
David Miller Curriculum Vitae Í

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David Miller Curriculum Vitae Í
David Miller
Curriculum Vitae
25 Echo Road
Coventry, CT 06238
H (203) 993 - 5282
B [email protected]
2010-Present PhD Mathematics (expected 2016), UConn, Storrs, CT.
Interests: Cauchy-Vandermonde Systems, Leja Ordering, Laurent-Vandermonde Systems
Advisor: Vadim Olshevsky
2010-2012 MS Mathematics, UConn, Storrs, CT.
2006-2010 BA Mathematics, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI.
With honors: cum laude
Spring 2016 Predoctoral Fellowship, UConn, Storrs, CT.
Fall 2015 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, UConn, Storrs, CT.
2014 Louis J. DeLuca Memorial Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, UConn,
Storrs, CT.
2010-Present Teaching Assistant, UConn, Storrs, CT.
Primary instructor for courses including:
{ Math 1030: Elementary Discrete Mathematics, Intercession 2015
{ Math 1070: Mathematics for Business and Economics, Summer 2014 and 2015
{ Math 1125: Calculus IA, Spring 2012
{ Math 1131: Calculus I, Spring 2015
{ Math 2110: Multivariable Calculus, Spring 2014 and Fall 2015
{ Math 2410: Elementary Differential Equations, Spring 2013 and Fall 2013
{ Math 2140: Linear Algebra, Spring 2016
Discussion section leader for courses including:
{ Math 1131: Calculus I, 2010, 2014
{ Math 1132: Calculus II, 2011
2012-2015 Math Coordinator, UConn-SSS, Storrs, CT.
The program increases access to the University of Connecticut for first-generation, low-income
and/or underrepresented students with the goal of their retention and graduation. As coordinator,
I have worked with the SSS staff in student placement, class selection and faculty hiring among
other responsibilities.
Summer Content Developer, UConn, Storrs, CT.
2011, 2012 Through an internally funded grant, worked to develop online study materials including notecards
and videos for Calculus I and Calculus II.
2012-Present JV Baseball Coach, E.O. Smith High School, Storrs, CT.
Papers in Preperation
{ Backward Stability of the BKO-Type Algorithm for Cauchy-Vandermonde Matrices, with Vadim
{ A Traub-Like Algorithm for Laurent Polynomial Systems, with Vadim Olshevsky
2013-2014 UConn SIGMA Seminar Organizer, UConn, Storrs, CT.
Coordinated weekly lunchtime seminar series of talks aimed at a general audience of graduate
Invited Talks
2012, 2015 Mathematics Career Night, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI.
Career opportunities for mathematicians for an undergraduate audience.
Nov. 2015 S.I.G.M.A., UConn, Storrs, CT.
“Leja ordering, Laurent polynomials and fast algorithms for structured matrices”.
Nov. 2015 Applied Mathematics Seminar, URI, Kingston, RI.
“Leja ordering, Laurent polynomials and fast algorithms for structured matrices”.
Nov. 2015 Salve Regina Math Club, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI.
“Introduction to interpolation and the Vandermonde matrix” for an undergraduate audience.
Conferences Attended
June 2013 International Linear Algebra Society, Providence, RI.
Computer Skills
Languages: MATLAB
Design: HTML, TeX
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