
Note Taking Guide Topic # 3012 Performance Modifiers

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Note Taking Guide Topic # 3012 Performance Modifiers
Note Taking Guide
Topic # 3012
Performance Modifiers
The Problem
After the realization that animals had a need for _________________the livestock
industry was still trying to find ways to increase ___________ and
The Solution
Practical methods of utilizing synthetic or ________________ compounds to
enhance growth and efficiency were developed.
These Compounds:
- Performance Modifiers
What is a Performance Modifier?
- _____________ that affect the utilization of energy in the body.
- Produced in the _____________ gland, located at the base of the brain.
Performance Modifiers
- Injectables
• Bovine Somatotropin (BST)
• Porcine Somatotropin (PST)
- Implants
• Growth hormones and steroids
BST and the Cow
Produced _____________ in the pituitary gland, located at the base of the
Causes energy derived from feed to be used for _________
__________rather than for weight gain.
Genetic Engineering & BST
The advancement in technology has allowed for the manufacture of
"_______________ bovine somatotropin" (rBST)
The Food and Drug Administration approved rBST for use in ______________ of
Administration of BST
- injections should begin _____ weeks after the cow has calved
- repeat injection every _________ throughout lactation
- discontinue use 2 weeks before the end of _______________
What cows should have BST?
The cow should be:
- In good _________ condition
- Gaining weight
- ______________
- Fed a balanced ration with high quality forage
Which cows should NOT have BST?
Cows with:
- Poor ____________
- Poorly ______________ rations
- inadequate feed
- high ____________ ________ count
- stress
- breeding problems
Benefits of BST?
Increase milk production
- ________ to __________ pounds / day
Porcine Somatotropin (PST)
What is PST?
A ___________produced in the __________ _____________
Growth Regulator
Production of PST ____________ as a pig matures
What are the benefits of PST?
Improves feed _____________
Improves ____________
_______________ fat deposition
- causing less ______________
Produces more ____________ _____________
- leading to a bigger ________ eye area
Making PST Successful
Diet must consist of more __________ and _______ ________ to support the
increased growth rate.
Genetic Engineering & PST
PST is produced in the pituitary gland at the base of the brain
Synthetically producing PST
- Scientists have isolated the gene from the pig and inserted it into _________________
- E.coli then produces PST _______________
- The PST is then isolated and injected into the pig
Synthetic Production of
PST in the Industry
As of yet PST has _______been approved for use in hog production
A different and more _________ way of administering must be found
- injections routinely for the last _________ __________of growth
Is the use of PST a practical and ____________ practice for today's hog
Beef Cattle & Growth Implants
Have been extensively used in beef production for over ____________ years
Can be used in cattle from ___________ days old and up
- Use of implants is ______ _______________ for replacement heifers or breeding bull
Benefits of Growth Implants
Suckling Calves
- Improved weaning weights of ___________
Feeder calves
- Improved feed ____________ and ________ of 5-15%
Implant Use
Injected into the ____________ third of the back side of the ear
Outside the cartilage ___________ at the base of the ear
Nutrition Is Key!
Cattle must have _________ nutrition before the use of implants
______________ influences feed efficiency and gain
Problems with Growth Implants
Carcass _____________
- Heavy carcass weight with large frame, exotic cattle
- Poor _________ grades in heifers with certain types of implants
- Poor quality grades if implanting schedules are not ___________ appropriately
The key to successful results from implants depend on …Good Management
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