The Digestive System Content Practice A LESSON 2
Name Date Class Content Practice A LESSON 2 The Digestive System Directions: On the line before each definition, write the letter of the term that matches it correctly. Each term is used only once. 1. the act of eating A. digestion 2. the breakdown of food into smaller particles B. mouth your body can use 3. occurs when the cells of the digestive system take in small molecules of digested food C. mechanical D. ingestion E. esophagus 4. the removal of waste from your body F. absorption 5. type of digestion in which food is physically G. villi broken down 6. type of digestion in which food is chemically broken down 7. proteins that help break down molecules and speed up the rate of chemical reactions H. chyme I. elimination J. enzymes K. peristalsis L. chemical 8. the organ of the digestive system where M. homeostasis Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. digestion begins 9. a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach 10. waves of muscular contractions move food through the digestive system 11. thin, watery liquid made of food and gastric juices 12. fingerlike projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients 13. maintained as the circulatory system carries the nutrients from digestion to all other body systems 32 Digestion and Excretion