
Kinney Graduate Student Travel Funds for the AWP Conference

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Kinney Graduate Student Travel Funds for the AWP Conference
Kinney Graduate Student Travel Funds for the AWP Conference
Thanks to the generosity of Yvette Kinney and the Kinney Family Foundation, the English Department
Creative Nonfiction Writing Program is able to offer travel funding of up to $400 for a limited number of
graduate students attending the annual Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference.
The AWP Conference represents one of the largest international gatherings of creative writers, creative
writing teachers, editors, agents and other professionals in the field, and includes numerous panels on
subjects ranging from the practical to the theoretical. The conference also includes hundreds of displays
by journals, magazines and publishing houses where conference participants can speak with editorial
staffs about potential publication. This is an important and unique opportunity for graduate students to
pursue their professional and academic ambitions in the field of creative writing.
Although we will do our best to support as many students as possible, the amount of available funds
may require us to limit the numbers. If that is the case, we will make our selections according to these
1. Demonstrated academic and professional interest in creative nonfiction writing (indicated by,
among other things, publications, number of cnf courses taken, enrollment in ADWR certificate
program, and/or intention to complete a creative nonfiction MA thesis).
2. Previous AWP travel funding (priority will be given to those who have not already attended the
AWP Conference).
3. Number of completed semester hours at the graduate level (priority will be given to those
nearing the end of their degree/certificate programs).
Those who receive funding will be required to write a short “conference report” summarizing your
experiences. Also, we ask that they plan to attend the English Honoring Ceremony in April.
Application Process:
Send an email to John T. Price, CNF Program Director ([email protected]), that includes a brief (1-2
paragraph) statement about why attending the AWP Conference will help you pursue your academic
and professional goals. Please also address the selection criteria listed above (number of cnf courses,
previous AWP funding, etc.).
DUE DATE: October 20, 2015 (or earlier)
For more information on this year’s conference in Los Angeles (March 30-April 02, 2016), visit the AWP
website: https://www.awpwriter.org/awp_conference/overview.
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