
Alexander Coppock

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Alexander Coppock
Alexander Coppock
8th Floor, IAB, 420 W. 118 St.
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]
Political persuasion, quantitative methods, field and survey experimentation
Columbia University, New York, NY
Ph.D., Political Science, expected May 2016
Dissertation: “Persuasion, Susceptibility, and Persistence”
Fields: American Politics and Political Methodology
M.Phil., Political Science, 2015
M.A., Political Science, 2014
M.P.A., School of International and Public Affairs, 2012
Concentration: Urban and Social Policy
Specialization: Advanced Policy and Economic Analysis
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
B.A., Phi Beta Kappa, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, 2007
Coppock, Alexander, and Donald P. Green. In press. “Is Voting Habit Forming?
New Evidence Suggests that Habit-Formation Varies by Election Type.” American
Journal of Political Science.
Coppock, Alexander, Andrew Guess, and John Ternovski. 2015. “When Treatments
Are Tweets: A Network Mobilization Experiment Over Twitter.” Political Behavior
Advance online publication.
Aronow, Peter M., Alexander Coppock, Forrest W. Crawford, and Donald P.
Green. 2015. “Combining List Experiment and Direct Question Estimates of
Sensitive Behavior Prevalence.” Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 3:
Coppock, Alexander, and Donald P. Green. 2015. “Assessing the Correspondence
between Experimental Results Obtained in the Lab and Field: A Review of Recent
Social Science Research.” Political Science Research and Methods 3(1): 113-131.
Coppock, Alexander. 2014. “Information Spillovers: Another Look at Experimental
Estimates of Legislator Responsiveness.” Journal of Experimental Political Science
1(2): 159-169.
Green, Donald P. and Alexander Coppock. 2013 “Field Experiments.” Oxford
Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Rick Valelly. New York: Oxford University
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Working Papers
Green, Donald P., Jonathan S. Krasno, Alexander Coppock, Benjamin D. Farrer,
Brandon Lenoir, and Josh Zingher. Under review. “The Effects of Lawn Signs on
Vote Outcomes: Results from Three Randomized Field Experiments.”
Aronow, Peter M., Alexander Coppock, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green, and
Holger L. Kern. “Combining Double Sampling and Bounds to Address Nonignorable Missing Outcomes in Randomized Experiments.”
Coppock, Alexander. “Decreasing Treatment Noncompliance with Double Sampling.”
Guess, Andrew and Alexander Coppock. “Back to Bayes: Confronting the Evidence
on Attitude Polarization.”
Coppock, Alexander and Andrew Guess. “The Rule, not the Exception: Bayesian
Reasoning in Contentious Environments.”
Kirkland, Patricia and Alexander Coppock. “Candidate Choice in the Presence
and Absence of the Party Heuristic: New Insights from Observational and Experimental
randomizr: Easy to Use Tools for Common Forms of Random Assignment (author).
list: Statistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List Experiment
experimentr: Procedures for Designing, Improving, and Preregistering Randomized
Experiments (author, with Graeme Blair, Jasper Cooper, and Macartan Humphreys).
“10 Things You Need to Know about Multiple Comparisons.” 2015. EGAP
Methods Guides
“10 Things You Need to Know about Spillovers.” 2014. EGAP Methods Guides
“10 Things You Need to Know about Statistical Power.” 2013. EGAP Methods
Honors and
Giancarlo Doria Prize, Columbia University, 2014 (awarded annually to the best
paper in any subject in political science submitted by a PhD student who has not
yet received the M.Phil.).
Teaching Assistant, Multivariate Political Analysis for Benjamin K. Goodrich,
Columbia University, Fall 2014.
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to American Politics for Justin Phillips, Columbia
University, Fall 2014.
Teaching Assistant, Experimental Research for Donald P. Green, Columbia University,
Spring 2014.
Teaching Assistant, Logic of Collective Choice for Jeffrey Lax, Columbia University,
Fall 2013.
Teaching Assistant, Macroeconomic Analysis for International and Public Affairs
for Andrea Bubula, Columbia University (SIPA) Spring 2012.
Teaching Assistant, Analysis of Public Sector Organizations for Michael Ting,
Columbia University (SIPA) Fall 2011.
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Talks and
“The Enduring Effects of Experimental Treatments Delivered Online.” 73rd Annual
Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2015 (with Donald
P. Green).
“Bayesian Evaluation, Not Biased Assimilation: Revisiting the Attitude Polarization
Hypothesis.” New York Area Political Psychology Meeting, November 2014 (with
Andrew Guess).
“Is Voting Habit Forming? New Evidence. Suggests that Habit-Formation Varies
by Election Type.” Fourth Annual Conference of the European Political Science
Association, June 2014 (with Donald P. Green).
“Is Voting Habit Forming? New Evidence from Experiments and Regression
Discontinuities.” Presented to the Yale University ISPS Experiments Workshop,
April 2014 (with Donald P. Green).
“The Effects of Lawn Signs on Vote Choice: Results from Three Randomized
Field Experiments.” 72nd Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science
Association, April 2014 (with Donald P. Green, Jonathan Krasno, Brandon Lenoir,
Benjamin D. Farrer, and Joshua N. Zingher).
“Minting Partisans: Laboratory Experiments Assessing the Impact of Persuasive
Messages on Independent Voters’ Partisan Attachments.” 72nd Annual Conference
of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2014 (with Donald P. Green).
“Is Voting Habit Forming? New Theoretical Perspectives on a Growing Body of
Evidence.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August
2013 (with Donald P. Green).
“An Experimental Approach to Causal Identification of Spillover Effects in Social
Networks.” Sixth Annual Political Networks Conference, Indiana University, June
2013 (with Neelanjan Sircar).
“Assessing the Correspondence between Experimental Results Obtained in the
Lab and Field.” Experiments for Export, Georgia State University, April 2012
(with Donald P. Green).
Reviewer: American Journal of Political Science, Political Behavior, Electoral
Studies, and Statistics, Politics, and Policy.
Co-founder: Columbia University Political Science Methods Workshop (with Albert
Donald P. Green, Columbia University, [email protected]
Robert Y. Shapiro, Columbia University, [email protected]
James N. Druckman, Northwestern University, [email protected]
Peter M. Aronow, Yale University, [email protected]
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