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International Student Services Division of Student Success Center
International Student Services
Division of Student Success Center
-Post-Completion OPT Guidelines & Application ProcessWhat Is Post-Completion OPT?
Optional Practical Training that takes place after completion of academic degree program.
Enables F-1 students to gain off-campus employment through work or internship in field of study for up to 12 months.
o If student participated in Pre-Completion OPT, the time used is deducted from overall 12 month period of
Post-Completion OPT.
o If student participated in 12 or more months of full-time CPT, they will be in eligible for Post-Completion OPT.
May be full-time or part-time employment or internship.
For more information, please go to http://www.ice.gov/doclib/sevis/pdf/opt_checklist.pdf.
What are the Student Guidelines for Post-Completion OPT (DSU and SEVIS regulations)?
May begin application process 90 days prior to program end date and no more than 60 days after program end date.
OPT application and employment must be pre-approved by DSU International Student Services.
DSU International Student Services must enter OPT request in SEVIS before OPT application is mailed.
OPT application (I-765) must be received by USCIS within 30 days of recommendation being posted on student’s SEVIS
account by DSU International Student Services.
If mailing or physical address changes at any point during the OPT application process, you must notify DSU
International Student Services and USCIS within 10 days of change, request an update to SEVIS account, and submit an
online Form AR-11 to USCIS.
Must sign page 3 stating you have read, understand, and agree to follow all rules outlined in this document.
How Do I Apply for Post-Completion OPT?
Complete Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization.
o Form I-765 and instructions are available on the USCIS website, http://www.uscis.gov/i-765.
o To apply for electronic updates on OPT process, you must fill out Form G-1145, E-Notification of
Application/Petition Acceptance, http://www.uscis.gov/i-765.
Collect all of the following documents and supporting materials:
o Form 1-94 – photocopy of both sides if two-sided
o Valid Passport – photocopy of photo page, renewal page if original has expired, and pages showing
amendments such as name changes, corrections, etc.
o Visa (if applicable) – photocopy of visa page (must have an active status)
o Photocopy of all I-20 forms you have been issued
o Photocopy of any previous Employment Authorization Documents (EAD)
o Two identical photographs (photograph instructions in Form I-765 instructions, Required Documentation)
o Check for Filing Fee (amount subject to change. Please visit http://www.uscis.gov/i-765 for current amount)
Bring completed packet to Student Success Center in a folder or envelope with your name on it and leave it with
Tymeed at the front desk. She will give the application packet to Elise to review. Please allow 48 hours for review.
Once the review is complete, Elise will email you to set up an appointment date/time to go over everything with you.
During the scheduled appointment, Elise will give you a personal copy of the packet, the official packet that will be
submitted to DHS, and will have a copy for your International Student Services student folder. Also, she will enter an
OPT recommendation in SEVIS and print a new I-20, which has the OPT request listed on page 3. You will need to keep
the new original I-20 for your travel documents and a copy will be submitted with your OPT packet.
After the scheduled appointment, you will mail the packet to USCIS, which must be received by USCIS within 30 days of
recommendation being posted in SEVIS by DSU International Student Services.
As soon as you receive any notifications from USCIS, you must notify Elise. DSU International Student Services must
make a copy of any notifications you receive, any documents that must be submitted after initial application,
acceptance/denial letter, and of EAD card.
For more information, contact Elise Mallette, Coordinator of International Student Services, [email protected].
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International Student Services
Division of Student Success Center
-Post-Completion OPT Guidelines & Application ProcessIs There Anything My Employer Will Need to Do?
Prior to employment start date, employer must submit an official letter (on the company’s letterhead) to International
Student Services stating the following information. A sample letter is available in DSU International Student Services.
o Company name, address, and contact information
o Start/end date of employment
o Number of hours required to work per week (full-time/part-time status)
o If position is paid or unpaid
 If paid, please list amount and if pay will be salary or hourly.
o Full list of job responsibilities
o Explanation of how job responsibilities relate to most recently completed academic degree program
 Must sign page 3 stating has read, understand, and agree to follow all rules outlined in this document.
 Must pre-approve any international travel while employed with company during OPT.
o Must provide the student and International Student Services an official letter verifying international travel
o Any unapproved international travel will count toward OPT unemployment period.
If student has any change in employment status, employer, or job responsibilities, the employer and student must notify
International Student Services within 10 days of this change or risk OPT termination and visa violation/termination.
What are the Guidelines for Employment While on Post-Completion OPT?
All employment must be pre-approved by DSU International Student Services.
You must have completed academic degree program and received Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card,
with approved OPT start date listed, before beginning employment.
You may accrue up to 90 days of unemployment throughout OPT period.
o If you go over the allowed 90 days of unemployment, you risk OPT termination and F1 visa
violation/termination through USCIS.
o Unapproved employment is the same as unemployment and counts toward unemployment time.
Employment/job responsibilities must be directly related to most recently completed academic degree program.
o Employment unrelated to degree is unauthorized and counts toward unemployment time and may risk OPT
termination and F1 visa violation/termination through USCIS.
If you have more than one source of employment, both must be pre-approved and be related to degree field, or you
risk OPT termination and F1 visa violation/termination through USCIS.
If you have any change in employment status, employer, or job responsibilities, the student and employer must notify
DSU International Student Services within 10 days of this change or risk OPT termination and visa
Will I Be Allowed to Travel Outside of the U.S. While Applying/After Approved for OPT?
While OPT Application is Pending - May not travel outside of the U.S. while OPT application is pending.
o If student leaves the country while application is pending, USCIS views this as abandoning the OPT request.
After OPT is Approved but Prior to Securing an Approved Employment - May not travel outside of the U.S. after OPT is
approved and before starting an approved job.
o If student leaves the country before securing an approved job, this may hinder re-entry to the U.S.
After OPT is Approved, EAD Card Received and Employment Approved by International Student Services – May travel
outside of the U.S. after OPT is approved and authorized employment has begun but must have an official letter stating
the employer pre-approved international travel during OPT period.
(Travel Guidelines Continued on Next Page)
For more information, contact Elise Mallette, Coordinator of International Student Services, [email protected].
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International Student Services
Division of Student Success Center
-Post-Completion OPT Guidelines & Application Process(Travel Guidelines Continued)
o Without official letter of pre-approval from employer, any time spend outside of the U.S. during OPT period
will count toward unemployment time.
o For re-entry to U.S., student must have a current/official letter from the employer verifying employment,
official letter of pre-approval for international travel from employer, current passport, active F1 visa,
official/current I-20 with OPT verification on page 3, and OPT EAD card.
Do I Need to Maintain an Active F-1 Status While on OPT?
Will I Need to Check In with DSU International Student Services While On OPT?
Yes, you will be required to check-in via email with Elise at the end of each month.
Can I Take Classes While On Post-Completion OPT?
No, USCIS does not allow students on Post-Completion OPT to be enrolled in any courses during their 12 month OPT
What Do I Do if I Would Like to Begin a New Academic Program?
Contact Elise before applying for the new academic program. Once you’ve been accepted into a new academic
program Elise will need to process a Change of Educational Level for your SEVIS record.
If you are going to be attending a new U.S. university, your SEVIS record must be transferred from DSU to the new
university before the new university will be able to issue an updated I-20.
o You will need to email Elise a copy of your official acceptance letter from the new U.S. university, along with
program acceptance if not listed on the university letter, before the SEVIS record can be transferred.
Once your new academic program begins, your OPT I-20, EAD, and related work permission are no longer be valid.
What Do I Do if I Change My Visa Status/Category?
Contact Elise prior to requesting a change in visa status.
Once your new visa status has been approved, email Elise a copy of the official approval, so she can complete or
terminate your F1 SEVIS record based on the change of status.
Once approved for a new visa status/category, your OPT I-20, EAD, and related work permission are no longer valid.
Once I Complete My 12 Month OPT Period, When Do I Need to Leave the U.S.?
F1 regulations allow you to remain in the U.S. for 60 days after the expiration date of your EAD, unless you have
extended your F1 status for another degree program or you are pending visa status/category change.
During the 60 day period after OPT, you cannot be employed.
If you travel outside of the U.S. during the 60 day period, you will not be able to re-enter the U.S. on F1 OPT status.
I have read and understand all information listed above and agree to follow all rules outlined in this document.
Student Signature __________________________________________________________
Date ________________________
Employer Signature _________________________________________________________
Date ________________________
For more information, contact Elise Mallette, Coordinator of International Student Services, [email protected].
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