
God Views Week 17 Return of the

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God Views Week 17 Return of the
God Views
Week 17
Return of
Henri J. Nouwen (19321996) is one of the most
beloved writers in the
area of Christian
spirituality the twentieth
century produced. He
wrote about his own
spiritual journey—both
triumphs and
tribulations—with such
openness of heart
that he made it
easy for the
reader to be
honest as well.
In 1983 Nouwen
discovered Rembrandt’s
The Return of the
Prodigal Son. The
painting absorbed his
thoughts for several
years. Eventually, it
inspired one of his most
important books,
The Return of the
Prodigal Son, A Story of
Homecoming. In it he
chronicles his personal
reflections on the
painting and his own
Rembrandt’s painting
shows the prodigal son
being embraced by his
father. The son is
kneeling. His clothes are
dirty and little more than
rags. One shoe is
missing. The other is
worn. His head is shaved.
The father’s hands are
gently placed on his son’s
back. He is draped by a
red cape—the color
perhaps being symbolic to
Rembrandt of the heart, or
compassion. The son is
engulfed by the father’s
There are three other
characters in the painting.
Two are not identified.
They are observers.
(Perhaps one is a servant,
the other a friend of the
father.) But there is no
mistaking the third: it is
the distant and aloof older
brother. His eyes are
downcast and reflect
distance and displeasure.
Nouwen believed that the
painting did more than
portray the climactic scene
from Jesus’ famous
parable. It questioned
him. Who are you?
Which of the figures do
you identify with?
Nouwen’s initial thoughts
were that he didn’t know
what it would be like to be
the prodigal son, held and
loved by the father. He
felt more like one of the
two unidentified
Nouwen confessed,
“For years I had
instructed students on
the different aspects of
the spiritual life…But
had I, myself, really
ever dared to step into
the center, kneel down,
and let myself be held
by a forgiving God?”
Such an honest statement
by a respected writer on
the topic of God’s love is
unexpected. Perhaps it
will motivate us to invest
some time reflecting on
Rembrandt’s painting,
while considering with
which of the figures we
most readily identify.
Let’s take a closer look, as
we consider our place in
the picture.
The Prodigal
A Pulitzer Prize-winning
author (Richard Rhodes)
once said that all stories are
the same. A person falls in a
hole and struggles to get out.
I believe he is onto
something. Ever since
Adam, the primary
The Prodigal
struggle of humankind is to
get out of the hole into which
we have fallen.
The Prodigal
I believe this is why Jesus’
story of the prodigal son is so
powerful. We each identify
with the notion of being
separated from God because
of self-centered choices. We
long to believe that God’s
love is like that of the
The Prodigal
Prodigal’s father—a pursuing
and outstretched love. We
know that what is best for us
is to give up any notion of
happiness apart from God
and to come home.
The Prodigal
Perhaps some of us are at a
place of strong identification
with the prodigal son at some
stage of his journey: moving
away from home to pursue
happiness apart from God; in
the midst of prodigal living;
in the pig pen of despair; or
The Prodigal
facing back toward home,
hoping only to participate
outside the Father’s home as
a laborer. Perhaps some have
gone through all these cycles
and are enjoying the
surprising embrace of the
Father’s love.
The Older Brother
Some of us may identify
with the older brother. We
have never left our
Father’s house, but neither
have we they enjoyed the
full embrace of his love.
Older sons often have dark
feelings that fester in their
hearts: envy at the liberties
The Older Brother
taken by “brothers” in
Christ, judgment,
condemnation, and
bitterness. Older brothers
are physically present in
the Father’s house, but
their hearts are in a
faraway country,
imprisoned by self-
The Older Brother
righteousness. Their
resentment is like the
attitude of the Pharisees
and teachers of the law
who opposed Jesus.
The Father
Maybe there are others
in the group who can
even identify with the
Father. Their love has
become strong and
mature. Not only can
they imagine reaching
out to a prodigal child
(and perhaps they
The Father
have), but they can also
do as the father did for
the second child. They
can imagine reaching
out to the older son as
well. If you carefully
reread Luke 15:28, you
will observe that not
only did the father go
The Father
out for the younger son,
he went out for the
older brother as well. It
could be argued that a
better name for this
parable would be “The
Father’s Love” rather
than “The Prodigal
In Jesus’ most powerful parable, the younger
son made a change when confronted by the
depth of his father’s love. As Nouwen wrote:
“People who have come to know God do not
deny the darkness, but they choose not to live
in it. They claim that the light that shines in
the darkness can be trusted more than the
darkness itself….” They move back home and
see their Father in a whole new light.
In this true view of God, we consider the
image of the Prodigal’s father as a clear
reflection of the love of God. And we are
invited to realize what Nouwen did. God is
not hard to find. In fact, He is the one doing
the looking. It is we who linger outside, or
even in hiding, needing to learn to trust a true
view of our real Dad. It’s the only way to get
out of the hole we have each fallen into.
In this DVD
segment, Curt
performs a
adaptation of
Jesus’ parable of
the prodigal son.
It is a powerful
story about the
love of a father
for his child—a
love so strong that
it cannot be
quenched by the
child’s rejection of
him or other sinful
Why do you think
Jesus’ parable of
the prodigal son has
become a classic
summary of the
gospel message?
If there had been an
older brother in this
story, what do you
think his
reaction would
have been?
In what way(s)
did Curt’s
retelling of this
parable touch
Is anyone willing
to share an
experience from
his life in which
he was
overwhelmed by
unexpected grace?
Bible Study
Exercise 9-B
Let us once again turn to the Bible. In the fresh
light provided by Nouwen and Cloninger, and
the artwork of Rembrandt, we will examine the
parable of the Prodigal present in Luke’s gospel.
Luke 15:11-32
The doctrine of creation affirms the goodness
and lavish love of the Creator and His desire
to be with His creation.
Jesus’ parable opens with the son being with
his father in an Eden-like environment—a
place of abundance where all conceivable
needs can be met.
Human Nature
As a son, the prodigal is an image or
reflection of the father. But also like the
prototype, Adam, he desires autonomy and
independence from his Father. He wants to
be free of parental restraint and to spend his
inheritance as he pleases—primarily for
pleasures of the flesh, instead of spirit. The
result of this “sin” is pictured as what the
Human Nature
Jews would view as the ultimate
indignities—the distasteful work of feeding
unclean animals, and having fallen so far as
to desire to eat the food of pigs.
Nature of God
God exists in a community of love—as
Trinity. Because of this love, He creates and
invites His creation to be members of the
family. The father in Jesus’ story desires for
his children to live together with him sharing
love and relationship. But he respects the free
choice of his son and allows him to leave. The
love of the father becomes the dominant theme
of the rest of the story.
In this parable, the father does something very
unusual. He leaves home, runs to his son, and
throws his arms around him. He hugs a son
who undoubtedly reeks of dirt and pig slop. In
that culture, such an act would be perceived as
debasing. It parallels Jesus’ self-emptying to
embrace us as a servant.
The father not only enters the world of the son
but also brings him back home and provides
him with a robe, ring, sandals, and a feast.
Each was a sign of restored position and
acceptance by the father. Solely as a result of
the father’s grace, the son is restored.
Is this parable of Jesus really about the
prodigal son? I don’t think so—at least this
is not the primary focus. The story is about
the father and his amazing love for both of
his children. And consequently, it is about
the lavish love of God. But do you know
what you will find when you look up the
meaning of the word “prodigal”? It means
“reckless,” “extravagant,” and “lavish.”
Maybe “prodigal” is the right adjective. It’s
about the prodigal (“lavish”) love of our
heavenly Father.
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