
Fan Ny (Fanny) Shum

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Fan Ny (Fanny) Shum
Fan Ny (Fanny) Shum
Department of Mathematics
University of Connecticut
196 Auditorium Road, Unit 3009
Storrs, CT 06269-3009
E-mail: [email protected]
Webpage: www.math.uconn.edu/∼shum
Stochastic differential equations, partial differential equations, and geometric control theory
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut
Ph.D. Candidate, Mathematics, (expected graduation date: Aug 2016)
• Advisor: Dr. Maria Gordina
• Thesis Title: Stabilization by Noise of Systems of Complex-valued ODEs
M.S., Mathematics, May 2013
The City University of New York Hunter College, New York, New York
M.A., Mathematics Education, June 2011
B.A., Mathematics, June 2011
Minor: Statistics
Magna Cum Laude
with J. P. Chen, L. Ford, D. Kielty, R. Majumdar, H. McCain, and D. O’Connell, Stabilization by
Noise of a C2 -valued Coupled System, submitted, preprint: arXiv:1510.09221, with MATLAB codes:
Invited Talks
Stabilization by Noise of a C 2 -valued Coupled System.. Mathematical Finance and Probability
Seminar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, April 2016.
Conference and
Seminar Talks
Stabilization by Noise of a C 2 -valued Coupled System. Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2016. University of Maryland, College Parl, MD, March 2016.†
Stability of a C 2 -valued Coupled System. 2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM): MAA General
Contributed Paper Session on Probability and Statistics, III, Washington State Convention Center,
Seattle, WA, January 2016. (Awarded the AMS Graduate Student Travel Grant.)#
Stabilization by Noise of a C 2 -valued Coupled System. 2016 JMM: AMS Contributed Paper: Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, and Statistics, I, January 2016.#
Stabilization by Noise of a C 2 -valued Coupled System. Fourteenth Northeast Probability Seminar,
New York University, November 2015.†
Noise-induced Stabilization of Complex-valued Systems. Sigma Seminar [seminar for graduate students], Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut, September 2015.
Noise-induced Stabilization of Complex-valued Systems. CUNY Probability Student Seminar, Department of Mathematics, The Graduate Center, September 2015.
Control Affine System of a Rolling Sphere. Sigma Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University
of Connecticut, April 2015.
Conferences and Emphasis Year: Conference on New Developments in Probability. Northwestern University, Evanston,
IL and Women in Probability, May 2016.†
New challenges in PDE: Deterministic dynamics and randomness in high and infinite dimensional
systems. The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, CA, October 2015.†
CRM-PIMS Probability Summer School. McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada, June – July
30th Annual Geometry Festival. Courant Institute, New York, NY, May 2015.†
Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2015. University of Delaware, Newark, DE, April 2015.†
RU-CUNY Symposium on Geometric Analysis. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ and The
City University of New York, New York, NY, March 2015.†
Thirteenth Northeast Probability Seminar. Columbia University, New York, NY, November 2014.†
Special Day on Geometry and PDE. Columbia University, New York, NY, October 2013.∗
Workshop on Geometric Analysis and Nonlinear PDEs. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ,
May 2013.†
Travel funding was offered by the following agencies:
† National Science Foundation (fund administered by the conference organizers)
∗ Host institution
# University of Connecticut Graduate School
Work Experience
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut
PhD Candidate, Mathematics Department
Fall 2012 – present
My research began with the study of Lie theory, geometric control theory, and its applications.
An interest in probability led to the study of stochastic differential equations and ergodic theory.
In particular, to study the stabilization of an explosive multivariable complex-valued system with
an isotropic Brownian term through geometric methods.
Research Supervisor, Math Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Summer 2015
Supervise and mentor 5 undergraduate students to use MATLAB and Mathematica and taught
the necessary mathematical material to participate in the research project where we produce the
paper ”Stabilization by Noise of a C2 -valued Coupled System”.
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut
Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department
Fall 2011 – present
Responsibilities include advance preparation, such as lecture notes, completed problem sets, and
written quizzes and exams, grading, holding regular office hours, and conducting review sessions.
Served as primary instructor of each course unless otherwise noted.
• Elementary Differential Equations: Introduction to ordinary differential equations and their
applications, linear differential equations, systems of first order linear equations, numerical methods. Spring 2016.
• Honors Calculus I : Calculus I designed for students in Honors group. Fall 2015.
• Advanced Calculus III : Third part of a four semester sequence, covers vector spaces and their
applications to multivariable calculus and first-order, second-order, and systems of differential
equations. Fall 2015. (Recitation Leader).
• Applied Linear Algebra : An introduction to the techniques of linear algebra with elementary
applications. Fall 2014.
• Calculus II : Integral calculus for science and engineering majors. Spring 2015, Spring 2014,
Fall 2013, Spring 2012. (Recitation Leader).
• Calculus Ia : First part of a two semester sequence, covers differentiation with a strong algebra/precalculus component. Spring 2013, Fall 2012.
• Calculus I : Differential calculus for science and engineering majors. Fall 2011. (Recitation
Manhattan/Hunter Science High School, New York, New York
Student Teacher
January 2011 – May 2011
Responsibilities, in addition to lecturing, include advance preparation, such as lecture notes and
written quizzes, grading, holding regular office hours during lunch period, and provide one-on-one
assistance after school for the courses Precalculus and Geometry.
The City University of New York Hunter College, New York, New York
Tutor, Dolciani Mathematics Learning Center (DMLC)
Fall 2006 – Fall 2010
Responsibilities include one-on-one and group tutoring and teaching workshops that consists of
doing problem sets for Calculus I, Calculus II, Precalculus, and College Algebra.
The City University of New York Hunter College, New York, New York
Lab Supervisor/Equipment & Clerical Assistant, DMLC
Fall 2006 – Fall 2010
Responsibilities include supervision of staff, such as tutors and circulation assistants, maintenance
of software and electronic equipment, and production of data reports of usage of the facility for
funding purposes.
Awards, Grants, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Connecticut, 2016
and Fellowships American Mathematical Society Graduate Student Travel Grant, 2016
Graduate Travel Award, University of Connecticut, 2016
CUNY Pipeline Honors Program, The Graduate Center, 2010-2011
Philip & Aida Siff Educational Foundation Scholarship, CUNY Hunter College, 2010-2011
Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program, CUNY Hunter College, 2009-2011
Harcourt Fellowship, CUNY Hunter College, 2008-2011
Teacher Academy, CUNY Hunter College, 2006-2010
CUNY Hunter College Dean’s List, 2007-2011
Computer Skills MATLAB, Mathematica, LATEX, SPSS, Mac, Windows
Familiar with: Python
Graduate Student Coordinator, Noetherian Ring (Women in Math), Department of Mathematics,
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, June 2012 - Present.
Fly UP