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Curriculum Vitae
University of Nebraska at Omaha
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Omaha, NE 68182
phone: (402) 554-2205
email: [email protected]
1999 Ph.D. State University of New York at Albany, School of Criminal Justice, Dissertation
Title: The Likelihood of Incarceration in New York City: An Analysis of Black, White,
and Hispanic Females Sentenced at Criminal Court Arraignment (Alan J. Lizotte,
1989 M.A. State University of New York at Albany, School of Criminal Justice
1988 B.A. State University of New York at Albany, Political Science and Criminal
Justice (dual degree), Summa Cum Laude (and Phi Beta Kappa scholar)
Recipient of the 2008 UNO Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award for the College of Public
Affairs and Community Service at the University of Nebraska at Omaha
1999 Eliot H. Lumbard Award for Academic Excellence: presented annually to the most
outstanding graduate student in Criminal Justice, as determined by the Criminal Justice
faculty at the State University of New York at Albany.
1997 American Society of Criminology Gene Carte Student Paper Competition: First Prize
Graduate Student Scholarship (9/88 – 6/91): School of Criminal Justice, State University of
New York
Graduate Student Fellowship (9/88 - 6/89) : School of Criminal Justice, State University of
New York at Albany
Phi Beta Kappa
Pi Sigma Alpha : The National Political Science Honor Society
Alpha Phi Sigma : The National Criminal Justice Honor Society
Signum Laudis: The Interdisciplinary Honor Society of the State University of New York at
August 2010- present ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR : University of Nebraska at Omaha, School
of Crimininology and Criminal Justice. Member of the Graduate Faculty. Director of the
London Program (January 2007 – present) and Doctoral Progam Chair (July 2011 – present).
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August 2004 – July 2010 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: University of Nebraska at Omaha,
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Member of the Graduate Faculty.
August 1999 – July 2004 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, Department of Criminal Justice. Member of the Graduate Faculty.
September 2002 – July 2004 FACULTY ASSOCIATE: Center for Professional and Applied
Ethics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
August 1997 – August 1999 INSTRUCTOR: University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Department of Criminal Justice.
PUBLICATIONS (* denotes graduate student co-author)
Brennan, Pauline Katherine (2002) Women Sentenced to Jail in New York City. New York: LFB
Scholarly Publishing LLC.
In Academic Journals
Brennan, Pauline K., Meda Chesney-Lind, *Abby L. Vandenberg, and *Timbre Wulf-Ludden
(in press). The Saved and the Damned: Racialized Media Constructions of Female Drug
Offenders. Radical Criminology.
*Chenane, Joselyne, Pauline K. Brennan, Benjamin Steiner, and *Jared M. Ellison (2015).
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Predictive Validity of the Level of Service Inventory–
Revised among Prison Inmates. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(3): 286-303.
Spohn, Cassia, *Byung Bae Kim, Steven Belenko, and Pauline K. Brennan (2014). The Direct
and Indirect Effects of Offender Drug Use on Federal Sentencing Outcomes. Journal of
Quantitative Criminology, 30(3): 549-576.
Brennan, Pauline K., *Jared M. Ellison, and Chester L. Britt (2013). 30 years of Research on
Court Processing. Special on-line issue of Justice Quarterly available at
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PUBLICATIONS, continued (* denotes graduate student co-author)
In Academic Journals, continued
*Houser, Kimberly A., Steven Belenko, and Pauline K. Brennan (2012). The Effects of Mental
Health and Substance Abuse on Institutional Misconduct among Female Offenders. Justice
Quarterly, 29(6): 799-829.
Spohn, Cassia and Pauline K. Brennan (2011). The Joint Effects of Offender Race/ethnicity and
Sex on Substantial Assistance Departures in Federal Courts. Race and Justice: An International
Journal, 1(1): 49-78.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2009). Race and Sentencing Outcomes among Female Drug Offenders in
North Carolina: A Consideration of Earlier Case Processing Outcomes. Journal of Crime and
Justice, 32(2): 77-115.
Brennan, Pauline K. and Cassia Spohn (2009). The Joint Effects of Offender Race/ethnicity
and Sex on Sentence Length Decisions in Federal Courts. Race and Social Problems, 1(2): 200217.
Brennan, Pauline K. and *Abby L. Vandenberg (2009). Depictions of Female Offenders in
Front-Page Newspaper Stories: The Importance of Race/Ethnicity. International Journal of
Social Inquiry, 2(2): 141-175.
Brennan, Pauline K. and Cassia Spohn (2008). Race/ethnicity and Sentencing Outcomes among
Drug Offenders in North Carolina. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 24(4): 371-398.
Brennan, Pauline K. and Cassia Spohn (2008). Empirical Research on the Impact of
Sentencing Reforms: Recent Studies of State and Federal Sentencing Innovations. Journal of
Contemporary Criminal Justice, 24(1): 340-344.
*Keller, Elizabeth E. and Pauline K. Brennan (2007). Cultural Considerations and Challenges
to Service Delivery for Sudanese Victims of Domestic Violence: Insights from Service
Providers and Actors in the Criminal Justice System. International Review of Victimology,
14(1): 115-141.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2007). An Intermediate Sanction that Fosters the Mother-Child Bond: A
Process Evaluation of Summit House. Women and Criminal Justice, 18(3): 47-80.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2006). Sentencing Female Misdemeanants: An Examination of the Direct
and Indirect Effects of Race/ethnicity. Justice Quarterly, 23(1): 60-95.
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PUBLICATIONS, continued (* denotes graduate student co-author)
In Academic Journals, continued
Lord, Vivian B., Paul C. Friday, and Pauline K. Brennan (2005). The Effects of Interviewer
Characteristics on Arrestees’ Responses to Drug-Related Questions. Applied Psychology in
Criminal Justice, 1(1): 36-55.
Brennan, Pauline, Alan J. Lizotte, and David McDowall (1993). Guns, Southerness, and Gun
Control. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 9(3): 289-307.
Flanagan, Timothy J., Debra Cohen, and Pauline Brennan (1993). Crime Control Ideology
Among New York State Legislators. Legislative Studies Quarterly 18(3): 411-422.
Flanagan, Timothy J., Pauline Brennan, and Debra Cohen (1992). Conservatism and Capital
Punishment in the State Capitol: Lawmakers and the Death Penalty. The Prison Journal 72 (1 &
2): 37-56.
Flanagan, Timothy J., Pauline Brennan, and Debra Cohen (1991). Crime Control Ideology and
Policy Positions in a State Legislature (Revisited). Criminal Justice Policy Review 5(3): 183206.
In Edited Books—Book Chapters
*Ellison, Jared M. and Pauline K. Brennan (forthcoming, 2015) “Sentencing Outcomes and
Disparity” in Timothy S. Bynum and Beth M. Huebner (eds.) The Handbook of Measurement
Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley Blackwell.
*Vandenberg, Abby L., Pauline K. Brennan, and Meda Chesney-Lind (2013). “What’s the
Story? The Impact of Race/Ethnicity on Crime Story Tone for Female Offenders” in B. Russell
(ed.) Perceptions of Women Offenders: How Stereotypes and Social Norms Affect Criminal
Justice Responses, pp. 47-75. New York: Springer.
Spohn, Cassia and Pauline K. Brennan (2013). “Sentencing and Punishment” in C.L. Renzetti,
S.L. Miller, & A.R. Gover (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender
Studies, pp. 213-230. New York, NewYork: Routledge.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2009). “The Joint Effects of Offender Race/Ethnicity and Sex on
Sentencing Outcomes” in M.D. Krohn, A.J. Lizotte, & G.P. Hall (eds.) Handbook of Crime and
Deviance, pp. 319-347. New York: Springer Science and Business Media.
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In Edited Books—Book Chapters, continued
Brennan, Pauline K. (2004). “Disregarding Harm: An Examination of the Vulnerabilities of
Youth Incarcerated in Adult Correctional Facilities,” in C. Coston (ed.) Victimizing Vulnerable
Groups: Images of Uniquely High Risk Crime Targets, pp. 117-129. New York: Praeger.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2002). “The Imprisonment of Women in America,” in Wilson R.
Palacios, Paul F. Cromwell, and Roger G. Dunham (eds.) Crime and Justice in America:
Current Realities and Future Prospects, pp. 352-369. New York: Prentice-Hall.
Encyclopedia Pieces and Instructional Materials
Pauline K. Brennan and *Ebonie M. Epinger (2013). “Judicial Selection at the State Level” ” in
Jay S. Albanese (ed.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: WileyBlackwell.
Pauline K. Brennan and *Stacy A. Wagoner (2013). “Judicial Selection and Removal at the
Federal Level,” in Jay S. Albanese (ed.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
*Jared M. Ellison and Pauline K. Brennan (2013). “Prejudicial Pretrial Publicity” in Jay S.
Albanese (ed.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: WileyBlackwell.
Brennan, Pauline K. and Laurie Kubicek (2009). Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank for David
Neubauer and Henry Fradella’s America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System. Belmont,
California: Wadsworth.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2005). “Work Release Program,” in Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice, pp. 1185-1186. Pasadena California: Salem Press.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2005). “Community-based Corrections,” in Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice, pp. 181-183. Pasadena California: Salem Press.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2012). An Evaluation of the Douglas County Day Reporting Center: A
Statistical Report of Program and Treatment Outcomes. University of Nebraska at Omaha,
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Prepared for the Douglas County Department of
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Brennan, Pauline K. (2007). The Women-at-Risk Program of Asheville, North Carolina: A Study
of Recidivism Outcomes—Executive Summary. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of
Corrections. Technical Assistance Grant Nos. 2006B7030 and 2007B7015.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2007). The Women-at-Risk Program of Asheville, North Carolina: A Study
of Recidivism Outcomes. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Corrections. Technical
Assistance Grant Nos. 2006B7030 and 2007B7015.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2004). A Process Evaluation of North Carolina’s Summit House: An
Alternative to Incarceration Program for Female Offenders. Washington, D.C.: National
Institute of Corrections. Technical Assistance Grant No. TA 04C2006.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2002). Project P.A.V.E. the Way (Project Anti-Violence Education): An
Evaluation of The Gamewell Middle-School Program, for the Girl Scout Council of the Catawba
Valley Area. Prepared for CSR, Incorporated.
Brennan, Pauline K. (2001). Case Review: Drug Offenders in Court Room 3300 (Final Report).
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Department of Criminal Justice.
Prepared for the Community Building Initiative, for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Court Process
Brennan, Pauline K. (1998). The Female Offender: Sanctions, Unique Characteristics,
Programming Needs, What May Work, and Policy Recommendations. University of North
Carolina at Charlotte, Department of Criminal Justice. Prepared for Summit House,
Flanagan, Timothy J., Pauline Brennan, and Debra Cohen (1991). Attitudes of New York
Legislators Toward Crime and Criminal Justice: A Report of the State Legislature Survey-1991. Albany: State University of New York.
Brennan, Pauline K., John. P. Hoffmann, and Susan M. Laporta (1990). "The Utilization of the
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics in Scholarly Publication: 1986-89." Albany, New
York: Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center. Prepared as an addendum to a grant
proposal submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice.
PAPER PRESENTATIONS (recent, * denotes graduate student co-presenter)
2014 *Slakoff, Danielle C. and Pauline K. Brennan “The Picture Tells the Story:
Photographic Depictions of Female Offenders in Front-Page Newspaper Stories.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November,
San Francisco, California.
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PAPER PRESENTATIONS (recent), continued (* denotes graduate student copresenter)
2014 Brennan, Pauline K. “Photographic Depictions of Female Offenders in Front-Page
Newspaper Stories: The Importance of Race and Ethnicity. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the European Society of Criminology, September, Prague, Czech Republic.
2013 *Ellison, Jared M., Benjamin Steiner, Pauline K. Brennan, and *Joselyne Chenane
“Age Group Differences in the Predictive Validity of the Level of Service InventoryRevised.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, November, Atlanta, Georgia.
2013 *Chenane, Joselyne, Pauline K. Brennan, Benjamin Steiner, and *Jared M. Ellison
“Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Predictive Validity of the Level of Service
Inventory-Revised” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, November, Atlanta, Georgia.
2013 Brennan, Pauline K. “Gender and Institutional Misconduct: Findings on the Validity of
the LSI-R.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Society of
Criminology, September, Budapest, Hungary.
2012 Brennan, Pauline K. “Race/ethnicity and Institutional Misconduct: Findings on the
Predictive Validity of the LSI-R.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Criminology, November, Chicago, Illinois.
2012 Spohn, Cassia, Steven Belenko, Pauline K. Brennan, and *Byung Bae Kim “Do the
Drugs, Do the Time Part II: The Effect of Drug Use on Setnences Imposed on Male and
Female Offenders Convicted of Drug Offenses in Three U.S. District Courts.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Criminology, September,
Bilbao, Spain.
2012 Brennan, Pauline K. and *Abby L. Vandenberg “The Predictive Validity of the LSI-R:
Does Race/ethnicity Matter?” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences, March, New York, New York.
2011 *Wulf-Ludden, Timbre, *Liesal Hoffman, Pauline K. Brennan, and Marc Swatt. “A
Pre- and Post-Test Assessment of Inmate Participation in a Parenting Program in a
Midwestern State.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, November, Washington, D.C.
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PAPER PRESENTATIONS (recent), continued (* denotes graduate student copresenter)
2011 *Vandenberg, Abby, *Timbre Wulf-Ludden, and Pauline Brennan. “The Importance of
Race/ethnicity in Media Depictions of Female Drug Offenders.” Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November, Washington, D.C.
2011 *Kim, Byungbae, Cassia Spohn, and Pauline K. Brennan. “Racial/ethnic Disparity
among Female Offenders in Federal Courts: Explicating the Disparities Using a Path
Model.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology,
November, Washington, D.C.
2011 Brennan, Pauline K. “Comparative Criminal Justice Courses with a Study Abroad
Component.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice
Sciences, March, Toronto, Canada.
2010 *Vandenberg, Abby, and Pauline K. Brennan. “Female Offenders on the Front Page:
An Examination of Crime Story Prominence and Tone by Race/Ethnicity.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November,
San Francisco.
2010 *Ludden, Timbre, *Liesal Hoffman, Pauline K. Brennan, and Marc Swatt. “An
Evaluation of a Parenting Program for Female Prisoners in a Midwestern State.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November,
San Francisco.
2010 Brennan, Pauiline K. and Cassia Spohn “The Joint Effects of Offender Race/ethnicity
and Sex on Substantial Assistance Departures in Federal Courts.” Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, February, Honolulu.
2009 *Vandenberg, Abby, *Timbre Wulf, and Pauline K. Brennan. “’Wasted’ on Page One:
Depictions of Female Drug Offenders and Users in Front-Page Newspaper Stories.”
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology,
November, Philadelphia.
2009 *Wagoner, Stacy and Pauline K. Brennan. “Day Reporting Centers: A Synthesis and
Assessment of the Extant Empirical Literature.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Society of Criminology, November, Philadelphia.
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PAPER PRESENTATIONS (recent), continued (* denotes graduate student copresenter)
2009 *Westfall, Edith “Penny” and Pauline K. Brennan. “A Critical Assessment of the
Purpose and Structure of Doctoral Comprehensive Examinations.” Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November, Philadelphia.
2009 *Houser, Kimberly, Steven Belenko, and Pauline K. Brennan. “Co-Occurring Disorders
of Females as Predictors of Prison Misconduct.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Society of Criminology, November, Philadelphia.
2009 Brennan, Pauline K. “Race and Sentencing Outcomes among Female Drug Offenders
in North Carolina.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal
Justice Sciences, March, Boston.
2008 Brennan, Pauline K. and *Abby Vandenberg “Depictions of Female Offenders in FrontPage News Stories: The Importance of Race/ethnicity” Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November, St. Louis.
2008 Brennan, Pauline K. and Cassia Spohn “Race/ethnicity and Sentencing Outcomes
among Drug Offenders in North Carolina.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March, Cincinnati.
2014 Invited presentation to the Iowa Department of Corrections. Chenane, Joselyne, Pauline
K. Brennan, Benjamin Steiner, and Jared M. Ellison. “Racial and Ethnic Differences in
the Predictive Validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised.” March, Des Moines,
2014 Invited presentation to the Iowa Department of Corrections. Ellison, Jared, Benjamin
Steiner, Pauline K. Brennan, and Joselyne Chenane. “Age Group Differences in the
Predictive Validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised.” March, Des Moines,
2013 Invited featured speaker at the Annual International Crime, Media, and Popular Culture
Studies Conference. “Female Offenders on the Front Page: An Examination of Themes,
Story Tones, and Differences by Race/ethnicity.” September, Terre Haute, Indiana.
2013 Invited speaker at the Association of Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal
Justice Graduate Directors Summit. “An Assessment of the Purpose and Structure of
Comprehensive Examinations for Doctoral Students.” May, Huntsville, Texas.
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2013 Invited presentation as part of a Feature Panel—Justice Quarterly Editor’s Showcase:
New Directions in Corrections Research—at the annual meeting of the Academy of
Criminal Justice Sciences. “The Effects of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Disorders on Institutional Misconduct among Female Inmates” co-presented with
Kimberly Houser and Steven Belenko. March, Dallas, Texas.
2007 Invited by the Women-at-Risk Program administrators and staff to present findings from
The Women-at-Risk Program of Asheville, North Carolina: A Study of Recidivism
Outcomes (Report prepared for the National Institute of Corrections). January, Asheville,
North Carolina.
2004 Invited by the North Carolina Summit House Statewide Executive Board to present
findings from A Process Evaluation of North Carolina’s Summit House: An Alternative
to Incarceration Program for Female Offender ( Report prepared for the National
Institute of Corrections). December, Greensboro, North Carolina.
1999 Invited guest on WBT Radio 1110 AM, interviewed by Ned Michael, January, Charlotte,
North Carolina.
1998 Invited interviewee on PBS Television Series Focus 55, December, Rock Hill, South
1998 Invited lead presenter at a three-day seminar entitled Women on the Other Side of the
Law: Their Crimes, Their Prisons, Their Children, October, Charlotte, North Carolina.
1997 Invited attendee at the Academics for 2nd Amendment Research Conference, November,
San Diego, California.
2009 to 2011—$45,000, Day Reporting Center Evaluation—Phase II, Process Evaluation.
Study funded by the Douglas County (Nebraska) Department of Corrections. Principle
2008 to 2009—$30,000, Douglas County Day Reporting Center Project—Phase I. Study
funded by the Douglas County (Nebraska) Department of Corrections. Principle Investigator
with Dr. Hank Robinson.
2007—$5,600 Technical Assistance Grant #07B7015 to conduct a recidivism outcome study
of Asheville, North Carolina’s Women-at-Risk Program. Principle Investigator.
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External, continued
2006— $7,000 Technical Assistance Grant #06B7030 to conduct a preliminary recidivism
outcome study of Asheville, North Carolina’s Women-at-Risk Program. Principle
2004-2005— $10,753.70 Technical Assistance Grant # 04C2006 to conduct a process
evaluation of North Carolina’s Summit House program. Funded by the National Institute of
Corrections. Principle Investigator.
2001—$12,700 “Mecklenburg Court Process” funded through the Community Building
Initiative (a component of the Foundation for the Carolinas). Principle Investigator.
2013—$23,808, Prison Misconduct and Its Consequences. Funded by the School of
Criminology and Criminal Justice, research award for the period January 2013 to August
2012—$4,500, Race/ethnicity and Institutional Misconduct: The Predictive Validity of the
LSI-R. Summer Fellowship prodived by the University of Nebraska at Omaha, University
Committee on Research and Creative Activity.
2012— $9,000, The Predictive Validity of the LSI-R for Incarcerated Offenders: Does
Gender and/or Race/ethnicity Matter? Funded by the School of Criminology and Criminal
Justice, summer research stipend award. $3,000 of the funding went to support two doctoral
students—Abby Vandenberg and Timbre Wulf-Ludden— who assisted with the research.
2011— $9,000, The Importance of Race/ethnicity in Depictions of Female Drug Offenders in
Front-Page Newspaper Stories. Funded by the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice,
summer research stipend award. $3,000 of the funding went to support two doctoral
students—Abby Vandenberg and Timbre Wulf-Ludden— who assisted with the research.
2010— $3,000, An Evaluation of the Parenting Program at the Nebraska Correctional Center
for Women. Funded by the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, summer research
stipend award.
2009—$3,000, Depictions of Female Offenders in Front-Page Newspaper Stories: The
Importance of Race/ethnicity and Offense Type. Funded by the University of Nebraska at
Omaha, University Committee on Research and Creative Activity. Principle Investigator.
2009—$3,500. Depictions of Female Offenders in Front-Page Newspaper Stories: The
Importance of Race/ethnicity and Offense Type. Funded by the School of Criminology and
Criminal Justice, summer research support. 100% of the funding went to two graduate
students—Timbre Wulf and Abby Vandenderg—for their assistance on the project. I was the
Principle Investigator.
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Internal, continued
2006— $4,500, An Evaluation of North Carolina’s Summit House. Funded by the
University of Nebraska at Omaha, University Committee on Research and Creative Activity.
Principle Investigator.
2002-2003— $6,000 Junior Faculty Grant, Faculty Grants Committee of the University of
North Carolina at Charlotte, to further study case processing in an administrative drug court.
Principle Investigator.
1998—$3,000 Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship Program, Faculty Grants Committee of the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, to further study the sentencing of female offenders.
Principle Investigator.
“Examining the Use and Impact of Disciplinary Segregation within and across State Prisons”
#90710-2014-3748 $355,708, to the National Institute of Justice (Benjamin Steiner and
Pauline K. Brennan, principle investigators), submitted 2014.
“Jail Drug Treatment Evaluation” #002975-2002-0199 $209,461, to the National Institute of
Justice (Paul Friday, principal investigator, Pauline Brennan and Vivian Lord, co-principal
investigators) , submitted 2002.
“Self-reported Drug Use Veracity and Interviewer Characteristics: Reanalysis of ADAM.”
#2002-70244-NC-IJ, $34,921, to the National Institute of Justice (Pauline Brennan, principal
investigator, Paul Friday and Vivian Lord, co-principal investigators), submitted 2002.
Service to my profession
 Association of Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice, President
 Justice Quarterly, Associate Editor
 Ad hoc reviewer Criminology, Criminal Jusitce and Behavior, Law and Society Review,
Crime and Delinquency, The Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Women & Criminal
Justice, American Journal of Criminal Justice, International Journal of Comparative and
Applied Criminal Justice, Western Criminology Review, Criminal Justice Studies
 American Society of Criminology, member
o Division on Corrections and Sentencing, Awards Committee (Chair)
 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, member
 Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, member
 Western Society of Criminology, member
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Service to my profession, continued
 Association of Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Vice President
 Grant reviewer, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Summer 2012, Spring 2013
 Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Wiley-Blackwell), Associate Editor
 Guest Editor (with Dr. Cassia Spohn), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, special
issue on “Empirical Research on the Impact of Sentencing Reforms.”
 Associate Editor, The Justice Professional (Fall 1999 to Spring 2007)
 Report reviewer for The National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Assistance
 American Society of Criminology, member
o Program Committee (2007-2009)
o Division on Women & Crime
 Student Paper Competition Judge (2008)
o Division on Corrections and Sentencing
 Judge of the Student Paper Competition (2005-2007, 2009-2010)
 Membership Committee (2004-2005)
 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
o Student Affairs Committee
 Chair (2000-2001)
 Member (1995-1996 and 1996-1997)
o Program Committee (1999-2000)
o Publications Committee (1999-2000)
 Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences
o Board Member, Chair of Social Committee (1996 to 1997)
o Board Member, Chair of Student-Representation Committee (1994-1996)
 Arthur Kill Correctional Facility Community Advisory Board
o Treasurer and Board Member (March 1994 to July 1997)
o Board Member (March 1993 to March 1994)
 Principal book reviewer for Allyn and Bacon introductory text on corrections (Summer to
Winter 2004)
 Article Referee, Journal of Criminal Justice Education ( Fall 1990 to Spring 1993)
 Assistant Editor, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (Summer 1989 to Summer
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Service to the University (Department, College and University-wide)
 University Committee Work
o Faculty Senate (elected position beginning May 2015)
o Global Engagement Priority Committee (September 2011 to present)
 College Committee Work
o Commencement Committee (September 2014 to present)
o International Initiative Committee (September 2014 to present)
 Administrative Assignments, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
o Doctoral Program Chair (July 2011 to present)
o Director of the London Program (January 2007 to present)
 Departmental Committee Work
o Member of the Honors & Awards Committee (Spring 2013 to present)
 Chaired the Committee from 2011 to 2013
o Chair of the Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Committee (July 2011 to present)
o Member of the Graduate Policy & Planning Committee (July 2011 to present)
 Doctoral Advising Committees and Comprehensive Examination Committees
o Chair of Melissa Conn’s Supervisory Committee (Fall 2006 to present)
 Member of Melissa Conn’s Comprehensive Examination Committee (Spring
2008 to present)
o Chair of Jared Ellison’s Supervisory Committee (Spring 2013 to present)
o Member of Jocelyne Chenane’s Supervisory Committee (Spring 2013 to present)
 Member of Joselyne Chenane’s Comprehensive Examination Committee
(Spring 2014 to present)
o Member of Daniel Butler’s Comprehensive Examination Committee (Fall 2013 to
 Dissertation and Thesis Committee Work
o Member of H. Daniel Butler’s Dissertation Committee (Spring 2015 to present)
o Chair of Elizabeth Keller’s Dissertation Committee (Fall 2012 to present)
o Chair of Liesal van den Berg’s Master’s Thesis (Spring 2008 to present)
o Member of Ryan Vacanti’s Thesis Committee (Fall 2012 to present)
 University Committee Work
o Member of Graduate Council (2011)
 College Committee Work
o Student and Faculty Common Areas Group
o Memmber of the Art Committee
 Departmental Committee Work
o Member of the Search Committee (Spring 2006 to Spring 2009)
 Chair Spring 2008 to Spring 2009
o Member of the Graduate Admission and Recruitment Subcommittee (Fall 2005 to
Fall 2008, Fall 2010 to summer 2011)
o Chair of the Master’s in Science Comprehensive Exam Committee (Fall 2006 to Fall
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Service to the University (Department, College and University-wide), continued
PAST, continued
o Member of the Graduate Policy and Planning Committee (Fall 2006 to Fall 2007, Fall
2008 to Summer 2011)
o Courts Comprehensive Exam Committee (Fall 2004 to Spring 2005)
o Graduate Curriculum Committee (Fall 2004 to Spring 2005, Fall 2008 to Fall 2009)
 Doctoral Advising Committees and Comprehensive Examination Committees
o Member of Dana Radatz’ Supervisory Committee (Fall 2012 to Fall 2013)
o Member of Kari Gentzler’s Supervisory Committee (Fall 2011 to Fall 2013), UNL
o Member of Mary Evan’s Supervisory Committee (Fall 2007 to May 2011)
o Member of Michael Harrington’s Supervisory Committee (Fall 2004 to Spring 2009)
o Chair of Abby Vandenberg’s Supervisory Committee (Fall 2008 to Fall 2012)
o Chair of Timbre Wulf-Ludden’s Supervisory Committee (Fall 2008 to Fall 2012)
o Member of comprehensive exam committees for Daniel Butler, Abby Vandenberg,
Timbre Wulf-Ludden, Michael Harrington, Benjamin Gibbs, Elizabeth Keller
 Dissertation Committees
o Member of Kari Genzler’s Dissertation Committee (Fall 2013 to Summer 2014,
graduated 8/14), UNL Sociology
o Member of Jaw J. Wu’s Dissertation Committee (Fall 2008 to Summer 2009,
graduated 8/09)
o Member of Dawn Irlbeck’s Dissertation Committee (Fall 2004 to Fall 2005,
graduated 12/05)
Patterns of Questioning during Traffic Stops: A Study of Possible Racial/ethnic
o Member of Gayle Isle’s Dissertation Committee (Fall 2004 to Spring 2006, graduated
America’s Forgotten Paradise: An Assessment of Sentencing Decisions and
Outcomes in the U.S. Virgin Islands
 Theses Committees
o Chair of Abby Vandenberg’s Thesis Committee (Fall 2009 to Fall 2010, graduated
 Recepient the Elton S. Carter Excellence in a Thesis Award
o Chair of Timbre Wulf-Ludden’s Thesis Committee (Fall 2009 to Fall 2010, graduated
 Undergraduate Theses Committees
o Chair of Abby Vandenberg’s Honors Thesis (Spring 2007 to Spring 2008, graduated
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Service to the Community:
 Principal investigator of The Douglas County Day Reporting Center Project, Phase II, funded
via the Douglas County Department of Corrections (Fall 2009 to Fall 2012)
 Principal investigator (with Dr. Hank Robinson) of The Douglas County Day Reporting
Center Project, Phase I, funded via the Douglas County Department of Corrections (Spring
2008 to Fall 2009)
 Principal investigator of an outcome evaluation study for Women at Risk (an alternative-toincarceration for female offenders in Asheville, North Carolina), via the National Institute of
Corrections (Summer 2006 to Spring 2007)
 Department of Criminal Justice (University of Nebraska at Omaha) Representative to
Domestic Violence Coordinating Council of Greater Omaha (Fall 2005 to Fall 2006)
 Provided assistance to a number of community organizations via the service-learning
requirement of the course Women in Crime (Spring 2005)
 Principal investigator of the Effectiveness of Summit House, an Alternative to Incarceration
Program for Female Offenders in North Carolina (Fall 2003 to Winter 2004)
 Community Corrections Task Force for Mecklenburg County, NC Member (January 1998 to
July 2004)
 Academic Writing (doctoral-level specific)
 Criminal Court Systems
 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems: England
 Community-Based Corrections
 Women and Crime
 Issues in Corrections/Seminar on Corrections
 Nature and Theory of Crime
 Research Methods
 Testing Criminological Theory
 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems: England
 Community-Based Corrections
 Introduction to Corrections (Survey of Corrections)
 Juvenile Justice
 Nature and Theory of Crime (Criminology)
 Research Methods
 Survey of Courts
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 Court-processing outcomes, with emphasis on the sentencing stage
o Gender disparity, racial/ethnic disparity, drug offenders
 Correctional Policy Issues
o Female offenders
o Drug offenders (includes validity of self-reported use)
o Alternatives to incarceration
o Program evaluation (process and outcome evaluations, including recidivism studies)
o Predictors and consequences of institutional misconduct
 Media Depictions of Offenders
 Criminal Justice Policies and Offenders
o Perceptions of offenders, especially female offenders
o Gun Control, capital punishment, domestic violence
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