
IBM Security Access Manager, Version 8.0, Appliance Standard Operating Procedures Version 1.2

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IBM Security Access Manager, Version 8.0, Appliance Standard Operating Procedures Version 1.2
IBM Security Systems
Access Management
July, 2014
IBM Security Access Manager,
Version 8.0, Appliance
Standard Operating Procedures
Version 1.2
Author: Martin Schmidt
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in "Notices."
Edition notice
This edition applies to version 8.0 of IBM Security Access Manager and to all subsequent releases and
modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2014.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................8 1.1 Resources............................................................................................................................... 8 2 Accessing the appliance and committing changes ..........................8 2.1 Local management interface ............................................................................................... 8 2.2 Command line interface....................................................................................................... 9 2.3 REST APIs ............................................................................................................................ 9 3 Backup Strategy...............................................................................10 3.1 Backing up the virtual appliance ...................................................................................... 10 3.2 Appliance snapshots (Suggested) ...................................................................................... 11 3.3 Importing snapshots........................................................................................................... 13 3.3.1 Network Timeouts ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3.3.2 Uploading the snap file .................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4 Exporting and importing a security policy ...................................................................... 14 3.4.1 Importing ACLs ............................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4.2 Importing objects ............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.5 Backup Integration Example ............................................................................................ 15 3.5.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.5.2 PowerShell script ............................................................................................................................................. 16 3.5.3 Simplified bash and curl script ........................................................................................................................ 18 4 Monitoring........................................................................................20 4.1 Notifications ........................................................................................................................ 20 4.2 Monitoring the appliance .................................................................................................. 22 4.3 Monitoring instances.......................................................................................................... 25 4.4 Messages Catalog................................................................................................................ 27 5 Performance & Health ....................................................................27 5.1 Checking the state of the policy server (MGR) ............................................................... 27 5.2 Checking the state of WebSEAL instances ...................................................................... 28 6 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................30 6.1 Support Files....................................................................................................................... 30 6.2 Networking.......................................................................................................................... 30 6.2.1 Using the command line interface ................................................................................................................... 30 5|Page
7 Networking .......................................................................................32 7.1 Managing the M.1 and M.2 interfaces.............................................................................. 32 7.2 Managing the P.1-P.4 application interfaces ................................................................... 32 7.3 Managing network traffic routing .................................................................................... 32 7.4 Hosts File............................................................................................................................. 33 8 Certificate Maintenance..................................................................34 9 Appendix: Useful REST services....................................................35 6|Page
1 Introduction
This document is a collection of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the IBM Security Access Manager,
Version 8.0, appliance. It documents common tasks and practices for the daily operations and maintenance of a
deployment. It shows the tasks performed using the local management interface, command line interface, and REST
API whenever possible.
It does not cover deployment or migration.
1.1 Resources
The following are a list of resources that are available for managing the appliance.
Security Access Manager for Web product documentation on the IBM Knowledge Center at http://www01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSPREK/welcome
Security Access Manager for Mobile product documentation on the IBM Knowledge Center at http://www01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSELE6/welcome
Videos created by the IBM Security Systems Support team at
2 Accessing the appliance and committing changes
You can access the appliance through three methods basic methods. The appliance uses a modify and commit
change model, which means any changes are not effective until committed. The local management interface
provides a visual reminder of this fact; the command line interface and REST API do not and requires due diligence.
2.1 Local management interface
You can access the local management interface with any web browser either in non-secure (HTTP) or secure
(HTTPS) mode. The local management interface requires basic authentication.
The following illustration shows the login screen. The login ID is admin, and the default password is admin.
The following illustration shows the notification panel for a pending change.
This one shows the change deploy panel.
2.2 Command line interface
The command line interface is available with the ssh port and protocol. Use any ssh client to connect to the
management interface. You authenticate with the admin user. Even though you use ssh to connect to the appliance,
the interface is not a Unix style shell.
Type help to see the list of available commands.
You can call REST with a various tools, which include cURL, Directory Integrator, Microsoft ®Windows®
PowerShell™, and others. This document uses the Firefox™ REST Client plugin or other tools as appropriate.
You can find REST API documentation on the appliance under Help.
Remember to always set the appropriate header for making a call.
The following illustration shows how to use the REST client to list any pending changes.
3 Backup Strategy
Perform backups either on a regular schedule or based on changes in the environment. The appliance creates
snapshots, which you can use as part of the change management and backup processes.
3.1 Backing up the virtual appliance
You can back up the virtual appliance at the virtualization level (ovf export). This level of backup is a full
backup of the appliance with all settings. Make backups at this level before making any major changes in the
environment. You must stop and shut down the appliance before an ovf export.
Note: The ovf export is not a VMware snapshot; snapshots are not supported due to the clustering. See
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3.2 Appliance snapshots (Suggested)
The appliance provides an internal snapshot mechanism, which creates backups of configurations, and restores them
as needed. See
Snapshots are compressed files that are stored on the system. You can download and then open them with any zip
compliant utility, such as WinRAR.
Store only a small number of snapshots on the system. Copy them regularly copied to a safe location and delete
them on the appliance.
Follow these steps:
Select Manage -> System Settings -> Snapshots.
Select New and enter a comment.
Select the snapshot and perform the required tasks to download, delete, apply, or edit.
Use the following REST APIs to automate this process.
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Create Snapshot
List Snapshots
Note: The ID field is required for download.
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Download snapshot
Delete Snapshot
3.3 Importing snapshots
When you have large snapshot files, perform the import process with care to accommodate network timeouts and
snapshot processing.
3.3.1 Network Timeouts
Large snapshot processing can take longer than the specified network timeout. To prevent timeouts, either disable or
set a high network timeout on your browser.
Use the following steps to set the timeout in Firefox:
Open Firefox and navigate to about:config in the browser bar.
Enter a filter of network.http.response.timeout.
Set this value to either 0 (no timeout) or a large number of seconds.
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3.3.2 Uploading the snap file
When selecting and uploading the snap file with Browse, you MUST WAIT until Comment is populated.
After Comment is populated, select Save Configuration. Wait on this page until the file shows up in the list.
Note: There is no indicator that processing is taking place. Watch the spinner in the status bar.
3.4 Exporting and importing a security policy
Use the Web Portal Manager interface to export and import parts of the security policy to XML. You can create
backups of the policy used on a resource and documentation, or you can migrate the policy to another environment.
3.4.1 Importing ACLs
Select Secure Web Settings -> Manage -> Policy Administration.
Log in with the sec_master password.
Select ACL -> Export All ACLs.
Do not enter an encryption string.
Select Export and save the file.
Select Import ACL to load a file.
3.4.2 Importing objects
Select Object Space -> Browse Object Space.
Navigate to the object you want to export and select it.
Select Export.
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Mark Export Object including Children.
Do not enter an encryption string.
Save the file.
Use Import Object to load the file.
3.5 Backup Integration Example
When the backup infrastructure does not directly support the invocation of REST API calls, collect the snapshots on
a shared drive on Windows or Unix system and then regularly back up this drive*.
The script shown below will create email alerts if any part of the operation fails.
You can schedule the script on a regular basis to create and collect the snapshots.
3.5.1 Overview
The following diagram shows the architecture implementing this solution.
A windows based server is used to collect the snapshot file from the appliances. The file is stored on a network
drive. The files stored on the network drive are backed up using the existing backup solution.
If any error is encountered during the process, an email is sent to the administrators.
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3.5.2 PowerShell script
You can use the following PowerShell script on the windows server to download the snap file as shown above.
# A script to create appliance snapshots.
# The script will create a snapshot, download it, and remove the
# oldest snapshot on the appliance.
# If there is an error, an email notification is sent.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Create directory date string
Function getDateString() {
$a = Get-Date
$d = ""
[string]$d = "{0:D4}" -f ($a.Year) + "{0:D2}" -f ($a.Month) + "{0:D2}" -f ($a.Day)
return $d
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Send notification email.
Function alertMail ($body) {
$to = "[email protected]"
$from = "[email protected]"
$srv = "smtp.ibm.com"
$sub = "Automated message: SAM Snapshot Alert"
Send-MailMessage -To $to -From $from -Subject $sub -SmtpServer $srv -Body $body
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Create the basic auth header entry.
Function createAuth($name,$pwd) {
$authInfo = ("{0}:{1}" -f $name,$pwd)
$authInfo = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($authInfo)
$authInfo = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($authInfo)
return "Basic {0}" -f $authInfo
Function getSnapshots ($name,$pwd,$target) {
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$auth = createAuth $name $pwd
$headers = @{Accept=("application/json");"ContentType"=("application/json");Authorization=$auth}
$uri = "https://"+$target+"/snapshots"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$web = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
$res = $web.DownloadString($uri);
$res = $res | ConvertFrom-Json
return $res
Function createSnapshot ($name,$pwd,$target,$desc) {
$auth = createAuth $name $pwd
$headers = @{Accept=("application/json");"ContentType"=("application/json");Authorization=$auth}
$body = '{"comment":"'+ $desc + '"}';
$uri = "https://"+$target+"/snapshots"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -headers $headers -Method POST -Body $body
return $res
Function downloadSnapshot ($name,$pwd,$target,$id,$fn) {
$auth = createAuth $name $pwd
$headers = @{Accept=("application/json");"ContentType"=("application/json");Authorization=$auth}
$uri = "https://"+$target+"/snapshots/download?record_ids="+$id
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$web = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
$res = $web.DownloadFile($uri,$fn);
return $res
Function deleteSnapshot ($name,$pwd,$target,$id) {
$auth = createAuth $name $pwd
$headers = @{Accept=("application/json");"ContentType"=("application/json");Authorization=$auth}
$uri = "https://"+$target+"/snapshots/"+$id
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -headers $headers -Method DELETE
return $res
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Function getLastSnapshotID($name,$pwd,$target) {
$sl = getSnapshots $name $pwd $target
return $sl[$sl.Count-1].id
Function getFirstSnapshotID($name,$pwd,$target) {
$sl = getSnapshots $name $pwd $target
return $sl[0].id
# This function does the work for creating a snapshot and downloading it.
Function performSnapshot($name,$pwd,$target,$root) {
try {
# create the snapshot on the appliance
$snap = createSnapshot $name $pwd $target
# Get the snapshot ID (always the first one)
$bid = getFirstSnapshotID $name $pwd $target
# Build the target file name and directory
$d = getDateString
$dest = $root +"/" + $d + "/"
$a = md -Force $dest
$dest = $root +"/" + $d + "/" + $target + ".zip"
# Download the snapshot
downloadSnapshot $name $pwd $target $bid "$dest"
# Get the last (oldest) snapshot ID
$lastid = getLastSnapshotID $name $pwd $target
# Delete the snapshot on the target.
deleteSnapshot $name $pwd $target $lastid
} catch {
#send an email alert if there is an error.
alertMail $Error
# Clear any existing Errors.
# Duplicate the below line for any additional appliances.
# performSnapshot <adminid> <adminpwd> <appliance> <target Directory>
performSnapshot admin admin appliance1.ibm.com c:/temp
3.5.3 Simplified bash and curl script
The following script is a simplified version of the PowerShell script for AIX. It uses cURL and bash.
# -x
# Bash script that uses curl to backup a ISAM appliance.
# A script to create appliance snapshots.
# The script will create a snapshot, download it, and remove it
# from the appliance.
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#------------------------------------------------------------------------# The root directory for the backups.
TODAY=`date +%Y%m%d`
#------------------------------------------------------------------------function getSnapshots {
curl -H "Accept:appliaction/json" --user "$1" "https://$2/snapshots" 2>>/dev/null
#------------------------------------------------------------------------function getLastSnapshotID {
sl=`getSnapshots $1 $2`
echo $sl | sed 's/,/ \
/g' | grep "\"id\":" | tail -1 | sed 's/.*":"//' | sed 's/"//'
#------------------------------------------------------------------------function getFirstSnapshotID {
sl=`getSnapshots $1 $2`
echo $sl | sed 's/,/ \
/g' | grep "\"id\":" | head -1 | sed 's/.*":"//' | sed 's/"//'
#------------------------------------------------------------------------function createSnapshot {
curl -H "Accept:appliaction/json" -d "$data" --user "$1" "https://$2/snapshots"
#------------------------------------------------------------------------function createGetSnapshot {
r=`createSnapshot $1 $2 "$3"`
echo $r | sed 's/,/ \
/g' | grep "\"id\":" | sed 's/.*":"//' | sed 's/"//'
#------------------------------------------------------------------------function downloadSnapshot {
curl -H "Accept:appliaction/json" --user "$1"
"https://$2/snapshots/download?record_ids=$3" > "$4" 2>>/dev/null
#------------------------------------------------------------------------function deleteSnapshot {
curl -H "Accept:appliaction/json" -X DELETE --user "$1" "https://$2/snapshots/$3"
function takeShot {
sid=`createGetSnapshot $1 "$2${DOMAIN}" "Created by backup script"`
if [ -z "$sid" ]; then
echo "ERROR Trying to backup $2"
echo "ERROR Trying to backup $2" | mail -s "Backup Error" [email protected]
`downloadSnapshot $1 "$2${DOMAIN}" $sid "${BACKDIR}${2}.zip"`
`deleteSnapshot $1 "$2${DOMAIN}" $sid `
# Main program.
R=`mkdir -p ${BACKDIR}`
takeShot 'admin:admin' appmgr01
takeShot 'admin:admin' appweb01
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exit 0
4 Monitoring
You can monitor the appliance for system alerts with the methods documented at
You can also use third-party monitoring tools for REST API queries to obtain the system’s state information and
perform actions based on predefined criteria.
4.1 Notifications
The notifications panel in the Home Dashboard provides a quick view of the appliance’s health. It includes:
Certificates that are due to expire.
Reverse proxy instances that are not currently running.
Notices that:
o The disk space utilization exceeded the warning threshold.
o The database size reached the warning threshold, which is 80% capacity.
o The CPU utilization exceeded the warning threshold.
You can configure the following thresholds from Manage Systems Settings -> System Settings -> Advanced
Tuning Parameters. The following list shows the defaults:
sys.notifications.disk.usage_warning_percentage = 80
sys.notifications.disk.usage_alert_percentage = 90
sys.notifications.cpu.usage_warning_percentage = 80
sys.notifications.cpu.usage_alert_percentage = 90
sys.notifications.cert.expiration_date_warning_days = 30
sys.notifications.cert.expiration_date_alert_days = 14
sys.notifications.hvdb.usage_warning_percentage = 80
sys.notifications.hvdb.usage_alert_percentage = 90
In the following example, the value was set to 2 to show the resulting message:
The following illustrations shows the resulting notifications with the instances stopped.
You can also make the following REST call.
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Note: Any non-null return triggers an alert.
This following illustration shows an empty result.
The following Powershell script shows how to use the REST APIs.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Convert epoch to a nice date
Function get-epochdate ($epochdate) {
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# Create the basic auth header entry.
Function createAuth($name,$pwd) {
$authInfo = ("{0}:{1}" -f $name,$pwd)
$authInfo = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($authInfo)
$authInfo = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($authInfo)
return "Basic {0}" -f $authInfo
Function getNotifications ($name,$pwd,$target) {
$auth = createAuth $name $pwd
$headers = @{Accept=("application/json");"ContentType"=("application/json");Authorization=$auth}
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$uri = "https://"+$target+"/isam/widgets/notifications.json"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$web = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
$res = $web.DownloadString($uri);
$res = $res | ConvertFrom-Json
return $res
Function alertMail ($body) {
$to = "[email protected]"
$from = "[email protected]"
$srv = "smptp.ibm.com"
$sub = "Automated message: SAM Alert"
Send-MailMessage -To $to -From $from -Subject $sub -SmtpServer $srv -Body $body
Function checkNotifications ($u,$p,$t) {
$r = getNotifications $u $p $t
if ($r.items) {
$r.items | % {
get-epochdate $_.timestamp
} else {
"No messages"
checkNotifications "admin" "admin" "labsamweb01m1.tivlab.austin.ibm.com"
4.2 Monitoring the appliance
Monitor the appliance from the local management interface dashboard for the following items:
Disk Space
CPU Usage
Certificate Life time
The following illustration shows the dashboard.
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Use the following REST APIs to collect similar information:
Hard Drive space
The values of interest are the root entries for size, used, and avail.
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CPU Usage
Memory Usage
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Certificates lifetime
The result requires post processing to:
Extract the expiry.
Convert from epoch to an actual date or compare to the current epoch + Xdays.
Raise an alert if any are lower.
Event Log
4.3 Monitoring instances
Monitor various WEB instances for:
Instance Log File
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Any health value that is not 0 denotes an issue.
Instance Log File
Retrieve the last 300 lines of the msg__webseald-xxx.log file. See the following example URL:
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4.4 Messages Catalog
The following table contains the more common messages. Use the message codes to filter these for special
(Note that some messages are Warnings as well as Errors!)
Certificate expires in <d> days: <name>
Certificate expires in <d> days: <name>
Certificate expired: <name>
Reverse Proxy is not running: <name>
The CLI operator <name> has shut down the appliance.
High CPU utilization: <cpu>%
High CPU utilization: <cpu>%
The LMI operator, <name>, has modified the System Alerts settings.
5 Performance & Health
This section describes how to monitor the performance and health of the appliance and instances. Do this task after
you apply changes to the system or end users experience problems. In general, access patterns for resources do not
change unless there are changes in the environment.
5.1 Checking the state of the policy server (MGR)
You can check the following files for the current state of the policy server.
Select Monitor -> Application Log Files ->isam_runtime -> policy_server.
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5.2 Checking the state of WebSEAL instances
You can check the following files for the current state of the WebSEAL instances.
Select Secure Web Settings -> Reverse Proxy.
Mark the instance.
Select Manage -> Logging.
Use the following additional local management interface pages to check the state of the junctions:
a. Select Monitor ->Logs -> Reverse Proxy Log Files.
Select Monitor -> Network Graphs -> Application Interface Statistics.
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Select Monitor -> Reverse Proxy Graphs -> Reverse Proxy Traffic.
Select Monitor -> Reverse Proxy Graphs -> Reverse Proxy Throughput.
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6 Troubleshooting
This section describes some common troubleshooting steps.
6.1 Support Files
The appliance has a built in function to create and manage support file snapshots.
Select Manage -> System Settings -> Support Files.
Use this page to create and download support snap files.
Delete the files when you no longer need them.
6.2 Networking
You have several tools for evaluating network issues. If you cannot access the appliance, use either the attached or
virtual console.
6.2.1 Using the command line interface
Log in to the command line interface or the console, if you cannot access the server cannot through the
Enter tools.
Use the ping and nslookup commands to determine network connectivity.
a. Ping the appliance and the appliance gateway.
b. If neither works, make sure the appliance networking (vlan) is set correctly.
Get current network setting for M.1
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From the top, enter the following:
a. management
b. interfaces
c. show
If the configuration values are incorrect, you can use the set command to make changes. It performs the
same steps as documented for the initial appliance configuration.
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7 Networking
This section details steps for network- related operations.
7.1 Managing the M.1 and M.2 interfaces
Select Management -> Network Settings -> Management Interfaces.
Use the tabs to set the system related network settings, DNS, and the interface settings.
7.2 Managing the P.1-P.4 application interfaces
Select Management -> Network Settings -> Application Interfaces.
Use the tabs and operations to set the interface settings.
Use the Test button to validate networking with a ping operation.
7.3 Managing network traffic routing
Manage the network traffic routing on the appliance. By default all traffic is routed through the M.1 interface, which
means all network outgoing traffic goes through it.
Select Management -> Network Settings -> Routing.
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Add static routes as needed.
7.4 Hosts File
The appliance has a host file that is managed with the following interface.
Select Management -> Network Settings -> Hosts File.
Use this interface to manage the hosts file entries.
Note: To add entries to an existing IP, make sure the IP is highlighted before you select New.
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8 Certificate Maintenance
The appliance greatly simplified the maintenance of the SSL certificates.
The home page Certificate Expiry panel shows a list of certificates listed by expiration date. Inspect it regularly and
renew or replace certificates as they are about to expire.
In addition, the home page notification panel displays any expired certificates.
Select Manage -> Secure Settings -> SSL Certificates
Select the Certificate Database.
Select Manage -> Edit SSL Certificate Database.
Find the expired certificate and delete them.
Import new certificates or create certificate requests as needed.
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9 Appendix: Useful REST services
The following are some useful REST services.
Gets current time on the appliance as an epoch.
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38 | P a g e
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39 | P a g e
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