
Student Achievements April 2016 Volume 17, Issue 7

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Student Achievements April 2016 Volume 17, Issue 7
Volume 17, Issue 7
April 2016
Student Achievements
Clayton Kozan (BS and MS 2015 History) started a PhD
program in history at Texas Tech University, fall, 2015.
Franziska Deeg had her presentation, "War Economies –
An Examination of World’s Countries and Their Military
Expenditure," selected for presentation at NCUR,
Asheville, NC, April 7-9, 2016.
Kaitlyn Newman (Alumna) published her article, "The
Missus Organization: Eleanor Roosevelt and Her
Contributions to the National Youth Administration," in the
Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History, vol. 5, no. 2,
November 2015.
Franziska Deeg received a $1,000 stipend and $100 in
supplies from the URC for her project, "War Economies –
An Examination of World’s Countries and Their Military
Expenditure," February, 2016.
Michael Leytem (Alumnus) and Emily Stark, had their
article, “The Role of Social Influence on how Residence
Hall Inhabitants Respond to Fire Alarms,” accepted for
publication in The Journal of College and University
Student Housing, March 2016.
Caleb Goettl had his presentation, "An Analysis of the
Influence of Mortgage Rates on Housing Prices," selected
for presentation at NCUR, Asheville, NC, April 7-9, 2016.
Zegbi Gogui had his presentation, "Human Attributes,
Wage, Education," selected for presentation at NCUR,
Asheville, NC, April 7-9, 2016.
Samuel Spencer presented his poster, “Personality
Differences in Deception Detection,” at the Annual Meeting
of the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference,
Psi Chi poster session, May 2016.
Jeremiah Miller had his presentation, "Developing a
Revenue Model for Expansion and Relocation in the
National Hockey League," selected for presentation at
NCUR, Asheville, NC, April 7-9, 2016.
Samuel Spencer received a Supply Grant from the
Undergraduate Research Center to help support his project
titled, “Personality Differences in Deception Detection,”
He will present his project at the Undergraduate Research
Symposium in the spring.
Darren Page had his presentation, "Production of Higher
Education: Analysis of Undergraduate Inputs," selected for
presentation at NCUR, Asheville, NC, April 7-9, 2016.
Karl Stenerson had his presentation, “Airfare in Domestic
Non-Stop Hub-To-Hub Markets: A Time Series Analysis,"
selected for presentation at NCUR, Asheville, NC, April 79, 2016.
Tanya Ange (Alumna) has been featured in the Mankato
Free Press for her work as Deputy city manager of
Mankato, March 2016.
Faculty and Department Highlights
Ron Schirmer has been invited to give the keynote
address, "Well, we dug it up... now what?" for the annual
meeting of the Minnesota Archaeological Society, April
Ron Schirmer along with graduate students Cory Nowak
and Ty Warmka, were featured in an article by the Sibley
County Historical Society, which detailed their work to
build a data base of artifacts and sites of finds, March
Ron Schirmer was on the selection committee for
naming the new State Archaeologist, 2016.
Atrayee Ghosh Roy discussed Dr. John V. Winter’s paper
entitled, “Foreign and Native-born STEM Graduates and
Innovation Intensity in the United States,” at the Western
Ron Schirmer renewed the contract with MnDoT for the
MAID project, netting an additional $250,000 in external
money, 2016.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Good News
Maria Bevacqua was the Panel Moderator for, “Edible
Knowledge: Feminist Methodologies, Affective
Production, and Disciplined Bodies,” at the National
Women’s Studies Association, Milwaukee, WI,
November 11-15, 2015.
Economic Association International Conference,
Honolulu, HI, June 30, 2015
Atrayee Ghosh Roy discussed Dr. Gregory Gilpin and
Anton Bekkerman’s paper entitled, “A Panel Analysis on
School-Break Readership: Are Public Libraries the Great
Academic Equalizer?” at the Western Economic
Association International Conference, Honolulu, HI, July
1, 2015
Maria Bevacqua was the Panel Moderator for,” Feminist
Advocacy in Anti-Violence Work,” at the National
Women’s Studies Association, Milwaukee, WI,
November 11-15, 2015.
Ishuan Li served as a member of an HLC Peer Reviewer
team in an accreditation on-campus visit, September
Ishuan Li served as a member of an HLC Financial
Review Panel team, February 2016.
Maria Bevacqua was an Academic Program Review
External Consultant for the Women’s & Gender Studies
Program, West Chester University, Pennsylvania,
February 2016.
Maria Bevacqua was an Academic Program Review
External Consultant for the Women’s, Gender &
Sexuality Studies Program, University of Central
Missouri, October 2015.
Ishuan Li, Robert Simonson, and Matthew Malvin
(graduate student in Urban Studies), had the abstract of
their paper published on the Undergraduate Research
Highlights section of the 2016 spring issue of the CUR
Quarterly, the journal of the Council on Undergraduate
Phillip Miller was interviewed by KSTP regarding a new
MLS soccer stadium being built in St. Paul, March, 2016.
Phillip Miller was interviewed by the New York Post on a
story he was working on regarding the pricing of New
York Yankees season tickets and its relation to prices in
the secondary ticket market, February 2016.
Phillip Miller helped organize three sports economics
sessions at last fall's Missouri Valley Economic
Association (MVEA) conference in Kansas City, 2015.
Jose Lopez published his article, "Dominican Republic,
St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines:
Traditions and Etiquette," in World Geography:
Understanding a Changing World, 2015.
Jose Lopez published his article, "Dominican Republic,
St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines:
Arts and Landmarks," in World Geography:
Understanding a Changing World, 2015.
Fei Yuan has been named Distinguished Faculty Scholar
by the University.
Phillip Miller presented a paper entitled, "Major League
Duopolists: Ticket Pricing When Sports Leagues Have
Multiple Teams in Cities," at the MVEA conference in
Kansas City, 2015.
Colleen Clarke had her article, “Studying Police
Education Abroad in the Wake of Transnational
Organized Crime,” published in National Social Science
Journal, Volume 46, Number 1, 2016.
Phillip Miller helped judge a graduate student paper
competition for the North American Association of
Sports Economists, March 2016.
Phillip Miller reviewed a proposal for a new sports
economics text. The review was done for Oxford
University Press, 2016.
Reginald Edwards presented, “Leadership, Strategic
Planning and Large Scale Social Change,” at the Pan
African Student Leadership Conference, March 24, 2016.
Tom Inglot organized a Telepresence video lecture in the
POL 439/539 Comparative Social Policy/Welfare State in
Europe and the Americas, Professor Daniel Bèland,
University of Saskatchewan, Canada, a leading expert in
comparative social policy, talked about the similarities
and differences between the Canadian and American
welfare states. March 17, 2016.
Tom Inglot organized a Telepresence video lecture in the
POL 439/539 Comparative Social Policy/Welfare State in
Europe and the Americas, with Professor Julia Moses,
Department of History, University of Sheffield, England,
talked about, “The Origins of Welfare States in Britain
and Continental Europe,” March 22, 2016.
Phillip Miller was invited to write a short article for an
upcoming symposium to be published in a Washington
Post blog called "In Theory" March 2016.
Maria Bevacqua presented, “Precarious Value?
Reflections on the PhD in Gender, Women's and Feminist
Studies,” at the National Women’s Studies Association,
Milwaukee, WI, November 11-15, 2015.
Maria Bevacqua presented, “Directors Workshop,” at the
National Women’s Studies Association Program
Administrators’ Pre-Conference, Milwaukee, WI,
November 11-15, 2015.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Good News
Angela Cooley presented, "'Give Food for Freedom':
Civil Rights and Food Access," at the Southern Historical
Association Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR, November
15, 2015.
Tom Inglot organized a Telepresence video lecture in the
POL 441/541 Russia and Neighboring States class, with
Ms. Victoria Fomina, former MSU exchange student
from Russia and now Ph.D. candidate in Sociology and
Social Anthropology at Central European University in
Budapest, Hungary, who talked about, “Contemporary
Nationalist Movements in Russia,” March 29, 2016.
Angela Cooley was invited to present the Constitution
Day lecture on the book, To Live and Dine in Dixie: The
Evolution of Urban Food Culture in the Jim Crow South,
Minnesota State University, Mankato, September 17,
Pat Nelson presented, “Using Flipped Design to
Facilitate Communication’s Practical Application in Law
Enforcement,” at the National Technology and Social
Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 21, 2016.
Angela Cooley participated in the Panel discussion for
the book, To Live and Dine in Dixie: The Evolution of
Urban Food Culture in the Jim Crow South, Southern
Festival of Books, Nashville, Tennessee, October 11,
Angela Cooley was a faculty panel participant for the
common read book, The Good Food Revolution:
Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities,
Minnesota State University, Mankato, October 27, 2015.
Angela Cooley was invited to present, "Golden Arches
and White Spaces: Race in Early Fast Food Places," at
the James A. Hutchins Lecture Series, Center for the
Study of the American South, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, March 3, 2016.
Jameel Haque discussed, “The Siege of Kut, December
1915-April 1916: World War I and the Modern Middle
East,” for the spring History Forum lecture, March 28,
Pat Nelson at the National Technology and Social Science Conference
Fred Slocum helped organize the Minnesota Political
Science Association conference at St. John's University.
Slocum brought MSU Political Science students Jake
Tolde and Katelyn Schmidt with him to the conference.
October 31, 2015.
Jeff Buchanan, Don Ebel, and colleagues had their
article, “Age Differences in Perceptions of
Gerotranscendence: An Examination of Cosmic
Dimension Behaviors,” published in the Journal of
Religion, Spirituality, and Aging, in press, March 2016.
Fred Slocum was interviewed by KEYC-TV for a story
on Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump,
December 10, 2015.
Jeff Buchanan and Don Ebel had their article, “The
Difference in Perception of Gerotranscendence Between
College Students and Healthy, Community-Dwelling
Older Adults,” published in the Journal of Aging Studies,
34: 1-9, 2015.
Fred Slocum was interviewed by KEYC-TV for a story
on Senator Amy Klobuchar being mentioned as a
possible nominee to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme
Court created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia,
February 15, 2016.
Kevin Filter and Britta DeJager (Alumnus) published
their paper, “Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: Function-based
Intervention Planning with Elementary Students Without
Disabilities,” in the Journal of Applied School
Psychology, 31 (4), 369-391. 2015.
Angela Cooley published her book chapter, "Freedom's
Farms: Activism and Sustenance in Rural Mississippi," in
Dethroning the Deceitful Pork Chop: Rethinking African
American Foodways from Slavery to Obama, edited by
Jennifer Jensen Wallach, University of Arkansas Press,
Kevin Filter presented, “Staff Commitment to Implement
PBIS: What is 80% Buy-in?” at the Midwinter
Conference of the Minnesota School Psychologists
Association, Bloomington, MN, 2016.
Angela Cooley published her book chapter, "Food and
Regionalism," in Routledge History of American
Foodways, edited by Jennifer Jensen Wallach and
Michael Wise, Routledge, 2016.
Kevin Filter was invited to present, “Balancing
consulting with other responsibilities of a faculty
position,” at the School Psychology Future Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Good News
Series, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, February
Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL, May
Kevin Filter was invited to present, “Classroom Rewards:
Tickets, Tokens, and Tootling,” at the “Cool Topics”
presentation to the Minnesota SW-PBIS State Leadership
Team, Minnesota Department of Education: Roseville,
MN, November 2015.
Emily Stark and Michael Manderfeld presented,
“Engaging Faculty with Quality Matters Certification via
a Cohort Model,” at the Quality Matters Conference, San
Antonio, TX, November 2015.
The School Psychology Program celebrated their
achievement in gaining certification for their program
through the National Association of School Psychologist,
April 1, 2016.
Kevin Filter was invited to present, “PBIS Buy-in and
Implementation Factors,” at the “Cool Topics”
presentation to the Minnesota SW-PBIS State Leadership
Team, Minnesota Department of Education: Roseville,
MN, July 2015.
Kofi Danso and Seok Won Jin will present, “Immigrant
Health Disparities: Does Neighborhood Social Capital
Matter?” at the International Conference on
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, London, Britain,
August 2016.
Karla Lassonde had her article, “Refutation Texts:
Overcoming Psychology Misconceptions that are
Resistance to Change,” in Scholarship of Teaching and
Learning in Psychology. 2(1), 62-74. 2016.
Seok Won Jin and Kofi Danso Presented, “Elderly
Parents’ Visit to Child and Family in the United States:
Implication for Immigrant Community Building,” at the
International Consortium Social Development,
Singapore, July 2015.
Karla Lassonde had her article, “Reducing the Impact of
Stereotypical Knowledge During Reading,” published in
Discourse Processes, 52(2), 149-171. 2015.
Karla Lassonde and colleagues presented their poster,
“Knowledge Revision and Source Credibility: Reducing
the Impact of Misconceptions,” at the Psychonomic
Society's Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2015.
Karla Lassonde and colleagues presented, “What’s
Source Got To Do With It?: Examining the Role of
Source Credibility in the Processing of Refutation Texts,”
at the Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse,
Minneapolis, MN, 2015
Kofi Danso published his article, “Nativity and Health
Disparities: Predictors of Immigrant Health,” in Social
Work in Public Health, in press.
Paul Mackie was named President of the National
Association for Rural Mental Health, August 2015.
Paul Mackie, was invited to present, “Behavioral Health
Workforce Policy Issues: A Rural Perspective,” at the
Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Symposium, Atlanta, GA,
November 12, 2015.
Karla Lassonde and Dawn Albertson presented, “The
Classroom and Beyond: Diversifying our Definition of
Undergraduate Research to Include Classroom, Campus,
and Community,” at the National Conference on
Undergraduate Research, Eastern Washington State
University, Cheney, WA, April 16 - 18, 2015,
Shawna Petersen-Brown and colleagues published their
article, “Meta-analysis of Academic Interventions
Derived from Neuropsychological Data,” in School
Psychology Quarterly, 2015.
Paul Mackie, Julia Hamann, and Makenzie Petzel
presented, “Baccalaureate-level Social Work Student
Perceptions about Rural Practice,” at the National
Association for Rural Mental Health (NARMH)
Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 31, 2015.
Paul Mackie presented, “NARMH & NRIADA:
Organizational Partnering Strategies to Strengthen Rural
Voices,” at the National Rural Institute on Alcohol and
Drug Abuse Conference, Menomonie, WI, June 16, 2015.
Emily Stark and Dan Sachau had their article, “Lake
Wobegon’s Guns: Overestimating our Gun-related
Competences,” published in The Journal of Social and
Political Psychology, 4(1), 8-23. doi:10.5964/jspp.v4i
Paul Mackie was named Distinguished Faculty Scholar
at Minnesota State University, Mankato April 2016.
Carol Glasser, Vandhana Ramaduai, Stevent Metts and
Marija Drobnkjak. Submitted the report, "Vallejo: City of
Opportunity Lacks Access to Healthy Food," for the Food
Empowerment Project, Cotati, CA, February 2016.
Elizabeth McMahon and Emily Stark presented, “I Think
I Can”: Observations from the Road to Lake Wobegon,”
at the Quality Matters Conference, San Antonio, TX,
November 2015.
Emily Stark and Andrea Lassiter presented their poster,
“Building Successful Groups for Collaborative Learning
Activities: The Importance of Trust,” at the 2016 Society
for the Teaching of Psychology – Midwestern
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Good News
Dennis Waskul, had his book chapter, “Going to the
Bathroom,” Published in Popular Culture as Everyday
Life Edited by Dennis Waskul and Phillip Vannini, pages
145-154. Routledge: New York, NY, 2015.
Carol Glasser presented, “Women, Animals, and
Activism: A Call for Total Liberation,” at the Frontier
Forum Lecture, March 29, 2016.
Dennis Waskul, had his book chapter, “Sex and the
Internet,” published in The International Encyclopedia of
Human Sexualities edited by Patricia Whelehan and Anne
Bolin, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
Dennis Waskul gave the keynote address, “Everyday
Ghosts: Ghostly Encounters in Everyday Life,” at the
European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction,
Salford, England, 2015.
Dennis Waskul presented, “Ghostly Reason and the Will
to Believe,” at the SSSI Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL,
Dennis Waskul became the President of the Society for
the Study of Symbolic Interaction, term effective from
August 2015-August 2016.
Paul Prew presented, “Disaster Capitalism: What it
Means for You,” at the Kessel Peace Institute Discussion,
March 29, 2016.
Miriam Porter was invited to present, “Disaster
Preparedness in a Developing Economy: Ghana, a Case
Study,” at the 2015 International Conference on New
Directions in the Humanities, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2015.
James Robertson published his article, ““Heartless”
Managed Care,” in Correctional Law Reporter, 27(6).
James Robertson published his article, “Political
Mobilization and the Prison Rape Elimination Act,” in
Correctional Law Reporter, 27(5): 73-74. 2016.
Sherrise Truesdale-Moore and colleagues presented,
“Culturally Responsive Supervisory Practices: Promoting
the Development of Supervisees of Color,” October
Raymond Asomani-Boateng presented his research
during the faculty research sessions at the Pan African
Student Leadership Conference, March 24, 2016.
Sherrise Truesdale-Moore Conducted Culturally
Competency Training at Lino Lakes, Minnesota
Department of Corrections, March 2016.
Sherrise Truesdale-Moore submitted a LS/CMI
Assessment Report, “Analyses of Odds Ratio of LS/CMI
Scores of Offenders on Probation,” the report was
submitted to Blue Earth County Community Corrections.
December 2015.
Sherrise Truesdale-Moore was awarded a Faculty
Research Grant for her research entitled, “Exploring the
Experiences of Ex-offenders Matriculating on a College
Dennis Waskul and Phillip Vannini published their book,
Popular Culture as Everyday Life, through New York:
Routledge, 2015.
Dennis Waskul and Phillip Vannini had their book
chapter, “Popular Culture as Everyday Life.” Published
in Popular Culture as Everyday Life (Edited by Dennis
Waskul and Phillip Vannini). Pages 1-18. Routledge:
New York, NY, 2015.
Fly UP