
Finger Lakes Community College Board of Trustees Education & Planning Committee

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Finger Lakes Community College Board of Trustees Education & Planning Committee
Finger Lakes Community College Board of Trustees
Education & Planning Committee
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Presiding: Trustee M. Joan Geise
Trustees Present: Dr. Karen Blazey, Donald Cass, James DeVaney, M. Joan Geise, Barbara Hamlin, John Hicks, Stephen
Martin, Donna Mihalik, Joshuah Barry
Trustee Excused: John Sheppard
Staff Present: Dr. Barbara Risser, Joseph Delforte, Kristen Fragnoli, James Fisher, Lenore Friend, Karen Hopkins, Milton
Johnson, William Langston, Mary McLean-Scanlon, Dr. Joseph Nairn, Amy Pauley, John Taylor, Kimberly Wager
Guest: Dr. Peter Carpino
Media present: no representatives present at this meeting
At 4:30 pm, Trustee Geise called the FLCC Board of Trustees Education & Planning Committee meeting to order.
Review September 2015 committee minutes
No discussion or revisions
Enrollment update
On behalf of Carol Urbaitis, Mary McLean-Scanlon presented the FLCC enrollment update as of October 2, 2015.
Sabbatical report
Professor William Langston provided an overview of the findings from his sabbatical leave, which focused on a three-year
statistical overview of the student population relative to remedial versus non-remedial academic needs.
Overview of signature programs
Dr. Risser presented an overview of FLCC’s signature programs that include: various Environmental Conservation programs
and facilities, including the Muller Field Station, East Hill Campus; Viticulture & Wine Technology; Instrumentation &
Controls Technology; Music Recording Technology; and Culinary Arts.
FLCC Excels
Dr. Risser provided a brief overview of the College’s performance improvement plan, titled “FLCC Excels”. She stated that
Board of Trustees approval is necessary prior to the October 21, 2015 submission date.
Adjust the professional service positions roster
Ms. Zimmer presented this resolution to adjust the professional service positions roster as follows:
Following is a new job description for Finger Lakes Community College:
Date created
Technical Specialist, Environmental Health & Safety
Following are revised job descriptions for Finger Lakes Community College:
New Title
Previous Title
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs (9.23.15) Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs for Academic
Associate Vice President of Instruction (9.23.15)
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs for Instruction &
Assessment (8.21.13)
There being no further business, at 4:56 p.m., on motion by Trustee Cass and second by Trustee Blazey, the Board of
Trustees Education & Planning Committee adjourned.
Prepared by,
Submitted by,
Karen A. Hopkins
Assistant Secretary of the Board
Trustee M. Joan Geise
Chair, Education & Planning Committee
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 4, 2015; 4:30 p.m.; Carpenter Board Room
Trustee committee members
Joshuah Barry, Dr. Karen Blazey, M. Joan Geise (chair), Donna Mihalik, John Sheppard
FLCC staff liaisons
Kristen Fragnoli, Grace Loomis, Carol Urbaitis
Finger Lakes Community College Board of Trustees
Finance & Facilities Committee
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Presiding: Trustee Donald Cass
Trustees Present: Dr. Karen Blazey, Donald Cass, James DeVaney, M. Joan Geise, Barbara Hamlin, John Hicks, Stephen
Martin, Donna Mihalik, Joshuah Barry
Trustees Excused: John Sheppard
Staff Present: Dr. Barbara Risser, Joseph Delforte, James Fisher, Kristen Fragnoli, Lenore Friend, Karen Hopkins, Milton
Johnson, Mary McLean-Scanlon, Dr. Joseph Nairn, Amy Pauley, John Taylor, Kimberly Wager
Guests: Dr. Peter Carpino
Media Present: no representatives present at this meeting
At 4:57 p.m., Trustee Cass called the FLCC Board of Trustees Finance & Facilities Committee meeting to order.
Review September 2015 committee minutes
No discussion or revisions
FLCC 2015-2016 operating budget
Mr. Fisher provided a year-to-year comparison of revenues and expenses.
FLCC 2014-2015 operating budget
Mr. Fisher provided a year-to-year comparison of unaudited revenues and expenses and fund balance as of August 31,
Facilities update
Mr. Fisher provided an update on the status of the following FLCC facilities: Geneva Campus Center, and the FLCC
Viticulture & Wine Center.
Creation of FLCC 2015 Capital Maintenance Project
Mr. Fisher presented this resolution to establish FLCC capital project 2016 Capital Maintenance Project, in the total amount
of $1,300,000, with 50% ($650,000) of the eligible project to be funded by the State and 50% ($650,000) of the eligible
project to be funded by local share.
RFP: Selection of an executive search firm
Mr. Fisher presented this resolution to accept the proposal from Isaacson Miller, Inc., 263 Summer St., 7th Fl., Boston, MA
02210, RFP R1001, for a term from September 21, 2015 through the official start date of a successful candidate, with a
professional fee paid in the amount of $66,000.00, inclusive of all indirect charges, and direct expenses capped at a not-toexceed amount of $15,000.00 without prior written approval of the FLCC Board of Trustees Presidential Search Committee
Chair, shall be paid to the executive search firm.
Bid acceptance: hauling and disposal of trash and recyclables
Mr. Fisher presented this resolution to accept the sole responsive/responsible bid of Finger Lakes Refuse Disposal, Inc., P.O.
Box 333, Canandaigua, NY 14424 for the hauling and disposal of trash and recyclables for all of Finger Lakes Community
College locations at an annual cost of $18,658.00.
Bid renewal: janitorial services for FLCC campus centers
Mr. Fisher presented this resolution to authorize the College to renew the contract with Temco Facility Services, 7374
Pittsford Palmyra Rd., Fairport, NY 14450 for janitorial services for all FLCC campus centers from November 6, 2015 through
November 5, 2016 at the current price structure indicated in the bid.
There being no further business, at 5:18 pm, on motion by Trustee Hicks and second by Trustee Martin, the FLCC Board of
Trustees Finance & Facilities Committee meeting adjourned.
Prepared by,
Submitted by,
Karen A. Hopkins
Assistant Secretary of the Board
Trustee Donald Cass
Chair, Finance & Facilities Committee
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 4, 2015; Carpenter Board Room
Immediately following the Education & Planning Committee meeting
Trustee committee members
James DeVaney, Donald Cass (chair), Barbara Hamlin, John Hicks, Stephen Martin
FLCC staff liaisons
James Fisher, Joseph Delforte
Finger Lakes Community College Board of Trustees
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Presiding: Trustee Donna M. Mihalik, Chair
Trustees Present: Dr. Karen Blazey, Donald Cass, James DeVaney, Joan Geise, Barbara Hamlin, John Hicks, Stephen Martin,
Donna Mihalik, Joshuah Barry
Trustee Excused: John Sheppard
Staff Present: Dr. Barbara Risser, James Fisher, Kristen Fragnoli, Lenore Friend, Karen Hopkins, Milton Johnson, Dr. Joseph
Nairn, Amy Pauley, John Taylor, Kimberly Wager
Guest: Dr. Peter Carpino
Media Present: no representatives present at this meeting
At 5:25 pm, Trustee Mihalik called the FLCC Board of Trustees meeting to order.
Privilege of the Floor (Public Comment)
Provost Fragnoli introduced the faculty leaders who consistently attend Board meetings: Kim Wager, Chair of Faculty Council
and Milton Johnson, President of Faculty Alliance. Not present at this meeting: Kellie Gauvin, Chair of College Council.
Approve the Consent Agenda
Trustee Mihalik called for a motion to approve the following consent agenda items:
September 2015 FLCC Board of Trustees committees and full board meeting minutes
Adjust the professional service positions roster
Creation of FLCC 2015 Capital Maintenance Project
RFP: Selection of an executive search firm
Bid acceptance: hauling and disposal of trash and recyclables
Bid renewal: janitorial services for FLCC campus centers
Approve the FLCC IT CAP
Approve President’s goals for 2015-2016
Approve FLCC Excels
There being no discussion, on motion by Trustee Cass and second by Trustee Geise the FLCC Board of Trustees approved
the aforementioned consent agenda items.
Chair’s Report
Trustee Mihalik referenced the written Chair’s Report included in trustees’ meeting packet.
Regional Community College Councils
Trustee Mihalik read a letter from Senator Nozzolio as follow up to a meeting she and Dr. Risser held with the Senator to
share concerns about the potential implementation of Regional Community College Councils.
Future of FLCC Projects Committee
College officials have suggested, with input from the Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance and the Director
of Facilities and Grounds, that this committee be disbanded because the college’s major building projects are winding down.
Mr. Fisher explained that the college is moving into a capital improvement phase budgeted at $1M. The current County
approval process involves three steps, which prevents projects from moving forward in a timely and efficient way and delays
ordering equipment and other necessary items. Mr. Fisher proposed that the College take ownership of its projects to
provide efficiency and streamlining of the process. Catherine Ahern, Director of Facilities and Grounds, is an experienced
engineer who has broad experience in project management, which places the College in a good position to manage its
projects. Trustee Hicks suggested that the college collaborate with John Sheppard in order to obtain County cooperation.
Trustees Blazey and DeVaney and Mr. Fisher stated that Cathy Ahern, FLCC Director of Facilities & Grounds, is well respected
by members of the Projects Committee and County supervisors.
Mr. Fisher stated that Chairman Marren has expressed an interest in dissolving the Projects Committee and moving
management of college projects to the Public Works Committee. He commented that this plan moves County involvement
to another county committee, but does not resolve issues with streamlining the process.
Trustee Mihalik noted that Supervisor Green suggested including a sunrise clause so that the Projects Committee could be
reestablished in the case of another major capital project.
Trustee Blazey stated that the College is outvoted under the current Projects Committee structure. She affirmed that equal
representation must be considered if the Projects Committee is reestablished in the future. Dr. Risser suggested that if the
committee is resurrected that it become a committee of the Board of Trustees with representation from the County. Trustee
Mihalik asked Trustees Blazey and DeVaney to develop language to sunset this committee for Board consideration at their
November meeting.
President’s Report
Dr. Risser referenced the written President’s Report included in trustees’ meeting packet. Trustee Hamlin raised a question
about the rationale for the decline in the retention rate; discussion followed.
SUNY memorandum
Dr. Risser introduced a new SUNY student information survey for trustees to review in advance of discussion at the
November 2015 Board of Trustees meeting.
Vintners & Valentines
Dr. Nairn provided an update of this new fundraiser for the FLCC Foundation, which will be held on Friday, February 12,
2016 in the FLCC Student Center Café.
Fifty Minutes for Fifty Years
Dr. Nairn provided an overview of this lecture series in recognition of the College’s fiftieth anniversary.
FLCC Alzheimer’s Initiative
Dr. Risser encouraged trustees to consider supporting the FLCC team for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
Committee Reports
Board Development Committee
Written report in the meeting packet
Organizational Sustainability Committee
Written report in the meeting packet
Presidential Search Committee
Trustee Martin distributed a written update at this meeting.
Audit & Enterprise Risk Management Committee
Trustee Blazey gave the following verbal update at this meeting:
This committee has convened two meetings to discuss the IT audit. Trustees Blazey and Sheppard commended John Taylor
for his outstanding efforts to successfully manage the audit.
Trustee Liaison Reports
FLCC Association: Trustee Hamlin
Written report in the meeting packet
FLCC Foundation: Trustee Geise
Written report in the meeting packet
FLCC Projects Committee: Trustees Blazey, DeVaney
No report
FLCC Student Corporation: Trustee Mihalik
Written report distributed at this meeting
Student Perspective: Trustee Barry
 Increase in the number of students participating in the 2015 Club Table Day
 Students are interested and involved in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s
 Rock the Vote event: Media Club created a “We Will” video; the link to this video will be emailed to trustees
 Mascot update: an RFP was sent to Made Well Mascots; anticipate having a mascot outfit by early spring 2016;
mascot naming survey will be sent out at some point in the future
Mr. Fisher provided an overview of the UNYCC pamphlet distributed to trustees at this meeting.
Discussion Item
Board Self-Assessment
Assumption: that the BOT wants to function at the highest level possible
Trustee Hicks – respects Dr. Carpino’s leadership skills in facilitating discussions
Focus will be on those statements with which some respondents “disagreed/strongly disagreed” and/or “neither
agreed nor disagreed”
Purpose of self-assessment is to gauge trustee perceptions of Board’s performance and identify opportunities for
Focus on why fellow trustees might have answered as they did; don’t dismiss their perception or try to convince
others of your position; Listen first
Think about how this information can be used to help strengthen Board’s future performance
Refrain from re-writing questions; suggestions for changing/strengthening/clarifying questions will be noted and
will help to inform design of next survey
Questions to consider during this discussion
1. Were you surprised that some trustees responded this way? If so, why? If not, why not?
2. What would you suggest be done differently so we could improve in this area?
1) Board members participate in trustee development activities. (5/2)
 Lack of knowledge about what fellow trustees are doing in the area of trustee development
 Sharing of activities beyond committee reports
 Lobbying legislators at specific events in Albany – good learning experience
Rarely cover all items on retreat agendas – more dedicated time to focus on key issues
Define what a trustee development activity looks like
Require all trustees to participate in a NYCCT conference biannually
Dr. Risser – voluminous amounts of written material on trustee development is available
Trustee Hamlin: prefer interactive events
Engage in shared experiences outside of Board meetings
Watch and discuss a board development video
Increased exposure to best practices and current thinking
Trustees need to attend student events
2) The board maintains an excellent working relationship with the President. (2/2)
What would a sound working relationship between the President and BOT look like?
 Dr. Risser is accessible, approachable, provides good information to the Board – on board level
 Rely on the CEO to provide information to inform BOT discussion
 Approachability
 Written reports have provided higher level of information and good discussion
 Accountability as trustees to accept invitations to events from the President; better trustee participation
 More collegiality between trustees and president would enhance a sound working relationship
 Need to proactively transition a good relationship to the new president
 Dr. Risser – approachability is important to the partnership – when trustee hear rumors, make a call to discuss with
the president – individual relationships important
 Trust in the president is critical
 Collective and individual opportunities to develop relationships with the president
3) The board regularly reviews and adheres to its code of ethics or standards of practice. (3/0)
 Decorum and how we act as a group and to each other in public is an element of the group
 Confidentiality must be maintained at all costs
 Should be repercussions for trustees who violate the code of ethics and conduct – build in a level of accountability
 Scenarios: if this happens, what is your ethical responsibility?
 Need to be a topic of trustee development
 Civil discourse must exist
4) Board members refrain from attempting to manage employee work. (3/0)
What is the right relationship between trustees and the Cabinet?
 Trustees have one employee –the college president who must be the single point of trustees’ contact with the
 Not trustees’ responsibility to discipline or solicit information from employees
 Don’t micromanage the work of the college
 Allow for communication about work interactions
 Be mindful of not micromanaging committees –create scenarios to illustrate
5) The board advocates on behalf of the college to local, state, and federal governments. (0/2)
 Involvement in lobbying efforts
6) The board has established a collegial environment. (1/2)
 Covered in a previous discussion
 Create a more collegial relationship between the trustees and president
 Board should work within a collegial environment- need to discover ways to foster that environment
 Define how to manage trustees who are not collegial
 Trustees need to rein in a member who is violating the code of ethics/conduct - social shame
7) The board protects the privacy of college information. (2/1)
 Is embedded in trustee standards of practice
 Trustees should not engage in side meetings after the board meetings
 Remember that the public is observing the board’s behavior
 Have a 360 degree evaluation – how is the board doing?
 Body language and non-verbals speak volumes
8) Trustees have a clear understanding of the issues. (2/0)
 Allow ample time to discuss pertinent issues
9) The board expresses its authority only as a unit. (1/2)
 Must be a clear understanding that individual trustees do not speak for the entire board
10) The board fulfills its policy role; the board’s policies are up-to-date and regularly reviewed. (1/1)
11) The board is satisfied with the level of trustee participation at board meetings. (2/1)
 Trustee participation at board meetings is improving
12) The board is satisfied with the quality of trustee participation at committee meetings. (1/1)
 Trustee participation at board meetings is improving
13) Board members avoid conflicts of interest and the perception of such conflicts. (0/1)
 Trustees must adhere to the code of ethics
14) The board sets clear expectations for and effectively evaluates the President. (0/2)
 Presidential evaluation process previously established and approved by the Board is currently being utilized
15) The board ensures the existence of an effective senior management succession plan. (2/0)
 President discuss process with Cabinet
 Board has a process –often forgotten
 Improve the board orientation process
A summary will be available for discussion at the October 23 board retreat.
At 6:50 pm, on motion by Trustee Martin and second by Trustee Geise, the FLCC Board of Trustees meeting adjourned.
Prepared by,
Submitted by,
Karen A. Hopkins
Assistant Secretary of the Board
Trustee Donna M. Mihalik
Chair, FLCC Board of Trustees
Next meeting: Wed., November 4, 2015; Carpenter Board Room; immediately following the Finance & Facilities Committee
FLCC Board of Trustees Retreat
Friday, October 23, 2015
Trustees Present: Joshuah Barry, James DeVaney, M. Joan Geise, Barbara Hamlin, John Hicks, Stephen Martin, Donna
Mihalik, John Sheppard
Trustee Excused: Karen Davison Blazey, Donald Cass
Staff Present: Dr. Barbara Risser, James Fisher, Karen Hopkins, Mary McLean-Scanlon, Dr. Debora Ortloff, John Taylor
Guest: Dr. Peter Carpino
At 8:30 am, Trustee Hamlin called the FLCC Board of Trustees retreat to order.
Strategic Plan metrics status report: Mary McLean-Scanlon
A status report on progress toward meeting measures of the stated strategic and operational goals in the 2014-18
Strategic Plan.
Board evaluation results: Dr. Peter Carpino
Dr. Carpino facilitated a discussion of the results of the Board’s self-assessment:
Affirm that, if these recommendations were put into practice that BOT dynamics/operations would improve
1. That written material on governance “best practices” occasionally be included in Board packets and, as appropriate,
added to the agenda for discussion.
Trustee Martin suggested that trustees take 5-10 minutes at each board meeting to discuss the governance best
practice material included in the meeting packet.
2. That the Trustees be asked to suggest specific topics that they feel could help improve their individual performance
as Trustees and the performance of the Board. Those topics then could be addressed at future Board meetings or
Board retreats.
Discussion: formalize a process to discuss this on a consistent basis
3. That the code of ethics be included in every Board packet as a point of reference. Likewise, the agreed-upon “touch
stones” for trustee conduct at Board meetings (see recommendation #2 for the Board Development committee)
also should be included in every Board packet.
Include code of ethics in every packet
Trustee Sheppard: trustees should be ethical in behavior; reaffirm the document and process to ensure compliance
through communication
Establish norms or manners on how trustees conduct themselves; ethics are specific, however, engage a discussion on
board interactions; code of conduct issues: How do we deal with each other? Listen to each other?
Dr. Carpino: Does the board agree to include this document in each packet? What will trustees put in place to simplify
processes and allow trustees to focus on their responsibilities?
Trustee Martin suggested that Board Development Committee work on establishing a list of norms (how trustees
interact with each other at meetings) and review the code of conduct/code of ethics and consider combining both in one
document for inclusion in monthly packets
Dr. Carpino: the full board, rather than a committee, should engage in a discussion at a future retreat for all trustees to
be in agreement
4. That the President and Cabinet be charged with recommending to the Board a year-long legislative cultivation
agenda that will detail who should meet with whom, when, and why. Trustees should be fully briefed by the
President before calls are made and trustees should be accompanied on these visits by the President, a Cabinet
member, or the College’s government relations specialist. Trustees should be encouraged to leverage their
personal and professional relationships with legislators to advance the College.
Formalize a calendar to invite elected officials to speak at board meetings; schedule meetings in Albany and at local
offices; discussion around the political reality of leveraging the college’s attributes (lobbying); build on what the college
is already doing to engage elected officials
5. That the trustees receive from the President the results of the review of policies that is conducted by the College
cabinet every two years. The President will approve any changes in policies that do not require Board approval; any
policy requiring trustee approval will be reviewed by the President and submitted to the trustees for final approval.
Issues of transparency and receipt of information
Trustee Sheppard: if policies affect finances then the board should have the opportunity for review and approval
6. That Board agendas continued to be structured to allow the maximum amount of time at every meeting for the
discussion of the key findings of the Environmental Scan, as well as local, state, or national higher educational
issues that will impact FLCC.
Trustee Sheppard: an order of the day issue; agendas need flexibility to ensure transparency and allow for time sensitive
issues to be raised by a trustee
Dr. Carpino: need to structure an agenda that keeps trustees on task and addresses the business of the college; agendas
cannot be structured to be co-opted by a trustee or taken over
Trustee Sheppard: suggested approving the agenda at the beginning of each meeting
Not feasible to include discussion of a new agenda item without providing trustees with appropriate time to become
familiar with the topic
If an issue arises between when the packet is mailed and the actual meeting, inform the president and board chair so
the agenda can be revised
Trustees must trust that each board member has good intent
7. That Board meetings be limited to 90 minutes and that agendas continue to be organized so that trustees’ time is
well-spent and that the maximum amount of time is allotted to have the benefit of trustees’ thought leadership on
the key issues impacting FLCC.
The current board meeting is limited to 90 minutes; does not include committee meetings
8. That the Organizational Sustainability committee work with the President to ensure that a management succession
plan is in place.
If there is a vacancy at the Cabinet level, the college would conduct a search
Consensus agreement achieved on issues 1-8 above
Require action by this committee; BOT prioritize and the committee will focus on top 3
1. That the Board Development Committee review the current orientation and on-boarding process for new trustees
and, with the support of and input from the President and appropriate members of the Cabinet, develop a
comprehensive new Trustee orientation that will build upon existing materials. In addition to providing an overview
of the College’s operations, educational programs, finances, national trends in higher education and community
colleges, and strategic challenges, the orientation also would include expectations for Board service, clarify the
roles and responsibilities of trustees as defined by SUNY, and clarify the protocol for Trustee interaction with
members of the Cabinet and other staff.
Build on the current orientation process, i.e., visit campus centers; intent is to acclimate new trustees as quickly as
Trustee Sheppard: focus specifically on mentoring the student trustee; committee will discuss with Joshuah
2. That a future Board retreat be devoted to a discussion of ways in which the Board/CEO partnership (existing and
future) can be strengthened, the characteristics of an “ideal” partnership, expectations for Trustees, and the
ground rules or “touch stones” for how trustees will engage at Board meetings.
See #3 above
3. That, working from SUNY guidelines, the Board Development committee propose for the Board’s consideration a
written protocol for how Trustees will interface with the President; with members of her/his Cabinet; and how
issues brought to the trustees’ attention by college staff or students will be addressed in partnership with the
4. That information shared with trustees at executive sessions be considered privileged and confidential and that it
not be shared with others outside of Trustee meetings without the agreement of the full Board.
5. That consideration be given to amending the by-laws to allow the education/planning, finance/facilities, and
audit/risk management standing committees to meet quarterly, rather than monthly, and that these meetings not
precede a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Doing so would increase the amount of time that committee
members would have to weigh in on the issues being presented. The meetings would be open to all trustees and
eliminate the need for trustees to meet in advance of the general Board meetings. Reports of these meetings, as
well as reports of committee activities in the “off” months, would be included in the Board packet.
6. That the Board Development committee be charged with reviewing the current process being used to evaluate the
President, benchmarking the current process against best practices in higher education and, if necessary,
recommending to the Board a new process that will take effect with the new President.
7. That the Board commit to implementing the recommendations being suggested; by doing so, collegiality will be
strengthened as trust is developed and communications strengthened.
Q1: 6 Q2: 4
Q3: 4
Q4: 0
Q5: 4
Q6: 3
Q7: 0
Technology needs of trustees
Trustee Mihalik invited John Taylor to discuss trustees’ technology needs with the goal of improving communication with
each other and providing electronic access to information to reduce the amount of paper trustees receive.
What are current technical needs?
 Login to the college’s network
 Access the college’s intranet
 Specific training and support needed for new technology/portal
 Login to FLCC email**
Portal overview
 Store board packets
 Minutes
 Other documents
 Typically 20% of trustees utilize a portal
 Research vendors and financial expense
 Within a few months once a decision is made
 Search capabilities
 Suggest purchasing iPads for trustees (estimated cost: $8000)
 Huge advantage to a singular platform for all trustees, i.e., iPad; very different on a phone or different browsers
 John will research portal options for trustees’ review at a future board meeting/at the same time, IT staff will
troubleshoot technical issues with individual trustees
 Karen/John conduct a cost analysis of current system for comparison with portal/iPad system
 Implemented prior to the arrival of a new president – depending on cost, may be pushed out to the 2016-17
Action Items
 December board meeting: demonstration of potential board portals
 Update trustee FLCC emails
 Social media presentation at a future board meeting
Adjourn: 12:10 pm
Next retreat: April 15, 2016
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