
Brandon Fredrickson MNBOT Standard: MN BOT "Understanding": Part A

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Brandon Fredrickson MNBOT Standard: MN BOT "Understanding": Part A
Brandon Fredrickson
MNBOT Standard: Interactions among Individuals, Groups, and Institutions:
MN BOT "Understanding": h. How groups and institutions meet individual needs and
promote the common good in contemporary and historical
Part A
Student Handout
Your task is to create a fiscal and monetary policy plan that could be adopted by congress to
create growth in the US Economy given a set dollar amount to spend. This plan will explain
how the Federal government will allocate its time and resources to correct for the downturn in
economic activity during the great recession using economic theory and models.
You will be divided into groups of 3-4 and given time to research the great recession and create a
stimulus packed aimed at pulling the economy out of recession. The groups will designate a
leader to guide the group and focus research. Your group will be responsible for coming up with
a plan to allocate 1 trillion dollars in stimulus, in a targeted manner, to promote growth and guide
the market into recovery. Be creative and think outside the box when coming up with your
plan. There is no such thing as a bad idea. That being said you will need to justify your
Your group will then create a proposition paper that outlines how the group plans on spending
the money and how this plan will, in economic terms, guide the economy out of the
recession. Use economic theory (law of supply, law of demand, unemployment, shifts) and
economic models and graphs (circular flow model, short-run aggregate supply and demand
models) to explain how your allocation of resources will affect the economy.
Your group will then present its plan to the class in the form of a presentation. The presentation
will utilize some form of technology such as power point, prezi, smart board. The purpose of
this presentation is to persuade the other groups to vote for your stimulus package. The plan
with the most votes will be uploaded to the class economic blog and submitted to The Economist
for possible publication.
Stimulus Package to do list:
Identify group member roles
Research the great recession
Create a 3 page paper that is double spaced in 12pt Times New Roman font. A bibliography
page with also be attached with all references cited (No Wikipedia).
Presentation of stimulus package plan to the class
Vote on your favorite plan for publication
Part B
Assessment Rubric
Teacher Name: Mr. Fredrickson
Group members:
Group Work-Focus on Consistently stays
the task and
focused on the task and
what needs to be done.
Very self-directed.
Focuses on the task and Focuses on the task and
what needs to be done what needs to be done
most of the time. Other some of the time. Other
group members can
group members must
count on this person. sometimes remind this
person to keep on task.
1 point
2 points
3 points
Group Work- Respect Respectfully listens,
and Teamwork
interacts, discusses and
poses questions to all
members of the team
during discussions and
helps direct the group
in reaching consensus.
Respectfully listens,
interacts, discusses and
poses questions to
others during
Has some difficulty
respectfully listening
and discussing, and
tends to dominate
3 points
2 points
Group Work- Problem Actively looks for and Refines solutions
suggests solutions to
suggested by others.
1 point
Does not suggest or
refine solutions, but is
willing to try out
solutions suggested by
1 point
3-4 points
2 points
The text introduces a
claim that is arguable
and takes a position.
Paper- Claim: The text The text introduces a
The text contains an
introduces a clear,
precise claim
unclear or
that is clearly arguable
emerging claim that
claim that can be
and takes
The text has a structure suggests a vague
supported by
and organization that is
an identifiable position aligned with the claim. position. The text
reasons and evidence. on an issue.
attempts a structure
The text has an
effective structure
and organization to
support the position.
and organization that is
aligned with
the claim.
7-10 points
3-6 points
The text presents a
formal tone.
1-2 points
The text illustrates a
limited awareness
Paper- Style and
The text presents a
The text presents a
objective tone. The text The text demonstrates of formal tone. The text
formal, objective
tone that demonstrates standard English
English conventions of some accuracy in
usage and
standard English
English conventions of of usage and mechanics
usage and
while attending to the
mechanics while
norms of the
attending to the
discipline (i.e. MLA,
norms of the discipline APA, etc.).
(i.e. MLA,
mechanics while
attending to the
conventions of usage
and mechanics.
norms of the discipline
(i.e. MLA,
APA, etc.).
APA, etc.).
7-10 points
Presentation- Creativity Very original
presentation of
material; captures the
audience's attention.
Presentation- Content
7-10 points
The group provides a
variety of types of
content appropriate for
the task, such as
generalizations, details,
examples and various
forms of evidence. The
group adapts the
content in a specific
way to the listener and
3-6 points
1-2 points
Some originality
Little or no variation;
apparent; good variety material presented with
and blending of
little originality or
materials / media.
3-6 points
The group focuses
primarily on relevant
content. The speaker
sticks to the topic. The
speaker adapts the
content in a general
way to the listener and
the situation.
1-2 points
The group includes
some irrelevant content.
The speaker wanders
off the topic. The group
uses words and
concepts which are
inappropriate for the
knowledge and
experiences of the
listener (e.g., slang,
jargon, technical
1-2 points
7-10 points
Overall analysis of
fiscal policy plan
3-6 points
In addition to meeting • The group
demonstrates a clear
criteria …
understanding of the
rules, definitions, laws,
• The group is able to concepts, theories and
• The group does not
demonstrate a clear
understanding of the
rules, definitions, laws,
concepts, theories and
use his/her analysis to
teach the definitions,
law, concepts, theories
and principles under
principles of topic or
skill under study.
principles of topic or
skill under study.
• Analysis includes
diagrams, models,
timelines, illustrations
or step-by-step
progression of the
problem under study.
• Analysis does not
include diagrams,
models, timelines,
illustrations or step-bystep progression of the
problem under study.
• The group and/or
audience is able to
differentiate between
similar definitions, law,
concepts, theories and • The student can
identify relationships
between ideas, data
• The group can
sets, and phenomena.
fferentiate between
orrelation and cause
and effect.
• The student does not
identify cause-andeffect relationships.
16-25 points
8-15 points
1-7 points
Overall application of In addition to meeting • The group
• The group does not
economic theory and the PROFICIENT
demonstrates an ability demonstrate an ability
models to the fiscal
criteria …
to apply theories,
to apply theories,
policy plan
principles and/or skills principles and/or skills
to new situations,
to new situations,
• The group actively
settings or problems. settings or problems.
seeks new
environments and
situations to apply
• The group is able to • The group t is not able
theories, principles
modify theories,
to modify theories,
and/or skills.
products, behaviors or products, behaviors or
skills to fit new or
skills to fit new or
• The group provides changed environment. changed environment.
multiple examples of
how theory, principle or
skill can be applied.
16-25 points
8-15 points
1-7 points
**Some data used from multiple rubric sites to create this project assessment rubric
(http://www.schrockguide.net/assessment-and-rubrics.html and common core state standards for
Grading layout
10 points- Group Work
20 points- Paper
20 points- Presentation
50 points- Analysis and Application of Economics
100 points Total
Benchmark Assessment Explanation Explain how various government fiscal policies are likely to impact overall output,
employment and price level.
Part C
The standard that this benchmark falls under states that students' should understand the overall
performance of an economy can be influenced by the fiscal policies of governments and the
monetary policies of central banks. This is an important challenge for the citizen/student to
understand when listening to governmental leaders proposing or implementing public
policy. This has lasting effects on not only the economy but on the uneducated citizens
himself. The business cycle is never ending and government fiscal and monetary policy is
important to manage these ups and downs in the market and create a stable economy. Through
this policy sustainable economic growth can be accomplished and the horrible effects of
recessions and depressions can be avoided.
The students will fully meet and exceed the benchmark by not only being able to explain how
fiscal policy affects our economy but create their own fiscal policy plan and analyze its possible
effects. This assessment builds on the knowledge and skill learned in the classroom and allows
the students to think critically about the fiscal policies that the government has used in the past. It
also allows for the opportunity to utilize the models and theories to create their own fiscal
policy. This will give the students a much better understanding of how these policies affect our
economy. The assessment I created is appropriately rigorous in its uses of skills that will be
applicable for their future success. The students will utilize teamwork to create a detailed paper
that outlines a policy proposal that they will present to the class. The presentation will
demonstrate the student's ability to summarize and formulate an opinion in order to persuade an
audience. They will then get practice analyzing policies by voting on the best proposal.
The literacy assessment that I chose to focus on fell under the "Text Types and Purposes" grades
11-12. The writing standard states that students will write arguments focused on disciplinespecific content. I chose to assess two of these benchmarks in the paper portion of the
assessment. The first literacy benchmark addressed is part "A" which focuses on the ability of
the student to make a clear, arguable claim that can be supported by reasons and evidence. The
second literacy benchmark addressed is part "D" which focuses on the student's ability to present
a formal and objective tone that demonstrates Standard English conventions of usage and
mechanics while attending to the norms of the discipline. Together they help the students build
the ability to formulate arguments based on logic and reason in a formal manner consistent
within the economic discipline.
Part D
The benchmark performance assessment that I have created challenges students to a
level of high performance and with a high degree of authenticity that will benefit them as well as
be memorable. In a 1998 article titled Authentic Intellectual Work in Social Studies (published
in the journal, Social Education), Geoffrey Scheurman and Fred M. Newmann outline criteria for
creating assessments with a high level of authenticity and intellect. These criteria will be used to
justify that my benchmark assessment is indeed reflective of authentic intellectual achievement.
The first section addressed under authentic intellectual achievement is the construction
of knowledge. This assessment requires students' to research and formulate a real world plan
which requires students to analyze and synthesize very complex information. The students will
also have the ability to see and consider the perspectives and arguments of the other groups'
plans which may look very different than their own.
The second section addressed under authentic intellectual achievement is disciplined
inquiry. The students are required to show understanding of the content and concepts by using
economic theories and models to explain the reasons groups allocated funds in the manner they
did. By creating the paper, in a manner consistent with the discipline, students will demonstrate
how economists go about writing and affecting policy. The students will also create a
presentation that will summarize their conclusions and propose a fiscal policy plan.
The third section addressed under authentic intellectual achievement is value beyond
school. The groups are given the very complex problem of recessions and depressions which the
students are likely to see in their lifetime several times. Students will get practice working with
others in order to solve this complex problem and realize that there are many
perspectives. During their presentations students will have to justify their proposal to their peers
in order to gain approval much like citizen in public office.
Overall I feel that this assessment meets all of Scheurman and Newman's criteria and
would be fun and engaging way to tackle the real life issues related to the discipline of
economics. After this assessment students would have a firm grasp what fiscal policy is and how
it is applied to affect the economy.
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