Dublin City University MSc. in Electronic Commerce
Dublin City University MSc. in Electronic Commerce Business School & School of Computing Practicum Report for FingerPal Biometric Payment System August 2009 Authors: Olga Bzdawka (MECB) 58212509 Zaneta Babko (MECB) 58210580 Francisco Canovas (MECT) 58211843 Supervisors: Howard Duncan School of Computing PJ Byrne Business School Chapter 1 Business Purpose Table of Content Acknowledgements............................................................................................................ 5 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 6 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1 Business Purpose...........................................................................................8 1.1 FingerPal Description ................................................................................................... 8 1.2 The Structure of FingerPal Transaction........................................................................ 8 1.3 Value proposition ......................................................................................................... 9 1.4 Advantages of FingerPal............................................................................................. 10 1.5 Value Chain ................................................................................................................ 11 Chapter 2 Business Model .......................................................................................... 12 2.1 The structure of Business Model ............................................................................... 12 2.2 Revenue Model .......................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Facilitators .................................................................................................................. 14 2.4 Growth Strategy ......................................................................................................... 15 2.5 Key Milestones ........................................................................................................... 16 Chapter 3 Market Research ......................................................................................... 18 3.1 SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................ 18 3.2 Market Analysis and Trends ....................................................................................... 19 3.2.1 Industry Revenue Forecast by Sector ................................................................. 21 3.2.2 Applications......................................................................................................... 23 3.3 Future trends ............................................................................................................. 26 3.4 Growth Drivers ........................................................................................................... 27 3.5 Market segmentation ................................................................................................ 27 3.6 Promotion .................................................................................................................. 29 3.7 Pricing......................................................................................................................... 30 3.8 PEST Analysis .............................................................................................................. 30 3.9 Overview of end users ............................................................................................... 32 3.9.1 End-users: Survey analysis .................................................................................. 34 3.9.2 Feedback from the customers ............................................................................ 35 Chapter 4 Competitive Review .................................................................................... 36 4.1 Industry Forces ........................................................................................................... 36 4.2 Competitors Analysis ................................................................................................. 37 4.2.1 Competitive Advantage....................................................................................... 38 4.2.2 Competitors and their products.......................................................................... 38 4.3 Intellectual Property .................................................................................................. 39 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 2 Chapter 1 Business Purpose Chapter 5 - Technology................................................................................................ 41 5.1 Technical Solution ...................................................................................................... 41 5.2 Technical overview and analysis ................................................................................ 41 5.2.1 Optical Scanner ................................................................................................... 42 5.2.2 Capacitance Scanner ........................................................................................... 43 5.2.3 Matching ............................................................................................................. 44 5.2.4 Bottom line.......................................................................................................... 45 5.3 Technology roadmap ................................................................................................. 46 5.4 Infrastructure ............................................................................................................. 48 5.4.1 Point of Sale ........................................................................................................ 48 5.4.2 Server side ........................................................................................................... 49 5.4.3 Web Service ........................................................................................................ 49 5.5 Process description .................................................................................................... 51 5.5.1 Enrol a customer in a Point of Sale ..................................................................... 51 5.5.2 Enrol a merchant into the system ....................................................................... 52 5.5.3 Enrol a customer using the online service .......................................................... 53 5.5.4 Perform a transaction ......................................................................................... 55 5.6 Technologies .............................................................................................................. 57 5.6.1 Client side ............................................................................................................ 57 5.6.2 Server side ........................................................................................................... 57 5.6.3 Point of Sale ........................................................................................................ 57 5.7 Security....................................................................................................................... 58 5.8 System Architecture ................................................................................................... 59 5.8.1 Application server ............................................................................................... 60 5.8.2 Web server .......................................................................................................... 60 5.8.3 Database server .................................................................................................. 61 5.8.4 Networks and Internets ...................................................................................... 61 5.8.5 Ecommerce server .............................................................................................. 61 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution ..................................................................................... 62 6.1 Prototype ................................................................................................................... 62 6.2 Description ................................................................................................................. 63 6.3 Database model ......................................................................................................... 64 6.4 Technologies used...................................................................................................... 65 Cascade Style Sheet ..................................................................................................... 65 HTML ............................................................................................................................ 65 MySQL 5 ....................................................................................................................... 65 Apache Tomcat 5.5 ...................................................................................................... 65 6.5 Testing ........................................................................................................................ 66 6.5.1 Functionality........................................................................................................ 66 6.5.2 Usability............................................................................................................... 67 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 3 Chapter 1 Business Purpose 6.5.3 Server Side Interfaces: ........................................................................................ 68 6.5.4 Client Side Compatibility: .................................................................................... 68 6.5.5 Performance........................................................................................................ 69 6.5.6 Security................................................................................................................ 70 Chapter 7 Financial Projections ................................................................................... 71 7.1 Funding....................................................................................................................... 71 7.2 Sales Explanation ....................................................................................................... 72 7.3 Calculations ................................................................................................................ 73 7.4 Expenses..................................................................................................................... 74 7.5 Loss & Profit Projection.............................................................................................. 75 7.6 Cash Flow ................................................................................................................... 76 Chapter 8 Management Team ..................................................................................... 79 Appendixes ................................................................................................................. 80 Appendix 1 Competitive Analysis..................................................................................... 80 Appendix 2 Survey ........................................................................................................... 82 Appendix 3 Survey Results ............................................................................................... 85 Appendix 4 Legislation on Biometrical Information,European Directive : ...................... 88 Appendix 5 Potential Partners: Irish Merchant Banks (Acquirers) ................................. 89 Appendix 6 Historical Adoption Rates of Credit/Debit Cards .......................................... 90 Appendix 7 Merchant’s Terminal ..................................................................................... 91 Appendix 8 Individuals Contacted ................................................................................... 93 References .................................................................................................................. 94 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 4 Chapter 1 Business Purpose Acknowledgements Out team would like to thank all the people who participated or supported us in conducting the project. We would like to appreciate the help of our supervisors, PJ Byrne and Howard Duncan who contributed to the completion of this report. Our group would like to thank also Prof. Alan Smeaton, Brian Stone and other members of School of Computing who guided us in technical issues of the report. We appreciate the help of practicum coordinator Cathal Gurrin and Maria Johnston from Invent for useful advice and support. We appreciate the support of companies who provided us with feedback. Moreover, we want to thank our friends and survey participants for their contribution to the market research. Many thanks to Niamh O'Neill from AIB, Mark McGoldrick from Bank of Ireland, Eddie Cullen from Ulster Bank, William Christie from Spar, Seamus Banim from Tesco and Natalie Danaher from Super Valu for their feedback. Many thanks also to our families for all the support received during these months. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 5 Chapter 1 Business Purpose Executive Summary • The aim of this project is to examine the potential of fingerprint-based payment method on the Irish market. • The biometrics industry is experiencing a steady growth and is becoming more technologically advanced, the cost of fingerprint-enabled devices is dropping. • Studies show that consumers show acceptance to new methods of payment and that there is a need for new methods of payment and innovation. • The FingerPal system will be a new method of tokenless payment. • FingerPal has no exisitng competitors on the Irish market who provide similar solutions. • Biometric method of payment will provide security, faster throughput and convenience; the system will provide benefits for merchants, banks and the end users. • The process of retrieving fingerprint information is presented in the demo to prove it effectiveness. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 6 Chapter 1 Business Purpose Introduction This project outlines the business and technical aspects related to the successful development and implementation of FingerPal solutions on the market. The report is based on the theoretical business knowledge as well as detailed technology description and its practical version. The first section of the report provides the description of the offering, including its originality, strenghts and value chain. It also outlines the business purpose of the product, mission statement and the process of transaction. The section focuses also on the competitive advantage and highlights the benefits of FingerPal for potential partners and end-users. Chapter 2 presents the business model with a detailed description of the transaction process. This section shows the value chain of FingerPal including partners and facilitators involved in the process. Finally, it presents the growth strategy of the comapny and crucial milestones to be achieved in the next three years. Chapter 3 is an extensive market research which gives an overview of the biometric industry and further provides details of the size of the financial sector of biometric market and its forecasts. What is more, the section provides the details of political, legal, economic and social factors that are present in the business environment as well as a WSOT analysis. The chapter gives also a description of the end user supported by data from surveys and interviews’ analysis. Chapter 4 looks at the companies who may be considered competitors to FingerPal or present a threat of developing similar solutions. This part of report involves the analysis of the industry forces. Chapter 5 provides a detailed description of the technological solution, including the technology roadmap, current stage of developmet, hardware requirements. Chapter 6 defines the prototpe and demo description. Chapter 7 is a detailed financial plan with cash flow and loss & profit analysis. Chapter 8 presents the management team. The list of appendixes presents research findings, surveys and other relevant information. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 7 Chapter 1 Business Purpose Chapter 1 Business Purpose 1.1 FingerPal Description FingerPal is a new, innovative method of conducting financial transactions. It is a solution that allows consumers to pay for goods or services without the need of carrying a token, such as plastic card,, cash or cheque. Instead of traditional methods of payment, FingerPal will enable the users to use their biometric information, which is the fingerprint, to carry out transactions. The new biometric method of payment payment will be utilized in retail, petrol stations and restaurants. The merchants will benefit from faster transactions and greater customers’ satisfaction. Banks will benefit from fees involved in transactions, and, finally, the end users will be able to pay in a more secure, smarter and faster way. Our mission statement: “To deliver a new, innovative payment solution. To enhance the security of transactions and its throughput thanks to unique and unconventional technology solutions. To achieve recognition and nd wide acceptance as a new payment processing provider”. 1.2 The Structure of FingerPal Transaction The process of FingerPal’s transaction involves several steps that involve the merchants, banks, and end-users. users. The first step includes enrollment of merchant merchant and the end-user end to the system. Basically, the merchant registers with FingerPal online. The end-user end user of the system enrolls only once, either online from home (providing that their computer is equiped with a fingerprint scanner) or at merchant POS terminal. terminal. Since enrollment, the consumer can pay by fingerprint in any retail outlets that use FingerPal’s system. The Transaction Process can begin when both, the merchant and the consumer are registered with FingerPal. The transaction inloves the following stages: s Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 8 Chapter 1 Business Purpose 1. Transaction starts A customer buys products from the merchant 2. Payment processed The acquirer (merchant’s bank) receives the transaction. The acquirer subtracts the discount fee from the amount received and the final merchant’s transaction earning. 3. Submission The transaction is passed to the bank who provides the customer’s account. It is submitted first to FingerPal who determines the interchange fee and then directly to customer’s bank. 4. Payment received The customer’s bank pays the acquirer. The acquirer receives amount which is subtracted by the interchange fee. The interchange fee goes partially to the customer’s bank and to FingerPal. 5. Customer’s payment The customer’s bank account is charged by the sum of transaction. 1.3 Value proposition Our product will provide more advantages over the conventional payment methods such as cash or plastic cards. s. We consider that our product will provide a multi-sided multi sided advantages for both, the customers, the merchants merchant and the banks. The members of FingerPal’s value chain are presented in the graph: Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 9 Chapter 1 Business Purpose 1.4 Advantages of FingerPal BioPay will provide benefits for the following entities: Consumers Convenience Customers will be able to pay for goods by fingerprint. Thus, there will be no need of carrying cash, plastic cards or cheques. Transactions will be performed in a quicker and more convenient way. The queuing time will be decreased and transaction performance enhanced. Security There will be an increased security of transactions as there will no longer be the risk of losing plastic card or cash. With a fingerprint, each individual will not have to worry about the possibility of losing financial resources. Lack of Charge Customers will not be charged for the transactions. Compared to some of the plastic card companies or banks who charge for each transactions, BioPay will be completely free for customers. Ease-of-use Customers will be required to enroll one time and their personal account will be created. There is no need for setting up a new bank account. Merchants: Increased earnings The merchants who will implement FingerPal method of payment will benefit from more frequent transactions. The conveniece for customers will be increased, thus, merchants will provide higher standards and meet the expectations of customers. These will result in increased transactions and greater cusotmers’ satisfaction. Quicker processing of transactions FingerPal does not require plastic cards or cash. Thus, the time spent in each transaction to insert plastic card or money will be eliminated. Consequently, the transactions will be performed quicker. Merchants will be able to increase customers’ satisfaction and convenience. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 10 Chapter 1 Business Purpose 11 Convenience Customers satisfaction will be increased. Moreover, Moreover, the merchants who will provide the FingerPal methods will be perceived as more innovative and more attrcative for customers. Thus, the general image of merchants will be enhanced. Savings/Increased revenue FingerPal will provide competitive prices for each transaction processed. Thus, our product will be charged less than the standard charges for plastic card payments. Currently, the average plastic card transaction fees range from 1 % to 3%. FingerPal will decrease this amount by at least three times. Thus, merchants may benefit from savings. Banks: Increased Revenues Banks will benefit from a new way of conducting transactions through the interchange fees. This will provide banks with the opportunity to increase their revenues. 1.5 Value Chain The value chain of FingerPal will aim to deliver the best possible value to our customers and, at the same time, generate revenue that exceeds the cost of activities within the firm, and, therefore, results in a profit margin. The key aspects of the value chain chain are presented in the graph 1.5. Inbound Logistics: Equipment from Hardware Manufacturers Operations: Builiding Design & Operations Testing Transactions Processing Database Maintenance Marketing & Sales: Outbound Logistics: Distribution To Retailers Promotions Mix: Online /Offline Advertising Brochures Seminars/Trade Shows Firm Infrastructure: Management of Information Systems Technology Development:Innovation Innovation - R&D, Security Enhancements Human Resource Management: Recruitment, Training, Payroll Procurement: Components from Suppliers, Bank Agreements Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University After Sales Service: Complaints Handling Customer Support Margin Chapter 2 Business Model Chapter 2 Business Model There are several aspects of our business model that make it successful. First of all, BioPay will allow for a new way of concluding transactions. It will rely on a network that will enable transactions on a global scale. Our product will provide the merchants and financial institutions with the opportunity to grow and deliver new methods of payments to the customers. Thus, our business model will be beneficial for customers, merchants and the banks. Customers will be able to make more secure and convenient payments without the need of carrying a “token” such as cash or plastic card. Merchants will improve their image, lower transaction costs and attract more customers whereas financial institutions will have the possibility to grow their revenues from transactions through a new method of payment. 2.1 The structure of Business Model FingerPal’s business model is determined by the so called interchange rate. It is a fee involved in processing a transaction between the merchant, merchant account provider (acquirer bank) and the customer account provider (any bank). The merchant bank is the bank who has an agreement with a merchant . It accepts the deposits from transactions. Interchange fees are paid to the customer’s bank account by the acquirer. Part of that fee will be charged by FingerPal. The rate will be determined by various factors, such as the type of merchant (shop, restaurant, etc.) or the volume of transactions. However, in the first years of activity we will focus on a flat fee for the retail sector. In order to proceed the transactions FingerPal will be required to sign an agreement with the bank that is the merchant’s acquirer and the bank that provides bank account to the customer. The agreement will authorize FingerPal to perform transactions between the banks. Moreover, the agreement will contain the rights , terms and condition, and rules with regard to the transaction process. The interchange fee will be determined by the type of industry, processing environment. Nevertheless, our transaction fees will be competitive compared to current plastic card networks such as VISA or Mastercard. The business model of FingerPal will be similar to plastic card associations such as VISA or Mastercard. As stated in the companies’ websites, both of the organizations generate high revenues through interchange fees. Both firms managed to earn $26 billion in 2004 from interchange fees. The revenue grew to $ 30.7 billion in 2005 which accounted for 85 percent of increase from 20011. 1, Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 12 Chapter 2 Business Model 13 The interchange fee of FingerPal will be highly competitive compared to plastic card companies’ fees. Currently, the interchange fees are very complex and differ. There are about 270 types of interchange fees. For instance, VISA determines the interchange fee rate depending on where transaction takes place, whether it is an online transaction or over the phone. FingerPal will suggest the most beneficial fees for merchants and banks. Our pricing model will be more satisfactory for merchants as interchange fees will be set lower than common plastic card fees. We consider that the interchange fee cannot be too high so as to gain acceptance to FingerPal service. On the other hand, the interchange fees cannot be too low so as to retain the interest of customer’s bank to cooperate with FingerPal. Consequently, we will strive to provide the best and most convenient fees for both merchants and banks. 2.2 Revenue Model FingerPal will provide an interchange fee lower than the current plastic card transactions fees. The revenue will be based on the number of transactions within FingerPal network.The low cost of transaction process will offer competitve choice for merchants. The table presents current average interchange rates for VISA, MasterCard in Ireland compared to FingerPal transactions’ fees2. Card Type Chip & Pin MasterCard Electronic/ Consumer VISA Commercial Retail 0.80% 2.30% + 0.10 FingerPal 0.70% 2.20% + 0.10 2.10% + 0.10 Pay Pass 0.80% --------------- ------------- Enhanced Electronic 0.95% ----------------- -------------- 2,, Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 2 Business Model 2.3 Facilitators Banks FingerPal aims to form strategic partnerships with banks who will be involved in transactions processing. The company’s device will be purchased by merchants. This will allow FingerPal to connect retailers to our network. These includes Irish merchant’s banks and consumers’ banks3. Hardware manufacturers Secondly, FingerPal aims to form partnerships with biometrics hardware manufacturers who will provide devices for POS systems. We plan to cooperate with the following company: Biometric Access Company (BAC) - the company was established in 1996 and its main base is located in Round Rock in Texas. BAC provides various fingerprint technology solutions for lowering risks in organizations . The company’s products include hardware and software applications of biometric technologies. One of the BAC’s offering that can be competitive for FingerPal is SecureTouch Solutions. The product is based on a terminal SecureTouch Advanced Modular (STAm™)4.The device provides the opportunity of adding features that are neccessary for certain industries. For instance, the terminal can serve various purposes such as payroll check cashing, Credit/Debit Transaction Processing, Pharmacy Controlled Substance Tracking, Pharmacy Physical Access Control, Time & Attendance, Age Verification. The device can be extented depending on the customers needs. Options include a barcode scanner, printer, camera, document scanner, modem and finger imager. Thus, the customers can add extra features and utilize, among others, a biometric technology in concluding retail transactions.The scanner is built of an optical imager. It can be utilized as a ID verification, digital signature for authorization of transactions, electronic payment by means of a fingerprint, or cashier logon. The device is secure thanks to encryption that is provided when the data is transferred to the server. The advantages of the system is the fact that every seller can keep up with changes and easily adjust a simple plastic card processing device to changing businesses and customers requirements.Thus, the device can never become outdated. The other product offered by the company is Secure Payroll Check Cashing. The product provides the opportunity to verify the identity of customers and provides authorization of transactions by a fingerprint scanning process. A customer’s fingerprint image is enrolled and then utilized as a method of verification in check transactions. Such a way reduces the check losses and provides security for check fraud. The solution can be implemented in the exisitng 3 4 See Appendix 5 for details. See Appendix 7 for details Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 14 Chapter 2 Business Model POS systems or be utilized a s a separate application. This resuslts in no requirements for an ID in check transactions. The customers are only required to swipe their finger for authorization. ID card has to only be presented at enrollment. VeriFone – The company was founded in 1981 in Hawaii and provides point-of-sale devices. The company delivers their products to various industries, including financial, hospitality, petroleum, retail, helthcare. In 2005 Verifone merged with BAC to incorporate biometric solutions into their equipment. In particular, their devices can be added extra features such as a fingerprint scanner for processing payment transactions . 2.4 Growth Strategy The growth strategy of FingerPal involves several stages: Stage 1 Prototype development and Funds Raising This stage will focus mostly on developing the software for fingerprint recognition and image retrieval. The company will also gather funds neccessary for the technology improvements and the creation of the company. Once the software is completed we would like to have all patents filed so as to protect the IP rights of our product. Stage 2 Forming Strategic Partnerships Stage 2 will be performed concurrently with stage 1. FingerPal will form strategic partnerships with the members of its value chain, including banks, merchants and biometric hardware manufacturers. Stage 3 Market Penetration This phase will concentrate on market penetration, marketing and advertising. This phase is a crucial point in the growth strategy as it involves gaining recognition on the market and reaching customers. FingerPal will distribute its infrastructure in small retail chains such as spar and Centra. We aim to subsequently extend the value chain by supermarkets and other retail outlets. Next step will involve the penetration of restaurants and petrol stations in order to enhance the volume of transactions. Stage 4 Extension of Customerbase Once FingerPal position on the market is established, we will extend the scope of the business. FingerPal will allocate financial resources to research & devlopment of utilizing our service in online transactions. We will develop the infrastructure for making online transaction by fingerprint. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 15 Chapter 2 Business Model 16 2.5 Key Milestones FingerPal aims to develop the business in several phases in the first years of operation. The key milestones include: 1. Patents filed by March 2010. 2. The financial resources for the start-up raised by the end of 2009. 3. Tested, approved, working software fully intergrated with hardware and the network by February 2010. 4. Agreements with the Irish banks and merchants signed by January 2010. 5. Partnerships withb hardware providers formed by the end of 2009. 6. February 2010 FingerPal transaction systems appear in the retail sector. 7. August 2010 FingerPal system appears in petrol stations. 8. February 2011 the implementation of the system in restaurants and canteens. 9. By the end of 2011 research and development for the online transactions. 10. Early 2012 implementation of the system in online transactions. Milestones Chart START DATE END DATE Business Plan Completed 20/05/2009 31/07/2009 Software/Applications Working 20/05/2009 31/12/2009 Start-up Financial Investment Raised 20/05/2009 20/01/2010 Patents Filed 31/11/2009 31/12/2009 Banks Agreements Signed 20/10/2009 01/01/2010 Partnerships with Merchants Formed 20/10/2009 01/03/2010 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 17 Partnerships with Hardware Manufacturers Formed 20/10/2009 01/01/2010 First FingerPal Transactions in Retail 01/02/2010 n/a Implemenation of FingerPal in Restaurants, Petrol Stations 01/08/2010 n/a Research&Development Investment 01/05/2010 01/12/2010 FingerPal in Online Transactions 01/04/2011 n/a Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 3 Market Research 18 Chapter 3 Market Research 3.1 SWOT Analysis Internal Strengths Weaknesses Convenient and easy to use way of payment- no need for carrying cash, checks or plastic cards Reduction of queue times- quick and effective way of processing query Advanced technology for extraction of features from the fingerprint Convenient and safe way of signing for the service Reduction of identity fraud Lower cost per transaction for the merchant, compared to standard debit or charge card fees Enhanced merchant’s image Storage of the fingerprint template, not the actual image: Enhances security-compatible with law enforcement authorities’ systems Reduces the processing product price - less memory and processing power required Long term guarantee for accurate user authentication- fingerprints do not change over time (compared to other biometric methods) Free for customers External Possible forgery, the cryptographic keys are vulnerable to attack. Privacy and trust issues - people are very protective about their personal information Costs of implementing new system (new equipment, software, integration issues, staff education) Balance between the security of the system and acceptable error ratefingerprint is not an exact match only with certain probability. Denied access to the financial fingerprint is affected by cuts, dirt, chemical solution etc. Opportunities Threats Wide variety of possible applications across a range of vertical sectors Alternative way of payment or even replacement of plastic/smart cards payment Extensive scope for biometric devices manufacturers and software Resistance to accepting the new payment method by public Slow take off of the technology Intensive competition from different biometric solutions providers and non-biometric technologies providers (tokens, RFID, smart cards) Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 3 Market Research developers offered by the biometric market to improve the quality of service at affordable price for the mass market Beneficial state of biometric market rapidly growing rate of the biometric market and development of biometrics solutions No biometric payment methods implemented on the Irish market Worldwide trends in the financial and retail sectors and growing acceptance of new way of payment A threat that other biometric companies develop similar solutions Difficulties in demonstrating clear value proposition for biometric implementation – ROI for corporations; merchants run a risk that FingerPal will not acquire a beneficial number of users 3.2 Market Analysis and Trends Industry overview During the last two decades there is visible rapid development of the payment methods. The first approach to replace “real” money by their “virtual” equivalent is presented by Chaum (1985). He introduced the system that employs small card computer which are utilized by user to process all kinds of payment. Using this solution consumer does not need to carry cash any more, because all the transactions would be performed virtually through the card computer. Smart card based payment system was also implemented in Germany. User could upload money directly from personal bank account using the EC-Karte with inserted chip or magnetic stripe and then pay with the collected money at the POS terminal. Nowadays, the most attractive and innovative approach in payment systems includes the mobile payment and biometric payment. Mobile payment solution utilizes mobile phones as a payment instrument. The German provider of these services- Paybox, had to liquidate the business in 2003 though because the gained customers base was not sufficient in order to break even. The second solution implements biometry to manage the personal financial resources in the new and innovative way. The biometric payment system is described by Van der Ploeg (1999) as the example of the ATM that utilizes the voice recognition and the iris scanning to perform the user’s authentication process. Marshall (2003) reports discuss the supermarkets in United States that introduced the finger based payment solution. According to the report “Global Biometric Market - New Opportunities (2007-2010)” provided by leading market research company RNCOS, the growth of biometric market is expected to be at a CAGR of over 24% in the period from 2007 to 2010. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 19 Chapter 3 Market Research Increasing concerns for personal and global security and appearance of innovative technologies will drive the remarkable growth of the biometric industry. Other growth factors are low ownership costs, comfortable and simple usage, and easy compatibility with existing networks infrastructure and internal systems, easy application of developed IT security solutions, rising engagement of established corporations. Biometrics solutions has been already implemented in several areas such as enterprisewide network security infrastructures, secure electronic banking and insurance, health and social services, low enforcement for security and privacy solutions. Percent of Biometric Market by Vertical Sector Figures from IBG’s Biometric Market and Industry Report 2006-2010 Several organizations like banks, security monitoring providers, driver licenses, passport programs, retail shops, petrol stations, restaurants, enterprise and government networks gaining already from applications of biometrics industry. The government and law enforcement sectors appear as major biometric industry users with the market share of approximately 37% and 25% respectively. The financial and health care sectors become increasingly important users with the rapid rate of biometric utilization. The growth represents CAGR at the level of around 45% and over 31% respectively from 2008 to 20125. 5 “Global Biometric Forecast to 2012”./sept 2008 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 20 Chapter 3 Market Research The most popular among biometrics techniques are facial recognition, fingerprint, iris, AFIS and they are expected to constitute over 80% of the global biometric market by 20126. 3.2.1 Industry Revenue Forecast by Sector Figures from Development of a Bi-Modal Biometrics Business Solutions for Physical Access Control Report, Frost and Sullivan, March 2007 The most revenue ($81.5 million) for the non-AFIS fingerprint recognition comes from the financial sector fallowed by government sector ($58.7 million). According to the latest report from Frost & Sullivan the financial sector contributes to more than a third of the fingerprint biometric market revenues globally and is expected to grow for about $866.9 million achieving the revenue of $948.4 million in 2011 that accounts for CAGR of 63.37% during the period 2006 to 2011. The revenue from government sector is expected to grow from $58.7 in 2006 million to $434.5 million in 2011. The growth represents CAGR at the level of 49.23%. The healthcare biometric market is anticipated to growth at the most rapid growth rate with the CAGR of 67.89% increasing revenue from $14.5 million in 2006 to $193.4 million in 2011. Government The demand for fingerprint biometrics systems is stimulated by rising implementation of physical access control in government properties. The controlled access includes both entrance into the buildings and restricted access sites within buildings. 6 “Global Biometric Forecast to 2012”./sept 2008 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 21 Chapter 3 Market Research The demand for face recognition is driven by execution of government programs such as the mandatory requirement of biometrically-enabled passports (e-passports) applicable for particular countries in Europe and Asia-Pacific. The revenue is also generated by meeting the requirements of more comprehensive government programs such as HSPD-12 introduced in North America that utilizes fingerprint biometrics for physical and logical access control. Financial The financial services become increasingly important target market for fingerprint recognition although civil identity and government sectors are the early adopters of biometrics. The trend appeared due to the undertaken activities to reduce identity fraud or identity theft. The financial institutions adopt biometric solutions to comply with the regulations of specific government programs in Europe and North America. The superior government programs include: o The 2005 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) guidelines o The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Section 404) o The Basel II Accord7. The requirements caused the increased demand for risk limitation, more precise employee audit processing and secure authentication of banking accounts. The ATM machines with embedded biometrics sensors are gaining popularity, in particular in the developing regions. The customers can withdraw money from personal bank account using only fingerprints instead of carrying an ATM card. The ATM’s with biometric sensors can also serve more unique purposes. The relief organisations such as WHO can use the biometricallyenabled kiosks and ATMs to expand the aid. The provided biometric systems guarantee the access to the funds only for the legitimate recipients. The demand is also driven by adoption of physical access control in financial institutions and to entry into secured data centers. The logical access control applicable for employees log on and online trading is stimulating further revenue generating opportunities. Healthcare The requirement for physical access control to enter the healthcare institutions such as the intensive care is stimulating the popularisation of biometrics solutions, especially fingerprint recognition. 7 Strong Growth for Biometrics in Financial Institutions Expected Globally, Frost & Sullivan May-30- 0 8. Press release: Findbiometrics, Global identity management Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 22 Chapter 3 Market Research The restricted access to the patient confidential records that can only be entered by authorized medical staff also stimulates the fingerprint systems implementation at the shared workstation in hospitals. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) have determined the need for enhanced security solutions in North America. 3.2.2 Applications Percent of biometric market by technology Figures from IBG’s Biometric Market and Industry Report 2006-2010 Fingerprint recognition Fingerprint recognition is the most popular biometric solution with the market share of 43.6%. It is also the most mature form of biometric identification. Wide scale implementation lowered the product price making the technology the lowest cost solution on the current market. It is deployed for physical access control, logical access control, civil identification, time and attendance and is also becoming increasingly utilized for customer identification. The vertical sectors that need to enhance security standards and comply with the legal regulations and such as government, financial services and healthcare sectors are the common users of fingerprint readers. Newly developed sensors allow deploying fingerprint readers even under difficult conditions. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 23 Chapter 3 Market Research Face recognition Face recognition fallow fingerprint recognition biometrics as the second most popular solution with the 19% of the market share. New trend- 3D face recognition is successfully deployed in physical access control and time and attendance applications for verification. Law enforcement sector has utilized 2D face recognition systems for verification. Face recognition is suitable to apply in environment where employees have busy, dirty or greasy hands when entering or leaving buildings or where there is a high volume of traffic- for example transportation sector. The technique is also increasingly adoptable by the civil ID market. Hand geometry recognition Hand geometry is the longest utilized biometric modality. The technique is implemented in physical access control, time and attendance, and personal verification systems. It can be utilizes in very harsh environment. Hand geometry applications are able to process 1:1 verification though 1: N match capability development is currently in progress. This biometrics is does not have so wide-scale deployment as fingerprint that resulted in higher processing costs and lower level of accuracy. Iris recognition Iris recognition is also biometric solution at mature stage of development. This technology has the smallest scope of environments of all biometric solutions where it can not be used. Single enrollment is usually sufficient for a lifetime, because of the template longevity. Iris biometrics has been already implemented for access and border and immigration control systems. It is also considered for deployment in future e-passports and authentication onto mobile devices. Vein recognition Vein recognition solution is still an emerging technique. The prime target markets for vein biometrics are the healthcare and financial services sectors and also transportation sector shows interest. It is already deployed in high-risk facilities such as nuclear reactor and biohazard lab. The universities and casinos with their cash room security systems are also among the users. The technology can be utilized in a high volume of traffic environments and has low data storage requirements. Voice recognition Voice recognition biometrics is implemented in call centers and financial institutions’ systems for physical access entry and where the remote customer identification is required over a phone or online. The solution is not implemented in such a wide scale like the other biometrics modalities. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 24 Chapter 3 Market Research Summary The fingerprint recognition biometrics is the most mature and developed technology with the market share. The economic scope lowered the prices for fingerprint recognition devices. The infrastructure and operation methods are well defined. This biometrics solution was already successfully implemented in few sectors in worldwide markets for payments or similar operations. As a result we decided that fingerprint recognition solution will be the most useful and convenient to implement for FingerPal business activity. There are different kinds of biometrics systems that have been applied in financial sector. The technologies include face, non-AFIS fingerprint, vein, voice, iris, hand geometry and signature recognition. The degree of acceptance varies among these technologies. The chart above illustrates the distribution and level of utilization across the most popular biometrics applications in financial services- Transaction authentication, logical access control, physical access control. Clearly the non-AFIS fingerprint recognition occupied a dominant position on the market in 2006. It is the most mature technology with the lowest cost and high accuracy as the key advantages. It is commonly used in physical access control and logical access control as well as in transactional authentication. The non-AFIS fingerprint technology is widely used across financial institutions to manage funds at the ATM machines, to access to the bank vaults, internal bank management or the business PC’s. Other biometric solutions that are gaining popularity are the voice verification and vein recognition. The voice verification technology was implemented in several banks in Europe for telephone banking purposes in order to allow for remote user’s authentication. Large-scale Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 25 Chapter 3 Market Research 26 commercial deployment of voice biometrics was made by the ABN-AMRO Group based in Netherlands in its contact centers for telephone-banking client verification in 2006. Vein recognition that consists of recognition of the vein patterns in the palm and finger commonly deployed in Japan and South Korea until 2005. In 2007 it has begun to appear as an increasingly important alternative to non-AFIS fingerprint recognition solution, in particular for biometrically-enabled ATM’s and gradually for physical access control. According to Hitachi by mid of 2007, vein recognition was utilized in about 85 percent of Japan’s ATM’s for customer’s authentication8. 3.3 Future trends According to the survey about the future perspectives of fingerprint based payment systems conducted by the German supermarket chain EDEKA respondents are quite optimistic. 35% have no doubts that the fingerprint solution will be prevalent in the future. 52% assign good chances to it and only 13% consider that the fingerprint payment systems will be rejected by the majority9. According to the survey from TNS, Market Research Company, 60% of respondents worldwide think that payment for the transaction just with the use of fingerprints will be possible by 2015. The survey (2008) from Unisys, the information technology consulting company, reveals that more than 70% of consumers will provide banks and government agencies with their personal biometric data for identity verification. Global Revenue Forecast of Fingerprint Technology Revenues ($) mlns 2500 2000 1500 non-AFIS 1000 500 0 2006 2008 2011 Years 8 Vein Recognition Use Grows, John Wagley, January 2008. A Case study on digiPROOF, a Fingerprint Based Payment System, M.Mayer, N.Bridgeman, L.Muller, NACCQ Conference 2006. 9 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 3 Market Research The revenue of the non-AFIS fingerprint biometrics market is predicted to reach the level of $2.2 billion in 2011 from $178.0 million in 2006, which accounts for compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 65.7 percent between 2006 and 201110. 3.4 Growth Drivers 1) National security concerns • Increased deployment of biometric solutions for citizens, employees and foreigners initiated by government • Further development of already implemented national security programs including (US-VISIT, EU-VIS/ Schengen VISA, Registered Traveler Program) 2) Identity management • Increased demand for biometric solutions that can provide identification, authentication and authorization of individuals to the secured resources 3) Identity theft concerns 4) Popularization of wireless devices to confirm the physical presence or/and access sensitive resources 5) Availability of the devices with increasing functionality at the decreasing prices- better value proposition 6) Standardization • Limited confidence in proprietary hardware and software • Improved interoperability across algorithms, devices and infrastructures 7) Enhanced manufacturers’ and developers’ equipment 8) Increased interest and involvement of well-known organizations (IT firms, electronics providers, system developers and integrators) 3.5 Market segmentation For the purpose of segmentation of the target market we have classified (retail providers), who are likely to adopt biometric payment in order to provide better service to the earlier described end users. The segmentation is based on the structure of the current retail market in 10 Development of a Bi-Modal Biometrics Business Solutions for Physical Access Control, Frost and Sullivan, March 2007 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 27 Chapter 3 Market Research Ireland. Our research confirmed that retailers that use plastic card infrastructure for payment would implement another innovative and convenient alternative for finalizing the transactions to gain the competitive advantage and follow the trends on the market. We identified a distinctive group of retailers that represent FingerPal potential customers. Retail Sector FingerPal primer customers are the retail sector businesses in Ireland. FingerPal will target them in the first years of the business activity. The Irish retail sector may be divided into the following subsectors: 1 Supermarkets Our main customers will be the major supermarket chains in Ireland. These are the main customers for us because payments for consumer goods account for majority of transaction on the daily basis. Particulary, we would like to target Tesco (91 stores across Ireland), Dunnes Stores (123 stores), Superquinn (21 stores), Marks and Spencer, Aldi and Lidl11. The reduction of queue times and lower fee per transaction is of a great imporatnce to the supermarket chains considering the number of customers and card payment transactions conducting every day. Especially chains with cut-price brand image (Tesko, Aldi, Lidl) might be interested in fees reduction per transaction.We consider beneficial targetting the chains of stores as this will provide us with the access to a bigger number of consumers, and, consequently, higher revenues from transactions. 2 Convenience Stores and Newsagents We would also like to target smaller merchants including SuperValu (182 stores), Spar (430 stores), Londis, Centra (450 stores), Mace, XL Stop and Shop, CostCutter and Vivo. FingerPal system would be attractive to the convenience stores because of the opportunity of adding value to the customer service by introducing convenient and easy to use way of payment. The customers of these kinds of shops are usually interested in quick shopping, so the biometrics payment advantage would be also saving time for busy customers. FingerPal could gain access to the different type of customers. The grocery shops would be also important revenue stream for FingerPal, because the purchases include usually more expensive products (mostly beer, liquor, cigarettes) and the time of opening our is usually extended. 11 Retail in Ireland, in Global Oneness, August 10, 2006 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 28 Chapter 3 Market Research 2.1 Petrol stations The subsection is also petrol stations that have alliances to provide convenience stores in the station area. Few brands fall into this category such as: Maxol stations and Mace, TOP stations with Londis outlets Esso stations with On the Run stores, Statoil with Fareplay stores. FingerPal payment system has the possibility to reduce the card payment fraud. It is the important advantage to increase customer confidence after a spate of card cloning cases. There is opportunity to retrieve electronic payment user and increase amount of users utilizing electronic payment. 4 Department/Clothing Stores We aim to also target clothing shops, in particular, the largest chains of shops in Ireland. These include Dunnes Stores (123 stores), Primark, Debenhams, River Island (17 stores), Clerys, Arnotts, Heatons (57 stores nationwide). The stores would be attracted to the alternative payment systems in order to add value for the customers. The clients of these shops are more likely to use electronic payment methods, because the value of the transaction is usually higher than for daily customer goods. 5 Shopping Centres The Square, Tallaght, Blanchardstown Centre, Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, and Dundrum Town Centre. This sector creates best- revenue generating opportunities. The shopping centers cumulate wide range of different types of stores that result in attracting large base of customers with various needs. Adoption of the fingerprint payment would be of great benefit for FingerPal especially at the early stage of launching on the market. The competition between the merchants is intensive, so there is possibility that they are most likely to adopt new alternative payment system to gain competitive advantage. The benefits of FingerPal system would reduce the queue times, offer convenient way of payment and lower the fees per transaction. The introduction of the fingerprint recognition biometrics in high standard, popular shopping centers could start the new, modern trend in payment methods. 3.6 Promotion For adoption of the fingerprint recognition payment by the end-users it is necessary to publicize the benefits that they can gain by utilizing FingerPal system such as time effectiveness, cost effectiveness, convenience in payment, security enhancement. The marketing campaigns should reduce customer fear of giving away their personal data highlighting that there are not actual hand graphics stored, but only templates and the law enforcement systems are not compatible with FingerPal system, so the data can not be used law authorities. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 29 Chapter 3 Market Research Advertising through the promotion channels for example homepages of the wellestablished retail brands in order to gain customer trust and effectively build the brand awareness. We will also utilize industry media and public relations to well-establish FingerPal brand. The end-user impressions will enhance the product review in publications and direct mail to target groups. Few brands in each retail subsection will be approached at the beginning starting from most popular shopping centers. We also assume the demonstration of the prototype to retail brands and also at the trade shows to show working product and the same increase trust and increase brand awareness and also gain wider customer base. FingerPal will achieve the sales goals cooperating with biometrics devices providers. We might also utilize two ways promotion that can be beneficial for both sides and might help to attract customers from different sectors than firstly assumed. 3.7 Pricing The interchange fees should be lower for the first biometrics payment adopters to encourage FingerPal system implementation. The spillover effect will occur when more and more customers will sign for the service. Once value of the FingerPal product increases after gaining the critical mass market we will raise interchange fees for the late adopters. With biometrics, the ability of financial institutions to provide more value to their customers, while complying with regulations, can provide them with a competitive advantage. 3.8 PEST Analysis Political/legal FingerPal has to take into consideration political and legal issues that are related to their services. Due to the fact that the company will make use and control personal data, certain legislative issues have to be met. In the fingerpal database we will store fingerpirnt images togehter with the personal information such as the name, adress or bank account number of a given person. Thus, the system has to provide high level of security and fraud prevention.The company has to comply with certain privacy and data protection regulations. These include Data Protection Acts, in this case with Irish law Data Protection Act 1998 amended by Data Protection Act 2003. Moreover, the company has to comply with the regulations contained in Eprivacy Regulations 2003 (S.I.535) that cover the data protection for, among others, Internet use. European directive covers all the aspects related to biometric data protection. (For details, see appendix 4). Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 30 Chapter 3 Market Research Economic factors The current economic situation may be infavourable for FingerPal. Almost every industry faces problems at the moment, thus, retailers may be reluctant to implement new systems in their stores. The biometric market experienced a drop of 10 % in revenues, as of year 2008 Nevertheless, according to Loni Prinsloo, one of the biometric companies, Ideco, is reported to experience increase in business despite of economic downturn12. Apparently, there are concerns related to the criminal activities that may increase due to the economic situation. Consequently, the employers have become concerned about potential fraud. Thus, the company finds customers who appreciate utilizing biometric technologies in their organizations. What is more, as stated by Matia Grossi in Frost & Sullivan Report the adoption of biometric is expected to increase almost three times between the years 2008 and 2012 13. In particular, the importance of Biometric technologies is growing in the fields of government security, passports, identification of new-comers in airports, or preventing the theft of identity. The biometric solutions are becoming more and more prevalent in many areas of the market, including retail, educational, financial or healthcare sector. The more popular biometrics include iris scanning, hand shape recognition, vein scanning of palm, retina scanning, face recognition. According to the research, the economic slowdown opens new possibilities for the European biometric market. The biometric systems offer more secure options for identification of individuals, such as unique features. Thus, the identity measures are more secure and meet the security concerns in a more effective way than the standard solutions. As stated in the report, the number of transaction fraud is growing, which, consequently, triggers the need for a more advanced and precise identification. What is more, the biometric sector in Europe is being supported by government, banks and other commercial activities. There is an increase in the production of biometric solutions for financial, retail, educational and healthcare fields of the market. What is more, given the statistics related to the contiuous growth in credit card transactions14, FingerPal may have similar opportunities with a new payment system. 12 Prinsloo R. , Biometric systems firm experiences surge in business despite economic slowdown. 2009 13 Frost & Sullivan: Advances in Biometrics Remedy the Need for Increased Security March 2009, Newswire. 14 See Appendix 6 for details Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 31 Chapter 3 Market Research Sociocultural factors The sociocultural factors include the adoption rate of the customers. The number of enrolled customers and the volume of transactions will determine the success of the company. Thus, it is an important aspect to break the barrier of social acceptance and prejudices towards the new method of payment. Customers may be reluctant to new way of processing transactions as they were to plastic cards. Thus, it is necessary for the company to promote the brand as a secure way of payment and attract as many users as possible. The attitudes to new products vary. In particular, depending on the age, the users may be more or less willing to use Fingerpal’s services. Technological Factors The maturity of technology and development funds are crucial for the success of FingerPal. Thus, in the first years the company has to make substantial investments in the development of the platform and outpacing the potential competition. The technology solutions offered by our company will provide better quality and standards of point-of-sale transactions. The technology can provide benefits for both customers and merchants. Merchants may benefit from implementing our technology thanks to faster transactions processing, greater customer experience and convenience. The merchants who will utilize Fingerpal will be perceived as more innovative and up-to-date in the eyes of the customers. 3.9 Overview of end users The end users of FigerPal are crucial for the success of the company. Due to the fact that FingerPal’s success requires a high volume of transactions, our business is highly dependant on the end users of the system. We reckon that it is complicated to fully define the potential enduser of FingerPal, due to the fact that it is a scalable product and anyone can become its user. Nevertheless, there are certain criteria that, in our opinion, which can determine the end users of FingerPal. First of all, our targeted end-users will be located in Ireland. As the business will grow, we plan to expand internationally. Moreover, one of the characteristics of FingerPal’s technology is the fact that it is very innovative. This will influence the first potential users of the system. Thus, it can be said that the end users will be young, more open to novel technological solutions. Another aspect crucial when defining the end users is the social acceptance. The success of our company is highly dependant on overcoming the problems with negative attitudes towards providing biometric information by individuals and the security of the system. However, according to statistics from 2002, the fingerprint based system could be successfully implemented on the market. The research showed that the potential users may come from the groups using digital methods of payment instead of cash. The research in the existing methods of payment identifies several key factors that influenced the success of these methods. The Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 32 Chapter 3 Market Research customers choose methods of payments influenced by their cost, convenience, security and privacy. According to questionnaires related to method of payments utilizing biometric systems, the users who already used plastic cards were observed to show an interest in fingerprint-based method of payment. In contrast, the users who prefer to pay by cash were not willing to become the users of a bometric or other electronic method of payment. The customers who prefered cash stated that the benefit of this method of payment is a better overview of spendings. Moreover, the research states that 72% of respondents considered fingerprint-based payment will be popular in the future, whereas only 17 % said they cannot see a good prospect for this system. Finally, according to the research, most respondents claimed that security is the crucial point in such a system, followed by data protection, diffusion of the system and accuracy. On the other hand, the respondents pointed that the advantages of using the system would be convenience, ease-of-use, speed, tokenlessness, practicality.15 According to statistics, biometrics market does not resemble the typical path of disruptive innovations adoption. In contrast, the end users adopt biometric technologies over a longer period of time. The development of biometric technology is incremental and there are improvements of such technologies to provide advanced capabilities. The researchers claim that the adoption of biometric technologies will resemble the pace of growth of ATMs which obtained almost 70% of adoption over a period of 20 years16. The biometric market has been developing for the last 10 years. At the moment , the technical advancements in biometric technology, lowering prices of biometric scanner-enabled devices and more positve social attitudes suggest a strong market expansion. Currently, the technology adoption is reaching the point to gain early majority of users. This provides a great opportunity for FingerPal as it is predicted that biometric market will evolve and gain more users in the coming years 17. 15 Mayer M., Bridgeman N., Muller L., A Case study on digiPROOF, a Fingerprint Based Payment System. NACCQ Conference 2006. 16 Acuity Market Intelligence. Current State of Biometric Market. 17 C. Maxine Most, The Current Biometrics Marketplace, Acuity Market Intelligence, Digital Money Forum, March 31, 2009, London. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 33 Chapter 3 Market Research 3.9.1 End-users: Survey analysis In order to measure the social acceptance, interest and opinion about fingerprint-based transaction method, we conducted a survey among random respondents. The survey was send by email to 60 respondents in Ireland, Poland and Spain and distributed and collected as a document to 20 people in Ireland. The purpose of the analysis of the data collected was to determine the current state of social attitude towards biometric method of payment. Survey results18: About 68 % described the product as good, 56% said it appears to be of a high quality. There was a tendency that respondents liked the convenience, innovativeness and practicality of the product whereas they liked the least the possibility of others getting access to their biometric information and using it in an undesirable way. Other negative attitudes included accuracy of the system, data protection, speed of performance and lack of willingness to register with another method of payment (as the exisitng ones are enough). Respondents considered security the most important aspect of the system, followed by accuracy and speed on performance. Almost 70% of respondents heard about the term biometrics before, whereas only 15 percent have a fingerprint scanner build in their laptop. 65% of respondents said they are somewhat willing to provide their biometric information whereas only 24% said they are not willing at all. 73% see the potential of biometric technologies in financial transactions. The opinions were not heavily influenced by male or female respondents. However, the age was significant, most respondents at the age of 20-29 were more positive about the technology, whereas most negative opinions came from the group over 40 years old. 18 See Appendix 2 and 3 for details Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 34 Chapter 3 Market Research 3.9.2 Feedback from the customers We conducted several questionnaires and interviews with potential customers of FingerPal, including Spar, Tesco, Centra, Londis, Dunnes Stores shops managers. Most of the feedback was positive, with 80% of managers interviewed willing to implement such systems in their stores. In additon, we contacted several banks who may be potential partners. The responses were postive, with most of the banks stating that they see the potenital in biometric transactions and willing to pursue agreements with FingerPal in the future. The banks and merchants were asked to evaluate the potential of FingerPal. They were also asked to indicate the negative and success factors and their opinion with regard to overcoming the existing and strong competition from plastic cards, checque and cash payment methods. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 35 Chapter 4 Competitive Review Chapter 4 Competitive Review 4.1 Industry Forces Supplier Power: There is a high power of supplier. FingerPal provides the software, database and maintanence of customer information. However, our company is currently not able to manufacture the equippment, thus, relies highly on the facilitators and their requirements. Thus, it is neccessary to rely on the suppliers of fingerprint biometric hardware for sale transactions. There is a large number of suppliers of biometric devices, thus, in that case their power is low as FingerPal may choose the best possible price and technology that will fulfil company’s requirements. Nevertheless, there is threat that the suppliers may become potential competitiors. FingerPal will also exert influence on suppliers as the more successful the company is, the greater the benefits for suppliers. Suppliers power is also high due to the fact that FingerPal is dependant on other facilitators, including banks. Buyer Power: There is a high power of buyers. The primary customers are retail merchants who will have to accept the system and implement it in their stores. The second group that FingerPal highly relies on are end users. They will exert a strong influence, due to the company’s dependance on volume of transactions. Thus, their power is high as the more users of FingerPal, the more attractive systems will be for merchants. Nevertheless, as at the moment there are no direct competitors of FingerPal on the market, once the system is implemented in stores it makes it expensive to replace it with a different one. Thus, high switching costs will provide the advantage of retaining the customers. Competitive Rivalry: The power of competition is low as there are no direct competitiors. At the moment, there is no company providing a similar services as FingerPal. However, there is a risk that the biometric companies who manufacture fingerprint scanning devices may become the competitors and offer equally attractive prodcuts or services. solutions. The potential competitiors may utilize existing software that recognizes fingerpritns and supply it to other companies. Threat of New Entry: The power of new entrants is very high as there are numerous companies who develop bimoteric technologies, have access to hardware and neccessery software. There is a possibility that the biometrics in retail become increasingly popular and that biometrics solutions providers may invest in this sector. However, FingerPal would create lock-in barrier by being the first provider of such solutions on the market. The main task will be to retain customers and provide high satisfaction at a competitive price. What is more, there are economies of scale as biometric technologies may be developed and Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 36 Chapter 4 Competitive Review 37 implemented in almost every place where point-of-sale point sale transactions take place. place Thus, new entrants may quickly enter the market and weaken FingerPal’s position. position. In order to preserve the position, FingerPal will aim to protect the technology and service by IP rights. rights. The Power of New Entrants economies of scale specialist knowledge exisitng technologies - low time and cost of entry the power of buyer competitivve rivalry The power of suppliers large number of potenital customers no exisitng competitiors large number of suppliers competiive advantage of being first mover low swithich costs of suppliers hgih influence of customers low swithich cost threat of substiution high threat of subtituions suppliers may become competitiors Figure 1 Industry Forces 4.2 Competitors Analysis At the moment, there are several indirect competitors of FingerPal on the market. It can be observed that there is an increasing prevalence of firms who develop biometric technologies for various purposes. Currently, Currently there are about 71 companies directly or indirectly involved in biometric technologie s 19. These companies deal with various functions that can be fulfilled by a fingerprint scanner, inlcuding check cashing, point-of-sale point sale transactions, online shopping, employee monitoring.. Fingerpal’s aim is to establish cooperation and partnerships with one of the companies who provide biometric scanners for palms and fingerprints. We feel that one of the strenghts of FingerPal is the fact that there are no competitors on the Irish market marke who provide the same solutions as ours. 19 Based on Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 4 Competitive Review 4.2.1 Competitive Advantage We reckon that FingerPal has a competitive advantage for several reasons. First of all, at the moment there is no similar service offered by any other company. Thus, FingerPal will be the first mover on the market and has the advantage of gaining customers first. Thus, we will have the opportunity to create a strong brand and retain customers, even if the competition will appear on the market. A strong brand will also make it hard for the potential competitors to enter the market. First of all, we analyzed our direct competition whose products and technology solutions serve similar purposes or have similar features to our offering. FingerPal’s competitors can be divided into direct and indirect competition20. 4.2.2 Competitors and their products Biometric Software and Hardware Manufacturers - Potential Partners/Competitors This companies are regarded as potential partners or competitors. Given the fact that these companies develop both hardware and software for fingerprint transactions, there is a threat that they will pursue similar to Fingerpal’s business activity. Dermalog - A company founded in Germany in 1984 which develops hardware and software for identification purposes. The company claims to have the largest number of patents in the field of biometry. The company offers a wide range of products, including hardware and software for various industries. FingerPal considers Dermalog to be a potential partner. Nevertheless, there is a threat that Dermalog will enter the market as a competitor. One of Dermalog’s products, is a terminal for fingerprint-based transactions. Direct Competitors Kimaldi Electronics - A company based in Spain with headquarters in Portuagal and Mexico, specializes in developing products for identification of people. The organization manufactures fingerprint readers and terminals, radio frequency readers, access control devices, card readers, printers and other devices related to identification. Kimaldi is the supplier of other manufacturers of card readers, figerprint sensors, ID management devices such as Uniform Industrial corporation, Nigen Co., Evolis Card printers, MagiCard and other. We consider Kimaldi one of the most threatening competitors, due to the fact that the company offers digital fingerprint payment for restaurants. This products helps catering institutions to manage payment services. In brief, the user registers with the service and then 20 See Appendix 1 for details Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 38 Chapter 4 Competitive Review customers places their finger on a scanner which automatically displays the menu and users options. Customers can choose to pay by cash, ticket or a plastic card. The reader is connected with point-of-sale computer. The amount is either automatically charged from customer’s bank account or by the waiter, depending on the payment choice. Indirect Competitors We consider that our company may also face indirect competiton, namely, from wellestablished and professional plastic card companies who provide online transactions and opportunity to pay by plastic card in any sales points.These include major plastic card companies, such as: • VISA Ltd. – Founded in 1970 in the USA, Visa is one of the largest player in the field of credit and debit card processing. Since it was established Visa managed to gain acceptance towards electronic methods of payment. In 2006, Visa reached 44% of the plastic card market share and 48% of the debit card market share in the USA.21 Visa provides payment systems for merchants, large financial institutions, governemtns and consumers. In 2008 Visa generated US$ 6.263 billion of revenue.22 Visa issues debit, credit and prepaid cards. I also operated an automated teller machine network and EFTPOS point-of-sale network. The business model is based on interchange fees and interests rates coming from transactions processed through Visa’s network. Visa’s products include Visa Buxx, Visa Debit, Visa Electron. • MasterCard – Established in 1966 in the USA, Mastecard is the second largest player in the field of plastic card payments. Mastercard is reported to hold 22% of the US debit card market share in 200923. Their revenues for 2008 were estimated at US $5 billion.24Mastercard processes payments between the banks, merchants and customers. There are about 25000 financial institutions which issues Mastercard cards. 4.3 Intellectual Property We would like to protect the IP rights of components of the company. We are in the process of identifying our IP and defining the scope of ideas and invention we can lay claim to. This wil reduce the risk of out potential competitiors entering the market with similar solutions. IP rights will block the new entrants and secure our position on the market. At the moment, we searched for similar patents in Espacenent database. There are two US companies who have their patents approved in 2007 for using biometrics in financial transactions. Nevertheless, they are no longer in operation. We contacted Tomkins who is a 21 22 23 24 How Visa operates, Forbes, February 25, 2008 . Security Exchange Commission, Hugh Son,m MasterCard Said to Lose Users After JPMorgan Shift, May 2009 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 39 Chapter 4 Competitive Review specialist in patenting and IP protection. The company would assess our product idea and the potential to file for a patent. They will also provide us with the information related to the current patents and overcoming this issue. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 40 Chapter 5 - Technology Chapter 5 - Technology In the following chapter we will proceed to describe in detail the technical solution purposed as well as its future projections based on how it will be deployed in the market and the security threads identified and properly mitigated. 5.1 Technical Solution As described in previous chapters, we intend to present a revolutionary system to provide users the ability to perform biometric payments in their everyday life. Such an easy and secure system, will allow consumers to identify themselves and make purchases in the most common transaction points. Recent studies show that the non-stopping news about data thefts, credit card fraud and other information security threads reduce substantially customer trust, ending in a reduced use of such technologies. We think that by offering users a secure and easy system of fingerprint scan authentication will help users to rebuild their confidence in safe transactions and to boost e-business. The system would work as a set of fingerprint scanners located in the endpoints, linked to a centralized server which would perform the authentication process and the transactions. Therefore FingerPal will work as an intermediate entity between credit card companies and customers so that they can use their biometric data to carry out electronic transactions. 5.2 Technical overview and analysis Fingerprint scanners have been considered quite an exotic and bizarre technology over the last decades, but real thing is that such a technology can help to achieve high-level security and protect data using high-profile biometrics. A fingerprint from [] A fingerprint is like a built-in easily accessible identity card which indentifies uniquely each individual. They are tiny ridges of skin located on humans’ fingers and mainly they make it easier for the hands to grip things. These ridges are determined based on both genetic and environmental factors. As we know, the genetic code in DNA determines the general features on the way skin should be Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 41 Chapter 5 - Technology formed, but real thing is that the final result depends on a set of random events. These factors can include the exact position of the fetus in the womb and the characteristics of the amniotic fluid. Therefore, in addition to all genetic factors involving the way fingers will be formed there is also countless environmental factors which determine the final shape. Thus, fingerprints are a unique identifier for a person, and although two fingerprints may look the same, we can use an advance piece of software to pick out significant differences. The main aim of a fingerprint scanner is to collect a print sample and store it for future use or to collect a fingerprint in order to mach it against other samples stored into a database. There are two methods to capture someone’s fingerprint: Optical Scanning (OS) and Capacitance Scanning (CS). 5.2.1 Optical Scanner The internals of an optical fingerprint scanner are based on a Charge Coupled Device (CDD), which is an array of light-sensitive diodes which generate an electrical signal when exposed to light. Each diode, also known as photosite, records a pixel, which is the minimum unit to represent the light in one spot. Once all the data has been captured we need an analogto-digital converter so that we can transfer all the information gathered into a digital representation of the image. The scanner typically generates an inverted image, which means that the darker areas represent more reflected light while lighter areas represent less reflected light. From Once the fingerprint has been captured and before it is matched against the fingerprint repository, the scanner makes sure that the image captured is a clear one. In order to determine if it is a valid image it checks the average pixel brightness and darkness and discards the image in case it is too bright or too dark. The device may also adjust the exposure time in order to capture more or less light in the next attempt. Once the brightness test is successful the scanner checks the image definition by tracing lines perpendicular to the ridges and looking for alternate sections of dark and light segments. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 42 Chapter 5 - Technology 5.2.2 Capacitance Scanner Like optical scanners, capacitance scanners come up with an image representation of the ridges and valleys of human fingerprints. They differ in the method used to generate such images, while one uses a light source to detect variations on the skin, the other one uses electrical current. from The above figure shows how a capacitive sensor works. It is formed by semiconductor chips containing an array of cells. Each one of these cells contains two conductor plates, covered by an insulating film. From This sensor in connected to an integrator, which is an electrical circuit built around an inverting amplifier. This amplifier is a semiconductor formed by a number of transistors, resistors and capacitors, and basically alters one current into another current. The alteration value comes from two inputs, the inverting terminal and the non-inverting terminal. The noninverting terminal is connected to ground while the inverting terminal is connected to a sample voltage and a feedback loop. The feedback loop contents the two conductor plates. In order to store current charge, the two conductor plates form a capacitor. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 43 Chapter 5 - Technology When the user places the finger on the surface, it works like a third capacitor separated by the insulating layers. When the finger is placed on the surface there will be some zones in contact with the skin (ridges) and some air pockets (valleys). This way, the capacitor in a cell under a ridge will have more charge than another one placed under a valley. To perform the fingerprint scan, all cells are reset. Once the finger is placed on the device and the circuit is opened, all the cells and the capacitors charge up depending on the contact with the skin. This way, a finger ridge will result in a different voltage output than a finger valley. Once the whole surface has been scanned and the voltage stored in the capacitors the scanner processes every cell to determine if it was a ridge or a valley. The scanner can picture a whole image of the fingerprint by combining the voltages of all the cells in a similar way as an optical scanner does. The main advantage of CS versus OS is that it requires a real fingerprint shape rather than a light-based pattern which makes the impression of a fingerprint. Also, these types of devices tend to be smaller and lighter than optical scanners as they don’t require a CCD unit. 5.2.3 Matching When two images need to be compared, we need to extract specific features so that they can be matched using a reasonable processing power. Matching by picture overlay isn’t a reasonable approach despite what most people believe, when scanning a fingerprint we will never get the exact sample every time, there will be differences. Therefore, we need to extract certain features from the fingerprint that doesn’t rely solely on the image shape. These features are known as minutiae. from As we can see in the figure above the process consist on identifying certain anomalies or distinctive features on the ridge lines of the fingerprint. The minutiae are of the following types: Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 44 Chapter 5 - Technology from The matching process basically consists on measuring and locating the different minutiae both in the sample and the stored image and look for coincident points. Typically the scanner will compute the relative positions of the minutiae and draw straight lines between them. Then, if will compare the shape of those lines between the sample and the stored fingerprint. This process will never match all the minutiae and shapes from both fingerprints, finding only a sufficient number will be enough to get a match. The exact number of coincident minutiae required to get a match depend on the implementation of each scanner. 5.2.4 Bottom line Biometric data is much more difficult to fake than credit cards. Also, a fingerprint pattern is much more difficult to guess than a credit card number or a PIN. Biometric data cannot be misplaced or forgotten, like credit cards or passwords. Optical scanners cannot always distinguish between a picture of a finger and a finger itself, and capacitive scanners can be fooled with a mold of a person’s finger. However, these issues can be overcome by adding extra security measures like pulse, heart and heat sensors. Another way to enhance security is to combine biometrics with conventional means of identification, such as passwords or PINs. Fingerprint scanners and biometric systems are excellent methods for identification and authentication, and in the near future they will become a common device in our everyday life, just like credit cards and passwords are nowadays. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 45 Chapter 5 - Technology 46 5.3 Technology roadmap Biometrics and Credit Cards - The beginning Debit Cards are introduced into the market RSA encryption algorithm presented for encryption in multi-user envirenment FBI fingerprint archives have grown up to 200 million samples The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is adopted by the FBI FBI has 100 million fingerprints samples in manually maintained archives First working ATM installed in New York 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 First American Express and Bank of America (later Visa) Credit Cards issued 1970 1975 1980 1985 The International Association for Identification founds world's first certification program for fingerprint experts First Credit Card issued by Diner's Club National Society of Fingerprint Officers is founded in UK by the Fingerprint Boureau The concept of "virtual money" based on small card computers first appears Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 1990 Chapter 5 - Technology 47 Biometrics and Credit Cards - Curent trends Online banking becomes popular Credit Card fraud affects 22 million people arround the world Credit Card fraud cost businesses US 9 Billion Paper-based payments represented 60% of transactions Paper-based payments represented 81% of transactions 1990 1992 1994 Identity theft rises 21% in 2008 1996 1998 2000 2002 Biometrics are used in ATM's for cusmers authentication FBI's most wanted hacker Kevin Mitnick is arrested in February of 1995 2004 2008 INTERPOL's AFIS repository exceeds 50,000 sets fingerprints for important international criminal records from 184 member countries. Biometrics used for Customer Relationship Management Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 2006 The largest AFIS repository in America is operated by the Department of Homeland Security's US Visit Program, containing over 100 million persons' fingerprints Chapter 5 - Technology 5.4 Infrastructure In the following section we will describe the infrastructure needed to support a fingerprint based payment system. 5.4.1 Point of Sale FingerPal will provide the Points of Sale with electronic devices to carry out fingerprint-based electronic transactions. These devices are very similar to current credit card terminals, but instead of having a magnetic reader, they will have a fingerprint reader. Such devices will consist on fingerprint readers provided with a modem and a printer. In order to enhance security, the fingerprint reader will also include other biometric sensors, like heart beat and human temperature detection. Users will introduce their account identifier and place their finger on the biometric reader. The device will then record the fingerprint. We will use user’s email as unique and account identifier. The device will send the identifier to the database to get the fingerprint sample stored for this user. Afterwards, the device will match the two samples. Performing the matching process at the Point of Sale we will reduce drastically the overload of the main servers. Once the device recognizes the fingerprint as a valid one it will send to the server the whole transaction batch so the payment can be carried out. If during the scanning process something went wrong the device will ask for a new scan, the device will allow only 3 scanning per transactions. Before sending the user’s identifier to the server to get the potential biometric match, the scanner will check that the sample recorded is suitable to be matched. The information interchanged with the server will be encoded and transmitted over a secure gateway. To enhance security, the email will be hashed and then encrypted together with the transaction information and sent over the phone line. The server will receive a new request and will perform a search into the in real time. When the server receives confirmation from the endpoint to place the transaction, it will subtract the amount from the customer’s credit card using the financial details provided. If no errors where prompted from the banking side, the server will acknowledge the operation to the endpoint so both parties (merchant and customer) have confirmation of the transaction. In case something fails during the process the terminal will notify the parties the reason and the transaction will be automatically cancelled. We will allow certain degree of disparity between the minutiae of the fingerprint to retrieve a match. This measure is to overcome the issue that we will never get the same instance of a fingerprint twice, we must allow certain disparity. Once a candidate fingerprint has been found we Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 48 Chapter 5 - Technology will check if the associated PIN number to that account is the same as the PIN provided. If we get a match we will charge the customer’s account with the corresponding amount of money and then we will acknowledge the transaction to the merchant via the FingerPal terminal. 5.4.2 Server side In order to cope with demand, FingerPal will provide high reliability servers to manage all the transactions in real time. When the server receives a request, it decrypts the information and performs a search through the repository in the database. We will allow certain degree of disparity between the minutiae of the fingerprint to retrieve a match. This measure is to overcome the issue that we will never get the same instance of a fingerprint twice, we must allow certain disparity. Once the endpoint clears the transaction means that the biometric reading matched the stored sample. Then, the system will charge the customer’s account with the corresponding amount of money and then it will acknowledge the transaction to the merchant via the FingerPal terminal. To improve running time, we will maintain a centralized relational database system. The technologies associated to the server side are deeply explained in following sections. 5.4.3 Web Service We will provide users the ability to sign up to our service via Web. Users will be able to connect with FingerPal trough a Web portal and easily enrol to our service. User will type in our URL and go to the sign-up section, after filling in their personal information they will receive an e-mail confirmation with the detail of the new account. In order to use our service, users will need to provide with a valid credit card. To prevent fraud all new accounts will be initially set as “limited”, meaning that FingerPal needs to check if the credit card information provided is correct. It also means that the company needs to authenticate the users; otherwise we would leave the door open to credit card fraud and identity theft. At this point, users are able to login to our website and manage their account. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 49 Chapter 5 - Technology The next step is to unlock the account in order to be able to use the service. To prevent identity theft and credit card fraud we will use a very simple method. At the moment of registration, users will be given a 4 digit number generated at random by the server. However, to be able to use FingerPal, users will have to introduce in their limited account an 8 digits number. How do users get the remaining 4 digits? At the moment of registration, the server will automatically generate 2 random numbers 4 digits each, and will only give one of them to the user, keeping the second one secret at this point. Within 24 hours FingerPal will charge the user’s credit card provided with the symbolic amount of 1 euro, the remaining 4 digits will be included as part of the statement of that transaction. This way, the other 4 digits number can be checked by the user via their internet banking service or simply going to their bank and asking for a receipt of recent transactions. By doing this, we will ensure that for that particular account, the fingerprint and the credit card linked to it belong to the same person. Once the user has the complete 8 digits registration number, they can proceed to login to their online FingerPal account and unlock their account. After logging in, user may introduce the registration number and server will check that the value provided matches the value stored in memory. Then, if the values match, the account’s status will automatically be changed. However, if the information provided turns out to be wrong, there will be only a reduced number of attempts (5) to provide the correct one. The process is explained in following sections using diagrams to facilitate understanding. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 50 Chapter 5 - Technology 5.5 Process description In the following section we will describe the data flows that will take place in the main processes of the system. The following representation follow a set of standards such as red globes for initial and final states, blue boxes for actions and green rhombus for choices. Next, we will proceed to describe the interaction of data between client machines and server machines during the enrolment and the transaction process. 5.5.1 Enrol a customer in a Point of Sale This process will take place when a customer proceeds to enrol into the system through a Point of sale. First step is to provide to the merchant with their credit card and personal details so the merchant can check and submit all the necessary information to the server. In case the merchant detects a fraud attempt should abort the process and notify the authorities. Usually the customer will provide means to authenticate himself to the merchant such as driving license, passport or ID national card. Once the identity of the customer has been proved correct and checked against their credit card information, merchant will submit all the information to the server and the account will be created. When the information is submitted to the server, the machine will check that the biometric data provided is not already in the database, as it will be used as unique identifier for the user. In case the system finds another instance of the biometric data into the system, the enrolment process will be aborted. If the information was successfully inserted we will notify the merchant and the customer and the system will wait for confirmation to activate the account. The biometric information will be re-read and sent back to the server for comparison and for matching refine. The account has been successfully created. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 51 Chapter 5 - Technology 5.5.2 Enrol a merchant into the system This operation will be carried out for system administrators only. The data flow is very similar to a customer enrolment in a Point of Sale, only this time the information is matched and proved correct by a FingerPal’s operative. The process starts when the merchant provides the operative with their financial information. The operative will carefully examine the identity and the authenticity of the information provided before authorizing the creation of the new account. Once the operative has checked that the information provided is legitimate, they will send the data to the server for further checking. The server will check that the merchant’s biometric data is not already into the system so it can be used as merchant’s unique identifier. If the biometric data results to be already into the database, the enrolment process will have to be denied for this user. If everything turned out correct the account is created and the merchant is added to the system. The server waits for authorisation to activate the account and merchant’s biometric information is reread and transmitted back to the server. At this point the merchant’s account has been successfully created. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 52 Chapter 5 - Technology 5.5.3 Enrol a customer using the online service This process turns out to be a little bit more complex than other enrolment processes as we need to provide the system with means to prove customer’s identity online. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 53 Chapter 5 - Technology The process starts in a very similar way to the previous ones, with the customer providing their personal and financial details and submitting it to the server. This time, user will use an online form to fill in all the necessary information to successfully create a FingerPal’s account. Once the online form has been filled, the online application will ask for a biometric reading of the finger, so that the biometrics can be uploaded to the server together with the personal details. When the information reaches the server, the biometric reading will be matched against the repository to check for duplicities. In case the server finds an instance of the biometric data the join will be denied and the user notified. If no other biometric instance of the customer is found, the system will create a new limited account with all the information provided. As described above and in order to avoid fraud we will force users to prove their identity by accessing their financial information. We will assume that online banking is secure and that nobody can access the customer’s bank account, as this is out of FingerPal’s boundaries. When the server creates the new account, it will generate an 8 digits number and store it into the customer’s account. Once the account has been created the system will wait for customer final confirmation and will re-read the biometrics for a final scan and comparison. Once this information is submitted to the server the user will receive 4 registration digits. The system will charge 1 euro to the credit card provided and provide the bank with the remaining 4 digits necessary to unlock the account. In order to be able to unlock FingerPal’s account customer will have to access their online banking service or check with their bank the remaining 4 digits. Customer will log in online to their account and click on “unlock my account” section, immediately the application will ask for the 8 digits. Once the 8 digits number has been introduced the application will check that the number introduced is the same as the one generated by the server at the moment of registration. If the numbers don’t match, customer will be informed that the number introduced is incorrect and they will also be informed of the remaining attempts to unlock the account. Customers will have initially 5 attempts to introduce the correct number, being decreased by one every time they introduce the wrong number. If they use up all the attempts the account will be voided and the enrolment denied. Once the user manages to get the 8 digits correctly, the account will be successfully unlocked and customer will be welcomed to use the service. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 54 Chapter 5 - Technology 5.5.4 Perform a transaction Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 55 Chapter 5 - Technology The transaction process will start when the merchant introduces the amount of the transaction. Then, customers will insert their e-mail address and provide a biometric reading of their fingerprint. This information, together with merchant’s information, will be sent to the server to search for potential matches. The server will retrieve from the central database customer’s information and will send the biometric sample stored back to the Point of Sale terminal for further checking. The biometric reading provided by the customer will then be checked against the sample stored into the database to prove customer’s identity. The biometric matching will be carried out in the scanner device, today these devices provide the ability of matching fingerprints in real time and this way we don’t overload the system with unnecessary operations. If the two samples match, the transaction is authorized and all the information is sent to the server. The server receives then the transaction, consumer and merchant information and proceeds to carry out the operation. Next step is to confirm that the transaction can be made using consumer’s financial details provided (Credit Card), once the server has received confirmation that the transaction was cleared and the payment made a conformation is sent to the terminal to notify both consumer and vendor. The device will print two recipes, one for the vendor and another one for the consumer as confirmation of the transaction. The transaction can be rejected in 3 stages of the process. First, if the e-mail address introduced doesn’t retrieve any matches, the server will deny the transaction and send cancellation notification to both merchant and consumer. Second, in case the provided biometric doesn’t match the fingerprint recovered from the consumer’s account in the database the scanner will notify both parties that the transaction couldn’t be performed. Third, if the eCommerce server doesn’t authorize the consumer to perform the transaction for any reason (out of credit, credit card blocked...) we will cancel the transaction and inform both parties. If the operation is successfully carried out, the transaction’s amount is subtracted from the customer’s available credit and stored into merchant’s batch for further collection. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 56 Chapter 5 - Technology 5.6 Technologies In this section we will give an overall description of the necessary technologies to implement such a system as FingerPal. We will go over more detail on the server side technologies when we describe the systems architecture in the following sections. 5.6.1 Client side Referring to the customers, they don’t need any special software or hardware to run the system. Customers will be able to enrol to our service online, so a standard web browser would be sufficient. However, FingerPal strongly recommends that the customer’s machine used to create/manage their account, meets the security standards required to perform safe transactions over the Net. These measures gather up-to-date Antivirus, Firewall, and Web Browser. 5.6.2 Server side There will be two important features to cover on the server side. First, the web page and the online enrolling process. Second, the online fingerprint payment service. We will have dedicated web servers which will offer high availability and reliability for our online service. Also, we will allocate dedicated servers to manage the fingerprint-based transactions in real time. As we will describe in the following sections we won’t go into much detail In this point of the infrastructure, security will become a key factor as all the servers will be holding high-sensitive personal information. Our initial approach to the necessary technologies on the server side will comprise Open Source solutions. Open source is an approach to the design, development and distribution of software, offering practical accessibility to software’s source code. The term gained popularity thanks to the rise of the Internet, which provided access to diverse production models, communication paths and interactive communities. Mainly these solutions will consist on open source operating systems throughout all the servers (Linux), Apache Tomcat to manage the Java Servlets in the application server, Squid to implement the transparent proxy server, Apache in the web server and MySQL in the Database server. This way, we will install. In the application server we will install Tomcat 5.6.3 Point of Sale Points of Sale will be equipped with the FingerPal terminals. Regarding the necessary software for those machines will be a simple interface to be able to enrol new customers and process the transactions. The software in the endpoints will also provide the necessary security measures that performing electronic transactions require and will act also as the network application to send the data over the phone. These devices will also be provided with means to perform real-time biometric matching. We will recommend use capacitance scanners instead of optical scanners as they turned out to be more precise and reliable for fingerprint matching. The software installed on the device will be able also to Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 57 Chapter 5 - Technology manage other biometric readings such as heart beat sensor and human temperature detector. These extra biometric readings will be embodied to improve security measured. 5.7 Security Our main goal by implementing FingerPal is to enhance security in electronic transactions. It is well known that credit card fraud and identity theft costs billions to the ecommerce sector. Recent studies show that biometric readings are the most reliable system to prevent identity theft and fraud. With the current system a credit card can be easily lost or stolen and there is a lack of means to prevent fraud once the card has been stolen. FingerPal not only reduces the risk of losing our payment means, it also improves the authentication process by adding biometric parameters. By blocking access to the service we also provide higher confidentiality and integrity of data. Another main advantage is that the technology non-invasive. Usually people are reluctant to use retina scanners or other means which imply a higher contact or exposure. The specific security measures adopted are explained in every section. We have focused on adopting measures to counter identity theft and increase security in the authentication process. The best example is the process presented to prevent an attacker to supplant a credit card owner by providing their biometrics. We have proven that this is not possible assuming the attacker cannot access banking information. Our objective is to protect the privacy and build customer’s confidence. In order for a customer to be able to log in and access FingerPal online service, the consumer will be required to enter sensitive/confidential information and register their details, such as name, credit card details, etc. FingerPal will use Verisign technology over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to protect of the online transactions. Using Verisign technologies we ensure high security as it is the leading SSL Certification Authority. To achieve that, the Certification Authority issues a public key (used to encrypt information) and a private key (used to decrypt information). Therefore, when a user accesses FingerPal Online the client and the server interchange session keys and agree the encryption protocol using an SSL handshake. In case the information doesn’t match or the certificate has expired the browser shows an error message. These techniques allow customers to begin a secure session that guarantees privacy, integrity, and non-repudiation. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 58 Chapter 5 - Technology 5.8 System Architecture In this section we will describe the overall architecture of the system so we can have a clearer idea of the parts implicated in the process as well as the infrastructure needed to support such a system. Electronic transactions will be carried out in the Point of Sale and the information will be transmitted securely over the phone. Customers will be able to use the terminals in the Points of Sale to enrol to the system. Users will also be able to create and manage their account details via Web using secure connections. The transactions will be processed with the bank through a secure gateway. In the diagram above, there is a representation of the parts involved in the system and an overall description of the infrastructure required. Fingerprint scanners located at the Points of Sale will be used as terminals to transmit the biometric readings to the server for matching and also to Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 59 Chapter 5 - Technology transmit information on the current transaction. The communication with the server will take place over the phone and will connect through secure gateways with the application server. The application server plays a very important role in the system’s architecture, as it will isolate the database server and, therefore, the sensitive information from possible attacks. Once the application server has confirmed the identity of the customer performing the transaction, it will forward the operation to the e-commerce server to connect with the customer’s bank and confirm the transaction. When the e-commerce server receives confirmation of the bank to perform the transaction, it forwards the information to the application server and this one sends confirmation to the Point of Sale so that both merchant and customer are informed of the successful transaction. As we described in previous sections, FingerPal intends to install open source-based technologies all throughout the machines on the server side. The predominant operating system in all servers will be Linux, now we will describe thoroughly the technologies in each and every part involved in the system. 5.8.1 Application server The application server will hold the business logic for the operation of the system, so everything will have to go through this server. This will isolate the database and will provide a DMZ (demilitarized zone) to securely hold the user data. This server will then interact with the Web server for the online requests and with the Point of Sales for the electronic transactions. This server will operate under Apache-Tomcat software. It is a Servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) which implements the Java Servlet and the Java Server Pages (JSP) specifications from Sun Microsystems. Therefore, it provides a pure Java HTTP Web server for Java code to run and includes tools for configuration and management. It is sometimes confused with the Apache Web server, but actually the last one is a C implementation of an HTTP Web server. This will allow us to generate code to control the logic for the operation of the system using Java technologies. 5.8.2 Web server The Web server will host the web page and provide the necessary means to manage the accounts via web. This server will also be connected with the database through the application server. Users will connect to the Web server and after interchanging season keys they will open a secure connection over the HTTPS protocol to access their accounts. We will never allow sending sensitive information over a non-encrypted or nonsecure channel. This part of the system will be implemented using an Apache HTTP Server; this is a Web server notable for playing a key role in the initial grown of the WWW. It is the main alternative to the Sun Java System Web Server. Commonly machines using Apache HTTP run over Linux OS, despite has win32 distributions and have shown to perform really well. This way, it is distributed also for UNIX, Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 60 Chapter 5 - Technology GNU, Solaris, Novell, NetWare, MacOS, MS Windows, and many more. In 2009 it has been accounted to surpass the 100 million web site milestone. It is free and open source software. 5.8.3 Database server This server will hold user’s information and will be under the FingerPal’s DMZ. It will contain the most sensitive information so access to this server will be allowed only through the Application server. It is the core of the system as all the transactions have to be validated against the information contained in FingerPal’s database. We believe that the idea of performing the live fingerprint matching in the endpoints will reduce significantly the workload of the server. Therefore, the Database server will implement the database and will provide the tools to manage and access the data. To achieve the desired operation, MySQL (My Structured Query Language) will be deployed in FingerPal’s database servers. It is a relational database management system which has more than 6M installations. Basically, the program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The source code is under the GNU General Public License and also under several proprietary agreements. If is suitable for free software projects which require a full featured database management system, but it is also used in big WWW projects such as Google or Facebook. 5.8.4 Networks and Internets Intrusive or invasive attacks will be blocked by firewalls and proxies and even though an attacker manages to pass through they would never access the real data as it would be secured by the application server. We will install routers and firewalls to block possible intrusions, as well as a transparent Proxy server. To implement the Proxy server we will suggest Squid as a proxy server and web cache daemon. We believe this is a powerful method to speed up the web server and to control the dataflow from and to the Internet. It is also an interesting system to add lockups to the shared network resources and aid security by filtering traffic. It is mainly used for HTTP and FTP, but it also includes support for other protocols such as TLS, SSL and HTTPS. Squid is primarily designed to run on UNIX systems but it also runs on MS Windows-based systems. It is released under the GNU General Public License and it is free software. 5.8.5 Ecommerce server We will have a dedicated server to perform the electronic transactions and also to provide confirmation of the electronic payment. This server will receive the customer’s credit card information from the application server once customer’s biometric data has been confirmed. Then, the details of the transaction will be sent to the bank and the server will wait for confirmation of the payment. If any errors occurred, the server would report to the application server and the last one would forward the information to the terminal in the Point of Sale. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 61 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution Chapter 6 - Technical Solution In this section we will introduce the prototype developed. Our main goal with the prototype is provide readers a clearer idea of what we intend to do and how FingerPal will work. 6.1 Prototype The prototype presented covers the online part. We have set up a first prototype of FingerPal’s corporate website where users can find information about the company, services offered, promotions, and also manage their account details. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 62 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution 6.2 Description The structure of the website is a standard corporate template; the upper part shows the company’s logotype, the search engine and the navigation bar. The website’s body has been split into two parts; on the right side we show the login panel and some relevant links for the user while the wider left part we will show promotional offers, marketing campaigns and relevant news. The structure of the Home page is as shown above. We will show relevant marketing information within the body as well as provide space for advertising. The structure of the other sections is the same as the main page, the information displayed varies though. The Consumer’s page will show information relevant to consumers. They can use this section to login but mainly consumer users will be redirected to this section when they log in from the main page. After logging in, this section will show their personal information, options to manage the account and recent transactions. The Vendor’s page will work similarly to the consumer’s one. Vendors will log in from the main page and redirected to this section to display full information of their account. If not logged in, this page will show offers and information relevant for vendors. The Products & Services section will show detailed information about what does FingerPal have to offer. The Support page will show information about FingerPal’s benefits, technology, rates and frequently asked questions. In the last section, About us, we will display information about the company itself, how to contact, terms and conditions and privacy policy. This intends to fulfil the requirements exposed in the eCommerce Directive 2002 for regulating the eCommerce within the European Union. We have used a public CSS template to develop our website. After generating the HTML documents, we focused on the back-end programming. We installed Tomcat 5.5 in our machine together with MySQL 5. Our idea is to use Java Servlets to implement the server side and access the database. Our main aim has been facilitate access to user’s accounts from the web page. This way, users will be able to view their profiles, change personal information, and access their recent transactions. For that to happen, we have implemented scripts to generate users and have a real repository in our database. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 63 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution 6.3 Database model This is the description of the database implemented. There are 4 tables initially, but the database can be scalable to a more complex system. There are attributes in the tables which can be generalized to tables such as addresses, countries, credit card providers. However, the scope of our prototype is not that wide. Therefore, we have inserted 4 tables (Consumer, Vendor, Bank, and Transaction) and 4 relations. The attributes which describe each table are displayed in the figure above. Vendors and consumers are associated with banks. We will also keep a record of all the transactions and link them with the source and destination. This database will allow us to manage the online application. Users will be able to log in and manage their accounts. They will be also able to view recent transactions and access to the full historical. We will also keep banking and financial information. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 64 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution 6.4 Technologies used Cascade Style Sheet Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Commonly, we use CSS to style HTML and XHTML pages but it can also be used with any type of XML file. The main feature is to enable the separation between content and presentation. This separation includes colors, fonts and layout. CSS improves accessibility and flexibility when specifying the presentation characteristics. This way, it allows multiple pages to share formatting and reduce complexity and redundancy. CSS specifies a priority scheme to determine which style rules apply if more than on rule matches against a particular element. The Cascading Style Sheet specifications are maintained by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). HTML Hypertext Markup Language is the main language for describing web pages. It allows creating structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, html images, and many more. It allows images and objects to be embedded and used to create interactive forms. HTML is not a language itself; it is a markup language, which is a set of markup tags. These markup tags are used by HTML to describe web pages. These tags are surrounded by angle brackets like <html> and normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>. The basic structures for HTML markup are elements. Elements have two basic properties: attributes and content. These elements affect the behavior of Web browsers and CSSs to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. It is encouraged to use CSS in addition to HTML for explicit presentational specification. MySQL 5 As mentioned in previous sections, MySQL is a relational database management system which has more than 6M installations. Basically, the program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The source code is under the GNU General Public License and also under several proprietary agreements. If is suitable for free software projects which require a full featured database management system, but it is also used in big WWW projects such as Google or Facebook. Apache Tomcat 5.5 Apache Tomcat 5.5 is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and Java Server Pages technologies. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 65 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution 6.5 Testing The following guideline has been used to check the proper performance of the application: 6.5.1 Functionality Links Objective is to check for all the links in the website. All Internal Links All External Links All mail to links Check for orphan Pages Check for Broken Links Forms Test for the integrity of submission of all forms. All Field Level Checks All Field Level Validations. Functionality of Create, Modify, Delete & View. Handling of Wrong inputs (Both client & Server) Default Values if any Optional versus Mandatory fields. Cookies Check for the cookies that has to be enabled and how it has to be expired. Web Indexing Depending on how the site is designed using Meta tags, frames, HTML syntax, dynamically created pages, passwords or different languages, our site will be searchable in different ways. Meta Tags Frames HTML syntax. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 66 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution Database Two types of errors that may occur in Web applications: Data Integrity: Missing or wrong data in table. Output Error: Errors in writing, editing or reading operations in the tables. The issue is to test the functionality of the database, not the content and the focus here is therefore on output errors. Verify that queries, writing, retrieving or editing in the database is performed in a correct way. 6.5.2 Usability Navigation Navigation describes the way users navigate within a page, between different user interface controls (buttons, boxes, lists, windows etc.), or between pages via e.g. links. Application navigation is proper through tab Navigation through Mouse Main features accessible from the main/home page. Any hot keys, control keys to access menus. Content Correctness is whether the information is truthful or contains misinformation. The accuracy of the information is whether it is without grammatical or spelling errors. Remove irrelevant information from your site. This may otherwise cause misunderstandings or confusion. Spellings and Grammars Updated information General Appearance Page appearance Colour, font and size Frames Consistent design Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 67 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution 6.5.3 Server Side Interfaces: Server Interface Verify that communication is done correctly, Web server-application server, application server-database server and vice versa. Compatibility of server software, hardware, network connections. Database compatibility (SQL, Oracle etc.) External Interface (if any) 6.5.4 Client Side Compatibility: Platform Check for the compatibility of Windows (95, 98, 2000, NT) Unix (different sets) Macintosh (If applicable) Linux Solaris (If applicable) Browsers Check for the various combinations: Internet Explorer (3.X 4.X, 5.X) Mozilla Firefox (3.X 4.X 5.X) Netscape Navigator (3.X, 4.X, 6.X) Browser settings (security settings, graphics, Java etc.) Frames and Cascade Style sheets HTML specifications. Graphics: Loading of images, graphics, etc., Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 68 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution Printing Despite the paperless society the web was to introduce, printing is done more than ever. Verify that pages are printable with considerations on: Text and image alignment Colours of text, foreground and background Scalability to fit paper size Tables and borders 6.5.5 Performance Connection speed Try with Connection speed: 14.4, 28.8, 33.6, 56.6, ISDN, cable, DSL, T1, T3 Time-out Load Check/Measure the following: What is the estimated number of users per time period and how will it be divided over the period? Will there be peak loads and how will the system react? Can your site handle a large amount of users requesting a certain page? Large amount of data from users. Stress Stress testing is done in order to actually break a site or a certain feature to determine how the system reacts. Stress tests are designed to push and test system limitations and determine whether the system recovers gracefully from crashes. Hackers often stress systems by providing loads of wrong in-data until it crash and then gain access to it during start-up. Typical areas to test are forms, logins or other information transaction components. Performance of memory, CPU, file handling etc. Error in software, hardware, memory errors (leakage, overwrite or pointers) Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 69 Chapter 6 - Technical Solution Continuous use Is the application or certain features going to be used only during certain periods of time or will it be used continuously 24 hours a day 7 days a week? Will downtime be allowed or is that out of the question? Verify that the application is able to meet the requirements and does not run out of memory or disk space. 6.5.6 Security Valid and Invalid Login Limit defined for the number of tries. Can it be bypassed by typing URL to a page inside directly in the browser? Verify Log files are maintained to store the information for traceability. Verify encryption is done correctly if SSL is used (If applicable) No access to edit scripts on the server without authorization.25 25 For more information on that Checklist visit: Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 70 Chapter 7 Financial Projections Chapter 7 Financial Projections 7.1 Funding The sources of funding for FingerPal will come from Enterprise Ireland program for High Potential Start-ups. Enterprise Ireland is fostering high-tech, innovative ideas to build next generation companies. The institution provides financial resources to help develop products, services and processes and support the process of entering the market. Enterprise Ireland determines the funding based on the potential level of exports and job creation. For start-ups at an early stage EI provides funding for: • Completing R&D development • Expansion of Beta Model • Support in obtaining a patent for a new technology Enterprise Ireland invests in the company by becoming its stakeholder (acquires up to 10% of shares). The funding come in a form of grant, usually on a 50/50 basis 26. IP Property Fund Enterprise Ireland provides funds to help protect the Intellectual Property Rights. There are three sections of funding: Stage of Protection: 1 – up to €7,000 to support initial patent protection 2 – up to €20,000 for renewal of patent 3 – support for later stages of development. There are several main expenses involved in starting-up the FingerPal company: 1. Expenditure related to IP protection – expenses to cover filing all patents. 2. R&D development – expenses related to software development. 3. Expenses for hardware – computers, servers. 4. Expenses for renting an office in Dublin. 26 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 71 Chapter 7 Financial Projections 72 5. Expenses for advertising and promotion. We estimated our predictable expenses for the first three years. The net profit after the first year of operations will be negative. Nevertheless, we aim to collect funds to cover start-up expenses and initial operational costs. We plan to raise the capital from the partnership with Enterprise Ireland. The capital will cover expenses related to patent completion and expenses in the first year of operations. Half of the required capital will come from EI whereas the rest of capital will either come from bank loans or additional private investment. According to our estimations, in year two the company will reach a positive net profit. In the first months of year one the company will be working on R&D to develop the technology. Thus, there will be no revenue. Nevertheless, the company will raise the initial funding of EUR 80,000 from EI and bank loan. 7.2 Sales Explanation As mentioned earlier, FingerPal aims to set competitive interchange fees that will be beneficial for both, the merchants and the banks. Our team calculated the optimal interchange fee and estimated the potential revenue from POS transactions. The estimation was based on the assessement of potential revenues for merchants, banks and FingerPal and competitive advantage with regard to exisitng plastic card interchange fees. The current interchange fees for plastic card retail transactions vary from 0.8% to 3.0%. FingerPal will offer a flat rate of 0.7% from each transaction. Around 0.3% will be divided up between merchants’ acquirer and customers’ bank. FingerPal will charge 0.4 % from each transaction. Our assumptions are based on the number and value of card payments in Ireland in 2007. Card payments with cards issued in Ireland (except cards with an e-money function) (millions; total for the period) 300 250 200 150 100 50 Year 0 Number of Transactions 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 142 151 176 205 263 Based on ECB Payment Statistics November 2008 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 7 Financial Projections 73 Value of card payments with cards issued in the country (except cards with an e-money function) (EURO billions; total for the period) 25 20 15 10 5 Year 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 12 14 16 19 24 Value of Transactions Based on ECB Payment Statistics November 2008 7.3 Calculations Given the number of transactions and the value of transactions in 2007, we calculated: the average value of card transactions: Eur 24,000,000,000/263,000,000= Eur 91.3 number of monthly transactions in 2007: 263,000,000/12=21916666.7 Providing that FingerPal will reach 0.1% of total transactions in Ireland: number of monthly transactions by FingerPal: 21916666.7*0.001= 21916.666 Revenue from interchange fee: Eur 91.3*0.004= Eur 0.364 Year 1 monthly revenue Eur 0.364*21916.666=EUR 7977.666424 Year 2 Growth strategy is to reach 0.2% of total number of transactions. number of transactions in year 2: 21916666.7*0.002=43833.332 monthly revenue: Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 7 Financial Projections Eur0.364*43833.332=Eur15955.3328 Year 3 Growth strategy is to reach 0.3% of total transactions number of transactions in year 3: 21916666.7*0.003=65749.998 monthly revenue: Eur 0.364*65749.998 =Eur 23932.99993 The above are predictions for a low number of transactions and negative scenario, FingerPal aims to acquire more users month after month. 7.4 Expenses • Wages Each employee (3 executives) will earn 24 000 annually. In year 3 we plan to raise the wages and employ more personnel. • Equipment/Office Furniture/Supply Equipment costs will include the cost of computers, servers, domain fee, software development costs. • Phone/Internet Bills The costs of bill for each executive will be 30 euro a month which gives eur 90.In addition the Internet bill cost, which will be approximately eur 30. • Legal Fees These fees will involve filing the patents and other contracts and agreements fees. • Rent We will first rent a small office at the cost of eur400. In year 3 FingerPal will move in to a bigger office. • Advertising and Promotion We decided to allocate around eur 1000 for the first year on promotions and advertising. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 74 Chapter 7 Financial Projections 75 7.5 Loss & Profit Projection Three Year Profit Projection FingerPal year 1 Sales % year 2 % €71,793.00 100.00% € 191,460.00 100.00% year 3 % € 287,184.00 100.00% Operating € 112,640.00 156.90% € 81,140.00 42.38% € 150,500.00 52.41% Gross Profit VAT 21% -€ 39,820.00 8362.00 -55.47% 11.65% € 110,320.00 € 23,167.00 57.62% 12.10% € 136,684.00 € 28,703.00 47.59% 9.99% Net Profit After Tax -€ 48,182.00 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University € 87,153.00 € 107,981.00 Chapter 7 Financial Projections 76 7.6 Cash Flow Twelve-month cash flow Oct 09 Nov 09 FingerPal De c 09 Jan 10 2009/2010 Fe b 10 M ar 10 Apr 10 M ay 10 Jun 10 Jul 10 Aug 10 Se p 10 Oct 10 Cas h on Hand (beginning of month) 80,000 40,180 33,560 26,940 20,320 21,677 23,034 24,391 25,748 27,105 28,462 29,819 31,176 EI Funds 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bank loan 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INCOME FROM TRANSACTIONS Sales TOTAL Sale s Total Cas h Available (bef ore cash out) 0 0 0 0 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 0 0 0 0 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 7,977 80,000 40,180 33,560 26,940 28,297 29,654 31,011 32,368 33,725 35,082 36,439 37,796 39,153 EXPENSES 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Legal Fees 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Computers & Servers 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Offi ce Suppl i es and Furni ture 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adverti si ng & Promoti on 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 El ectri ci ty 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Tel ephone/Internet 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Insurance 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 SUBTOTAL 39,820 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 TOTAL EXPENSES 39,820 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 Cas h Pos ition (end of month) 40,180 33,560 26,940 20,320 21,677 23,034 24,391 25,748 27,105 28,462 29,819 31,176 32,533 Rent Sal ari es Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 7 Financial Projections Twelve-month cash flow Nov 10 Dec 10 77 FingerPal Jan 11 2010/2011 Feb 11 Mar 11 Apr 11 M ay 11 Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Oct 11 Nov 11 Cash on Hand (beginning of month) 32,533 40,168 49,503 58,838 68,173 77,508 86,843 96,178 105,513 114,848 124,183 133,518 142,853 EI Funds 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bank loan 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 TOTAL Sales 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 15,955 Total Cash Available (bef ore cash out) 48,488 56,123 65,458 74,793 84,128 93,463 102,798 112,133 121,468 130,803 140,138 149,473 158,808 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Legal Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Computers & Servers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Office Supplies and Furniture 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Electricity 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Telephone/Internet 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Insurance 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salaries 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 SUBTOTAL 8,320 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 INCOME FROM TRANSACTIONS Sales EXPENSES Rent Advertising & Promotion TOTAL EXPENSES Cash Pos ition (end of month) 8,320 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 6,620 40,168 49,503 58,838 68,173 77,508 86,843 96,178 105,513 114,848 124,183 133,518 142,853 152,188 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 7 Financial Projections Twelve-month cash flow Dec 11 Cash on Hand (beginning of month) Jan 12 78 FingerPal Fe b 12 2011/2012 Mar 12 Apr 12 M ay 12 Jun 12 Jul 12 Aug 12 Se p 12 Oct 12 Nov 12 De c 12 152,188 148,200 155,912 163,624 171,336 179,048 186,760 194,472 202,184 209,896 217,608 225,320 233,032 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 23,932 176,120 172,132 179,844 187,556 195,268 202,980 210,692 218,404 226,116 233,828 241,540 249,252 256,964 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 INCOME FROM TRANSACTIONS Sales TOTAL Sales Total Cash Available (bef ore cash out) EXPENSES Rent Legal Fees Computers & Servers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Electri city 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Telephone/Internet 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Insurance 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Office Suppli es and Furniture Advertising & Promotion Sal aries 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 SUBTOTAL 27,920 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 TOTAL EXPENSES Cash Position (end of month) 27,920 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 16,220 148,200 155,912 163,624 171,336 179,048 186,760 194,472 202,184 209,896 217,608 225,320 233,032 240,744 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Chapter 8 Management Team 79 Chapter 8 Management Team Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer Olga Bzdawka Chief Information Officer, Director of Marketing and Sales Zaneta Babko B A in Linguistics and Accounting, MSc in eCommerce (B) Olga has over three years of experience in Finance and Business. She was employed in a mobile phone company on a managerial position, which provided her with insights into running a big organisation. Her management skills, accounting and finance knowledge were utilized in making strategic business decisions related to FingerPal success. MA in International Relations, MSc in eCommerce (B) Zaneta has a vast experience in International Relations, Foreign Trade, Journalism and Communications. She was employed in a Radio Eska in Poland where she was responsible for Marketing and Advertising. Thus, she is an expert of FingerPal’s communications services, marketing and sales. Her great analytical thinking skills were utilized in analyzing the market trends. Chief Technology Officer Francisco Canovas BSc in Information Technology, MSc in Software Engineering, MSc in eCommerce (Technical) Francisco is an expert in Information Technology. He concluded a Computer Engineering degree in Spain. Moreover, he attended a 1-year internship in Sweden where he worked on a Computer Engineering Thesis. He also pursued a student exchange project in London. He has an extensive knowledge in many fields of IT, including programming languages, artificial intelligence, databases, language processors, data structures, computer graphics, networking and security. Francisco utilized his vast skills and knowledge in developing the prototype of FingerPal system. Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Appendixes 80 Appendixes Appendix 1 Competitive Analysis Table 1: FACTOR Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C Products Kimaldi Electronics VISA MasterCard Price Not found Interchange fees for transactions range from 0.8% to 2.3 % Interchange fees for transactions range from 0.8% to 2.3 % Quality high high high • • • • Strengths • 27 28 Biometric technology specialist Wide range of products and applications Cooperates with large biometrics manufacturers • • • Well-established and dominant player in payment processing on the market Manages payments across various financial instituions, businesses and consumers Obtained international dominance Overcame the barriers of social acceptance towards payments by plastic cards In 2006, Visa reached 44% of the plastic card market share and 48% of the debit card market share in the US.27[ "How Visa operates", in Forbes, February 25, 2008 Hugh Son ,MasterCard Said to Lose Users After JPMorgan Shift , May 2009 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University • • • • Internationally known, wellfounded company Mastercard is reported to hold 22% of the US debit card market share28 The second largest plastic card payments player Obtained international markets Appendixes Table 1: FACTOR Competitor A • • • Weaknesses • • 29 Provides fingerprint authentication only for catering area The system is designed for small locations The system is closed and connects only with a local POS computer Lack of posibility of payments in any POS Lack of provision whether the software is capable of handling a large number of fingerprints Competitor B • • • • 81 Competitor C • High interchnage rates The need of carrying a plastic card Fraud and security risks High level of online fraud • • • High interchnage rates The need of carrying a plastic card Fraud and security risks High level of online fraud in the UK in 2004 the cost of plastic card fraud reached almost £500 million29 Reliability high high high Stability Founded in 1998, exeprienced And well-established Stable, well-established with high recognition on the market Well-founded and recognized on the market Expertise High level of expertise in processing biometric information and users authentication Extensive and deep knowledge of managing financial transactions Extensive and deep knowledge of managing financial transactions Company Reputation Good reputation, large number of partners High reputation, 2100 financial instituions cooperated in 2008 with VISA There are about 25000 financial institutions which issues Mastercard cards Location Barcelona, Spain Mexico Portugal San Francisco, the USA New York, the USA Advertising website TV, radio, print ads, online advertising, sports sponsorships TV, radio, print ads, online advertising, sports sponsorships Plastic fraud loss on UK-issued cards 2004/2005. retrieved 7 July, 2006 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Appendixes 82 Appendix 2 Survey FingerPal Biometrics in Financial Transactions Name of Institution E-mail Phone Agent Name Market Research Survey Dublin 10/07/2009 This survey is to measure the interest of banks in biometric payments processing. To help us, please complete this survey and return it to us at your convenience. We will appreciate your opinions and thoughts regarding the above mentioned system. Thank you! Description: Biometrics is a discipline that makes use of the unique features of every individual. These features are either physical or behavioral and include fingerprint, iris, DNA, vein, retina, voice, walk, palm geometry and typing patterns recognition. The biometric industry is growing rapidly and is currently deployed in many areas of everyday life. This survey is to measure the acceptance of fingerprint recognition in point-of-sale transactions. A fingerprint would be a new method of payment in addition to plastic cards, cash and cheque. A customer would simply swipe their finger through a terminal, enter a security code and money from their account would be transferred directly to the merchant. ID 1 Question What is your overall perception of the product described above? Selection Poor Average Good Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Comments/Response Appendixes 83 Excellent 2 What do you like most about this product? 3 What do you like least about the product? 4 How would you rate the quality of this product? Low Average High 5 How important are these features as being a part of this product? • • • • 6 Not Important Security Accuracy Speed of Performance Convenience Neutral Important Very Important Security __ Please rate the importance of each feature from one to four. Accuracy __ Speed of Performance __ Convenience __ 7 Have you heard about the term biometrics before? Familiar with the concept I heard something about it I hadn't heard about it 8 Biometric information of individuals (fingerprints) is kept in a highly secure database. Would you be willing to provide your fingerprint image to be maintained in such a database? Very willing Somewhat willing Not willing at all Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Appendixes 9 Have you ever encountered biometric technology in any of the following areas? Door Access Clock-in/clockout Airports Financial transactions – cash checking None 10 Do you have a fingerprint scanner build in your laptop (or external peripheral)? Yes No 11 Do you reckon that fingerprint biometrics would be successful in financial transactions? Yes No Yes, it sounds specific enough to work 12 Are you: Male Female 13 What is your age range? 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 over 50 14 In what country do you live? Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 84 Appendixes 85 Appendix 3 Survey Results 1. What is your overall perception of the product described above? Good Average Excellent Poor 2. What do you like most about this product? Most common answers: - “It is convenient” - “I like its innovativeness” - “It is practical, I don’t have to carry cash” - “I can lose a plastic card but I can’t lose my finger” 3. What do you like least about the product? Most common answers: - “may not be secure” - “Someone may copy my fingerprint and use my money” - “data protection issues” - “it may not be accurate” - “hackers can access biometric biome information” -“I “I don’t need another payment method” -“It “It is too dangerous to use a fingerprint in financial transactions” 4. How would you rate te the quality of this product? High Poor Good 0 10 20 30 40 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 50 60 Appendixes 86 5. How important are these features as being a part of this product? • • • • Security Accuracy Speed of Performance Convenience neutral important very important not important 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 70 80 90 6. Please rate the importance of each feature from one to four? speed of performance convenience security accuracy 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7. Have you heard about the term biometrics before? Familiar with the concept 20% I heard something about it 69% I hadn't heard about it 10% 8. Biometric information of individuals (fingerprints) is kept in a highly secure database. Would you be willing to provide your fingerprint image to be maintained in such a database? Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University Appendixes 87 Not willing at all Somewhat willing Very willing 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 9. Have you ever encountered biometric technology in any of the following areas? Access Control 27% Clock-in/clock-out 44% Airports 16% Financial transactions – cash checking 3% None 10% 10. Do you have a fingerprint scanner build in your laptop (or external peripheral)? 15% yes 85% no 11. Do you reckon that fingerprint biometrics would be successful in financial transactions? yes, it sounds specific enough to work no yes 0 10 20 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 30 40 50 60 70 Appendixes Appendix 4 Legislation on Biometrical Information,European Directive 30: • biometrical information must be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purposes • before processing any biometrical information the supervisory body has to be notified of the purposes of the processing • biometrics should be collected and processed fairly and lawfully; the processing of biometrical data • revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership and the processing of data concerning health of sex life should be prohibited as a rule • the collection and processing must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the declared purposes (art. 6°1c); • biometrical images have to be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date or erased • biometrical data may not be disclosed to third persons if this doesn't follow out of the declared purpose (art. • The biometrical data subject has a right to know about the processing and the use of the processed biometrics 6°1b); b. • (all biometrical data subjects are endowed with a right of access to the biometrical data and to obtain rectification, erasure or blocking of data when the processing violates the provisions (e.g. incomplete or inaccurate nature of the data). In some cases these rights are restricted to safeguard national security, defence, public security, prevention and criminal investigation, economic or financial interests of states, rights and freedoms of others (art. 13); art. 18); c. • every biometrical data subject has a right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing of data intended to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to him, such as his performance at work, credit-worthiness, reliability, conduct, etc (art. 15); (art. 8); • there has to be a responsible controller to ensure data protection rights and duties. 30 Based on Paul de Hert “Biometrics: legal issues and implications”, Background paper for the Institute of Prospective Technological, Studies, DG JRC – Sevilla, European Commission accessed at: Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 88 Appendixes Appendix 5 Potential Partners: Irish Merchant Banks (Acquirers) AIB -Ireland, UK, Europe, US and Asia Bank of Ireland -Ireland, UK and Europe RaboDirect - online bank Permanent tsb -Ireland and UK Ulster Bank - Ireland Anglo Irish Bank -Ireland, UK and Europe ACCBank -Ireland and Rabobank Worldwide National Irish Bank IIB Bank -Ireland and KBC Worldwide Bank of Scotland Ireland Irish Nationwide -Ireland, UK Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 89 Appendixes Appendix 6 Historical Adoption Rates of Credit/Debit Cards Debit Plastic card Transaction volume Growth 2000-2006 2000 Credit/Debit ard Groth in Purchases 1987 - 2008 Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 90 Appendixes Appendix 7 Merchant’s Terminal Biometric Accesss Corporation Secure Touch Modular (STAm) with various applications such as payrol check cashing, creidt/debit card transaction processing, paharmacy controlled substance tracking, pharmacy physical access control, time&attendance. Web: Email: [email protected] Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 91 SPECIFICATIONS (From Company’s Website) Display: High contrast, backlit LCD with 128 x 64 graphics, 8 lines x 21 characters text and a soft function key display line Keypad: 20 keys, including 4 screen-addressable function keys External Ports: 1 10/100 Ethernet port, 2 USB 2.0 host ports, 1 USB 2.0 On the Go port (host or device mode) and 3 RS232 serial ports MagCard Reader: Tracks 1, 2, 3 standard, high coercivity, bi-directional External Slots: 2 SD Card Slots for memory and peripheral expansion Internal Slot: SD Card Slot for memory expansion Processor: Blackfin DSP, 600 MOPS, 1200 MMACS Memory: 32 Mbytes SDRAM, 8 Mbytes non-volatile Flash Security: DES, 3DES, DUKPT secure encryption controller with intrusion detection Power: AC: 100 - 240 V, 47 - 63 Hz / DC: 12 V, 2.1 A (base terminal) or 12 V, 5 A (terminal with printer) Environmental: 2° to 40° C (35° to 104° F) operating temperature range / 10% to 85% relative humidity, non-condensing Physical: Dimensions: 8.8 in x 6.3 in x 1.9 in / 22.4 cm x 16.0 cm x 4.8 cm / Weight: 1 lb 10 oz / 0.68 kg Reliability: Keypad - 500,000 keystrokes / MagCard Reader - 400,000 reads / MTBF - 100,000 hours (all calculated) Barcode Scanner Document Scanner Finger Imager Camera Modem (alternative to Ethernet) Reads standard 1D & 2D barcodes (RSS, PDF417, microPDF, MaxiCode, Data Matrix, QR Code, UCC, UPC/EAN, Postals, Aztec) accommodation of 2¼ in. wide by 85 ft. long Optical imager offering 700 DPI, 8-bit gray Biometric ID verification and digital signature for transaction authorization, electronic payment and cashier logon OCR scanner up to 600 DPI, 24-bit color for MICR lines and text (scan field is 4 in. wide by variable length) Appendixes Appendix 8 Individuals Contacted Tesco - Communications Manager: Seamus Banim, Tel. 00 353 1 2152938, email: [email protected] Spar - Manager William Christie Manager Tel 01224 691589 SupreQuinn – ManagerLorcon O Hanlon Tel. 01 4964270 email: [email protected] SUPERVALU INC - Public Affairs Manager Natalie Danaher, tel. 952-828-4356 email: [email protected] AIB - BBLS Executive Niamh O'Neill Phone: +353 1 6670233 email: niamh.m.o'[email protected] Ulster Bank - Head of Corporate Banking Eddie Cullen, Tel: + 353 1 608 4111. email: eddie.cullen@ulsterenquiries Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 93 References References List of references consulted apart from the ones already specified in the footnotes. These references were consulted mainly to achieve background required to develop the project, either for technology development or market research. [1] De Hert Paul, Biometrics: legal issues and implications, Background paper for the Institute of Prospective Technological, Studies, DG JRC – Sevilla, European Commission Available at: mplications_Paul_de_Hert. [2] The Biometrics Advantage, Bioscrypt Inc. Nov 2007. Available at: Payment Statistics, November 2008, Number of card transactions in Ireland. Availavble at: [3] Biometrics Review: 2008/2009 Biometric Technology Today January 2009 Biometrics– Ending the Identity Crisis, Retailspeak Magazine, October 13, 2004, available at: [4] Accesses via DCU Library, Science Direct database ECB Payment Statistics November 2008, Value of card transactions in Ireland. Available at: [5] Enterprise Ireland supports for High Potential Start-Ups – LIT. Available at: [6] Financial success for biometrics? Biometric Technology Today, April 2005. Accesses via DCU Library, Science Direct database. [7] Frost and Sullivan Report (Preview), Development of a Bi-Modal Biometrics Business Solutions for Physical Access Control, March 2007. Available at: [8] Frost & Sullivan: Advances in Biometrics Remedy the Need for Increased Security (Preview). NewsWire. LONDON, March 19 2009. Available at: RY=/www/story/03-19-2009/0004991263 [9] Frost & Sullivan, Strong Growth for Biometrics in Financial Institutions Expected Globally, May-30-08. Press release: Findbiometrics, Global identity management. Available at: [10] Frost and Sullivan, Development of a Bi-Modal Biometrics Business Solutions for Physical Access Control, March 2007. Availabe at: i-modal_biometrics_whitepaper.pdf Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 94 References [11] Global Biometric Industry to Witness Remarkable Growth, PRLog Free Press Release Nov 02, 2007. Available at: [12] Global Biometric Forecast to 2012, September 2008. Available at: [12] How Visa operates, Forbes, February 25, 2008 Available at: [13] Jung Marcia Y. Biometric Market and Industry Overview International Biometric Group. 8.12.2005. Available at: [14] Mayer M., Bridgeman N., Muller L., A Case study on digiPROOF, a Fingerprint Based Payment System. NACCQ Conference 2006. Available at: [15] Most M., The Current Biometrics Marketplace. Acuity Market Intelligence, Digital Money Forum, March 31, 2009, London. Available at: [16] Patrick S. Andrew, Fingerprint Concerns: Performance, Usability, and Acceptance of Fingerprint Biometric Systems, National Research Council of Canada, July 2, 2008. Available at: [17] Plastic fraud loss on UK-issued cards 2004/2005. Retrieved 7 July, 2006. [18] Prinsloo R. , Biometric systems firm experiences surge in business despite economic slowdown. MiningWeekly May, 2009. Available at:[19] Retail in Ireland, in Global Oneness, August 10, 2006. Available at: [20] 08/22/2006, available at:,,sid14_gci1211831,00.html [21] Son Hugh, MasterCard Said to Lose Users After JPMorgan Shift , May 2009 [22] Wagley John, Vein Recognition Use Grows, January 2008. Available at: Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 95 References List of websites also consulted: [23] Visa Inc. Available at: [24] Master Card Inc. Available at: [25] Interchange fees. Available at: [26] Biometric Org. Available at: [27] Biometric Access. Available at: [28] Enterprise Ireland. Available at: Masters in eCommerce 2009 – Dublin City University 96