
MIOSHA-STD-1109 (10/15) For further information 10 Pages Ph: 517-284-7740

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MIOSHA-STD-1109 (10/15) For further information 10 Pages Ph: 517-284-7740
MIOSHA-STD-1109 (10/15)
10 Pages
For further information
Ph: 517-284-7740
Filed with the Secretary of State on October 1, 1971 (as amended July 5, 1974) (as amended October 28, 1976)
(as amended November 7, 1980) (as amended February 15, 1984)
(as amended April 28, 2006) (as amended January 10, 2013)
These rules become effective 14 days after filing with the Secretary of State
(By authority conferred on the director of the department of licensing and regulatory affairs
by sections 16 and 21 of 1974 PA 154, and Executive Reorganization Order Nos. 1996-2, 2003-1, 2008-4,
and 2011-4, MCL 445.2001, 445,2011, 445.2025, and 445.2030)
R 408.10801, R 408.10807 and R 408.10823 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended, as follows:
Table of Contents:
R 408.10801. Scope. ................................................... 1
R 408.10823. Class “B” extinguishers. ......................... 5
R 408.10803. Definitions; A to C. ................................ 1
R 408.10824. Class “C” extinguishers.......................... 6
R 408.10804. Definitions; E to I. .................................. 2
R 408.10825. Class “D” extinguishers.......................... 6
R 408.10805. Definitions; L to O. ................................. 2
R 408.10826. Class “K” extinguishers. ......................... 6
R 408.10807. Obtaining referenced standards. ........... 2
MAINTENANCE .................................................... 7
R 408.10808. Employers’ responsibilities. ................... 2
IDENTIFICATION ........................................................ 2
R 408.10831. Location. ................................................ 7
R 408.10811. Classification. ........................................ 2
R 408.10833. Installation. ............................................. 7
R 408.10812. Labels. ................................................... 2
R 408.10835. Inspection; maintenance or recharge
R 408.10813. Classes of fire; type and contents
date tag; replacement; maintenance of dry
of extinguisher. ...................................................... 2
chemical extinguishers........................................... 7
R 408.10814. Vapor toxicity. ........................................ 3
R 408.10836. Testing. .................................................. 7
DISTRIBUTION ........................................................... 4
R 408.10837. Recharging. ........................................... 8
R 408.10821. Number and classes. ............................ 4
R 408.10839. Removal and return of extinguishers. .... 8
R 408.10822. Class “A” extinguishers. ........................ 4
R 408.10801. Scope.
Rule 801. (1) The rules of this part apply to the
installation, use, inspection, maintenance and testing
of portable fire extinguishers in, around and about
places of employment. The provisions of this part are
the minimum requirements for portable fire
extinguishers. A specific rule may be set forth in other
General Industry Safety Standards where, due to
process hazards, additional portable fire extinguishers
may be required.
(2) Where the employer has established and
implemented a written fire safety policy which requires
the immediate and total evacuation of employees from
the workplace upon the sounding of a fire alarm signal
and which includes an emergency action plan and a
fire prevention plan which meet the requirements of
General Industry Safety Standard Part 6 “Fire Exits,”
R 408.10623 and R 408.10624 respectively,
and when extinguishers are not available in the
workplace, the employer is exempt from all
requirements of this standard unless a specific General
Industry Standard requires that a portable fire
extinguisher be provided.
R 408.10803. Definitions; A to C.
Rule 803. (1) “Approved label” means a label or
other identifying mark of a nationally recognized testing
laboratory such as Underwriters’ Laboratories,
Incorporated, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or
Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada that maintains a
periodic inspection of production of labeled fire
equipment or materials and by whose labeling is
indicated compliance with nationally recognized
standards or tests to determine suitable usage in a
specified manner.
(2) “Class “A” fire” means a fire that has as its
fuel ordinary combustible material such as wood, cloth,
paper, rubber and many plastics.
(3) “Class “B” fire” means a fire that has as its
fuel flammable liquids, gases or greases.
(4) “Class “C” fire” means a fire that involves
energized electrical equipment where the nonconductivity of the extinguishing agent is necessary to
prevent shock. The fuel consumed by a class “C” fire
will be classed as A, B, or D.
(5) “Class “D” fire” means a fire that involves the
oxidation reaction of combustible metals such as
magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium or potassium.
(6) “Class “K” fire” means a fire in cooking
appliances that involve combustible vegetable or
animal oils and fats.
(b) The following Michigan occupational safety
and health standards are referenced in these rules. Up
to 5 copies of these standards may be obtained at no
charge from the Michigan Department of Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs, MIOSHA Standards Section, 7150
Harris Drive, P.O. Box 30643, Lansing, Michigan,
48909-8143 or via the internet at website:
www.michigan.gov/mioshastandards. For quantities
greater than 5, the cost, as of the time of adoption of
these rules, is 4 cents per page.
General Industry Safety Standard Part 9
“Fixed Fire Equipment,” R 408.10901 to R 408.10999.
(ii) General Industry Safety Standard Part 6“Fire
Exits,” R 408.10601 to R 408.10697.
R 408.10808. Employers’ responsibilities.
Rule 808. (1) An employer in control of a property
where extinguishers are required shall be responsible
for compliance with this part.
(2) A portable extinguisher shall be maintained
in a fully charged and operable condition and kept at its
designated place ready for use, except as prescribed
in R 408.10839.
R 408.10804. Definitions; E to I.
Rule 804. (1) “Extinguisher” means a portable fire
(2) “High hazard” means a condition where the
amount of combustibles or flammable liquids present is
such that a fire of severe magnitude may be expected.
These may include woodworking, auto repair, aircraft
servicing, warehouses with high piled (over 15 feet in
solid piles, over 12 feet in piles that contain horizontal
channels), combustibles and processes such as
flammable liquid handling, painting and dipping.
(3) “Inspection” means a check to see if an
extinguisher is in its designated place with no obvious
damage or defects that would prevent operation.
R 408.10811. Classification.
Rule 811. (1) An extinguisher shall be classified by
suitability for a class of fire as defined in R 408.10803
and rated for extinguishing capability.
(2) The classification shall consist of a letter
which indicates the class of fire on which the
extinguisher has been found effective, preceded by a
rating numeral, for class “A” and “B” only, which rates
the extinguishing potential of the extinguisher. See
tables 3 and 4.
R 408.10805. Definitions; L to O.
Rule 805. (1) “Low hazard” means a condition where
combustibles or flammable liquids would create a
beginning fire of minimal intensity in occupancies such
as, but not limited to, offices, schools exclusive of trade
schools and shops, and public buildings.
(2) “Ordinary hazard” means a condition where
combustibles would create a beginning fire of average
or medium intensity in occupancies such as, but not
limited to, department stores, warehouses and
manufacturing buildings of average hazard.
R 408.10812. Labels.
Rule 812. (1) A new extinguisher shall bear an
approved label indicating its class and rating.
(2) An extinguisher effective on more than 1
class of fire shall have multiple letter and numeral-letter
classifications and ratings.
R 408.10807. Obtaining referenced standards.
Rule 807. (1) The following referenced standards
are available for review at the offices of the Michigan
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs,
MIOSHA Standards Section, 7150 Harris Drive,
Lansing, Michigan 48909-8143, and are available as
(a) The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49,
Transportation, Volume 2, Chapter I, Parts 100 to 177,
stock number: 869-074-00212-1 and The Code of
Federal Regulations, Title 49, Transportation, Volume
3, Chapter I, Parts 178 to 199, stock number: 869-07400213-9, may be obtained from the U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington DC, 20402; telephone
number: 888-293-6498; or via the internet at website:
http://bookstore.gpo.gov; at a cost, as of the time of
adoption of these rules of $70.00 each.
R 408.10813. Classes of fire; type and contents of
Rule 813. (1) An extinguisher shall be selected and
provided for protection against a specific class or
classes of fire in accordance with table 1.
(2) Table 1 reads as follows:
Class “A” fire
Foam, loaded stream, multi purpose dry chemical, pressureoperated water, water pump tanks.
Class “B” fire
Carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam, loaded stream, multipurpose
dry chemical, bromotrifluoromethane.
Class “C” fire
Carbon dioxide with plastic horn only, dry chemical, multipurpose
dry chemical, bromotrifluoromethane.
Class “D” fire
Extinguishing agent listed for use on a specific combustible metal
Class “K” fire
Potassium acetate, potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, or a
combination of these chemicals mixed with water.
R 408.10814. Vapor toxicity.
Rule 814. (1) An extinguisher or extinguishing
device containing an active agent or propellant whose
thermal decomposition produce or products have a
level of vapor toxicity equal to or greater than any of
the materials listed in table 2 shall not be used,
installed for use, or allowed to remain installed for use.
(2) Table 2 reads as follows:
(3) Soldered or riveted shell self-generating soda
acid or self-generating foam or gas cartridge watertype portable fire extinguishers which are operated by
inverting the extinguisher to rupture the cartridge or to
initiate an uncontrollable pressure generating chemical
reaction to expel the agent shall be removed from
service on the effective date of this part.
Carbon tetrachloride,
Azeotropic chlormethane,
1, 2-dibromo-2-chloro-1, 1,2-trifluorothane,
1, 2-dibromo-2, 2-difluorothane,
Methyl bromide,
Ethylene dibromide,
Hydrogen bromide,
Methylene bromide,
(6) A floor area of a building less than that
specified in table 3 shall have at least 1 class “A”
extinguisher of the minimum size.
(7) The requirements of table 3 may be fulfilled
by extinguishers of lower ratings whose numerical
ratings are equal to or exceed the minimum rating for
the area specified, except that an extinguisher with a
rating of less than “2A” shall not be acceptable.
(8) Protection requirements shall be considered
fulfilled if extinguishers of a higher rating are provided
and the travel distance does not exceed 75 feet.
(9) Within a location where an approved
automatic sprinkler system is provided, the square feet
area limitation prescribed in table 3 shall not apply for
the protection requirements of class “A” extinguishers.
The 75 feet travel distance to an extinguisher shall not
be exceeded.
(10) The employer may use uniformly spaced
standpipe and hose systems or sprinkler system hose
stations where installed for emergency use by
employees instead of class “A” portable fire
extinguishers if such systems meet the requirements
as prescribed in General Industry Safety Standard,
Part 9. Fixed Fire Equipment, being R 408.10921 to
R 408.10937.
R 408.10821. Number and classes.
Rule 821. The number and classes of extinguishers
needed shall be based on the area of the building or
occupancy, the severity of the hazard and the
anticipated classes of fire.
R 408.10822. Class “A” extinguishers.
Rule 822. (1) The number of class “A” fire
extinguishers required shall be in accordance with
table 3.
(2) Travel distance to the nearest extinguisher
shall not be more than 75 feet.
(3) A class “A” extinguisher shall be provided for
a combustible building, interior finish and contents
having class “A” fire potential in accordance with
table 3.
(4) A combustible building having an occupancy
hazard subject to class “B” or “C” fires shall have the
required class “A” extinguishers in addition to class “B”
or “C” extinguishers except that if the fire extinguisher
has more than 1 letter classification, it may be
considered to satisfy the requirements of both
(5) A class “A” extinguisher shall be located on
the same floor as the hazard.
Table 3 reads as follows:
Table 3
(Low) Hazard
Ordinary (Moderate)
Hazard Occupancy
(High) Hazard
Minimum rated single
Maximum floor area
per unit of A
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
Maximum floor area
for extinguisher
sq. ft.**
sq. ft.**
sq. ft.**
Maximum travel
distance to
75 ft.
75 ft.
75 ft.
* Two 2 1/2 gal. (9.46 L) water type extinguishers can be used to fulfill the requirements
of one 4-A rated extinguisher
The dotted square shows the maximum area (11,250 sq. ft.) (1,045 sq. m .)
that an extinguisher can protect within the limits of the 75-ft. 22.7 m) radius.
R 408.10823. Class “B” extinguishers.
Rule 823. (1) A class “B” extinguisher shall be
provided according to the severity of the hazard listed
in table 4, except as required by subrule (3) of this rule.
(2) A foam extinguisher only of a lower rating,
not to exceed 3, may be used to fulfill this rule.
(3) An open tank in a building having flammable
liquids in depth exceeding 1/4 inch shall be provided
with an extinguisher on a basis of 1 numerical unit of
class “B” extinguishing agent per square foot of the
surface area of the largest tank hazard within the area.
An open tank in a building having an area of more than
100 square feet shall be provided with a fixed
extinguishing system in addition to the required
portable units.
An open tank in a building having an area of more than
100 square feet and protected by a fixed system shall
be provided with portable units to protect an area to a
maximum of 100 square feet.
(4) Travel distance to the nearest class “B”
extinguisher in a building shall be not more than 50
feet. A class “B” extinguisher of a higher rating may be
used but the travel distance shall be not more than 50
(5) Widely separated hazards, such as but not
limited to kitchens, boiler rooms, and paint storage
rooms shall be protected with an extinguisher for the
type of hazard present, if the travel distance exceeds
25 feet.
(6) Table 4 reads as follows:
(For Extinguishers labeled prior to June 1, 1969)
(For Extinguishers labeled after
June 1, 1969)
R 408.10824. Class “C” extinguishers.
Rule 824. At least one 15 pound CO2 or equivalent
class “C” extinguisher as listed in table 1 shall be
provided within 25 feet of a high hazard area
containing an electrical distribution source including,
but not limited to, a generator, transformer bank or
main switch gear immediately downstream from a
service entrance. Since fire itself is a class “A” or “B”
hazard, the extinguisher shall be sized and located
according to the anticipated class “A” or “B” fire.
R 408.10826. Class “K” extinguishers.
Rule 826. (1) A class ‘K’ extinguisher shall be
provided for hazards where there is a potential for fires
involving combustible vegetable or animal oils and fats.
(2) A placard shall be conspicuously placed near
the extinguisher that states that the fire protection
system shall be activated before using the fire
(3) A class “K” extinguisher shall be maintained
within 30 feet (9.15 m) from the hazards.
(4) Class “K” fire extinguishers manufactured
after January 1, 2002, shall not be equipped with
“extended wand-type” discharge devices.
(5) Existing dry chemical extinguishers without a
Class “K” listing that were installed for the protection of
Class “K” hazards shall be replaced with an
extinguisher having Class “K” listing when the dry
chemical extinguishers become due for either a
6-year maintenance or hydrostatic test.
R 408.10825. Class “D” extinguishers.
Rule 825. (1) A class “D” extinguisher shall be used
on the specific combustible metal fire for which it has
been approved. The extinguisher shall be used
according to instructions on the nameplate.
(2) A class “D” extinguishing agent in a quantity
sufficient to provide a smothering blanket over the
burning material shall be maintained within 25 feet of a
combustible metal being machined or processed.
(3) The extinguishing agent may be applied
directly from a bulk container.
(3) An extinguisher shall receive a thorough
inspection at least once a year to insure operability. An
extinguisher requiring recharging or weighing shall be
maintained at least annually.
(4) An extinguisher showing evidence of
corrosion or mechanical injury shall be subjected to an
R 408.10836(2) or shall be replaced. A pump-type
water or anti-freeze extinguisher or a nonrefillable
container showing evidence of corrosion or mechanical
injury shall be replaced.
(5) Stored pressure dry chemical extinguishers
that require a 12-year hydrostatic test shall be emptied
every 6 years in compliance with applicable
maintenance procedures. When recharging or
hydrostatic testing is performed, the 6- year
requirement shall begin from that date. Dry chemical
extinguishers having a nonrefillable disposable
container are exempt from this requirement.
R 408.10831. Location.
Rule 831. (1) An extinguisher shall be located where
it will be readily seen and accessible along normal
paths of travel.
(2) In a location where a visual obstruction
cannot be avoided, a sign, color symbol or other
means shall be used to indicate the location.
(3) Extinguishers of different classes grouped
together shall be marked in a manner to facilitate
proper choice in case of a fire. An extinguisher with an
extinguishing agent which conducts electricity shall
bear a label “not for electrical fires” with the letters
legible from a distance of 3 feet or more.
R 408.10833. Installation.
Rule 833. (1) An extinguisher shall be installed
securely on a hanger, in a bracket or mounted in a
cabinet unless it is wheeled type or cart mounted. A
means shall be used to indicate the location of an
extinguisher mounted in a cabinet or on a shelf. The
extinguisher shall be placed so that the operating
instructions face outward.
(2) An extinguisher having a gross weight of not
more than 40 pounds shall be installed so that the top
is not more than 5 feet above the floor. An extinguisher
having a gross weight of more than 40 pounds, except
a wheeled type or cart mounted extinguisher, shall be
installed so that the top is not more than 3 1/2 feet
above the floor. An extinguisher, except a wheeled
type or cart mounted extinguisher, shall be installed so
that the bottom is not less than 4 inches from the floor.
(3) An extinguisher shall be suitable for use
within a temperature range of not less than plus 40
degrees to plus 120 degrees Fahrenheit. An
extinguisher installed at a location subjected to
temperature extremes shall be of a type listed for the
temperature to which it will be exposed or shall be
placed in an enclosure capable of maintaining the
R 408.10836. Testing.
Rule 836. (1) An extinguisher shall receive an
approved hydrostatic test every 5 years, except for dry
chemical extinguishers with brazed brass, aluminum,
extinguishers; and dry powder extinguishers for metal
fires, which shall be tested every 12 years. The
hydrostatic test date shall be recorded on a suitable
metallized decal or equally durable material which has
been affixed by a heatless process to the shell of the
Extinguisher and which shows the date of the test, test
pressure, and the name of the person or agency
making the test. An extinguisher tested after July 5,
1974, shall have a label which will not retain its original
condition when removal from an extinguisher is
attempted. An extinguisher manufactured under the
specifications incorporated in subrule (2) of this rule
may have the inspection date and the serviceman’s or
firm’s name, initials, or symbol stamped into the
(2) An extinguisher, cylinder, or cartridge used
for storage of a compressed gas, manufactured as
prescribed by United States Department of
Transportation specifications, shall be hydrostatically
tested in accordance with the United States
Department of Transportation regulations prescribed in
49 C.F.R. Parts 179 to 190, 2004 edition, which are
incorporated herein by reference.
(3) A nitrogen cylinder or other cylinder for inert
gas, such as on a wheeled extinguisher, shall be
tested at not less than 5 year intervals.
(4) The hose and couplings on an extinguisher
equipped with a shut-off nozzle at the outlet end of the
hose shall have a hydrostatic test interval prescribed
for the unit on which the hose is installed.
R 408.10835. Inspection; maintenance or recharge
date tag; replacement; maintenance of dry
chemical extinguishers.
Rule 835. (1) An extinguisher or hose, as prescribed
in R 408.10822, shall be inspected monthly or at more
frequent intervals when circumstances require to
ensure that the extinguisher or hose complies with all
of the following provisions:
(a) Is at its designated place.
(b) Has not been actuated or tampered with.
(c) Does not have obvious damage, such as, but
not limited to, physical damage, external corrosion, or
other impairment.
(2) An extinguisher showing defects which would
possibly affect its operation shall be removed from
service and given a complete check. An extinguisher
shall have a tag attached to it showing the
maintenance or recharge date and the initials or
signature of the person who performed the service.
(5) A dry chemical and dry powder hose
assembly requiring a hydrostatic test shall be at a test
pressure of 300 pounds per square inch for 1 minute. A
carbon dioxide hose assembly requiring a hydrostatic
test shall be at a test pressure of 1,250 pounds per
square inch for 1 minute. Such hoses shall be tested
within a protective cage.
(6) An extinguisher subjected to an original
factory test pressure of 350 pounds per square inch or
more shall be tested at 75% of the factory test
pressure, but not less than 300 pounds per square inch
(see table 5).
(7) Table 5 reads as follows:
Hydrostatic Test Pressure Requirements - Non-ICC Shells
Shells Not Specified in U.S. Department of Transportation Regulations
400 psi or greater
75% of factory
test pressure
350-399 psi
300 psi
below 350 psi
75% of factory
test pressure
Foam – 500 psi factory test
Foam – 350 psi factory test
400 psi or greater
75% of factory test pressure
350-399 psi
300 psi
below 350
75% of factory test pressure
All Dry Chemical and Dry
Stored-Pressure or CartridgeOperated Water-Type
(including Anti-Freeze and
R 408.10837. Recharging.
Rule 837. An employer maintaining his own
extinguisher shall use recharging materials of the class
specified on the extinguisher nameplate or
recommended by the manufacturer for recharging.
R 408.10839. Removal and return of extinguishers.
Rule 839. An employer shall assure that an
extinguisher of the same classification or the
equivalent alternate protection is provided when a
portable extinguisher is removed from its location for
service leaving less than the required minimum
number of extinguishers. An extinguisher returned to
service shall be fully charged and in operable
Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PO Box 30643
Lansing, Michigan 48909-8143
Ph: 517-284-7740
The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs will not
discriminate against any individual or group because of race,
sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status,
disability, or political beliefs. Auxiliary aids, services and other
reasonable accommodations are available upon request to
individuals with disabilities.
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