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MONTGOMERY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (MCCC) & LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Transfer Guide for Mathematics (A.A.) at MCCC to Mathematics (B.A.) at La Salle University MCCC Courses cr. 3 3 La Salle University Equivalent Courses ENG 110 College Writing I: Persuasion Social Science credit cr. 3 3 4 3 3 MTH 120 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I COM 150 Presentation Skills CSC280 Object Programming 4 3 (4) 3* ENG 102 English Composition II MAT 211 Foundations of Mathematical Proof MAT 201 Calculus II ART 101, ART 102, ART 103, or MUS 110 recommended Elective: any PHI except 215 recommended 3 3 4 3 ENG 210 College Writing II: Research MTH 302 Foundations of Mathematics MTH 221 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II Fine Arts credit 3 3 4 3 3 Philosophy Core Qualifier (see notes on reverse side) 3 ENG 221 or ENG 222 recommended PHY 151 Principles of Physics I MAT 202 Calculus III Elective: PHI 215 Comparative Religions recommended 3 4 4 3 Literature credit PHY 105 General Physics I MTH 222 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III Religion Core Qualifier 3 4 4 3 HIS 102 or HIS 205 Elective: MAT 220 Linear Algebra with Applications MAT 223 Differential Equations Elective Core Goal 10 Exercise and Health Sciences: PSY 255 Human Sexuality or ESW 206 Basic Nutrition 3 4 4 3 3 History credit MTH 240 Linear Algebra and Applications MTH 322 Differential Equations See advising notes on reverse side PSY 250 Human Sexuality, elective credit (other courses listed for Core Goal 10 will not transfer) 3 4 4 3 3 ENG 101 English Composition I ECO 121, POL 124, PSY 101, or SOC 101 recommended MAT 190 Calculus I SPC 120 Public Speaking CIS 111 Computer Science I 63 63 MCCC-La Salle Dual Admission Students: Please refer to the Dual Admission application for eligibility requirements. Students interested in applying to La Salle through the Dual Admission program must sign the Dual Admission Application before completing 45 college-level credits. The Dual Admission Agreement includes a Core-to-Core component. Under the Dual Admission agreement, La Salle University’s Core will essentially be fulfilled by the Core at Montgomery County Community College. In order to meet the requirements of La Salle’s Core, students must take CORE Qualifiers – one Philosophy course, one Religion course and one Computer Science course – at La Salle if they have not taken courses at MCCC that will fulfill these requirements. See recommendations on the reverse side under “Advising Notes Related to Core Qualifiers” for which specific MCCC courses will fulfill these requirements. Non-Dual Admission students who transfer to La Salle University will be required to complete the entire La Salle Core, which includes (but is not limited to) two courses in Writing, Religion, Philosophy, Literature, the Social Sciences, History and Fine Arts or Foreign Language, as well as one in Math, Speech, Information Technology and a Natural Science. Coursework can be taken at La Salle or prior to transfer. Seek advisement for course options and visit the La Salle website,, to view the current course catalog. * When equivalent courses are worth different credit amounts, the course will be satisfied and the amount of credit earned will transfer. See Notes on Reverse Side 2 MONTGOMERY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (MCCC) & LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Transfer Guide for Mathematics (A.A.) at MCCC to Mathematics (B.A.) at La Salle University Advising Notes Related to Core Qualifiers: 1) La Salle will accept up to 70 transfer credits. The following courses may be taken as electives or additional coursework to satisfy Core Qualifiers for the Dual Admission program. If they are not taken at MCCC they will have to be taken at La Salle: a. Any Philosophy (PHI) course except 215 will satisfy La Salle’s Philosophy Core Qualifier. b. PHI 215 satisfies La Salle’s Religion Core Qualifier. 2) Mathematics majors at La Salle are required to take CSM 154 Mathematical Technology which fulfills the Computer Science core requirement. There isn’t an equivalent course at MCCC. It is therefore recommended to wait until transferring to La Salle to take this course rather than take CIS 110 or CIS 155 at MCCC as a Computer Science Core Qualifier. Additional Advising Notes: 1) Students interested in earning a B.S. in Mathematics are recommended to take PHY 152 Principles of Physics II at MCCC as an elective to satisfy PHY 106 General Physics II, a requirement of this degree. 2) For the general Electives, certain courses will not transfer, such as Dance, ESW and Theater courses. Dual Admission students, see Core Qualifier notes above. Non-Dual Admission students should contact La Salle for advisement regarding transferable credit that satisfies La Salle’s core requirements. 3) The maximum number of credits that a student may transfer to La Salle is 70. Please be advised that students must complete at least half of their major courses at La Salle. 4) This transfer guide is subject to change. MCCC students are strongly advised to contact an MCCC advisor or counselor for up-to-date information. Following these guidelines does not guarantee the transfer of credit or admission to La Salle University. Students are strongly advised to use this guide with the assistance of an MCCC counselor or advisor. Contact Information La Salle University School of Arts and Sciences, 215 951 1042 Julie Valenti, Assistant Dean, [email protected] Sally Rooney, Assistant Dean, [email protected] Transfer Admission, 215 951 1400 Christina Foley, Assistant Director, [email protected] Montgomery County Community College Stefanie Crouse, Interim Transfer Coordinator, [email protected] 215 461 1119 Revised 10/13