The Nervous System Lesson Outline LESSON 1 A.
Name Date Class Chapter 18 Lesson Outline LESSON 1 The Nervous System A. Functions of the Nervous System 1. The part of an organism that gathers, processes, and responds to information is the . 2. A(n) is a change in an organism’s environment that causes a response. 3. Because people are constantly reacting to changes in their environments, the nervous system helps maintain their internal environment. , or the regulation of B. Neurons 1. The basic functioning units of the nervous system are . 2. Nerve cells have the following three parts: receive information from another neuron or from another cell in your body; processes information; and the sends information to other cells in the body. 3. neurons send information about the environment to 4. neurons send information from the brain or spinal cord to tissues and organs in the body. 5. connect sensory and motor neurons. The gap between two neurons is called a(n) . C. The Central Nervous System 1. The has two parts: the brain and the spinal cord. 2. The CNS (central nervous system) receives, processes, stores, and transfers . 3. The part of the brain that controls memory, language, and thought is the . 4. The part of the brain that coordinates voluntary muscle movement and regulates balance and posture is the 10 . Control and Coordination Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. the brain or spinal cord. Name Date Class C18L1 Lesson Outline continued 5. The area of the brain that controls involuntary functions is the 6. The . is a tubelike structure of neurons. It sends information back and forth between the the body. and the rest of D. The Peripheral Nervous System 1. The has sensory neurons and motor neurons that transmit information between the CNS and the rest of the body. 2. The system of the PNS (peripheral nervous system) controls skeletal muscles. 3. The system of the PNS regulates involuntary actions such as dilating blood vessels and the beating of the heart. It also controls cardiac muscles and muscles. E. Nervous System Health 1. injuries are the most common way the nervous system can be damaged. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. is loss of muscle function and sometimes loss of feeling. The injured nerves can no longer send and receive signals. 3. An automatic movement in response to a stimulus is a(n) . 4. Many affect the nervous system by speeding up or slowing down the communication between neurons. F. The Nervous System and Homeostasis 1. The body maintains by receiving information from the environment and responding to it. 2. The nervous system senses changes in the and signals other systems to make adjustments. Control and Coordination 11