
BOX 8 (Correspondence and manuscripts, 1988-1993: A-K)

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BOX 8 (Correspondence and manuscripts, 1988-1993: A-K)
BOX 8 (Correspondence and manuscripts, 1988-1993: A-K)
Adin, Marc B. (Assistant vice president Marist College Poughkeepsie, NY.) [Letter
(ALS May 26, 1992) transmitting subscription and relating personal data; Letter
(TLS May 26, 1992) transmitting 6 short stories? (99 leaves) [two were
subsequently published in The Viet Nam Generation big book (1995)]; Letter
(TLS June 17, 1992) transmitting a synopsis titled "Working outline" (57 leaves)]
Alkana, Linda. (Seal Beach, CA.) [Letter (TLS Jan 24, 1989) requesting publication
Allen, Aiko. (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [Letter (TLS Jan 21, 1993), literary agent
writing on behalf of Richard Currey]
Anderson, Steve. (Little Rock, AR) [Letter (TLS Jan 8, 1991) transmitting manuscript
short story "Forgiveness" (10 leaves)]
Andrew, John. (Associate Professor Yale University New Haven, CT.) [Letter (TLS
June 8, 1988) requesting subscription information]
Antler. (pseud. of Brad Burdick) (Milwaukee, WI) [Letter (TLS July 12, 1992),
regarding participation in the Sixties Generation Conference; reviews of his
Factory and Last words; and photocopies of selected poems from his Last words
and the to-be-published poem "Anthem"]
Atkinson, Stan. [Photocopy of article "Stan Atkinson lectures at CSUS" The hornet
(May 17, 1991), p. 22]
Atwood, Paul L. (University of Massachusetts=Boston Boston, MA) [Letter (TLS May
15, 1989) transmitting essay "The Vietnam Veterans' memorial: America's
wailing wall?" (essay not present)]
Aubrey, James R. (Jim). (Colorado Springs, Co.) [Letter (TLS Nov 5, 1989) responding
to acceptance of article "Going toward war in the writings of Maxine Hong
Kingston" for publication; release form; manuscript of the article (24 leaves); and
page proof with the author's emendations]
Bailey, Whitmarsh. [Letter (ALS June 26, 1989) writing on behalf of a veterans group in
a prison in Colorado requesting free subscription to VNG]
Baker, Rich. (Graham, WA) [Letter (TLS May 10, 1991) with list of his prior
publications, transmitting manuscript short story "On the field of honor" (9
leaves) for consideration]
Baky, John S. (Director of Connelly Library; LaSalle Univ. Phila. PA) [Letter (TLS July
17, 1991) to Prof. James J. Kirschke, and fax to Kali Tal (Oct 15, 1992)
concerning delay in publishing his article]
Baky, John S. (see also under Kirschke, James J.)
Balaban, John. Dept. of English Penn State Univ. Univ. Park, PA) [Letter (TLS Nov 17,
1991) regarding VNG publishing flyer on his forthcoming book from Touchstone
Books, Remembering heaven's face : a moral witness in Vietnam]
Banko, Stephen T., III. (Buffalo, NY) [Letter (TLS Mar 18, 1992) describing three short
stories he would like to submit]
Baritz, Loren. (Granby, MA) [Letter (ALS Sep 6, 1988) declining offer to join the VNG
Barker, Dan A. (Home Gardening Project Portland, OR) [Letter (TLS Dec 21, 1991)
regarding acceptance of his writing by VNG; Letter (TLS July 1, 1992)
transmitting and manuscript chapter "Chap. 16 The rescue" (19 leaves)]
Barnhart, Melody. (Lewisville, TX) [Letter (TLS Dec 20, 1990) concerning censorship
of Vietnam vets (specifically Asa Baber), an L. Frank Baum book she found for
Kali Tal, and completion of her thesis]
Basehart, Harry. (Professor of Political Science. Salisbury State Univ. Salisbury MD.)
[Letter (TLS June 8, 1992) accepting K. Tal/s panel proposal for the conference
"Remembering Tet, 1968"]
Beattie, Keith. (Kensington NSW Australia) [Letter (TLS Aug 15, 1989) requesting
subscription and enclosing synopsis of thesis (Ph.D. University of New South
Wales); with copy of similar letter to the Smithsonian which was forwarded to
Beitzel, John. [Manuscript memoir "Memories of war" (3 leaves, n.d.)]
Benneti, T. (Boulder, CO.) [Letter (ALS Jan 15, 1992) writing for the Bulletin of
concerned Asian scholars wanting to know if VNG wants to continue ad
Bergeron, Beau. (State of Washington Dept. of Veterans Affairs.Olympia, WA) [Letter
(ALS Mar 11, 1992) on Dept. of Veterans Affairs (Olympia, Wash.) stationary
complaining about criticism of soldiers/veterans and lack of balance in VNG]
Berkeley, Ellen Perry. (Shaftsbury, VT) [Letter (TLS Mar 1, 1989) requesting
information about VNG]
Bergen, Timothy J., Jr. (Associated Professor University of South Carolina, Columbia
SC) [Letter (TLS Apr 26, 1988) requesting subscription information]
Berman, David M. (Assistant Professor Dept. of Instruction and Learning Univ.. of
Pittsburgh) [Letter TLS Jun 20, 1988) transmitting manuscript article "In cold
blood: Vietnam in textbooks" (not present); Letter (TLS Oct 14, 1988)
transmitting revised version of article (not present); signed agreement (Jan 6,
1989) to publish article; Letter (TLS Sep 1, 1989) transmitting manuscript article
"Interviews with two Vietnam veterans : welcome home" (2 copies, 28 leaves)]
Berry, C. Glen, Jr (Dept. of the Air Force Hurlburt Field, FL) (Major USAF). [Letter
(TLS Jun 6, 1988) regarding courses about Vietnam given to USAF personnel at
the USAF Special Operations School, Hurlburt Field, FL]
Bills, Scott L. (Associate Professors of History Stephen F. Austin State Univ.
Nacogdoches, TX) Letter (TLS Aug 31, 1990) personal news and question about
the future of VNG]
Blake, Tim. (River Ridge, LA) [Letter (ALS Apr 21, 1989) requesting issue of VNG]
Blanco, Richard L. (Professor of History) [Letter (TLS Jan 26, 1989) searching for an
editor for the volume on Vietnam in the Garland Press series "Wars of the United
Blank, Arthur S., Jr. (Director Readjustment Counseling Service Veterans Admin. Dept.
of Medicine and Surgery Washington DC) [Letter (TLS Aug 30, 1988 on
Veterans Administration stationary) accepting seat on advisory board]
Bonior, David. (Congressman) [Photocopy "National recognition day for veterans of the
Vietnam era" (2 leaves) Congressional record 97th Congress, First session, vol.
127, no. 49 (March 26, 1981)]
Boose, Lynda E. [Manuscript essay "Techno-muscularity and the 'boy eternal': from the
quagnire to the Gulf" (49 leaves, n.d.)]
Borden, Robert. (Jemez Springs, NM) [Letter (TLS Oct 8, 1992) transmitting
manuscript poem "Meat dreams" written in 1974 (not present)]
Bordewijk-Knotter, J. M. (Rijksuniversiteit Te Leiden) [Letter (TLS Aug 31, 1980)
interested in submitting article on Vietnam war films]
Borton, Lady. (Millfield, OH) [Postcard (July 25, 1991) transmitting copy of letter to
Ngoc and Quang (see under Huu, Ngoc); Letter (ALS Apr 15, 1992) from Doan
Thi Nhu in Hanoi to Lady Borton acknowledging receipt of photocopies and
requesting additional articles on medical subjects and medicinal plants (1 leaf);
Letter (TLS June 20, 1992) renewing subscription and referring to letters from
Huu Ngoc (see under Huu, Ngoc) and to the letter from Doan Thi Nhu (1 leaf)]
Bourne, Susan J. F. [Letter (ALS Dec 4, 1990) working on authobiography and short
story, questions for Nightline about the Gulf War]
Bowers, John. (Elwood, IL) [Letter (TLS Mar 11, 1992) resubscribing, has no
suggestions or criticism of the journal; Letter (TLS Dec 3, 1993) resubscribing
with a donation, to give a paper on Paco's story, sorry to miss the last PCA
Branch, Michael P. (Secretary-Treasurer Dept. of English Univ. Of Virginia
Charlottesville VA) [Letter (TLS Mar 7, 1993 on letterhead of the Association
for the Study of Literature & Environment) thanks K. Tal for help at conference,
offers conference paper for publication (not present), discusses relationship of
literature of trauma toviolence against nature; Paper proposal for Sixties
generation conference March 4-6, 1993 titled "You say you want a revolution:
environmental reform in the literature of the 1860s and 1960s" (2 leaves)]
Brennan, John. (Assistant Editor, Vietnam Echos Concord, CA) [Letter (TLS July 10,
1992 on letterhead of Vietnam echoes where he is asst. editor) expresses
appreciation for VNG and asks about employment opportunities in the field of
archives and the Vietnam War]
Brent, James L. Jr. (Washington, DC) [Letter (ALS July 3, 1990) offers his experiences
as a Black Vietnam veteran, with 2 photocopies of his service records]
Brigham, Robert K. (Bob). (Dept. of History University of Kentucky Lexington, KT)
[Letter (TLS Oct 9, 1991) dissertation topic approved and granted 6 month
research visa by Vietnam, offers to complete any projects K. Tal needs done in
Vietnam, discusses possible history issue of VNG; Letter (TLS Nov 9, 1992)
transmitting chapter summary for upcoming VNG (not present), has received four
of the six essays (still waiting for two coming from Vietnam)]
Brostrom, Nathan. (Woodrow Wilson School Princeton University) [Letter (ALS Aug
30, 1989) with manuscript essay "Containment policy and the Vietnam War" (41
leaves, Jan 1989)]
Brown, M. Elaine Dolan. (School of Humanities, English New York Institute of
Technology Old Wesbury, NY.) [Letter (TLS Aug 2, 1989) transmitting
manuscript article "The television war: treatment of gender and the Vietnam
experience in network television in the 1988-89 season" (14 leaves); Page proof
of article with manuscript emendations (7 leaves); Permission slip]
Brown, Theresa. (Dept. of English Univ. Of Chicago Chicago IL) [Letter (TLS June 8,
1992) describing dissertation proposal on use of storytelling to redress trauma,
offers to read and comment on submissions to VNG]
Brune, Lester H. (Professor of History Dept. of History Bradley Univ. Peoria, IL)
[Letter (TLS Dec 18, 1989) to include VNG in a bibliography on the Vietnam
War he is preparing, inquires about missing issues]
Burdick, Brad (see Antler)
Burns, Jerry. (Wesleyan Univ. Middletown CT) [Letter (ALS Mar 26, 1989) hopes to
see K. Tal at PCA in St. Louis; Letter (ALS Apr 9, 1988) thanks K. Tal for letters
and discussions at PCA conference]
Butler, John P. (Washington, DC)[Letter (TLS Aug 29, 1981 on National Archives
letterhead) responds to Special Review request of Mr. Kali Herman on the records
of Vietnam War Crimes (33 boxes declassified) and the Herbert papers (8 boxes
still classified)]
Calvert, William. (Psychologist Madison Clinic Anderson, IN) [Letter (TLS Aug 16,
1988 on Madison Clinic letterhead) still interested in working with veterans with
PTSD but will not be subscribing to VNG]
Camargo, Oscar. (Spain) [Letter (TLS Aug 7, 1989) representing the Asociacion de
Estudios Guerra de Vietnam (Madrid, Spain), Spanish interest based on Spanish
involvement in the conquest of Vietnam by France in 1858-62 and a Spanish
medical team sent to Vietnam 1966-70, interested in receiving VNG publications]
Campbell, Kenneth J. [Manuscript diary extracts with introduction by the author "The
International War Crimes Conference held in Oslo, June, 1971: excerpts from the
diary of one of the witnesses : Kenneth J. Campbell" (17 leaves)]
Canby, Joan. (Richardson, TX) [Letter (TLS Dec 22, 1992) transmitting vita and
synopsis of novel Burdens and loyalties (6 leaves)]
Carter, Candy. (Truckee, CA) [Letter (TLS Dec 27, 1988) seeks advice on publishing an
anthology of Vietnam War era literature for secondary and college classes which
she is compiling]
Carter, Suzanne. (Springfield, MO) [Letter (TLS June 6, 1989) referred by Larry
Rottmann, interested in writing articles on women's literature about the Vietnam
War; Letter (TLS July 7, 1989) proposes to examine a group of 25 short stories by
women on their Vietnam experience; Letter (TLS Aug 26, 1989) transmitting
manuscript essay "Visions of Vietnam in women's short fiction" (29 leaves);
Letter (TLS Oct 17, 1989) with page proof of article with author's emendations
(19 leaves); Contract; Letter (TLS Mar 6, 1990) pleased with War and gender
issue of VNG, asks permission to reprint part of her essay in a book/bibliography
on women's short stories; Letter (TLS Nov 25, 1990) has contract with
Greenwood Press for a bibliography of American women's fictional
interpretations of twentieth century war and peace, offers reviews of recent
women's writings on Vietnam]
Centing, Richard R. (Columbus, Ohio) [Letter (TLS Feb 20, 1990) requesting copy of
VNG 1:1-2 for review in Small press and Dictionary of literary biography
Chambers, Janet. (River Vale, NJ) [Letter (TLS Mar 19, 1990) preparing manuscript for
submission; Manuscript essay "Vietnam, my country" (30 leaves, May 18, 1990);
Page proof of article with author's emendations; Permission slip]
Christie, N. Bradley. (Dept. of Englsish Stetson University. DeLand, Fl) [Letter (TLS
July 25, 1988) enjoyed meeting at PCA, enclosing introductory remarks delivered
at regional PCA meeting (not present) to be used for VNG issue on teaching the
war; Letter (TLS Oct 20 1988) negative review of Goldstein manuscript, working
on a manuscript of his own describing a poetry workshop; Letter (TLS Mar 31,
1989) receiving interesting things for teaching issue of VNG; Letter (TLS Apr 28,
1989) enjoyed time together in St. Louis, reports on pieces being submitted by
other authors; Letter (TLS May 3, 1989) transmitting two more submissions for
the teaching issue of VNG (not present); Letter (TLS May 16, 1989) refers to K.
Tal's responses to Kirschke and Frazier pieces, has sent letters to both
recommeding changes, David DeRose is sending a bibliographic essay; Letter
(TLS Aug 4, 1989) transmitting tentative table of contents (2 leaves) and revised
articles and contracts (not present), still working on introduction and waiting to
hear from Steve Potts; Letter (TLS Aug 29, 1989 from David DeRose)
transmitting revised essay (not present); Letter (TLS July 28, 1989 from David
DeRose?) transmitting bibliographic essay (not present); Permission slips (Aug 1,
1989); Letter (TLS Nov 2, 1989) enclosing a few more syllabi (not present);
Letter (TLS Apr 9, 1990) enclosing memo he sent to folks who signed contracts
(not present); Letter (TLS Nov 2, 1990) strange correspondence from Alston
James, teaching issue idefinitely postponed; Letter (Mar 25, 1992) enjoyed
conversation at conference in Louisville, plans for conference at George Mason,
glad VNG is reprinting pieces like Welcome to Vietnam, volunteers help]
Christie, N. Bradley (see also under Kirschke, James J.)
Christopher, Renny. (Santa Cruz, CA) [Letter (TLS July 3, 1992) discusses conferences,
graduate work at USC, VNG publications; Letter (TLS Oct 29, 1992) transmitting
proposal for nest year's conference (unidentified PCA?) "Racist representations of
the enemy during five U.S. wars in Asia" (2 leaves, n.d.); Manuscript essay
"Images of Vietnamese in American film: the Mafia and the super-capitalists" (11
leaves, n.d.)]
Clodfelter, Mark A. (Major USAF) Colorado Springs, CO) [Letter (TLS Aug 19, 1988)
information about military history symposium at the USAF Academy,
complements VNG]
Cohen, Barbara. (Burligame, CA) [Letter (ALS n.d.) enjoyed "Teaching the Vietnam
War" conference]
Coleman, Horace. (Huntington Beach, CA) [Photocopy of fax (Sep 25, 1991) responds
to K.Tal's editorial comments on poems, comments on VNG; Letter (TL May 18,
1992) hopes to get out of this place (hospital?) soon; Letter (TL May 19, 1992)
feels like Rodney King after the cops got through with him, right side pretty
messed up, had stroke, is at a private rehab facility in Orange County]
Collie, Kate. (Charlotte, NC) [Letter (ALS Apr 2, 1991) inquires if VNG plans issue on
visual art, or Vietnam artists, or art therapy for PTSD? Has a series of paintings
and writings called "Soldier's heart" produced in collaboration with a Vietnam vet
who overcame PTSD and offers this for publication]
Collier, Peter. [Photocopy of his article "Oliver Stone, Amerikan" American spectator
(April 1992), p. 28-31]
Columbus, Casa. [Manuscript chapter from novel Slade (10 leaves, n.d.)]
Combs, James. (Dept. of political science Valparaiso Univ. Valparaiso, IN) [Form letter
(TL, n.d.) requesting copy of Kali Herman (Tal)'s paper from PCA in New
Conforti, Joseph A, Jr. (Stoughton, MA) [Letter (ALS Dec 1, 1988) encloses sample of
his prints from Grunt's calendar he published in 1988; Letter (ALS Dec 15, 1988)
responds to negative reaction from K. Tal to his work: "Had I known the
philosophical bent of your group, I would have realized I stood a better chance
with Jane Fonda"]
Connolly, David. [Manuscript essay "Another tale of there and back again, or, Personal
comments on war and peace by an ex-warrior using J.R.R. Tolkien's The lord of
the rings as a palantir, a seeing-stone, to reality, or, Confessions of an orc" (2
copies, 10 leaves, n.d.)]
Connolly, Sean. (Baltimore, MD) [Letter (TLS Apr 6, 1992) transmitting manuscript
short story "Vietnam nirvana: the nine steps" (32 leaves, n.d.)]
Craig, John. (Boston, MA) [UMass/Boston news release (Apr 30, 1991), with Craig as
contact, concerning the 10th annual conference on Vietnam Veteran's issues of the
William Joiner Center (to be held in Washington, D.C., May 6-7]
Crandell, William F. (Bill). [Manuscript essay "What did America learn from the Winter
Soldier Investigation?" (9 leaves, n.d.)]
Currey, Cecil B. (Lutz, FL) [Letter (TLS May 3, 1992) was mildly offended by
Informed dissent : three generals and the Viet Nam war, presents several factual
errors and refers to his own biography of Lansdale (Edward Lansdale : the
unquiet American); Letter (TLS May 27, 1992) refers to phone conversation with
K. Tal and transmits manuscript essay on Agent Orange "Residual dioxin in Viet
Nam" (13 leaves, n.d.)]
Currey, Richard. [Letter (photocopy of TLS to David Willson Aug 28, 1992) personal
news and comments with brief mention of VNG0] (see also under Allen, Aiko)
Cutler, Thomas J. (Annapolis, MD) [Letter (TLS Mar 29, 1988) expresses interest in
writing for VNG and encloses photocopy of and reviews of his book Brown
water, black berets]
Davis, Paul L. (Union High School Union, SC) [Letter (TLS Jan 9, 1990) describes year
long, school-wide interdisciplinary study of the Vietnam War at Union High
School (Union, S.C.) and requests copy of Teaching the war: Interdiscplinary
deBeer, Liz. [Letter (TLS July 31, 1990) transmitting manuscript story about a Vietnam
vet (not present)]
Delano, Skip. (New York NY) [Letter (ALS Nov 29, 1990) on GI resisters and "war
crimes" issue; Letter (TLS Dec 3, 1990) on "war crimes" issue articles and
testimony; Letter (ALS Dec 19, 1990) having a good time assembling the "war
crimes" issue for May; Letter (ALS Mar 11, 1991) have to push back publication
date, requested articles from Ramsey Clark, Bob Lifton, etc.; Photocopies of
articles and brochures on The GI Movement Oral History Project (ca. 21 p,, Dec
1990-Mar 1991)]
DePauw, Linda Grant. [Empty folder]
DeRose, David J. (Theater studies Yale Univ. New Haven CT) [Fax (Jan 29, 1992)
manuscript essay "Beyond the call of duty" (11 p.); typescript of of the same
essay (12 leaves, n.d.); Manuscript essay "States of shock" (11 leaves, 1991?);
Letter (ALS June 3, 1992) to Dan Duffy: "Hope you like!"; Letter (ALS Jan 14,
1993) providing letter of reference for K. Tal and requesting a similar letter from
her] (see also under Christie, N. Bradley)
Desy, Peter. (Columbus OH) [Manuscript poem "The dreamers" (1 leaf, n.d.)]
Diomede, Matthew. (Des Peres, MO) [Letter (TLS Dec 17, 1992) transmitting
manuscript poem "Bullets from the heart (1 leaf); Letter (TLS Feb 20, 1993)
thanks for accepting poem]
Doak, SuAnn (Cisco, TX) [Manuscript poems "Puppies" and "Hands" with post-it notes
from Larry Rottmann (2 leaves, n.d.); Letter (TLS, n.d.) thanks for accepting
poems for publication]
Doan, Thi Nhu (see under Borton, Lady)
Dolan Brown, M. Elaine (see Browm, M. Elaine Dolan)
Donald, Ralph R. (Assistant professor Dept. of Mass Communication Westfield State
College Westfield, MA)[Letter (TLS June 11, 1988) requesting a copy of K. Tal's
paper "Necessary killers: the reconstruction of the warrior in the popular
imagination" given at 1988 PCA conference; Letter (TLS Sep 19, 1991)
transmitting manuscript essay "The ugly American syndrome in films of the
Vietnam War" (20 leaves, Sept 19, 1991)]
Doyle, Jeff. (University College, UNSW Australia) [Letter (TLS Dec 5, 1989) on
proposal to devote a volume of VNG to Australian involvement
Doyle, Robert C. (Penn State Univ. University Park, PA) [Letter (TLS Mar 11, 1990)
compliments VNG and provides syllabus used in his course at Penn State; Letter
(TLS May 7, 1990) thanks for response to earlier letter, working on a personal
article on coming to terms with the war]
Dreeben, June. (Cambridge, MA) [Letter (TLS Aug 12, 1989) doctoral student with
request to publish announcement for women who served in Vietnam to be
research subjects]
Dunn, Joe P. [Contract for publication of course syllabus "The Vietnam experience" (not
Duplij, Steven. (Kharkov State University Ukraine) [Letter (TLS Nov 9, 1992 with vita)
transmitting manuscript poems in English and Ukrainian (7 leaves)]
Easthope, Anthony. [Manuscript essay "Masculinity and aggression: being 'Top gun'"
(10 leaves, n.d.)]
Edmonds, Anthony O. (Tony). (Dept. of History Ball State Univ. Muncie, IN)[Letter
(TLS July 30, 1990) transmitting manuscript essay "Vietnam and the British
student left: a study in political symbolism" originally delivered at the PCA
conference in Toronto in 1989 (12 leaves)]
Edwards, Chon S. (Tucson, AZ)[2 Letters (TLS Aug 25, 1992) transmitting four
chapters and synopsis of manuscript novel One woman's world (ca. 240 leaves,
n.d.) and review of her non-fiction book I am also a daughter of Korea (published
in Korean in 1988) which served as the basis for her novel]
Egendorf, Arthur. (Riverdale NY) [Letter (ALS Sept 6, 1989) interested in contributing
a piece excerpted from his book on "Transforming warriors"; Letter (ALS Sept
16, 1989) cannot research or write anything else because of packed schedule]
Ehrenhaus, Peter. [Photocopies and offprints of articles: "Commemorating the unwon
war: on not remembering Vietnam" Journal of communication 39/1 (winter 1989),
p. 96-107; "Silence and symbolic expression" Communication monographs 55
(Mar 1988), p. 41-57; "The Vietnam Veterans Memorial : an invitation to
argument" Journal of the American Forensic Association 25 (fall 1988), p. 54-64;
"The wall" CSMC (Mar 1989), p. 94-97]
Ehrlich, Richard S. (Bangkok Thailand) [Letter (TLS Nov 25, 1991) Bangkok based
reporter for Toronto Star requesting newsletters]
Engelmann, Ted. (Denver, CO) [6 Letters (TLS and ALS Jan 6, 1989 thru Feb 7, 1990);
2 postcards (May 20 and Aug 9, 1990) containing personal news, info on trip to
Vietnam, discussion of article for "Teaching" edition of VNG, table of contents
for curriculum on the Vietnam War for grades 5-12 (2 leaves), and photocopy of
an article from the Univ. of Northern Colorado Spectrum (Dec 1989) about his
teaching about the war (3 leaves)]
Ensign, Tod. (New York.NY) [Letter (ALS July 21, 1989?) inquiring about status of
manuscript on war crimes, and 2 copies of manuscript essay "Organizing veterans
through war crimes documentation" (11 leaves, n.d.)]
Faery, Rebecca Blevins. (Iowa City, Iowa)[Letter (TLS Oct 20, 1989) transmiting
manuscript essay "Moon landing: a memory" originally read at the PCA meeting
in St. Louis (6 leaves); Letter (TLS Nov 6, 1989) with corrections to essay; Vita;
Contract; and page proof of article]
Feddema, Raymond. (Universiteit Van Amsterdam Amsterdam) [Letter (TLS Feb 24,
1990) responding to letter soliciting articles originally sent to Rob Kroes by Kali
Tal (copy enclosed)]
Ferguson, Kathy E. (University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, HI) [Letter (TLS Dec 8,
1989 on Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa letterhead) delighted VNG will publish article
"Thinking about the military: some feminist questions" by herself, Christy
Stafford, Suzanne Vares-Lum and Doris Young which originally appeared in
student publication Voices: the U.H.M. women's newsjournal 3/2 (spring/fall
1989) (copy enclosed); Letter (TLS Feb 9, 1990) disappointed that VNG will not
publish article, missed deadline was VNG's fault for not informing her]
Ferguson, Thomas J. (Honolulu, HI) [Letter (TLS Jan 3, 1989) likes first newsletter,
includes description of his research interests and scholarly background; Letter
(TLS Oct 2, 1989) comments on article by Lisa Hsiao "Project 100,000," plans for
establishing a discussion group at the Univ. of Hawaii]
Ferris, Keith (see under Hughes, Toby)
Fiddick, Thomas C. (Evansville, Ind.) [8 Letters (TLS May 8-Sept 19, 1988) regarding
article "Beyond the domino theory" for VNG, manuscript book review]
Fish, Lydia. (Director of Dept. of Anthropology Buffalo State College Buffalo NY)
[Photocopies of articles about GI songs in Vietnam (4 items); Copy of essay "In
country: songs of Americans in the Vietnam War" (39 p., n.d.)]
Fletcher, Barry. (Philippines) [Letter (TLS July 7, 1990) Australian vet writes from
Philippines with offer to help with VNG issue on Australia]
Fletcher, Marvin. (Professor of History Ohio University Athens, Ohio) [Letter (TLS
Sept 23, 1991) requests permission to use 2 VNG articles in Ohio Univ. course on
20th century American military history]
Flynn, Robert. (San Antonio, TX) [Manuscript memoir "John Wayne must die" (6
leaves, n.d.)]
Foust, J. B. (Professor of Geography Univ. Of Wis.-Eau Claire Eau Claire, WI) [Letter
(TLS Feb 23, 1990) requests information about VNG and may have a paper to
publish; Letter (TLS Mar 13, 1990) thanks K. Tal for information and again
expresses interest in having paper published (paper not present)]
Frazier, Terry. (Associate Professor of English Univ. Of Carolina Charlotte, N.C.)
[Letter (TLS Nov 15, 1988) teaches a "Vietnam experience" course at UNCC and
wants to contribute article on "Teaching the war"; Manuscript essay "The seven
phases of 'The Vietnam experience'" (2 copies, 8 leaves, Apr 29, 1989); Contract]
Fritzinger, Dennis. (University of California Berkeley, CA) [Letter (TLS Mar 15, 1991)
thanks for a review and transmits manuscript poem "Charlie don't surf" (3 leaves,
Fuchs, Cynthia J. (Cindy). [Panel and paper proposal for "Remembering Tet," proposed
paper titled "Black men with guns" (2 leaves, May 1992)]
Fujimoto, Hiroshi. (Sugiyama Jogakuen University Japan) [Letter (TLS Dec 27, 1988)
associate professor at Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ. wants to subscribe to VNG;
Letter (TLS Feb 1, 1989) thanks for subscription, describes Japanese research on
Furr, Grover. (Assistant professor of English and Comparative literature Monclair State
College Upper Montclair, NJ) [Letter (TLS n.d.) teaches course on Vietnam at
Montclair State, requests copies of forthcoming VNG issues]
GI Movement Oral History Project (see under Delano, Skip)
Gaffen, Fred. (Ontario Canada) [2 Letters (TLS Oct 25 and Nov 9, 1988) requesting
first issue of VNG]
Gardner, Fred. (San Francisco, CA) [Letter (TLS May 2, 1990 from Kali Tal) requests
material from the author who was active in the GI coffeehouse movement, for a
followup issue of VNG's GI resistance; Letter (TLS Jan 8, 1992) transmitting list
of primary source material on the Vietnam-era peace movement (3 leaves) which
he would like to offer to a university library; Manuscript memoir "Hollywood
confidential" on the anti-war movement, the coffehouse movement and the FTA
show (22 leaves, n.d.)]
Gaspar, Jay. (Colorado Springs, CO) [Letter (ALS Apr 9, 1989) Prof. of English at the
USAF Academy subscribing to VNG and promoting War, literature and the arts;
Letter (ALS Apr 1, 1991) resubscribing and offering essay on Mailer's Armies of
the night for possible publication (not present)]
Geiger, Steve E. (New York NY) [Letter (TLS Sep 4, 1992) comments on VNG
editorial policy and use of the terms "Viets" and "Viet Nam"]
George, Kathi. (San Diego CA) [Letter (TLS Mar 11, 1993) compliments VNG and
describes her journal Frontiers: a journal of women studies; with copy of Frontiers
8/2 (1995) "Special issue : women and peace:]
Germundson, Ron. (St. Paul, MN) [Letter (TLS n.d.) transmitting manuscript short story
"Night moves" (8 leaves, n.d.)]
Gibson, J. William. [Manuscript memoir "Becoming the armed man" (22 leaves, n.d.)]
Gilbert, Marc Jason. (North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA) [Letter (TLS Nov 24,
1992) comments on recent conference and weakness of much Vietnam
scholarship (enclosure mentioned is not present)]
Glade, Jon Forrest. (Cheney, WA) [Letter (TLS 1992?) with text of request for
submissions for upcoming VNG issue on "Drugs and Viet Nam," mentions work
on his Blood trails; Letter (photocopy of ALS Sept 5, 1992) problems in graduate
school in Washington, won't be able to start work on "Drugs and Viet Nam" for
the forseeable future; 5 manuscript poems: "Adventure calls (Hue, 1969),"
"Displaying the flag," "Fireflies,""The lifeguard at Eagle Beach (north of Hue,
1969)," "Nothing remains,"]
Goldstein, Jonathan. (Associate Professor of History Wesdt Georgia College Carrollton,
GA) [Letter (TLS Sept 26, 1988) transmitting manuscript article on teaching the
war (not present)]
Gotera, Vicente F. (Vince). (Assistant Professor of English Humboldt State Univ.)
[Manuscript essay "The fragging of language: D.F. Brown's Returning fire" (13
leaves, Mar 18, 1991)]
Gray, Joseph Terrence. (Somerset, Kentucky) [Letter (TLS Mar 21, 1991) requests letter
of support for a film he is making about Vietnam veterans, with vita and synopsis
of the film "Ambush" (a dramatic narrative about Vietnam veterans today)]
Greenblatt, Julie. (Associate editor, Humanities Cambridge University Press, New York,
NY) [Letter (TLS June 23, 1992) associate editor, Cambridge Univ. Press
informing K. Tal that her The language of pain: the literature of trauma had been
accepted for publication]
Grey, Jeffery. (University ollege the University of New South Wales Australian Defence
Force Academy) [10 Letters (TLS July 13, 1989-May 1, 1991) concerning the
Australian issue of VNG which he co-edited; with list of contributors to the issue
(2 leaves)]
Grigsby, Bryan K. (Cherry Hill, NJ) [Letter (TLS, 1989?) served as combat
photographer 1968-69, currently working for Philadelphia Inquirer, transmits
copy of piece he did for the Sunday magazine (not present) and photocopies of
selected photos (33 p.dated 1969-1983); TLS May 21, 1989) thanks for "reading"
his photographs]
Griswold, Charles. (Associate Professor and Acting Chairman Dept. of Philosophy
Howard Univ. Washington, DC) [Letter (TLS Nov 29, 1988) offers article
originally published in Critical inquiry for reprint (not present)]
Gruner, Elliott. (Assistant Professor Dept. Of English) [Letter (TLS July 21, 1992) VNG
contacts useful in teaching the Vietnam War at West Point, Dept. of English now
wants to focus on WWII, hopes Gulf War does not reduce PCA interest in
Vietnam, POW book should be out by the end of the year]
Gulick, Steve. (Phila, PA) [Letter (TLS Jan 10, 1991) complimenting VNG and
enclosing sample newsletters he is involved with (Peace meal notes no. 5 (Nov
1990), Philadelphia war tax resistance (May 1989-April 1990), and The keystone
socialist (fall 1990), and inquiring if VNG would be interested in helping him
develop a manual on doing issue-oriented plays with children; brochure of his
mime and song act "Peace meal player"]
Gullickson, Gary D. (Kasson, MN) [Letter (ALS Apr 19, 1989) transmitting form letters
soliciting veteran's biographies for use in a novel; Letter (ALS May 17, 1989)
can't offer any money to VNG, "All I have is going to the book"]
Haber, Barbara. (Berkeley, CA) [Letter (TLS July 25, 1990) subscribing to VNG,
considering proposing an article, and submits list of research topics]
Hagopian, Patrick. (Phila, PA) [Letter (TLS June 3, 1989) thanks for interest in
publishing "Oral narratives: secondary revision and the memory of Vietnam" and
for editorial comments which he responds to at length (3 leaves); Letter (TLS
Aug 1, 1988) regrets to request that article "Oral narratives…" be withdrawn from
consideration because he has become bogged down in preparing final draft of
thesis and the article needs more work; Manuscript essay "Vietnam veterans and
the right to the past" to be delivered at the American Studies Assn. Convention
(18 leaves, Nov 1, 1991)]
Haines, Harry W. [Manuscript essay "Old ghosts and doubts" (11 leaves, n.d.) about
Michael Patrick Madden and Parallels: the soldier's knowledge and the oral
history of contemporary warfare (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1992)]
Halpern, Joel. (Univ. Of Massachusetts) Amherst MA) [Letter (TLS Oct 14, 1989)
interested in participating in VNG Southeast Asian Communities issue, just
published a book on this subject The Far East comes near (review and press
release enclosed)]
Hammarberg, Roger. (Bay Shore, NY) [Letter (TLS, n.d.) former Marine who has
written a novel The pit fighter about Americans still held captive in Vietnam
which he offers for publication (not present)]
Hanson, John. (Deputy Director for Public Relations, American Legion Washington DC)
[Letter (TLS Aug 22, 1988) describing a study of health and satisfaction of
Vietnam vets by the Legion and Columbia Univ.; Letter (TLS Oct 4, 1988)
further information on a press conference by the Legion's national commander on
the study of Vietnam vets]
Harrington, David S. (Human Affairs International, INC. Washington D.C.) [Letter
(ALS Dec 14, 1992) transmitting manuscript speech for possible publication
"Therapy for PTSD: whose search for meaning?" (25 leaves, Dec 7, 1992); Letter
(ALS June 10, 1992) transmitting copies of an article "Ask me about Mike
Warren… even if it hurts both of us" Washington post (May 28, 1984), p. A19;
and three manuscript speeches (only two present): "Healing in the telling: helping
in the listening" (26 leaves, National Hispanic PTSD Conference, Chicago, Oct
24, 1986); and "Healing from trauma: a community's response" (26 p.,
Albuquerque, N.M., Apr 13, 1987) ]
Harris, Helaine. (Daedalus Books Hyattsville, MD) [Letter (TLS June 26, 1992) thanks
for complimentary copy of VNG]
Harris, Norman. [Manuscript bibliography (6 leaves, n.d.) covering periodical literature
about the Afro-American experience in Vietnam from 1963-1970]
Harrison, Benjamin. (Associate Professor Dept of History Univ. Of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky) [Letter (TLS Jan 18, 1989) with vita, transmitting essay
"The waning of the peace movement" (not present) for consideration]
Hazlett, John. (Assistant Professor of English, New Orleans, LA) [Letter (TLS June 23,
1988) requesting subscription]
Heberle, Mark A. (Assistant Professor of English Dept. of English Univ. of Hawaii,
Honolulu) [Letter (TLS Dec 23, 1989) requesting subscription and describing a
paper he is writing on the Vietnam novels of Takeshi Kaiko which he will submit
for publication later]
Hebert, Thomas (Tom). (Collinsville, CT) (editor, The Vietnam War newsletter) [4
Letters (TLS May 3-Oct 28, 1988 from Kali Tal) with the author's manuscript
responses (Aug 1-Nov 2, 1988) below concerning exchange of subscriptions, ads
and mailing lists]
Hedrick, David T. (Special Collections Librarian, Gettysburg College Gettysburg PA)
[Letter (TLS Feb 15, 1989) making suggestions for VNG content and
commenting on the ignorance of undergraduates]
Heilbrunn, Lisa. (Visiting Asst. Prof., St. Lawrence Univ. Canton, NY) [Letter (TLS
Feb 3, 1993) teaching course on "Vietnam and American culture," encloses
syllabus (4 leaves, Spring 1993)]
Herman, Stewart. (Concordia College, Moorhead, MN) [Letter (TLS Mar 9, 1991)
encloses subscription, served 1970-1972 with Vietnam Christian Serrvice,
suggests voluntary agency personnel as a possible focus, is studying conscientious
objection in the Lutheran tradition; Photocopy of his article "Vietnam: widening
our perspective" Christian century (May 1, 1985), p. 442-45]
Hidalgo, Stephen P. (South, IN) [Letter (TLS Mar 20, 1991) ordering copy of W.D.
Ehrhart's Just for laughs, will present a paper in San Antonio on Yusef
Holbling, Walter W. (Institut fur Amerikanistik, Graz, Austria) [Letter (TLS June 12,
1990) thanks for shipment of Newsletters; Letter (TLS July 19, 1990) apologizes
for confusion about K. Tal's gender, hopes to contribute to issue on teaching the
war; Bibliography of his publications and works in progress]
Holm, Tom. (Assoc. Prof., Political Scince, Univ. of Arizona Tucson) [Letter (TLS
1989?) transmitting changes to essay (not present); manuscript essay "Forgotten
warriors: American Indian servicemen in Vietnam" (24 leaves, n.d.); Contract
(May 1, 1989)]
Howlett, Charles (Chuck). (Director of Social Studies, Amityville Union Free School
District, N.Y.) [Letter (ALS Apr 30, 1992) concerning editing of his manuscript
and apologizing for his wife's letter causing some misunderstanding]
Hsiao, Lisa. [Letter (ALS Oct 11, 1988) thanks for publishing essay and personal news]
Hughes, Meghan. (Christie, Manson and Woods International Inc. New, Ny) [Letter
(Jan 28, 1989) congratulations on marriage, requests letter of reference, new job
at Christie's]
Hughes, Toby. (LTC, USAF (Ret.) [Manuscript memoir/diary with songs What the
Captain means: a song of the in-country air war (103 leaves and 16 leaves of
illustrations by Keith Ferris, c1989)]
Humphrey, Susanne. [Email (May 28, 1991) article citation on feminist participatory
Huu, Ngoc (Etudes vietnamiennes, Hanoi) [Photocopies of letters (ALS Feb 28-Apr 2,
1992, to Lady Borton) thanks for magnifying glass, possible publications, spent
time in Sweden gathering material for book on Swedish culture, possible
cooperation with VNG, has published English language anthology of Vietnamese
literature; Carbon copies of letters (TLS Aug 31, 1991 and June 17, 1992, from
Lady Borton to Huu Ngoc and Mai Ly Quang) concerning cooperative publishing
Huynh, Kim Khanh. (Professor, Dept. of Government, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY)
[Memo (May 25, 1989) on new address at Cornell with manuscript note
requesting sample issue of VNG]
Ismi, Asad. (Glen Oaks, NY) [Letter (ALS June 26, 1991) transmitting manuscript
essay/summary of his Ph.D. thesis "United States policy towards Vietnam 19541955: the stabilization of the Diem government" (33 leaves, n.d.); Letter (ALS
Nov 21, 1991) transmitting corrected page proof of article (20 leaves) and
permission form; Biographical sketch (2 variant copies); Letter (ALS Jan 15,
1992) transmitting copy of Thesis (Ph.D.)--King's College, London, 1990 (207
leaves, same title as article); Letter (ALS Apr 28, 1992) transmitting 11 songs
(not present)]
Jackson, Miriam R. (Mim). (Kent, Ohio) [Letter (TLS June 18, 1991) query on interest
in some of her essays; Letter (TLS May 10, 1992) responding to acceptance of
two articles, encloses a paper she gave in Toledo (not present), will try to send
full mss to NYU Press]
Jensen, Lucille I. (see Johnson, Lucille I.)
Johnson, Andrew. (Ottowa, Ont., Canada) [Postcard (Jan 29, 1988) personal news;
Letter (ALS May 20, 1988) personal news]
Johnson, Lu I. (Lucille I.). (Jensen) (Boulder, CO) [Letter (TLS Dec 1, 1991) offering a
short story and two nonfiction narratives (not present); Letter (TLS Feb 3, 1992)
transmitting manuscript short story "A counselor's counselors, 1963" (11 leaves,
Jones, Jordan. (Editor, Bakunin, Simi Valley, CA) [Letter (TLS June 22, 1992)
transmitting blurb for Maggie Jaffe's book Continuous performance]
Kahn, Elizabeth. (Assoc. Prof., Art History, St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, NY) [Letter
(TLS June 19, 1991) with resumé (3 leaves), transmitting manuscript PCA
conference paper "Making an art history of Vietnam veteran art" (11 leaves, Mar
1991); Letter (ALS June 10, 1992) won an award for PCA panels in 1992, wants
to do a VNG piece, has a WWI article available]
Kahin, George McT. (Dept. of Government, Cornell Univ.) [Letter (ALS Oct 15, 1988)
declines to serve on national advisory board]
Kanter, Leona. (Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Georgia Southern College
Statesboro, Ga) [Letter (TLS Dec 29, 1990) transmitting manuscript essay "The
long journey home: Vietnam veteran identity and post-war adjustment" (30
leaves, Dec 28, 1990) and describing her other Vietnam veteran research]
Karlin, Wayne. [Brief biography (1 leaf, June 30, 1992) and manuscript short story "The
last V.C." (9 leaves, n.d.)]
Katsiaficas, George. [Manuscript essay "Remembering Kent and Jackson State" (29
leaves, n.d.)]
Katzew, Adriana. (Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA) [Letter (ALS Nov 1990) thanks for
the issue of VNG, will send subscription soon, will send a copy of thesis on
Chicanos in Vietnam and the Chicano war protest]
Kern, Louis J. (Assoc. Prof. of History, Hofstra Univ., Hempstead, NY) [Letter (TLS
Jan 16, 1990) working on a paper on male bonding and rites of passage in recent
Vietnam films, would this be suitable for VNG?]
Keating, Pauline. (Asst. Editor, Australian journal of Chinese affairs) [Letter (TLS Jan
3, 1989) proposing an advertising exchange with VNG]
Kennedy, Judy. (Port Townsend, WA) [Letter (ALS July 8, 1990?) transmitting song
lyrics from album "The walking wounded" (3 p., c1988)]
Kirsch, Rob. (Philadelphia, PA) [Letter (ALS Oct 11, 1989) requesting information on
desktop publishing]
Kirschke, James J. (Assoc. Prof., Dept. of English, Villanova Univ.PA.) [Copy of letter
(TLS Apr 19, 1989 to Brad Christie, Stetson Univ.) transmitting manuscript essay
"Tutoring a senior honors thesis on Vietnam war narratives: an interdisciplinary
approach" (2 copies, 17 leaves, n.d.); Copy of letter (TLS July 26, 1991 to John S.
Baky) responding to offer to house his manuscripts at La Salle; Copy of letter
(TLS Oct 14, 1992 to John S. Baky) inquiring on status of his article with VNG]
Kirschke, James J. (see also under Baky, John, Christie, N. Bradley)
Klare, Michael. (Director and Assoc. Prof., Five College Program in Peace and World
Security Studies, Amherst, MA) [Letter (TLS Sept 15, 1988) declining invitation
to serve on the National Advisory Board]
Klatch, Rebecca E. (Asst. Prof., Univ. of California, Santa Cruz) [Letter (TLS Apr 2,
1988) enjoyed conference in New Orleans, wants to exchange work; Letter (TLS
Apr 20, 1988) transmitting unnamed paper (not present); Letter (TLS June 9,
1988) thanks for comments on paper; Letter (Sept 29, 1988) transmitting program
from conference in Chicago (not present)]
Klein, Michael. (Dept. of English, Media and Theatre Studies, Univ. of Ulster at
Jordanstown, Northern Ireland) [Letter (ALS Nov 11, 1988) expressing interest
in VNG and willingness to serve as UK liaison; Letter (TLS Dec 16, 1988)
transmitting mailing list of scholarss who might be interested in VNG (not
present) and resumé; Letter (TLS June 20, 1990) what are future plans for issues
of VNG?]
Kluewer, Jeff. (Prof. of English, Suffolk Co. Community College, Brentwood, NY)
[Letter (TLS May 23, 1988) transmitting copy of networking form (not present),
describing his plans to create an annotated filmography of documentary films and
videos on the Vietnam War, and enclosing a copy of a letter he sent to Nguyen
Manh Hung at the Indochina Institute, George Mason Univ. elaborating on the
question of "objectivity" he raised at a recent conference]
Kolin, Philip C. (Prof. of English, Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS)
[Letter (TLS Jan 26, 1989) offering a copy of his David Rabe : a stage history and
primary and secondary bibliography for review]
Kramer, Arnie. [Memo (Mar 11, 1992) lists equipment required for copy camera setup]
Kroes, Rob. (Universiteit Van Amsterdam Amerika Instituut) [Letter (TLS Feb 19,
1990) has distributed copy of letter among members of the Netherlands American
Studies Association] (see also under Feddema, Raymond)
Kugelmass, Judy. (Interlaken, NY) [Contract (Aug 28, 1989) for article "An experiential
approach to teaching the war in Vietnam"]
Kuntz, Laurie. (Univ. of Maryland) [Letter (ALS Aug 5, 1992) transmitting essay for
consideration (not present), will send other essays and poetry manuscript when
she is settled in Japan; biography also enclosed]
Ngoc, Huu. (see Huu, Ngoc)
Rottmann, Larry (see under Doak, SuAnne)
Tal, Kali (see under Gardner, Fred; and Hebert, Tom)
William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences (see under Craig,
Fly UP