3rdparty/others, if
database is not installed on the same server where Tivoli Directory Integrator is
installed. Tivoli Directory Integrator can now connect to the Oracle database.
Note: You can find the ojdbc6.jar file from $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/
8. Restart the Configuration Editor.
Importing Dashboard Application Services Hub Pages
IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub allows you to create custom dashboard
pages. A page is an arrangement of one or more widgets in the work area of the
console. A widget is a user interface component that displays information in a
console dashboard. Dashboard Application Services Hub provides a set of
predefined widgets. Each widget is configured to retrieve information from a data
provider that has a connection defined in Dashboard Application Services Hub.
Each data provider divides its information into data sets.
Before you begin
For detailed information on predefined widgets, how to edit and customize each
widget type, and how to create catalogs and pages with widgets, see the
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
Dashboard Application Services Hub online help orJazz for Service Management
Integration Guide.
About this task
Describes the steps to import the packaged Dashboard Application Services Hub
1. Import the following Dashboard Application Services Hub data packages by
running the consolecli commands:
Note: The consolecli commands are entered from the <DASH_HOME>/bin
directory. The default <DASH_HOME> is /opt/IBM/JazzSM/ui
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Special_Event_Management_Folder.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password> --excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Special_Event_Administration.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password> --excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Special_Event_Monitoring_Report.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password> --excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Cell_Details.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password> --excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Radio_Capacity_Report.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password> --excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Special_Event_View.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password> --excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
2. Extract the custom pages as follows:
a. Go to DASH_Profile/installedApps/JazzSMNode01Cell folder. The default
location for DASH_Profile is /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile.
b. Extract the packages by using the following command:
tar xvf <package>/Custom_Pages/DASH_Custom_Pages.tar
Related information:
Integrating with Dashboard Application Services Hub
Starting Dashboard Application Services Hub services
1. Start Jazz for Service Management.
2. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator derby database by using these steps:
a. Go to /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin.
b. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator from command line by using
startSEMServer.sh file.
c. Optional: Stop Tivoli Directory Integrator from command line by using
stopSEMServer.sh file.
3. Login to Dashboard Application Services Hub from the following URL:
For more information, see “Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25.
Related tasks:
Installing and Using Solution Packs
“Starting Jazz for Service Management application servers”
You can start any Jazz for Service Management virtualization and reporting servers
by using the IBM WebSphere startServer command. You might need to restart the
application server after you complete a configuration task for an integration
service, or after you take the application server down for maintenance.
“Stopping Jazz for Service Management application servers”
You can stop any Jazz for Service Management application server by using the IBM
WebSphere stopServer command. You might need to restart the application server
after completing a configuration task for an integration service, or stop the
application server for maintenance. To start the server again, use the startServer
Starting Jazz for Service Management application servers:
You can start any Jazz for Service Management virtualization and reporting servers
by using the IBM WebSphere startServer command. You might need to restart the
application server after you complete a configuration task for an integration
service, or after you take the application server down for maintenance.
About this task
The same procedure applies to any Jazz for Service Management application
1. On the relevantJazz for Service Management server, open a command window.
2. Change to the JazzSM_WAS_Profile/bin directory. The default location for
<JazzSM_WAS_Profile> is /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile.
3. Run the following command:
./startServer.sh server_name
Enter the name of the application server that was specified when the
application server profile was created. For example, server1.
Related tasks:
“Starting Dashboard Application Services Hub services” on page 18
Stopping Jazz for Service Management application servers:
You can stop any Jazz for Service Management application server by using the IBM
WebSphere stopServer command. You might need to restart the application server
after completing a configuration task for an integration service, or stop the
application server for maintenance. To start the server again, use the startServer
1. On the relevant Jazz for Service Management server, open a command window.
2. Change to the JazzSM_WAS_Profile/bin directory. The default location for
<JazzSM_WAS_Profile> is /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile.
3. Run the following command:
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
./stopServer.sh <server_name> -username <WAS_admin_user_name> -password <WAS_admin_password>
Enter the name of the application server that was specified when the
application server profile was created. For example, server1.
The default user name is smadmin.
This is the password that is specified at the time of installation.
stopServer.sh server1 -username smadmin -password jazzsmpwd
Related tasks:
“Starting Dashboard Application Services Hub services” on page 18
Starting the Special Event Management solution
Before you begin
Copy <package>/Scripts/startSEMServer.sh and <package>/Scripts/
stopSEMServer.sh to <TDI_HOME>/bin/
Change the permission of the script by using the following command:
Chmod 755 startSEMServer.sh stopSEMServer.sh
1. Start the Jazz for Service Management. See “Starting Jazz for Service
Management application servers” on page 19.
2. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator Derby database by using these steps:
a. Go to /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin.
b. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator by using the following command:
3. Login to Dashboard Application Services Hub. See “Logging in to the reporting
interface” on page 25
Running the Special Event Management dashboard reports
Viewing the reports from Special Event Management dashboard.
About this task
Special Event Management package has these two reporting packages;
Special_Event_Management_Dash.zip and Special_Event_Management_Cognos.zip.
Special_Event_Management_Cognos.zip file has a single Radio Capacity Report. For
more information on how to open this report, see “Running the Special Event
Management Cognos report” on page 23.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
1. Log in to Dashboard Application Services Hub server where you have installed
the package as admin user that you have created at the time of installation. See
“Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25.
2. From the navigation bar, click Special Event Management > Special Event
Monitoring Report. The Special Event Management widget opens as shown in
the following figure that shows the available Special Events and the Cell
3. Click any cell to see the reports.
Every cell has the following set of six reports:
v Cell Drop
v Cell Availability
v Outgoing Inter-RAT HO
v Intra LTE HO
v DL Traffic Volume
v UL Traffic Volume
4. Right-click a selected cell from an event to see the Radio Capacity report in
5. You can add, edit, or remove a special event from the dashboard by following
these steps:
a. Click Special Event Management > Special Event Administration.
b. Click Add to add the details of a new event and enter the values for the
required fields:
Special Event Name
Name of the event. For example, Rock
Location of the event. For example, National
Stadium, Kuala Lumpur
Start Time Stamp
Start time. This entry is for display purpose
only and does not affect the report.
End Time Stamp
End time. This entry is for display purpose
only and does not affect the report.
Description of the event. For example, Rock
Concert to accommodate 10,000 people.
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
Selected EutranCell
Select the EnodeB and Eutrancell from the
Select Cell dialog.
c. Click Add.
d. Optional: Click Edit to modify the event details.
e. Optional: Click Remove to remove an event from the dashboard.
Deploying the Special Event Management Cognos solution
Deploying the Special Event Management solution on Dashboard Application
Services Hub for Wireless Component for Common Reporting.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have the following software installed:
v Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4 Wireless Component
v Latest version of the Vendor Neutral Common Pack ibm.tnpm.lte.vn.v2.zip
v Jazz for Service Management v1.1.0.2
v Extract the report package Special_Event_Management.zip and also the
Special_Event_Management_Cognos.zip files for this solution.
Getting started with common reporting
Provides instructions on how to work with reports using IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence Reporting. You are guided through the basic reporting tasks, with
particular emphasis on techniques that are unique to Performance Management.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have installed the latest version of the Vendor Neutral Common
Pack ibm.tnpm.lte.vn.v2.zip.
About this task
This is a simple reference instruction for creating, publishing, importing, and
running your reports.
Follow these steps to install the reports available in the package:
1. “Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25
2. “Exporting Cognos report packages” on page 27
3. “Importing Cognos report packages” on page 27
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Running the Special Event Management Cognos report
1. Log in to the Dashboard Application Services Hub reporting interface.
2. Open the Special Event Management package in your Public Folders view.
You find the following report:
v Radio Capacity Report
3. Click on the report and open it in a new tab.
4. Select the required values from the following fields:
Available networks that are monitored
Available regions
Available markets
Available EutranCells
5. Click Finish and open the report.
Note: Click Allow blocked content in Internet Explorer to view the report.
Chapter 4. Special Events Management
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 5. 4G and Legacy Networks Interoperability
This solution helps to assure customer experience by monitoring the 3G or 4G
hand over performance and seamless inter working with existing 3G or HSPA data
Target persona
v NOC Engineers
v Radio Optimization Engineers
v Reduce the cost of managing networks
v Ensure the transparent user experience across 2G, 3G and 4G LTE
v LTE Vendor Neutral Technology Pack
v Cognos 10 model for LTE Vendor Neutral Technology Pack
v Cognos 10 reports
Getting started with common reporting
Provides instructions on how to work with reports using IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence Reporting. You are guided through the basic reporting tasks, with
particular emphasis on techniques that are unique to Performance Management.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have installed the latest version of the Vendor Neutral Common
Pack ibm.tnpm.lte.vn.v2.zip.
Extract the report package 4G_and_Legacy_Networks_Interoperability.zip file for
this solution.
About this task
This is a simple reference instruction for creating, publishing, importing, and
running your reports.
Logging in to the reporting interface
Depending upon your organization’s deployment of Tivoli Common Reporting,
you can access the reporting interface directly or through Dashboard Application
Services Hub.
About this task
With the Common Reporting interface, you can perform simple lightweight tasks
as well as more advanced scalable reporting that is provided by IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence Reporting.
v Create on-demand reports.
v Use the Web-based report authoring.
v Email reports
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Access the reporting interface:
Dashboard Application Services Hub
Log in to the reporting interface from the Dashboard Application Services
Hub login page. Both Dashboard Application Services Hub and Tivoli
Common Reporting are installed in the same application serving
environment, and the reporting interface is integrated with Dashboard
Application Services Hub.
Access is determined by user roles associated with user IDs. The role that
you need to access Tivoli Common Reporting is tcrPortalOperator. See
Authentication and authorization in Tivoli Common Reporting.
v Access the reporting interface from Dashboard Application Services Hub as
1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL for the Jazz™ for Service
Management UI and reporting server:
For example: https://myJazzSMserver.ibm.com:16311/ibm/console
– host.domain is the fully qualified host name or IP address of the Jazz for
Service Management UI and reporting server.
When single sign-on (SSO) is enabled, ensure that you use the fully
qualified host name in the URL of the Jazz for Service Management
reporting and UI server. SSO requires that the browser pass LTPA cookies
to the Jazz for Service Management application server, and these cookies
contain the fully qualified host name.
– port is the secure HTTP port number that was specified during
installation. The default value is 16311.
– /DASH_context_root is the context root for the console that was specified
during installation. The default value is /ibm/console.
2. On the Dashboard Application Services Hub login page, enter the user ID
and password. Ensure that user ID has access to Tivoli Common Reporting.
Click Log in. The Dashboard Application Services Hub Welcome page opens.
3. In the navigation bar, click Reporting > Common Reporting.
The Common Reporting portal is displayed within a Dashboard Application
Services Hub portlet page.
v Access the reporting interface directly as follows:
1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL for the reporting interface:
For example: http://myJazzSMserver.ibm.com:16310/tarf/servlet/dispatch
– host.domain is the fully qualified host name or IP address of the Jazz for
Service Management reporting server.
Note: When single sign-on (SSO) is enabled, ensure that you use the fully
qualified host name in the URL of the Jazz for Service Management
reporting server. SSO requires that the browser pass LTPA cookies to the
Jazz for Service Management application server, and these cookies contain
the fully qualified host name.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
– port is the non secure HTTP port number that was specified during
installation. The default value is 16310.
Check with your organization’s Jazz for Service Management administrator if
you are unsure of the URL.
2. On the Log on to IBM Cognos Software page, enter the user name and
password. Click OK.
The Common Reporting portal opens.
Related tasks:
“Exporting Cognos report packages”
Export your report package to be able to use it for example, on a different Tivoli
Common Reporting instance. You can use this method for Cognos reports only.
“Importing Cognos report packages”
Import report packages to your workspace using the user interface and start using
an existing report model and reports. This importing method can be used for
Cognos reports only.
Exporting Cognos report packages
Export your report package to be able to use it for example, on a different Tivoli
Common Reporting instance. You can use this method for Cognos reports only.
1. Log in to the relevant reporting interface in your environment.
2. In the reporting interface, select Launch > Administration.
3. In the Configuration tab, select Content Administration in the navigation bar.
4. To export the report package click New Export icon.
The New Export wizard opens.
5. Enter the name for the report package and click Next.
6. Accept the default settings and click Next on the subsequent pages.
7. Select Save and run once, and then click Finish on the last page. The report
content is archived.
Related tasks:
“Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25
Depending upon your organization’s deployment of Tivoli Common Reporting,
you can access the reporting interface directly or through Dashboard Application
Services Hub.
Importing Cognos report packages
Import report packages to your workspace using the user interface and start using
an existing report model and reports. This importing method can be used for
Cognos reports only.
Before you begin
v Ensure that you have installed Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.
v Ensure that you have installed the Technology Pack.
v Download Solution Pack to your local file system. For more information,
see Chapter 2, “Downloading the Solution Pack,” on page 5.
1. Extract the report package ibm.tnpm.lte.vn.v2.zip.
Chapter 5. 4G and Legacy Networks Interoperability
2. Copy the reporting package in the Jazz for Service Management server in the
following location:
<c10_location>/deployment. Where, c10_location is the Cognos installation
path. By default, /opt/IBM/JazzSM/reporting/cognos.
3. Log in to the relevant reporting interface in your environment.
4. In the reporting interface, select Launch > Administration.
5. In the Configuration tab, select Content Administration in the navigation bar.
6. On the toolbar, click New Import icon.
The New Import wizard opens.
7. Select the deployed reporting package, and then click Next.
8. Use the default package name and click Next.
9. Select the check box next to the package that must be deployed and click
10. Accept the default settings and click Next on the subsequent pages.
11. Select Save and run once, and then click Finish on the last page. By default,
the package is deployed to the Public Folders and the reports are available in
content store.
Related tasks:
“Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25
Depending upon your organization’s deployment of Tivoli Common Reporting,
you can access the reporting interface directly or through Dashboard Application
Services Hub.
Running the 4G and Legacy Networks Interoperability reports
Viewing the 4G and Legacy Networks Interoperability reports
Note: In a distributed environment, ensure that timezone is in sync on all the
1. Log in to the Dashboard Application Services Hub reporting interface. See
“Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25.
2. Open the 4G Legacy Networks Interoperability package in your Public
Folders view.
You find the following reports:
v Inter eRAN Handover Graphical Report
v Inter eRAN Handover Report by Cell
v Inter eRAN Handover Report by RAT
v Inter eRAN Handover Tabular Report
3. Click on the report and open it in a new tab.
4. Select the required values from the following fields:
Available networks that are monitored
Available regions
Available markets
5. Click Finish and open the report.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Note: Click Allow blocked content in Internet Explorer to view the report.
What to do next
You can export a report in HTML, PDF, CSV, Microsoft Excel 2007 formats, and
XML. You cannot produce a report in CSV format if you have more than one query
that is defined in the report unless the additional queries are used for prompts.
Chapter 5. 4G and Legacy Networks Interoperability
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 6. Network QoS Assurance
This solution provides the capability to assess the Network QoS performance
trends and identify worst performing cells by viewing the easily scheduled and
interactive Cognos Active Reports. Network Planner can analyze and review the
QoS performance through the Quality channel indicator (QCI) - based traffic
classes on the radio access network by viewing the offline Active Report (Network
QoS Report) scheduled weekly. Network Planner can assess the Network QoS
performance and identify worst performing cells by viewing the weekly scheduled
offline Active Report. They can compare the current report with historical report,
and easily analyze the performance of access network.
You can view the QoS contribution of the radio network from the
worst-contributing resources and worst-trending resources.
Target Persona
v Network Planner
v NOC Engineer
v Improve customer experience by ensuring that the network meets data
growth, new services and applications requirements.
v Enhance competitive positioning by helping the CSP retain customers,
grow revenue through differentiated quality of service and user
v LTE Vendor Neutral Technology Pack
For more information about this Technology Pack, see the Wireless
Technology Pack Release Notes on IBM Knowledge Center for Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager.
v Cognos 10 Model on LTE Vendor Neutral Technology Pack
These are delivered under IBM COTS program and can also be used as
custom extensions by using Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Application Studio (NPM - AS). NPM - AS is bundled with TNPM 1.4
v Cognos 10 Active Reports
Active Report is an extension of the Cognos report that displays
important KPIs from business point of view. It leverages the existing and
dashboard reports; converts them to active reports by adding interactive
behavior, and provides end users with an easy-to-consume interface.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Getting started with common reporting
Provides instructions on how to work with reports by using IBM Cognos Business
Intelligence Reporting. You are guided through the basic reporting tasks, with
particular emphasis on techniques that are unique to Performance Management.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have installed the latest version of the Vendor Neutral Common
Pack ibm.tnpm.lte.vn.v2.zip.
Extract the report package Network_QoS_Assurance.zip file for this solution.
About this task
This is a simple reference instruction for creating, publishing, importing, and
running your reports.
Follow these steps to install the reports available in the package:
1. “Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25
2. “Exporting Cognos report packages” on page 27
3. “Importing Cognos report packages” on page 27
Running the Network QoS Assurance reports
Viewing the Network QoS Assurance reports.
Note: In a distributed environment, ensure that timezone is in sync on all the
1. Log in to the Dashboard Application Services Hub reporting interface. See
“Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25.
2. Open the Network QoS Assurance package in your Public Folders view. You
find the following reports:
Network QoS Assurance Report for EnodeB
This report helps the network planner to identify the maximum worst
EnodeB in a region. This report empowers the customer to view and
analyze their network behavior of filtered worst behaving EnodeB. This
report shows the important performance metrics like IP Throughput,
Packet Loss Rate and Latency, which helps to analyze the behavior of
the EnodeB and to take a proactive action to provide good user
Network QoS Assurance Report for EutranCell
This report helps the network planner to identify the maximum worst
performing Cells in a region. This report empowers the customer to
view their network behavior for up to 15 filtered worst behaving Cells
in a region. This report shows the important performance metrics like
IP Throughput, Packet Loss Rate and Latency which help them to
analyze the behavior of the Cells and to take a proactive action to
provide good user experience.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
3. Click the Network QoS Assurance Report for EutranCell report and open it in
a new tab.
Note: It might take sometime to open the report.
4. Select the required values from the following fields:
Available networks that are monitored
Available regions
Available markets
Worst Count
Number of worst performing cells to be
monitored; 5, 10 or 15
5. Click Finish and open the report.
Note: Click Allow blocked content in Internet Explorer to view the report.
6. Optional: Save the report to your local file system as mhtml file and click OK.
7. You can follow the steps 3 through 6 to run the Network QoS Assurance
Report for EnodeB report.
8. You can schedule and email the active reports. See “Scheduling and emailing
an Active Report” on page 34.
What to do next
The report runs in IBM Cognos Viewer. You can send the Active Reports to a
configured email and can be accessed offline with the same dashboard appearance.
Filtering criteria for the reports
Filtering is based on these parameters; Quality channel indicator (QCI) and traffic
QCI traffic classes are used to specify the priorities and performance
attributes for different services offered to the customers. There are nine
QCI classes. The details of each QCI class and its representation is as
Service Description
Conversational Voice
Conversational Video (Live streaming)
Real Time Gaming
Non-conversational Video (Buffered streaming)
IMS Signalling
Buffered Video and TCP-based Services
Voice, Live Video, Interactive Gaming
Buffered Video and TCP-based Services
Buffered Video and TCP-based Services
Represents the total value of performance metrics of all the QCI's at a time
Traffic direction
Chapter 6. Network QoS Assurance
An uplink is a connection from data communications equipment toward
the network core. This is also known as an upstream connection.
A downlink is a connection from data communications equipment towards
data terminal equipment. This is also known as a downstream connection.
Note: There is no Uplink traffic for Highest IP Latency chart.
Scheduling and emailing an Active Report
Scheduled reports run at specified times and can be automatically sent by email to
a user or a mailing list or posted to an FTP site. For Network QoS Assurance
reports, the scheduling is done weekly.
About this task
The procedure here explains emailing the reports automatically. You can email the
specific reports manually also. For more information, see Emailing reports.
v Log in to the reporting interface.
v Select the report that you want to schedule and email. For example, select the
Network QoS Assurance Report for EutranCell report.
v On the toolbar, click the Schedule button for the report entry you want to
v Under Frequency, select By Week, and then select Day.
v Under Start, select the last day of the current month as the day you want the
monthly schedule to start.
v Under End, click End by and select the last day of the same month next year as
the day you want the weekly schedule to end.
v Click OK.
v Click the Use my credentials link to make you the schedule owner.
Under Credentials, the name of the current schedule owner appears.
Note: If you are logged on as an anonymous user, information about the
current schedule owner is not available.
v Under Options, click Override the default values.
v Select the Send a link to the report by email check box and click Edit the
v In the Set the email options window, specify the required fields and select the
Include a link to the report check box.
v Click OK. The Active Report is sent to the recipient's email address as an mhtml
file to be viewed any time.
Related information:
Scheduling reports
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 7. Comprehensive Report Launchpad
This solution provides the new capability for TNPM Users to navigate to a report
of their interest from the installed Wireline Technology Packs by using the
Dashboard Application Services Hub feature that is introduced in Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager 1.4. You can also add your most used reports to My
Favorites on the Dashboard Application Services Hub UI.
Wireline technology packs can be grouped into seven main technologies:
v Device Management
Service Management
MPLS Service/Metro Ethernet
SLA and QoS
IP Telephony
Target Persona
TNPM Users
v Easy navigation to a particular report of interest with just a few clicks
v Ability to save the most used reports to My Favorites for repeated use
v Wireline Technology Packs
Currently, the following packs are available for integrating into this
Comprehensive Report Launchpad Solution:
– Arris DOCSIS 3.0
– ALU 5620 SAM
– Huawei U2000
v Special Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH) pages that are
integrated on Jazz for Service Management server
Data integration by using Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) on Jazz for
Service Management
Deploying solution pack report launchpad on Dashboard Application
Services Hub for Wireline Component
Ensure that you have installed the following software:
v Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4 Wireline Component
v Relevant Database. For more information on Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager Wireline Component requirements, see Configuration Recommendations.
v Jazz for Service Management
v Wireline technology packs
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Preparing the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment
Install Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 Fix Pack 2 and overwrite the OSGI plugins.
Before you begin
For more information about the requirements for Tivoli Directory Integrator, see
About this task
The Tivoli Directory Integrator installation media and fix pack are provided with
the Jazz™ for Service Management installation media.
You can install Tivoli Directory Integrator on the same server on which Dashboard
Application Services Hub is installed.
1. Install Tivoli Directory Integrator Version 7.1.1.
2. The Tivoli Directory Integrator installation media is in the TDI7.1.1
subdirectory of the extracted Jazz for Service Management installation image on
your local file system.
3. Install Tivoli Directory Integrator Version 7.1.1 Fix Pack 2. For more information
about applying the fix pack, see the 7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0002.README file in the fix
pack directory. The Tivoli Directory Integrator fix pack is located in the
TDI7.1.1FP2 subdirectory of the extracted Jazz for Service Management
installation image on your local file system.
4. Back up the following JAR files in the <TDI_HOME>/osgi/plugins directory.
v com.ibm.di.api.bind.jar
v com.ibm.di.api.rest.jar
By default, <TDI_HOME> is /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1.
5. Copy the com.ibm.di.api.bind.jar and com.ibm.di.api.rest.jar files from the
DASH_Home/installableApps to the TDI_HOME/osgi/plugins directory.
6. Stop the Tivoli Directory Integrator server or the Configuration Editor. Then,
start the Tivoli Directory Integrator server by starting the Configuration Editor.
For more information, see Introducing IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator.
Related concepts:
“Using Tivoli Directory Integrator as a data provider” on page 10
You can populate widgets with data from data sets provided by IBM Tivoli
Directory Integrator.
Related information:
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1 Information Center
Integrating with Dashboard Application Services Hub
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator
The Tivoli Directory Integrator installer allows you to install Tivoli Directory
Integrator 7.1.1 in its entirety, only those Tivoli Directory Integrator components
that you need, upgrade a previous version of Tivoli Directory Integrator (versions
6.0, 6.1, 6.1.1, 7.0, or 7.1), or add features to an existing Tivoli Directory Integrator
7.1.1 installation.
About this task
Installing Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 uninstalls a previous version; the
uninstallation does not remove any files that the user has created. User created
files are still available after the new installation completes. Configuration files such
as global.properties and am_config.properties are migrated to Tivoli Directory
Integrator 7.1.1, keeping any custom configuration changes that have been made.
The Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 installation continues to use the features
available in previous versions of Tivoli Directory Integrator:
v Administration and Monitoring Console (AMC)
v Configuration Editor (CE)
v Examples
v IBM User Interface Help System built on Eclipse
v Java API Documentation
v Runtime Server
1. Launch the installer directly by using the installation executable file as follows:
Linux 64-bit
2. Double-click the executable file, or type the executable file name at the
command prompt. This launches the installer. The installer is launched. For
information on how to use the installer, see Using the platform-specific TDI
Related information:
Preparing the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment
Importing Wireline Dashboard Application Services Hub pages
IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub allows you to create custom dashboard
pages. A page is an arrangement of one or more widgets in the work area of the
console. A widget is a user interface component that displays information in a
console dashboard. Dashboard Application Services Hub provides a set of
predefined widgets. Each widget is configured to retrieve information from a data
provider that has a connection defined in Dashboard Application Services Hub.
Each data provider divides its information into data sets.
Before you begin
For detailed information on predefined widgets, how to edit and customize each
widget type, and how to create catalogs and pages with widgets, see the
Dashboard Application Services Hub online help or Jazz for Service Management
Integration Guide.
Chapter 7. Comprehensive Report Launchpad
About this task
Describes the steps to import the packaged Dashboard Application Services Hub
1. Import the following Dashboard Application Services Hub data packages by
running the consolecli commands:
Note: The consolecli commands are entered from the DASH_HOME/bin directory.
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Report_Folder.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password>
--excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Report_Launch_Pad.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password>
--excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/ DASH_Report_Category.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password>
--excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Report_Page.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password>
--excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
./consolecli.sh Import --importFile <package>/DASH_Pages/DASH_Report_Launch_Administration.zip
--username <WAS_admin_user_name> --password <WAS_admin_password>
--excludePlugins TCRImportPlugins
2. Extract the imported Dashboard Application Services Hub data packages as
a. Go to DASH_Profile/installedApps/JazzSMNode01Cell folder. The default
location for DASH_Profile is /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile.
b. Extract the custom pages by using the following command:
tar xvf <package>/Custom_Pages/DASH_Custom_Pages.tar
Related information:
Integrating with Dashboard Application Services Hub
Special Tivoli Directory Integrator tables definitions
Special Tivoli Directory Integrator tables must be created with these fields. These
tables must be created in Derby database.
UC4_REPORTLIST table definition
Creating and importing tables in Derby database
1. Create the Derby table by using the following steps:
a. Go to the /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin folder and run the following command:
b. Set the CLASSPATH to the derbyclient.jar:derbytools.jar that is
available in /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/jars/3rdparty/IBM by using the following
Installing and Using Solution Packs
export CLASSPATH=derbyclient.jar:derbytools.jar
c. Run Derby by using the following command:
java org.apache.derby.tools.ij
d. Connect and create a new database called DASH_REPORT_LAUNCHPAD by using
the following command:
connect ’jdbc:derby://<server.ibm.com>:1527/DASH_REPORT_LAUNCHPAD;create=true’;
e. Create UC4_REPORTLIST table by using the SQL command:
) ;
2. Update the table manually from CSV file with the following information:
Import the report information based on the selected techpack.
1) ALU_5620_SAM.csv
2) Arris_CMTS_Docsis.csv
3) Huawei_U2000.csv
4) MIB_II.csv
<package>/report_list_cofiguration/<selected techpack>.csv’,’,’,null,null,0);
Starting Dashboard Application Services Hub services
1. Start Jazz for Service Management.
2. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator derby database by using these steps:
a. Go to /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin.
b. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator from command line by using
startSEMServer.sh file.
c. Optional: Stop Tivoli Directory Integrator from command line by using
stopSEMServer.sh file.
3. Login to Dashboard Application Services Hub from the following URL:
For more information, see “Logging in to the reporting interface” on page 25.
Related tasks:
“Starting Jazz for Service Management application servers” on page 19
You can start any Jazz for Service Management virtualization and reporting servers
by using the IBM WebSphere startServer command. You might need to restart the
application server after you complete a configuration task for an integration
service, or after you take the application server down for maintenance.
“Stopping Jazz for Service Management application servers” on page 19
You can stop any Jazz for Service Management application server by using the IBM
WebSphere stopServer command. You might need to restart the application server
after completing a configuration task for an integration service, or stop the
application server for maintenance. To start the server again, use the startServer
Starting Jazz for Service Management application servers:
You can start any Jazz for Service Management virtualization and reporting servers
by using the IBM WebSphere startServer command. You might need to restart the
Chapter 7. Comprehensive Report Launchpad
application server after you complete a configuration task for an integration
service, or after you take the application server down for maintenance.
About this task
The same procedure applies to any Jazz for Service Management application
1. On the relevantJazz for Service Management server, open a command window.
2. Change to the JazzSM_WAS_Profile/bin directory. The default location for
<JazzSM_WAS_Profile> is /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile.
3. Run the following command:
./startServer.sh server_name
Enter the name of the application server that was specified when the
application server profile was created. For example, server1.
Related tasks:
“Starting Dashboard Application Services Hub services” on page 18
Stopping Jazz for Service Management application servers:
You can stop any Jazz for Service Management application server by using the IBM
WebSphere stopServer command. You might need to restart the application server
after completing a configuration task for an integration service, or stop the
application server for maintenance. To start the server again, use the startServer
1. On the relevant Jazz for Service Management server, open a command window.
2. Change to the JazzSM_WAS_Profile/bin directory. The default location for
<JazzSM_WAS_Profile> is /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile.
3. Run the following command:
./stopServer.sh <server_name> -username <WAS_admin_user_name> -password <WAS_admin_password>
Enter the name of the application server that was specified when the
application server profile was created. For example, server1.
The default user name is smadmin.
This is the password that is specified at the time of installation.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
stopServer.sh server1 -username smadmin -password jazzsmpwd
Related tasks:
“Starting Dashboard Application Services Hub services” on page 18
Importing Tivoli Directory Integrator configuration
About this task
For more information about this task, see http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/
1. Click IBM Tivoli Directory Intergrator v7.1.1 > Start Configuration Editor.
2. Specify a workspace in your local file system.
3. Click Create IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Project and create a project by
4. Import the file from <package>/TDI_Conf.xml into the project.
5. Drag and drop the project to running server. The Servers panel displays the
status of all configured Servers. You can see by the arrow icon next to
'Default.tdiserver' that this Server has been started for you. This panel also
provides buttons for defining new Servers, Starting and Stopping your Servers,
as well as for refreshing the list and view a Server's log.
6. Click Finish.
What to do next
Refresh the Dashboard Application Services Hub and Tivoli Directory Integrator
connection by using the following steps:
1. Login to Dashboard Application Services Hub from the following URL:
2. Go to Setting > Connections.
3. Select Tivoli Directory Integrator and click Edit.
4. Click the save button on the Configure TDI connection page.
Starting the Report Launchpad solution
Before you begin
Copy <package>/Scripts/startRLPServer.sh and <package>/Scripts/
stopRLPServer.sh to <TDI_HOME>/bin/
Change the permission of the script by using the following command:
chmod 755 startRLPServer.sh stopRLPServer.sh
1. Start the Jazz for Service Management. See “Starting Jazz for Service
Management application servers” on page 19.
2. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator Derby database by using these steps:
a. Go to /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1/bin.
Chapter 7. Comprehensive Report Launchpad
b. Start Tivoli Directory Integrator by using the following command:
3. Login to Dashboard Application Services Hub. See “Logging in to the reporting
interface” on page 25
Running the reports from Report Launchpad
Viewing the reports from the Comprehensive Report Launchpad.
1. Log in to Dashboard Application Services Hub. See “Logging in to the
reporting interface” on page 25.
2. From the navigation bar, click Report Launchpad > Report Launchpad. TNPM
Report Launchpad that contains the report group categories opens as shown in
the following figure:
3. Click a report group or technology of your choice. For example, click Device
Management to see the Report Category and the Reports under that category.
4. Click a report from the ReportList to see the report. The legacy DataView
reports open in DataView and the Cognos reports open in IBM Cognos
Business Intelligence.
5. Add the report to your favorites by following these steps:
a. Click Report Launchpad > Report Launchpad Aministration.
b. Click a report of your choice from the Available Report List and click
Refresh. The selected report appears in the Favorite Report pane.
Report List Configuration
The Report List Configuration provides the mapping between wireline technologies
and report content category under which a particular report falls into. Report
grouping categorizes the performance measure into a few common areas within a
technology, for example packet health and traffic, hardware performance or service
QoS that have a few reports under them.
The Report List Configuration Zip file contains CSV files that lists all the reports
available out-of-the-box for each category. Currently, the Report List Configuration
zip file contains four CSV files with the following mapping information:
v Wireline technology (Device Management, Service/Application Management,
QoS, VoIP, Cable, Access and Metro Ethernet)
Installing and Using Solution Packs
v Report Group Report (Cognos or Legacy DataView)
v Technology Pack
v Link to the report to which this information is mapped to
Table 3. Supported technology packs
Technology pack
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM
Huawei U2000
Note: This file is frequently updated as we add more technology packs and their
report groups for the Report Launchpad support. The latest
Report_List_Cofiguration.zip file is available on the developerWorks from here:
Chapter 7. Comprehensive Report Launchpad
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting the solution pack
Troubleshooting information for solution packs helps you understand, isolate, and
resolve problems.
To resolve a problem on your own, you can find out how to identify the source of
a problem, how to gather diagnostic information, and which knowledge bases to
search. If you need to contact IBM Support, you can find out what diagnostic
information the service technicians need to help you address a problem.
Some of the known issues that you might notice when you install and use the
Solution Pack
4G and Legacy Networks Interoperability
v Do not press Tab to navigate from one field to another in the 4G and Legacy
Networks Interoperability prompt page. Use mouse to navigate instead for
selecting the values for Network, Region, and Market.
Special Event Management
v Date and timestamp are not seen as a tooltip on the six graphs of cell details in
the Special Event Management reports as this is a Dashboard Application
Services Hub widget limitation.
v You cannot close the Cell details page does from close control on the special
events monitoring page from main menu to navigate to another page. You must
log in to the Dashboard Application Services Hub again to go to another page.
v When you open Cell details page from any cell in Special Event Management
reports, you might see the Call drop graph upside down with wrong x axis and
y axis. This is an intermittent issue.
v When you click the maximize control on cell details page in Special Event
Management reports, the report does not fit to the page.
v For best rendering of Cell details reports, do not use Internet Explorer. For more
information about browser support, see “Supported configurations” on page 7.
v When you drill-through the reports in Internet Explorer 8, the reports open in a
single tab. When you drill-through the reports in Internet Explorer 9, the reports
open in different tabs.
Network QoS Assurance
v Do not press Tab to navigate from one field to another in the Network QoS
Assurance prompt page. Use mouse to navigate instead for selecting the values
for Network, Region, Market, and Worst Count.
v If the two values are very close for current and historical week and if they are
overlapping in the reports, then you can see only the current value when you
point to the report.
v When you hover the mouse on the graphs for the reports, the value that it is
displaying is the base unit and not the unit that is mentioned in the charts.
v Radio buttons do not work in the Mozilla Firefox ESR 17.0.1. Report name, Date,
and Labels do not appear in Mozilla Firefox ESR 17.0.1.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Report Launchpad
v When you try to open the reports in separate tabs, all reports open in the same
tab. This is seen in reports from all four use cases.
v All reports are displayed in the same Report tab. This is a limitation in
Dashboard Application Services Hub as the report name cannot be changed
during run time.
v Report titles are not displayed correctly in Internet Explorer 8 and 9 in
Compatibility View.
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Appendix. Common directory locations for Jazz for Service
Jazz™ for Service Management topics use path name variables for paths to common
directories, for example, home directories.
Jazz for Service Management home directory
The JazzSM_HOME variable describes the location where Jazz for Service
Management is installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not
specified, the following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM
v Non-root user installations: <user_home_dorectory>IBM/JazzSM
Jazz for Service Management profile directory
The JazzSM_WAS_Profile variable describes the location of the application server
profile that is used for Jazz for Service Management. This location is in the
/profile/ subdirectory of the Jazz for Service Management home directory.
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile
v Non-root user installations: <user_home_dorectory>IBM/JazzSM/profile
Jazz for Service Management profile name
The JazzSM_Profile_Name variable refers to the name assigned to the WebSphere®
Application Server profile for Jazz for Service Management. The default name is
Installation images home directory
The Install_Imgs_Home variable describes the common root directory that contains
the extracted contents of the installation images depending on the installation
Full installation
IBM DB2®, IBM WebSphere Application Server, and IBM Tivoli Common
Reporting if you want to install Tivoli Common Reporting during the full
installation flow.
Attention: You must extract the contents of the installation media for this
software to the same common root directory, otherwise the full installation
displays error messages for missing software.
Custom installation
IBM WebSphere Application Server, if you do not want to use an existing
installation; Tivoli Common Reporting if you want to install it after a
custom installation of the other integration services.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014
Note: It is not necessary to extract the contents of the installation media
for this software to the same common root directory, but it is preferable to
maintain all extracted installation media in a central location.
Jazz for Service Management installation images home directory
The JazzSM_Image_Home variable describes the common root directory in which the
Jazz for Service Management is extracted. It contains the launchpad, IBM
Installation Manager, IBM Prerequisite Scanner, the Installation Manager repository
with the software packages for the integration services except Tivoli Common
Tip: Ensure that the path to the JazzSM_Image_Home directory does not contain any
spaces or special characters, otherwise the launchpad does not start.
IBM DB2 home
The DB2_HOME variable describes the location where IBM DB2 is installed. This
location was specified during installation. If not specified, the following default
locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/ibm/db2
v Non-root user installations: $HOME/sqllib
$HOME represents the non-root user's home directory.
WebSphere Application Server home directory
The WAS_HOME variable describes the location where WebSphere Application Server
is installed. This location was specified during installation. If not specified, the
following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
v Non-root user installations: <user_home_dorectory>IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Administration Services home directory
The ADMIN_HOME variable describes the location where Administration Services
is installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not specified, the
following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/admin
v Non-root user installations: /home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM/admin
Administration Services UI home directory
The ADMINUI_HOME variable describes the location where Administration Services UI
is installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not specified, the
following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/adminui
v Non-root user installations: /home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM/adminui
Installing and Using Solution Packs
Registry Services home directory
The REGISTRY_HOME variable describes the location where Registry Services is
installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not specified, the
following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/registry
v Non-root user installations: /home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM/registry
Security Services home directory
The SECURITY_HOME variable describes the location where Security Services is
installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not specified, the
following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/security
v Non-root user installations: /home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM/security
Dashboard Application Services Hub home directory
The DASH_HOME variable describes the location where Dashboard Application
Services Hub is installed. This location can be specified during installation. If not
specified, the following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/ui
v Non-root user installations: <user_home_dorectory>IBM/JazzSM/ui
Dashboard Application Services Hub profile directory
The DASH_Profile variable describes the location of the application server profile
that is used for Dashboard Application Services Hub. This location is in
the/profiles/ subdirectory of the Jazz for Service Management home directory.
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile
v Non-root user installations: <user_home_dorectory>IBM/JazzSM/profile
Tivoli Common Reporting home directory
The REPORTING_HOME directory that contains the uninstallation program, the
installation log files, and Tivoli Common Reporting component files. If not
specified, the following default locations are used:
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/reporting
v Non-root user installations: <user_home_dorectory>IBM/JazzSM/reporting
IBM Cognos® installation directory
The c10_location directory that contains the Cognos® installation. If not specified,
the following default locations are used:
Appendix. Common directory locations for Jazz for Service Management
v Root user installations: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/reporting/cognos
v Non-root user installations: /home/nonrootuser_name/IBM/JazzSM/reporting/
Full installation log directory
The Simple_install_log_dir directory into which general and offering specific logs
are created during full installation:
v On UNIX systems: $HOME/jazzsm_launchpad/logs/
IBM Prerequisite Scanner installation directory
The ips_root directory that contains the contents of the extracted Prerequisite
Scanner platform package. If not specified, the default locations are used:
v On UNIX systems: Install_Imgs_Home/PrereqScanner/UNIX_Linux
Installing and Using Solution Packs
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