
President’s Greetings

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President’s Greetings
Issue 1
President’s Greetings
Summer greetings, UNO Women’s Club
The executive board
recently held its summer
planning session and
we’re looking forward to
another year of our
members joining together
to socialize and support
our University.
If my calculations are
correct, we are beginning our 73rd year of
university affiliation. That’s amazing! As a
spouse of a university employee, I consider the
opportunity to be part of UNOWC an amazing
perk. I learn something new each time we get
As members of UNOWC, please help spread
the word and invite other women to join. The
interest groups and the events we plan are
always fun to share with new members. How can
you help?
 Perhaps a former member is at a time in her
life where she can participate once again?
 Is there a new staff or faculty member, or the
spouse/partner of a new person, who doesn’t
know about us yet?
 Is there a woman whose position may benefit
from a networking opportunity?
Be part of keeping our organization a
dynamic and rewarding experience for other
women in the UNO community!
Over the past 12 years as a UNOWC
member, I have experienced some wonderful
programs/events and the kickoff to the year is
always so fun. Catching up with longtime friends,
meeting new members to our group from across
the UNO community, and coming together to
acknowledge our scholarship recipients always
proves to be an evening well spent. Serving on
the scholarship committee over the years has
2014 - 2015
been an amazing experience and meeting the
recipients is always so rewarding. Please add
the evening of Monday, September 8, to your
calendar and plan to join us this year.
Membership form and details regarding the
Chancellor’s Scholarship Dinner are included in
this newsletter. I look forward to seeing you all
on September 8th!
Julie Messerole
UNOWC President, 2014 – 2015
2014 – 2015 Executive Team
Honorary President
Past President
Vice President
Newsletter /
University Service
Jan Christensen
Julie Messerole
Mary Bernier
Laraine Conway
Carole Langan
Anne Carroll
Ann Newton
Patti Gregor
Gina Pearson, Mary
Janet Pol
Elaine Allen
Kathy Blanke
Mary Bernier
In this issue:
 Scholarship Dinner Invitation, with RSVP
 Membership Form
 List of planned 2014 – 2015 Programs
 Photos from Maverick Food Pantry “April
UNOWC • Unit 120 • 6001 Dodge Street • Omaha, NE 68182
Web address: www.unomaha.edu/unowomensclub E-mail address: [email protected]
Newsletter Issue 1
2014 - 2015 UNOWC Programs
Chancellor’s Scholarship Dinner Sept. 8th
UNO Chancellor John Christensen will be
sponsoring our annual scholarship dinner once
again this year. A sincere thank you goes out to
the Chancellor and Jan for their continued
support of UNOWC and recognition of our
In addition to the opportunity to meet some
of our scholarship recipients, we will be
recognizing our UNOWC Member of the Year.
There are a few other exciting announcements
as well so please plan to attend this event!
Along with your RSVP (see invitation on next
page), please complete the membership
application (also included in this newsletter) and
mail to the UNOWC campus mail box on the
address listed on the form. There is no cost
associated with the dinner; however, we will
accept donations to the scholarships during this
event. Please read the form carefully for
instructions on contributing to the scholarships.
The following tentative schedule lists the
programs we have planned for the year. Some of
the details are still being coordinated. As we get
closer to the dates, we will communicate more
information to you and provide you with an
opportunity to RSVP to the events.
Thompson Alumni
September 8
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Glacier Creek
148th and State Street
October 18
11:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Event dates, times and locations to be
announced in future newsletters:
Scott Data Center November
Luncheon and
Luncheon and
April Shower
Year-end Dinner
Issue 1, 2014 - 2015
August 2014
UNOWC Interest Groups
Each group meets several times a year. If
you are interested in participating in any of these
groups, contact the group’s leader.
Gourmet Group
Ladies’ Lunch Mob
Mystery Book Club
General Book Group
Mary Bernier
[email protected]
Janine Brooks
[email protected]
Karen Garver
[email protected]
Ann Newton
[email protected]
Ladies’ Lunch Mob
The Ladies’ Lunch Mob will meet once in the
Fall semester during the Fall Break. The date is
set for Tuesday, October 22, from 12:00 – 1:30
p.m. in Allwine Hall. We will gather to eat and
participate in a seminar led by Dawn Cripe,
WGS Coordinator in the Women’s Studies
Department. The seminar topic will be the early
Women’s Suffrage movement, followed by a
portion of the film, Iron-Jawed Angels. Further
information will be announced the first part of
General Book Group
The first meeting of the General Book Group
will meet September 15th at the home of Ann
Newton at 7:00 p.m. The books to be discussed
this year are: London, Benediction, Girls of
Atomic City, Burgess Boys, Obituary, Natchez
Burning, Invention of Wings and Gone
Girls. Contact Ann Newton if you have
Need Items for UNOWC’s Archives
UNOWC Historian Ann Newton would
appreciate receiving any papers that
members or past members have from the former
UNO Faculty Women’s Club. You can reach her
at 402-556-5881 or email: [email protected].
Past meeting minutes from past secretaries
would be especially important in tracking the
history of the Club. Any historical material will
eventually go to the UNO Archives. Thanks for
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Newsletter Issue 1
August 2014
UNO Women’s Club
Scholarship Dinner
Twenty Fourteen
Chancellor John and Mrs. Jan Christensen
Invite you to attend the
2014 UNO Women’s Club Scholarship Dinner
At the Thompson Alumni Center
On Monday, September 8
From 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
In lieu of a cost for dinner, please consider making a gift to the
University of Nebraska Foundation
for one of the following scholarships:
Josephine Bail
Mary Macchietto Bernier
Margaret Naylor
Dorothy Patach
Mary Stoddard
Lou Ann Weber
UNO Women’s Club
R.S.V.P. by Friday, August 29, to Gina Pearson, 402-502-4912, [email protected]
Issue 1, 2014 - 2015
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Newsletter Issue 1
Time to Renew Your
UNOWC Membership
The following women were
UNOWC members during 20132014.
Melba Acheson
Elaine Allen
Marge Armfield
Tessa Barney
Monica Bayles
Mary Bernier
Rose Bernstein
Kathy Blanke
Bridget Blomfield
Tatiana Bodrug
Melissa Boseman
Janine Brooks
Diane Buker
Lori Byrne
Betty Carrico
Anne Carroll
Jan Christensen
Connie Claussen
Tara Clawson
Eileen Conway
Laraine Conway
Betty Davis
Sharon Davis
August 2014
Carol Ebdon
Roxie Freeman
Judith Gaeddert
Karen Garver
Jo Gilreath
Marylu Gouttierre
Patti Gregor
Amy Hanna
Judy Harrington
Rita Henry
Marty Hill
Jeanne Hoburg
Wilma Kuhlman
Sue Kutschkau
Carole Langan
Kathleen Lyons
Sue Manley
Nicole Massara
Sherry Mead
Becky Means
Darlene Menard
Julie Messerole
Ann Newton
Marjorie O'Reilly
Cindy Osborne
Dorothy Patach
Gina Pearson
Inez Petrie
Janet Pol
Aretha Prodjinotho
Marjorie Pullen
Renee Reding
Mary Lynn Reiser
Katie Sup Rezac
Catherine Rokes
Sheila Runyon
Courtney Schaffert
Angela Sedlacek
Rita Shaughnessy
Jeannine Sindt
Claudie Sires
Amanda Sjuts
Deb Smith-Howell
Bev Snowden
Sharon Trussell
Angela Valle
Marsha Vance
Lou Ann Weber
Judith Welk
Charlene Wilcox
Dorothy Willis
Tina Wilson
Cindy Wofford
We hope you renew your UNO Women’s Club
membership in 2014 – 2015 and invite new
members to join our club!
Issue 1, 2014 - 2015
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Newsletter Issue 1
August 2014
UNOWC Members "Shower" Maverick Food Pantry at
the Newly-Opened Community Engagement Center
Katherine Keiser from UNO’s Counseling Center, spoke to members about the Maverick Food
Pantry, during our “April Shower” on April 12, 2014. The Food Pantry had recently moved from the
Milo Bail Student Center into its new home in the Community Engagement Center. Moving the pantry
to the new location gives those who use the pantry a little more
privacy when they come to pick up food items, Katherine said.
The annual UNOWC “April Shower” encourages members to donate to a campus organization to help
students. UNOWC members who attended the shower donated cash or bags of groceries during the
Katherine told
UNOWC members
that both UNO
students and staff
are eligible to use the
Maverick Food
Pantry. She said
hunger is a serious
problem that affects
the productivity as
well as the physical
and mental health of
students and staff.
Katherine explained there are at least 10 donation sites on
campus where people can leave food in specially-marked
containers. Food drives are held on campus throughout the
UNOWC members interested in donating to the Maverick
Food Pantry can drop off food at any site, call the center: 402554-4083, visit the Food Pantry’s website:
www.mavsync.unomaha.edu/mavfoodpantry, or send an email:
[email protected].
Issue 1, 2014 - 2015
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Newsletter Issue 1
August 2014
UNO Women’s Club Membership Form 2014-2015
Member’s First and Last Name
UNO Dept. /Position if applicable
Home Phone
Home Address
Spouse’s Name
Spouse’s UNO Dept/Position, if applicable
Preferred email address***:________________________________ yours ________
spouse’s __________
UNO Campus Mail Address, if applicable: ____________________________________________________
***We require a home or UNO mailing address in addition to an email address.
Newsletters and invitations will be sent electronically whenever possible. Since some communications
cannot be e-mailed, we must also have either a campus or a home address.
Please check which non-email address we should use:
______UNO Campus Mail
During the course of the year, we will be taking photographs during our events. These photos may appear
in newsletters, campus publications, or on our website. If you do not want your photos to be published during
2014-2015, please check below.
______ Please exclude photos of me.
Please read the following before writing your check!!!
If you write ONE check to the UNOWC for dues and a scholarship donation, you should not claim it on your
income tax. The UNOWC is not a 501(c)(3) entity, but the Foundation is.
If you want to claim the donation on your income tax, you should write one check for dues to the UNOWC
and another for scholarship to the NU Foundation. Please send both to the UNOWC mailbox. The treasurer
will send the scholarship checks written to the Foundation for processing, which will allow you to claim your
donation on your income tax.
The UNOWC would like all funds to pass through their account. The main mission of the UNOWC is to
support scholarships for non-traditional students. Writing two checks and sending both to the UNOWC box
allows the treasurer to give credit to the club for donations made to the Foundation.
Make membership check payable to UNOWC and mail to address below:
Annual dues
Scholarship donation
Issue 1, 2014 - 2015
UNO Women’s Club
6001 Dodge St, Unit 120
Omaha NE 68182
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