D E NT U T S 2016 RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY FAIR FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2016 DR. C. C. AND MABEL L. CRISS LIBRARY WELCOME TABLE OF CONTENTS JUDGES | As a student-centered university, the University of Nebraska at Omaha provides diverse opportunities for students to become engaged scholars through research and creative activity. The 8th Annual Student Research and Creative Activity Fair will introduce you to our dynamic undergraduate and graduate students. We hope you will enjoy the day-long showcase of their research and creative activity as oral presentations, performances, poster presentations, and exhibits. Thank you to the faculty advisors for encouraging their students and sharing their time and expertise. They are numerous and represent all six of UNO’s colleges, as well as UNL’s College of Engineering. Thanks also go to Criss Library Dean, David Richards, and his staff for hosting this event at such an incredible venue. We appreciate the willingness and time of those serving as judges for this event, our community colleagues and friends. Enjoy your time on campus today. Thank you for supporting student research and creative activity at UNO. Sincerely, Scott D. Snyder, Ph.D. Chief Research Officer 2 SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE | FACULTY MODERATORS | FACILITY MAPS | ORAL PRESENTATIONS/PERFORMANCES | POSTERS/DEMONSTRATIONS/EXHIBITS | INDEX OF PARTICIPANTS | 4 6 6 8 10 20 36 PLEASE... Be courteous during oral presentations in Classrooms 231, 232, 225, and 249 by: • Muting all electronic devices, such as cell phones. • Entering and exiting the room only between presentations when possible. • Moving as quietly as possible if you must enter or exit the room. 3 JUDGES NAME ORGANIZATION NAME ORGANIZATION Brian T. Allison, FACHE Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Kathleen Lawler Hustead Omaha Performing Arts Dr. Jon Anderson LI-COR Biosciences Glenn Leatherwood Valmont Industries, Inc. Sara Ausdemore First Data Yuri L. Lyubchenko, Ph.D., DSC University of Nebraska Medical Center Tessa Barney University of Nebraska Foundation Dr. Suzanne Melliger Millard Public Schools Danise M. Brownlee HelmsBriscoe Turner Morgan Habitat for Humanity of Omaha Adam J. Case University of Nebraska Medical Center Todd Morris PayPal Cheri Duryea Duryea Strategic Marketing LLC Beth Morrissette District 66 Board of Education Brad Ekwerekwu Avenue Scholars Foundation Wendy Patterson Early Childhood Services John Falconer University of Nebraska at Kearney Dr. Andy Rikli, Superintendent Papillion-LaVista Community Schools Anthony Flott University of Nebraska Foundation Karla Sigala National Park Service Nina Graziano Habitat for Humanity of Omaha Andrew Simpson Farnham & Simpson P.C., L.L.O. Matt Hammons University of Nebraska Marty Skomal Nebraska Arts Council Traci Hancock Maverick Innovations Nicholas Smith Boys Town National Research Hospital Jean Hartwell Catholic Charities Bill Snyder Peru State College Barbi Hayes Hayes Environmental LLC Chris Sommerich Humanities Nebraska Kristina Haynie Project Harmony Mark A. Spadaro Dyna-Tech Aviation Services Brigid Howard GOALS Center Patrick C. Swanson Creighton University David Jackson University of Nebraska Lauren Van Buskirk University of Nebraska Foundation Darin Jensen Metropolitan Community College Sarah Waldman Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska Professor Kathleen Johnson University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries Stacey Warner Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare Julie Kalkowski Financial Hope Collaborative at Creighton Nathan Watson Contemporary Analysis Leslie Kuhnel CHI Health Ethics Center THANK YOU TO OUR JUDGES FOR YOUR TIME AND EXPERTISE. 4 5 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 9:00 - 10:30 A.M. Poster Presentation Session 1 9:15 - 10:30 A.M. Oral Presentation Session 1 10:30 - 10:45 A.M. Break 10:45 A.M. - 12:15 P.M. Poster Presentation Session 2 10:45 - 11:45 A.M. Catherine Co Economics David Scott Glasser Theatre Dan Hawkins Sociology Olu Oyinlade Sociology James Hayes Geography and Geology Mark Pauley Interdisciplinary Informatics Oral Presentation Session 2 P. Roxanne Kellar Biology Claudia Rauter Biology 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Lunch Jodi Kreiling Chemistry Mitzi Ritzman 12:45 - 2:15 P.M. Poster Presentation Session 3 Special Education and Communication Disorders 1:15 - 2:15 P.M. Oral Presentation Session 3 Gina Ligon Adam Rosen 2:15 - 2:30 P.M. Break Marketing and Management Health, Physical Education and Recreation 2:30 - 4:00 P.M. Poster Presentation Session 4 Kelly MacArthur Sociology Thomas Sanchez Sociology 2:30 - 3:30 P.M. Oral Presentation Session 4 Craig Maher Public Administration Ryan Schuetzler Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Harmon Maher Geography and Geology Dustin Slivka Health, Physical Education and Recreation Vivien Marmelat Biomechanics Christopher Tuan Civil Engineering Dora Matache Mathematics Kristin VanWyngaarden Teacher Education FACULTY MODERATORS 6 Willie Austin Teacher Education Raj Dasgupta Computer Science Wai-Ning Mei Physics Biology Jose Baca Computer Science Shari DeVeney Special Education and Communication Disorders L. LaReesa Wolfenbarger Amy Morris Art and Art History Jenna Yentes Biomechanics Lotfollah Najjar Chemistry Sociology & Anthropology Timothy Dickson Biology Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Haizhen Zhong Timi Barone Sanjukta Bhowmick Computer Science Danae Dinkel Health, Physical Education and Recreation John Noble Health, Physical Education and Recreation Jill Blankenship Biology Sarah Edwards Teacher Education Frank Bramlett English Griff Elder Mathematics Chin Chung Chao Communication George Engelmann Geography and Geology Bruce Chase Biology Ann Fruhling Interdisciplinary Informatics Thank you to our faculty moderators for their time and assistance with today’s activities. 7 CRISS LIBRARY MAIN LEVEL 8 9 ROOM 232 ORAL PRESENTATIONS/PERFORMANCES TIME STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR TIME STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 9:15 A.M. Swapna Medichetti GD - Biology Donald Rowen 11:15 A.M. Oliver Bonham-Carter GD - Bioinformatics Dhundy Bastola A text mining application for linking functionally stressed-proteins to their post-translational modifications Characterization of Mechanism of Action of DASamP2 Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Isolation of Mutants 9:30 A.M. Jon Cavanaugh GD - Psychology Jeffrey French 11:30 A.M. Marmoset monkeys display context-dependent increases in affiliation after exposure to strangers 9:45 A.M. Ayan Dutta GD - Computer Science MaryLee Moulton GM Communication Prithviraj Dasgupta Robert Shute GD - Exercise Science Chin Chung Chao 1:15 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 1:45 P.M. Paul Davis Andrea Bradley GM - Social Work Madalyn McFarland GM - Biology Paul Davis Georg Link GD - Information Technology Matt Germonprez Elham Rastegari GD - Biomedical Informatics Hesham Ali On Utilizing Energy Expenditure in Estimating Health Levels from Raw Mobility Data De novo Assembly and Analysis of the Chilean Pencil Catfish Trichomycterus areolatus Transcriptome 11:00 A.M. Catherine Co The Guided Evolution of Open Source Communities 2:00 P.M. GM - Biology GM - Economics Evaluating Potential Molecular Targets for Novel Anti-Toxoplasmosis Compound: KG3 Dustin Slivka 10:30 - 10:45 A.M. BREAK Thomas Schulze Joseph Conrad The Cost of Aging: A Study on the Impact of Age on Unemployment Duration Transcriptional control and translocation of PGC-1 after exercise in a cold environment 10:45 A.M. Hesham Ali 11:45 - 1:15 P.M. BREAK | LUNCH Twitter as Speech: An Analysis of the Tweets of Nebraska State Legislators 10:15 A.M. GD - Biomedical Informatics Data fusion techniques for information extraction from brain networks Simultaneous Configuration Formation and Information Collection By Modular Robotic Systems 10:00 A.M. Sean West Jeanette Harder 2:15 - 2:30 P.M. BREAK Assessing Community Nonprofits Capacity for Program Evaluation 10 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 11 TIME STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR TIME 2:30 P.M. Brian Sandall GD - Educational Leadership Nealy Grandgenett 10:30 - 10:45 A.M. BREAK 10:45 A.M. Investigating Educators Perceptions of STEM Integration: A Semi-Structured Interview Approach 2:45 P.M. Jie Xiong GD - Information Technology Calli Cain GD - Criminology and Criminal Justice 11:00 A.M. Michael Loguda GM - Biology ADVISOR UG - Political Science Elizabeth Chalecki Nathan Cornelius UG - Computer Science Hesham Ali Planar Subgraph Extraction Algorithms as Biological Graph Filters Benjamin Steiner 11:15 A.M. James Selders UG - Art Adrian Duran A Revival of Regionalism of Art Education in Nebraska Examining the effect of losing good time on inmates subsequent behavior in prison 3:15 P.M. Anthony Hughes PROGRAM Conservatives Combating Climate Change: Energy & Environmental Policy in the UK Sajda Qureshi The Role of ICTs in Native American Owned Micro-Enterprises-A Framing Analysis 3:00 P.M. STUDENT 11:30 A.M. Joe Smolsky UG - Physics James Wilson Alexey Krasnoslobodtsev Using gold nanoparticles to improve performance of SERS-based immunoassay Small Mammal Habitat- Use After 40 Years of Differing Prairie Management with Fire and Mowing ROOM 231 11:45 - 1:15 P.M. BREAK | LUNCH 9:15 A.M. Trevor Pentzien UG - Mathematics Dora Matache 1:15 P.M. Determinative Power of Nodes in a Family of Signal Transduction Networks 9:30 A.M. Maggie Bartlett UG - Biotechnology Paul Davis Lily DeFrank UG - Social Work Liam HeertenRodriguez 1:30 P.M. Louis Martin Gabriella Hezel UG - Foreign Languageand Literature Eugenio Di Stefano Exploring Polish Diaspora: Sites of Memory in Buenos Aires, Argentina 10:15 A.M. Emalie Clement UG - Biotechnology Paul Davis L. LaReesa Wolfenbarger GD - Psychology Suzanne Sollars Loss of the Chorda Tympani Taste Nerve during Development Substantially Decreases its Projections to the Brain 1:45 P.M. Scott McGrath We’re Still Here 10:00 A.M. GM - Biology Arthropod Effect on Post-fledging Survival of the Dickcissel (Spiza americana) Furthering Promising Molecular Adjuvant Therapy Against Toxoplasma gondii 9:45 A.M. James Nooyen Jr GD - Biomedical Informatics Dhundy Bastola Extending concussion evaluations with telemedicine for certified athletic trainers 2:00 P.M. Steven Windisch GD - Criminology and Criminal Justice Pete Simi Priming Events and Readiness to Change: The Process of Accepting Extremist Beliefs A Novel Approach to Metabolic Pathway Modeling 12 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 13 TIME STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 2:15 - 2:30 P.M. BREAK 2:30 P.M. Jordan Wickstrom GD - Health, Physical Education and Recreation TIME STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 10:15 A.M. Sahil Sethi GM - Biomedical Informatics Dario Ghersi Anastasia Kyvelidou Infants Prefer Social Images over Shapes in the First Year of Life Computational analysis of HLA types and HLA expression in human cancer 10:30 - 10:45 A.M. BREAK 10:45 A.M. 2:45 P.M. Daniel Sabra GM - Music Christine Beard A Pedagogy For Non-Jazz Improvisation Through the Progressive Manipulation of Musical Elements 3:00 P.M. Starr Solomon GD - Criminology and Criminal Justice Sarah Gaughan GM - Biology 11:00 A.M. 11:15 A.M. ROOM 225 GM - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Lela Nix GM - Literacy Aaron Young GM - Biology Neil Polzin GM - English Connie Schaffer L. LaReesa Wolfenbarger Charles Johanningsmeier Uncovering the Life of an Artist: Organizing the Bill Holm Archival Collection 14 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral Stephanie Weddington PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow GM - Industrial/ Organizational Psychology Joseph Allen Sungho Park GD - Public Administration Carol Ebdon 11:45 - 1:15 P.M. BREAK | LUNCH 1:15 P.M. Taylor Boham UG - Biology Christine Cutucache The effect of after-school STEM education and the impact on student learning IRB: #442-13-EP 1:30 P.M. Seasonal fecundity and post-fledging survival and habitat selection of Henslow’s Sparrow 10:00 A.M. Prithviraj Dasgupta The Impacts of State-Imposed Fiscal Rules on Local Government Fiscal Performance: Does Institutional Design Matter? Early Support to Resolve Concerns and Encourage Self-Efficacy in Pre-Service Teacher Candidates 9:45 A.M. GD - Computer Science The Role of Social Support in Understanding the Relationships of Secondary Traumatic Stress and Compassion Satisfaction on Volunteer Intentions to Quit Sofia Jawed-Wessel Development and Evaluation of the Breastfeeding and Sexuality Impact Scale 9:30 A.M. Olimpiya Saha Guoqing Lu 11:30 A.M. Emily Sevick Claudia Rauter Fast Path Planning using Experience Learning from Obstacle Patterns Habitat Use of Macrhybopsis chubs and Population Structure of Shoal Chub in the Upper Mississippi River Basin 9:15 A.M. GM - Biology Changes in Female Body Mass during Parental Care: The Effects of Resource Quantity and Female Condition on Reproductive Phenotype Pauline Brennan Pathways from childhood cumulative risk to criminal conviction 3:15 P.M. Brooke Woelber Shane Cavlovic UG - History Martina Saltamacchia Tracing Medieval Gaelic Lordships with Archaeology in County Roscommon, Ireland 1:45 P.M. Emily Royer UG - Pre-Medicine Kelly MacArthur Meningitis Vaccine Documentary Video 15 TIME STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR TIME 2:00 P.M. Kaitlin Goettsch UG - Bioinformatics Dhundy Bastola 10:30 - 10:45 A.M. BREAK A Computational Framework to Identify Structural Features Associated with Asymmetric mRNA Localization to Mitochondria 10:45 A.M. 2:15 - 2:30 P.M. BREAK 2:30 P.M. Patrick Dunlap UG - Social Work Liam HeertenRodriguez 11:00 A.M. ADVISOR UG - Biology Jeremy White Dreizan Moore UG - Computer Science Natividad Hernandez UG - Public Health Joshua Wagner UG Communication Chin Chung Chao The Rhetoric of Hegemony and Racism: Living Black in America Jong-Hoon Youn 11:15 A.M. Carly Conrad & Yvonne Miller UG - Social Work Jieru Bai The Impact of Whiteclay Nebraska on the Pine Ridge Reservation: A Mixed Methods Study Leg Recognition Using a Single Accelerometer 3:00 P.M. Madeline Shehan PROGRAM Detecting Migrating Waves of Tree Bats Using Acoustic Methods Intrinsically Disordered: Queer and Trans* Spectrum Experiences With Catholic Upbringing 2:45 P.M. STUDENT Jason Coleman 11:30 A.M. Austin Sanford UG - Biotechnology Paul Davis Quantitative Plate Detection of Intracranial GFP expressing Toxoplasma gondii Engagement of Latino/Hispanic MSM in HIV Prevention ROOM 249 11:45 - 1:15 P.M. BREAK | LUNCH 9:15 A.M. Sidharta Kumar UG - Chemistry Paul Davis 1:15 P.M. Measuring the effect of co-administration of FDA-approved drugs against chronic stage Toxoplasma gondii 9:30 A.M. Roland Montgomery UG - History Kent Blansett Ryan Hemsley UG - Biology 1:30 P.M. Craig Hughes Zachary Christo UG - Sociology Paul Davis 1:45 P.M. Dalton Ellis UG - Information Assurance GM - Sociology Timi Barone Troy Rand Abhishek Parakh GD - Exercise Science Mukul Mukherjee Postural responses to noisy support surface translations in stroke survivors Olu Oyinlade Factors of Student Attrition at the University of Nebraska at Omaha 10:15 A.M. Chin Chung Chao A Few of My Favorite Things: The Roles and Functions of Special Objects for College Students In vitro Testing of KG Drug Derivatives Against Toxoplasma gondii 10:00 A.M. GM Communication The Relationship between Authentic Leadership and ExtraversionIntroversion Personality Traits in Teachers: A Qualitative Study Wampum, Colonial Contact, and Preservation 9:45 A.M. Ursula VanAntwerp 2:00 P.M. Junghack Kim GD - Public Administration John Bartle A Comprehensive Approach to Determinants of Bond Yields for School Districts: The Roles of States and School Districts in Lowering Bond Yields A Comparison of Cryptographic Key Exchanges using Sage Mathematics Software 16 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 17 TIME STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR GM - Biology John McCarty 2:15 - 2:30 P.M. BREAK 2:30 P.M. Chase Wickard Effects of Habitat Matrix on Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) Abundances in CRP Patches 2:45 P.M. Bryon Applequist GD - Exercise Science Sara Myers Spatiotemporal gait parameters are affected by footwear stiffness in toddler-aged children. 3:00 P.M. Andrew Riquier GM - Neuroscience Suzanne Sollars The Impact of Sodium Deprivation on Microglia Levels in Response to Chorda Tympani Nerve Transection in Developing Rats 3:15 P.M. Victoria GraeveCunningham GD - Industrial/ Organizational Psychology Wayne Harrison Alleviating Negative Effects of Demands to Retain Volunteers 18 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 19 POSTERS/DEMONSTRATIONS/EXHIBITS # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR SESSION 1: 9:00 - 10:30 A.M. 101 Gib Filter UG - Information Assurance # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 117 Jessa Gaspers UG - Psychology Joseph Allen William Mahoney STEGEX - Steganography Within the Portable Executable Medium Laugh it up!: Positive Effects of Humor in Meetings 119 Taylor Gehringer GD - Psychology Carey Ryan Organizational Socialization and STEM Career Persistence 103 Morgan Busboom UG - Exercise Science Dustin Slivka 202 Byungwoo Cho GD - Public Administration Craig Maher A Study on the Influence of Implementing Performance-based Budgeting on the Fiscal Condition of Principal Cities in the US 107 Olivia Rosol GM - School Psychology Shelby Dechow UG - Biotechnology 204 206 Nicholas Wages UG - Biology 208 Jill Blankenship Caleb Steffensmeier GM - Business Administration Erin Bass Roksana Zak GD - Exercise Science Douglas Derrick Dustin Slivka Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Related Gene Expression After Exposure to Different Environmental Temperatures 20 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral Adam Rosen Sarah Carp GM - Psychology Jeffrey French Stephanie O'Brien (Booth) UG - Music Education Christine Beard 210 Casey Wiens GM - Exercise Science Jennifer Yentes Effects of Auditory Stimulus Noise Levels on the Locomotor-Respiratory Coupling Virtual Leadership: Online Influence for Malevolent or Positive Innovation 115 GM - Athletic Training Integrating Irish Pedegogy in the Elementary Music Classroom Water Obligations Associated with US Fracking Projects 113 Hyunjae Jeon Assessing the role of environment on marmoset behavior Septin modifying proteins in Candida albicans 111 James Hagen Clinical Measures and their Contribution to Dysfunction in Individuals with Patellar Tendinopathy Lisa Kelly-Vance Lights, Camera, Action: Theater to Improve Social Skills in ASD 109 UG - Chemistry Synthesis of Compounds to Treat Human African Trypanosomiasis Responses of Appetite and Appetite Regulating Hormones to Acute Altitude Exposure 105 Grant Darner PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 212 James Nielsen UG - Exercise Science Mukul Mukherjee Variability in gait and balance control are affected differently during visual and support surface perturbation 214 Tasloach Wol UG - Chemistry James Hagen Synthesis of Sulfur Compounds for the Treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis 21 # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 216 Margaret Lunn GM - Business Administration Gina Ligon 513 Danilo Sanchez UG - Biology Karen MurchShafer Nesting Preferences of Native Megachile rotundata and Osmia lingnaria Solitary Bees Examining Leader Narratives Within a Deterrence Framework 218 Allison Hoover UG - Exercise Science Mukul Mukherjee 515 The Role of Vestibular Perception in Learning a Novel Locomotor Task 220 Karley Costello UG - Neuroscience 501 Johanna Jones UG - Psychology 503 Caleb Ross GM - Exercise Science Harim Won UG - Biotechnology 519 Nicholas Dinan GM - Exercise Science Tyler Patterson GM - Health, Physical Education and Recreation 521 Zachary Motz GM - Exercise Science UG - Psychology Roni Reiter-Palmon GM - Communication Karen Dwyer Matthew Bubak GM - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Dustin Slivka Irisin and FNDC5 Responses to Exercise in Different Environmental Conditions Dustin Slivka Danae Dinkel 523 Megan Catlett UG - Physical Education Steven Harrison The Effect of Structured Rhythmic Auditory Stimuli on the Performance of a Repetitive Hammering Task 525 Michael Yoerger GM - Psychology Joseph Allen Effect of Pre-Meeting Talk on Group Performance Do Perceptions of Classroom PA Breaks Vary by Size of School District? 511 Ursula VanAntwerp Claudia Rauter Effects of Exercise in Hot and Cold Environments on Interleukin-6 509 Dylan Scoggins Strategies for Improved Class Experiences: A Workshop Identification and Cloning of Genes Involved in the Regulation of Energy Metabolism of Burying Beetles 507 Joshua Darr The Interplay of Problem Construction and Self-Perceived Creativity on the Generation of Creative Solutions Dustin Slivka Human Skeletal Muscle Myogenic Gene Expression After Exposure to Different Environmental Temperatures 505 517 Joseph Allen The Impact of Counterproductive Meeting Behaviors on Meeting Effectiveness, as moderated by Meeting Attendee Personality UG - Chemistry Method and analysis of the hygroscopic properties of alanine Jeffrey French The Influence of Oxytocin on Marmoset Monkeys Playing a Cooperative Game Salvatore Gottuso 527 Anastasia Kyvelidou Relationship Between Posturography and The Gross Motor Portion of The Mullen Scales of Early Learning in Infants Jenny Kent GD - Exercise Science Nicholas Stergiou Does dynamic balance of transtibial amputees change after a three week adaptation period on a new prosthetic foot? 529 Marcia Bennett UG - History Elaine Nelson Omaha in WWII 22 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 23 # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR SESSION 2: 10:45 A.M. - 12:15 P.M. 102 Kimberly Carper UG - Biology # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 201 Christopher Johnson UG - Biotechnology Donald Rowen Suzanne Sollars Confirming the importance of C-terminal residues of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin ExoU for chaperone interaction by copurification Foliate Taste Bud Analysis following Chorda Tympani Nerve Transection in Adult Rats 104 Michelle Paulsen UG - Biotechnology Donald Rowen 203 Identification of mutations in the bacterium Pseudomonas aerugionosa that confer resistance to a novel antimicrobial peptide DASamp2 via inverse PCR 106 William Denton GM - Exercise Science Jennifer Yentes Peter Andersen UG - Chemistry 205 Shane Lentz UG - Exercise Science Alan Gift 207 Hoon Kim GM - Athletic Training Sara Myers 209 Kristi Apa GM - Psychology Adam Rosen 211 Suzanne Sollars Foliate Taste Bud Analysis Following Nerve Injury in Young Rats 116 Roger Brohimer UG - Secondary Education Samuel Ray GM - Exercise Science 213 Christine Cutucache Kota Takahashi Travis Vanderheyden UG - Pre-Mechanical Engineering Kota Takahashi UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral UG - Civil Engineering Willie Austin Zachary Darwish GM - Psychology Rosemary Strasser Joseph Mroz & Nicole Landowski GM - Psychology Joseph Allen Kari Sherman UG - Environmental Studies L. LaReesa Wolfenbarger 215 Sara Smith UG - Biotechnology Mark Schoenbeck Nitrate reductase suppression by light: Protein abundance vs. post-translational modification 217 Madison Schoenbeck UG - Psychology Roni Reiter-Palmon Effects of Training Novice Raters in Creativity Locomotion on Dynamically Adaptive Terrain 24 Shay Valentine Territory Selection and Intra-seasonal Nesting Site Fidelity of Henslowss Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) Quantifying Energetic Adaptation to Prosthetic Devices 120 Sara Myers Now You’re in Big Trouble! Meeting Lateness, Anger, and Punishment The Effect of After School STEM Education and the Impact on Student Learning 118 UG - Exercise Science Effect of Breeding Experience on Egg Investment in Zebra Finches Multiple Pars Interarticular Stress Fractures in a Male Collegiate Soccer Goalkeeper 114 Alli Kalina The Impact of Experiential Learning for Motivating Interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Disciplines The relationship between perceived health outcomes and gait improvement following surgical intervention in peripheral arterial disease 112 Rosemary Strasser Comparison of gait variability among patients with PAD with no co-morbidities, PAD and ulcers, and PAD and diabetes Manipulation of the Anhydrate to Hydrate Transformation of Theophylline Using Polymeric Excipients in Aqueous Slurries 110 GM - Psychology Chemosensory Transmission of Cortisol Levels Between Human Owners and Competition Dogs Effects of Uphill Walking and Visual Uphill Environments on Locomotor-Respiratory Coupling 108 Kristen Cunningham PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 25 # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 219 Joseph Kapusnick GM - Social Work Jeanette Harder 518 Nikolaos Papachatzis GM - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Kota Takahashi Visualizing Social Return on Investment: A Case Study 502 Frequency Validation of a high-bandwidth vibrotactile transducer for clinical use Jose Baca PDF - Computer Science Prithviraj Dasgupta 520 Modular Robotic System for Muscular Strength Training During Long-term Space Missions 504 Megan Norton GM - School Psychology Alexander Meckelburg UG - Biology Regulation of radish nitrate reductase activity by light suppression Lisa Kelly-Vance 522 Venkat Garlapati GM - Computer Science Exploring the Influence of Gender and Non-Toy Objects on Children’s Play Skills 506 Sarah Baker GM - Exercise Science Brad Woosley GD - Information Technology 524 510 Chauncey Kellar UG - Biology 512 Lauren Bowman UG - Exercise Science Arthur Nguyen UG - Computer Engineering Bradi Anderson GM - SpeechLanguage Pathology UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral UG - Music Performance Shelby VanNordstrand Thomas Hanlon UG - Theatre Robbie Jones SESSION 3: 12:45 - 2:15 P.M. 301 Chris Grala GM - Sociology Jay Irwin Bystander Training as a Best Practice Mitzi Ritzman An Expanded View of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Awareness and Understanding on a College Campus 26 Grace Kolbo LUNCH Conductive Concrete for Deicing Applications 516 Harmon Maher UNO Theatre: This Is Your Theatre Sara Myers Christopher Tuan UG - Geology Exploring Nia for Singers 528 Gait Biomechanics In Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease Can Be Predicted By Quality Of Life Measures Using Stepwise Linear Regression 514 526 Mark Schoenbeck Taxonomic distinction between Psoralidium tenuiflorum and P. floribundum (Fabaceae) Sarah Ferguson Comparison of Polygonal Fault Architecture in Great Plains Chalk vs European Chalk Prithviraj Dasgupta Multi-robot informed path planning under communication constraints Prithviraj Dasgupta Autonomous UAV Navigation in an Indoor Environment for Warehouse Inventory Recording Sara Myers Gait biomechanics are not improved following supervised treadmill exercise in patients with peripheral arterial disease 508 Mark Schoenbeck 303 Kate Worster PDF - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Vivien Marmelat Is 15 minutes of human walking data the same as 1 hour? PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 27 # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 305 Jordan Gearheart GM - SpeechLanguage Pathology Shari DeVeney 402 Besmir Gjoka UG - Neuroscience Suzanne Sollars Interaction Between the Chorda Tympani and Lingual Nerve in the Brainstem Temporal Reliability of Independent Analysis for Late Talkers Phonological Productions 307 Sonum Chowdary Vuppuluri GM - Computer Science 404 Prithviraj Dasgupta Samuel Maaiah UG - Biotechnology Kota Takahashi Designing a More Versatile Cap for Monitoring Brain Activity 406 Heather Spurgin UG - Biology Autonomous UAV Navigation in GPS-denied environments using AprilTags Christine Cutucache Identifying Novel Molecular Signatures in T-cell Leukemias/Lymphomas 309 Tyler Herek GM - Biology Christine Cutucache 408 Meta-Analysis of T-cell Leukemia/Lymphomas to Identify a Shared Gene Expression Signature 311 Namwoong Kim GM - Athletic Training Timothy Shew UG - Biology Adam Rosen 410 Christine Cutucache Venkata Naga Predeep Ambati PDF - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Michael Easterday 412 Sidney Baudendistel Sheridan Trent GM - Industrial/ Organizational Psychology 414 Shane Warehime GD - Exercise Science George Engelmann GM - Exercise Science Jennifer Yentes Eric Pisciotta GD - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Jennifer Yentes Increased Lateral Forefoot Pressure Regularity in Older Adults is Independent from Gait Velocity Joseph Allen 416 Retaining Volunteers: Meaningfulness as a Personal Resource for Employed Mothers 319 UG - Geology COPD Patients Exhibit Similar Joint Angle Variability Compared to Older, Healthy Control Subjects Mukul Mukherjee Long-range correlations of center pressure are stronger for AP perturbations than ML perturbations in healthy young adults 317 Brigette Ryalls Documenting Dinosaur Tracks in the Triassic-Jurassic Nugget Sandstone in Dinosaur National Monument, UT Identifying Molecular Pathways in T-Cell Lymphomas 315 GM - Psychology Trends in Adolescent Suicidal Ideation: A Multilevel Approach within a Crisis Call Center Ulnar Nerve Subluxation in a Collegiate Softball Player: A Case Report 313 Serena Hogg Casey Caniglia UG - Exercise Science Jennifer Yentes Determining the Best Predictor of Future Falls in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Danae Dinkel Alumni Collegiate Student-Athletes’ Wellness after Sport 418 Matthew Lockwood UG - History Martina Saltamacchia Byron Reed Manuscript Research Project 28 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 29 # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 420 Connor Reed UG - Psychology Steven Harrison 619 Ryan Gough UG - Neuroscience Bruce Chase The form and stability of visuomotor coordination is affected by the structure of the environment 601 Ann Walker GM - SpeechLanguage Pathology Evaluation of A Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor in a Drosophila Model of L-Dopa Induced Dyskinesia Shari DeVeney 621 Jacquelyn Davis GD - Psychology Suzanne Sollars 623 Leonora Gerlock UG - Information Assurance Ava Coughlin UG - Exercise Science Sharayah Swank GM - Psychology 302 Danae Dinkel Emily Pachunka UG - Bioinformatics Jonathan Santo Kailey Snyder GM - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Dakoda Kilzer UG - Civil Engineering 306 Travis King GM - Political Science Danae Dinkel UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral Jhonatan Vasquez UG - Computer Science Jose Baca Nicholas Lempke UG - Exercise Science Anastasia Kyvelidou 308 Brandon Bischoff UG - Exercise Science Steven Harrison Manipulations of the style of locomotion affects both kinesthetic and visual perception of distance traversed 310 John McCamley Ece Erdogmus Gregory Petrow PDF - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Jennifer Yentes Measuring Coupling of Breathing and Gait Rhythms Using Cross Sample Entropy 312 Jordan Freeman UG - Exercise Science Jennifer Yentes Balance Deficits in COPD; A Delineation Between the Aging Process and Disease Location, Location, Location: The Effect of Political Environment on Ideological Identification 30 Kota Takahashi Does vibro-tactile stimulation of the vestibular system influence standing postural control? Effect of Embedded Rebar Corrosion on Ultrasonic Wave Propagations 617 GM - Exercise Science Kathryn Cooper Brain Blasters: A Pilot Study Designed To Enhance the Utilization of Classroom Physical Activity 615 Chase Rock Towards Autonomous Visual Navigation of a Colonoscope Robot Identification of Genes Involved in Diauxic Shift of Saccharomyces cerevisiae through Gateway Node Analysis 613 Ryan Hartigan Push-off Work and Stride-to-Stride Fluctuations in Below Knee Prosthesis Users 304 Gender differences in the moderating effect of proactive aggression in relation to physical and relational aggression and narcissism 611 UG - Theatre SESSION 4: 2:30 - 4:00 P.M. Influence and Support for Childhood Cancer Survivors Participation in Physical Activity 609 Haley Clark Abhishek Parakh Linear Cryptanalysis of a Quasigroup Block Cipher 607 Ashlee Dere Cloud 9 Dramaturgy Immune Response to Lipopolysaccharide In the Developing Taste System of Rats 605 UG - Geology Comparing Deep Soil Chemistry Beneath an Agricultural Field and a 40-Year-Old Restored Prairie Test-Retest Reliability Relational Phonological Analyses for 2-year-old Late Talkers 603 Morgan Okeson PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 31 # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 314 Shauna Kister UG - Neuroscience Suzanne Sollars 411 Geoffrey Coughlin UG - Biology Timothy Dickson Electrophysiological Recordings from the Chorda Tympani After Lingual Nerve Transections in Rats 316 Mickey Hefley GM - Information Assurance Abhishek Parakh The Effects of Competition for Water and Light on the Establishment and Persistence of Prairie Wildflower Seedlings 413 A Cryptography Playground for Education 318 Nicholas Reynolds GM - Physical Education Taylor Hansen GM - SpeechLanguage Pathology Steven Harrison Steven Harrison PDF - Psychology 415 Shari DeVeney 417 Boman Groff UG - Neuroscience 419 Nicholas Stergiou Josh Gebbie UG - Physics Steven Harrison 602 Kristen Watson GM - Exercise Science Renat Sabirianov 604 Terence Laursen GM - Exercise Science James Stanton UG - Neuroscience Bruce Chase Jessica Fujan-Hansen GD - Exercise Science Mukul Mukherjee Ryan Hartley UG - Exercise Science Sara Myers Mahmud Bezhani UG - Chemistry Douglas Stack Synthesis of Bisphenol A Quinones Using 2-Iodoxybenzoic Acid (IBX) Jennifer Yentes 606 The Effects of Task Difficulty and Vision during Dual-Motor Tasking on Gait in Young and Older Adults 409 P. Roxanne Kellar The Variability of Minimum Toe Clearance Decreases in both Healthy Young and Healthy Older Adults During Dual-task Treadmill Walking Spectral Measurements and Solar Flux at Varying Altitude Using a High Altitude Balloon 407 UG - Biology Perception of self-motion using virtual reality augments context independent transfer in young healthy adults Improving Elderly Gait Using a Structured Auditory Stimulus 405 Aaron Welch Levodopa-induced motor behavior alterations in Drosophila larvae The Human-Body-in-Coordination as Perceptual Instrument 622 Valerie St. Pierre Smith Phylogentic Diversity comparison between prairies at different latitudes iPad Pilot Program: Graduate Student Tablet Technology Use in Clinical and Classroom Settings 401 UG - Theatre The Threepenny Opera Hair Design Information about how another person is moving through the environment is conveyed in the movements of their limbs 320 Leslie Little Jennifer Sedivy GM - Social Work Jeanette Harder Treatment Fidelity as a Tool to Improve Child Welfare Permanency Outcomes Dustin Slivka Leptin, Adiponectin, and Ghrelin Responses to Hot, Cold and, Thermo-Neutral Environmental Temperatures During Endurance Exercise 608 Jesse Granstrom UG - Chemistry Douglas Stack NMR analysis of the estrogen o-quinone to estrogen o-quinone methide equilibrium 610 Brooke Roth UG - School Psychology Adam Weaver The Effectiveness of Physical Activity as a Behavioral Intervention for an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder 32 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 33 # STUDENT PROGRAM ADVISOR 612 Kelly Prange GM - Psychology Joseph Allen Effects and Antecedents of Emotional Labor in Volunteer Roles: Who Engages and What are the Consequences? 614 Molly Schieber GM - Exercise Science Sara Myers Dual-Tasking with Virtual Reality to Understand the Role of Visual Cues in Divided Attention 616 Austen Ketter GM - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Dustin Slivka Human Skeletal Muscle Proteolytic Gene Expression after Exposure to Different Environmental Temperatures 618 Kate Worster PDF - Health, Physical Education and Recreation Vivien Marmelat Expanding our knowledge of ankle and foot interactions in walking 620 Ryan Royston GM - Industrial/ Organizational Psychology THANK YOU TO DEAN DAVID RICHARDS AND THE CRISS LIBRARY STAFF FOR HOSTING THE 8TH ANNUAL STUDENT RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY FAIR Roni ReiterPalmon Attitudes Towards Problem Solving 622 Dana Anderson UG - Architectural Engineering Ece Erdogmus Impact Echo Testing and Wall Performance Analysis of a Collapsed Temple 624 Drew Roberts UG - Theatre D. Scott Glasser Performing Internationally: The Process and Importance of Cultural Exchange 625 Susan Thorne-Bond UG - Music Darren Pettit CircleSong and the Art of Improvisation 626 Aaron David Wrigley GM - Theatre D. Scott Glasser UNO Theatre Presents: ‘Dracula’ by Steven Dietz (Sound Design) 34 UG - Undergraduate GM - Grad. Masters GD - Grad. Doctoral PDF - Postdoctoral Fellow 35 INDEX OF PARTICIPANTS Venkata Naga Pradeep Ambati (28) Nathan Cornelius* (13) Jesse Granstrom* (33) Georg Link (11) Elham Rastegari (11) James Stanton* (33) Karley Costello* (22) Boman Groff (32) Leslie Little (33) Samuel Ray (24) Caleb Steffensmeier* (20) Peter Andersen* (24) Geoffrey Coughlin* (32) Thomas Hanlon* (27) Matthew Lockwood* (24) Connor Reed (30) Sharayah Swank (30) Dana Anderson* (34) Ava Coughlin* (30) Taylor Hansen* (32) Michael Loguda* (12) Nicholas Reynolds* (32) Susan Thorne-Bond* (34) Bradi Anderson* (26) Kristen Cunningham (25) Steven Harrison (32) Margaret Lunn* (22) Andrew Riquier* (12) Sheridan Trent (28) Kristi Apa* (24) Grant Darner* (21) Ryan Hartley (33) Samuel Maaiah* (29) Drew Roberts* (34) Shay Valentine* (25) Bryon Applequist * (18) Zachary Darwish (25) Mickey Hefley* (32) Louis Martin* (13) Chase Rock (31) Ursula VanAntwerp (17, 23) Jose Baca (26) Jacquelyn Davis* (30) Ryan Hemsley (16) John McCamley (31) Olivia Rosol (20) Travis Vanderheyden (24) Sarah Baker (26) Shelby Dechow* (20) Tyler Herek* (28) Madalyn McFarland* (11) Caleb Ross (22) Jhonatan Vasquez* (31) Maggie Bartlett* (12) Lily DeFrank* (12) Natividad Hernandez* (16) Scott McGrath* (13) Brooke Roth (33) Sonum Chowdary Vuppuluri (28) Sidney Baudendistel (29) William Denton* (24) Gabriella Hezel* (12) Alexander Meckelburg* (27) Emily Royer* (15) Nicholas Wages* (20) Marcia Bennett* (23) Nicholas Dinan (22) Serena Hogg (29) Swapna Medichetti* (10) Ryan Royston* (34) Joshua Wagner (17) Mahmud Bezhani (33) Patrick Dunlap (16) Allison Hoover* (22) Roland Montgomery* (16) Daniel Sabra (14) Ann Walker* (30) Brandon Bischoff* (31) Ayan Dutta (10) Craig Hughes* (17) Dreizan Moore* (16) Olimpiya Saha (15) Shane Warehime (28) Taylor Boham* (15) Michael Easterday* (29) Anthony Hughes (13) Zachary Motz (22) Danilo Sanchez* (23) Kristen Watson* (32) Oliver Bonham-Carter (11) Dalton Ellis* (16) Hyunjae Jeon* (21) MaryLee Moulton* (10) Brian Sandall* (12) Stephanie Weddington* (15) Lauren Bowman* (26) Sarah Ferguson* (27) Christopher Johnson* (25) Joseph Mroz* (25) Austin Sanford* (17) Aaron Welch* (33) Andrea Bradley (10) Gib Filter* (20) Johanna Jones* (22) Arthur Nguyen* (26) Molly Schieber* (34) Sean West (11) Roger Brohimer* (24) Jordan Freeman* (31) Alli Kalina* (25) James Nielsen (21) Madison Schoenbeck* (25) Chase Wickard* (18) Matthew Bubak* (23) Jessica Fujan-Hansen (33) Joseph Kapusnick (26) Lela Nix* (14) Thomas Schulze* (10) Jordan Wickstrom (14) Morgan Busboom (20) Venkat Garlapati (27) Chauncey Kellar* (26) James Nooyen Jr* (13) Dylan Scoggins* (23) Casey Wiens* (21) Calli Cain* (12) Jessa Gaspers* (21) Jenny Kent (23) Megan Norton* (26) Jennifer Sedivy (33) Steven Windisch* (13) Casey Caniglia* (29) Sarah Gaughan* (14) Austin Ketter (34) Stephanie O'Brien (Booth)* (21) James Selders* (13) Brooke Woelber* (15) Sarah Carp* (21) Jordan Gearheart* (28) Dakoda Kilzer (30) Morgan Okeson (31) Sahil Sethi (15) Tasloach Wol* (21) Kimberly Carper* (24) Josh Gebbie* (32) Junghack Kim* (17) Emily Pachunka (30) Emily Sevick* (14) Harim Won* (22) Megan Catlett* (23) Taylor Gehringer (21) Hoon Kim (24) Nikolaos Papachatzis (27) Madelene Shehan* (17) Brad Woosley (26) Jon Cavanaugh* (10) Leonora Gerlock* (30) Namwoong Kim* (28) Sungho Park* (15) Kari Sherman* (25) Kate Worster (27, 34) Shane Cavlovic* (15) Besmir Gjoka* (29) Travis King (30) Tyler Patterson (22) Timothy Shew* (28) Aaron David Wrigley (34) Byungwoo Cho* (20) Kaitlin Goettsch* (16) Shauna Kister* (32) Michelle Paulsen* (24) Robert Shute* (10) Jie Xiong (12) Zachary Christo* (16) Salvatore Gottuso* (23) Grace Kolbo* (27) Trevor Pentzien (12) Sara Smith* (25) Michael Yoerger* (23) Haley Clark (31) Ryan Gough* (31) Sidharta Kumar* (16) Eric Pisciotta* (29) Joe Smolsky* (13) Aaron Young* (14) Emalie Clement* (12) Terence Laursen (32) Neil Polzin* (14) Kailey Snyder (30) Roksana Zak (20) Carly Conrad (17) Victoria Graeve-Cunningham* (18) Nicholas Lempke* (31) Kelly Prange (34) Starr Solomon (14) Joseph Conrad (11) Chris Grala* (27) Shane Lentz (24) Troy Rand (17) Heather Spurgin* (29) *Denotes FUSE, GRACA, or UCRCA awardee 36 37 NOTES 38 39 THIS EVENT WAS MADE POSSIBLE WITH THE SUPPORT FROM THE OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY AND THE CRISS LIBRARY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY 203 Eppley Administration Building 6001 Dodge Street | Omaha, NE 68182 402.554.2286 | [email protected] The University of Nebraska at Omaha shall not discriminate based upon age, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, gender-identity, sex, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran’s status, marital status, religion, or political affiliation. 0348PRGMORCA0116