
A Good Angler Always Does These Things:

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A Good Angler Always Does These Things:
A Good Angler Always Does These Things:
2. Keeps only the ___ they want or need and never wastes fish.
5. Always lets someone know ___ they are going and when they will be back.
6. Wear your life ___ when you are on or near the water, even if you know how to swim.
8. Always stays ___ whenever a boat is in motion.
11. Follows all fishing and boating ___.
14. Doesn't release ___ or any fish into the water, unless it was just caught!
15. Respects private property and never ____.
16. Properly releases fish ___ and without harming them if they are not to be kept.
1. Carries their fishing ___ and identification with them when fishing - it's the law if you are 17 years or older!
3. Practices safety on and around the ___.
4. ____ other anglers and doesn't crowd others where they are fishing.
7. Never ____ up in a canoe or kayak.
9. Handles fish carefully so they don't get ___ by sharp fins or spines.
10. If your ___ gets hung up, don't pull it straight back toward you but rather pull out toward the side; you
could get hit by a sinker or stuck with a hook if you pull it toward you.
12. ___ litters or pollutes.
13. When you are ___, make sure there's no one too close to you or behind you; remember fish hooks are
sharp and can catch your skin or an eye - just like they can a fish!
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