GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RA|LWAYBOARD) No. 2009/TG-ilU6OOt2S NewDelhi,datedSeptember 10,.2010 GeneralManager All Zonal Railways (GoMMERC|AL CTRCULAR NO. 45 oF 2010) Sub: lmplementation of Cateringpolicy 2O1O Ref: commerciarcircura*r*no. 3s of 2010and 3T or 2o1o. ln continuation of the Catering Policy,2o1o(commerciat Circularno.35 2pl0) and follow up instructions issuedvide commercialcircularno. 37 of 9f 2010,thefollowinginstructions for implementation of the policyare issued. with a view to ensureno disruptionin cateringservices to the passengers of Indian Railways, rairways make temporary arrangements .zonar for Tay of the ll3.|;3,",#:1t a) mobilecaterinsunits/services as per the forowins NorthernRailway is nominatedas the nodal zonal railwayfor empanelment of MobileCateringlicenseeson behalfof all the Raitways.ccM/NR wiil froatan emergenushort dateJ for the same' Based on the fulfilhirentof all the iis Javsl eor technicaland financialparameters as stipulatedin ftre t'lewCateringFoii.y zoro, N.Rly.shailfinarizean approvedpanerof ticense"rio,. t#porrry allotment of mobirecatering for situations mentioned berow:_ (i) When new trains are introducedwith short notice without sufficient timeto inviteregulartenders. (ii) Trains whose contractshave been terminated on accountof penaltiesor court casesand licenseesare to be appointed,t ,nort notices. b) The empanelled listprepared by NRwillbe approved by ccM/NRon the recommendations of 3 SAG officerscomprising of officersfrom -as the Commercial, Financeand Storesoepartments nominatedby the concernedpHoDs. The rist of empaneiledmobire catering licenseeswouldbe thencirculated to all ZonalRailways.fnis tistot -L" empanelledlicenseeswill be validfor a periodof one year fromthe dateof empanelment. c) zonal Rairwaysshail invite financiar bid from amongst the empanelledlist of license-es throughlimitedtenderfor a p"rioOof S monthswith a provisionfor one Jxtensionof 3 months or untilthe allotment throughregurar tenderwhichever is earrier. d) The finan.H gnqt: may be inviredby the ZonarRairway from the empanelled listof licensees andthe bidsreceivedshallbe examined by a Tendercommitteecomprising of ccM/catg., FA&cnorr and a 3'omemberto be nominated oy cbv. The recommendations of the Committee shallbe accepted by CCM. e) Till the finalization of the empanelment of mobilecateringlicensees by NR, if required,rRcrc be requested by ZonalRairways to 1ay arrangefor the cateringservices temporarily tori r""irur periodof 3 months. Detailsof temporaryallotments madeby zonalRailways shouldbe intimated to BoardandNR on a monthlybasis. This issueswiththe concurrence of FinancecommerciarDirectorate of RailwayBoard. n W_r (ManiAnand) ExecutiveDirector(Tourism& Cateringi RailwayBoard Copyto;1. FA&CAO,All IndianRailways for information 2. ADAt/Raitways (with36spjrecopies) .. 0 AS? \^a' For FinancialCommYsioner/Railways