
Curriculum Vitae Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D. Education:

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Curriculum Vitae Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D. Education:
Curriculum Vitae
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
Old Dominion University
Doctor of Philosophy, December 2007
Business Administration
Dissertation: The Effect of Nutrition Information on Consumer Selection When Eating
Food Away From Home
Georgia State University
Master of Science, March 1984
Management in Community Nutrition
University of Louisville
Bachelor of Science, December 1978
Home Economics
Academic Appointments:
Chair and Associate Professor, Delta State University, Cleveland, Mississippi. (August
2007 to Present)
Responsible for administrative responsibilities for the Management, Marketing, and
Business Administration division, including but not limited to, scheduling of classes,
verifying graduate applications, maintaining and monitoring division budget and personnel
issues, advising students, and preparing various reports for the college and university
administration. Instruct students in classes in the College of Business, Management,
Marketing, and Business Administration Department. Teach undergraduate and graduate
courses in both the classroom and on-line. Serve as the academic coordinator of Integrated
MBA program.
Instructor, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia. (January 1999 to December 2007)
Instructed students in classes in the School of Business, Tourism and Hospitality
Management Department, the Management and Marketing Department, the Food and
Nutrition Program, and the Work and Family Studies Teacher Education Program. Courses
taught in classroom setting and on-line.
Instructor, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. (May 2006 to August 2007)
Instructed students in classes in the College of Business and Public Administration
Marketing Department. Courses taught in classroom setting.
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Delta State University
Undergraduate Courses:
MKT 300 Marketing Principles—Principles and strategies for effective distribution of goods
and services from the site of production to the final user of consumer (market identification,
product development, channels of distribution, promotion and pricing strategies
incorporating international and ethical considerations).
MKT 320 Merchandising Planning and Control—An examination of the basic factors
involved in retail merchandising as well as the application of basic terms, calculations, and
factors that affect profits in a retail store.
MKT 330 Promotional Strategies—Advertising fundamentals in relation to modern business
activities; fields of advertising; advertising media, campaigns, and systems. Also includes a
discussion of public relations.
MKT 358 Consumer Behavior—Analysis of consumer behavior patterns and motivation and
their relationship to actions in the market place.
MKT 425 Services Marketing—A study of the unique problems associated with the
marketing of services, tools for service markets, and of alternative strategies with which to
improve service marketing effectiveness.
MKT 475 International Marketing—Reviews marketing theory as it impacts international
and regional institutions and agreements that affect conduct of business globally as well as
the legal and political setting of international marketing.
MKT 488 Marketing Research—Principles, techniques, and applications of research in
marketing. Emphasis is placed on the use of research findings in the solution of marketing
MKT 490 Marketing Internship—Practical experience in marketing with an approved
organization under the direct supervision of a marketing executive and general supervision
of the marketing faculty.
MKT 492 Special Topics in Marketing—Current developments in Marketing.
MKT 499 Marketing Management—Marketing problems and development of effective
marketing programs utilizing case analysis. Decision making under conditions of
uncertainty and/or based on incomplete information. Application of quantitative techniques.
MGT 300 Principles of Management—Fundamentals of planning, organization and
controlling a business organization; objectives, policies, methods and procedures of
planning; fundamental principles related to human relations.
MGT 435 International Business—Analysis of the macro environment in which international
firms operate; the interpretation of business trends and their impact on international business.
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MGT 475 International Management—Comparative study of management concepts,
problems, and strategies. Focus on risk/opportunity factors unique to foreign business
location; particular emphasis on cultural forces and parameters as well as environmental
MGT 484 Organizational Behavior—Use of behavioral science-based knowledge to focus
on three levels of behavior in an industrial organization: individual, group, and
organizations. Within this framework, topics such as motivation to work, leadership,
organizational communication, organization and control, union and management relations,
and human resources accounting are examined. The objective is to provide an in-depth
study of the directing function of management.
MGT 490 Management Internship—Practical experience in management with an approved
organization under the direct supervision of a corporate line officer and general supervision
of the management faculty.
MGT 492 Special Topics in Management—Current developments in management.
MGT 499 Strategic Management—Integrates knowledge acquired in accounting, economics,
finance, operations management, information systems, management, and marketing in the
formation of business strategies. Students use case studies, diagnose problems, and propose
solutions for actual companies.
HSM 300 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry—Survey course encompassing the
hospitality industry.
HSM 315 Hospitality Industry Cost Control—The application of accounting, finance, and
cost control principles of hospitality industry organizations. The focus of this course is to
provide future food service and lodging organization managers with the ability to handle the
unique problems regarding financial analysis and cost control in the industry.
HSM 320 Front Office Management—Organization, function, and management of hotel
HSM 410 Facilities Management, Layout, and Design—Layout and design for efficient
management of hospitality facilities. Organization and management of a facilities
maintenance system and preventive maintenance and energy management programs.
HSM 425 Services Marketing—A study of the unique problems associated with the
marketing a services, tools for service markets, and of alternative strategies with which to
improve service marketing effectiveness.
HSM 480 Hospitality Industry Marketing—Application of marketing principles and
practices for the specialized needs of the hospitality industry.
HSM 490 Services Management Internship—Practical experience in services with an
approved organization under the direct supervision of an executive and general supervision
of the management/marketing faculty.
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Graduate Courses:
MBA 550 Theory of Management—An analysis of managerial functions, concepts, and
practices within organizations; directed toward and understanding of basic functions,
concepts, practices, theories, principles, terminology, and methodologies of management to
learn skills and competencies and to apply these through the use of case analysis.
MBA 560 Theory of Marketing—An analysis of marketing functions, concepts, and
practices in managerial decision making.
MKT 600 Strategic Marketing—Analytical approach to strategy formulation as it relates to
marketing management and decision making activities of business enterprises. Emphasis on
product, price, distribution, promotional activities, and research approaches to improve
marketing practice.
MKT 620 Advanced Consumer Behavior—An analysis of macro and micro consumer
behavior. Particular emphasis is placed on the consumer decision process in the market
MKT 690 Marketing Special Problems—Individual study to involve an in-depth analysis of
the written report on a particular area of marketing selected to meet the needs and interest of
each individual student.
MGT 601 Applied Decision Science—Designed to help students understand and apply
management science and statistical models in a dynamic, competitive decision making
environment using microcomputer technology. Emphasis is on the use of information
technology and formal models in functional areas of marketing, production, and finance.
These models are based upon principles from microeconomics; accounting/finance/control,
operations, marketing and strategic planning/business policy.
MGT 640 Managing in a Global Environment—An analysis of the global environment and
its implications for managerial decision making with an emphasis on gaining an
understanding of the factors that lead to changes in the pattern of world production and
trade, technology, the political-legal environment, exchange rates and trade policy; analyzing
problems in a global sense.
MGT 690 Management Special Problems—Application of management principles and
research methods to the study of special problem in management select to meet the particular
needs and interest of each individual student.
MGT 695 Strategic Project Management—An integrative approach to strategy, formulation
and decision making to achieve organizational objectives using case analysis and projects.
Norfolk State University
MKT 366 Principles of Marketing—Survey of the field of marketing, concentrating on the
marketing mix. Significant emphasis on the relationship between marketing activities and
the consumer, the ethical and international aspects of marketing in entrepreneurial and
corporate environments.
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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MGT 365 Organizational Behavior and Theory— Study of organizational behavior and the
various social units including individuals, groups, and group of groups-that constitute
organizations. Exploration of relevant theories of the relations and processes among
individuals, in and between groups, and in and between organizations. Through experiential
approaches, develops social and analytical skills for leadership and membership in
MGT 415 International Management— Analysis of the operations and the managerial
strategies of various types of businesses in the international setting. Focus on the
intellectual, political, social, economic, and moral issues that the business and government
leaders must face in dealing with international business problems.
MGT 478 Strategic Management—Study of formulating and implementing business and
corporate strategic plans and evaluating management strategic performance in complex
business environments including the corporate mission and objectives, industry analysis,
competitive analysis, environmental analysis, business, corporate, and international strategy.
HRM 100 Professional Development—Study of career development, professional conduct,
portfolio development, interviewing etiquette and social development, customer service, and
proper dress.
HRM 112 Principles of Nutrition—The study of the science of food, the nutrients, and other
substances therein, and their action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease.
Also, the study of the processes by which the human body ingests, digests, absorbs,
transports, utilizes, and excretes food substances.
HRM 115 Introduction to Hospitality—Overview of various facets of the industry’s
restaurants, hotels, resorts, travel, tourism, and clubs. Emphasis on general operating
procedures and professional management principles with the inclusion of career planning
and exposure to role models.
HRM 120 Sanitation Principles—Study of sanitation standards for food and beverage
establishments, food-handling practices, and microorganisms and their control.
HRM 150 Tourism Principles—Study of cultural tourism, sociology of tourism, components
and supply, tourism development, economic role of tourism demand, the marketing of
tourism, and the international scope of tourism.
HRM 200 Computers in Hospitality—Study of computer applications used in the hospitality
industry. Emphasis on the different software packages available and the programs they run.
HRM 210 Front Office Management—Study of principles and procedures used in effective
hotel/motel front office management. Emphasis on operation of specific equipment,
planning and forecasting hospitality needs.
HRM 211 Housekeeping—Introduces the role of housekeeping in hospitality operations and
focuses on the planning of organization of various housekeeping tasks.
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HRM 220, 220L Introduction to Food Preparation/Laboratory—Introduction to commercial
food preparation, nutrition, standard product identification, and storage which includes
classroom instruction, demonstrations, and actual cooking experience. Emphasis on
explanations of techniques and procedures of quality/quantity food production.
HRM 230 Hospitality Accounting I—Study of the management aspects of accounting and
financial statement analysis as they relate to hospitality operations which begins with an
introduction to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and explains the system of
double-entry accounting. Emphasis on understanding analysis and interpretation of
financial statements, ratio analysis, internal control, pricing and cost management.
HRM 280 Dining Room and Beverage Management Operations—Introduction to the dining
room and beverage service operation found in the Hospitality Industry. Elements of
showmanship and techniques for promoting sound guest relations are stressed. Experience
in working on campus and off, in addition to attending regular classes.
HRM 300 Purchasing—Exploration of the procedures and practices utilized in purchasing
items and services for the hospitality industry. Emphasis on the procurement cycle, legal
aspects of purchasing, standards and specifications of items, sources of supplies, and
distribution systems.
HRM 310 Professional Development—Introduction to aspects of the hospitality industry and
related areas that are not available in regularly scheduled courses.
HRM 330 Hospitality Accounting II—Examination of various approaches to managerial
accounting from the perspective of hospitality operations. Emphasis on the cost-volumeprofit approach to decision making, use and source of working capital, cash-flow analysis,
investment decision-making, and market, as well as financial feasibility studies.
HRM 331 Food and Beverage Cost Control—Fundamentals of food, beverage, and labor
cost control for hotel and restaurant operations.
HRM 340 Travel and Tourism Marketing—Study of marketing principles and practices used
to meet the needs of the hospitality industry. Emphasis on the role of marketing, the role of
advertising and promotion in the hospitality, and effective use of marketing strategies in the
hospitality industry.
HRM 359, 359L Commercial Food Production/Laboratory—Principles and practices of
large quantity food preparation and service. Topics include Principles and Practices of Large
Quantity Food Preparation and Services, Production, Efficient Work Methods, Quality
Control, Safety, and Sanitary Food Handling. Laboratory food experiences included.
HRM 381 Facilities Layout and Design—Study of hospitality facilities, layouts, and designs,
exterior and interior; building systems; space allocations; equipment; and budgets.
HRM 391, 391L Management Internship/Laboratory—Supervised on-the-job management
training at selected facilities. Minimum of 250 clock hours required.
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HRM 400 Restaurant Management—Theories and principles of organization and
administration, the tools of managerial decision making, and the management process, with
particular reference to the hospitality industry.
HRM 401 Club and Resort Management—Survey of the organization and management of
member-owned and proprietary private clubs and resorts. Study of relationship between
board of directors, management, employees, club committees, and club members. Emphasis
on budget preparation, including applicable tax laws. Field trips required.
HRM 402 Management by Menu—Principles of menu planning applied to the food services
industry, including the menu and financial success, the menu and marketing, measuring
menu effectiveness, menu writing procedures, and menu analysis and feasibility. Principles
of table service for all types of food services.
HRM 403 Catering Management—Comprehensive overview of foodservice catering, the
provision of food and beverage service to patrons outside of the traditional restaurant setting.
Both on and off premise catering will be explored from the viewpoint of the operator
covering the areas of planning and start-up of a catering operation to the logistics, marketing
and production functions required for running a successful catering business.
HRM 440 Hospitality Sales and Advertising—Study of hospitality sales and advertising with
emphasis on practical sales techniques, proven approaches to selling to targeted markets, and
advertising’s role in sales.
HRM 462 Human Resource Management—Study of the relationship between individual
employees and the hospitality industry. Analysis of human behavior, attitudes, motivation
strategies, stress management, employee wages, and productivity.
HRM 471 Hospitality Industry Law—Introduction to fundamental laws and regulations
applied to the hospitality industry. The case-study approach is used to develop awareness
and understanding of the legal problems confronting the executive in his/her policy and
decision-making role.
HRM 481 Hospitality Property Management—Study of the problems of cost and operation
of pest control, security, parking, general cleaning and upkeep, laundry, fire prevention,
pools, tennis courts, and care of guest rooms and public space, with emphasis on equipment,
personnel, and modern innovations.
HRM 490 Senior Project—Emphasis on providing the student with the opportunity to
engage in a research project designed to showcase competence and developed managerial
HHD 240 Nutrition Assessment—Study to develop expertise in the scientific assessment of
the nutrition related health problems in chronic disease of both individuals and communities.
HHD 420 Public Health Nutrition—Study of public service, whether in government or the
private sector – as nutrition entrepreneurs – using innovation and creativity, to guide
individuals and communities to proper nutrition and good health.
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HHD 486 Clinical Nutrition—Study of the relationship between food and the well-being of
the body. The science of nutrients and how they are digested, absorbed, transported,
metabolized, stored, and discharged by the body. Includes how the environment affects the
quality and safety of foods, and how these factors influence health and disease.
Old Dominion University
MKTG 311 Marketing Principles and Problems—The design, distribution, pricing, and
promotion of goods, services, people, places, and causes. Course examines both national
and international markets and includes an introduction to the legal and ethical constraints on
MKTG 404 Sales Management—Material focuses on quantitative and qualitative goal
setting; management, control and evaluation of the sales program; selecting, training,
motivating, and evaluating the sales force.
MKTG 414 Ethics and Social Issues in Administration—An examination of the ethical and
social problems confronting administrators and personnel in dealing with discrimination in
employment practices, credit and financing, advertising, warranties and guarantees,
packaging and labeling, and environmental problems.
Industry Work Experience
Director, Nutrition and Clinic Services, Indiana State Department of Health, Division of
Nutrition/WIC Program, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Served as the Nutrition Coordinator for the State of Indiana. Coordinated and supervised the
Nutrition and Clinic Services Section for the Indiana WIC Program. Developed, monitored
and evaluated the Nutrition Education goals and objectives for the State's Nutrition
Education Plan. Developed and implemented all policies and procedures used in the local
agencies for the Indiana WIC Program. Developed, coordinated, monitored, and evaluated
discretionary funds and grant projects. Served as a member of the Indiana Interagency
Nutrition Education Committee and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program
(EFNEP) Advisory Committee. Served as liaison with other food and nutrition programs,
such as Five-a-Day and Food Stamps. Served on the National Risk Criteria Committee and
as a regional and national representative to the National Association of WIC Directors.
Hospital food service management, restaurant management, and wholesale meat
provider management. More than six years’ experience in providing all types of
management services including accounts payable, accounts receivable, inventory, personnel
functions, and payroll.
Nutritionist and State Consultant. More than twelve years’ experience as a consultant for
both the Indiana WIC Program and the Georgia WIC Program. Managed the WIC Program
including budgets and personnel issues. Provided both the certification and nutrition
education services to the participants as well as provided technical assistance, monitoring,
auditing, and evaluation of local agencies. Developed the Infant WIC Program at Grady
Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA.
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Consulting Experience:
Hillerich & Bradsby, Louisville, KY (2010)
Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH (2010)
O’Daniel and Associates, Norfolk, VA and Philadelphia, PA (2006-Present)
Risk Reduction Defensive Driving Schools, Inc., Snellville, GA (1998-Present)
Ruby Tuesday’s Restaurant, Virginia Beach, VA (2009-2013)
Heaven Sent Specialty Cakes and Desserts, Virginia Beach, VA (2000-2007)
Bloom Grocery Store, Virginia Beach, VA (2006-2009)
Baker’s Crust Restaurant, Norfolk, VA (2002-2005)
Bonefish Grill, Virginia Beach, VA (2005)
Edmunds, P., N. Kingsley, and R. Hochradel (2014). “Positing Augmented Reality as a
Marketing Tool for Jobs and Tourism in Northeast North Carolina.” Journal of Business
and Economics, 8 (August).
Hochradel, R., J. Long, C. Johnson, and H. Wells (2010). “The Effect of Diversity
Mandates: The Case of Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning.” Journal of Diversity
Management, 5(3).
Hochradel, R., J. Long, and C. Johnson (2010). “Team Teaching: Communication is the
Key when Integrating Graduate Coursework.” Association for Business Communication,
Hochradel, R. and P. Bunn (2010). “The Effect of Class Attendance on Course Outcomes in
Schools of Business.” The Journal of Business, Industry, and Economics, 14 (Spring).
Kirchner, T. and B. Hochradel (2005). “The Role of BCP Research,” Disaster Recovery
Journal, 18(3).
Edmunds, P., K. Nwala, and R. Hochradel (2013). “Can Augmented Reality Serve as a
Marketing Tool for Jobs and Tourism in Northeast North Carolina?” Marketing
Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, IL, February 27-March 1, 2013.
Hochradel, R., R. Dondeti, and G. Ross (2007). “The Search for Nutrition Information: The
Effect of Knowledge on Consumer Use,” American Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences 14th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 14(1): 711- 726.
Hochradel, R. and G. Ross (2006). “Nutrition Labeling: The Effect on Consumer Choice,”
SECHRIE Research Conference, Memphis, TN, 10(2), 46-52.
Ross, G. and R. Hochradel (2006). “Predicting Student Success,” SECHRIE Research
Conference, Memphis, TN, 10(2), 70-73.
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Hochradel, R. and E. Youssef (2015). “What Factors Impact College Choice? A
Comparison of Student Athletes and Non-Student Athletes Selection Criteria.” Marketing
Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, IL, March 25-27, 2015.
Hochradel, R. (2015). “Student Advising.” Panelist. FORBS, Cleveland, MS, January 22,
Hochradel, R. (2014). “Preparing the Tenure or Promotional Portfolio.” Panelist.
Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference, San Antonio, TX,
September 17-19, 2014.
Sylvest, B., L. Varner, and R. Hochradel (2013). “Critical Thinking and Concept Mapping.”
Mississippi Nurses Convention, Biloxi, MS, October 13, 2013.
Hochradel, R. (2013). “Professional Career to College Campus: Challenges and
Resources.” Panelist. Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference,
New Orleans, LA September 18-20, 2013.
Edmunds, P., K. Nwala, and R. Hochradel (2013). “Can Augmented Reality Serve as a
Marketing Tool for Jobs and Tourism in Northeast North Carolina?” Marketing
Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, IL, February 27-March 1, 2013.
Hochradel, R., C. Montgomery, and L. Magee (2012). “College Textbook Prices: Do
Students Know More Than Their Professors?” Marketing Management Association Fall
Educators’ Conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 19-21, 2012.
Hochradel, R. (2012). “Parental Involvement: A Comparison Between Community College
and University Marketing Students.” Marketing Management Association Spring
Conference, Chicago, IL, March 28-30, 2012.
Bunn, P. and R. Hochradel (2012). “Comparative Results of Two Studies: New
Technological and Social Media Needed by College of Business Majors and Courses taught
to Prepare Students for These Skills.” Federation of Business Disciplines/Association of
Business Communication Southwest Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 29-March 3,
Hochradel, R. (2011). “Student Evaluation Feedback: Using the Results Productively.”
Panelist. Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference, St. Louis, MO
September 21-23, 2011.
Hochradel, R. and V. R. Dondeti (2011). “Framing of Nutrition Messages, Consumer
Knowledge, and Consumer Penchants Impacting Food Selection.” Marketing Management
Association Spring Conference, Chicago, IL, March 23-25, 2011.
Edmunds, P., R. Hochradel, and J. Chen (2011). “Gaming Women: An Emerging Target
for Advergaming.” Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, IL,
March 23-25, 2011.
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Bunn, P. and R. Hochradel (2010). “Communication Skills, Software, New Technological
and Social Media Needed by Mississippi Delta Businesses.” Association of Business
Communication Conference, Chicago, IL, October 26-30, 2010.
Hochradel, R. and G. Ross (2010). “Using Value Chains to Integrate the Marketing and
Operations Curriculums.” Panelist. Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’
Conference, Indianapolis, IN, September 29-October 1, 2010.
Hochradel, R. and M. Gopinath (2010). “Choosing Healthy Foods: The Consumer
Behaviors that Lead to Healthy Selections when Eating at Restaurants.” Academy of
Marketing Science Annual Conference, Portland, OR, May 26-29, 2010.
Hochradel, R., P. Bunn, and T. Kirchner (2010). “Higher Education: Do Attendance
Policies Contribute to Student Success?” FORBS, Cleveland, MS, January 19, 2010.
Bunn, P. and R. Hochradel (2009). “Higher Education: Does How Instructors Reward Class
Attendance Contribute to Student Success?” Association for Business Communication,
Portsmouth, VA, November 5-7, 2009.
Hochradel, R., J. Long, and C. Johnson (2009). “The Effect of Diversity Mandates: The
Case of Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning.” International Industrial Relations &
Human Resources Conference, Louisville, KY, November 6-7, 2009.
Bunn, P. and Hochradel, R. (2009). "Higher Education: Does Class Attendance Contribute
to Student Success?" Delta Research and Scholarship Symposium, Cleveland, MS, March
31-April 1, 2009.
Hochradel, R. and M. Gopinath (2009). “Choosing Healthy Foods: The Consumer
Behaviors that Lead to Healthy Selections when Eating Food Away From Home.” 2009 ACR
Asia-Pacific Conference, Hyderabad, India, January 2-4, 2009.
Bunn, P. and R. Hochradel (2008). “Does Class Attendance Contribute to Student Success
in Higher Education?” The Association for Business Communication, 73rd Annual
Convention, Incline Village, NV, October 30-November 1, 2008.
Hochradel, R. (2008). “Class Attendance & Grades: What the Research Shows.” Delta
State University Academic Success Workshops, September 3, 2008.
Hochradel, R. and P. Bunn (2008). “Higher Education: Does Class Attendance Contribute
to Student Success?” 10th Annual Society of Business, Industry, and Economics Conference,
Destin, FL, April 15-18, 2008.
Coats, R. M., R. Hochradel, and G. Karahan (2008). “The Economic Impact to High School
Drop-outs in Mississippi.” 10th Annual Society of Business, Industry, and Economics
Conference, Destin, FL, April 15-18, 2008.
Coats, R. M., R. Hochradel, and G. Karahan (2008). “Cost of Dropping Out and Benefit of
Going On: Economic Consequences of High School Drop-outs in Mississippi.” Delta
Research and Scholarship Symposium, Cleveland, MS, April 15-16, 2008.
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Hochradel, R. and M. Gopinath (2008). “Choosing Healthy Foods: The Consumer
Behaviors that Lead to Healthy Selections at Casual Dining Restaurants.” The Dean’s
Seminar, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, March 21, 2008.
O’Daniel, R. and R. Hochradel (2007). “Beyond the Program Development and Evaluation
Dichotomy: Tools for Keeping the Dough.” Second Annual College Prep Roundtable
Conference, Philadelphia, PA, August 20-21, 2007.
Hochradel, R., R. Dondeti, and G. Ross (2007). “The Search for Nutrition Information: The
Effect of Knowledge on Consumer Use,” American Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences 14th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, February 22-25, 2007.
Hochradel, R. (2006). “Nutrition Information: Do Consumers Understand and Use the
Information Provided?” Norfolk State University Research Seminar, Norfolk, VA,
November 14, 2006.
Hochradel, R. and G. Ross (2006). “Nutrition Labeling: The Effect on Consumer Choice,”
SECHRIE Research Conference, Memphis, TN, October 27-28, 2006.
Ross, G. and R. Hochradel (2006). “Predicting Student Success,” SECHRIE Research
Conference, Memphis, TN, October 27-28, 2006.
Hochradel, R. (2006). “Marketing Ethical Decision Making Models: The Missing
Component,” American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Annual Conference,
Las Vegas, NV, February 24, 2006.
Hochradel, R. (2005). “Ethical Decision Making Models,” University Technology Meeting,
Norfolk State University, Higher Education Center, Virginia Beach, VA. October 4, 2005.
Working Papers:
Selection of Healthy Foods when Eating Out
Healthy Food versus Unhealthy Food and Use of Nutrition Information
Consumer Characteristics in Use of Nutrition Labeling
Consumer use of Nutrition Information when Eating Out
Diversity: The Impact of History on Changes in Diversity
Parental Involvement: A Comparison between Community College and University Students
Recruiting Students
Alcohol, Age, and State Laws: The Effect on DUI Rates
Ethical Choices and Stock Value
Determinants of Interpretation of Ethical Behavior
Grants Awarded:
Dulce Fund award sponsored by Delta State University and Dr. Leila Wynn for $ 500.00
Dulce Fund award sponsored by Delta State University and Dr. Leila Wynn for $ 500.00
Dulce Fund award sponsored by Delta State University and Dr. Leila Wynn for $ 500.00
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Dulce Fund award sponsored by Delta State University and Dr. Leila Wynn for $ 500.00
Dulce Fund award sponsored by Delta State University and Dr. Leila Wynn for $ 475.00
Dulce Fund award sponsored by Delta State University and Dr. Leila Wynn for $ 1198.00
Dulce Fund award sponsored by Delta State University and Dr. Leila Wynn for $ 898.00
Research Initiative Award funded by the Office of Sponsored Programs at Norfolk State
University, Norfolk, VA for $ 7850.00 (2007)
Going Places grant funded by the US Department of Labor, Washington, DC for
$ 1,600,000.00 (2000-2003)
University Service:
University Committees:
Delta State University:
Attendance and Grievance Appeals Committee (2008-Present)
Faculty Award Committee (2007-Present)
Faculty Senate (Alternate), Delta State University (2009-Present)
Foundations of Excellence Improvement Committee (2008-Present)
Honors Committee (2008-Present)
General Education Curriculum Committee (2008-Present) (Chair 2009-Present)
Quality Enhancement Plan Committee (2011-Present)
President Search Committee (2013)
Provost/Vice President of Student Affairs Search Committee (2013)
Research Committee (2008-Present) (Chair 2011-Present)
Writing Across the Curriculum Committee (2008-Present)
Norfolk State University:
Faculty Senate, Norfolk State University (2001-2004)
Student-Faculty Grievance Committee (2001-2003)
College/Division Committees:
Delta State University:
Delta Mu Delta Faculty Advisor (2011-Present)
Hospitality Curriculum Committee (2007-Present)
International Business Symposium (2007-Present)
Management Curriculum Committee (2010-Present)
Marketing Curriculum Committee (2007-Present)
Portfolio Assessment Committee (Lead) (2008-Present)
SAP Faculty Coordinator (2011-Present)
Student Advisory Panel for the International Symposium (Lead) (2007-Present)
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Norfolk State University
School of Business Curriculum Committee (2005-2007)
School of Business Faculty Search Committee (2004-2005)
School of Business Technology Committee (2006-2007)
School of Business Instructional Resources Committee (2003-2005)
Hospitality Curriculum Committee (2001-2007)
National Society for Minorities in Hospitality (Faculty Advisor) (2005-2007)
National Society for Minorities in Hospitality Conference Planning Committee (2002)
Professional Service:
Judge, MS Social Business Challenge (2014)
Judge, Collegiate Chapters Council of the American Marketing Association Case
Competition (2013-Present)
Okra Scholars Mentor (2015-Present)
Reviewer, Journal of Research in Business Information Systems (2014-Present)
Reviewer, International Industrial Relations and Human Resources Conference (2010)
Reviewer, Academy of Marketing Science Conference (2013-Present)
Reviewer, Professional Meeting Management (6th Edition) textbook (2014)
Reviewer, Marketing Management Association (2012-Present)
Session Chair, Marketing Management Association Conference (2012-Present)
Track Chair, Marketing Management Association Conference (2013-Present)
Professional Associations:
American Marketing Society
American Dietetic Association
Delta Mu Delta Honor Society
Marketing Management Association
Mississippi Dietetic Association
National Society of Minorities in Hospitality
Omicron Delta Kappa
Community Service:
Exchange Club of Cleveland (2014-Present)
Financial Counselor (2000-Present)
Judeo-Christian Outreach Center (2000-2005)
Mary/Martha Ministries, President (2001-2004)
Student Ministries (2001-2004)
Women’s Ministries (2005-2006)
Awards, Certifications, Accomplishments, and Professional Development:
SE Kossman Faculty Award, Delta State University, 2015
HEADWAE Award, Delta State University, 2015
Rebecca F. Hochradel, Ph.D., R.D.
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Registered Dietitian, American Dietetic Association, May 1986-Present
Delta Mu Delta, 2011-Present
Omicron Delta Kappa, 2010-Present
Member, Board of Directors, National Association of WIC Directors (NAWD), 1997-1998
Chair, Nutrition Coordinators Section, NAWD, 1998
Chair-elect, Nutrition Coordinators Section, NAWD, 1997
National Risk Factor Criteria Committee, NAWD, 1996-1998
Mid-West Regional Representative, Nutrition Section, NAWD, 1996
Speaker, annual meeting, NAWD, 1997
Speaker, regional meeting, Mid-West Region State WIC Directors, 1995
Speaker, annual meeting, American Dietetic Association, 1987, 1988
Professional Development:
Voice Thread Training, Delta State University, October 23, 2014
Introduction to ERP, SAP Training, Delta State University, May 11-13, 2011
Advanced Techniques: ANOVA, SPSS Training Center, New York City, NY, July 20-21,
Introduction to Statistical Analysis using SPSS, SPSS Training Center, Washington, DC,
June 2-3, 2008
ELN 103: An Introduction to Web Design, OIT, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS,
March 31, 2009
ELN 105: Configuring Your Virtual Desktop, OIT, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS,
April 2, 2009
ELN 201: Effective (and Efficient) Pedagogies, OIT, Delta State University, Cleveland,
MS, April 8, 2008
ELN 202: Grading Faster, Grading Better, OIT, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS,
April 15, 2008
ELN 301: Designing Hybrid and Fully Online Courses, OIT, Delta State University,
Cleveland, MS, April 14, 2009
ELN 302: Lecture Online: Podcasting for Professors, OIT, Delta State University,
Cleveland, MS, March 3, 2009
GST 600: Professional Development Seminar, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS,
August-December 2007.
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