MATH 3795 Lecture 13. Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations in R .
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MATH 3795 Lecture 13. Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations in R .
MATH 3795 Lecture 13. Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations in RN . Dmitriy Leykekhman Fall 2008 Goals I Learn about different methods for the solution of F (x) = 0, their advantages and disadvantages. I Convergence rates. I MATLAB’s fsolve D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 1 Nonlinear Equations. I I Goal: Given a function f : RN → RN we want to find x∗ ∈ RN such that F (x∗ ) = 0. Definition A point x∗ with F (x∗ ) = 0 is called a root of F or zero of F . I We want to extend the methods from the last lecture, like Newton’s method and Secant Method to find roots to vector valued problems. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 2 Convergence of Sequences. Let {xk } be a sequence of vectors in RN and let k · k denote a vector norm. 1. The sequence is called q-linearly convergent if there exists c ∈ (0, 1) and k̂ ∈ N such that kxk+1 − x∗ k ≤ ckxk − x∗ k k ≥ k̂. for all 2. The sequence is called q-superlinearly convergent if there exists a sequence {ck } with ck > 0 and limk→∞ ck = 0 such that kxk+1 − x∗ k ≤ ck kxk − x∗ k or, equivalently, if lim k→∞ kxk+1 − x∗ k = 0. kxk − x∗ k 3. The sequence is called q-quadratically convergent to x∗ if limk→∞ xk = x∗ and if there exists c > 0 and k̂ ∈ N such that kxk+1 − x∗ k ≤ ckxk − x∗ k2 D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics k ≥ k̂. for all Linear Least Squares – 3 Taylor Expansion. I Given a differentiable function F , we define its Jacobian ∂F1 ∂F1 ∂x1 (x) . . . ∂xn (x) .. .. F 0 (x) = JF (x) = . . ∂Fn ∂Fn ∂x1 (x) . . . ∂xn (x) I If F is continuously differentiable around x0 , then F (x) ≈ F (x0 ) + F 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 4 Taylor Expansion. Example Let F : R2 → R2 be given by F (x) = x21 + x22 − 2 x1 −1 e + x32 − 2 Then its Jacobian is 0 2x1 ex1 −1 F (x) = If x0 = F (x) ≈ 0 0 , then for x = −2 e−1 − 2 + 0 e−1 x1 x2 0 0 D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics 2x2 3x22 close to x1 x2 0 0 = Linear Least Squares – −2 e−1 (1 + x1 ) − 2 5 Newton’s Method. I Suppose we are given an approximation x0 of a root x∗ of F . I Taylor approximation of F around x0 gives F (x∗ ) = F (x0 + (x∗ − x0 )) ≈ F (x0 ) + F 0 (x0 )(x∗ − x0 ). I We use M (x) = F (x0 ) + F 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) I as a model for F . The root of M (x) i.e. the solution of linear system F 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) = −F (x0 ) is used as an approximation of the root of F . I Write the previous identity as F 0 (x0 )s0 = −F (x0 ) step (correction) x1 = x0 + s0 . D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 6 Newton’s Method. Input: Initial values x(0), tolerance tol, maximum number of iterations maxit Output: approximation of the root 1 For k = 0:maxit do 2 Compute F’(x(k))s(k) = -F(x(k)). 3 Compute x(k+1) = x(k) + s(k). 4 Check for truncation 5 End D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares (LU-decomposition) – 7 Newton’s Method. Example Consider F (x) = x21 + x22 − 2 x1 −1 e + x32 − 2 with starting point x0 = (1.5, 2)T and stopping criteria kF (xk )k2 ≤ 1e − 10, the Newton’s method gives the computed solution x = (1.0000, 1.0000)T and the history k kxk k2 kF (xk )k2 ksk k2 0 2.500000e + 000 8.750168e + 000 8.805454e − 001 1 1.665941e + 000 2.073196e + 000 3.234875e − 001 2 1.450739e + 000 4.127937e − 001 1.606253e − 001 3 1.423306e + 000 6.177196e − 002 2.206725e − 002 4 1.414386e + 000 1.401191e − 003 6.087256e − 004 5 1.414214e + 000 9.730653e − 007 3.964708e − 007 6 1.414214e + 000 4.415589e − 013 0.000000e + 000 D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 8 Convergence of Newton’s Method. Theorem Let D ∈ RN be an open set and let F : D → RN be differentiable on D with Lipschitz continuous derivative, i.e. let L > 0 be such thtat kF 0 (y) − F 0 (x)k ≤ Lky − xk ∀x, y ∈ D. If x∗ ∈ D is a root and if F 0 (x∗ ) is nonsingular, then there exists an > 0 such that Newton’s method with starting point x0 with kx0 − x∗ k < 0 generates iterates xk which converge to x∗ , lim xk = x∗ , k→∞ and which obey kxk+1 − x∗ k ≤ ckxk − x∗ k2 for all k and some positive constant c. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 9 Convergence of Newton’s Method. Theorem Let D ∈ RN be an open set and let F : D → RN be differentiable on D with Lipschitz continuous derivative, i.e. let L > 0 be such thtat kF 0 (y) − F 0 (x)k ≤ Lky − xk ∀x, y ∈ D. If x∗ ∈ D is a root and if F 0 (x∗ ) is nonsingular, then there exists an > 0 such that Newton’s method with starting point x0 with kx0 − x∗ k < 0 generates iterates xk which converge to x∗ , lim xk = x∗ , k→∞ and which obey kxk+1 − x∗ k ≤ ckxk − x∗ k2 for all k and some positive constant c. Newton’s method is locally q-quadratically convergent (under the assumptions stated in the theorem). D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 9 Stopping Criteria. We have discussed iterative methods which generate sequences xk with (under suitable conditions) limk→∞ xk = x∗ . When do we stop the iteration? I For a given tolerance tola > 0 we want to find xk such that kxk − x∗ k < tola , stop if absolute error is small; or kxk − x∗ k < tolr kx∗ k, stop if relative error is small. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 10 Stopping Criteria. We have discussed iterative methods which generate sequences xk with (under suitable conditions) limk→∞ xk = x∗ . When do we stop the iteration? I For a given tolerance tola > 0 we want to find xk such that kxk − x∗ k < tola , stop if absolute error is small; or kxk − x∗ k < tolr kx∗ k, stop if relative error is small. I For some tk ∈ [0, 1] kF (xk )k = kF (xk ) − F (x∗ )k 1 ≥ k(F 0 (x∗ ))−1 k−1 kxk − x∗ k, 2 if xk is suff. close to x∗ Hence, if kF (xk )k < tolf , and if xk is sufficiently close to x∗ , then kxk − x∗ k < 2tolf k(F 0 (x∗ ))−1 k. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 10 Stopping Criteria. We have discussed iterative methods which generate sequences xk with (under suitable conditions) limk→∞ xk = x∗ . When do we stop the iteration? I For a given tolerance tola > 0 we want to find xk such that kxk − x∗ k < tola , stop if absolute error is small; or kxk − x∗ k < tolr kx∗ k, stop if relative error is small. I For some tk ∈ [0, 1] kF (xk )k = kF (xk ) − F (x∗ )k 1 ≥ k(F 0 (x∗ ))−1 k−1 kxk − x∗ k, 2 if xk is suff. close to x∗ Hence, if kF (xk )k < tolf , and if xk is sufficiently close to x∗ , then kxk − x∗ k < 2tolf k(F 0 (x∗ ))−1 k. I Limit maximum number of iterations. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 10 Variations of Newton’s Method. Recall Newton’s Method: Input: Initial values x0 , tolerance tol, maximum number of iterations maxit Output: approximation of the root 1. For k = 0, . . . , maxit do 2. Compute sk = −f (xk )/f 0 (xk ). 3. xk+1 = xk + sk . 4. Check for truncation 5. End I Requires the evaluation of derivatives and solution of a linear system. I Linear system solves are done using LU decomposition (cost 2/3n3 flops for each matrix factorization). If Jacobian/derivative evaluations are expensive or difficult to compute, or if the LU factorization of the derivative is expensive , the following variations are useful I I Finite difference Newton method and Secant method. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 11 Finite Difference Newton Method. Recall Fi (x1 , . . . , xj−1 , xj + h, xj+1 , . . . , xn ) − Fi (x) ∂Fi (x) = lim . h→0 ∂xj h D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 12 Finite Difference Newton Method. Recall Fi (x1 , . . . , xj−1 , xj + h, xj+1 , . . . , xn ) − Fi (x) ∂Fi (x) = lim . h→0 ∂xj h Thus, for all i = 1, . . . , n ∂F (x) 1 ∂xj .. . ∂Fn (x) ∂xj = lim F (x1 , . . . , xj−1 , xj + h, xj+1 , . . . , xn ) − F (x) . h→0 h D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 12 Finite Difference Newton Method. Recall Fi (x1 , . . . , xj−1 , xj + h, xj+1 , . . . , xn ) − Fi (x) ∂Fi (x) = lim . h→0 ∂xj h Thus, for all i = 1, . . . , n ∂F (x) 1 ∂xj .. . ∂Fn (x) ∂xj = lim F (x1 , . . . , xj−1 , xj + h, xj+1 , . . . , xn ) − F (x) . h→0 h The idea is to replace ∂F (x) 1 ∂xj .. . ∂Fn (x) ∂xj ≈ 1 F (x1 , . . . , xj−1 , xj + h, xj+1 , . . . , xn ) − F (x) . hj Good choice for the step size hj = kxk. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 12 Finite Difference Newton Method. Input: Initial values x0 , tolerance tol, maximum number of iterations maxit Output: approximation of the root 1. For k = 0, . . . , maxit do 2. Compute finite difference approximation of F 0 (xk ) i.e., compute matrix B with columns B of F 0 (xk ) Bej = 1 F (x1 , . . . , xj−1 , xj + h, xj+1 , . . . , xn ) − F (x) hj 3. Factor B 4. Solve Bsk = −F (xk ) 5. Compute xk+1 = xk + sk 6. Check for truncation 7. End D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 13 Secant Method. I Recall that in the secant method we replace the derivative f 0 (xk+1 ) (xk+1 ) . by f (xxkk)−f −xk+1 I If we set bk+1 = f (xk )−f (xk+1 ) xk −xk+1 then bk+1 satisfies bk+1 (xk+1 − xk ) = f (xk+1 ) − f (xk ) which is called the secant equation I The next iterate is given by xk+2 = xk+1 + sk+1 , where sk+1 is the solution of bk+1 sk+1 = −f (xk+1 ). D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 14 Secant Method. I I Try to extend this to the problem of finding a root of F : Rn → Rn . Given two iterates xk , xk+1 ∈ Rn we try to find a nonsingular matrix Bk+1 ∈ Rn×n which satisfies the so-called secant equation Bk+1 (xk+1 − xk ) = F (xk+1 ) − F (xk ). I Then we compute the new iterate as follows Solve Bk+1 sk+1 = −F (xk+1 ), xk+2 = xk+1 + sk+1 . D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 15 Secant Method. There is a problem with this approach. I If n = 1 the the secant equation bk+1 (xk+1 − xk ) = f (xk+1 ) − f (xk ) has a unique solution. I If n > 1, the we need to determine n2 entries of Bk+1 from n equations Bk+1 (xk+1 − xk ) = F (xk+1 ) − F (xk ). There is no unique solution. I For example, for n = 2, xk+1 − xk = (1, 1)T and F (xk+1 ) − F (xk ) = (1, 2), then the matrices 1 0 0 1 , 0 2 2 0 satisfy secant equation. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 16 Secant Method. I Therefore we chose Bk+1 ∈ Rn×n as the solution of min B(xk+1 −xk )=F (xk+1 )−F (xk ) I kB − Bk kF . Motivation: Bk+1 should satisfy the secant equation B(xk+1 − xk ) = F (xk+1 ) − F (xk ) I and Bk+1 should be as close to the old matrix Bk as possible to preserve as much information contained in Bk as possible. Common notation sk = xk+1 − xk and yk = F (xk+1 ) − F (xk ). With these definition the previous minimization problem becomes min s:t: Bsk =yk kB − Bk kF . Unique solution Bk+1 = Bk + (yk − Bk sk )sTk sTk sk D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Broyden update. Linear Least Squares – 17 Broyden’s Method. Input: Initial values x0 , tolerance tol, maximum number of iterations maxit Output: approximation of the root 1 2 3 4 5 6 For k = 0, . . . , maxit do Solve Bk sk = −F (xk ) for sk Set xk+1 = xk + sk . Evaluate F (xk+1 ) Check for truncation Set yk = F (xk+1 ) − F (xk ) 7 8 Set Bk+1 = Bk + End (yk−Bk sk )sT k sT k sk D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics . Linear Least Squares – 18 Broyden’s Method. I Note that due to the definition of yk and sk we have that Bk+1 = Bk + I (yk − Bk sk )sTk F (xk+1 )sTk = B + k sTk sk sTk sk To start Broyden’s method we need an initial guess x0 for the root x∗ and an initial matrix B0 ∈ Rn×n . In practice one often chooses B0 = F 0 (x0 ) or B0 = γI; where γ is a suitable scalar. Other choices, for example finite difference approximations to F 0 (x0 ) or choices based on the specific structure of F 0 are also used. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 19 Broyden’s Method. Example Consider F (x) = x21 + x22 − 2 ex1 −1 + x32 − 2 with starting point x0 = 1.5 2 and B0 = F 0 (x0 ), and stopping criteria kF (xk )k2 ≤ 1e − 10. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 20 Broyden’s Method. the Broyden’s method produces k 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 kxk k2 2.500000e + 000 1.665941e + 000 1.476513e + 000 1.410326e + 000 1.417633e + 000 1.423860e + 000 1.415846e + 000 1.414375e + 000 1.414212e + 000 1.414214e + 000 1.414214e + 000 kF (xk )k2 8.750168e + 000 2.073196e + 000 8.734179e − 001 3.812507e − 001 1.586346e − 001 4.298504e − 002 4.681398e − 003 6.074087e − 004 4.051447e − 006 2.724111e − 008 1.182169e − 011 D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics ksk k2 8.805454e − 001 1.922038e − 001 1.321894e − 001 1.555213e − 001 9.620188e − 002 1.043037e − 002 2.583147e − 003 6.288185e − 004 1.805771e − 006 1.154246e − 008 0.000000e + 000 Linear Least Squares – 21 MATLAB’s fsolve. Similar to a build-in function fzero, Optimization Toolbox has a function fsolve that tries to solve a system of nonlinear equations F (x) = 0. Warning: You need this Toolbox in order to use this function. Syntax: x = fsolve(fun,x0) x = fsolve(fun,x0,options) x = fsolve(problem) [x,fval] = fsolve(fun,x0) [x,fval,exitflag] = fsolve(...) [x,fval,exitflag,output] = fsolve(...) [x,fval,exitflag,output,jacobian] = fsolve(...) D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 22 MATLAB’s fsolve. x = fsolve(fun,x0) starts at x0 and tries to solve the equations described in fun. [x,fval] = fsolve(fun,x0) returns the value of the objective function fun at the solution x. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 23 MATLAB’s fsolve. Thus in our example with x21 + x22 − 2 F (x) = ex1 −1 + x32 − 2 and x0 = [x,fval] = fsolve(’ex1’,[1.5 2]) produces x = fval = 0.999999999999919 1.000000000000164 1.0e-012 * 0.165201186064223 0.410338429901458 D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 24 1.5 2 MATLAB’s fsolve. Example Let’s say you want to solve 2x1 − x2 = e−x1 2 −x1 + 2x2 = e−x . In other words we want to solve nonlinear system 2x1 − x2 − e−x1 = 0 2 −x1 + 2x2 − e−x = 0. D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 25 MATLAB’s fsolve. First we create a function in a m-file. function varargout = % % % [F] = ex3(x) % [F,Jac] = ex3(x) % % ex3(x) returns the function value in F returns the function value in F and the Jacobian in Jac % return the function value varargout{1} = [ 2*x(1)-x(2)-exp(-x(1)); -x(1) + 2*x(2) - exp(-x(2))]; if( nargout > 1 ) % return the Jacobian as the second argument varargout{2} = [ 2+exp(-x(1)) -1; -1 2+exp(-x(2))]; end D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 26 MATLAB’s fsolve. Now calling [x,fval] = fsolve(’ex3’,[-5 -5]) produces x = 0.567143031397357 0.567143031397357 fval = 1.0e-006 * -0.405909605705190 -0.405909605705190 D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 27 MATLAB’s fsolve. We got 6 digits of accuracy. If we need more we can use options = optimset(’TolFun’,1e-10) then calling [x,fval] = fsolve(’ex3’,[-5 -5],options) produces x = 0.567143290409772 0.567143290409772 fval = 1.0e-013 * -0.179856129989275 -0.179856129989275 D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 28 MATLAB’s fsolve. You could learn more about fsolve by typing help fsolve or looking at the function on mathworks website fsolve Similarly you learn there more about the options by typing help optimset or just optimset D. Leykekhman - MATH 3795 Introduction to Computational Mathematics Linear Least Squares – 29