Analog & digital signals Analog Digital of
Analog & digital signals Analog Digital Discrete function Vk of discrete sampling variable tk, with k = integer: Vk = V(tk). 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 Voltage [V] Voltage [V] Continuous function V of continuous variable t (time, space etc) : V(t). 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0.1 0 ts ts -0.1 -0.2 0 2 4 6 time [ms] 8 10 0 6 8 2 4 sampling time, tk [ms] Uniform (periodic) sampling. Sampling frequency fS = 1/ tS Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 10 Digital vs analog proc’ing Digital Signal Processing (DSPing) Advantages Limitations • Often easier system upgrade. • A/D & signal processors speed: wide-band signals still difficult to treat (real-time systems). • Data easily stored. • Finite word-length effect. • Better control over accuracy requirements. • Obsolescence (analog electronics has it, too!). • More flexible. • Reproducibility. Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Digital system example General scheme ms Antialiasing V Sometimes steps missing ms A (ex: economics); k - D/A + filter (ex: digital output wanted). A k V Digital Processing D/A Filter Reconstruction ms Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN ANALOG DOMAIN V ms A/D DIGITAL DOMAIN - Filter + A/D Filter ANALOG DOMAIN V Digital system implementation ANALOG INPUT Antialiasing Filter KEY DECISION POINTS: Analysis bandwidth, Dynamic range • Pass / stop bands. 1 • Sampling rate. A/D • No. of bits. Parameters. Digital Processing DIGITAL OUTPUT • Digital format. What to use for processing? See slide “DSPing aim & tools” Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 2 3 Sampling 1 How fast must we sample * a continuous signal to preserve its info content? Ex: train wheels in a movie. 25 frames (=samples) per second. Train starts wheels ‘go’ clockwise. Train accelerates wheels ‘go’ counter-clockwise. Why? Frequency misidentification due to low sampling frequency. * Sampling: independent variable (ex: time) continuous → discrete. Quantisation: dependent variable (ex: voltage) continuous → discrete. Here we’ll talk about uniform sampling. Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 1 Sampling - 2 1.2 __ s(t) = sin(2πf t) 0 1 0.8 0.6 s(t) @ fS 0.4 0.2 f0 = 1 Hz, fS = 3 Hz 0 tt -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 __ s (t) = sin(8πf t) 0 1 -0.8 -1 __ s (t) = sin(14πf t) 0 2 -1.2 s(t) @ fS represents exactly all sine-waves sk(t) defined by: sk (t) = sin( 2π (f0 + k fS) t ) , ⏐k ⏐∈ Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 1 The sampling theorem A signal s(t) with maximum frequency fMAX can be Theo* recovered if sampled at frequency f > 2 f S MAX . * Multiple proposers: Whittaker(s), Nyquist, Shannon, Kotel’nikov. Naming gets confusing ! Nyquist frequency (rate) fN = 2 fMAX or fMAX or fS,MIN or fS,MIN/2 Example s(t) = 3 ⋅ cos(50 π t) + 10 ⋅ sin(300 π t) − cos(100π t) F1 F2 F1=25 Hz, F2 = 150 Hz, F3 = 50 Hz Condition on fS? F3 fS > 300 Hz fMAX Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 1 Frequency domain (hints) • Time & frequency: frequency two complementary signal descriptions. Signals seen as “projected’ onto time or frequency domains. Example Ear + brain act as frequency analyser: audio spectrum split into many narrow bands low-power sounds detected out of loud background. • Bandwidth: Bandwidth indicates rate of change of a signal. High bandwidth signal changes fast. Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 1 Sampling low-pass signals Continuous spectrum (a) (a) Band-limited signal: frequencies in [-B, B] (fMAX = B). -B 0 (b) B f Discrete spectrum No aliasing (b) Time sampling frequency repetition. fS > 2 B -B 0 B fS/2 f Discrete spectrum Aliasing & corruption (c) 0 fS/2 no aliasing. (c) fS f 2B aliasing ! Aliasing: signal ambiguity in frequency domain Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Antialiasing filter 1 (a) (a),(b) Out-of-band noise can alias Signal of interest Out of band noise Out of band noise -B 0 B f (b) into band of interest. Filter it before! (c) Antialiasing filter Passband: depends on bandwidth of interest. Attenuation AMIN : depends on (c) -B 0 f • ADC resolution ( number of bits N). B fS/2 AMIN, dB ~ 6.02 N + 1.76 Antialiasing filter Passband frequency • Out-of-band noise magnitude. Other parameters: ripple, stopband frequency... -B 0 B f Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN ADC - Number of bits N 2 Continuous input signal digitized into 2N levels. Uniform, bipolar transfer function (N=3) 1113 2 Quantization step q = 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Ex: VFSR = 1V , N = 12 V -1 V FSR 2N q = 244.1 µV 010 -2 001 -3 Voltage ( = q) 000 -4 LSB VFSR Scale factor (= 1 / 2N ) 1 Percentage (= 100 / 2N ) q/2 0.5 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -0.5 -q/2 2 3 4 Quantisation error -1 Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN ADC - Quantisation error 2 0.3 • Quantisation Error eq in [-0.5 q, +0.5 q]. Voltage [V] 0.2 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 -0.1 -0.2 time [ms] 8 10 • eq limits ability to resolve small signal. • Higher resolution means lower eq. Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Frequency analysis: why? • Fast & efficient insight on signal’s building blocks. • Simplifies original problem - ex.: solving Part. Diff. Eqns. (PDE). • Powerful & complementary to time domain analysis techniques. • The brain does it? time, t analysis General Transform as problem-solving tool frequency, f F S(f) = F[s(t)] s(t) s(t), S(f) : Transform Pair synthesis Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Fourier analysis - tools Input Time Signal Frequency spectrum 2.5 2 1.5 1 Periodic 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 time, t 5 6 7 8 Continuous 2.5 (period T) Aperiodic 2 1.5 1 FS Discrete FT Continuous T 1 c k = ⋅ ∫ s(t) ⋅ e − j k ω t dt T 0 − j2 π f t +∞ S(f) = ∫ s(t) ⋅ e dt −∞ 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 time, t 10 12 2.5 2 Periodic 1.5 1 0.5 (period T) 0 0 1 2 3 4 time, tk 5 6 7 8 Discrete 2.5 Aperiodic 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 time, tk 6 8 10 12 2πkn − N 1 j − 1 ~ N ck = ∑ s[n] ⋅ e N n =0 DFS** Discrete DTFT Continuous DFT** Discrete Note: j =√-1, ω = 2π/T, s[n]=s(tn), N = No. of samples S(f) = +∞ ∑ s[n] ⋅ e− j 2 π f n n= −∞ −j 1 N−1 ~ ck = ∑ s[n] ⋅ e N n =0 ** 2πkn N Calculated via FFT Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN A little history ¾ Astronomic predictions by Babylonians/Egyptians likely via trigonometric sums. ¾ 1669: 1669 Newton stumbles upon light spectra (specter = ghost) but fails to recognise “frequency” concept (corpuscular theory of light, & no waves). ¾ 18th century: century two outstanding problems → celestial bodies orbits: Lagrange, Euler & Clairaut approximate observation data with linear combination of periodic functions; Clairaut,1754(!) first DFT formula. → vibrating strings: Euler describes vibrating string motion by sinusoids (wave equation). ¾ 1807: 1807 Fourier presents his work on heat conduction ⇒ Fourier analysis born. → Diffusion equation ⇔ series (infinite) of sines & cosines. Strong criticism by peers blocks publication. Work published, 1822 (“Theorie Analytique de la chaleur”). Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN A little history -2 ¾ 19th / 20th century: century two paths for Fourier analysis - Continuous & Discrete. CONTINUOUS → Fourier extends the analysis to arbitrary function (Fourier Transform). → Dirichlet, Poisson, Riemann, Lebesgue address FS convergence. → Other FT variants born from varied needs (ex.: Short Time FT - speech analysis). DISCRETE: Fast calculation methods (FFT) → 1805 - Gauss, first usage of FFT (manuscript in Latin went unnoticed!!! Published 1866). → 1965 - IBM’s Cooley & Tukey “rediscover” FFT algorithm (“An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series”). → Other DFT variants for different applications (ex.: Warped DFT - filter design & signal compression). → FFT algorithm refined & modified for most computer platforms. Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Fourier Series (FS) A periodic function s(t) satisfying Dirichlet’s conditions * can be expressed as a Fourier series, with harmonically related sine/cosine terms. is s +∞ he t n s(t) = a0 + ∑ [ak ⋅ cos (k ω t) − bk ⋅ sin (k ω t)] sy k =1 For all t but discontinuities a0, ak, bk : Fourier coefficients. k: harmonic number, T: period, ω = 2π/T s si y T al n 1 (signal average over a period, i.e. DC term & a a = ⋅ s(t)dt 0 zero-frequency component.) T ∫ 0 T 2 ak = ⋅ ∫ s(t) ⋅ cos(k ω t) dt Note: {cos(kωt), sin(kωt) }k T 0 form orthogonal base of T function space. 2 - bk = ⋅ ∫ s(t) ⋅ sin(k ω t) dt T 0 * see next slide Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN FS convergence Dirichlet conditions (a) s(t) piecewise-continuous; (b) s(t) piecewise-monotonic; In any period: (c) s(t) absolutely integrable , T ∫ s(t) dt < ∞ 0 Example: square wave Rate of convergence T if s(t) discontinuous then |ak|<M/k for large k (M>0) s(t) T (a) (b) Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN (c) FS analysis - 1 T = 2π ⇒ ω = 1 2π ⎧π ⎫ 1 ⎪ ⎪ a0 = ⋅ ⎨ ∫ dt + ∫ ( −1)dt ⎬ = 0 2π ⎪ ⎪⎭ π ⎩0 2π ⎧π ⎫ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ak = ⋅ ⎨ ∫ cos kt dt − ∫ cos kt dt ⎬ = 0 π ⎪ ⎪⎭ π ⎩0 (zero average) (odd function) 2π ⎫ ⎧π 2 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⋅ { 1− cos kπ } = - bk = ⋅ ⎨ ∫ sin kt dt − ∫ sin kt dt ⎬ = ... = k ⋅ π π ⎪ ⎪⎭ π ⎩0 ⎧ 4 ⎪ k ⋅ π , k odd ⎪ = ⎨ ⎪ 0 , k even ⎪ ⎩ 4 4 4 sw(t) = ⋅ sin t + ⋅ sin 3 ⋅ t + ⋅ sin 5 ⋅ t + ... π 3⋅π 5⋅π 2π 1.5 square signal, sw(t) FS of odd* function: square wave. 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 t -1 -1.5 * Even & Odd functions s(x) Even : s(-x) = s(x) x s(x) Odd : s(-x) = -s(x) Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN x FS synthesis Square wave reconstruction from spectral terms 1.5 7 3 15 911 sw1 (t) sin(kt) (t)===∑ ⋅sin(kt) sin(kt) ]]]] ∑∑[[--[b-bkbkk⋅⋅sin(kt) 7 3 5 11 9(t) kkk==1=11 square signal, sw(t) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0 2 4 t 6 8 Convergence may be slow (~1/k) - ideally need infinite terms. Practically, series truncated when remainder below computer tolerance (⇒ error). error BUT … Gibbs’ Phenomenon. Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 10 Gibbs phenomenon 1.5 sw 79 (t) = 79 ∑ [- bk ⋅ sin(kt)] k =1 1 square signal, sw(t) Overshoot exist @ each discontinuity 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0 2 4 t 6 • First observed by Michelson, 1898. Explained by Gibbs. • Max overshoot pk-to-pk = 8.95% of discontinuity magnitude. Just a minor annoyance. • FS converges to (-1+1)/2 = 0 @ discontinuities, in this case. case Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 8 10 FS time shifting ⎧ 4 ⎪ k ⋅ π , k odd, k = 1, 5, 9... ⎪ ⎪ ak = ⎨ − 4 , k odd, k = 3, 7, 11... ⎪ k⋅π ⎪ ⎪ 0 , k even. ⎩ - bk = 0 (even function) Note: amplitudes unchanged BUT phases advance by k⋅π/2. square signal, sw(t) (zero average) 2π 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 t -1 -1.5 rk 4/π 4/3π θk f1 3f1 5f1 7f1 f f1 3f1 5f1 7f1 f π ph as e a 0= 0 1.5 am pl it ud e FS of even function: π/2-advanced square-wave Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Complex FS Euler’s notation: e-jt = (ejt)* = cos(t) - j·sin(t) “phasor” e jt + e − jt cos(t) = 2 e jt − e − jt sin(t) = 2⋅ j s T si 1 y l a c k = ⋅ s(t) ⋅ e - j k ω t dt n a T ∫ 0 is s he t n sy s(t) = Complex form of FS (Laplace 1782). Harmonics ck separated by ∆f = 1/T on frequency plot. ∞ jk ω t c ⋅ e ∑ k k = −∞ z=re Note: Note c-k = (ck)* Link to FS real coeffs. c 0 = a0 ck = b r θ a 1 1 ⋅ (ak + j ⋅ bk ) = ⋅ (a −k − j ⋅ b −k ) 2 2 Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN jθ r = a2 + b2 θ = arctan(b/a) FS properties Time Homogeneity a·s(t) Additivity s(t) + u(t) Linearity a·s(t) + b·u(t) Time reversal Multiplication * Convolution * Time shifting Frequency a·S(k) S(k)+U(k) a·S(k)+b·U(k) s(-t) S(-k) ∞ s(t)·u(t) T 1 ⋅ ∫ s(t − t ) ⋅ u( t ) dt T 0 s(t − t ) Frequency shifting e +j 2π m t T ⋅ s(t) ∑ S(k − m)U(m) m = −∞ S(k)·U(k) e −j 2π k ⋅t T ⋅ S(k) S(k - m) Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN * FS - “oddities” Orthonormal base Fourier components {uk} form orthonormal base of signal space: T * uk = (1/√T) exp(jkωt) (|k| = 0,1 2, …+∞) Def.: Internal product ⊗: uk ⊗ um = uk ⋅ um dt ∫ uk ⊗ um = δk,m (1 if k = m, 0 otherwise). (Remember (ejt)* = e-jt ) o Then ck = (1/√T) s(t) ⊗ uk i.e. (1/√T) times projection of signal s(t) on component uk Negative frequencies & time reversal k = - ∞, … -2,-1,0,1,2, …+ ∞, ωk = kω, φk = ωkt, phasor turns anti-clockwise. Negative k ⇒ phasor turns clockwise (negative phase φk ), equivalent to negative time t, ⇒ time reversal. Careful: Careful phases important when combining several signals! Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN FS - power Average power W : 1 W = T Parseval’s Theorem W= ∞ ∑ ck 2 k = −∞ 1 = a0 2 + 2 T ∫ s(t) 2 dt ≡ s(t) ⊗ s(t) o • FS convergence ~1/k ∞ Example Pulse train, duty cycle δ = 2 τ / T s(t) 2τ T t bk = 0 a0 = δ sMAX ak = 2δsMAX sync(k δ) ⇒ lower frequency terms ∑ ⎛⎜⎝ ak 2 + bk 2 ⎞⎟⎠ k =1 Wk = |ck|2 carry most power. • Wk vs. ωk: Power density spectrum. spectrum 2 1 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 Wk/W0 Wk = 2 W0 sync2(k δ) kf 0 50 W0 = (δ sMAX)2 sync(u) = sin(π u)/(π u) 100 150 200 ∞ W ⎫ ⎧⎪ ⎪ W = W0 ⋅ ⎨1+ ∑ k ⎬ ⎪⎩ k =1 W0 ⎪⎭ Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN FS of main waveforms Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Discrete Fourier Series (DFS) Band-limited signal s[n], period = N. DFS defined as: is 2π k n s y N − 1 l j − a 1 N an ~ ck = s[n] ⋅ e N ∑ n =0 ~ ~ Note: ck+N = ck ⇔ same period N i.e. time periodicity propagates to frequencies! s si e 2π k n th N − 1 j n ~ sy s[n] = ck ⋅ e N ∑ k =0 DFS generate periodic ck with same signal period Orthogonality in DFS: 2π n(k -m) N − 1 j 1 N e = δ k,m ∑ N n =0 Kronecker’s delta N consecutive samples of s[n] completely describe s in time or frequency domains. Synthesis: finite sum ⇐ band-limited s[n] Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN DFS analysis DFS of periodic discrete 1-Volt square-wave s[n]: period N, duty factor L/N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 L N am pl it ud e -5 1 ck 0.24 0.24 0.2 n 1 ~ 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.24 0.24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ph as e L ⎧ , k = 0, + N, ± 2N,... ⎪ N ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ~ ck = ⎨ π k (L −1) ⎛ π kL ⎞ ⎪ −j sin ⎜ ⎟ N N ⎠ ⎪e ⎝ , otherwise ⋅ ⎪ N ⎛π k⎞ sin ⎜ ⎪ ⎟ ⎝ N ⎠ ⎩ s[n] 1 θk 0.4π 0.2π Discrete signals ⇒ periodic frequency spectra. Compare to continuous rectangular function (slide # 10, “FS analysis - 1”) k 0.4π 0.2π 0 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0.2π -0.4π Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN n -0.2π -0.4π DFS properties Time Homogeneity a·s[n] Additivity s[n] + u[n] Linearity a·s[n] + b·u[n] Multiplication * s[n] ·u[n] N−1 Frequency a·S(k) S(k)+U(k) a·S(k)+b·U(k) 1 N−1 ⋅ ∑ S(h)U(k - h) N h=0 ∑ s[m] ⋅ u[n − m] Convolution * S(k)·U(k) m =0 Time shifting s[n - m] Frequency shifting e +j 2π h t T ⋅ s[n] e −j 2π k ⋅m T ⋅ S(k) S(k - h) Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN DFT – Window characteristics • Finite discrete sequence ⇒ spectrum convoluted with rectangular window spectrum. • Leakage amount depends on chosen window & on how signal fits into the window. (1) Resolution: capability to distinguish different tones. Inversely proportional to mainlobe width. Wish: as high as possible. (2) Peak-sidelobe level: maximum response outside the main lobe. Determines if small signals are hidden by nearby stronger ones. Wish: as low as possible. (3) Sidelobe roll-off: sidelobe decay (2) (1) (3) per decade. Trade-off with (2). Several windows used (applicationdependent): Hamming, Hanning, Blackman, Kaiser ... Rectangular window Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN DFT of main windows Windowing reduces leakage by minimising sidelobes magnitude. In time it reduces endpoints discontinuities. Sampled sequence Non windowed Windowed Some window functions Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN DFT - Window choice Common windows characteristics Window type -3 dB Mainlobe width -6 dB Mainlobe width [bins] 1.21 Max sidelobe level Sidelobe roll-off [dB/decade] Rectangular [bins] 0.89 Hamming 1.3 1.81 - 41.9 20 Hanning 1.44 2 - 31.6 60 Blackman 1.68 2.35 -58 60 Observed signal [dB] -13.2 20 Window wish list Far & strong interfering components ⇒ Near & strong interfering components ⇒ Accuracy measure of single tone ⇒ high roll-off rate. small max sidelobe level. wide main-lobe NB: Strong DC component can shadow nearby small signals. Remove it! Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN DFT - Window loss remedial Smooth data-tapering windows cause information loss near edges. Solution: sliding (overlapping) DFTs. • Attenuated inputs get next window’s full gain & leakage reduced. 2 x N samples (input signal) DFT #1 DFT #2 DFT #3 • Usually 50% or 75% overlap (depends on main lobe width). Drawback: increased total processing time. DFT AVERAGING Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN DFT - parabolic interpolation Rectangular window Hanning window 1.968 0.977 1.967 1.966 0.976 1.965 1.964 0.975 1.963 1.962 198 199 200 201 202 203 0.974 199 200 201 202 ¾ Parabolic interpolation often enough to find position of peak (i.e. frequency). ¾ Other algorithms available depending on data. Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN 203 204 Systems spectral analysis (hints) System analysis: measure input-output relationship. Linear Time Invariant x[n] DIGITAL LTI SYSTEM δ[n] y[n] h[n] x[n] h[n] 1 0 y[n] = x[n] ∗ h[n] = n DIGITAL LTI SYSTEM h[n] 0 h[t] = impulse response ∞ ∑ x[n − m] ⋅ h[m] y[n] predicted from { x[n], h[t] } m =0 X(f) H(f) Y(f) = X(f) · H(f) n H(f) : LTI transfer function Transfer function can be estimated by Y(f) / X(f) Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN Estimating H(f) G xx (f) = X(f) ⋅ X* (f) G yx (f) = Y(f) ⋅ X* (f) (hints) Power Spectral Density of x[t] (FT of autocorrelation). Cross Power Spectrum of x[t] & y[t] (FT of cross-correlation). Y(f) Y(f) ⋅ X* (f) G yx H(f) = = = * X(f) X(f) ⋅ X (f) G xx Transfer Function (ex: beam !) It is a check on H(f) validity! Slides adapted from ME Angoletta, CERN