
Common Musculoskeletal Correlative Findings on Hybrid Imaging

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Common Musculoskeletal Correlative Findings on Hybrid Imaging
Common Musculoskeletal
Correlative Findings
on Hybrid Imaging
David M Schuster, MD with special thanks to
Michael Terk, MD and Walt Carpenter, MD
You are reading a bone scan for prostate
cancer with rising PSA
urinary drainage bag
But also foci of abnormal
uptake near right SI joint, lower
LS spine, and elsewhere
Degenerative or Metastatic?
Can SPECT with your
knowledge of CT help?
L-Spine – Degenerative
with Confidence
Right SI Region –
Metastasis with Confidence
Added Confidence of Metastases
from CT Alone
Or bone scan ordered for decub
ulcer but you first look at the CT
originally read as “negative”
Is the bone scan still needed?
PET Normal Uptake and Variants Marrow
• Marrow activity
– Normally less than blood pool
• Chemotherapy and rebound - mild uptake
– Many patients have it added to
– Diffuse, intense
– Splenic uptake
PET Normal Uptake and Variants Marrow
• Knopp MV, et al. Nucl Med Biol. 1996 Aug;23(6):845-9.
– Found mild increase with chemotherapy (9/11 patients) but
much more with G-CSF (5/5)
• Sugawara Y, et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1998;16(1):17380,
– Marrow uptake declined after G-CSF but elevated over
baseline for up to 4 weeks post-completion
• Marked GCSF uptake can reduce FDG
bioavailability to tumor
PET Normal Uptake and Variants Marrow
Stable rebound from chemotherapy alone
PET Normal Uptake and Variants Marrow
Brown Fat
• May be symmetric or
asymmetric as a benign finding
• Correlate with normal areas on
CT and typical locations
PET Normal Uptake and Variants –
• Muscle activity
– At rest, fatty acid metabolism prevails
– With activity, increased O2 demand and tissue
oxidative capacity so more glucose needed
– Activity during uptake phase or strenuous activity
the day before (replenishing glycogen stores)
– Insulin and increased glucose increases muscle
– Can be focal at origin and insertion
Normal Uptake and Variants –
Paravertebral muscle
PET Normal Uptake and Variants Muscles
Normal Uptake and Variants –
Joints: Also be degenerative uptake
with FDG or MDP confirmed by your
knowledge of CT
AC joint uptake.
SUV is 2.9
Normal Uptake and Variants –
Degenerative Uptake on FDG PET
It is helpful to know the CT
appearance of benign characteristic
bone abnormalities since not
everything that is hot is malignant
Neck Pain
Outside plain films read as “negative”
Remote history of noninvasive melanoma
Patient had a few other aches and pains
55 years old
Bone scan ordered
SPECT at this
What would you do
Look at plain films
Mag view on next
Paget’s Disease
• Enlarged bone with thickened
trabeculations on plain film
– Think Paget’s
– Usually very hot on bone scan
• Can be normal in sclerotic burned
out lesions
• Confirmed with CT
• Treated with bisphosphonates and
– Follow-up bone scan next slide
We see many bone scans read
outside of Emory called positive for
metastasis when correlation could
have answered question.
Paget’s again…
• Characteristic osseous expansion, trabecular
coarsening, and cortical thickening
• Starts at end of long bone and advances as Vshaped lytic defect
• Bone scan is 94% sensitive with marked
increased uptake in lytic and sclerotic phases
but may revert to normal in burned-out lesions
Bone Scan for Prostate Cancer
• 70 year old male
• History prostate cancer
• Radical prostatectomy 4 years ago
• Rising PSA
• Bone scan to rule out metastases
Is the humerus uptake
benign or malignant?
Get a plain film.
Classic benign
enchondroma in
Rings and arcs of calcification. Will
look similar on CT.
Left Hip Pain
• 76 male
• Newly diagnosed
colon cancer
• Left hip pain
• Rest of bone scan
sclerotic and
irregular superior
femoral head on
plain film
AVN both left
greater than right
hips on MR
AVN Imaging
• Bone scan
– Hot in most adults since reactive phase
– Children, get pinholes, seen earlier so cold
– Early: low on T1, reactive interface w/sharp inner
and blurred outer border (often reaches
subchondral bone or surrounds epiphyseal bone)
– T2 double line sign. Inner high signal (granulation
tissue), outer low signal band (probable chemical
– Late: low on T1, variable on T2
Back Pain
• Young man with unexplained
back pain
• Planar bone scan show
scoliosis, otherwise normal
Since you know
classic findings on
CT of unilateral
spondylolysis, you
can correlate in the
• Pars interarticularis defect between superior
and inferior articulating processes at the
weakest portion of the spinal unit
• 3-7% of the population
• Early childhood; M:F=3:1
• Trauma and/or congenital
• L5 (67-95%); L4 (15-30%); L3 (1-2%)
• 75% bilateral
• Can be hot on affected and/or contralateral
Another 18 year old with
back pain…
Even on low
resolution hybrid
SPECT-CT we now
know what
spondylolysis looks
Also looks similar
on MR
26 year old male….
• Back pain
• Subtle uptake mid-thoracic spine
SPECT confirms. But patient happened to have an MR
available to correlate.
MRI shows
bright on T1
and T2
• Most hemangiomas are neutral on bone scan
– But can be hot or cold
• Han BK, et al. Clin Nucl Med 1995;20(10):916-21
15 patients: 11 hemangiomas normal on SPECT
3 out of 4 that were 3cm or larger had increased or
decreased uptake on SPECT
• Hemangiomas can cause back pain
• Honeycombed appearance on CT
Knowing appearance of infection on CT
and MR is very helpful as well
54 year old male
ETOH. Cirrhosis. Hepatitis C.
Admit with 4 day history chest pain on inspiration
Chest CT read as negative
Temperature 101.1 f
4/6 blood culture positive for Staph Aureus
After negative CT, Indium WBC scan done
Since we knew paravertebral fat
should be clean on CT, we were
able to correlate our findings with
“negative” CT and infection was
confirmed on MR.
Vertebral osteomyelitis on MR
Different case: emergency bone scan
ordered for decub ulcer but aborted by
reviewing CT
Soft Tissue vs Osteomyelitis
Trauma is commonly hot on PET but
knowing CT appearance can help
differentiate from tumor
Characteristic benign callous formation: healing
rib fracture
Normal Uptake and Variants –
Surgery and Trauma
SUV is
Patient with lymphoma: iliac, sternal
and rib lesions on MR called
aggressive malignancy
But classic benign healing fractures on
PET-CT: SUV 2.3-3.5
But when fracture has an underlying
soft tissue component think
Solitary right hip uptake post trauma. CT obtained.
fracture through
bubbly expansile
• Chondroblastoma
• 1% of primary bone neoplasia
• 90% in 10-26 years old, before cessation
enchondral bone growth
• 23% proximal femur and greater trochanter;
20% distal femur; 17% proximal tibia, 17%
proximal humerus
• Almost always benign, may become
aggressive, rare metastases
Bubbly Expansile Lesions…
• Fibrous dysplasia
• Fibrous cortical defect
• Osteoblastoma
• Giant cell
• Myeloma
• Mets renal, thyroid, breast
• Angioma
• Chondromyxoid fibroma
• Chondroblastoma
• Histiocytosis X
• Hyperparathyroid brown tumor
• Hemophilia
• Infection
• Non-ossifying fibroma
• Enchondroma
• Epithelial inclusion cyst
• Simple bone cyst
Another Bone Scan…
• 51 ♂ with large cell lung cancer
Rib uptake from trauma but tibial uptake
unexpected so plain films ordered
FNA demonstrates metastatic large cell carcinoma
Hip pain in
patient with
Hard to see on plain films but
easier on CT
More obvious
Appearance of Bone Metastases
Metastases that are typically purely lytic
Kidney, Bladder, Thyroid, Multiple myeloma
Usually mixed lytic and sclerotic
Lung , Breast
Metastases that are usually purely blastic
Prostate , Medulloblastoma , Carcinoid
Other common fractures and lesions
you may see with hybrid imaging
Osteoid Osteoma
Sickle Cell Disease
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (EG)
Intraosseous Lipoma
Insufficiency fractures commonly seen on
Nuclear Medicine studies.
This is what they look like on CT and MR.
Classic Insufficiency Fracture
Clinical suspicion stress fracture –
Early plain films
Stress Fracture –
Lucency and Callus Seen Later
In conclusion…
Knowledge of cross sectional
anatomy, normal variants, and basic
CT and MR appearance of common
pathology will inform and improve
your interpretation of hybrid imaging.
The End….
For real
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