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Internet Programming and Development
engineering & Technology
yo u r U C i n S i l i c o n Va l l e y
Internet Programming
and Development
Keep pace with the rapid evolution of Web technologies by
studying with the experts at UCSC Silicon Valley Extension.
Our Internet Programming and Development certificate
program offers comprehensive training geared to developers
working on e-commerce, enterprise applications, interactive
websites and cloud applications. Courses cover all major
platforms and frameworks, including Java Enterprise
Edition, Microsoft ASP.NET, as well as major open source
options, such as LAMP, Ruby on Rails, and MEAN stack.
We offer training on Internet programming languages,
server development, Rich Internet Applications (RIA)
or dynamic Web technologies, cloud services,
Web app testing and e-commerce security.
C# .NET Programming, Comprehensive
Internet Programming and Development Certificate
Certificate Requirements
To obtain the Certificate in Internet Programming
and Development, you must complete a minimum
total of 14 units, including one of three core courses.
One related outside elective or “Also of Interest”
course may be counted toward the certificate upon
department approval.
GPA: 3.0 with a C or better in all courses.
Familiarity with a programming language is required.
General knowledge of databases, browsers, and the
Web is assumed.
Recommended Course Sequence
Students should follow the recommended prerequisites
or skills needed of each course. The sequence may vary
based on student background and professional interest.
Note: Some courses may be listed in more than one
program. However, only one course may be shared
between two Engineering and Technology certificate
programs unless otherwise noted.
Program Contact
Engineering and Technology Department,
(408) 861-3860 or email
[email protected]
*Choose one of three core courses
Working With the Web
Web Technologies, Introduction................. 1.0.......22623
Cloud Computing, Introduction................. 0.5.......22413
Programming for Cloud Computing
Amazon Web Services................................ 2.0.......23094
Web Applications Testing, Comprehensive.... 3.0.......30355
User Experience Design Fundamentals ..... 3.0.......30031
Mobile Payments, e-Commerce Security,
and Cryptocurrency ................................... 3.0.......30319
Java EE Framework
*Developing Java and Java EE
Applications with Spring Framework
and Hibernate............................................ 3.0.......20063
Java Programming, Comprehensive........... 3.0.........6634
Rich Internet Applications
Introduction to Web Programming:
JavaScript and PHP ................................... 2.0.......30298
*JavaScript and AJAX, Comprehensive........ 3.0.........1500
Developing JavaScript-based
Rich Web UI with JQuery........................... 2.0.......22865
Developing Mobile Applications for
Multiple Platforms..................................... 3.0.......30357
Multimedia Fundamentals......................... 2.0.......30358
Windows Framework
C# .NET Programming, Comprehensive..... 3.0.........5408
C# .NET Programming, Advanced.............. 3.0.......19026
Open Source Framework
*Linux Based Web Application
Development—Apache, MySQL, PHP........ 3.0.......21958
Ruby and Ruby on Rails............................. 2.0.......21342
Web Framework Using JavaScript:
The MEAN Stack........................................ 3.0.......30377
Enrollment Information
Visit ucsc-extension.edu/engineering for
the most up-to-date information about our
courses and programs, including textbooks,
instructors, schedules and locations.
Enroll online at ucsc-extension.edu.
Internet Programming Languages
Java Programming for Beginners............... 2.0.........5185
Perl Programming, Comprehensive............ 2.0.........2110
Python Programming for Beginners........... 1.5.......20776
Python for Programmers............................ 3.0.........3064
HTML Fundamentals.................................. 2.0.......20816
HTML5: The Living Language..................... 3.0.......30046
Designing with Cascading Style Sheets,
Fundamentals............................................ 1.5.........6673
Designing with Cascading Style Sheets,
Advanced................................................... 1.5.......21317
XML Essentials........................................... 2.0.........3279
Copyright © 2015 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
This course introduces beginning and intermediate
programmers to .NET programming using Microsoft’s
C# programming language. The instructor explains the
Visual Studio development environment and reviews
the basic constructs of C# language with detailed
explanations of the C# regular expressions, delegates,
events, generics and collections. The course also covers
exception handling, threading and synchronization.
The instructor will present real-world code examples
in class and use sample applications to illustrate
core concepts.
Course 5408
C# .NET Programming, Advanced
For students who have learned the basic C# language
and the C#.NET integrated development environment,
this course provides an opportunity to extend their
C# and .NET skills by learning advanced C# features
and programming techniques. The course introduces
the components of the .NET framework, database
connectivity and Web application development.
Topics include object-oriented programming, multithreaded programming, object serialization, database
connectivity, LINQ, manipulating XML, and .NET
programming with SQL server.
Course 19026
Cloud Computing, Introduction
This course introduces the concepts and technologies
involved in cloud computing, which refers to scalable
and virtualized computing over the Internet.
The course surveys technologies deployed by Amazon,
Google, Microsoft, and various academic and opensource providers. It explains how cloud computing
services can provide on-demand access to data
storage, computing resources, and messaging. You’ll
also learn about the enabling technologies (Web 2.0,
virtualization, grid and utility computing) that comprise
the infrastructure behind a cloud computing service.
You’ll get to examine case studies and technicalbusiness models.
Course 22413
Designing with Cascading Style Sheets,
Cascading style sheets (CSS) are a mandatory method
for a Web designer to control the look and feel of
a modern website. Combined with proper HTML
markup, CSS allows for precise control over a
Web page’s appearance without the use of tables.
This beginning course provides demonstration and
hands-on exercises covering the application and
syntax of CSS; hand-coding CSS properties for font,
Info Session for Software Development Programs
This free event is an informal session for new or returning students who are interested in our Computer Programming, Internet Programming and
Development, Software Engineering and Quality, and Linux Programming and Administration programs. The event includes a short overview of
Extension and discusses the highlights of courses in each software program. Program staff or a senior instructor will be available to answer your
questions about courses and recommended course sequences. This is an excellent opportunity to receive course information for upcoming quarters.
Register early to reserve your space.
Course 22404
To learn more, visit ucsc-extension.edu/events.
text formatting and backgrounds; the box model;
creating vertical and horizontal navigation menus
and two and three column page-layouts.
Course 6673
Designing with Cascading Style Sheets:
This course provides an in-depth exploration into the
expanding world of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),
covering responsive website designs that work with
smartphone, tablet or desktop monitors. Lectures and
hands-on exercises cover essential CSS3 properties,
concepts, techniques, and applications of media
queries, styling forms, fonts and structural pseudoclasses. You will also learn how to handle browser
compatibility issues and utilize the greater
capabilities now available through CSS.
Course 21317
Developing Mobile Applications for
Multiple Platforms
This course introduces a hybrid approach to developing mobile applications that are portable to multiple
devices. After reviewing cross-platform development
fundamentals, including HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS,
the course introduces the PhoneGap tool and its tool
architecture, flow, testing and debugging capabilities.
You will learn the various APIs that PhoneGap provides
to access the smartphone camera, sensors, geolocation, storage, files and events. By integrating
Sencha Touch with PhoneGap, you will see that
additional components and libraries are available.
Additional topics include controller, event and data
handling. You’ll need to program in JavaScript and
HTML5 to complete an in-class project.
Course 30357
Developing Java and Java EE
Applications with Spring Framework
and Hibernate
This course introduces tools for developing Java EE
applications and covers the core concepts of Spring,
including Inversion of Control (IoC) and dependency
injection. You will learn by building a sample Java EE
application that creates RESTful Web services using
JAX-RS, as well as the Tomcat application server and
MySQL database. You will learn how to work with
databases using Hibernate and gain hands-on experience with open-source and demo tools, servers and
databases. Advanced topics include scaling concepts
and Web services security via OAuth. Laptops are
required in class.
Course 20063
Developing JavaScript-based Rich Web
UI with JQuery
JQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies the rapid
development of rich Web applications. JQuery can be
used in Web applications regardless of the language
or technology employed on the server side. After an
overview of the JQuery framework, this course reviews
the inner workings of document object model (DOM)
and HTML content, including traversal, modification,
user interactions and event handling. You’ll learn to
leverage the browser event model, perform AJAX
requests, add effects and animations, use JQuery
plug-ins, and work with CSS and form data.
Course 22865
HTML Fundamentals
In this hands-on course, you’ll learn to code HyperText
Markup Language (HTML) to meet the most current
standards and practices of coding as set by the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It covers all the major
topics of coding and validating HTML, including
meeting accessibility mandates and improving search
engine optimization (SEO). The course also examines
the new elements introduced by HTML5. The course is
for students who have not coded Web pages before,
as well as for those who would like to review and
update their HTML coding skills.
Course 20816
HTML5: The Living Language
An increasing number of companies are using HTML5
to develop Web and mobile applications. This course
demystifies HTML5 and its powerful features. You
will gain experience with redefined Web forms, new
extended audio and video controls, new page structures and syntax. You’ll learn and practice “meaningful
markup”, new canvas drawing methods, drag and
drop, data storage methods, new JavaScript and CSS3
implementations, as well as geolocation and mobile
application frameworks. The course includes a series
of in-class exercises and lessons with homework.
Course 30046
Introduction to Web Programming:
JavaScript and PHP
This introductory course covers basic concepts and
programming skills that you need to know to
program dynamic Web pages, showcasing and
analyzing demos of dynamic Web pages that use
JavaScript and PHP. It covers basic programming
syntaxes such as variables, data types, expressions
and operators, and strings. You’ll discuss functions,
events, decision making and repetition, and you’ll
learn to build forms and objects, take inputs and reset
forms. When using PHP for server-side scripting, you’ll
also learn to handle user input and process form data,
creating an all-in-one form.
Course 30298
Java Programming for Beginners
This course is an introduction to Java programming,
starting with programming concepts and Eclipse IDE.
The instructor introduces basic and intermediate Java
syntax, and then methodically addresses abstraction,
object-oriented paradigm, procedural programming,
elementary data structures, and more. Other useful
topics include graphics user interface, collections
and generics. You will gain a strong conceptual
foundation in these areas while starting to write
programs for real applications. The course includes
programming exercises.
Course 5185
Java Programming, Comprehensive
Java is the premier language for Web servers, enterprise servers, network applications, embedded devices,
appliances and wireless applications. This course
covers the Java fundamentals, including language
syntax, constructs, and the development environment.
It also extends to the Java platform, including client/
server communication and managing XML data.
The course begins with Java’s implementation of
object-oriented concepts such as classes, data and
function access controls and inheritance. You’ll build
graphical user interfaces and program in the Java
event-handling model. Additional topics include the
Java class library, collection frameworks, Internet
communication, and multithreaded programming.
Course 6634
JavaScript and AJAX, Comprehensive
This comprehensive course covers JavaScript as a
programming language for creating dynamic Web
pages. After getting up to speed with the language
syntax, data types, operators, and programming
constructs, you’ll learn how to create and manipulate
objects and write functions to handle user-initiated
events such as mouse rollovers, clicking on a link, or
submitting a form. You’ll learn the Document Object
Model and how to walk the W3C DOM tree, manage
nodes, and use event listeners. Topics include JS
frameworks and AJAX to create asynchronous calls
to the Web for fast interactivity.
Course 1500
Courses continue on reverse…
Linux Based Web Application
Development-Apache, MySQL, PHP
Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP, collectively known
as LAMP, comprise the majority of servers, databases
and scripting languages on the Internet today. LAMP
belongs to open-source and is very robust and easily
configured. This course teaches LAMP basics including
installation, deployment and development of a website. You will learn the basics of programming MySQL
(a popular Web database) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor, a website scripting language). You will learn to
develop basic to intermediate level 3-tier websites and
Web applications with a database in the back-end.
Course 21958
Mobile Payments, e-Commerce Security,
and Cryptocurrency
This introductory course covers advancements in
mobile payment and transaction security and will help
you engage in platform and application development
or pursue new market opportunities. You will learn
the fundamentals of secure chip-card processing
mandated by the major payment brands. The course
emphasizes the pros and cons of Near Field Communication (NFC), secure element, Host Card Emulation
(HCE), Bluetooth, QR codes, tokens and eWallets. You’ll
learn about online security risks such as Heartbleed;
fraud prevention methods, biometrics, cloud-based
security and Fast Identification Online (FIDO); and
the role of cryptocurrency and future trends.
Course 30319
Multimedia Fundamentals
This course provides hands-on instruction in the
fundamental aspects of video and audio technology
in the context of production for the Web. It begins
with the fundamentals of light, color, camera, sound,
microphone and recording technologies, with a review
of the audio/video formats used in HTML5. You’ll
learn practical techniques for recording high-quality
audio and video, including editing and storytelling
development. The course includes lab exercises using
Adobe Premiere and Audition for editing and quality
enhancement. You will work under the guidance of
the instructor to produce a final project.
Course 30358
Perl Programming, Comprehensive
This comprehensive hands-on course covers all the
basic Perl syntax and programming constructs. You
will develop programs in class and as homework
assignments. In addition to the basics, the course
covers the file handle, filters, testing and system
interface and introduces the object-oriented features
in Perl, standard libraries, and how to package and
modularize Perl programs. By the end of course, you
should be able to develop sophisticated Perl scripts
in several applications.
Course 2110
Programming for Cloud Computing:
Amazon Web Services
This course reviews cloud computing that focuses
on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Discussions
will address the various AWS computing, storage,
database, networking, messaging, monitoring, and
deployment services as well as APIs, including EC2,
Auto-Scaling, EBS, S3, SimpleDB, RDS, ElastiCache,
Load Balancing, VPC, SQS, SNS, SES, CloudWatch, and
Beanstalk. You will design, code and deploy a cloudfocused tool or application in an in-class project, and
learn the concepts and programming techniques used
by both IT professionals and application developers.
Course 23094
Python Programming for Beginners
This hands-on lab-based course is intended for
newcomers to programming. The course covers the
important concepts and programming mechanisms
that exist in all programming languages: reading and
writing to standard I/O, using operators, controlling
the flow of execution, using functions, reading and
writing files, and object-oriented programming
concepts. It also includes Python specific facilities such
as code re-use, built-in sequence types, and iteration.
Interactions and expert help are available.
Course 20776
Python for Programmers
Because of its clear and elegant syntax, dynamic
typing, automatic memory management, and straightforward module architecture, Python enhances
program correctness and increases efficiency. Its
code is easy to read, write, extend, and modify. This
lab-based course builds proficiency in Python, and
the skills and knowledge for creating applications
using task-specific Python libraries. Topics include the
Python environment and code introspection, syntax,
flow control, function protocols, exception handling
and functional programming. You’ll also learn about
object-oriented features, classes, inheritance and
overriding as well as building applications, packages,
and libraries.
Course 3064
Ruby and Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is a popular framework for creating
dynamic Web 2.0 database applications. It delivers
working, bare-bones Web applications out of the box,
ready to be developed in your application. After an
introduction to the Ruby language and the Ruby on
Rails framework, this course follows a Web application build process with RoR. You will learn the key
functionalities, major Web development tasks, and
advanced dynamic Web features using the framework.
The course covers configuration, debugging, testing,
databases, AJAX on Rails, and other advanced topics.
Course 21342
User Experience Design Fundamentals
User experience design is a major factor in creating
winning industry products. This course focuses on
using user-centered design strategies and methods
to create effective websites and Web applications
that provide an excellent user experience. The course
will also expose you to the multi-disciplinary nature
of the user experience design process, design thinking,
and the steps you can take to succeed. The course
covers methods and strategies of six overlapping
phases: problem identification, information collection,
idea generation, prototyping, evaluation/testing,
and implementation.
Course 30031
Web Applications Testing,
This course provides the knowledge and skills needed
to test Web apps. You’ll learn to develop a test plan
and test cases that can be executed automatically.
The course covers three aspects of Web testing: UI,
Web services, and load/performance. The Selenium
tool is used to interact with browsers and automate
UI testing. You’ll learn to use Selenium design patterns
to manage large numbers of automated tests. The
course covers the use of JavaScript in WebDriver
tests, focusing on testing RESTful Web services and
addressing stress, load and performance testing
of Web applications.
Course 30355
Web Framework Using JavaScript:
The MEAN Stack
The MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and
Node.js) is an emerging Web framework that uses
JavaScript to build Web applications from front to back.
This course explains the four components and the
role each has in building a modern Web application,
and then covers the configuration, implementation
and programming details. You will learn to build the
Node.js server, include Express in the app, interface
with the document-oriented database MongoDB, and
use Angular directives and services on the client side.
Additionally, you’ll interact with JSON, Model-ViewController, Web services and HTML.
Course 30377
Web Technologies, Introduction
This course introduces many key Web technologies
without delving into programming. It covers Internet
fundamentals such as HTML, Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS), and Extensible Markup Language (XML), and
describes how scripting, such as JavaScript, jQuery,
and AJAX, works in dynamic websites. The course also
discusses server technologies, Web and application
servers, Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), content
management systems, Internet security, e-commerce,
databases, mobile device Web design, social networking, and cloud computing. By the end of the course,
you’ll have the knowledge you need to work with
developers, designers, site administrators, and
marketing professionals effectively.
Course 22623
XML Essentials
This course is an introduction to the power of XML
and its importance to the Web. The course begins
with the history and background of XML and the
advantages of moving toward the XML standard,
then introduces basic tags as well as syntax rules
for XML and XML environments. Practical examples
will be used to demonstrate the basics of working
with XML, cascading style sheets and documenttype definitions. The course briefly addresses the
Document Object Model (DOM) concept and the
data manipulation capability.
Course 3279
Course Planning Session
Register online for a complimentary one-on-one session.
Course 30371
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