
Mobile Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technology Mary Patricia Smith Florida Atlantic University

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Mobile Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technology Mary Patricia Smith Florida Atlantic University
Mobile Augmented Reality:
An Emerging Technology
Mary Patricia Smith
Florida Atlantic University
• Research Project
• Purpose:
– Understand augmented reality
– Use in mobile environment
– How it can be used in an instructional setting
Augmented reality is the overlay of
real-time, real-world environments
with digital information designed to
enhance a person’s perception of
that view.
• Concept appeared in 1960’s & 70’s:
computerized headsets, just-in-time training.
• Term coined by Tom Caudell in 1990 to refer to
digital display headset used as a guide in aircraft
• Well-established technology tied to
specific location or bulky equipment.
• Extensive use in Science fiction (e.g., Star Trek)
TV Broadcasts
– Examples: “first down” line on football fields, virtual line indicating world
record time in swim meets.
– Used in radiology & surgery to provide additional information such as
test results, scans, surgical training
– immersive training environments for combat preparation; maintenance
and repair
Tours of colleges and historical sites
– Example: complex electronics assembly and repair
– Turning sketches into 3D objects
– http://www.bmw.com/com/en/owners/service/augmented_reality_worksh
Mixed Reality Continuum
• Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality
• Designed to apply to immersive technologies,
usually involving helmets or special glasses
Mixed Reality
Virtuality Continuum
(Milgram & Kashino’s (1994) Mixed Reality Spectrum , as cited in Klopfer, 2008)
Augmented Reality Continuum
Designed to describe non-immersive environments
Augmented Reality
Lightly augmented
Heavily augmented
Virtual input
Real-world input
mobile games
(Klopfer (2008))
Mobile Media Devices in Education
• A potentially disruptive force
Price Point
• Enable
Social interactivity
Context sensitivity
Mobile Augmented Reality
• Enabled by mobile media devices combining
GPS location
Compass and accelerometer
Image recognition capability
Internet access
• Availability of AR Browsers, apps
Mobile Augmented Reality
• Marker-based Augmented Reality
– Use specific visual cues (logo, etc.) to
call up info from a database or direct
users to a website
– QR codes, ‘Magic Symbols’, Semacodes
read by mobile app
• Markerless Augmented Reality
– Uses GPS capability of smartphones combined
with AR Browsers
– Geotagging,geolocation, ‘floaticons’
Educational Applications
AR Books
Dynamic 3-D objects
Field Trips to Museums & Historical Sites
Just-in-time learning
Skills training
Discovery-based learning
Educational Games, or structured
activities with game-like qualities
Educational Philosophy
• Aligned with
– Constructivist philosophy of education
– Socio-cultural learning theory
– Situated model of cognition
– Authentic learning experiences
– Discovery learning
• Build 21st century skills:
– Collaboration
– Analysis
– Synthesis
Characteristics of Mobile
Augmented Reality Games
• Story-driven learning experiences rooted in
particular places
• Role-playing
• Designed around authentic resources
• Require social interaction with other game
• Exploit real physical environment in which
game is located
• Authentic and engaging
Frequency 1550
Alien Contact!
Environmental Detectives
Charles River City
Logistical support and management
Hardware/software issues
Student cognitive overload
Augmented Reality Software
• Enable creation of AR applications
• Browsers, Tools, API’s
• Examples:
AR Toolkit: open-source, marker-based tool
Layar: markerless augmented reality browser
Wikitude: browser, API http://www.wikitude.org/en/
Junaio: image and object recognition, mixes marker-based &
markerless methods
– Google Goggles: http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles/#text
– Tagwhat: www.tagwhat.com
– Hoppala Augmentation: Content Platform for Mobile Augmented Reality,
supports Layar, Junaio & Wikitude mobile AR Browsers.
Technology convergence
• Context aware computing
• Gesture-based computing
• Holographic images
New Educational Possibilities
• Toolkits for developing Mobile Augmented Reality
Games for education
– MIT’s Outdoor Augmented Reality Toolkit: drag and drop
authoring tool.
• Museums, cities, historic sites developing MAR
– Museum of London: “StreetMuseum”
– iTacitus (Intelligent Tourism and Cultural Information through
Ubiquitous Services) Project
– CultureClic
• Student-developed MAR content
– “Augmented Reality Scratch” tool from Georgia Tech’s AR Lab
– Wikitude.me
• Incorporation into project–based learning opportunities
Ardito, C., Buono, B., Cosabile, M.F., Lanzilotti, R., & Piccinno, A. (2009). Enabling interactive
exploration of cultural heritage: an experience of designing systems for mobile devices.
Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 22, 79-86. DOI: 10.1007/s12130-009-9079-7.
Common Craft. Augmented Reality Explained by Common Craft. Retrieved October 20, 2010 from
Common Craft website: http://www.commoncraft.com/augmented-reality-video
Chen, B. X. (2009, August). If you’re not seeing data, you’re not seeing. Wired Magazine. Retrieved
from http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/08/augmented-reality/#ixzz11mW0LK42.
De Souza e Silva, A. & Delacruz, G.C. (2006). Hybrid reality games reframed: potential uses in
educational contexts. Games and Culture, 1(3), 231-251. DOI: 10.1177/1555412006290443.
Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009). Affordances and limitations of immersive participatory
augmented reality simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science Education and
Technology, 18. 7-22. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-008-9119-1.
Huizenga, J., Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S. & Dam, G. T. (2009), Mobile game-based learning in
secondary education: engagement, motivation and learning in a mobile city game. Journal of
Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 332–344. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2009.00316.x.
Jenkins, H. (2008, July 7). Augmented Learning: an interview with Eric Klopfer. Retrieved October 19,
2010 from Confessions of an ACA-fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins:
Johnson, L., Levine, A., Smith, R., & Stone, S. (2010). The 2010 Horizon Report. Austin, Texas: The
New Media Consortium.
Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., and Haywood, K., (2011). The 2011 Horizon Report.
Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.
References, cont’d.
Ketelhut, D.J.. (2010). Eric Klopfer: Augmented learning: research and design of mobile educational
games. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19, 212-214.
Klopfer, E. (2008). Augmented learning: research and design of mobile educational games.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Klopfer, E., Yoon, S. & Perry, J. (2005). Using palm technology in participatory simulations of
complex systems: a new take on ubiquitous and accessible mobile computing. Journal of Science
Education and Technology, 14(3), 285-297. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-005-7194-0.
National Center on Education and the Economy. (2007). Tough Choices or Tough Times: The report of
the new commission on the skills of the American workforce. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Kindle
Edition New Media Consortium. (2010). 2010 Horizon Report. Retrieved from
Rose, S, Potter, D & Newcomb, M. (2010). Augmented reality: A review of available augmented reality
packages and evaluation of their potential use in an educational context. Retrieved from
Specht, M., Ternier, S. & Greller, W. (2011). Dimensions of mobile augmented reality for learning: A
first inventory. Journal of the research Center for Educational Technology. 7(1), 117-127.
Retrieved from http://rcetj.org/index.php/rcetj/article/view/151/241.
Squire, K. & Klopfer, E. (2007). Augmented Reality Simulations on Handheld Computers. Journal of
the Learning Sciences, 16(3), 371-413. DOI:10.1080/10508400701413435.
Frequency 1550
Hybrid reality game about Medieval Amsterdam designed to be
played in one day
Groups of 4-5 children are divided into 2 teams – a city team, who
walk the streets of Amsterdam, (each group is assigned a different
area of the city) and a headquarters team who are at a computer
back at the school.
Teams communicate via cell phones and switch places after lunch.
The city team can view a map of Medieval Amsterdam on their
smart phones; the headquarters team can access that map and a
map of present day Amsterdam.
The city team has tasks to complete, and the headquarters team
can follow them through GPS and can use other computer
resources to guide them.
(Huizenga, J., Admiraal, W., Akkerman, S. & Dam, G. T. (2009), Mobile game-based learning in secondary
education: engagement, motivation and learning in a mobile city game. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,
25, 332–344. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2009.00316.x.)
Enables interactive explorations of archaeological sites in Italy by
groups of 3-5 middle school students
Each group given 2 cell phones;
– one phone contains the game application, which provides the information
necessary to play the game,
– the other phone contains an application which provides further hints for
identifying the places in the park and contains 3D reconstructions of how the
places may have looked.
Game built on a platform that can be adapted to a variety of different
historic sites
Ardito, C., Buono, B., Cosabile, M.F., Lanzilotti, R., & Piccinno, A. (2009). Enabling interactive exploration of cultural
heritage: an experience of designing systems for mobile devices. Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 22, 79-86.
Alien Contact!
Designed to teach math, language arts and scientific literacy skills to
middle school students
Adapted to any outdoor environment, superimposes a map of a
virtual world on that space based on GPS coordinates:
Based on scenario that aliens have landed on earth; teams of
students consisting of a chemist, cryptologist, computer hacker, and
FBI agent must figure out why (peace, plunder, invasion, etc.)
Students can interview virtual characters, collect digital items, and
solve science, math and language problems to answer the question
Students see different pieces of evidence depending on role they
play, requires team work to solve
Game based on Massachusetts state standards, and fosters
multiple higher order thinking skills.
Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009). Affordances and limitations of immersive participatory augmented reality
simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18. 7-22
Environmental Detectives
Students play the role of environmental scientists exploring the
source of a hypothetical toxic spill.
Real environments used, and students engage in complex,
collaborative problem solving typical of real environmental engineers
Each pair of students is given a mobile media device equipped with
GPS and can see their location on a map.
Students conduct virtual interviews with people in designated
locations in the physical space; some of the experts they interview
can provide documents, and students can take virtual samples of
the water and the soil.
Developed by researchers in MIT’s Games-to-Teach project, in
conjunction with faculty in the environmental science department
Klopfer, E. (2008). Augmented learning: research and design of mobile educational games. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Squire, K. & Klopfer, E. (2007). Augmented Reality Simulations on Handheld Computers. Journal of the Learning
Sciences, 16(3), 371-413.
Charles River City
Example of the second generation of games being developed by
MIT’s Games-to-Teach project
Students participant on teams in an investigation of a large scale
outbreak of illness coinciding with a major event in the Boston metro
Similar to Environmental Detectives,
Enhancements made to foster collaboration among participants,
including distinct player roles, increased data beaming from player
to player, and cascading events, in which some events trigger other
Klopfer, E. (2008). Augmented learning: research and design of mobile educational games. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Layar is an application that
overlays your view of the real
world with waypoints
representing your favorite
coffee place, the movie
theatre you're trying to find,
or in this case, where some
of that $787 billion from the
American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act is going.
Fly UP