Document 1498679
Translation 757-60, by of: 1976. Eugene Garfield E. La science fran sise est-elle trop The illustration IS reproduce c? with permission. Garfield Institute for Is French Scientific Philadelphia, 19106 ● scientific article by the number of times it’s been La /?echerche 7: Science Too Provincial? Information Pennsylvania Can one evaluate ● prov!nciale? cited? An ●nswer tO that can’t be ●ttempted with 100 great caulion. The use of quantitative data ●lone risks distoflion of the complexity of the process of scientific publication. Indeed, one can take the position that number of citations cannot serve ●s even ●n approximate measure of scientific worth. question probably Nevertheless, some numbers and comparisons fumish food for thought. Eccgene Garfield is president of the Instttute for S( mstlf!c Intormatlon, which includes ●mong its services Current Con!t,nts well-known to most research scientists. Here Dr. Garfield examines the case of France. Are French ioumals cited frequently? What journals cite French ●uthorsf His findings ●re far from complimentary, and certainly not beyond ●rgument. But they agree with ● picture of French science that is not unique with ~. Garfield, a picture it will be dangerous to irinore. ■ See Introduction: "Le nouveau defi Americain.", p.88, Essays, Vol:3 ● About twenty vlslt to France and speak doctoral French ago, asserting American exams the time to read to pass my As a student not only of the but also of tts science certain French scientists work was being scmntlsts too lazy to learn lectured !n Parts In Science among data were Ignored French SCl@ showed When their that by the Americans by colnc(dence By In France than the feellng had grown French fears their and that by the these hme I first 1%5 about the then new scientists mania m 1%1 and Index@, Citation nat[onal 20 Increasing, French saw the even to France were beauty wtal role I returned protests of literature, However, their that my fm.t I was able enough of language, and I made days language history diplomacy, ago, I was aware of the French years well language Ilngulst!cs, (n the years In those sclent]sts were work the of neglect Into a first confirmed the was seldom cited Brmsh Is it a to this day the SCJ is used In any other country less of her size? 89 See Introduction: "Le nouveau defi Americain.", p.88, Essays, Vol:3 [)ec line of frcm[ h sclence~ Since the study publlshcd I hope my French for ~tatlng f ren(h scwnce reasons much that of other commensurate population and hds produced Monod with wealth But It IS clear decades the condlt!om have not been symptom science IS the cognize that their flndlngs rest of the world’s My publication French year record lournals publtshed by the lnformat!on@, modern most ob)ectwe assessment nation, /ndex so heavily most one sclentlst In a publlshed assessment of cltatlons report, of a confirmed that betwc=en the number literature The Inst!tute there 2 In the study, In France and were constituted a single determined which aggregate cited and IS cited French journals French tndexed aggregate We frequently, most which are they Journals and French which the world frequently re- the “aver made only 86 IS a national that !n 1974, Of the by the most only cited are themselves )ournals most three 50 journals of the French frequently seven only French, the French ctters whtch But of the ten cited characteristic most cited Iournal frequently are themselves most frequently ten are French cited correspond most IS a l“ternatlo”a] list of the 50 journals by all French fairly well frequently as a whole both journals to a list of the cited In 1974 differences, by the Hut In fact In ranks 50 sclentlflc there and In totals For example, wwntlflc In 1974 the most journals Amer;can equal, of the a Ilterature, Ittcvature literature segment frequently Iournals most then this stngle throughout of French by the Science as though journal lournals most study Indicate by the French, cltatlon Information treated published the French article 129 journals also ten should performance a cttatton counts made cited are the greatest are telllng completed /ndex studies 1 journals journals This In Itself of larger citation art!cle articles, are primarllv Of the sclenttflc of the 15 a slgnlflcant for Sclent!flc htgher 13 previous If the French Extensive a scholarly those mediocre, of journals an of a vast number a consensus recently publtshed of another of the other’s research of times in the C/tat/on the work sc ientlsts with 2 6% French themselves cited an he or she regtsters comprises France’s scientific in French The data to base an or even The aggregation publtshlng correlatmn cites of the value contribution )ournals references French When have article that Since Indtvlcfual world’s age” such The French on the contributmn a journal, to about by the comprehenswe, of the sclent)flc ference only an the record on which to recewe total and how by French peculiarity literature I am president evidence a unlverslty, and tend 5 3% In comparison No matter the “average” about indexed of the indicates us science these 3 8% this each (SCI), Information, IS the IS the for Sclentlfic depends of sclentlflc While by the scientists are small there glve$ represent (n 1974, This nattons journals prevent to the scientific of which of this exchange in the is compiled Instnute science exchange of French Th(s data Index Iournals only indexed probably journals However, the references other commumty Science C/tation (n the International to re- this observation journals of 2,443 or for journals m French 129 French produced Many Nevertheless, Iournals Idea of trends Items a and of course of France the SCJ In 1974 all of from In I rench 5 J’% of the total source the read The covered In !nternatlonal written of 129 French lournals a significant casually sclent(flc basis for making giants scientists researchers being of The most exclusively French from outside such By publishing research language, published group Issues speaking standpoint non- Fren( h journals, a general journal $trlctly study publ15h which giants the or a sc wrtlflc \clentlsts articles and only literature--elther are many of French IS no longer language of their French tn France that has not the past three of French French International more over of the decllrre refusal Ilngu!st(( other Pasteur, for fostering present obwous results that cla+m sclentlf)c [rench In a nation of producing $clence The the country’s Lavolsier, we cannot f rench support nations, Surely Pascal, IS capable [ rench which, me today to be In decllne research, with that to do with and romparlson WIII forgive observation appears have for ecfuratlon been colleagues a painful covered In 1 ram e In 1974, Chemical It should frequently IS Slnce( cited contributed 2 6Y. for the they equal--account Society, appear as noted SC(, highly was the /ourna/ crted of o/ the All thlng5 being first on a list of journals by French above, journals, the French of all references should--all for 2 6°A th!ngs and Iournals processed again of the c!tatlons being it recelvecf by the journal Chemical Society the French about journals account by the Identical cited of Blologlcal factor of 5 84 appear second frequently cited Instead, the Iournals Ch!m{que de France, cltatlons second c!tatlons cltatlons the expected The heavy f rench language, are Ilsted received In 1974, (Nouvelle) Presse French f rench In order cmxf list, that ranked relatwely (Nouvelle) medlclne because Important French most part Iournals, that ]ournal$, much andthat mamlyof foreign own, self-citing Iowlmpact. literature while much their Islgnored own journals This The French journals bytherest heavily than is cited a cosmopolitan is may well “The for France major be due country, Much )?endus. and of citations small If the articles have less material a relatively per article.”3 a longer results Multi-part The article although count, to the contain would raising In fewer articles of for the of relatively presumably I exammed of citation into two the total or citations might per be better 4 CRS numbers of cltatjons It ranked 13th Iournal However, average number only that its Impact for 1%9, of sheer impressive--in m frequency it is a major of c{tatlons O 788 in journal in terms was quite worldwide of the in a as a tool performance Indicating city performance Rendus analysis evaluation Item--was the Comptes mainly 91 that, combmed number parts, study Intact cltatlons, of theworid. the Soviet by far from IS lower It is for any of sphttmg smaller fact, cite their asserted m Comptes they number study that but of this cnatlon ratio of a large world-famous was in France literature Itislike rate indicates France cltatlonsto countrtes literature In 1972 French published more left that clearly and equal of cltatlonsipubhcations publication of UK Japan, cltatlons authors than level publication study predominantly normal. Literature by themselves that their lSl@ them, flndlng to be cited, three the of the 50 journals were than thesclentiflc same below the Is most The approximately Iowratloof field practice not return c@cfFrench these higher low by the on rare occaslocrs of the a Iistlng frequently showed It does except In another ranked world Germany, the fewest articles likely French Union cltatlons, States for France--whatwe are short, is highly it w about In In the Soviet The sized It is Medicale because 68%, West bltlng Impact French }t is an internationally journal compliment whole !n engineering call counting than than world most low ln 1972, better the total publications the on frequently asa M highly place wascltedby more Presse French Lancer French in fdth worst the United slgnlflcantly or all the other Just above Kingdom, 44% countries In every on a list of Iournals United In clln!cal bytheoutslde receives ata Far below Klngdompubllshed that with led the France I%of cltatlons/publications cltatlons by the French literature bythe all sclent!f!c fared time period, followed outstde-of-country was the very plays the Japan Germany found The States finally and Japan the outside Presse when of total 6th by of undoubtedly A4edicale, bytheworldwlde clear Journals lsLancet--whlch Journals and next, ranks overa thlstlme francefared the United West “other” cltlng a matter 365th ranks frequently wlthonlv2 Union (Nouvelle) ranks journals most of 2 b’%--the of French ~or example, France hlghlyclted four were mecflclne, ranks journals Over although Measuring case al 3 The U S S R and thewodd, has been Narlnet United countries Iapan, authors to 100/~--about language which ranks the scientific Impact of publlcatlons, Union 7 2’?., F Ieadlng the Soviet 11 8%, ninety-fifth m every two contrast, of French c!tatlons IS not wholly although Mecf/ca/e, so Iournak cltatlon journals a part rate are French times, total the Bcdletln exceeds of low dlstancebythe for example, cited 6,671 found, (;ermany, not factor cltatlon In fact, these la 5oclete de It ranks of French It French 1971 In number slgnlftcant most highly number Although journals most by all Iournals cftatlons, worldwide equal, 492 l%5to the study It does an Impact IS 2,471 ratio being journals with In French the t[mes things from world the tnastudyby stucfycovered span high on a Itst of journals The actual in worldwlde where All an extremely 2 6’?0 French be 173 h}ghly that IS of generally supported was the )ournal was Bulletin It was cited the “expected” most the second with literature by the In 1974 second by French cited those journal by French loumal In a sclentlflc Chemistry impact would wjth single should and except highly of or just international For example, highly (1 77 most rest O( the community most dtssemlnatton journals The flndlng are not cited Ilmlted f rench of fact, for 2555, are not equal, cases the lmsrnals French the As a matter 2 b“h But all things few lhe of the American In 1974 of archwal factor--the per publlshe.d and had dropped Icwrndl! ● that c ItI>d I rwlth oullltwr ot ( Utat((m, number <>! it,ll C/A E tvrnls I[wrnals ● renduj [ I ~);~) de la \octefe (n [Jr(kr ht,it III (lt.,( I\ ~,yvn I. {II (,%, mort> . . . (~t,r~ high c ,tatl(,n\ N) t>”,,,). .,.lt t ot th(,w Iren<h UIIW l(jurn.]ts ( l<>urnal, m 3. 4. 5. 6. C. Rend. Acad, Sci. CChim. Semaine Hopitaux Nouv. Presae Medicale J. Organomet. Chem. 7. C, thv Acad Sci. A Math. Physique Acad. Sci. B. Phys. Analytical Chemistq Tetrahedron Ann. Chirurgie C. Rend. Sot, Biol. Lyon Medical Arch, Maladies Coeur J. Amer. Chem, Sot. J. Chem. Sot. Perkhr J. Organic Chemistry Revue Rhumatisme Tetrahedron Letters Pathologic Biologic Line Medicalc Canad. J. Chemistry Biochimic Neuro-Chirccrgie J. Radiol. Electrol. Arch. Fr. Pc&atrie J, Chirurgie J. Micmacopie (Paris) Eur. J, Med. Chem. 9. C, Rend. 10. 11, 12. 19. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27, 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. S5. 36. 37. S8. Brain Research Angeiol. Dcut. Med. Wachr. Biochim. Biophys. Acts Coercr Med. Interne Physical Review B Ann. Radiologie J. Urologic Nephrol. Ann. Cardiol. with of total ant which tlmei out of ten, In term> ), >Itghtl! they 45366 1308 27280 11.22 1171 92 C/B c!ted A = total of total C = cltatlons, [percentage French {Ind$ of self- Ions, <autlon c 1952 1379 1151 882 801 655 588 556 466 495 404 394 S67 965 358 343 S42 326 315 269 252 249 240 296 230 22s 215 215 212 207 198 192 187 185 184 181 180 180 1317 869 579 125 323 —— 1460,., In any S02 —— 79 232 49 221 103 —— 49 41 154 66 65 72 14 129 112 —— 13 —— 30 24 107 Bullefrn the ( $erfes D for the Compfes h journdl$ or In terms wvnl IS w D 474 S67 come des kfences e$pecldlly In view B lt ,s in to French Rendus of I ren( h journals of f rem literature thus references lournali de /’Acddemie this cltatlon wtth Iournals, moit f!gurr= In column w wntlflc 11129 11102 4762 5603 4900 22699 1924 4489 2243 27658 13059 1916 )926 2771 2466 46267 20327 21976 1549 11178 2866 1842 12685 4677 1363 1?64 1642 1265 1634 1541 19626 1132 —. = a la~ge percentage dlsturhlng, A F of French 01 all [(tat Intvrndtlorral In terrrl$ one rendus [he [ Itt+ be [nterpr~tvcl (ndlcdles ot I ren< h lournals, cltatlons D) that [Itatlons Thus journal the table otdtlons c ltatlons), (Ser/es thl~ whether ihould 1. C. Rend. Acad. Sci. DNat. 2. B, SOC.Chim. France 8. J. Chim. order wght JOURNAL Rend. title t tac tor 1 17[1), the Compte$ that rot{, of total trequemk t{) t><. ,IgmtIc that I hcit> (Iat,) ( btatg(>n In mar)) ImIJa( .M.rI1 -,t,lt ( l!atmn each lmpd{ G des sc)ences end!ng I hat rnt..ins noteworthy tor [n terms ) the ot de f rance ● A) , [tatlcm~ de I 4c.+demlr= C)(1151)Vt[ Nlank UIthv Ilgurvs Ih=rw\ D I rt,ll{ h < Ifdfl(mj Chrmfque m 1974 B . total number of B/A [percentage ot trench journal$, ,,! wlt (It drv h,tt,cl the (ompte$ l{,urrl.+ls ( It<It I<)(I. [pe,< {.I,I,,x(. ltatj<m~ [n , Iourmds (JI othvr 17.5 12.4 24.2 15.7 16.3 2.9 30.6 12.4 20.8 1,6 3.1 20.6 19.1 13.2 14.5 0.7 1.7 1.5 20.4 2.4 8.9 13.5 1.9 5.0 16.9 17.6 13,1 17.0 13.0 13,4 1.0 17.0 0.4 14.1 0.7 16.0 15.4 thlf c)t the But I! If wlf[ of all ltatlon French pa{ e$i of tact that the Ilmltwl E 11.8 7.8 12.0 2.2 6.6 — F G 67.5 6S.0 49.8 14.2 40.3 —— 0.51 0.77 0.51 0,29 0.60 2.38 0,20 0.88 0.44 3.29 1.57 0.16 0.30 0.24 0,64 4,38 1,34 1,49 0.48 1.77 0.56 0.13 1.39 1.63 0.S6 0.21 1.01 0,15 1.60 —— 24.6 8.2 13.5 80.6 66.0 64.8 —— —— 4.1 12,0 1,8 9.0 20.0 63.2 13.4 61.7 —— 6.7 32.7 —— 1.7 2.2 19.4 16.5 —— 3.9 4.8 5.1 4,4 1,1 7.9 7.3 —— 65.9 28.7 29.1 3s.5 6.5 60.8 54.1 —— 1.1 6.8 —— —— 2.3 —— 16.3 —— 2.1 9.1 13.3 59.4 3.10 0.s5 —— 3.11 0.53 2.86 0.39 0.18 to O 383 by 1974 Iournals performed had Impact factors the average extremely Corrrptes low Slmtlarly, respected Presse But International Over of over 2.0 Rendus 15(XI other 30U journals The impact article which is very ranks although high low in A careful examination hughly 2. 377 3. 290 4 256 5. 213 6. 193 7. 185 8. 184 9. 181 10. 167 11. 161 12. 159 13. 153 List of artl{ scientists shown that these international journals most of the cltatlon French each scientists scientists publlshes outside of Monod’s data for has all share one In English or in of France For articles were publlshed his scientific possible 396 French journals. In the /ourna/ of Molecular Biology. These highly-ctted scientists wisely recognize that for the author who wishes to assure that it rose from effort 1. ranked characteristic example, O 494 In 1%9 to 0.612 in 1974, France’s share of the journals which excel is painfully low, especially for a country of her size and research national In foretgn clearly medical journals, comparison, dlstlngulshed many A4edica/e is widely French The more publlshed of is lower International Its Impact, to other over better. and getting among Journals relatwe In contrast, circle contribution of readers, reaches the largest it IS imperative to Ilsiery J P. Miae en evi&nce &s polysacchari&s sur coupes frees en micr~ scopie elecmrrrigue (Electron-microscopic &monstration of poly sacchari&s in fine sections). J. Microscopic 6:987-1018, 1967. Mulliken R S. Quelqcces aspects de la theories &s orbitales molecctlawes (0s some aspects of the molecular orbital theory). J. Chim. Phys. 46:497-542, 1949. Novikoff A B & W-Yrsng Shin. Tfsc cndoplasmic reticulum in the Golgi zone and its relations to microbcsdies, Golgi apparatus and autophagic vacuoles m rat liver cells, J. Aficroscopit- 3:187-206, 1964. Rosaet R, Monier R & Jsdien J. Les ribosomes d’Esclrcrichirs coli. 1. Mlse en evidence d’un RNA ribosomique de faible oi& moleculalre (Rlbosomes of E. coli. 1. Demonstration of a rlbosomal o f low molecular weight). B. Sot. Chim. Biol. 46:87.109, 1964. Sussman R & Jacob F. Sur un systeme de repression thermosensible chez Ie bacteriophage ~ d’Escherichia coli (On a system of heat-scnsmive repression In the lambda bacteriophage of E. coli). C. Rend Acad. Sci. 254:1517-1519. 1962. Gabe M. Sur quelqucs applications de la coloration par Ii fuchslneparal&hyde--improved Gomori’s al&hyde-fuchsin (0ss some applications of the fuchsin-paral&hyde stain-lmprovcd Gomoroi’s al&hyde-fuchsin). B. Micr. AppL 3:152-162, 1953. Lejeucte J, Gautier M & Turpin R. Erudc des chromosomes somatiques de neuf enfants mongollens (Study of somatic chromosomes in nine cases 1959. of mongczlism). C. Rend. ,4cad. Sci. 248:1721-1722, Cohen G N & Rickenbg H V. Conccntrauon s ecifique reversible dcs amino acides chcz Escherichia ccdi (Spcc Ifsc reversl[ Ie concentration of amino acid.v in E. ccdi). .4rsrr.Inst. Pasteur 91:693-720, 1956. Gabriel P. Des categories Abelicrsnes ( AbelIan categories). Bull. Sot. Math. France 90:323-448, 1962. Rickenbcrg H V, Cohen G N, Buttin G & Monod J. La galactoslde-permease d’Escherichi~ coli (Galactosi& permeasc in E. coli). Ann. fnsf. Pasteur 91:829-857, 1956. Dutrillaux B & Lejeune J. Sur une nouvelle technique d’analyae du cary type humaln (A new method for analysis of human karyotypcs). C. Rend. Acad. Sci. 272,2638-2640, 1971. Lejeusse J, Gauthier M & Turpin R. Les chromsssomes humains en culture de tisaus (Human chromosomes in tissue cultures). C. Rend Acad. Sci. 248:602-603, 1959. Drach P. Mue ct cycle d’ intermue chez Ics crustaces &capo&s (Molting and the inter-molting cycle in decapod crustaceans). Ann. Inst. Ocearrogr. Monaco 19:103.391, 1939, Ies publlshvri literature during in French the perloci lournals that were 1961.1975 93 cited more than 150 times In the Inter. publish In Engllsh of a recent, 20% But according tnformal of French non-French papers tmper!allsm wtent]sts articles. many Indeed, La RechercFre partly The scientist typtcal greatly But while of them the French an Important lacks the published m French, He also contents Although reported cause read tn, only of casual dlsctpl!nes The to publish The as well whether tt causes the qualky and Of a sample covered more More Comptes Rendus, Recently, which to take be publlshed the Inst\tute was Instrumental] contents pages WIII be reflected Whether 2 -------------- ]ournal Current ) Narin Indexing ckatmn Contents@) 26:80-93, Garfield E. Cttatlon there No one dentes The Nineteen French to their refuse (In French encouraged language proper recognition goal of by artificial I 1976, publication language children, French grow as a tool Nafure of the lnternattonal French scientists cannot France nor the Engllsh Neither ever suffer for havtng of a strong recognized 277 f&9-71, Iournals--what p and In Journal 94 up to to become cadre bl-llngual they 1970 c!te and what cites them 5-10 cltatlon comparisons. /. Amer. Sot, 1975 analysls as to speak WIII continue children But In order will As long continue if their because In Engllsh, scientists science French not decllne the development of Internationally declslon WIII fathers members to learn English Natmnal and community, Information 4, 26 January of scientists to achieve publishing scientists sclentlflc 23 French language or any other mothers contributing example, edition to world But that language to be spoken--even remains that to the futtle scientists French become stucfles No French Esperanto, in 1974, studytng that language, be encouraged the opportunity the French in recognize is a confusion recognition. of French contents for published as the should in France sacrificed might means journals data who must of English Today preserving the immediately article pr!orlt!es !nternat!onal to all those tfre international of science have we afford practically scientists the adoption language or can language--can IS no longer should depend thfs sensible F & Carpenter M P. SCI 4. using in the cltatlon Garfield E. C!tatlon and work expensive in the case of a translations a scientific French French contents for Scientlftc to begin 1. Engllsh M being a declslon journals of cover-to-cover understand will lust one outstanding Only other abstracts reached alone language prohibitively multilmguality. prefer some should Index in an English the editors it has become the world, or not sclent!fic readers--even in Enghsh Engllsh Engllsh is but of quality. mternatlonal prospective of the contr{butlons Engllsh-French some and Chemie But translation up for poor Throughout scientific will 108 dld cooperation to requests, Citation sfgnlflcant, a mixed and 7 used should pages a separate of English of this ty~ can to be their pages reprint relevance publication Russtan for the of Angewandte example make true luxury scientists lournals citations by the Science conta!ned page, more few exposure of 267 French-language 133 did contafn page But between of summaries contents cause seems to read as contents joint be done English are scientst the world all French use of English undoubtedly they of French denies the publication abstracts editions of many same be well the or motivation of ideas Insistence least, The is contributions at first the oppatunky casually At the very French? German to scan a yet this casual spread }n French community require And to the translation The less what English-speaking interest is essential lf we can )ust!fy But he language which might all, of a pub- partially the maintain the strongest such be at least can’t not that subscribers, :over-to-cover will Russian, what I suspect to translation could After international no by foreign Dne successful he Engllsh Iournals, all pertinent significant article which struggle the facility no matter a French with page. the typical Ilcatlon, research much German, lacks genuinely be cited to read in Enghsh, Japanese will will contribution. time published French in the most Rencfus. received language to France, Comptes that the opportunity a cover-to-cover wbsldized their to struggle visit struggle through read or Brittsh environment--although probably regularly to exercise be content this French in order on a holiday afford prevents I am surprised has yet setzed publlsh reading Amertcan However, >ubl!sher In that from admtres he may his French articles about lournals It IS not Ifnguistlc cannot only are publtshed Engl!sh-speaking French m seen to the results ISI survey, evaluation Science 178471-79, 1972 Inform. Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol:3, p.88-94 1977-78 Current Contents, #15, p.5-10, April 11, 1977 CXJRF?EENTCOMMENTS Le Nouveau LEfi Am&-icain. 1. Click here -- "Is French Science too Provincial?" L:a Recherche, 7(757-60) 1976 ~,NuMBER In 1967 the Scrvan-Schreiber Frenchman citi- Recbercbe 1 zens by publishing Le D;ji Amkncain, In the past decade the book’s title has become a catch-phrase for all sorts of challenges. 1 did not realize until recently the extent to which SetvanSchreiber stressed the importance of the information industry, but in a recent rereading of the book’s English translation 1 came upon this startling conclusion: ‘‘The new frontiers of human creativity in every area lie in information systems and their utilization, and the Americans themselves do not seem fully to realize this yet. We [presumably the French] must forge ahead into this area before it is taken over by others.”2 This assertion is ironic in light of the recent cifibre in which 1 have been involved. For lack of a better description, 1 have called it ‘‘Le Noveau Defi Amerilain “; modesty forbids my naming it the since I have already named both a Iawj and a con. stant~ after myself. ‘ ‘Gafleld Challenge, 1. Servan-Schreiber 2. --— —--—–--––. ” J J. Le d<fi arn~n”caim Editions The American 11,1977 Last fall 1 published an article in Ltz entitled ‘‘1s French Science Too Provincial?”; I said what I had to say about the French in French, but the English translation is reprinred on the following pages, The reaction to this article has been intense. As Barbara Burke of the Wa~6 itrgtorz Po~t reported from Paris just a few weeks ago, “French Scientists Resent Dominance of English” !6 One French scientist has denounced the article as ‘‘pernicious”; another accused me of “linguistic imperialism”; and still another claimed that my article ‘‘questions the existence of a civil ization . ...” It seems that 1 have hit a raw nerve. Readers of h Recherche have had their chance to reply to the ‘“New American Challenge, ” and have certainly taken advai%ge of it--as 1’11 demonstrate at length in this space next week, In the following pages you can examine for yourself the original source of their outrage. Jean-Jacques his fellow jolted 15, APRIL challenge Denoel, 1967. New York: Atheneum, 1969. 3. Garfield E. The mystery of the transposed journal lists--wherein Bradford’s law of scattering is generalized according to Garfield’s law of ccmcentration. Current Corctefcf@ No. 31, 4 August 1971, p. 5-6. 4. –-—-. 1s the ratio between number of citations and publications consrant? Current Contents No. 6, 9 February 1976, p. 5-7. cited a true 5. –-———. La science fran~aise est-elle trop. provincial? La Recherche . 7:757-60, 1976. of English. Washington 6. Burke B. French scientists resent dominance 1977, p, E6. 20 March Po5t "Is French Science Too Provincial?" La Recherche, 7:757-60, 1976. 88