
S ave Mother and Mother Earth

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S ave Mother and Mother Earth
Save Mother and Mother Earth
Script Writer: Dr Arvind Dubey
Coordinator: Kapil Tripathi
(Signature Tune......................................................................................Fades out)
(Opening Music....................................................................................... Fades out)
Announcer: Good morning friends, here I am, with a brand new radio science
serial, starting from today.... no....no. I will not talk today about
recentmost advances in science and technology not a word about
famous scientists... today I will tell you about those down to earth
people, who could be your next door resident your neighbour but they
thought differently applied whatever reasoning they obtained from
their life experiences... and created some thing new... some thing
useful for common men. Many of them are not educated enough to be
a scientist... many of them never saw a science laboratory in their life
time, they don't even had adequate resources or finances.
Many of them were farmers, shopkeepers self employed small scale
industry owner, even rickshaw puller. But one thing they all had in
common... think differently... ask question and always keep welfare of
your community in mind. National Innovation Foundation (NIF),
Vigyan Prasar and All India Radio salute their vision, their
persistence, their wisdom and commitment of these self styled
scientists in the form of this radio serial Sujhboojh... which is starting
from today. So in today's episode.
We will listen about two such great personalities.... innovators or
grass root scientists – one is Arunachalam, Muruganantham from,
Padur Coimbtore, Tamilnadu, who invented a machine assembly to
make very cheap sanitary napkins. So even a daily wages worker can
afford them and keep herself hygienic and avoid unnecessary
Second such personality we introduce today will be Ishwar Singh
Kundu, from village Kaithal in Haryana, who invented herbal
insecticides and persicides which are not only free from dangerous
chemicals but also boost up the production of many crops. So get
tuned and here we are...
Scene – 1
(Opening Music...............................................................Fades out)
Place : An auditorium (give adequate sound effects)
A male voice: Ladies and gentlemen, the prestigious national award of grassroot
innovations and Traditional Knowledge practice's national compitition
is conferred on Mr A. Murugnatham of Tamilnadu. This award is
given by National Innovation Foundation Ahemdabad Mr
Muruganantham comes from Pudur, Coimbtore, Tamilnadu and is self
employed small scale industrialist Mr Muruganantham has invented
machine assembly which produces sanitary napkins which are very
cheap, effective and affordable. These are available at a cost of rupees
two only. He has also designed Vending Machine for railway station,
schools, auditoriums, public places, where a needy woman can get
these by dropping a two ruppes coin in the machine. Mr
Muruganantham efforts will make it possible to use these napkins by
that strata of community who never even dreamt to use it.
We acknowledge Mr. Muruganantham's vision, wisdom and
persistence. Mr Murugnatham welcome to the stage. (Sound of
clapping fades out)
(Scene - 2)
Award function is over (give adequate sound effects) Murugantham
has come into an open space.
Announcer: Mr Muruganantham....
Murugnatham (Sleepy voice as if he is exhausted) : huh.... yes...
Announcer : Mr Muruganantham... I am from press. Can you spare few minutes...
and talk to me? (Muruganantham from now onward speak English
which will have a Tamil accent)
Muruganantham : Why not... yes... yes.
Press :
First of all congratulation Mr Muruganantham for getting this
prestigious award... you really deserved it.
Murugan : (small laugh) Oh yes, its good... very good I am feeding proud after
getting it.
Press :
Before I till my audience about your invention, rather innovation,
audience will be eager to know something about you... your life...
Murugan : (Surprised) about me...?
Press :
Yes about you, your family... your childhood your education,
schooling... everything about you.
Murugan : Oh nostalgic memories... there was nothing extraordinary... nothing
glamorous... a lower middle class family... an average child... a
medicare student...
Press :
Tell me something about your childhood memories... please.
Murugan : It was very bad... those were hard days. (big sigh)
Press :
Your father...?
Murugan : I have faint memories of my father... (after a big sigh) I lost my father
when I was young his name was S. Arunachalam.
Press :
Sorry... I am sorry...
Murugan : When my father died in a road accident we were in big trouble...
unable to meet both ends togathers... there was a big question...
question of two square meals... difficult times... (big sigh)
Press :
Murugan : My mom, Vanitha had to work as farm worker to support the family...
after my father's death.
Press :
....and your studies.
Murugan : Question of two square meals is was always bigger than anything in
this world forus what to say about studies... school was a Luxary at
that time, which I could not afford.
Press :
So you...
Murugan : Yes I had to discontinue my studies after SSLC to earn a living and
help my family financially.
Press :
I have learnt that in your school day... I mean till you SSLC you were
more interested in science...
Murugan : Yes science and Astronomy... more precisely... It was because I was
priviledges to have very good and encouraging science teacher... he
used to encouraged me to do new experiments... to try new ideas. I
used to participate in school science exhibitions and competitions.
Press :
(interrupting) and use to win awards...
Murugan : Exactly...
Press :
...and after school?
Murugan : Wandering here and there. Most of my classmates were coming from
neighbouring farms so I used to visit them on their farms and this way
I learnt many things and problems of farm machines...
Press(Laughing) :... (Interrupting)... and you tried your hand there too...
Murugan : Actually... I had a craving to do something new... and that way I tried
my hand in whichever machine, I could lay my hands on.
Press :
So you became a machine aren't you?
Murugan : No...life was not that easy for me, inadequate education, no
resources...no contacts... and question of feeding my... family... I tried
my hands at various trades.
Press :
Various trades...
Murugan : yes... though my first love was machines yet I worked in various
capacities... a part time technician... a machine operator yarn selling
agent... insurance agent... and even a farm labourer at times...
Press :
(Putting pressure on each word)... and now... CEO of Jayaa Shree
industries... an unique industrial unit which makes low cost and
portable machines that can produce sanitary napkins at a surprisingly
cheaper price.
Murugan : You are right dear, I have built it from scratch.
Press :
But how this idea of making low cost sanitary napkins came to your
mind... which ultimately led to this innovation... making machines to
produce these low cost sanitary napkins...
Murugan : Interesting story... actually this happened after my wife's scolding.
Press :
Your wife's scolding...?
Murugan : yes... oneday I was sitting with my wife.
(Scene change music)
Scene – 2
Place :
Muruganantham's house. (Muruganantham is sitting in a room. His
wife is sitting in front of him. She is folding an used sari's torn piece)
Murugan : (Laughing)... Jaya... Jaya... so bussy... you don't even have time to talk
to your husband.
Jaya :
Just a minute... Let me finish it.
Murugan : What are you doing... folding a torn piece of your old sari... so
neatly... what are you making...
Jaya :
As you don't know... this is the curse of being a woman... month after
months... that silly sickly wet feeling of blood...
Murugan : Oh... far that you are folding this piece of your old sari...Jaya. Will it
not cause infection?
Jaya (Angry): I know..... then what.... what should I do. Should I roam around
with my clothes drenched in my own blood every month.
Murugan : No... No... there are better alternatives... I mean sanitary napkins...
Jaya (Sarcastically):...sanitary napkins... I should use sanitary napkin... Do you
know how much these cost... minimum 60 repees a pack of 5 or 6
pads... and how much your earn my dear husband, Arunachalam
Murugunatham sir.
Murugan : ...No...no Jaya... I didn't mean that... I... I didn't want to hurt you...
Jaya (in angry tone) Listen my dear husband ji : all females of your family start
using sanitary napkins every month. Your family budget will turn
upside down... you have to cut down on your ...even on the milk of
your children........ huh.....
sanitary napkins... (she slams the door of bathroom her voice in this
dialogue will change accordingly as if she is going away from the
Murugan : (himself) – Jaya is right when my family can not afford these sanitary
napkins, how those women, working as daily wage labourer cna
dream it of it........ something should be done.... I'll do....
(Scene change music........fades out)
Scene – 3
(Opening music...........................................Fades out)
Murugan : Million of women in our country use old cloth for their periods
because they simply cannot afford these sanitary napkins.
Press :
You are right sir....
Murugan : from then I get infatuated with the idea of developing lowcost sanitary
napkins which even a manual labourer, can afford.
Press :
then you made these machine....
Murugan : No... no... it was not that simple and easy.... but I experimented with
various materials.
Press :
Various materials?
Murugan : First of all I tried the cheapest one... the cotton...
Press ;
(Interrupting).... and it failed....
Murugan : Yes, cotton didn't give desired results... it became too messy.
Press :
Murugan : Then I concentrated on commercially available sanitary napkins. I
collected many brands and got them tested in laboratory to see what
material they use?
Press :
Do they use something different?
Murugan : Yes they use wood fibre...
Press :
Wood fibre why?
Murugan : because wood fibre is not only good in securely draining the fluid but
is also help in retaining the shape of the pad.
Press :
So you also decided to use wood fibre...?
Murugan : Yes, I procured the material from Mumbai... but again there was an
Press :
Obstacle... which one...?
Murugan : To my utter, surprise, wood fibre came in big sheets. It needed to be
defibred to get it set in desired sizes and shapes. I develop my own
defibring machines which were innovative, cheap and easy to use.
Press :
Murugan : Having succeeded in this I developed machines for subsequent stages
to do the core forming and sealing.
Press :
Murugan : Yes I sealed it in propylene cover... so that it can retain the blood and
prevent it from oozing back.
Press :
Grand idea...
Murugan : Now the final step... sterilization...
Press :
huh.... to prevent infection...?
Murugan : I did it by exposing these for 10 minutes to UV light in a chamber
fitted with ultraviolet lamps.
Press :
and the sanitary napkin is ready to use...
Murugan : Not now... these were trimmed, a position strip was fixed to avoid
misplacing the napkin during the use. I gave these napkins to many
friends of my wife, relatives and family members... so they can use it
and tell me about their satisfaction... their experiences.
Press :
and what happened?
Murugan : These were satisfactory... well aceepted and convincing...
Press :
and you won the race... isn't it?
Murugan : No... no... most difficult task was ahead
Press :
Which one...?
Murugan : To get public acceptance. My first assembly of machine was ready in
2004 now I had to find people who can purchase these machines start
production and can sell these napkins on cheaper rates.
Press :
....and those vending machines which dispense sanitary napkins...
Murugan : After seeing ATM in cities, dispensing cash to customers as required,
I decided to build sanitary napkin Vending machine with a coins lot
that could be set up in hospitals, collages and public places to supply
napkins on demand.
Press :
and you developed these machines.
Murugan : Yes my first sanitary napkins vending machine was ready in 2008
which had the capacity of 25 pads.
Press :
....and these machines herald a new revolution in personal hygine.
Murugan : Not exactly now... (pause) it may, one day but slowly it in gaining
national recognition. Such encouragements and award will boost it.
Press :
Are you receiving business inquiries for these machine assemblies?
Murugan : Yes, many corporate and organizations such as Ms Swaminathan
research foundation All India Women's conference organizers,
Malabar Hospital community centres in Delhi have placed orders for
this assembly of machines.
Press :
Are these cheap napkins available in the market?
Murugan : yes, local entrepreneurs and many self help groups have purchased
these machines and have launched these low cost sanitary napkins
invarious trade names.... as Easy feel... freestyle... style free... feel
free... be free (laughing) and what not.
Press :
and cost...?
Murugan : I have learnt that these are cheap, a set of a 8 pads for 13 rupees, and
10 pads for 15 rupees.
Press :
and... so mission accomplished.
Murugan : huh... yes... with the support of micro venture innovation fund I have
installed over 225 units in fourteen states across the country... and
help is coming from other sources as well. I am also getting inquiries
from other countries like Nigeria, Ethopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nepal and
Bangladesh. (A group of adolesent girls comes laughing and talking
give adequate sound effects. This disrupts above discussion.)
One Girl : (breathing rapidly as if she is out of breath from running or
excitement) Are you A. Muruganantham.
Murugan : Yes... I am Arunachalam Muruganantham.
First girl : Look girls I was right...
Second Girl : Same Muruganantham sir, who won the award for making cheap
Murugan : Same but who made machines which produce cheap sanitary napkins.
Third Girl : Can we see these machines....?
Murugan : These machines...... (Laughs) these are not so microsized that I could
have bring these packed in my suitcase
First Girl: It means we cannot see them... sooo.... disappointing.....
Murugan : Off course... (Pause)... there is an idea....
All girls (excited and in chorus) : What.....
Murugan : I have installed one assembly of my machines in your city's
community centre there you can see them... I can show you these
machines there, if you agree...
All girls :
agree...? we ae more than that...
Murugan : Then done... come there tommarrow at I am sharp... would your?
All girls (Simultaneously) : Yes Sir....
(Scene change music...............................fades out)
Scene – 4
(Opening Music................................... Fades out)
Place :
Community centres workshops where machine are installed give
suitable sound effects.
Murugan : So young ladies we are here in community centre and this
Arunachalam Muruganantham is at you service to show these
machines which produce low cost napkins – (Every one laugh). So we
will start from raw materials.
First Girl: Raw materials....?
Second Girl : Raw materials means those things from which napkins are made...
Murugan : You are right young lady..... What is your name...?
Second Girl: Sunita,
Murugan : Yes Sunita, the main raw materials used for making sanitary napkins
in this machine are wood fibre Thermobonded and non woven,
Propylene as barrier film, release paper... This... (Rustling sound of
paper), superbond paste and paking (rustling of Polythene sheet)
First Girl: Here we see 4 major machines... do this work simultaneously?
Murugan : No... no... you... what is your name...?
First Girl : Rani,
Murugan : Yes Rani napkin is produced in 4 stages... and each stage is performed
by a separate machine... this... (Footstep noise)... This is first step
machine... defiberation unit.
Third Girl: This machine with 4 blades...
Murugan : You...?
Third Girl: I am Juhi...
Murugan : Yes Juhi, this machine with 4 blades in powered by an ordinary one
horse power motor, it delivers about 150 gms of soft pulp of wood
fibres per minute...
Sunita :
.... and this..... I think is second stage machine, Mr Muruganantham?
Murugan : Yes Sunita, this is core forming unit.
Rani :
Core forming unit?
Murugan : This machine compresses defibred pulp to the required density and
shape of napkin. This is operated by foot pedal.
Juhi :
and the third stage sir...
Murugan : Juhi, this is sealing machine. Here napkin is wrapped in Poly
propylene... a kind of non-wover, fabric and sealed. It can seal four to
ten napkins per minute.
Sunita :
and this box like unit....
Murugan : (footstep noise)... oh this... this is sterilization unit... sterilization by
ultraviolet light... from these lamps...
Juhi :
.... and pad is ready...
Murugan : Yes ready for trimming, position strip fixing and packing you know
one assembly can produce upto 900 napkins per day and you need
maximum three persons to operate these machines.
Sunita :
How much does it cost Mr. Muruganantham sir?
Murugan : Around 85 thousand rupees including installation... but this is nothing
in comparison to imported machines which may cost around 25 lacs
or more.
(Scene change music)
Anchor :
So this was all about Arunachalam Muruganantham, inventor of Mini
sanitary Napkin making machine. He speaks English... he is available
on cell phone numbers 09283155128 and 9442224069. Have you seen
when a devoted person commits himself to some thing this always
happens... millions of women in India will live hygienically due to his
invention in those messy day, thanks to Arunachalam Muruganantham
I will introduce one more personality in this episode... you know who
is he...? He is Ishwar Singh Kundu... an average farmer from Kaithal
A female Voice : Who is this Ishwar Singh Kundu by the way...
Anchor :
So here you are.... your highness...listeners do you know, who is she?
She is my co-anchor... by the way where were you... your highness do
you know half of today's episode is over and you holy feet are
touching the stage now I am obliged...... listeners, we all are obliged.
Female Anchor : Actually what happened..... huh...
Male Anchor : Yes... yes come out with some excuse as usual...... there was traffic
jam on the way... tell us about deflated tyre of your Tempo... or it was
raining outside... isn't it, your highness.
Female Voice : enough... I am sorry... now donot waste time and tell our listeners
who is Ishwar Singh Kundu...
Male Anchor : Everyone in this country know who is Ishwar Singh Kundu...
every farmer in Haryana know that he is a grass-root innovator... who
has conferred consolation prize in national competition of Grass-root
innovations and traditional knowledge practices-2007.
Female Anchor : For what... I mean which innovation?
Male Anchor : Kundu has developed a multiutility herbal formulation which can
be used as biofertilizer, soil enhancer and as an insect-pest control
formulation for a variety of crops.
Female Anchor : Really.... then we should meet such talented personality... where
we can get him?
Male Anchor : in his village... in his fields... where else... in his village Kailram in
district Kaithal, Haryana.
Female Anchor : So listeners we are taking you to Kailram, Kaithal Haryana....
(Scene change music)
(Change over music..................................................fades out)
Scene – 5
Place :
Ishwar Singh Kundu in his field give suitable sound effect to establish
the scene. Here we can insert a real interview from Kundu, probable
question and answers are given below. If it is not possible a mock
interview can be arranged in studio but the actor who play
Ishwarsingh with talk in English with Haryanvi accent.
Anchor :
Good Morning Mr. Kundu
Kundu :
Ram Ram ji.....
Male Anchor : Mr Kundu we are from All India Radio... she is my co-anchor...
Female Anchor : Good morning Kundu ji
Kundu :
Ram Ram ji pleased to meet you... come... come... sit here... in this
Male and Female Anchor : Thank you....
Kundu :
Well... what can I do for your?
Female Anchor : Mr. Kundu we know that you have developed a multiutility
herbal formulation, which can be used as biofertiliser as well as
insect-pest cpmtrol measure for many crops.
Kundu :
You are right...
Male Anchor : So Mr Kundu, on behalf of our listeners, we are here to know
something about your innovation.
Kundu :
About me.... I am an ordinary farmer... born in this village Kailram.
Female Anchor : Your father...?
Kundu :
My father was in Army but later left his job to practice agriculture.
Male anchor : You own good amount of cultivated land isn't it?
Kundu :
Not exactly, Though my family owned around 70 acres of land but
being a typical joint family, after partition my share came to be only 2
acres of land on which wegrow wheat and rice.
Female Anchor : You got your primary education here only... in this village?
Kundu :
Not only primary education but till 10th standard, I studied here and
in 1984 I moved to Kaithal, a district headquarter to do an ITI course.
Male Anchor : and then?
Kundu ;
After having completed ITI course, I started looking for job but could
not find any. So I returned to my village in 1986.
Female Anchor : To farming....?
Kundu :
There was no other alternative, however along with the farming I kept
on trying to get a job as my fate would have it, I could not land up any
Male anchor : It was because destiny had something else in store for you.
Kundu :
Probably... because when I finally decided and opened seed and
pesticide shop in Kaithal in partnership but thing did not workout well
and I had to return back to my village in 1992.
Female anchor : (Interrupting)... totally committed to farming...
Kundu ;
No... no here in village also I established a workshop for repair of
agricultural equipments.
Male anchor : I have learnt that you tried your hand in journalism and published a
Kundu (Laughs) : Yes... from my ITI time I had interest in journalism and used to
send articles to various news papers. In 1985 I started a news letter
Janta Leader and its publication continued till 1992... of course with
the help from my friends.
Female Anchor : but how you became interested in herbal formulation, which can
be used as inseelicides or pesticides....
Kundu :
Actually my brother was working in Jindal steels, Raipur. In 2000, I
visited him and got a job there... but unfortunate circumstance in
factory left me half deaf and I decided to leave the job... returned to
Kaithal and started my workshop there in 2001.
Male Anchor : Ok... but these herbal formulations?
Kundu :
When I started farming in my village along with my workshop in
Kaithal... then I noticed that the chemical insecticides the farmers use,
not only pollute the atmosphere fodder, soil but also pollute
underground water.
Female Anchor : So you thought about these ecofriendly herbal insect-pest
control formulation...
Kundu :
I had interest in natural insecticides since my early days. When, I
finally settled in Kaithal it was renewed.
Male :
So you started experimenting.
Kundu :
Yes, I knew a little bit about insecticide properties of neem. So first of
all I tried with neem leaves.
Female Anchor : The same neem, me find every where.
Kundu :
Ofcourse same neem leaves. I boiled neem leaves in water and
sprayed the solution on crops... results were optimistic and I proceded
Male Anchor : Further...
Kundu :
Yes, I started mixing neem oil in this solution and got better results.
Female Anchor : But I was told that you mix many components and ingradient to
make your product.
Kundu :
Yes I have developed my own technique now I use neem, oil,
chirayata, kaner Jagyyary along with couple of other herbs. All these
are mixed in cow wine in vessel. Later this vessel is put into the soil.
Male :
For decomposition?
Kundu :
Yes, after 15 days when mixture is decomposed, it is taken out,
filtered and decoction of neem leaves is added to make it more strong.
Female anchor : ...and a journey to new revolution began.
Kundu :
I used a litre of this herbal solution mixed with 100 litres of water and
sprayed it on paddy crops. All kind of insects and pests ran were
killed and others ran away from the filed and there was one more
Male anchor : What is that
Kundu :
The stray animals do not eat these crops because the presence of this
solution on the leaves makes its taste bitter. it helps in controlling
termites too.
Female anchor : Kundu ji you told us in the begining that beside acting as
insecticide and pest controller, it is benificial for the crops in other
ways also.
Kundu :
Yes it acts as growth promoter for many crops, the quantity of
fertilizer required after its use is very less. Besides it increases amount
of organic carbon in the soil.
Female anchor : Kundu ji you have come a long way... definitely there will be
many obstacles alongwith it.
Kundu :
Yes there were many but most diffficult was to get it acknowledged
by fellow farmers.
Male anchor : Really, nobody had supported you...
Kundu :
nobody execpt one life time friend Kashmir Singh.
Female Anchor : Kashmir Singh?
Kundu :
In 2004 Kashmir Singh from neighbouring village joined hand with
him and became my life time friend... most important person of my
life. He had a old motorcycle. Both of us started visiting neighbouring
villages. We use to travel upto 150 to 160 kilometers a day... give
demo of our product there...
Female Anchor : Kundu ji how farmers used to respond.
Kundu :
The very mention of word herbal used to iritate the farmer. It was very
difficult herb around them can be used to kill insects and pest.
Male Anchor : What do you call you product, Kundu ji
Kundu :
When farmers used this product their natural response used to be
"Kamal hai" and this way this was named as 'Kamal'
Female Anchor : Kundu ji, can you recollect some disappointing moments when
you felt defeated, dejected and lost.
Kundu :
Yes... once people filed a foru twenty case against me...
Male Anchor : (Surprised) four twenty case for what?
Kundu :
For producing fake chemical... for cheating farmers... for misdirecting
Female Anchor : Do you know, who was behind this..., Kundu ji
Kundu :
Apparently same local people but I am sure few chemical insecticide
making companies were behind the curtain.
Male Anchor : Strange
Kundu :
We had a hard time trying to explain the merits of my herbal
formulation and the till effects of inorganic pesticides and fertilizers.
Female Anchor : Really
Kundu :
Yes, many times we use to leave sample of Kamal with the farmers to
test the product and when we return back months after we find then
untouched lying in theremole corner of the field.
Male Anchor : What to say about others people of my own village didn't believe
me some times farmers show me that corner of the filed which did not
have proper yield and say that it was due to his product because, if
they had told the truth their they would have to pay for the sample,
which they initially got for the testing.
Female :
It was very hard time for you Kundu ji
Kundu :
Yes but it is history now. Now we used to sell it worth of thousands of
rupees. I have established Krashika Herbolic laboratory, Kailram only
one to be established by a farmer, in our country. Not only from
Haryana, demand of my product is coming from other states too.
Male :
Kundu ji, yes make many type of Kamal product.
Kudnu :
Only four type of Kamal products. Oldest one is Kamal 505, a liquid
insecticide sprayed over crops. Another is Kamal 55 which is also in
liquid form.
Female :
and other two?
Kundu :
Other two are Kamal clamp super and Kamal Kesari, both are in
powder form.
Male :
Kamal clamp super... Kundu ji.
Kundu :
Kamal Clamp Super is used for soil treatment. It increased organic
carbon in soil, replenish micronutrients of soil.
Female :
and Kamal Kesari?
Kundu :
Kamal Kesari is used for seed treatment before sowing.
Female :
did any established company came to your help?
Kundu :
Not many but now I started marketing my products with New Star
Organic a company from Haryana. Last year we did a buisness of
about 45 lacs.
Male :
(Laughs) So farmer Kundu is gradually remcarnating in super-duper
industrialist a multimillioneire.
Kundu :
No... no... who want to be a multi millioner... I am a hardcore villager
needs two square meals, one barren cot and two yard of land for my
grave... thats all.
Femal :
Great... Kundu ji really great.
Male :
Kundu ji you have received many awards for you innovation.
Kundu :
Yes, I have been awarded by his highness president of India & APJ
Abdul Kalam, Minister for agriculter, Sri Sharad Panwar industry
minster of Rajasthan and many Panchayats of Haryana.
Femal :
Any international award?
Kundu :
Yes Buisness Initiative directions of Madrid spain, has selected my
krishko Herbolic Laboratory, Kailram for International star for
Leadersip, Quality Award 2012.
Male :
Kundu ji by the way which award you value most.
Kundu :
at last my fellow farmers believed in me this is the biggest award for
me because they joined hands with me in my mission of saving
mother earth from chemical pollution.
Female :
Kundu ji would you like to give any massage to our listeners.
Kundu :
Yes don't loose heart when conditions are not favourable and save
mother earth from chemical poisoning at every cost.
(Scene Change Music)
Female Anchor : So this was the message from a man of soil, a strong willed
man... a down to earth man, village soil in his laboratory... want
nothing in return except one objective save mother earth from
Male Anchor : Vigyan Prasar and All India Radio salute their comittment... hats
off to their wisdom and persistance.
(Scene Change Music)
Anchor :
So friends in today's episode of radio serial Sujboojh you listened
about two personalities... two grass-root innovators. Arunachalam
Muruganantham from Pudur Coimbatore, Tamilnadu who made
machine assembly which cut down the cost of sanitary napkins to 105
to 2 rupees per pad and other one Ishwar Singh Kundu from Kailram,
district Kaithal in Haryana who made effective and safe herbal
insecticide pesticide, soil enhancer all in one. In next episode of this
radio serial Sujhboojh you will listen...
You are presently listening a programme on Grass root Innovations which is
developed jointly by All India Radio, Vigyan Prasar, Noida and National
Innovation Foundation Ahmedabad. If you did any such innovation for the benefit
of the society then you can share this idea on following address:
National Innovation Foundation
Bungalow No: 1
Satellite Complex
Premchand Nager
Ahmedabad - 380015
Now is the time for questions based on the serial
Question 1
Question 2
You can send your answers on following address:
All India Radio
Post Box :
Sansad Marg
New Delhi
Answers will be declared in the next episode and names of the winner will be
announced in the last episode of the serial. So hurry up and send your entries as
early as possible and get attractive prizes from Vigyan Prasar, Noida.
Till then bye-bye
Title song
Closing Song
Fly UP