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(Other titles: Corazones de hierro; Verdammten des Krieges; Vittime di
Credits: director, Brian DePalma ; writer, David Rabe ; article, Daniel Lang.
Cast: Michael J. Fox, Sean Penn.
Summary: War film set in South Vietnam in 1966. Based on the true story of a
squad of soldiers caught in the moral quagmire of wartime Vietnam. Witness
to the rape and murder of a Vietnamese woman by four American soldiers,
Private Ericksson (Fox) is forced to stand alone against the other men in his
squad, squad leader Sergeant Meserve (Penn) and the chain of command. A
tale of one man's quest for sanity and justice amidst the chaos of war.
Alleva, R. [Casualties of war] Crisis (Notre Dame, Ind.) 7 (Oct 1989), p. 53.
Allison, Rob. “Casualties of war” Soundtrack! the collector’s quarterly 9 (Jun 1990),
p. 18.
Ansen, David. “The arts: Movies: In the valley of the shadow” Newsweek 114 (Aug
21, 1989), p. 58.
Arnold, Gary. “‘Casualties of war’: stab at profundity misses mark” Washington
times (Aug 18, 1989), p. E1.
Aufderheide, Pat. [Casualties of war] In these times 13/31 (Aug 2, 1989), p. 27.
Baecque, Antoine de. “Le cauchemar d’Eriksson” Cahiers du cinema 427 (Jan 1990),
p. 34-5.
Banz, Helmut W. “Der Soldat und das Madchen” Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger (Feb 17,
1990), p. ?
Baron, Anne-Marie. “Brian de Palma a Deauville” Cinema 89 459 (Sep 1989), p. 15.
Baron, David. “Latest Vietnam epic suffers ‘Casualties’” Times-picayune (Aug 18,
1989), sec. LAG, p. 23.
Barra, Allen. “Welcome to the jungle” Village voice 34 (Aug 22, 1989), p. 37-44.
Baumann, Paul D. “Combustible vigilantes” Commonweal 116 (Sep 22, 1989), p.
Beier, Lars-Olav (see under Midding, Gerhard)
Blair, Iain. “Movies: ‘Casualties’ puts DePalma on the line” Chicago tribune (Aug 13,
1989), Arts, p. 10.
Blowen, Michael. “‘Casualties of war’” Boston globe (Mar 18, 1990), p. B36.
Bruno, Edoardo. “Il malessere del vivere” Filmcritica 41/401-2 (Jan/Feb 1990), p. 34.
Calistro, Paddy (see under Wilmington, Michael)
Caldwell, Gail. “Vietnam in film: The catharsis continues” Boston globe (Aug 25,
1989), p. 71.
Canby, Vincent. “My hero may be your stoolie” New York times 138 (Aug 27, 1989),
sec. 2, p. 1+ [3 p.]
____________. “Review/film: In ‘Casualties of war,’ group loyalty vs. individual
conscience” New York times 138 (Aug 18, 1989), p. C10.
Carr, Jay. “De Palma comes of age” Boston globe (Aug 18, 1989), p. 43.
_______. “DePalma confronts Vietnam” Boston globe (Aug 13, 1989), p. 77.
[Casualties of war] City limits n. 433 (Jan 18, 1990), p. 18-19.
[Casualties of war] City limits n. 434 (Jan 25, 1990), p. 32.
[Casualties of war] [DePalma comments] Films and filming n. 424 (Feb 1990), p. 3033.
[Casualties of war] Films in review 40/12 (Dec 1989), p. 615-16.
[Casualties of war] [Thy Thu Le comments] Interview 19/9 (Sep 1989), p. 22.
[Casualties of war] Listener 122/3144 (Dec 14, 1989), p. 36-7.
“Casualties of war” Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Feb 3, 1990), p. ?
[Casualties of war] Register 65 (Sep 10, 1989), p. 5.
[Casualties of war] St. Anthony messenger 97 (Oct 1989), p. 4.
[Casualties of war] Screen international n. 720 (Sep 2, 1989), p. 18.
[Casualties of war] Time out n. 1014 (Jan 24, 1990), p. 25.
Charity, Tom. “Casualties of war” Films and filming n. 423 (Jan 1990), p. 40.
Cherchi Usai, Paolo. “Vittime gi guerra” Segnocinema 41 (Jan 1990), p. 28-9.
Clark, Mike. “Mortally wounded ‘War’” USA today (Aug 18, 1989), p. 4D.
Cosford, Bill. “De Palma, Fox, Penn lose this war” Miami herald (Aug 18, 1989), p.
___________. “Vietnam veterans are simply wrong about Casualties” Miami herald
(Sep 3, 1989), p. 1K.
“The Critics: ‘Casualties of war’” Miami herald (Sep 1, 1989), p. 4G.
“De Palma defends ‘Casualties’” Philadelphia inquirer (Aug 29, 1989), p. C7.
Denby, David. “Letters: sado scorn” Village voice 34 (Sep 5, 1989), p. 4.
___________. “Movies: midnight’s children” New York 22 (Aug 28, 1989), p. 53+
[2 p.]
Devine, Jeremy M. Vietnam at 24 frames a second [GB] (p. 299-304+)
Epstein, Charles. “Casualties of war” Motion picture guide annual (edited by Jay
Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1987-2000.
(1990, p. 33)
Farrell, M. H. J. [Casualties of war] People weekly 32 (Aug 28, 1989), p. 47+
Finslo, Yngve. “Voldtekten mot Vietnam” Film & Kino 1 (1990), p. 6-7.
Fitzgerald, Frances. “Casualties of cinema” Village voice 34 (Aug 22, 1989), p. 45.
Ford, Jesse Hill. “Face-off: ‘Casualties of war’; Stop overreacting to Vietnam films”
USA today (Aug 29, 1989), p. A10.
Freitas, Gary. War movies : the Belle & Blade guide to classic war videos Bandon,
OR : Robert D. Reed Publishers, 2004.
Friedman, David. “Brian De Palma goes to war: With ‘Casualties of war,’ Brian De
Palma has moved from suspense films to another kind of horror--the
Vietnam war” Newsday (Aug 13, 1989), pt. II, p. 4.
Fuchs, Cynthia J. “Casualties of war” Cineaste 17/3 (1990), p. 40-42.
_____________. [Casualties of war] New directions for women 19/1 (Ja 1990), p.
_____________. “Casualties of war” Vietnam war feature filmography (1992 draft)
[GB] (p. 71-2) and Vietnam war films [GB] (Entry 93)
Futterman, Ellen. “Powerful, draining insights on Vietnam” St. Louis post-dispatch
(Aug 18, 1989), p. F3.
Girard, Martin. “Victimes du Vietnam” Sequences 143 (Nov 1989), p. 70-71.
Gold, Richard. “DePalma breaks silence on ‘Casualties’ at Montreal fest: rejects
criticism” Variety 336 (Aug 30-Sep 5, 1989), p. 6-7.
Greenberg, James. “Imitation of life” American film 14/10 (Sep 1989), p. 13-14.
Grenier, Richard. “Firefight over ‘Casualties’” Washington times (Aug 24, 1989), p.
_____________. “Whose Vietnam? Brian de Palma’s Casualties of war” in his
Capturing the culture : film, art, and politics Washington, D.C. : Ethics and
Public Policy Center, 1991. (p. 327-29)
Guerif, Francois (see under Merrick, Helene)
Halloran, Richard. “Veterans say of new film on Vietnam, ‘It’s a lie’” New York
times 138 (Aug 24, 1989), p. C14.
Harmetz, Aljean. “An actor who insists on being serious” New York times 138 (Aug
10, 1989), p. C13.
Henderson, Steven. “Film review: patrotic gore: De Palma as sage” Christian century
106 (Oct 18, 1989), p. 925-6.
Hillstrom, Kevin and Hillstrom, Laurie Collier. The Vietnam experience : a concise
encyclopedia of American literature, songs, and films [GB] (p. 65-71)
Hillstrom, Laurie Collier (see under Hillstrom, Kevin)
Hinson, Hal. “Movies: the explosive power of ‘Casualties of war’” Washington post
(Aug 18, 1989), p. D1, D6.
[Reprinted in Love and hisses : the National Society of Film critics sound off
on the hottest movie controversies (edited by Peter Rainer) San Francisco :
Mercury House, 1992. (p. 495-7)]
Hluchy, Patricia. [Casualties of war] Macleans 102 (Aug 21, 1989), p. 46.
Hoberman, J. “Jungle love” Village voice 34 (Aug 22, 1989), p. 77.
Holzl, Gebhard and Peipp, Matthias. Fahr zur Holle, Charlie! [GB] (p. 143-46, 259)
Horguelin. Thierry. “Casualties of war” 24 images 46 (Nov/Dec 1989), p. 89.
Howe, Desson. “On screen: self-inflicted ‘Casualties’” Washington post (Aug 18,
1989), Weekend, p. 37.
Huffhines, Kathy. “A moral jungle: DePalma’s film recalls the Vietnam nightmare”
Detroit free press (Aug 18, 1989), p. 1C.
______________. “Seriously, Michael J. Fox can act: Star proves his dramatic ability
in ‘Casualties of war’” Detroit free press (Aug 20, 1989), p. 1H.
Hutchinson, Tom. “Casualties of war” Film monthly 1 (Feb 1990), p. 20.
Hyldgaard, Soren. “De kaldte os helte” Levende billeder 6 (Feb 1990), p. 35.
Jeffords, Susan. Hard bodies: Hollywood masculinity in the Reagan era. New
Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers Univ. Press, 1994. (p. 118-25+)
Kael, Pauline “The current cinema: a wounded apparition” New Yorker 65 (Aug 21,
1989), p. 76-9. [Reprinted in Produced and abandoned : the best films you’ve
never seen (edited by Michael Sragow) San Francisco : Mercury House, 1990.
(p. 46-55)]
Kastor, Elizabeth. “Vets join list of ‘Casualties’ critics: De Palma’s film draws protest
of soldier’s image” Washington post (Aug 24, 1989), p. C1, C2.
Katsahnias, Iannis. “Le spectacle de la guerre” Cahiers du cinema 427 (Jan 1990), p.
Kauffmann, Stanley. “Stanley Kauffmann on films: casualties of Hollywood” New
republic 201 (Oct 2, 1989), p. 26-8.
Kehr, Dave. “Movies: ‘Casualties of war’ exploitation, not moral nobility” Chicago
tribune (Aug 18, 1989), Friday, p. A.
Kelleher, Ed. “Casualties of war” Film journal 92 (Aug 1989), p. 17.
__________. “De Palma’s ‘Casualties’ recalls Viet tragedy” Film journal 92 (Sep
1989), p. 6+ [2 p.]
Klawans, Stuart. “Films: ‘Casualties of war’” Nation 249 (Sep 4-11, 1989), p. 250+ [2
[Reprinted in Love and hisses : the National Society of Film critics sound off
on the hottest movie controversies (edited by Peter Rainer) San Francisco :
Mercury House, 1992. (p. 498-9)]
Krohn, Bill. “Sexe, fiction et documentaire” Cahiers du cinema 424 (Oct 1989), p.
Kuehn, Detlef. “Die Verdammten des Krieges” EPD film 7 (Feb 1990), p. 34-5.
Lanning, Michael Lee. Vietnam at the movies [GB] (p. 187-8)
Latkowski, Corinne (see under Lhassa, Jean)
Lhassa, Jean and Latkowski, Corinne. “Outrages” Grand angle 123 (Jan 1990), p. 2930.
Malcolm, Derek. “Vietnam verities are untouchable” Guardian (Aug 31, 1989), p. 22.
Matthews, Tom. “Casualties of war” Boxoffice 124 (Sep 1989), p. R56.
McBride, Joseph. “Casualties of war” Variety 336 (Aug 16-22, 1989), p. 20.
McGrady, Mike. “De Palma knows what horror means” Newsday (Aug 18, 1989),
Weekend, p. 3.
McMahon, Kevin. “Casualties of war: History, realism and the limits of exclusion”
Journal of popular film and television 22/1 (spring 1994), p. 12-21.
Merrick, Helene and Guerif, Francois. “Casualties of war” Revue du cinema 456 (Jan
1990), p. 26-7.
Michalczyk, John J. “Casualties of war” Magill’s cinema annual Englewood Cliffs,
N.J. : Salem Press, 1982- (1990, p. 71-73)
Middling, Gerhard and Beier, Lars-Olav. “ Natuerlich wurden diese Leute vom Krieg
deformiert” Filmbulletin 32/1 (1990), p. 38-40.
Movshovitz, Howie. “‘Casualties of war’ a brilliant epic of Vietnam trauma” Denver
post (Aug 18, 1989), p. I6.
Mulcahy, P. [Casualties of war] Chartist 128 (Jan 1990), p. 36.
Murphy, Ryan. “Fox found empathy, challenge in war” Miami herald (Aug 18, 1989),
p. 5G.
Murray, Steve. “Vietnam native the natural choice for key role in ‘Casualties of war’”
Atlanta journal constitution (Aug 19, 1989), sec. WL, p. 27.
Muse, Eben J. “The land of Nam: Romance and persecution in Brian DePalma’s
‘Casualties of war’” Literature/film quarterly 20/3 (1992), p. 205-12.
__________. The land of Nam : the Vietnam war in American film [GB] (p. 131,
143-4, 152, 163, 176, 180-81, 185-8, 212, 219, 222, 238)
Newsinger, John. “Do you walk the walk? : Aspects of masulinity in some Vietnam
War films” [GB]
Neyt, Geert. “Hulveringvekkende Vietnamervaring” Film en Televisie 392 (Jan
1990), p. 16-17.
Norman, Michael. “Brian De Palma explores Vietnam and its victims” New York
times 138 (Aug 13, 1989), sec. 2, p. 13.
______________. (see also under Rabe, David)
Norrested, Carl. “Den lange foljeton” Kosmorama 36/[191] (spring 1990), p. 53-4.
Novak, Ralph. [Casualties of war] People weekly 32 (Aug 28, 1989), p. 17.
Novelli, Martin. “Spiking the Vietnam film ‘canon’: David Rabe & ‘Casualties of
war’” in David Rabe: a casebook (edited by Toby Silverman Zinman) New
York: Garland, 1991. (p. 149-72)
Peipp, Matthias (see under Holzl, Gebhard)
Pflaum, H. G. “Vietnamfilm als Kinogenre” Suddeutsche Zeitung (Mar 16, 1990), p.
Pond, Steve. “Shot by shot” Premiere 3/1 (Sep 1989), p. 94-8.
Prince, Stephen.. A new pot of gold : Hollywood under the electronic rainbow, 19801989 New York : Scribner’s, 1999. (p. 192, 197, 199, 232, 334-5)
Pugliese, Roberto. “Segnodischi” Segnocinema 42 (Mar 1990), p. 69.
Pym, John. “Casualties of war” Monthly film bulletin 57/673 (Feb 1990), p. 38-9.
Quirk, Lawrence J. “Casualties of war” in his Great war films Secaucus, N.J. : Carol
Pub., 1994. (p. 243-4)
Rabe, David and Norman, Michael. “Letters: ‘Casualties of war’” New York times
138 (Aug 27, 1989), sec. 2, p. 5.
Rafferty, Terrence. “Vietnam’s agony: Casualties of war” Sight and sound 59/1
(winter 1989/90), p. 62.
Rainer, Peter. [Casualties of war - video review] American film 15 (Apr 1990), p. 52.
Ramjug, Peter. “Vietnam veterans protest ‘stereotypes’ in De Palma film”
Philadelphia inquirer (Aug 24, 1989), p. E8.
Rea, Steven. “De Palma’s summer gamble: The director could have waited for the
season of serious movies to unleash his ‘Casualties of war.’ Instead, he
decided to pit his provocative Vietnam story against sequels and escapist
fare” Philadelphia inquirer (Aug 20, 1989), p. L1.
Rickey, Carrie. “‘Casualties’: De Palma’s parable of Vietnam” Philadelphia inquirer
(Aug 18, 1989), Weekend, p. 5.
Ringel, Eleanor. “Subtlety is one casualty in DePalma’s tough ‘War’” Atlanta
constitution (Aug 18, 1989), p. E1
Robinson, B. [Casualties of war] Canadian dimension 23/7 (Oct 1989), p. 48.
Rosenfield, Paul (see under Wilmington, Michael)
Salamon, Julie. “Film: De Palma in the moral quicksand of Vietnam” Wall Street
journal (Aug 17, 1989), p. A12.
“Says Vietnam still divides: De Palma defends ‘Casualties of war’” Newsday (Aug 29,
1989), pt. II, p. 7
Schickel, Richard. “Cinema: vice and victims in Viet Nam” Time 134 (Aug 21, 1989),
p. 54.
Schnelle, Frank. “Die Verbrechen der Krieger” Filmbulletin 32/1 (1990), p. 36-7.
Shipman, David. “Quarterly film review” Contemporary review 256 (Feb 1990), p.
Simon, John. “Film: the enemy was us” National review 41 (Sep 29, 1989), p. 63-4.
Siskel, Gene. “Siskel’s flicks picks: ‘Casualties of war’ story worthy of contemplation”
Chicago tribune (Aug 18, 1989), Friday, p. A.
Smith, Gavin. “Body count” Film comment 25/4 (Jul/Aug 1989), p. 49-52.
“So einfach?” Stugartter Zeitung (Feb 2, 1990), p. ?
“Soldier stereotypes decried: Truth a ‘Casualty,’ vets claim” Newsday (Aug 24, 1989),
pt. II, p. 5.
Southall, James. “Casualties of war” Film score monthly 4/1 (1999), p. 37.
Spear, Bruce. “Political morality and historical understanding in Casualties of war”
Literature/film quarterly 20/3 (1992), p. 243-8.
Sterritt, David. “Film review: Unsparing violent look at the dehumanizing toll of the
Vietnam War” Christian Science monitor (Aug 23, 1989), p. 11.
Stone, Judy. “‘Casualties of war’ true tale of atrocities” San Francisco chronicle (Aug
18, 1989), p. E1.
Strickler, Jeff. “‘Casualties of war’: Fox displays forcefulness, acting ability in tale of
atrocity” Star tribune (Minneapolis) (Aug 18, 1989), p. 1E.
Stuhldreher, Karen. “State rape: representations of rape in Vietnam” in The Viet
Nam Generation big book (edited by Dan Duffy and Kali Tal) Woodbridge,
Conn. : Vietnam Generation, 1994. (p. 155-58)
Summers, Harry. “Another atrocity about Vietnam” Washington times (Aug 31,
1989), p. F3.
Telander, Rick. “In your face” Premiere 3 (Oct 1989), p. 84-7+ [6 p.]
Travers, Peter. “The wounds of war” Rolling stone 560 (Sep 7, 1989), p. 31.
Turan, Kenneth. [Casualties of war] Gentlemen’s quarterly 59 (Sep 1989), p. 211+
Vachaud, Laurent. “Promenade avec la mort et la honte, sans espoir de retour”
Positif n. 347 (Jan 1990), p. 69-70.
Van Gelder, Lawrence. “At the movies: A Linson-DePalma film ...” New York times
137 (Feb 26, 1988), p. C8.
“Veterans criticize Casualties of war” Miami herald (Aug 25, 1989), p. 6B.
“Viet Memorial leader criticizes ‘Casualties’” San Francisco chronicle (Aug 24, 1989),
p. E5.
“Vietnam veterans call ‘Casualties of war’ an insult” Atlanta constitution (Aug 24,
1989), p. A12.
Vineberg, Steve. “DePalma in Vietnam” Threepenny review 42 (1990), p. 25-7.
[Reprinted in his No surprises, please: movies of the Reagan decade New
York : Shirmer Books, 1993. (p. 73-84)]
Von Gunden, Kenneth. Postmodern auteurs : Coppola, Lucas, De Palma, Spielberg
and Scorsese. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 1991. (p. 100-3, 167)
Vos, Erik E. de. “Casualties of war” Skoop 26 (Feb 1990), p. 40.
Walters, M. “Uneasy virtue” Listener 123/3150 (Feb 1, 1990), p. 38.
Weber, Bruce. “Cool head, hot fatigues” New York Times magazine 138 (May 21,
1989), p. 24-7+ [8 p.]
___________. “DePalma’s ‘Casualties’: Brutalities and forgiveness” San Francisco
chronicle (Aug 13, 1989), Sunday datebook, p. 33.
Wheeler, John. “First casualty in DePalma’s war was truth” Star tribune
(Minneapolis) (Sep 7, 1989), p. 19A.
___________. “Stop stereotyping Vietnam vets” USA today (Aug 29, 1989), p. A10.
___________. “Truth as casualty of war: Movie myths still dog Vietnam vets” Los
Angeles times (Sep 2, 1989), sec. 2, p. 8.
Widman, Arno. “Korpsgeist” Die Tageszeitung (Feb 1, 1990), p. ?
Wilmington, Michael. “Critic’s picks: ‘Casualties of war’” Los Angeles times (Aug 26,
1990), TV times, p. 64.
________________. “DePalma’s dark victory” Los Angeles times (Aug 18, 1989),
Calendar, p. 1.
________________; Rosenfield, Paul; and Calistro, Paddy. “Getting close to
‘Distant voices’: Liverpudlian Davies put a lot of his working-class
upbringing into the film: How ‘Casualties’ survived: Dawn Steel walked the
point and kept the project alive for Columbia Pictures and Brian DePalma”
Los Angeles times magazine (Aug 13, 1989), p. 30.
Wilson, Paul. “Sean Penn: casualty of fame?” Film monthly 1 (Feb 1990), p. 10-11.
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