
Alkaline water fraud

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Alkaline water fraud
Alkaline water fraud
Proper Health starts with the correct acid-alkaline balance in your
body. The pH level (acid - alkaline measurement) of our internal
fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of
any kind can overwhelm your body, and lead to health complications.
Just as the body regulates its temperature in a rigid manner, so will it
manage to preserve a very narrow pH range - especially in the blood.
As a matter of fact, the body will go to such great lengths to maintain
a blood pH of 7.365 that it will even create stress on other tissues,
body systems, and organs to do so. Chronic acidity will interrupt all
cellular activities and functions - it interferes with life itself.
When the pH of the body gets out of balance (too acidic), we may
experience low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches
and pains, and even more serious disorders.
The cycle of acidity begins primarily as a result of three things:
1. Ingesting acids. Eating too many acidifying foods like processed
sugar, meats, dairy, coffee, alcohol, etc. create an acid ash in the body.
These acids can overload the body’s ability to neutralize them.
2. Creation of acids. Pathogens and microforms create acidifying
toxins in the body. As the body becomes more and more acidic, bad
bacteria, yeasts and other microforms proliferate in the body. Since
these organisms are living, they eat as well as create resulting toxins.
These toxins are often very acidifying.
3. Improper elimination of acids. Not all acids are the same; some are
weak and some are strong. Weak acids like citric acid are much easier
to neutralize than strong acids like uric acid. The body uses many
systems in order to buffer acids including breath, mineral reserves,
and fat. When the body’s buffering systems become compromised,
excess acids build up.
The process of reestablishing acid-alkaline balance begins with proper
diet and nutrition. This includes eating alkalizing foods (vegetables,
low sugar fruits, etc.), super hydration (drinking plenty of water, and
proper supplementation.
Desperate businessmen, deluded nutritionists and a whole host of
questionable medical practitioners who have been sniffing glue in the
closet too long, have been foisting on the public probably one of the
most devastating and least proven devices seen in the water
consumer marketplace in the last 20 years:
Alkaline Water Systems.
Like global warming, the presence in the Western World of acidic
diets has fostered a collective knee jerk reaction by the above list of
individuals to somehow offset this acidic fiber diet with alkaline
liquid - electrolyzed water.
Proponents of this type of drinking water claim cures ranging from
hair loss to cardiovascular health; the list is nearly endless(and devoid
of sound, scientific support). The only malady that we don't see on
the "cure list" for alkaline water is the reversal of global warming--but don't hold your breath, that may be added as well, and soon.
Alkaline water is produced by the process of electrolysis, whereby
mineralized water is separated into two categories; one acidic and
suitable for the destruction of micro-organisms and one alkaline, with
proven applications in some plant and animal situations, but none
significant for human use.
The Japanese government has been sponsoring (and underwriting)
the study of alkaline water. Some of these studies claim significant
health benefits but independent medical studies to support these
claims are not available. Most of the Asian claims for health benefits
are fabricated and provide the public with a false sense of security
regarding a very questionable health practice.
One needs to remember that this “technology” comes from the same
sources and cultural activities that claim that writing Japanese words
on the outside of a glass of water, or playing music near this glass of
water will change the physical characteristics of the water in the glass
to the point where the water can actually provide curative effects for
the body.
Such “technology advances” are not only laughable but strain the
credibility of what few decent and viable developments that might
come from that part of the world.
As noted elsewhere in this website, the only physiological result that
appears to have significance, and perhaps some validity in Japan, is
the use of alkaline water by pregnant Asian women to increase the
probability of bearing a male versus female child. This practice is
consistent with their continuing cultural objectives regarding gender
superiority and desirability.
So, unless you are a pregnant Japanese woman hoping to bear a boy
versus a girl, there is likely no tangible benefit for you to use alkaline
It is exceptionally strange that supposedly knowledgeable nutritional
experts do not realize that the use of alkaline water dilutes both the
digestive acids in the stomach but also strains the pH stability of the
blood. Dilution of the strong acidic composition of digestive fluids
results in the inability of the body to properly break down proteins
and carbohydrates, resulting in putrification of these materials and
the accumulation of toxic wastes which can create a variety of health
Any simple study of body pH will illustrate that acidity is caused by
the failure to remove metabolic residues from cells or extracellular
fluids. Once that acidity is removed by a cleansing or hydration
activity, the body’s pH returns to a normal balance. Failure to remove
the acidic residues from cells(where metabolism occurs) results in a
portion of these potentially toxic acids being placed in new cells
when cell division(mitosis) takes place. Thus, the acidic condition is
propagated from cell to cell and continues to provide a condition
where more serious illnesses could develop.
Some promoters of alkaline water start out by emphasizing the need
for more water intake and then very subtly moving into alkaline water
discussions. They fail to point out any of the downside issues listed
As one of 1985 Nobel Prize winner told me:
"...it is truly amazing that supposedly knowledgeable nutritionists cannot
recognize that the proper balancing of acidic food intake is by way of alkaline
foods, not alkaline water."
So, what is the driving mechanism that places the promotion of
alkaline water ahead of the healthier alternative, the consumption of
foods which possess alkaline fibre, yet contain neutral pH liquids?
Cash, baby...just cash.
The drive to develop niche markets for a public desperate to obtain a
better health condition has resulted in wide variety of bogus
products, most from Asian or German sources; alkaline water is just
one of those useless, and perhaps potentially detrimental products
which are promoted by retailers and nutritionists who really should
know better, but do not want to let go of a cash cow that the
nutritionally uneducated public is unwilling to properly analyze and
stop buying.
Summary of Results of Controlled Studies using Alkaline Water
Degradation of myocardial myosin and creatine kinase in rats given
alkaline ionized water.
Recently, the authors have shown that marked necrosis and fibrosis
of myocardium were observed in rats given alkaline ionized water
(AKW). To clarify the cause of myocardial lesions, the activities of
myosin ATPase, actomyosin ATPase and creatine kinase (CK) in
myocardium of rats given AKW at 15 weeks-old were compared with
those in myocardium of rats given tap water (TPW). Furthermore,
sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE) of myocardial myosin and isoelectric focusing (IEF) of
myocardiac CK were performed which revealed a distinct difference
between AKW and TPW groups. The activities of myosin ATPase
and actomyosin ATPase in the AKW group were higher than those
in the TPW group, and these elevated activities were caused by the
degradation of myosin in the AKW group judging from the SDSPAGE pattern of myosin. On the other hand, the activity of CK in
the AKW group was lower than that in the TPW group, and the IEF
pattern of CK showed leakage of myocardiac CK. These results
indicate that increases in actomyosin ATPase activity and myosin
ATPase activity, plus the decrease in CK activity caused the disorder
of coupled reaction in male rats given AKW at 15 weeks-old. It is
concluded that this disorder of coupled reaction may cause marked
myocardiac necrosis and fibrosis in rats given AKW.
Influence of alkaline ionized water on rat erythrocyte
hexokinase activity and myocardium.
Alkaline ionized water (AKW) produced by the electrolysis of tap
water (TPW) was given to pregnant rats throughout gestation. AKW
was subsequently given to infants as a test group until 15 weeks old
to determine changes in body and organ weights, erythrocyte
hexokinase (HK) activity and histological preparations of myocardiac
muscle. The results were compared with those for rats given TPW.
Body weight of male and female rats given AKWA at 3 to 11 weeks
of age after birth significantly increased beyond control group values.
Organ weights of offspring at 15 weeks-old showed no statistical
difference for either group. HK activity, the rate-determining enzyme
in erythrocyte glycolysis, significantly increased in males given AKW
at 15 weeks-old. This suggests that AKW intake causes elevation of
metabolic activity. Hyperkalemia was observed in males and females
given AKW at 15 weeks-old. Especially in males, pathological
changes of necrosis in myocardiac muscle were observed.
Histopathological influence of alkaline ionized water on
myocardial muscle of mother rats.
We have reported that a marked necrosis and subsequent fibrosis of
myocardium occurred among male rats 15 weeks old given alkaline
ionized water (AKW) during gestation and suckling periods, and after
weaning. In this study, it was examined whether similar lesions would
occur in mother rats which were given AKW from day zero of
gestation to day 20 of lactation. The myocardial lesion in the mother
rats given AKW showed cell infiltration, vacuolation and fibrosis in
the papillary muscle of the left ventricle, as were observed in male
rats of 15 weeks old. Myocardial degeneration may cause a leakage of
potassium into the blood that results in a higher concentration of
potassium in the blood in the test group than in that of the control
group given tap water.
Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense
Gabe Mirkin, M.D.
Have you seen advertisements for products such as coral calcium or
alkaline water that are supposed to neutralize acid in your
bloodstream? Taking calcium or drinking alkaline water does not
affect blood acidity. Anyone who tells you that certain foods or
supplements make your stomach or blood acidic does not understand
You should not believe that it matters whether foods are acidic or
alkaline, because no foods change the acidity of anything in your
body except your urine. Your stomach is so acidic that no food can
change its acidity. Citrus fruits, vinegar, and vitamins such as ascorbic
acid or folic acid do not change the acidity of your stomach or your
bloodstream. An entire bottle of calcium pills or antacids would not
change the acidity of your stomach for more than a few minutes.
All foods that leave your stomach are acidic. Then they enter your
intestines where secretions from your pancreas neutralize the
stomach acids. So no matter what you eat, the food in stomach is
acidic and the food in the intestines is alkaline.
You cannot change the acidity of any part of your body except your
urine. Your bloodstream and organs control acidity in a very narrow
range. Anything that changed acidity in your body would make you
very sick and could even kill you. Promoters of these products claim
that cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment and that is
true, but neither can any of the other cells in your body.
All chemical reactions in your body are started by chemicals called
enzymes. For example, if you convert chemical A to chemical B and
release energy, enzymes must start these reactions. All enzymes
function in a very narrow range of acidity. (The degree of acidity or
alkalinity is expressed as “pH”). If your blood changes its acidity or
alkalinity for any reason, it is quickly changed back to the normal pH
or these enzymes would not function and the necessary chemical
reactions would not proceed in your body.
For example, when you hold your breath, carbon dioxide
accumulates in your bloodstream very rapidly and your blood turns
acidic, and you will become uncomfortable or even pass out. This
forces you to start breathing again immediately, and the pH returns
to normal. If your kidneys are damaged and cannot regulate the
acidity of your bloodstream, chemical reactions stop, poisons
accumulate in your bloodstream, and you can die.
Certain foods can leave end-products called ash that can make your
urine acid or alkaline, but urine is the only body fluid that can have its
acidity changed by food or supplements. ALKALINE-ASH FOODS
include fresh fruit and raw vegetables. ACID-ASH FOODS include
ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS, whole grains, beans and other seeds.
These foods can change the acidity of your urine, but that’s irrelevant
since your urine is contained in your bladder and does not affect the
pH of any other part of your body.
When you take in more protein than your body needs, your body
cannot store it, so the excess amino acids are converted to organic
acids that would acidify your blood. But your blood never becomes
acidic because as soon as the proteins are converted to organic acids,
calcium leaves your bones to neutralize the acid and prevent any
change in pH. Because of this, many scientists think that taking in
too much protein may weaken bones to cause osteoporosis.
Cranberries have been shown to help prevent recurrent urinary tract
infections, but not because of their acidity. They contain chemicals
that prevent bacteria from sticking to urinary tract cells.
Taking calcium supplements or drinking alkaline water will not
change the pH of your blood. If you hear someone say that your
body is too acidic and you should use their product to make it more
alkaline, you would be wise not to believe anything else the person
tells you.
Filtered water seems to be all the rage these days. However, any
product that claims to change the body’s acid/alkaline balance in any
substantial way is not based on sound science. Significantly changing
the pH balance in your body is virtually impossible, and actually not
A normal pH, the measure of acidity vs. alkalinity, is carefully
monitored by various body systems to stay between 7.35 and 7.45.
This is slightly on the alkaline side of neutral (7 on a scale of 1-14).
Activities like changing your respiration rate or eating different foods
impact the pH slightly, but the body quickly compensates, mainly by
releasing neutralizing agents into the bloodstream or changing the
acidity level of your urine. If your blood starts to become too acidic,
the kidneys will quickly compensate by releasing more acid into the
urine. Similarly, if the alkaline level rises above normal, your kidneys
will release more basic solution into the urine. Because urine is held
apart from the rest of the body fluids and soon excreted, the body
can maintain a stable pH by adjusting the pH of the urine, then
getting rid of it.
Although claims have been made that a diet high in alkaline food or
water will slow down the aging process or inhibit the growth of
cancer cells, there is no human research to support this. Cancer cells
may die in a test tube environment more alkaline than the normal
body, but healthy cells cannot survive in that kind of environment
either. So reducing acid levels in the body might kill cancer cells, but
it would likely kill the rest of your cells too. In addition, important
chemical reactions such as those involved in digestion can only take
place within the normal 7.35-7.45 range. That is why the body so
carefully moderates its own acid/alkaline balance.
Therefore, even consuming large quantities of acidic or alkaline foods
or water, or taking antacid tablets, or holding your breath for 5
minutes will not change the overall pH of your body, nor would one
want it to. The water filter’s claims are most likely bogus.
Mayo Clinic Web site says:
Alkaline water has a higher pH level than normal tap water. Some
proponents say that alkaline water can neutralize acid in your
bloodstream, boost your energy level and metabolism, and help your
body absorb nutrients more effectively. Others say that alkaline water
can help you resist disease and slow the aging process. However,
there is no scientific proof that any of these claims are true. For most
people, plain water is best.
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