
Parent FYI Sam Houston Elementary January 5, 2016

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Parent FYI Sam Houston Elementary January 5, 2016
Parent FYI
Sam Houston Elementary
January 5, 2016
Sam Houston Learning Bus. To respect parents’ wishes for student confidentiality, parents are
expected to refrain from posting on Facebook or other social media any stories, photos, comments,
etc. related to children at school events, other than their own. Campuses must follow strict
guidelines in maintaining student privacy and confidentiality. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Attendance Bee Winners. Our all school attendance average went down a little the week before the
holidays to 96.31%. I hope everyone is rested, healthy and at school this week. The Bee Attendance
Winners for the week before the holidays are: Kindergarten–Mrs. Martin’s class, 1st Grade-Mrs.
Boosa’s class again, 2nd Grade–Mrs. Kildal’s class with 100%, 3rd grade–Mrs. Bomar’s, 4th grade–
Mrs. Biediger’s class and 5th grade - Mrs. Hay’s class. The grade levels with the best attendance
last week were 3rd & 5th.
Robotics Team. The Thunderclan Warriors, our Houston EXPO Robotics Team attended the First
Lego League Robotics Trash Trek Competition before the holidays. The team competed against 30
teams from around the metroplex and won the Core Values Award. We are proud of how well the
team performed and excited that our school now has a robotics team, thanks to parent donations and
our staff sponsors, Mrs. Bankowski and Ms. Forno.
Exxon Mobil Grant. Our school was awarded a $500 grant from the Exxon Mobil Educational
Alliance Program before the holidays. We are appreciative to Exxon Mobil and Douglass
Distributing for this generous contribution to help with the education of our students.
Chess Club. Our 2nd & 3rd grade Chess Club will meet this Wed., Jan. 6th from 2:50 – 4 in the caft
Six Flags Reading Club. This week all students will be receiving packets of information regarding
this year’s Six Flags Reading Club. Students who participate in the Six Flags Reading Club and read
360 minutes will earn a free ticket to Six Flags. If you want your child to participate please fill out
the reading log that is attached to the cover letter and return it to your child’s teacher on or before
Friday, February 26th. If you need another copy of the information they are available in the office.
New Coats and Bikes. Parents please be sure to put your child’s name in any new coats, sweaters
and lunchboxes before they are brought to school. Also, I encourage you to have your child put a
lock on their bike or scooter if they ride it to school.
Lost and Found. The December Lost and Found is bagged up and in the closet on the back of the
stage. If your child lost any items at school before the holidays get with Mr. Bill, our custodian and
he will let you in the closet to look for the missing item. After it has been bagged up for over a
month it will be given to charity.
Power PLC Week. Our next Power PLC Week is Feb. 1-5. The schedule for this Power PLC
Week will be Mon.-Kindergarten Tues–1st grade, Wed- 2nd grade, Thurs–3rd grade and Fri-4th grade.
5th graders will be on their normal special area schedule all week. On Power PLC Weeks
participating grades have all of their special areas for the week in one day. The change in schedule
is so that teachers can have an extended period of time to meet as a Professional Learning
Community (PLC) to plan lessons and assessments for the upcoming six weeks, to go over prior
common assessments to determine trends and needs, and to discuss intervention plans for students.
The important thing for students to remember is to wear tennis shoes on their Power PLC Day
because they will have PE twice on that day. Our last Power PLC week is April 4–8.
Mrs. Andress
Fly UP