
MN BOT Standard MN BOT "Understanding" change and continuity;

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MN BOT Standard MN BOT "Understanding" change and continuity;
MN BOT Standard: Time, Continuity and Change
MN BOT "Understanding": b. Key concepts, including time, chronology, causality, change,
conflict, and complexity to explain, analyze and show connections among patterns of historical
change and continuity;
Impact on Society and Ecosystem of Columbian Exchange
Paul Garlock
Social Studies
8th grade
Lesson Template
Desired Results
Relevant Minnesota or Nat'l Content
Learning Objective: Key Understanding(s)
you intend students to obtain:
U. S. History
Analyze the consequences of the transatlantic
How physical features, including the use of
Columbian Exchange of peoples, animals, plants natural resources, define Minnesota.
and pathogens on North American societies and
ecosystems. (Colonization and Settlement: 15851763
How did the Europeans solve the problem of
getting raw materials (beaver pelts) to the
areas where hats were made.
Who the primary participants were in the
North American fur trade.
How did actions like these effect North
American societies and ecosystems.
Assessment Evidence
What do you want your students to know?
What do you want students to be able to do?
Define and explain the roles of trader, clerk, Show on a map the routes of the fur trade.
voyageur, and Native American in the fur
Demonstrate knowledge of the fur trade
Analyze how actions like these effected
indigenous people and the ecosystem.
Explain why explorers and missionaries
came to this region.
Common tensions and conflicts at fur trading
Group Accountability (Formative)
Individual Accountability (Summative)
How will you check to see whether your class How will you check to see if individuals have
has met your learning objectives?
acquired the knowledge/skills you expected
them to learn?
Informally via monitoring in class discussion,
I will need to hear use of vocabulary words Research Paper
used in context.
Quiz at end of unit.
Ask for thumbs up/thumbs down throughout
the unit.
Learning Plan
What key vocabulary/language will students
need to know to meet the learning objective?
Trader, clerk, voyageur, and Native
How will you teach this key vocabulary to
enable students to meet the learning
Through reading, lecture and completion of
study guide.
Social Status, portage, rendezvous,
missionary, embellish, felt, vast, bale, ration,
What is the Essential/Guiding Question(s) for How will you differentiate for all the
this Lesson? (It should correlate to your
learners (ELL, Sp. Ed., poverty, gifted, etc.)
learning objective.)
in your class?
Differentiation Options: questions, stems,
sentence frames, strategies, etc.
How did physical features define Minnesota?
How did actions like the fur trade effect the
indigenous people and the ecosystem.
Oral reading, small group work, and one on
one instruction as needed.
Materials/Resources Required: Text book, fur trade video, study guide, note taking
Time Allotment
(What will you do? What do you expect students to do? Include set induction
and closing.)
Day 1
10 minutes
Welcome to chapter 5. Have you ever traded things? Paddled a canoe? What
do you know about the fur trade? How did Europe maximize the fur
trade? How would you have? Review of what Minnesota was like then
population/transportation etc.
5 minutes
Selected read aloud from chapter 5
10 minutes
Fur trade video and small group discussion
20 minutes
Self-directed research on ecosystems and class discussion on findings. Need
to explain the basics of ecosystems in general and specifically the ecosystem
of the beaver.
5 minutes
Closing/review essential questions. Thumbs up/thumbs down
Day 2
Review previous day's work
10 minutes
Ojibwe creation video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etn92Ms8plo and 15 minutes
class discussion. Will cover what we can extrapolate life to be like for the
Ojibwe prior to European contact, and they can rely on knowledge from
previous chapters
Group discussions on how the European fur trade worked (need to describe
how the voyageurs, clerks, traders and native Americans fit into the cycle.
Compare and contrast how it worked before and after fur trade.
10 minutes
Life at the trading post select reading chapter 5
Assignment of paper: paper (3-5 pages) will cover ecosystem impact of the
fur trade Paper will be sourced with 3-5 outside sources(not all internet
sights, except for internet based journals and primary sources)
10 minutes
Day 3
5 minutes
Review of pervious say day and welcome
Time in media center to research and write paper
Day 4
Review of material
10 minutes
Multiple choice test on how the fur trade impacted the Native Americans
40 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
Fly UP