
Health Lecture Series Spring 2013 Dr. Jorge Vanegas

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Health Lecture Series Spring 2013 Dr. Jorge Vanegas
Health Lecture Series
Spring 2013
Dr. Jorge Vanegas, Dean College of Architecture, Ward Wells Department Head Department of
Architecture, Dr. Mardelle Shepley, Professor Department of Architecture and George J. Mann,
The Skaggs-Sprague Endowed Chair of Health Facilities,
Welcome and Overview
Margorie Petty, Director, Region 6 United States Department of Health & Human Services
Key Issues Related to Improving Children’s Health
M. Reddy Beeram, Chairman Department of Pediatrics Texas A&M Health Science Center
College of Medicine
Medical Issues in Pediatric Care and How They Relate to Design of Children’s Health Facilities
Jeffrey S. Kent, Nemours Children’s Health System
The Nemours Innovations in Children’s Health Facilities
Jeffrey C. Stouffer, HKS, Inc.
Case Studies: Design of Children’s Hospitals and Health Facilities
J.C. Montgomery, President Emeritus Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Ronald L. Skaggs, Chairman Emeritus HKS, Inc.,
Challenges of Envisioning, Building and Operating a Children’s Hospital
Ed Huckaby, FKP
Trends in Pediatric Healthcare Facilities Design
Angela E. Watson, Principal Shepley Bulfinch
Designing for an Age Continuum in a Children’s Hospital
Dr. Mardelle Shepley, Professor Department of Architecture
Practitioner-focused Facility Evaluation in Children’s Hospitals
Josh Theodore, Page Southerland Page, Elizabeth Carroll, Page Southerland Page, Mattia J.
Flabiano III, Page Southerland Page
Neighborhood Expansion- How Two Academic Medical Centers Took Children’s Healthcare to
the Community
Rachel F. Saucier, Vice President HKS, Inc.
Innovations in Children’s Healthcare Design
Fall 2012
Dr. Jorge Vanegas, Dean College of Architecture, Ward Wells Department Head Department of
Architecture and George J. Mann, The Skaggs-Sprague Endowed Chair of Health Facilities
Welcome and Overview
Charles S. McDaniel, Managing Principal SWA Group
Keynote Talk: It’s a Small World After All…Really!
James Henry, HDR Architecture and Tom Braud, HDR Architecture
Craig Beale, HKS
HKS Travelogue: Working and Learning on 6 ½ Continents
Irvin E. Richter, Chairman & CEO Hill International, Inc.
Is there any way to stop Construction Claims on Healthcare Projects or od we have to learn how
to love them?
Kurt Rockstroh, Stefflan Bradley Architects
Planning for the Healthcare Needs of UK Veteran’s of Foreign Wars
Dr. Craig H. Blakely, Dean School of Rural Public Health Texas A&M Health Science Center
Planners & Architects Constructing Health Facilities: the Need to Analyze Local Conditions, a
Global Case Study
Harold Adams, RTKL Chairman Emeritus
Healthcare Design in a Multi-Culture Environment
Ronald L. Skaggs, Chairman Emeritus HKS, Inc., and Joseph G. Sprague Senior Vice
President/ Director Health Facilities HKS, Inc.
The Practice of Healthcare Architecture Globally
Sam W. Burnette, Earl Swensson Associates Inc., Adam Panter, HDR Architecture, Dan
Thomas, HDR Architecture, Crandall Davis HDR Architecture, Jill Joseph, Herman Miller,
Ronald L. Skaggs, HKS, Inc., Joseph G. Sprague HKS, Inc., Robert Doane, Page Southerland
Page, Jim Snyder, Odell, John Castorina, RTKL Associates, Jean Mah, Perkins + Will, and
Kevin Schlaht, The Innova Group
HIAC Roundtable Discussion
Walt R. Massey, Balfour Beatty Construction and Rodney L. Moss, Balfour Beatty Construction
Addressing the Cost Benefit Quandary: Global Solutions for Maximizing the Value of Healthcare
Dollars Spent in the U.S.
Dr. Roman Popadiuk, Executive Director, George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, Texas
A&M University
The Cultural Challenges of Communication
Spring 2012
Dr. Craig H. Blakely, Dean School of Rural Public Health Texas A&M Health Science Center, Dr.
Jorge Vanegas, Dean College of Architecture, Ward Wells Department Head Department of
Architecture and Marjorie Petty, Region 6 Director U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Charles D. Phillips, Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Rural Public Health and M.
Catherine Hawes, Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Rural Public Health
Culture, Design and Long-Term Care in the 21 Century
Derek Dictson, Executive Director Health for All and Jody Hopkins, Lone Star Association of
Charitable Clinics
A Portrait of Charity Care Clinics in Texas
Dr. Eleanor M. Green, College of Veterinary Medicine Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Susanne M.
Yandow, Clinical Staff Physician and Dr. T. Samuel Shomaker, Texas A&M Health Science
The TAMU One Health Program
Monica Wendel, Texas A&M Health Science Center and Angie Alaniz, Texas A&M Health
Science Center
Building Community Capacity to Improve Health
Deborah Sweetland, HKS, Inc.
Healthcare Reform Changes the Way We Deliver Service to those Who Need Them the Most
Charles J. Andrews, Overland Partners and Rebekah R. Negrete Overland Partners
Oscar J. Munoz, Deputy Director, Center for Housing and Urban Development College of
Architecture Texas A&M University and Dr. Jorge Vanegas, Dean College of Architecture
Center for Housing and Urban Development Healthcare Initiatives in the Texas Colonias
Dr. Richard Peavey, People’s Community Clinic and Phillip Steffy HDR Inc.
Caring for Those in Need: A Case Study of the People’s Community Clinic
Paule Anne Lewis, Executive Director San Jose Clinic
Breaking Down Barriers and Building Access to Healthcare: Creating a Culturally Appropriate
Shane Boren, James R. Childers Architects
Native American Healthcare- Where Are We and How did We Get There
Judith (Judy) T. Deyo, TOMAGWA Healthcare Ministries
What’s in a Shell?
Sarah Meeker Jensen, Jensen + Partners and Frances Ridlehoover, Jensen + Architects
Opportunities in Designing to Serve All
Fall 2011
Dr. Elton Abbott, Associate Professor of Practice, Dept. of Architecture Ward Wells,
Department Head, Department of Dr. Roman Popadiuk, Executive Director, George Bush
Presidential Library Foundation, Texas A&M University and Xu Erwen, Consul General of the
People’s Republic of China in Houston
View from the United States and View from China
Dr. Xin Ma, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine and Yong Gan, WHR,
A Comparison of the Health Issues and the Healthcare Systems in China and the U.S.
Dr. Yan Hong, School of Rural Public Health, Texas A&M Health Science Center
The Healthcare System in China: Can Ongoing Reforms Meet the Emergent Challenges
Peter D. Trice, Vice President The Innova Group
The Role of the Healthcare Consultant: Feasibility Studies and Programming
Dr. Dudley L. Poston, Professor Department of Sociology Texas A&M University
Demographics in China: Past present and Future and The Rural to Urban Migration
Ming-Han Li, Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning Texas A&M University
and Dr. Chang-Shan Huang, Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning Texas
A&M University
Evidence-Based Design for Healthy Cities and Retirement Communities in China: Recent
Projects of Scholarly Design Practice
Ronald W. Dennis, Principal Health Facilities HKS, Inc. Bruce Johnson, Senior Vice President
HKS, Inc., and Alex Wang Vice President HKS, Inc.
Case Studies: Health and Hospital Facility Projects in China- Examples of Collaboration with
Chinese and US Firms
David A. Rhodes, President (retired) TRO Jung
Designing Hospitals in China- an American Architect’s Experience
Kai Wang, Vice President RTKL, Beijing, Brad Barker, Executive Vice President RTKL, John
Castorina, Senior Vice President RTKL and Gregory Yager, Senior Vice President RTKL
Case Studies: Chinese Health and Hospital Facility Designs
Dr. Xiqui Huang, Chief Architect IPPR
Case Studies: Chinese Health and Hospital Design- Past, Present and Future
Dr. Xiqui Huang, Chief Architect IPPR, Dr. Ying Zhou, Associate Professor Department of
Architecture Southeast University, Dr. Xuemei Zhu, Department of Architecture, Dr. Zhipeng Lu,
Department of Architecture Craig Beale, Executive Vice President Healthcare Group Director,
Edward E. Huckaby, FKP Architects, Harold Nesland, HDR, Greg L. Hughes, PBK, Kurt M.
Neubek, PSP, Peter D. Trice, The Innova Group, Kevin Schlaht, The Innova Group, Jean Mah,
Perkins & Will, Sam W. Burnette, Earl Swanson Associates, John Castorina, RTKL, Karl
Sonnenbger, ZGF Architects, Uma Ramanathan, Shepley Bulfinch, Ming Yan, Shelpley Bulfinch
and Hands-Peter Wachter, College of Architecture University of Oklahoma
Roundtable Discussion China: Toward Improved Health and Healthcare Facilities in the Future
L. Bradford Perkins, Principal Perkins Eastman
Problems, Pitfalls and Opportunities of Practicing in China: Case Studies of Hospitals, Health
Facilities and Long-Term Care Facilities in China
Spring 2011
George J. Mann, The Skaggs-Sprague Endowed Chair of Health Facilities and Dr. Joseph J.
McGraw, Professor Emeritus
Introduction of Course and Objectives
Larry Gamm, Director, Center for Health Organization Transformation School of Rural Public
Health, Texas A&M Health Science Center
Organizational Technologies for Coordinating Healthcare
Craig Blakely, Dean School of Rural Public Health Texas A&M Health Science Center
Causes of Illness and Death in the U.S.: The Global Context
T. Samuel Shomaker, Jean and Thomas McMullin Dean of Medicine and Vice President for
Clinical Affairs, Texas A&M Health Science Center
The Use of Technology in Today’s Medical School
Derek D. Dictson, Executive Director Health for All Clinic
Health for All: An Accessible, Lean, Sustainable, Quality and Cost Effective Non Profit Free
Health Clinic
Major General David A. Rubenstein, Commanding General, Army Medical Department Center
and School and Chief, Medical Service Corps US Army
Leadership That Ensures an Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Designing Accessible, Lean
Sustainable, Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Facilities
Lillian Woo, Specializing in Public Policy Issues
An Imperative for the Built Environment: Ecomimesis
Rustin L. Becker, Senior Vice President of Advance Planning Cogdell Spencer ERDMAN
Trends in Improving Community Access to Care
Wendy M. Weitzner, Vice President The Innova Group
Community Medical Office Buildings: Collaboration of Strategy, Operations, and Design to
Support New Care Models
Joyce Durham, Principal Health Strategies & Solutions
Planning Approaches for Primary and Community Healthcare
Dan H. Noble, Principal and Executive Vice President Director of Design HKS, Inc.
Smart Healthcare: Designing to the New Normal
Jim Snyder, Chairman & CEO Odell and John S. Snyder, Manhattan Construction
Selected Case Studies of Collaboration between the Architecture + Construction Firms: Primary
and Community Healthcare Facilities and Reshaping Downtown Tulsa
Jean Mah, Perkins & Will
Designing for Relationships: Environments for ongoing Relationship of Patient and Physician in
Primary Care
Deborah L. Sweetland, Sweetland Consulting
Planning, Designing, and Building A Medical Home Using Lean, LEED and Evidence Based
Fall 2010
Walter J. Orzechowski, Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program and Father Paul
Fagan, Roman Catholic Missionary Priest
A Rural Hospital for Tanzania
Craig Blakely, Dean School of Rural Public Health Texas A&M Health Science Center
The Challenges of the Years Ahead: Leadership in Focusing on Public health priorities Nationally
and Internationally
Phillip John Mein, Principal Emeritus Corgan Associates
Appropriate Rural Health Facilities for Africa
Dr. Jorge Vanegas, Dean College of Architecture Texas A&M University and Ambassador Eric
M. Bost, Former Ambassador of the United States of America to South Africa, Vice President for
Global Initiatives Texas A&M University
The Need for Leadership in Healthcare and Healthcare Facilities on the African Continent
Nancy W. Dickey, President Texas A&M University Health Science Center and Vice Chancellor
for Health Affairs- Texas A&M System and Ed Huckaby, Senior Principal FKP Architects
Leadership Thru Collaboration: The Design of the TAMHSC- Texas A&M Health Science Center
Charles L. Greco, President & CEO Linebeck Group, LLC
Healthcare Delivery: Can We Afford Not to be a Lean Leader?
Marie A. Bernard, Deputy Director, National Institute of Aging
Health and Environmental Needs of the Elderly- The Viewpoint from the National Institute on
Teresa S. Sword, Senior Project Manager Silverman Construction Program Management
Designing for Children
Ronald L. Skaggs, Chairman Emeritus HKS, Inc., and Joseph G. Sprague Senior Vice
President/ Director Health Facilities HKS, Inc.
Case Examples of Leadership in Forming a Global Health Care Practice
David H. Watkins, Chairman, President WHR and Michael A. Cluff, Associate Principal Kohn
Pederson Fox
Leadership: A Collaborative Case-Study- Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas
L. Bradford Perkins, Founding principal Perkins Eastman
Leadership in building an International Practice: Project Case Studies
Karl R. Sonnenberg, Partner ZGF Architects LLP
Importance of Collaboration Between the Design and Building Professions
Craig Beale, Executive Vice President Healthcare Group Director HKS Inc.
The Future of Healthcare Architecture
Bill Rostenberg, Principal and Director of Research Anshen + Allen
Healthcare Advanced Technology: Leadership and Innovation
Tye Farrow, Senior Partner Farrow Partnership Architects, Inc.
Fat Places, Fit Places: Design Leadership in the Campaign to End Obesity
Fall 2008
Dr. Jen McLeroy, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Health, School of Rural public
health Texas A&M Health Science Center
The Epidemiologic Transition
Jean MAH, Principal Perkins + Will Architects
It’s not Just About Hospitals
Teri Oelrich, Principal NBBJ
A Nurse Perspective on Hospital Design
Derek Parker, Director Anshen + Allen Architects
Research and Design for Health
James R. Diaz and Lari Diaz, Kaplan McLaughlin Diaz Architects
Maximum Flexibility Through Standardization
Ashley N. Davis, HKS and Alejandra Iriarte, Associate medical planner, WHR Architects Inc.
A tale of Two Graduates A Week in the Life After Graduating from Texas A&M
La Tonya Whitfield-Horhn, Project Manager PBK Architects, Tushar Gupta, Principal WHR
Architects Inc. and Marie Hoke, Principal WHR Architects Inc.
Mater Planning and Design of the Jersey Shore University and Medical Center
James Brinkley, President James Brinkley Co.
Innovative Healthcare Design
Robert J. Spampani, Project Manager Steris
The Value and role of STERIS Corporation, a Healthcare Capital Equipment Provider, Brings to
the World of Healthcare Education and Architecture
Tama Duffy Day, Principal Perkins + Will Architects
Research Informing Design: Can Evidence-Based Design Strategies Influence Non-Hospital
Ron Meyer, Vice President HKS, Inc., and Christopher Peck, Vice President, McCarthy Building
Companies, Inc.
BIM Building Information Modeling
Changshan Huang, PhD. Harold L. Adams’ 61 Endowed Interdisciplinary Professor in
Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University
Healthy Cities and the Design Institutes in China
Phillip Sun, Institutional Consulting Practice Leader Jacobs Carter Burgess
Critical Issues in the “How” of Healthcare Facilities Design and Construction: Our Experience with
“Lean” and Integrated Project Delivery
Spring 2008
Kenneth McLeroy, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Health, School of Rural
public health Texas A&M Health Science Center
Public Health Transition
Dan Thomas, HDR Healthcare Designer, and Heidi Higgason, Vice president and Managing
principal HDR
Principles of Healthcare Master Planning
Thomas Harvey, Senior Vice President Director of Clinical Advisory and Research Groups HKS,
Inc., and Debajyoti Pati, Associate Director Senior Design Architect HKS, Inc.
Tier One Service- Clinical Expertise and Research Evidence
Jim Wilmost, Principal Wilmot/Sanz. Inc.
Implementation of a Hospital master Plan
Elizabeth Viets, Associate WHR
Through the Eyes of a Recent A&M Graduate: Healthcare Design in the Real World
Ed Huckaby, Principal FKP, Russell Butler II, Vice President, Principal EDAW, Inc., Michael
Pisano, Landscape Architect EDAW, Inc. and Vaike Haas, Landscape Architect EDAW, Inc.
Designing the New TAMHSC: A Model of Collaboration
Thomas Quigley, Principal HOK
Innovations in Medical Planning and Design: The Academic Medical Center and Replacement
Nunzio De Santis, Executive Principal and Director of Hospitality HKS, Inc. and Marc Budaus,
Vice President HKS, Inc.
Recent HKS Hospitality (Hotels) and Healthcare Projects
Kirk Hamilton, Associate Professor College of Architecture at Texas A&M University
Research informed Design Safety and Improved Outcomes
Mattia Flabiano III, Principal Page Southerland Page
Page Southerland Page: Designing for the Future since 1898
Matthew Mitchell, Director of Industrial Decontamination Solutions STERIS
New Directions in Advanced Room Sterilization in Hospitals and Health Facilities
Jonathan Bailey, President, Managing Director, Chairman of Jonathan Bailey Associates
The Importance of Cookie Baking
Larry Lamers, President Lamers + Associates
The Friesen Concepts- The Impact on Todays Hospital Design
Paul Sanders, Broaddus & Associates
Project Management and Planning
Fly UP