MICHIGAN STATE PLUMBING BOARD DEJ>ARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGl!LATORY BUREAU OF CONSTRlJCTION CODES Mr. AIRS Inc. L Petitioner Appeal Dockt~t No. 12- 011 and Regulatory A ftairs. Bureau of Construction Codes, Plumbing Division. Respondent ORDER OF THE STATE PLUMBING BOARD Background: city streets design. Findin(rs: ~ Representing Representing Representing State Plumbing Board Board ORDER ATE PLUMBING BOARD CCC-PLBG·· 12-0 II THE MIC'HlGAN Representing Representing Mr. Curt McNitt Mr. Daniel Nixon Mr. Robert State Plumbing Board Chief Issue: installed manholes provide same degree and of the sewers as the Mr. L. Atkins, Kingscott Associates Inc., had designed the 8 inch sanitary sewer to have 400 feet and at of directions than the at at every 100 fuet per the Michigan Plumbing Findings: p..,,_ , .. ,,J,..,~. stated that manholes would allow iclr line cleaning line equipment that use of manholes would pulled through shortly installation to assure the lines were circular rather than which would deform the line The Plumbing Division, a~ the was seeking conformance to tht~ code rules the access process to the sewer. The code was changed by the rules to allow cleanouts rather than the more expensive manholes t!x line access. Conclusions: rP\/lP\,A/ of the submitted documentation, testimony, and division fact finding and would provide equal to the intent Decision: TH.KREFORE, it is Pl request relief fi:om requirements of the Michigan Edition, 708.3.1 granted. Final of the sewer installation upon the successful testing and decision may petition Construction Code Commission to review this Stille-DeRossett-Hale Single State Construction PA 230, Date